HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995-10-19 - Agendas - Final I FAYETTEVI LLE E CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS TRACI PAUL, CITY CLERK TO : Policemen ' s Pension Board Members FROM : Traci Paul , City Clerk /Treasurer Tp DATE : October 6 , 1995 SUBJECT : Police Pension Board Meeting The next Police Pension Board meeting is Thursday , October 19 , 1995 , at 2 : 30 p . m . , in room 326 of City Hall . Attached , please find a copy of the agenda for the upcoming meeting , the minutes from the July 20 regular meeting and the August 9 special meeting , the pension list for September , 1995 , and a memo from Administrative Services Director Ben Mayes . Attachment • • 113 WEST MOUNTAIN 72701 501 575-8323 AGENDA POLICEMEN ' S PENSION AND RELIEF BOARD October 19 , 1994 2 : 30 p . m . City Hall Room 326 1 . Approval of the minutes of the July 20 , regular meeting and the August 9 , special meeting . 2 . Old Business 3 . New Business A . Report from Longer Investments B . Report from Mike Kirkland C . Other • 4 . Adjournment MINUTES OF A POLICE PENSION BOARD MEETING A meeting of the Police Pension Board was held on July 20 , 1995 , at 1 : 30 p . m . in room 326 of the City Administration Building , 113 West Mountain , Fayetteville , Arkansas . PRESENT : Eldon Roberts , Randy Bradley , Hollis Spencer , Dr . James Mashburn , City Clerk/Treasurer Traci Paul , and Administrative Services Director Ben Mayes . ABSENT : Mayor Fred Hanna and Jerry Friend CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Eldon Roberts . NEW BUSINESS DEAN WITTER INVESTMENT REPORT ' Madison Kay Frank with Madison stated the account for the first six months of 1995 was up 8 . 80 . In July of 1994 , indicators were saying we were in an extremely high risk situation . It was , our job to step to the sidelines and • let the market do what it wanted to and then jump back in at the right time . For the 1994 calendar year the account was down . 16 % . In the latter part of 1994 , it became more apparent that the worst of the market was over so bond exposure was increased . As a result , the first six months of 1995 have been very pleasant . Frank reviewed a chart showing the change in price of a 10 -year treasury bond over the last five years and the change in interest rates . Frank stated that interest rates fell dramatically from 1990 through the fall of 1993 . From the fall of 1993 to November of 1994 there was a dramatic sell off . There was a 20 % decline in the value of the bond . Since then , the market has reversed course . Frank explained that the Fed dramatically lowered interest rates beginning in 1989 through 1993 . They did it in an effort to stimulate the economy . In the beginning of 1994 , the Fed reversed course and increased interest rates because the economy was going too fast . In June of 1995 the Fed noticed some signs that the economy was slowing , so the decision was made to lower interest rates again . Frank pointed out that Greenspan is up for renomination in March • of 1996 . The Administration does not want to see a recession in 1996 . July 20 , 2995 • The Federal Reserve and bond investors are looking at growth in the economy and change of inflation . The current economic indicators are saying that the economy has slowed . Frank explained that the National Association of Purchasing Managers Composite Index has an excellent correlation to the growth in the economy . Frank stated when the survey is above 50 , the economy is expanding . When it falls below 50 , the economy is contracting . Frank reviewed charts showing recent quarterly growth of GDP and annual growth of GDP . Frank pointed out that GDP is declining and stated there is clear evidence that the economy is slowing . Frank , in reviewing a combined inflation index , stated there was a huge run up in comodity prices in 1994 . The expectation was that the run up would lead to an increase in consumer prices in 1995 . The bond market sold off in 1994 . Interest rates increased because of a fear of higher inflation . Lately , the comodity prices have started to roll over . The inflationary pressures are not currently as strong as they were in the latter part of last year . Frank stated all in all the market has built in a soft landing . The Fed is trying to slow the economy to a perfect level that will match the growth and capacity , that is a non - inflationary . rate of growth . Based on the huge rally in the first six months , the bond market is saying that the Fed has accomplished a soft and perfect landing . The outlook going forward is good . The Fed has never accomplished a perfect landing before and may not this time . It is time to step back , be appreciative for the great returns in the first six months , and let things settle out . In the next six months , the market will probably step back . If interest rates go sideways for the next six months , nothing happens to the fund . The account will be up almost 12 % for the year . Based on current positioning , if the market continues to rally and the perfect landing is achieved , the market is going to be up 16 % and the fund will only be up 14 °1 . If the market has gotten ahead of itself and the economy is not as weak as the market is saying it is , the market will be about 6 - 8o and the fund may still have a 9 - 10 °1 return . In answer to a question from Mayes , Frank agreed that Madison took over the account on November 27 , 1989 with $ 1 , 003 , 443 and has increased the amount to $ 1 , 599 , 243 . In answer to a question from Mayes , Mike Kirkland agreed that the purpose of Madison was fixed income for the stability part of • what Dean Witter puts together and to keep a balance . a � July 20 , 2995 • Mashburn arrived . Roberts expressed approval of a safe and conservative approach with the money in the fund . Frank explained that Madison ' s philosophy is to be safe and conservative . Roberts stated he thought the Board had been told in the past that they needed to maintain 6 % to stay even . A 6 % earning would pay all benefits that have been promised . Roberts explained he was pleased with any returns greater than 6 % . Frank stated 6 % is a realistic actuarial assumption . TCW Mike Kirkland , Dean Witter , stated the market has done well . The TCW account is up a little over 1496 year to date . There was a drop yesterday from 16 % to 14 % . The market may have gotten a little ahead of itself on the short term . Inflation does not seem to be a problem . Mashburn stated yesterday the losses in the market were almost completely in high tech stocks . • Kirkland stated even though the loss occurred , technology stocks are still good . This could create some buying opportunities in that area . Looking at the portfolio , Kirkland stated the high techs are still well above where they were . Kirkland stated as of the close yesterday , the account has a good balance . There is 64 % in market and 33 % in bonds . In answer to a question from Mashburn , Kirkland stated the value of the account at the end of 1994 was $ 1 , 483 , 310 , the value of the account at the end of June 1995 was $ 1 , 697 , 419 , and the value of the account as of the close on July 19 , 1995 was $ 1 , 695 , 928 . The actual cash in the account in the money market fund is $ 58 , 909 . Kirkland reviewed percentages and holdings of the account as listed on the report distributed to the members . In studying the reports , Roberts commented that sometimes cost is greater than market value . Most items listed show market value greater than the cost . • July 20 , 2995 • In answer to a question from Roberts regarding a $ 172 , 000 treasury note , Kirkland stated it should mature in October of 1996 . In answer to a question from Roberts regarding the Dean Witter cash account , Kirkland stated it was probably drawing approximately 6 . 