HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992-04-16 Minutes• MINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE POLICE PENSION BOARD A meeting of the Fayetteville Police Pension and Relief Fund Board of Trustees was held on Thursday, April 16, 1992, at 2:30 p.m. in Room 326 of City Hall. PRESENT: Eldon Roberts, Rick Hoyt, Jerry Friend, Retiree Hollis Spencer, Dr. James Mashburn, Administrative Services Director Ben Mayes, and City Clerk Sherry Thomas. ABSENT: City Manager Scott Linebaugh CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Eldon Roberts. MINUTES Spencer, seconded by from the January 16, unanimous vote. OLD BUSINESS Friend, made a motion to approve the minutes 1992 meeting. The motion was approved by a PENSION AFFIDAVITS City Clerk Sherry Thomas asked for the Board's recommendation concerning a pension affidavit which has not been received back from Franklin Upton. She explained that these pension affidavits are sent annually to all pension recipients. Roberts suggested that City Clerk Thomas hold Mr. Upton's pension checks until he complies. City Clerk Thomas stated that she had used this procedure in the past with the Fire Pension recipients. She would have Mr.Upton's checks printed, but would hold them until she heard from him. PENSION PAY BACK Spencer asked about the people who had rejoined the Police Department and the status of their pension membership. Roberts responded that the matter had been resolved. He reported that Mark Hanna bought his time back and paid the money plus interest back into the pension plan. John Brown opted not to buy his time back and have his 20 years begin from his second date of hire. ACTUARY EVALUATION Roberts asked when the next actuary evaluation will be ready. Mayes responded this report is normally ready around the end of May April 16, 1992 or first of June. He stated the information was provided to the actuary 4-5 weeks ago. Hopefully, the report will be available for the next meeting scheduled in July. Dr. Mashburn asked whether the actuary evaluation is figured on the basis of what is paid for an equity or the market value of an equity. Mayes responded that they use the cost of the equity and ignore market value. He further explained that in the last pension plan actuary evaluation done two years ago, the cost and market in the police pension plan were close; however, this year there will be a difference. Mayes commented that this method is conservative and covers a down market; however, if you had a stock that was doing well, this would not be taken into account by the actuary which would help to make the pension fund actuarially sound. Dr. Mashburn stated the norm for private companies is to use the market value. He further stated that the equity account would help them reach adequate funding quicker. NEW BUSINESS INVESTMENTS Ben Mayes explained the investment report he distributed was done in-house on a cost basis and reflects what percentage of total money held in cash and equivalents, fixed income and equities, as well as holdings by Dean Witter, Elaine Longer, and U.S. Treasury notes. DEAN WITTER Mike Kirkland, from Dean Witter, addressed the Board with the account summary. He explained that the Acorn Asset Management Account is the balanced account, and it was higher at the end of 1991 at 1.181% than it currently is. He explained the breakdown reflects 11% cash, 33% bonds and 55% stocks. The Madison Account, strictly a bond account is down from the end of the year due to fluctuating interest rates and consists of cash at 5% and bonds at 95%. The Cash Account contains $270,000 in CD's of which $180,000 are longer term CD's locked in for 41/2 years at 8% and better. They pay interest semi-annually into the account and have a total value of $535,000. There is also $90,000 in CD's maturing in June. Of the $2.95 million invested in Dean Witter, the account is skewed toward bonds at 62%, 15% in cash and 22% in stocks. He stated that if this was all of the Pension Fund money, it would be like the allocation in the balanced account by itself, which is not an over - a• • • April 16, 1992 weighting in stocks and is currently in line with Dean Witter's balanced account recommendations showing 55% in stocks. Kirkland stated that ACORN has had the account for eighteen months showing annualized return figures of 11.67%, down from last year. He explained that even with the market higher, it takes longer to recoup once stocks have gone down. Madison has had the account for 2h years and on an annualized basis, they are up 9.69%. Dr. Mashburn suggested that for a more accurate picture of the accounts, he would like to see a report on account activity every six months as the current report reflects a negative evaluation for the last three months while some stocks had greatly improved. Mike Kirkland agreed stating that the reports can be misleading as after the first year, ACORN was up 18%; they were down initially the first 3-4 months in 1991 and then up 14% the last 9 months of the year. He further stated that ACORN is conservative, and while they do not have the greatest balanced returns, they could be a lot worse. The Madison Account, for a fixed income account, and after only 2 years is not doing bad. The bond market has been favorable with rates down. By shortening the maturity of the bonds, if and when the rates go back up, they want to be in a position whereby they are not locked in and can take advantage of higher rates. Kirkland suggested when the $90,000 CD matures in June, they could either turn more over to Elaine Longer or let him find another straight equity manager. Kirkland stated that ACORN's annualized return was 11.67%, and Madison's return was 9.69%. Kirkland explained that the reason the closing balances do not appear favorable for the end of 1991 is due to the fact that money was withdrawn from the cash account leaving a $537,000 balance. He further stated that the Board dictates how much cash is kept in the account. If cash is not removed in the next two months, there will be $360,000 in June. Friend asked about the yearly pension requirements. Roberts responded that approximately $300,000 is paid out to retirees. He stated that the Board voted at one time on how much money to keep in the account, recalling that it was decided to keep enough in the account to cover three months in pension checks. Mayes explained that since he has been on Staff, they have kept all the money at Mike's and withdrawn funds for pension payroll as needed. He further stated that in order to earn a better interest rate on the cash account, they decided to take the money out of the bank where it was not earning much interest, giving it to Mike and drawing on it each month. • • April 16, 1992 Roberts stated that if they have a total of $5 million earning 10%, that would be $500,000 annually which more than covers the pay -out. He suggested that by keeping the account at 10% or above, they should be able to cover the pay -out; plus additional funds to invest, in addition to dividends received. Kirkland explained that only $265,000 of the $464,000 is immediately available, and the remaining funds which are earning 3 3/4% are under management and would take longer to obtain. Friend asked if there would be a way to whittle this fund down by figuring out what is coming in and what is paid out each month and then figure exactly what earning percentage is needed to reach the point of actuary soundness. Dr. Mashburn asked what were the actual sources of income. Mayes responded that there is income from insurance turn -back money, officer's contributions, City contributions, property tax millage, and 10% of fines collected through Municipal Court. Dr. Mashburn requested that Mayes report back to the Board on expenditures and sources of income that go into the Cash Account. Mayes stated that they would need to do a yearly cash flow analysis because the state insurance turn -back comes only once a year. Roberts stated the insurance turn -back pays roughly half of all money paid out to retirees in a year's time. Therefore, the investments help the fund grow and are not drawn on to pay bills. Dr. Mashburn