596 . , Bradley requested that Kirkland add his name to his mailing list . Kirkland stated he had just received a current mailing list . LONGER INVESTMENT REPORT Elaine Longer , Longer Investments , distributed and reviewed portfolio appraisals and other documents dated June 30 , 1995 . Longer stated stocks as a percent of everything that is being managed is at 43 . 5 % . The rest is invested in convertible preferred corporate bonds , treasury bonds , and agency accounts . The annual income on the portfolio is $ 165 , 000 . That is a 4 . 71 yield on market value and just over 51 yield on book value . Last year when interest rates were rising we were able to increase the portfolio income yield because we bought the 7 . 25 % • treasury in November , $ 225 , 000 of the 7 . 51 treasury in December and added to the ten year treasury notes with a 7 7 / 8 % maturity in November . Interest rates have come down lots this year . There aren ' t any maturities that we have to worry about reinvesting in the lower interest rate environment . The is a government agency bond carrying a 9 1 / 8 coupon that is eligible for call in August . With interest rates where they are , that will probably be called . In the past several weeks there have been signs of strengthening in the economy . Greenspan , in his semi - annual testimony , said it looks like our greatest risk of recession is behind us now . Everyone then sold bonds because it looks like the Feds not going to cut rates again . Even though there is not anything maturing , we have the flexibility to take advantage of any increase in rates that might occur . In the stock account there are large cap stocks and small cap stocks . Among the large cap stocks , the unrealized gains are approximately $ 64 , 000 . The unrealized gain in the smaller companies is $ 97 , 000 . Industrial stocks have done well . In the common stock portfolio the unrealized gains are $ 246 , 471 , about • 19 % of the total book value . July 20 , 2995 iThe unrealized gains in the bond portfolio are approximately $ 20 , 000 . In the bond account , the average income yield is 7 . 1 % on market value and about 7 . 2 % on book value . Longer reviewed the Largest Holdings report and stated as a percentage on total portfolio there is nothing that represents over 2 . 50 . Longer reviewed the Portfolio Parameters report and explained that the report is a picture of the portfolio with the weighted average return on equity being 21 % . Longer stated it is a real high quality portfolio . Through the first part of the year the stock part of the portfolio was up approximately 16 % with the total being up approximately 11 . 51 . Through Friday , the stocks are up approximately 20 . 61 and the total is up approximately 13 . 4 % . Longer stated as of July 14 , equities are up approximately 21 % and bonds are up approximately 9 . 61 . Appreciation in the portfolio year to date is $ 435 , 000 . Longer reviewed a summary report on the bond portfolio which listed the total portfolio income to be above 51 on cost and above 7 % on the bond part . Longer stated the weighted average • maturity of the bond portfolio is 4 . 7 years . Bonds as a percent of the equity fund are 25 % . Longer stated last year ' s earnings were up approximately 20 % in the market . Interest rates were rising and the multiple came down . It erased the overvaluation from 1993 . 1994 was a year of correction . Earnings are still growing , about a 12 % earnings growth this year . In answer to a question from Mashburn , Longer explained some areas of the market are high risk and some areas are neglected . PHYSICIAN POSITION UP FOR ELECTION Roberts asked if the physician member of the Board is to be elected by the other members of the Board . Paul stated yes and explained that the Assistant City Attorney, LaGayle McCarty suggested the position be advertised . The position will be published in the newspaper on July 23 , July 30 , and August 2 . After the applications are submitted , they will be forwarded to the members of the Board . The Board can hold an election at the next meeting . Mashburn asked if he needed to submit anything to reapply for the • position . July 20 , 2995 Paul requested that Mashburn fill out an application . Roberts stated Mashburn ' s term expired in May but explained that he would like to see Mashburn continue to serve on the Board until something changes . Paul stated the person holding a position usually continues to serve until the position is filled or they are reappointed . ACTIVE MEMBER ELECTION Paul stated on May 30 , 1995 , the active pension fund members met and held an election to fill an active member position . There were two nominations . Eldon Roberts was re - elected to serve another term on the Board . The term expires in May of 1997 . NEW DEFINITION OF ACTUARIAL SOUNDNESS Roberts stated the Pension Review Board in Little Rock voted unanimously to adopt a new definition of actuarial soundness . Two police funds in Arkansas that were not actuarially sound became sound as a result of the new definition . The Fayetteville Police Department was one of the two funds to become actuarially sound . Act 1197 of 1993 is an act that increased the minimum police retirement benefit from $ 250 to $ 350 per month . The last • section of the act stated that to be eligible for the increased minimum benefits , the pension plan must be actuarially sound after the inclusion of the new minimum benefits . Roberts distributed a copy of the July pension list with eligible additional benefits noted . Roberts stated to bring everyone up to $ 350 , the monthly benefit ' total would be increased by $ 681 . 72 . The Actuary is reviewing the fund to determine if the fund will remain actuarially sound after raising benefits . Roberts explained that he is waiting to hear from the Actuary . Roberts stated Marilyn Cramer , in the Accounting Division , is holding August pension checks so the increase can be included . Roberts suggested the Board discuss , in the future , pension increases for the entire group of retirees . The Actuaries will have to approve any increases . Roberts stated once benefits are given they cannot be taken away . They impact the plan forever . In answer to a question from Mashburn , Roberts stated the Board cannot make a motion to approve the increases until the Actuary finishes the review . The Board may have to hold a special meeting when the determination is made . July 20 , 2995 • MINUTES Spencer , seconded by Mashburn , made a motion to approve the minutes of the May 10 special meeting and the April 20 minutes with the correction that Randy Bradley was not present . The motion passed unanimously . ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 3 : 05 p . m . • MINUTES OF A POLICE PENSION BOARD MEETING A special meeting of the Police Pension Board was held on August 91 1995 , at 2 : 30 p . m . in room 326 of the City Administration Building , 113 West Mountain , Fayetteville , Arkansas . PRESENT : Mayor Fred Hanna , Eldon Roberts , Randy Bradley , Hollis Spencer , Dr . James Mashburn , City Clerk/Treasurer Traci Paul , and Administrative Services Director Ben Mayes . ABSENT : Jerry Friend CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Mayor Hanna . BENEFIT INCREASES Roberts explained that in a letter from the Pension Review Board , the Fayetteville pension fund is noted as being eligible for benefit increases . Roberts stated the Pension Review Board changed the definition of actuarial soundness , which made Fayetteville ' s fund actuarially sound . Act 1197 of 1993 required everyone on the pension plan to draw a minimum of $ 350 once the pension plan was actuarially sound . Nine people are eligible for an increase . An additional • $ 681 . 72 will be paid out per month . Mashburn , seconded by Spencer , made a motion to increase the minimum benefit amount to $ 350 per month effective August 1 , 1995 . The motion passed unanimously . The Board discussed possible future benefit increases . Roberts stated it would cost approximately $ 40 , 400 per year to raise everyone to 55 % of salary . Any benefit increase would have to be approved by the actuary . If the plan cannot support the requested increase , it will be denied . PHYSICIAN MEMBER ELECTION Mayor Hanna stated Dr . Mashburn was the only applicant for the physician position on the Board . In answer to a question from Mayor Hanna , Paul stated the appointment does not have to be approved by the City Council . The other members of the Pension Board elect the physician member . Spencer , seconded by Roberts , made a motion to re - appoint Dr . Mashburn to serve another two year term on the Pension Board . The motion passed unanimously . Mashburn explained that he feels privileged to serve on the Pension Board . OTHER BUSINESS GUARANTEE FUND Paul explained that she received a letter in the mail regarding a guarantee fund . Roberts stated the State has set aside $ 3 million to help finance plans that are insolvent . A form is being mailed to every police and fire pension system in the state . Cities are not qualified for the funds if they are not collecting one full mill . Fayetteville does not qualify . ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 3 : 15 p . m . • • POLICE PENSION FUND SEPTEMBER 1995 EMP# NAME GROSS FED. TAX ST. TAX NET 131 ARNOLD, RD 838.00 838.00 130 BAYLES, DON 760.73 760.73 107 BLACK, JOE P 539.44 539.44 120 BOWEN , J R 350.00 10.00 340.00 147 BRADLEY, GERALD 2,345.47 300.00 45.47 2,000.00 139 BRADLEY, RANDALL 11388.45 1 ,388.45 101 BROOKS, BILL 728.22 728.22 109 COOPER, ADRIAN 350.00 350.00 111 DAY, LUCILLE 350.00 350.00 108 DENNIS, WARREN- 666.51 666.51 125 FLOWERS, HAROLD 413.39 413.39 140 FOSTER, BILLIE D. 1 ,563.71 100.00 20.00 11443.71 145 HANNA, MARK 1 ,311 .73 120.00 35.00 1 , 156.73 124 HASKINS, RONALD 374.85 374.85 146 HUTCHENS, BERNICE 874.85 130.00 744.85 143 JOHNSON, CHARLES 1 , 176.74 36.70 1 ,140.04 103 JOHNSON , WENDELL 375.30 375.30 118 JONES, BOB 11581 .67 11581 .67 144 KILGORE, DONALD 980.73 19.72 961 .01 129 LAWSON, FORREST 751 .38 50.00 701 .38 114 LITTLE, LOYD F 350.00 350.00 119 LORCH , EARL 350.00 350.00 128 MCCAWLEY, LARRY 812. 19 70.00 742. 19 116 MCCHRISTIAN, MARIE 350.00 350.00 126 MCWHORTER, KAREN 485.02 485.02 136 MITCHELL, MICHAEL 1 , 104.75 150.00 954.75 141 MUELLER, ROSEMARY 989. 10 989.10 112 MURPHY, JAKE 350.00 350.00 137 PERDUE, LARRY 11113.09 100.00 1 ,013.09 132 PHILLIPS, HOMER GENE 843.00 300.00 543.00 105 PRESTON, GEORGE DAVID 767.43 67.43 700.00 135 RICKMAN, LOREN 10069. 19 169.00 20.00 880. 19 104 RIGGINS, RAYMOND C 806.67 100.00 706.67 115 RITCHIE, LIZZIE 350.00 350.00 122 SKELTON , FRANK 398.70 398.70 123 SPENCER, HOLLIS 659.25 50.00 609.25 121 STOUT, WAYNE 415.25 415.25 133 SURLES , JERRY 1 ,304. 17 138.00 1 , 166. 17 142 TAYLOR, DENNIS 989.10 60.00 15.00 914. 10 106 UPTON , FRANKLIN 506.58 10.00 496.58 110 WATTS, BEULAH 350.00 350.00 138 WILLIAMS, BOBBY 1 ,217.07 217.07 1 ,000.00 134 WITT, DON 846.72 64.00 782.72 127 WOOD, PAUL J 757.62 757.62 $34,906.07 $2,205.50 $191 .89 $32,508.68 t LONGER INVESTMENTS INCORPORATED City of Fayetteville •. Police Pension Board Meeting October 19, 1995 ,s Longer Investments , Incorporated PORTFOLIO APPRAISAL City of Fayetteville Police Pension Fund Combined Account • September 30, 1995 Unit Total Market Market Pct . Unit Annual Cur. Quantity Security Cost Cost Price Value Assets Income Income Yield _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . . . . COMMON STOCK - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 ,600 A T 8 T 54 . 18 86,692 . 00 65 . 75 1058200 .00 2.8 1 .320 2, 112 .00 2 . 0 1 , 000 ADT Limited 12. 19 12, 195 . 00 13 . 75 13, 750 .00 0.4 0 . 000 0.00 0 . 0 16000 AMP 35 .69 35 ,691 .25 38. 50 38, 500 .00 1 . 0 0 .920 920. 00 2 .4 500 Air Products and 46.32 23, 160 . 00 52 . 12 26, 062 .50 0 . 7 1 . 040 520. 00 2 . 0 Chemicals 600 Alternative 26. 00 150600 . 00 32 .00 19, 200 .00 0 . 5 0 . 000 0. 00 0.0 Resources 900 Arrow Electronics 42. 75 38,476. 14 54 .37 48, 937. 50 1 .3 0 .000 0 . 00 0 .0 1 ,300 Barrick Gold Corp- 15 .37 190986. 00 25 .87 33 , 637. 50 0. 9 0 . 120 156. 00 0.5 11000 Clayton Homes 16.40 16,400 . 00 23 . 75 23 , 750. 00 0. 6 0 .000 0. 00 0 .0 1 , 000 Compaq 37.38 37,383 . 00 48.37 48, 375 . 00 1 . 3 0 .000 0 . 00 0.0 500 Deflect A- Shield 11 .50 51750 . 00 7. 12 3 , 562 . 50 0. 1 0 .000 0 . 00 0 .0 725 Diebold, Inc . 30 .51 22, 122 . 75 46.37 33 , 621 .87 0.9 0 .960 696. 00 2. 1 800 Dovatron 32 . 57 26, 056.00 34 .62 27, 700. 00 0 . 7 0 .000 0 . 00 0.0 International 700 Elan Corp. 37.30 26, 110 .00 41 .00 28, 700 . 00 0 . 8 0. 000 0 .00 0. 0 1 ,400 Emerson Electric 55 .07 77, 100 . 12 71 .50 100 , 100 . 00 2 .7 1 .960 - 21744 .00 2 . 7 1 , 000 Federal Signal 22 .50 22 ,500 .00 22 .25 22 , 250 . 00 0. 6 0. 500 500 .00 2 . 2 1 ,975 General Electric 52 .85 104 ,370.31 63 . 75 125 ,906. 25 3 .4 1 .640 31239.00 2 .6 11000 Hanna, M. A . 28.25 28, 250.00 26.37 26,375 . 00 0 .7 0. 540 540.00 2 . 0 • 400 Illinois Tool Works 37. 18 14 ,871 .44 58.87 23, 550 . 00 0 .6 0 .680 272. 00 1 . 2 10000 Ingersoll -Rand 38.32 38,320. 00 37. 50 37, 500 . 00 1 .0 0 . 740 740. 00 2 . 0 10000 International 24 .37 241366. 18 40. 25 40, 250 .00 1 . 1 0 . 000 0. 00 D. 0 Rectifier 11000 JLG Industries 20.46 20,460. 00 45 . 00 45 , 000 .00 1 . 2 0 . 060 60. 00 0 . 1 10500 Kennametal , Inc . 37.97 56,962. 50 36. 25 541375 .00 1 .4 0 .600 900. 00 1 . 7 1 , 500 L . T .V. Corp. 15 . 50 23, 250. 00 14 . 00 210000 . 00 0.6 0 . 000 0. 00 0 . 0 750 Life Technology 21 .82 16,365 . 00 26. 50 19,875 . 00 0. 5 0 . 200 150. 00 0 .8 11400 Mercury Finance 16 .88 23,636. 00 24 .37 34, 125 . 00 0.9 0 .360 504 . 00 1 .5 500 Mobil Corp. 87.33 43,665 . 00 99.62 49, 812 . 50 1 .3 3 .700 11850 . 00 3 .7 1 , 250 Molex Inc 22 . 78 28,471 .34 36. 25 45 ,312 . 50 1 . 2 0 . 