commented that they are not currently making much from cash or equivalents. Kirkland responded that this could be doubled. He explained that seven year CDs are paying 7%. Kirkland verified that when the CD matures in June, the money will go into the cash account and draw 3% until the Board decides what to do with the money. Mayes stated the next Pension Board meeting would be on July 16th. Dr. Mashburn asked the difference between what could be drawn in cash at the 3-4% and what can be drawn from bonds or short-term CD's. Kirkland responded that bonds are worse than CD's on a short term, however, they could buy 3 -month CD's, which are drawing 3.45%. He explained that the "cash" he is referring to is actually a money market account which is currently earning 315% to 3-3/4%. Without changing the guidelines, they could not go much higher in equities. As they are not bound by state law, it is the Board's prerogative to change the guidelines. • • • April 16, 1992 The Board mutually decided to wait until July's meeting to look at the accounts again, before making a final decision. For the record, Mike Kirkland repeated that the first trading date on ACORN was on November 8, 1990, with an annualized return of 11.67%. Madison's first trading date was on January 2, 1990 as the fixed income manager and had an annualized return of 9.69%. Mayes commented that there is a $175,000 CD maturing in November which is City held, and the Board should be thinking ahead to what they will do with it. In response to Dr. Mashburn's statement, Kirkland stated that he will never have any funds sitting idle. PENSION MEMBERS City Clerk Sherry Thomas reminded the Board members that they needed to meet sometime next month to vote on the pension members. Roberts commented that they are fast approaching the time when there will need to be more people from the retired ranks than from the active ranks serving as pension members because the statutes plainly states that as the percentages change of those from active to retired, the percentages should then change on the representation. INVESTMENTS Elaine Longer of Longer Investments addressed the Board introducing her office manager, Kim Cooper, who will be a charter financial analyst in June 1993. Longer reported the federal government has no fiscal stimulus program for 1992. Just the prospect of a new fiscal stimulative government program has sent bonds down and interest rates up in January and February. Since Congress is deadlocked on the issue with no prospect for a tax cut or stimulative program, bonds have recovered somewhat and the fed came through last week to ease interest rates, relieving a lot of pressure on the bond market while the stock market has started to perform better. Longer stated that they are still looking at a sluggish growth outlook with not a lot of inflation pressures. She projected the fed will continue to remain in a posture of ease until an economic recovery is firmly entrenched. Longer stated the fed's fund rate is the rate taken by banks for overnight deposits, normally trading a little higher than the discount rate. This is another sign from the fed that they are staying on top of the situation, and that they want to deliver an economic recovery. Retail sales numbers were good for January and February, but they show no sustainable growth as compared to the April 16, 1992 year before, when the country was engaged in the Persian Gulf crisis. March numbers reflected retail sales had dropped 4/10 of 1%. Friend asked if the fed is going to fight the gain of the dollar. Longer responded that the dollar was strong in the first two months of the year, but not necessarily because of interest rate differentials which are low relative to Germany, Britain, and Japan. Therefore, interest rates can be cut without jeopardizing currency. With a firm dollar, gold and precious metals have low prices which do not reflect inflation on the horizon. The CRB index (commodities, grains, oil, metals, paper, and lumber) is down to 2.05%, a new low for the past twelve months. Longer stated that she doesn't see