040 50 . 00 0 . 1 ' 800 Motorola, Inc. 57. 79 46, 232 . 11 76 .37 61 , 100 . 00 1 .6 0 . 400 320 . 00 0 .5 1 ,600 Newell Co Inc 20.93 33,492 . 00 24 . 75 39,600 . 00 1 . 1 0 .480 768. 00 1 .9 700 Northern Trust Corp. 41 . 16 28, 813 . 08 46 . 00 32, 200 .00 0 .9 1 . 040 728 . 00 2.3 500 Oak Industries 31 .82 15 , 910 .00 30 . 12 15, 062 .50 0 .4 0. 000 0. 00 0. 0 10500 Philip Morris 54. 03 81 , 038 .50 83 . 50 125, 250 .00 3 .3 4 . 000 6, 000.00 4 .8 70D Robert Half 27.62 19, 337.50 34. 12 23, 887.50 0 .6 O. DDD 0. 00 0. 0 International 700 Sofamor Danek Group 19.69 13, 786 . 50 27. 75 19, 425 .00 0 . 5 0.000 0 .00 0. 0 700 Starbucks Corp. 27. 57 19, 299.00 37. 87 26, 512 .50 0 . 7 0.000 0 .00 0. 0 20000 Tyson Foods 22.67 45, 349.23 26. 87 53, 750. 00 1 .4 0.080 160.00 0 .3 1 , 000 U. S . Filter Corp. 22 .32 22, 325 . 00 24 . 00 24 , 000. 00 0 .6 0 .000 0. 00 0 . 0 1 • Longer Investments , Incorporated PORTFOLIO APPRAISAL City of Fayetteville Police Pension Fund Combined Account September 30 , 1995 Unit Total Market Market Pct . Unit Annual Cur. Quantity Security Cost Cost Price Value Assets Income Income Yield _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . . . . . _ - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - 11500 Utah Medical. 13. 14 19, 705 .00 16.00 24 , 000 . 00 0.6 0. 000 0 .00 0. 0 Products 1 , 000 Varian Associates 39. 58 39, 576.25 53 .50 53 , 500 . 00 1 .4 0. 280 280 .00 0. 5 10500 VeriFone, Inc. 24.45 361676.92 27.87 41 ,812 . 50 1 . 1 0. 000 0 .00 0 . 0 10400 WMX Techno Logies 28 . 24 39, 530 .00 28.50 39,900 . 00 1 . 1 0.600 840 .00 2 . 1 10200 Watkins Johnson 44 . 17 53, 002 .50 54 . 75 65 , 700 . 00 1 .8 0.480 576.00 0 .9 500 Weyerhaeuser 40 .00 20,000.00 45 .62 22,812 .50 0.6 1 .600 800.00 3 . 5 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . . . . . . _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 10422, 283.63 1 , 7640940 .62 47. 0 26,425 . 00 1 .5 CONVERTIBLE PREFERRED . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . 700 Catellus Development 49.37 34, 562. 50 47. 87 33, 512 .50 0 .9 3 . 750 2, 625 .00 7.8 Pfd. A 6 Comptronix Ser . A 0. 00 0. 00 3. 37 _ 20 .25 0 .0 O . 00D 0. 00 0. 0 Conv. Pfd. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - 34s562. 50 33, 532 .75 0 .9 2,625 . 00 7.8 CORPORATE BONDS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1001000 Philip Morris 100. 54 100, 543 . 50 105 .97 105 , 968. 75 2.8 9.250 90250 . 00 8.7 (Non-callable) Rated • A2/A 9.250% Due 12-01 -97 550000 Pepsico 99.31 54,618.30 100 . 06 550034 .37 1 .5 6. 125 30368. 75 6. 1 (Non- caLLabLe) Rated A/A1 6. 125% Due 01 - 15-98 140,000 Wal -Mart Stores 101 .83 142, 565 .75 99. 12 1380775 . 00 3 .7 6.500 90100 . 00 6.6 (Non-caLLabLe) Rated AA1 /AA 6. 500% Due 06-01 -03 756000 J . P. Morgan 99.90 74,925 .75 89.62 67, 218 . 75 1 . 8 5 . 750 40312 .50 6.4 (Non-caLLabLe) Rated AA2/AA+ 5 . 750% Due 10- 15-08 Accrued Interest 81744 . 08 0. 2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 372 ,653 .30 375 , 740 .95 10. 0 26,031 .25 7. 1 2 • Longer Investments, Incorporated PORTFOLIO APPRAISAL City of Fayetteville Police Pension Fund Combined Account • September 30, 1995 Unit Total Market Market Pct . Unit Annual Cur . Quantity Security Cost Cost Price Value Assets Income Income Yield . . . . . . . . . _ - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - GOVERNMENT BONDS - - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 200, 000 U. S. Treasury Note 99.94 199, 884 . 00 100. 28 2008562 . 50 5 .3 6. 125 12, 250 . 00 6. 1 6. 125% Due 07-31 -96 100, 000 U . S . Treasury Note 99.96 99, 958. 00 101 . 56 101 , 562 . 50 2 .7 7. 250 7, 250.00 7. 1 7. 250% Due 11 -30-96 225 , 000 U. S . Treasury Note 99.89 224 , 751 . 75 102. 00 229, 500 .00 6. 1 7. 500 16, 875 .00 7.4 7. 500% Due 12-31 -96 150,000 U . S . Treasury Note 99.94 149, 910. 50 102.87 154,312. 50 4 . 1 7.375 110062. 50 7. 2 7.375% Due 11 . 15.97 100,000 U . S . Treasury Note 99.36 99, 359.37 100. 25 100, 250.00 2 .7 6 . 000 6, 000. 00 6. 0 6. 000% Due 11 -30-97 50,000 U . S . Treasury Note 99. 56 49, 781 . 50 100.84 50, 421 .87 1 .3 6. 250 3, 125 . 00 6. 2 6. 250% Due 08-31 -00 100, 000 U . S . Treasury Note 99. 00 99, 000. 00 109. 03 109, 031 .25 2 .9 8. 000 8, 000. 00 7.3 8. 000% Due 05. 15-01 100, 000 U . S . Treasury Note 101 . 50 101 , 500. 00 101 . 50 101 , 500 .00 2 . 7 6.375 60375 . 00 6.3 6.375% Due 08- 15-02 1550000 U . S . Treasury Note 98.34 152,425 .98 106. 72 165 ,414 . 06 4 .4 7. 250 11 , 237. 50 6.8 7. 250% Due 05- 15-04 500000 U . S . Treasury Note 99.97 49,984 .38 111 . 19 55 , 593 . 75 1 .5 7.875 3 , 937.50 7. 1 7.875% Due 11 - 15-04 • 50,000 U . S . Treasury Note 99.87 49,937. 50 102.44 51 , 218. 75 1 .4 6. 500 30250.00 6.3 6. 500% Due 08- 15-05 50, 000 U . S . Treasury Note 99.83 49,914 . 06 95 . 12 478562 . 50 1 .3 6. 250 3 , 125 .00 6.6 6.250% Due 08- 15-23 Accrued Interest 25 ,370 .31 0. 7 1 ,326,407. 05 1 ,3920300 . 00 37. 1 92,487.50 6.8 GOVERNMENT AGENCY . . _ . " ' . . . . . . . . . . 60, 000 Federal Home Loan 100 .06 60,035 .00 99 .69 59,812 . 50 1 .6 7. 350 41410 .00 7.4 Bank 7.350% Due G6- 14-05 Accrued Interest 1 , 298. 50 0. 0 - ' - " - - " ' - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ " ' ' -- - - -- - - " ' " " ' - " - - - - - - - " ' 60, 035 . 00 61 , 111 . 00 1 .6 4 ,410 . 00 7.4 CASH AND EQUIVALENTS _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Dividends Accrued 3, 578. 00 3 , 578. 00 0. 1 0 .000 0 . 00 0 .0 Money Market 19,991 .42 190991 .42 0. 5 4 .940 987. 58 4 .9 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ � - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - 23, 569.42 23 , 569.42 0.6 987. 58 4 .2 3 0 Longer Investments, Incorporated PORTFOLIO APPRAISAL City of Fayetteville Police Pension Fund Combined Account • September 30, 1995 Unit TotaL Market Market Pct . Unit Annual Cur . Quantity Security Cost Cost Price Value Assets Income Income Yield - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - " ' • " .. . ---- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - " ' - • - ' - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- " ' - - - - - CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT (MONTHLY PYMT . ) --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 100,000 First USA Bank 100 . 00 1000000. 00 100.65 1000649.00 2 .7 8.300 80300. 00 8.2 Lli Lmington, DE 8.3% 1 -2-96 8.300% Due 01 .02-96 Accrued Interest 645.56 0 .0 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - MM - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ------- - - - - - 100, 000. 00 1018294 .56 2 .7 86300.00 8. 2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' - - - - - - - - - - - ' - • - - - - - - - - - - - - - - TOTAL PORTFOLIO 313398510 .90 38752, 489.31 100 . 0 161 , 266.33 4.3 4 Longer Investments, Incorporated PORTFOLIO APPRAISAL City of Fayetteville Police Pension Fund Bond Account • September 30, 1995 Unit Total Market Market Pct . Unit Annual Cur . Quantity Security Cost Cost Price Value Assets Income Income Yield _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ . . . . . . _ ____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . . . . . _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ _ - - - - _ _ _____ _ _ ___ _ - - - - - CORPORATE BONDS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1008000 Philip Morris 100. 54 100,543 .50 105 .97 105,968 .75 7. 5 9. 250 9, 250. 00 8. 7 (Non-callable) Rated A2/A 9.250% Due 12-01 -97 550000 Pepsico 99.31 540618.30 100. 06 55 , 034 .37 3.9 6. 125 3,368.75 6. 1 (Non-callable) Rated A/A1 6. 125% Due 01 - 15-98 140, 000 Wal -Mart Stores 101 .83 1421565 .75 99 . 12 138, 775 .00 9.8 6. 500 90100. 00 6.6 (Non-callable) Rated AA1/AA 6.500% Due 06-01 - 03 75 , 000 J .P . Morgan 99.90 74 ,925 .75 89.62 67, 218 . 75 4 . 7 5 . 750 4, 312 .50 6.4 (Non-callable) Rated AA2/AA+ 5 .750% Due 10- 15-08 Accrued Interest 8, 744 . 08 0.6 ' - - - - - - - ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 372, 653 . 30 375, 740 .95 26. 5 26, 031 . 25 7. 1 OVERNMENT BONDS - - - - - - -- - - - 2000000 U. S. Treasury Note 99.94 199,884 .00 100 .28 200 ,562 .50 14 . 1 6. 125 12,250 .00 6. 1 6. 125% Due 07-31 -96 100, 000 U. S . Treasury Note 99.96 99,958.00 101 .56 101 ,562 . 50 7. 2 7. 250 7,250 .00 7. 1 7.250% Due 11 -30-96 1000000 U. S . Treasury Note 99.90 99,898.00 102 .00 1020000 . 00 7. 2 7. 500 71500 .00 7.4 7.500% Due 12-31 -96 100, 000 U. S . Treasury Note 99 .93 99,932 . 00 102 .87 1020875 .00 7.3 7.375 70375 . 00 7.2 7.375% Due 11 - 15 -97 50,000 U . S . Treasury Note 99.56 49,781 .50 100 .84 50,421 .87 3 . 6 6. 250 3, 125 .00 6. 2 6.250% Due 08-31 -00 100, 000 U . S . Treasury Note 99.00 99, 000 . 00 109. 03 109, 031 . 25 7. 7 8. 000 8, 000.00 7.3 8.000% Due 05- 15-01 45, 000 U . S . Treasury Note 99 . 29 44,678. 50 106. 72 48, 023 . 44 3.4 7.250 31262 . 50 6.8 7.250% Due 05- 15 -04 50, 000 U . S . Treasury Note 99 .87 49,937. 50 102 .44 51 , 218. 75 3 . 6 6.500 3, 250 . 00 6.3 6.500% Due 08- 15 -05 50,000 U . S . Treasury Note 99.83 49, 914 . 06 95 . 12 47, 562. 50 3 . 4 6.250 3, 125 . 00 6.6 6. 250% Due 08- 15-23 Accrued Interest 14 , 379.69 1 . 0 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ - - - - _ _ - - - - - - - _ _ - _ _ 792,983. 56 8278637. 50 58.3 55 , 137.50 6.8 1 • Longer Investments, Incorporated PORTFOLIO APPRAISAL City of Fayetteville Police Pension Fund Bond Account �• September 30, 1995 Unit Total Market Market Pct . Unit Annual Cur. Quantity Security Cost Cost Price Value Assets Income Income Yield _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ GOVERNMENT AGENCY _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 60,000 Federal Home Loan 100 .06 600035 . 00 99.69 590812. 50 4 .2 7.350 4,410 .00 7.4 Bank 7.350% Due 06- 14-05 Accrued Interest 1 , 298 . 50 0 . 1 . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 600035 .00 - 61 , 111 . 00 4 .3 40410 .00 7.4 CASH AND EQUIVALENTS _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Money Market 521881 .75 52,881 . 75 3 .7 4.940 2,612.36 4 .9 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - " ' 52, 881 . 75 52,881 . 75 3 .7 2, 612.36 4.9 CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT (MONTHLY PYMT . ) 100,000 First USA Bank 100 . 00 100, 000. 00 100.65 100, 649 . 00 7. 1 8.300 8,300. 00 8. 2 Wilmington, DE 8.3% 1 -2-96 8.300% Due 01 -02-96 Accrued Interest 645 . 56 0 . 0 • - ` - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' - " - - - - - ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ - - - 1000000 . 00 1010294 . 56 7. 1 81300 . 00 8.2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - " " " - - - - - - - - - - - TOTAL PORTFOLIO 1 ,378, 553 . 61 1 , 418, 665 .76 100 . 0 96,491 . 11 6.9 --------------- --------------- ----- ------------- ----- 2 7 r _ Longer Investments, Incorporated PORTFOLIO APPRAISAL City of Fayetteville Police Pension Fund Stock Account • September 30, 1995 Unit Total Market Market Pct . Unit Annual Cur. Quantity Security Cost Cost Price Value Assets Income Income Yield . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . ' ' ' ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - -- COMMON STOCK - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 ,600 A T & T 54 . 18 860692 . 00 65 . 75 1050200.00 4. 5 1 .320 21112 .00 2. 0 11000 ADT Limited 12 . 19 120195 . 00 13 . 75 13 , 750.00 0.6 0.000 0 .00 0. 0 11000 AMP 35 .69 35 ,691 . 25 38. 50 38, 500. 00 1 .6 0.920 920 .00 2.4 500 Air Products and 46.32 23, 160 . 00 52 . 12 26, 062. 50 1 . 1 1 .040 520.00 2. 0 Chemicals 600 Alternative 26. 00 15 ,600 .00 32 .00 19, 200. 00 0 .8 0 .000 0 . 00 0 .0 Resources 900 Arrow Electronics 42 .75 38,476. 14 54 .37 48,937. 50 2 . 1 0. 000 0 .00 0. 0 11300 Barrick Gold Corp. 15 .37 19, 986.00 25 .87 33,637. 50 1 .4 0. 120 156.00 0. 5 1 , 000 Clayton Homes 16.40 16, 400 .00 23 . 75 23 , 750 . 00 1 . 0 0. 000 0 .00 0. 0 1 , 000 Compaq 37.38 37,383 .00 48.37 48,375 . 00 2 . 1 0. 000 0 .00 0 . 0 500 Deflect A-Shield 11 .50 5 ,750 .00 7. 12 3 , 562 . 50 0 . 2 0. 000 0 .00 0 . 0 725 Diebold, Inc . 30 .51 22 , 122 .75 46.37 33 ,621 .87 1 .4 0.960 696.00 2. 1 800 Dovatron 32 .57 26,056.00 34 .62 27, 700 . 00 1 . 2 0. 000 0 .00 0. 0 International 700 Elan Corp. 37.30 26, 110 .00 41 .00 28, 700 . 00 1 . 2 0. 000 0 .00 0. 0 1 ,400 Emerson Electric 55 .07 77, 100 . 12 71 .50 100 , 100 . 00 4 . 3 1 .960 2, 744 .00 2. 7 1 , 000 Federal Signal 22 .50 22 ,500 .00 22 .25 22 , 250. 00 1 . 0 0. 500 500 .00 2. 2 1 ,975 General Electric 52 .85 104 ,370.31 63 . 75 125 ,906. 25 5 . 4 1 .640 3, 239.00 2.6 10000 Manna, M . A. 28.25 28, 250.00 26.37 26,375 . 00 1 . 1 0. 540 540 .00 2 . 0 • 400 Illinois Tool works 37. 18 14 , 871 .44 58.87 23, 550. 00 1 .0 0.680 272.00 1 . 2 10000 Ingersoll -Rand 38.32 38,320. 00 37. 50 37, 500. 00 1 .6 0. 740 740.00 2 . 0 1 , 000 International 24 .37 240366. 18 40. 25 40, 250. 00 1 .7 0 . 000 0.00 0 . 0 Rectifier 11000 JLG Industries 20.46 20,460. 00 45 . 00 45 , 000 . 00 1 .9 0 . 060 60. 00 0 . 1 11500 Kennametal , Inc . 37.97 56,962. 50 36. 25 54, 375 .00 2 .3 0 .600 900. 00 1 . 7 1 , 500 L . T .V. Corp. 15 . 50 23, 250. 00 14. 00 21 , 000.00 0 .9 0 . 000 0. 00 0 .0 750 Life Technology 21 .82 160365 . 00 26. 50 19, 875 .00 0 .9 0 . 200 150. 00 0 .8 1 ,400 Mercury Finance 16.88 23, 636. 00 24.37 34, 125 .00 1 .5 0 .360 504. 00 1 . 5 500 Mobil Corp. 87.33 43, 665 . 00 99.62 49, 812 . 50 2 . 1 3 . 700 1 , 850. 00 3 . 7 1 , 250 Molex Inc 22. 78 28, 471 .34 36. 25 45 , 312 .50 1 .9 0 . 040 50. 00 0 . 1 800 Motorola, Inc . 57. 79 46, 232. 11 76.37 611100 .00 2 .6 0 .400 320. 00 0 . 5 1 ,600 Newell Co Inc 20.93 33, 492. 00 24. 75 39, 600 .00 1 .7 0 .480 768. 00 1 .9 700 Northern Trust Corp. 41 . 16 28, 813. 08 46. 00 32, 200 . 00 1 .4 1 . 040 728. 00 2 .3 500 Oak Industries 31 .82 15 , 910. 00 30. 12 15 , 062 .50 0 .6 0 . 000 0. 00 0.0 1 , 500 Philip Morris 54. 03 81 , 038. 50 83 . 50 125 , 250 .00 5 .4 4 . 000 61000. 00 4 . 8 700 Robert Half 27.62 19, 337. 50 34 . 12 23 , 887.50 1 . 0 0 .000 0 . 00 0 .0 International 700 Sofamor Danek Group 19.69 130786. 50 27. 75 19, 425 . 00 0 . 8 0 .000 0 . 00 0.0 700 Starbucks Corp. 27. 57 19, 299. 00 37.87 26, 512 . 50 1 . 1 0 .000 0 . 00 0.0 2, 000 Tyson Foods 22 .67 45 ,349. 23 26.87 53 , 750. 00 2 . 3 0 .080 160 . 00 0.3 1 , 000 U . S . Filter Corp. 22 .32 22 , 325 . 00 24 . 00 240000. 00 1 . 0 0 .000 0 . 