a strong, robust recovery; however, the fed will continue to ease to a 2% rate of growth for 1992. Longer reported that since January 1st, the drug, food and energy stocks and utility index are down from where they closed at the end of 1991. Papers, chemicals, and automobiles do well with an economic recovery. The Dow industrials are hitting new highs while the broader based index, Standard and Poors 500 and Wilshire 5000, are down year-to-date. Longer stated that there has been a rotation out of everything that was a performer in 1991, moving funds into the cyclicals and under -performing stocks of 1991. The portfolio consists of 67% in stocks, 25% in bonds, and 8% in cash and equivalents with a total portfolio income yield based on book value of 4.1% and 3.7% on market. She explained that if the bond/stock mix was assumed at 60/40 instead of 66/33, the yield would be closer to 6%. The stock portfolio report reflected no major change in the dominate holdings; Bristol Meyers at 4.8%, Emerson at 6% and Philip Morris at 5.8% of the portfolio. The bond account produces no reinvestment risk at this point in time. The quarterly portfolio return on holdings reflected a return on equity of 21.1%; debt to total capital at 19.8%; with an expected return of 14.2%. Beta was at 1%, indicating volatility, in line with the market; Standard & Poors rating placed the portfolio between an A and A-. The price earnings multiple was down to 20.6%, from 23% on the last report. Year-to-date the account was off .81% and the S&P 500 is up .64%. From account inception through April 15, 1992 the equities are up 34.4% and S&P 500 is up 23.8%, along with_the bonds in the equity account, is at 28.7%. • • April 16, 1992 Bonds year-to-date in the fixed income portfolio are down 1.65% and the Solomon Brothers Treasury Index was down 1.81% caused by backing up in interest rates from the 7 -year to 30 -year in January and February with bond performance much better since March 31st. The fixed income portfolio to date is realizing a 10.93% average annual return, including the first quarter decline. Realized gains year-to-date were at $87,000. Longer reported on the year-to-date income, expenses, purchases and sales, explaining that the summary gives a monthly cash flow with the annual cash flow of dividends and interest for the portfolio at $78,000. Earnings reported for the first quarter reflected Bristol Meyers up 13%, Phillip Morris up 21%, with cyclical stocks showing an earnings gain. Friend asked about the 38% investment and whether there was a way in this time of low interest to help increase earnings. Longer explained there is a steep yield curve with the difference in interest rates. She stated that she would not recommend extending bonds past seven years, rather concentrate on between five and seven years investments. It does not require giving up credit quality to increase income, and they are not taking a price risk to get the differential in return from a 3.8% to a 6.8%-7% average yield. Friend asked for Longer's recommendation on the $90,000 CD that will mature in June. She responded that she would move it into the fixed income bond account in a two to five year option. Longer explained that there are two risks that need to be incorporated into a bond portfolio - "reinvestment risk" to eliminate a big maturity coming due and the "inflation risk" wherein if inflation picks up, interest rates will pick up, allowing better opportunities for bond investment in the market. She stated that there is $115,000, representing 19.6%, in the two-year bond portfolio which matures in August 1992 and additional bonds maturing in October 1993, placing them at 24% of the portfolio within an 18 -month maturity. The weighted average total maturity is somewhere around 4$ to 515%. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 3:54 p.m. City of Fayetteville, Arkansas Po icemen's Pension & Relief Fund Asset Allocation - Cost Basis March 31, 1992 WATICra TI -L D 4-7 \BEN\POLINV Cash & Fixed Percent Equivalent Income Equities Total Of (10-25%) (15-75%) (20-40%) Total DEAN WITTER Dean Witter $535,702 $0 $0 $535,702< 10% Madison Investment 61,714 1,133,980 0}; 1,195,694: 23% Acorn Asset Management 90,372 383,204 645,835 1 119,411 22% TOTAL DEAN WITTER LONGER INVESTMENTS, INC. CITY HELD INVESTMENTS (A) TOTAL FUND 82% 63% 687,788 1,517,184 ................ 