00 0 .0 1 • Y Longer Investments, Incorporated PORTFOLIO APPRAISAL City of Fayetteville Police Pension Fund Stock Account September 30, 1995 Unit Total Market Market Pct . Unit Annual Cur . Quantity Security Cost Cost Price Value Assets Income Income Yield _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - _ - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . . . _ _ _ _ _ 11500 Utah Medical 13 . 14 19, 705 . 00 16. 00 240000. 00 1 .0 0 .000 0 . 00 0 .0 Products 11000 Varian Associates 39.58 39, 576. 25 53 . 50 53, 500. 00 2 .3 0 .280 280 . 00 0 .5 1 ,500 VeriFone, Inc. 24 .45 36,676.92 27.87 41 , 812. 50 1 .8 0 .000 0 . 00 0 .0 18400 WMR Technologies 28.24 39, 530 . 00 28. 50 39, 900. 00 1 .7 0 .600 840 . 00 2 . 1 10200 Watkins Johnson 44 . 17 53, 002 . 50 54 . 75 65 , 700. 00 2 .8 0 .480 576. 00 0 .9 500 Weyerhaeuser 40 .00 20, 000 . 00 45 .62 22 , 812. 50 1 .0 1 .600 800 . 00 3 .5 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 104220283 .63 1 , 764, 940.62 75 .6 26,425 . 00 1 .5 CONVERTIBLE PREFERRED 700 Catellus Development 49.37 34, 562 .50 47.87 33,512 .50 1 .4 3 . 750 21625 .00 7.8 Pfd. A 6 Comptronix Ser . A 0. 00 0 .00 3 .37 20 .25 0 . 0 0. 000 0 .00 0 .0 Conv. Pfd. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 34, 562 .50 33,532 . 75 1 .4 21625 .00 7.8 GOVERNMENT BONDS __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 125 , 000 U. S. Treasury Note 99.88 124, 853 .75 102 . 00 127, 500 .00 5 . 5 7. 500 9, 375 . 00 7.4 7. 500% Due 12-31 -96 • 50, 000 U. S. Treasury Note 99.96 49, 978 .50 102. 87 51 , 437.50 2 . 2 7.375 31687.50 7. 2 7.375% Due 11 - 15-97 1000000 U. S. Treasury Note 99.36 99, 359.37 100 . 25 100, 250 .00 4 .3 6. 000 6, 000. 00 6. 0 6. 000% Due 11 -30-97 100 , 000 U. S. Treasury Note 101 . 50 101 , 500 . 00 101 . 50 101 , 500 .00 4 .3 6.375 6,375 . 00 6.3 6.375% Due 08- 15-02 110, 000 U. S. Treasury Note 97.95 107, 747. 48 106. 72 117, 390.62 5 . 0 7.250 71975 . 00 6.8 7.250% Due 05- 15-04 50, 000 U . S. Treasury Note 99.97 49,984 .38 111 . 19 55 , 593 . 75 2.4 7.875 30937. 50 7. 1 7.875% Due 11 - 15-04 Accrued Interest 10, 99D.62 0. 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' - - - - - 533,423 .48 564 ,662. 50 24. 2 370350 . 00 6.7 CASH AND EQUIVALENTS - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ Dividends Accrued 3, 578. 00 3, 578. 00 0. 2 0 .000 0 . 00 0 .0 Money Market -32,890 .33 -32,890 .33 - 1 .4 4 .940 - 1 ,624 . 78 -4 .9 -29,312 .33 -29, 312 .33 - 1 .3 - 1 ,624 . 78 5 .5 ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - TOTAL .PORTFOLIO 1 ,960, 957.28 2$ 33, 823 .54 100 . 0 64, 775 . 22 2.8 --------------- --------------- ----- ------------- ----- --------------- --------------- ----- ------------- ----- 2 • City of Fayetteville Police Pension Fund Largest Holdings CSTOCK) September 30, 1995 Percent of Percent of Equity Portfolio Total Portfolio (Historical Cost) (Historical Cost) General Electric 5 . 3% 3. 1% AT & T 4.4% 2.6% Philip Morris 4. 1 % 2.4% Emerson Electric 3.9% 2. 3% Kennametal 2.9% 1 .7% • Watkins Johnson 2.7% 1 .6% City of Fayetteville Police Pension Fund Portfolio Parameters September 30, 1995 Price/Eamings Multiple 20. 3X EAgpAw 5 Return on Equity 20.9% Debt to Capital Ratio 20.9% Expected Return 16. 3% Beta 1 . 13 Standard & Poor's Rating A, A — Market Capitalization (Percent of Equities) Large Cap. (Greater than $5 Billion) 45 .3% Mid Cap. ($400 Million — $5 Billion) 46.5% Small Cap. (Less than $400 Million) 8.2% N N N W W N N O m - N t'1 W W y W W mm N O Y b W Y N �fi n O N 6 . IdWNn (� m NO n6 � " (� NNnNm n 1D mn ' WGO 80 � b000 00 0000$ S � 8 _ W 000 " 0N06 � •eaaaal0000lollaaObbaaaal0000booaaollooa000aa IN I 0CYCWOmOOOp00pGICNCGNCGnCnODOro0n01GCGCGCO000010CCCp00 '0IF000 0 O 000A00 OOOOOOSOpOO ^' I I o � a�e apmeaeaeae �eaey� g� � � m� �exammeaeameaeamme � � � e a° x � aex � � � � � � � � segaeaeaeae ON � � MNROONNC] n � mNNl7m10D � � Y � MNCIN � NyNNmm 60.m6060 W ' (7 - OO6NNNb � b Xm � 000000000000000000000000000000 � 00000000000 ^ oppppm � �extl��11ae �(ppeaeaeamme $]�QQ>QQ �ea{QQ��e ����I�ppQQaex �WWea� aeapp� a88° lea^ aeaeambmbeaex �eae �eaNp^ 0yaexeayeageaOpeapQ� � WU 11NN1gm � � WOONRmYWOb � 00000 � 1� 0N � NN N00YON41n gj 3 O1V00000CCO0000000000000000000000NO00 � OCi00 � 00 I W 0.a(�e �0 � � �0 {�� �,Qja� am� x �yp' ameameaea� ae � x � xa� xaeaeo x � oxeaeaeae I I N (ONWr ONO WNO ,�YmYnmtO N �FbmNnn6dYW00y OWpN 011o0001x m^ 0 111111 tttlll 6 m � � Y606 W `� b p IOm ' OYN6NNN ONNN � NN � N mn � � nN NV tV I CCOOG OOOOOOOG � C � C OO OOOOOOOCCCOOOO OIVOGGG0000000 ��� �� NNN W .- NY 6 n NNNm 0 t� N (�JNY N Yn6y Sdp M " NNOA � N N .' Ym Nn W N (� V � ' (ON N W C1gqN NN ��pp NO yqq OOO) ppN iN W n0 , fl a ' �- VNNNmN60N1� 00NNRNNNNYON � bnOIYN � WYNnNN NNNn � OOOOOOCCOOOO � O � OOCCCOOOOOOOGCOOOOOOOOOCCOOR V �f1 I I Ia1ppeaeaeame �7�Q aeaNeaezeappeaea�eaeaeae �eae � aeaex � ae �e � aeaeae �eaeaeaeaeze � aesea� � � � I � 0n � V O � O1 a1nR OWN 0. 0 � _ mN6 6N n11pp V NO V OOpN tOb O R � � P � n �` - U Nm6Nmm6YN ¢ m ¢ ¢ � - - N � YbNY ¢ YNYNN � Yb � N ¢ ¢ NbNYNNNY Z Z ZZ Z ZZ pNNNO eaa � aamg NQ a ppp pp p p � 9890 OY6Y 041 � O � Y bN � � mb � RNO06 RNR OOn N l00,2 • m aeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeae � � � ae � aea� aeaeaeaeaeae 2eQ yyi cNm Nq v {rN 17 Nm Nv [N� N N myn <? � 6o6 Y O .4 .4 Y6 � ' W � � N N ' � R ^ ^ N N ' .0- lV W Oi (V 011Q " NN " ' NN � HCl W YI b � Oi 1C Nb Wm wwg 00 N mm N v nYONoo � ^ n a Q « .4b ' � Y � N N Nr N yr � NNNY NAY wmWW � qq � bN � NNN Nm � < mb (r� 6 VNON ^ ' 0. N N Wmbq 6666 � UqU Q QN NN � � N - NRN � � N - � l1N - - Y � N « 6 NR - y �Um 9 .4 . . . . . . . . . . uN. . . . . 0 . �. . cb. ebiommo � gNq {tea 000RR $ m 6 � Rm eCm mN m1N1R � mRRRmW ^ ' WbNNYnWRNNNm � � � NNNr� RNNN � m � a � a n II O0 g0000O000Omoo O N00000000000000000000000000 = 6N ^ U a �{ 7 OO O N O n ^ pO 0' n moo p0 p0 O N 1p pO pO . O, N O N N Ni N p0 p0 p0 1V oOp I� N N O O O OOO N 8O 8O N 0 - R N � CSaE OON88 88l7 (yNnmNOOONpp n 1AO1118 n On N - ^ 0800NbONn00 VIm W 1� m N I �1 N ' > NnN � N W 10 nNNml_ h gaW N N10 N 011 Om - m 6 � mNO N (p m {� 1� 1V p N N m N o O N y W Y W N W NNN 6 W m 6 d < Cf N Y 17 N N O N N N N N < < N N N p p m N N - N N N NNN N O N m N n N IL m NsNass s ow VNN + a N ¢ m II ¢ c Nd q y� Il m 0 + C • U U r,F6' mam9dJO W�i _� C Q ww _dcs x = S � iYJJEOE � � ZZOaN -¢ NR N9F7LJ8 C SO L3NO C O Cb40 0 Oo L ¢ CO0 N w 0It RO O i I _ cb p'> mgd ¢mCayUa¢O0m jq.JOa 9 0 6 0 E : > S o m- Otx >� Nmc = rr dfaa6 Wo - � 2am .9 0 % d aaaa _ 2 � 0000a > mII City of Fayetteville Police Pension Fund Performance Summary September 30, 1995 Equities Fixed Income Total 1990 — 2.4% 7.2%v — 0.5% 1991 39.5 % 17.2% 28. 1 % 1992 —0.9% 7.4% 0.6% 1993 12. 1% 8.5 % 9.3% 1994 — 7.8% — 5.6% — 5.6% 1995 (Through 9/30) 27.6% 10.9% 17.4% Cumulative Return 77.6% 53. 1 % 55.0% Average Annual Return 11.7% 8.6% 8.8% • 1995 July 26, 1990 Year — Inception — to — Date to — Date Beginning Value $3, 196,692 $ 1 ,350,354 Deposits $0 $ 1,2209000 Withdrawals $0 $0 Net Income $86,096 $386,737 Change in Accrued Income $12,323 $36,058 Realized Gains $67,872 $3823419 Change in Unrealized Gains $389,508 $376,920 Ending Value $397529489 $39752,489 Total Investment Return $5559797 $ 1, 182, 135 11 >:XPLANAT1OIJ OF Returns are reported net of all fees and expenses. ANALY51S OF V3(Wb I:2Akr bF PoK-rFol-IO City of Fayetteville Police Pension Fund Portfolio Income and Yield September 30, 1995 Annual Yield on Income Book Value Fixed Income $ 1339854 7. 