55%'I 16% 22% 67% 135,039 526,704 2% 15% 14,947 350,000 PERCENT OF TOTAL 16% A. 8.375% U S T—Note, maturing 11-15-92 7.250% U S T—Note, maturing 07-15-93 175,000 175,000 350 000 1,307,792 7% $2:393,888 ::$1,953,627;; $5,185 289 100% 46% 100% • • • 4 -to -'ia... DEAN WT1 ER REYNOLDS, INC. MICRO/79_1i_ 7.7 Firstsouth Centre, Suite 200, 280 North College, Fayetteville, AR 72701 Telephone (501) 575-1400 Rogers Area (501) 631-7000 Wats 1 (800) 487-4880. VALUE 12/31/91 $11197,376 VALUE 12/ $1, 31/91. 241,175 CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE POLICE PENSION FUND 4-16-92 ACORN ASSET MANAGEMENT 342-018922-049 CASH BONDS STOCKS' TOTAL MADISON ALLOCATION 4-15-92. $134,800 $395,750 $651,384 $1 181,.934. 11.4% 33.5%' 55.1% 100.0% INVESTMENT ADVISERS 342-015178-049 ALLOCATION 4-15-92 CASH $64,332 BONDS $1,168,111 TOTAL $1,232,443 CASH 5.2 95.2 100.2 ACCOUNT 342-018786-049 ALLOCATION 4-15-92 CASH $265,702 502 CD'S $270,000 50% TOTAL $535,702 100% CD MATURES 6-19-92 - $90,000 VALUE 4/15/92•. $1,181,934 VALUE 4/15/92 $1,232,443 . TOTAL VALUE AND ALLOCATION OF 3 DEAN WITTER ACCOUNTS CASH STOCKS BONDS TOTAL $464,834 $651,384 $1,833,861 $2,950,079 15.7% 22.1% 62.2% 100.% • City of Fayetteville, Arkansas Pol'cemen's Pension & Relief Fund Asset Allocation - Cost Basis June 30, 1992 MI ??a j‘PEMPOLINV Cash & Fixed Percent Equivalent Income Equities Total Of (10-25%) (15-75%) (20-40%) Total DEAN WITTER Dean Witter $551,149 $0 $0 i '&55114 :: 10% ............................... ................................ ................................ Madison Investment 387 450 827,461 0 f 1214 911.:: 23% Acorn Asset Management 109,890 383,204 673,885 :;P 1066,979t: 22% 80% 52% 38% `: TOTAL DEAN WITTER 1,048,489 1,210,665 673,885 '_ 2:933,039 55%! LONGER INVESTMENTS, INC. • CITY HELD INVESTMENTS (A) TOTAL FUND • PERCENT OF TOTAL 18% 33% 62% -. 236,814 755 457 1,080,610 2,072 1381 39%'; 2% 15% 0% 21,762 350,000 0 371,762 7%! $1 307 0651:::::::.:::::$2316 316 122 '11 754 495 $5 377 6821; 100% A. 8 375% U S T -Note, maturing 11-15-92 175,000 7.250% U S T -Note, maturing 07-15-93 175,000 350 000 t'.439st; 33% 100% City of Fayetteville, Arkansas Policemen's Pension & Relief Fund Asset Allocation - Cost Basis September 30, 1992 micaoi~ .P 7 P 2 \BEN\POLINV Cash & Fixed Percent Equivalent Income Equities Total Of (10-25%) (15-75%) (20-40%) Total DEAN WITTER Dean Witter $302,410 $0 $0 ';. $302,410 303 5% Madison Investment 413,716 827,461 0 ,:,;1;241,177 1,312 22% Acorn Asset Management 72,429 522,019 8101432 ; 1,404,880_ I, 421 25% TOTAL DEAN WITTER •LONGE INVESTMENTS, INC. CITY HELD INVESTMENTS (A) TOTAL FUND PERCENT OF TOTAL A. 8.375% U S T—Note, maturing 11-15-92 7.250% U S T—Note, maturing 07-15-93 • 79% 57% 37% 788,555 1,349,480 810,432 20% 29% 63%',. 197,095 680,600 1,376,006 2,253,702 2,4 ?."I 4196i. s3% 1% 15% 12,018 350,000 0%sE 0 362,018 362 $997,668 $2,380,03a::.$2.186,438 ,[ $5,564,187': 100% 5835 • 18% 175,000 175,000 350,000 43%.. 39% 100% • • • • LhIONGERI»szMENrrs INCORPORATED City of Fayetteville Police Pension Board Meeting April 16, 1992 • Quantity COMMON STOCK Security 500 Abbott Labs 1,200 American Barrick Resources 400 American Home Products 500 Amoco 630 Archer Daniels Midland 1,300 Baxter Intl. 500 Boeing Co. 800 Briggs 8 Stratton 1,000 Bristol Myers Squibb 1,000 Claire's Stores 1,000 Comptronix Corp. 1,600 Computer Associates International 500 Durr Fillauer 500 Eli Lilly 8 Co. 1,800 Emerson Electric 800 Fluor Corp. 800 Food Lion Inc. 8 500 Genuine Parts 2,500 Glaxo Holding 850 Grainger, W. W. 1,000 Harnischfeger Industries 1,000 Hasbro, Inc. 500 Ingersoll-Rand 2,000 Luby's Cafeterias 625 Mattel Inc. 1,000 McDonald's Corp 500 Minnesota Mining 8 Mfg. 1,000 Mobil Corp 500 Pall Corp. 800 Perkin Elmer Corporation 1,200 Philip Morris 500 Reader's Digest 2,000 SafeCard Services 500 Schlumberger, LTD 800 Sensormatic Electric Longer Investments, Incorporated PORTFOLIO APPRAISAL City of Fayetteville Police Pension Fund Combined Account April 15, 1992 Unit Cost Total Market Cost Price Market Pct. Unit Annual Cur. Value Assets Income Income Yield 41.95 20,974.34 66.50 33,250.00 1.5 1.200 600.00 1.8 24.33 29,196.00 23.50 28,200.00 1.3 0.100 120.00 0.4 73.37 29,350.00 80.12 32,050.00 1.4 2.600 1,040.00 3.2 52.25 26,125.00 45.25 22,625.00 1.0 2.200 1,100.00 4.9 22.18 13,973.79 24.50 15,435.00 0.7 0.100 63.00 0.4 34.73 45,146.00 39.25 51,025.00 2.3 0.860 1,118.00 2.2 45.57 22,785.00 47.12 23,562.50 1.1 1.000 500.00 2.1 34.20 27,357.75 51.75 41,400.00 1.9 1.600 1,280.00 3.1 65.18 65,178.64 78.00 78,000.00 3.5 2.760 2,760.00 3.5 8.38 8,382.14 7.37 7,375.00 0.3 0.100 100.00 1.4 13.70 13,705.00 14.37 14,375.00 0.6 0.000 0.00 0.0 15.22 24,350.00 15.25 24,400.00 1.1 0.100 160 00 0.7 22.34 11,172.00 23.50 11,750.00 0.5 0.280 140.00 1.2 86.22 43,112.50 72.37 36,187.50 1.6 2.200 1,100.00 3.0 43.21 77,780.00 54.37 97,875.00 4.4 1.380 2,484.00 2.5 38.87 31,100.00 41.50 33,200.00 1.5 0.400 320.00 1.0 20.69 16,556.00 21.12 16,900.00 0.8 0.170 136.00 0.8 45.96 22,980.00 48.25 24,125.00 1.1 1.450 725.00 3.0 19.74 49,347.50 28.75 71,875.00 3.2 1.120 2,800.00 3.9 56.01 47,606.38 55.50 47,175.00 2.1 0.620 527.00 1.1 21.21 21,213.33 22.12 22,125.00 1.0 0.400 400.00 1.8 20.50 20,499.05 27.00 27,000.00 1.2 0.200 200.00 0.7 56.32 28,160.00 62.00 31,000.00 1.4 1.320 660 00 2.1 15.39 30,776.67 16.75 33,500.00 1.5 0.500 1,000.00 3.0 19.16 11,972.50 36.75 22,968.75 1.0 0.200 125.00 0.5 32.38 32,385.00 42.37 42,375.00 1.9 0.370 370.00 0.9 88.44 44,222.50 93.50 46,750.00 2.1 3.120 1,560.00 3.3 65.19 65,188.33 63.12 63,125.00 2.8 3.200 3,200.00 5.1 27.00 13,500.00 26.12 13,062.50 0.6 0.360 180.00 1.4 32.10 25,680.00 33.25 26,600.00 1.2 0.680 544.00 2.0 44.96 53,948.13 78.75 94,500.00 4.3 2.100 2,520.00 2.7 28.87 14,435.00 47.50 23,750.00 1.1 1.000 500.00 2.1 10.47 20,945.00 10.50 21,000.00 0.9 0.150 300.00 1.4 57.94 28,972.50 59.25 29,625.00 1.3 1.200 600.00 2.0 27.58 22 062 50 30.75 24,600.00 1.1 0.300 240.00 1.0 1 • • • • Quantity CALLS 700 1,300 2,000 700 500 1,000 400 Security Texaco Toys -R -Us Tyson Foods VeriFone, Inc. Walmart Stores Warner Lambert Waste Management -8 Briggs 8 Stratton May 50 Calls CORPORATE BONDS 100,000 Philip Morris 9.250% Due 12-01-97 Accrued Interest GOVERNMENT BONDS 115,000 24,000 100,000 100,000 475,000 U. S. Treasury Note (912827[26) 6.375% Due 08-31-93 U. S. Treasury Note 7.125% Due 10-15-93 Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. 9.150% Due 08-08-00 U. S. Treasury Note 8.000% Due 05-15-01 U. S. Treasury Strips 0.000% Due 08-15-12 Accrued Interest Longer Investments, Incorporated PORTFOLIO APPRAISAL City of Fayetteville Police Pension Fund Combined Account April 15, 1992 Unit Cost 59.94 28.25 17.44 20.50 40.33 73.60 33.85 Total Market Cost Price 41,961.50 36,724.00 34,871.00 14,350.00 20,163.33 73,600.00 13,540.91 1,295,349.30 3.50 -2,803.30 -2,803.30 60.00 35.37 17.12 22.50 55.25 65.00 40.75 Market Pct. Unit Value Assets Income 42,000.00 45,987.50 34,250.00 15,750.00 27,625.00 65,000.00 16,300.00 1.9 3.200 2.1 0.000 1.5 0.040 0.7 0.000 1.2 0.210 2.9 2.040 0.7 0.360 1,479,678.75 66.6 2.50 -2,000.00 -0.1 -2,000.00 -0.1 100.54 100,543.50 108.06 108,065.00 100,543.50 Annual Cur. Income Yield 2,240.00 0.00 80.00 0.00 105.00 2,040.00 144.00 5.3 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.4 3.1 0.9 34,081.00 2.3 4.9 9.250 9,250.00 8.6 3,443.06 0.2 111,508.06 5.0 9,250.00 8.6 99.89 114,869.45 102.31 117,659.37 5.3 6.375 7,331.25 6.2 99.80 100.00 23,952.16 100,000.00 103.44 24,825.00 107.03 107,031.25 99.00 99,000.00 104.25 104,250.00 1.1 7.125 1,710.00 6.9 4.8 9.150 9,150.00 8.5 4.7 8.000 8,000.00 7.7 18.78 89,224.73 19.37 92,031.25 4.1 0.000 427,046.34 2 5,952.66 0.3 451,749.53 20.3 0.00 0.0 26,191.25 5.9 • • • Longer Investments, Incorporated PORTFOLIO APPRAISAL City of Fayetteville Police Pension Fund Combined Account April 15, 1992 Unit Total Market Market