1 % Securities Only Total Portfolio $ 161 ,266 4.8% oN 13oNrr Weighted Average Maturity 4. 91 Years Weighted Average Yield — to— Maturity 6 . 22% • Weighted Average Duration 3.44 Bonds as a percent of total portfolio = 51 .4% Fixed income securities maturing in three years or less: 29.5% of total portfolio i r L40N ER MIN ARKT NEW INcox�ox� u September 30, 1995 The impressive stock market advance that began in January continued in the third quarter of 1995. Tice favorable Interest Rates environment that we profiled in our June newsletter of declining interea rates, reasonable valuation, strong earnings growth, and positive capital flows into U. S. equity mutual funds persisted The Federal Reserve Board (Fed) lowered short-term throughout the third quarter. Returns, by market, for this quarter interest rates by 25 basis points (0.250%) this quarter. The move and year-to-date are listed below. The small-capitalization was largely expected by market participants and therefore had indices(NASDAQ andRussell2000)outperformedthe large-cap tittle effect on bond interest rates. Rates across the maturity or blue chip indices (Dow Jones Industrial Average, S & P 500) spectrumare little changed from June 30 levels. thisquartcr, asexpected. lndershipvawbeginningtoshifttothe smaller company stocks in June. For the quarter, small stocks Maturi 12/31/94 6/30/95 9/30/95 gained the upper hand over the performance of the blue chips. Two-Year 7.50% 5.77% 5.80010 Third Ouarter Year-to-Date Five-Year 7.90% 5.96% 5.990/0 DJ1A 5. 1% 24.90/. Seven-Year 7.90% 6. 105/6 6.09% S & P 500 7.3% 27.2% Ten-Year 7.90% 6.205/6 6. 16% Russell 2000 (small-to- Thirty-Year 7.90% 6.63% 6.48% intermediate size companies) 9.4% 24.0% NASDAQ -_. 11.80/0 38.80/6 Tax-freemmicipalbondyields havemovedlowerasthe Value Line 8.90/0 19.3% potential fallout from a default of California's Orange County appearsless ommousandtalk ofaflat mcometax hastakenback- stage to budget reconciliation and Medicare/Medicaid reform in Theadvancethisyear hasbeenbroad-basedwith strong Washington. Asaresult,yieldsavaAableonhigh-qualitymunici- breadth and participation among marry sectors (see Breadth pal bonds range from 4.25% in a five-year maturityto 4.75% in a ten-year note. semee emre.a s.paeesx taut Withinflationarypressuressubdued,thedollarstrength- wring, and economic growth progressing at a moderateto- 1 sluggish pace, interest rates should remain stable through year "0D end with another Fed easing possible in the fourth quarter. weo = � a Valuation and Earnings Growth r+p 3 The market, as measured by the S & P 500, is up 27% year-to-date, and earnings growth thisycar has keptpace with the st o +o .-.. ;, a, _ y • .r d4:. . . ; > etr: market (+21%). Asa result, valuation, or the Price/Eamings : . (P/E) multipleofthemarkeLhaschangedontyslightlysinceyear- end 1994. At year-end 1994, the P/E multiple stood at 14.4 times; earnings. Basad on current levels, the S & P 500 is trading at a valuation of 14.5 times 1995 earnings and 12 times estimated " °^^"" " "" • x000 1996eamings. Valuation is still in line with the historical norm, even hough the market has advanced dramatically this year. i ,mom - With interest rates declining this year and valuation 00� I I li# 1 ;1 remaining unchanged, the Equity Risk Premium (tire excess s r return that an equity investor might obtain in equities versus returns available in risk-free assets over a long time horizon) • chart). Market leadership has been most pronounced in the actually increased to 5.31%. As the EquityRisk Premium graph technology sector. This year we have seer a return to the bull onPageTwo illustrates, the wrrentpremiumsuggests that stocks market environment of a `rising tide that rifts all ships." are slightly undervalued relative to fixed income vehicles. Markd News Page Trva positive, the sector continued to attract more funds. However, in September it appears that the technology sector peaked and is no long in the leadership position From here through year-end, tAorc r..Mnn�rc technology is likely to become a source of funds as opposed to a magnetforfundsinmostportfoliomanagers'' eyes. Wheneverthe iA market goes through a change in leadership, it creates turbulence reek0 and rotational volatility until new leadership asserts itself. It is IBM moo . . , r unclear at this point whether new leadership will emerge or IBM amn whether the technology sector will go through a several-month 's i = = s 9 = s Ss 9 correction only to emerge as leadership again. In any event, investors cancgwmore sedorrotationand volatility inthe next Saone NWVA ran Focus RamG, odAW rwr couple of months as the market searches for new direction Liquidity Second, earnings in the third quarter could come in a Continued capital flows into U.S. bale weaker than expected We have seen a disturbingly large strong equity mrmberofpre-announcedearnings shortfalls going into earnings and mutual funds have provided the liquidity to fuel this market release season this quarter. According to IBES, about60%ofthe advance. In the third quarter the dollar strengthened, enhancing companies in the S&P 500 reported earnings above expectations the attractiveness of U.S. securities and assets to foreigners. during the first two quarters of 1995. Fewer positive earnings Corporations have continued to repurchase shares and merger rises are expected in the second half as well as a notable activity has accelerated resulting in a reduction in the supply of deceleration in the pace of S & P 500 operating profit growth to stocks. Mutual fund cash inflows have accelerated with July 100/6 from 21% in the first half of 1995. inflows ofS13.9billion setting arecord for tbeyear. Alternative investments, suchasbondfunds, real estate,gold,money markeM Finally, the CongressionaI budget debate is likely to etc., provide little competition at this point for investor funds unsettle the markets if indeed the Republican leadership in visa'-vis stocks. Liquidity is expected to remaina positive&act Congress "goes to the mat" with the Administration over the for the U. S. stock market for the remainder of the year. budget negotiations currently underway in Washington. The Republican plan entails linking the budget bill requiring a • Outlook balanced federal budget to a bill that would raise the federal debt ceiling. Without the debt ceiling being raised by raid-November, The most important determinants of the stock market the government runs into trouble refinancing Treasury debt In trend we have outlined in this newsletter and previous newsletters essence, itisacase of 'budget brinlananship" the Congremonal (interest mtMearnings, vatuatiogand liquidity)remain positive. leadership hopes will force President Clinton to accept their The long-term trend in the U. S. toward rising productivity and budget proposal, since a veto of the budget would bring about a earnings growth within an environment of moderately subdued financial "train wrack" for the U. S. government In the weeks inflation bodes well for equity investors willing toassume along. ahead as the debate heats up, one needs to remember that we have term