Pct. Unit Annual Cur. Quantity Security Cost Cost Price Value Assets Income Income Yield CASH AND EQUIVALENTS Dividends Accrued Money Market CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT (MONTHLY PYMT.) 100,000 First USA Bank Wilmington, DE 8.3% 1-2-96 8.300X Due 01-02-96 690.00 690.00 0.0 0.000 0.00 0.0 75,791.90 75,791.90 3.4 4.730 3,584.96 4.7 76,481.90 76,481.90 3.4 3,584.96 4.7 100.00 100,000.00 104.47 104,471.00 4.7 8.300 8,300.00 7.9 100,000.00 TOTAL PORTFOLIO 1,996,617.74 3 104,471.00 4.7 8,300.00 7.9 2,221,889.24 100.0 81,407.21 3.7 • • • Quantity COMMON STOCK Security 500 Abbott Labs 1,200 American Barrick Resources 400 American Home Products 500 Amoco 630 Archer Daniels Midland 1,300 Baxter Intel. 500 Boeing Co. 800 Briggs 8 Stratton 1,000 Bristol Myers Squibb 1,000 Claire's Stores 1,000 Comptronix Corp. 1,600 Computer Associates International 500 Durr Fillauer 500 Eli Lilly 8 Co. 1,800 Emerson Electric 800 Fluor Corp 800 Food Lion Inc. 6 500 Genuine Parts 2,500 Glaxo Holding 850 Grainger, W. W. 1,000 Harnischfeger Industries 1,000 Hasbro, Inc. 500 Ingersoll-Rand 2,000 Luby's Cafeterias 625 Mattel Inc. 1,000 McDonald's Corp 500 Minnesota Mining 8 Mfg. 1,000 Mobil Corp. 500 Pall Corp. 800 Perkin Elmer Corporation 1,200 Philip Morris 500 Reader's Digest 2,000 SafeCard Services 500 Schlumberger, LTD 800 Sensormatic Electric Longer Investments, Incorporated PORTFOLIO APPRAISAL City of Fayetteville Police Pension Fund Stock Account April 15, 1992 Unit Total Cost Cost Market Market Pct. Unit Annual Cur. Price Value Assets Income Income Yield 41.95 20,974.34 66.50 33,250.00 2.0 1.200 600.00 1.8 24.33 29,196.00 23.50 28,200.00 1.7 0.100 120.00 0.4 73.37 29,350.00 80.12 32,050.00 2.0 2.600 1,040.00 3.2 52.25 26,125.00 45.25 22,625.00 1.4 2.200 1,100.00 4.9 22.18 13,973.79 24.50 15,435.00 1.0 0.100 63.00 0.4 34.73 45,146.00 39.25 51,025.00 3.1 0.860 1,118.00 2.2 45.57 22,785.00 47.12 23,562.50 1.5 1.000 500.00 2.1 34.20 27,357.75 51.75 41,400.00 2.6 1.600 1,280.00 3.1 65.18 65,178.64 78.00 78,000.00 4.8 2.760 2,760.00 3.5 8.38 8,382.14 7.37 7,375.00 0.5 0.100 100.00 1.4 13.70 13,705.00 14.37 14,375.00 0.9 0.000 0.00 0.0 15.22 24,350.00 15.25 24,400.00 1.5 0.100 160 00 0.7 22.34 11,172.00 23.50 11,750.00 0.7 0.280 140.00 1.2 86.22 43,112.50 72.37 36,187.50 2.2 2.200 1,100.00 3.0 43.21 77,780.00 54.37 97,875.00 6.0 1.380 2,484.00 2.5 38.87 31,100.00 41.50 33,200.00 2.0 0.400 320.00 1.0 20.69 16,556.00 21.12 16,900.00 1.0 0.170 136 00 0.8 45.96 22,980.00 48.25 24,125.00 1.5 1.450 725.00 3.0 19.74 49,347.50 28.75 71,875.00 4.4 1.120 2,800.00 3.9 56.01 47,606.38 55.50 47,175.00 2.9 0.620 527.00 1.1 21.21 21,213.33 22.12 22,125.00 1.4 0.400 400.00 1.8 20.50 20,499.05 27.00 27,000.00 1.7 0.200 200.00 0.7 56.32 28,160.00 62.00 31,000.00 1.9 1.320 660.00 2.1 15.39 30,776.67 16.75 33,500.00 2.1 0.500 1,000.00 3.0 19.16 11,972.50 36.75 22,968.75 1.4 0.200 125.00 0.5 32.38 32,385.00 42.37 42,375.00 2.6 0.370 370.00 0.9 88.44 44,222.50 93.50 46,750.00 2.9 3.120 1,560.00 3.3 65.19 65,188.33 63.12 63,125.00 3.9 3.200 3,200.00 5.1 27.00 13,500.00 26.12 13,062 50 0.8 0.360 180.00 1.4 32.10 25,680.00 33.25 26,600.00 1.6 0.680 544.00 2.0 44.96 53,948.13 78.75 94,500.00 5.8 2.100 2,520.00 2.7 28.87 14,435.00 47.50 23,750.00 1.5 1.000 500.00 2.1 10.47 20,945.00 10.50 21,000.00 1.3 0.150 300.00 1.4 57.94 28,972.50 59.25 29,625.00 1.8 1.200 600.00 2.0 27.58 22,062.50 30.75 24,600.00 1.5 0.300 240.00 1.0 1 • • • • Quantity CALLS 700 1,300 2,000 700 500 1,000 400 Security Texaco Toys -R -Us Tyson Foods VeriFone, Inc. Walmart Stores Warner Lambert Waste Management -8 Briggs 8 Stratton May 50 Calls GOVERNMENT BONDS 375,000 U. S. Treasury Strips 0.000% Due 08-15-12 Accrued Interest CASH AND EQUIVALENTS Dividends Accrued Money Market Longer Investments, Incorporated PORTFOLIO APPRAISAL City of Fayetteville Police Pension Fund Stock Account April 15, 1992 Unit Cost Total Market Cost Price 59.94 41,961.50 60.00 28.25 36,724.00 35.37 17.44 34,871.00 17.12 20.50 14,350.00 22.50 40.33 20,163.33 55.25 73.60 73,600.00 65.00 33.85 13,540.91 40.75 1,295,349.30 