investment horizon. Economic growth and profit growth is beenherebefore. In 1990,PresidentBushvetoedabudget bill that expected to continue at least through 1996 and the first half of brought about a rush to emergency spending measures to keep the 1997; inflation remainsundercontrol; equities are approximately government conning and forced numerous Federal employees to 6% undervalued relative to inflation and interest rates; and takeunpaid, mandatory leaves ofabsence. The high-stakesdrama demand for equities from U.S. individuals and corporations will be played out on the evening news and the from pages of remains strong with demand expected to increase from foreign newspapersbut in the end a compromise is most likely to emerge investors as confidence in the U. S. dollar improves. that will avert disaster. The U. S. is the world's largest debtor nation, dependent upon foreign capital to fund our debt Neither Although the long-term fundamentals underpinning Democrats nor Republicans in Congress stand to benefit from an the equity market remain strongly positive, we are likely to impasse that would shake investor confidence in the U. S. experience some "bumps in the mad" in the fourth quarter for government's ability to pay its bills. The budget battle will be several reasons. First, the leadership of the market up to interestingintheweeksaheadbutoouldprovetobeunsettlingfor September has been in the technology stocks. Marry technology the currency, bond, and stock markets. stocks have risen 70%ormoreyear-to-dateandmoney managers sitting on large unrealized gains will be quick to realize them to In summary, expect some short-term turbulence m4he protectperformanoe in the last quarter. Several technology stocks markets for the reasons outlined above. However, the long-term are extended both on a technical (chart) basis as well as a fundamentals for equity investors in the U. S. remain sound fundamental (valuation) basis. As long as the trend was strongly Ioijwz fvest»ienls, Ina, P. O. Bax 1269,:Fayetlea4 AR 72702 Phone: (501) 443-5851 Fair .(501) 443-'7129 . iv 1. il q USER15 Thu Oct 19 09 : 39 : 29 1995 A 342 018786 049 2 10 / 18 / 95 1 CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE P DOB 00 / 00 / 00 ll,'* WORK ( 501 ) 575.1 — 8330 . FOR ACCT CSH SWP=AAA/AAMT TYP CASH AAA TEFRA= O EV SUMMARY 298=OCT94 /SEP95 O =JAN95 /SEP95 O =SEP95 1 T . D . CASH BAL 0 . 00 CR 5 MKT VAL LONG POSITIONS 220 , 000 . 00 CR 2 S . D . CASH BAL 0 . 00 CR 6 MKT VAL LONG OPTIONS 0 . 00 CR 3 CSH AVAILABLE 0 . 00 CR 7 MKT VAL SHORT POSITIONS 0 . 00 CR 4 MTHLY ACC INC 0 , 00 CR 8 MKT VAL SHORT OPTIONS 0 . 00 CR 9 MONEY MKT BAL AAMT 51 , 867 CR VAL BELOW FOR PRICED POSIT ONLY 10 MKT VAL CUSTODIAL POSIT 0 CR UNREALZD GAIN/LOSS 0+ 11 TOTAL PENDING DB/CR 0 CR ACCT VAL Y . E . 12 / 94 2761322CR 12 TD ACCT VL ( 1+5+6 +9 + 10 - 7 - 8 ) 271 , 867 CR ACCT VAL M . E . 09 / 95 2711867CR 13 TD LONG HOLDGS VAL ( 5+6 + 10 ) 220 , 000 CR PROJTD CASH NOV/JAN 241063+ 14 TD INVESTABLE FUNDS ( 1 +9 -4 ) 51 , 867 CR PERCENT INVESTED ( 13 / 12 ) 80 — RECAP OF RECENT ACTIVITIES — — 09 / 28 DIVA ACTIVE ASSETS MONEY TRUST 168 . 49CR - 09 / 21 BOT 16753 ACTIVE ASSETS MONEY TRUST 1 . 00 16 , 753 . 93DB 09 / 20 RED 16000 FCC NATL BK DE CD 6300 95SP2 . . . . . 16 , 000 . 00CR 09 / 20 CPN logo FCC NATL BK DE CD 6300 95SP2 753 . 93CR 08 / 30 DIVA ACTIVE ASSETS MONEY TRUST 212 . 56CR 08 / 14 CHKA CITY FAYETTEVILLE POLICE PENS 15 , 000 . 00DB 08 / 14 SLD 15000 ACTIVE ASSETS MONEY TRUST 1 . 00 151000 . 00CR USER15 Thu Oct 19 09 :39 : 37 1995 A 342 018786 049 END 10 / 18 / 95 2 CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE POLICE - ASSET ALLOCATION FOR DWR POSITIONS CASH + MMKT = 19 % EQUITIES = 08 BONDS = 81 % OTHER = 0 % C . CUSTODIAL POSITIONS MARGINED/ DATE RENU QTY/YLD SYMBL MGN PLAN NR DIV RE PRICE VALUE POLICY # 10 / 18 51 , 867 . 400 ACTIVE ASSETS MONEY TRUST 1900 51 , 867 . 40 OXASH POS 1 OF 4 10 / 13 / 95 0 . 00 T/D 0 . 00 S /D 220 , 000 . 00 MKT 0 . 00 CSH SECURITY OPN PRICE UNITS MKT VALUE COST SYMBOL FIRSTIER LINC CD 6750 95DE21 N/O? 100 ? 16 , 000 16000 16000 UT362 ONBANK & TR NY CD 7000 96JN21 N/O? 100 ? 24 , 000 24000 24000 UT389 GREENWOOD TR CD 8000 96MY08 N/O? 100 ? 901000 90000 90000 YZ808 SEARS SVGS BK CD 8050 96JN19 N/O? 100 ? 90 , 000 90000 90000 ZX137 MATU12I N G USER15 SQ / / Thu Oct 19 09 : 38 : 58 1995 A 342 015178 049 2 10 / 18 / 95 1 CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE P4 DOB 03 / 01 / 50 WORK ( 501 ) 575 - 8292 . TOT FOR ACCT CSH SWP=AAA/AAMT TYP CASH AAA TEFRA=O V SUMMARY ' 2079 =OCT94 / SEP95 1415 =JAN95 / SEP95 293=SEP95 D . CASH BAL 0 . 00 CR 5 MKT VAL LONG POSITIONS 1 , 495 , 335 . 00 CR 2 S . D . CASH BAL • 0 . 00 CR 6 MKT VAL LONG OPTIONS 0 . 00 CR 3 CSH AVAILABLE 0 . 00 CR 7 MKT VAL SHORT POSITIONS 0 . 00 CR 4 MTHLY ACC INC 0 . 00 CR 8 MKT VAL SHORT OPTIONS 0 . 00 CR 9 MONEY MKT BAL AAMT 113 , 517 CR VAL BELOW FOR PRICED POSIT ONLY 10 MKT VAL CUSTODIAL POSIT 0 CR UNREALZD GAIN/LOSS 23 , 169 + 11 TOTAL PENDING DB/CR 0 CR s ACCT VAL Y . E . 12 / 94 1 , 4461982CR 12 TD ACCT VL ( 1 +5 +6 +9 + 10 - 7 - 8 ) 1 , 608 , 852 CR ACCT VAL M . E . 09 / 95 . 1 , 595 , 235CR 13 TD LONG HOLDGS VAL ( 5 +6 + 10 ) 11495 , 335 CR PROJTD CASH NOV/JAN 322 , 872 + 14 TD INVESTABLE FUNDS ( 1 +9 -4 ) 113 , 517 CR PERCENT INVESTED ( 13 / 12 ) 92 RECAP OF RECENT ACTIVITIES - - 10 / 17 BOT 2662 ACTIVE ASSETS MONEY TRUST 1 . 00 21662 . 50DB 10 / 15 CPN . . . . INTL LEASE FIN 8875 01APR 0 . 006 21662950CR 09 / 28 DIVA ACTIVE ASSETS MONEY TRUST 691 . 23CR 09 / 07 SSW- . . . . IBM CORP 6375 OOJN1 06060 0 . 00 09 / 07 SSW+ 6006 IBM CORP 6375 OOJN1 . . . . . 0 . 00 09 / 06 BOT 2362 ACTIVE ASSETS MONEY TRUST 1 . 00 21362 . 50DB 09 / 05 SLD 240547 ACTIVE ASSETS MONEY TRUST 1 . 00 240 , 547 . 28CR USER15 Thu Oct 19 09 : 39 : 07 1995 A342 015178 049 3 10 / 18 / 95 2 CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE POLICE PENSIO ALLOCATION FOR DWR POSITIONS CASH + MMKT = 78 EQUITIES = 08 BONDS = 938 OTHER = 0 % C . CUSTODIAL POSITIONS MARGINED/ DATE RENU QTY/YLD SYMBL MGN PLAN NR DIV RE PRICE VALUE POLICY # 10 / 18 113 , 517 . 220 ACTIVE ASSETS MONEY TRUST 1 . 00 113 , 517 . 22 O . CASH POS 1 OF 11 10 / 13 / 95 0 . 00 T/D 0 . 00 S/D 1495 , 337 . 00 MKT 0 . 00 CSH SECURITY OPN PRICE UNITS MKT VALUE COST SYMBOL MORGAN STANLEY 6750 03MH04 A+ ? 100 7 / 8 ? 70 , 000 70612 70169 TB895 FORD CAP BV BE 9375 98JA01 +A+ ? 106 5 / 8 ? 65 , 000 69306 73770 TC418 WMX TECHNOLOGIES 6375 03DERG-A+ ? 98 7 / 8 ? 70 , 000 69212 68992 TD967 INTL LEASE FIN 8875 01APRG N/O? 111 1 / 8 ? 60 , 000 66675 70253 TG757 ALCAN ALUM CORP 7250 99DERG N/O? 103 3 / 4 ? 60 , 000 62250 64053 TH554 IBM CORP 6375 OOJN15 -A ? 100 3 / 4 ? 70 , 000 70525 67266 TK245 MARSHALL & ILSLEY 6375 03JLRG N/O ? 98 ? 60 , 000 58800 60173 TK611 US TSY NOTE 5125 95NV15 -N/0 ? 99 7 / 8 ? 290 , 000 289637 289458 TRA74 US TSY NOTE 5875 04FB15 -N/0 ? 99 1 /4 ? 300 , 000 297750 272592 TRC19 US TSY NOTE 6250 OOMY31 N/O? 101 5 / 8 ? 235 , 000 238818 236654 TRD47 USER15 Thu Oct 19 09 : 39 : 15 1995 0 342 015178 049 END 10 / 18 / 95 3 CI :7200 , 000 FAYETTEVILLE POLICE PEN O . CASH POS 11 OF 11 10 / 13 / 95 SECURITY OPN PRICEUNITS MKT VALU COST SYMBOL US TSY NOTE 650 96NV30 -N/0? 100 7 / 8 20175 198783 823P1