Market Pct. Unit Annual Cur. Value Assets Income Income Yield 42,000.00 45,987.50 34,250.00 15,750.00 27,625.00 65,000.00 16,300.00 2.6 3.200 2.8 0.000 2.1 0.040 1.0 0.000 1.7 0.210 4.0 2.040 1.0 0.360 1,479,678.75 91.2 3.50 -2,803.30 2.50 -2,000.00 -0.1 -2 803 30 -2,000.00 -0.1 2,240.00 0.00 80.00 0.00 105.00 2,040.00 144.00 5.3 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.4 3.1 0.9 34,081.00 2.3 18.80 70,492.73 19.37 72,656.25 4.5 0.000 0.00 0.0 70,492.73 0.00 0.0 72,656.25 4.5 0.00 0.0 690.00 690.00 0.0 0.000 0.00 0.0 71,552.29 72,242.29 TOTAL PORTFOLIO 1,435,281.02 2 71,552.29 4.4 4.730 3,384.42 4.7 72,242.29 4.5 3,384.42 4.7 1,622,577.29 100.0 37,465.42 2.3 • Quantity Security CORPORATE BONDS 100,000 Philip Morris 9.250% Due 12-01-97 Accrued Interest GOVERNMENT BONDS 115,000 24,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 U. S. Treasury Note (912827C26) 6.375% Due 08-31-93 U. S. Treasury Note 7.125X Due 10-15-93 Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. 9.150% Due 08-08-00 U. S. Treasury Note 8.000% Due 05-15-01 U. S. Treasury Strips 0.000X Due 08-15-12 Accrued Interest CASH AND EQUIVALENTS Money Market Longer Investments, Incorporated PORTFOLIO APPRAISAL City of Fayetteville Police Pension Fund Bond Account April 15, 1992 Unit Cost Total Market Cost Price Market Pct. Unit Annual Cur. Value Assets Income Income Yield 100.54 100,543.50 108.06 108,065.00 18.0 9.250 9,250.00 8.6 3,443.06 0.6 100,543.50 111,508.06 18.6 9,250.00 8.6 99.89 114,869.45 102.31 117,659.37 19.6 6.375 7,331.25 6.2 99.80 23,952.16 103.44 24,825.00 4.1 7.125 1,710.00 6.9 100.00 100,000.00 107.03 107,031.25 17.9 9.150 9,150.00 8.5 99.00 99,000.00 104.25 104,250.00 17.4 8.000 8,000.00 7.7 18.73 18,732.00 19.37 19,375.00 3.2 0.000 CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT (MONTHLY PYMT.) 100,000 First USA Bank Wilmington, DE 8.3% 1-2-96 8.300% Due 01-02-96 TOTAL PORTFOLIO 5,952.66 1.0 356,553.61 379,093.28 63.3 0.00 0.0 26,191.25 7.0 4,239.61 4,239.61 0.7 4.730 200.53 4.7 4,239.61 4,239.61 0.7 200.53 4.7 100.00 100,000.00 104.47 104,471.00 17.4 8.300 8,300.00 7.9 100,000.00 104,471.00 17.4 561 336 72 8,300.00 7.9 599,311.95 100.0 43,941.78 7.4 • 0 N N C ✓ C .- 4.1 W O T 0 In 03 C - r O. 0 0 u 0. 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N c O YI o L L Y O ✓ 0 c C L J CO L S N L S O L C Y r L 0 CO CO CO 3 3 2 N Weighted Average 0 11 m o .O d O �O v� • r O N u • 0) + C CO d' Y N5 O L a En n c c C u .- 00 U c O OI . C C Y O m m K K co a a > w w m m W \ CO 6 N N 14 IX W O OC ILI x 0 SSG.93 3 3333 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 S p O O J .O 0 J O pNM ppI. S CO CO 0 A O O O O O S S S S 0 Mf S SS S 0 0 0 0 d I N • M P 0 0 N O S O S 0 0 0 0 P 0 N I- O N • d N P g O N M P pP Ol P P M N M N 0 • 0 in 00 A O O O 0 V Y M M M M M & CU ILI N M O 0 Date to Date N N I ▪ N 0 0 0 ▪ 0 15, 1992) +0.64% 4 • • • • • • • • • • O 03 ▪ cii CD • + �• i 4- 0 Ci Cr W LA C a tai 1 oM N0 1 • • 1 • • ` • . 1 • • • 0 0 T 0 v a LL. 0) C of a 0 O z U O a 0) co z U 0 a a) o T rn = N T O N • • • • • 0 at W O 8& O •O d A A % O t0 P r x. 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Lp N O Zinn in O P O CO P CO O.- N Pr CD P CO J CO P P v O In N In .t C) A M O 00 �000.r OM r •0 C) In M .t O •0 P N• P• M• O O •• O r .t A CO In � 0. O O O O O 0 0 in N 03 e N O .t A M Cl In N r In In r • 0 A O r N r in in CO A Na rer .t .t •O N In Ol 00 P In CO r o .t in N A P • •O 1n O M A N P in in N Cl N coP •- O r N M P N•• r M r IN o •00 P P COO IC C! N A In a In A r •0 A .t .t r OA N M N �} C) •O v M M P .t M CO .t O In N N P r O M CO O d 00 0 In V1 N 0. • d A M r .} A M • NI .t P M A V N N •0 f0 P d la O P r M N r In .t r P O PPPPP P P Or 0 O r M M M M M M M O e 0 0 0 4- O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O r P P P P P P P P • •O •O O r r O O r N N M M M M M M pis p!.. P N M •O P N 0 O 0 r 0 O O r Date to Date P • M • O 0 N 0 N P •O O N J • C C 0 • • • • Date Quantity Longer Investments, Incorporated REALIZED CAPITAL GAINS AND LOSSES City of Fayetteville Police Pension Fund Combined Account From 01-01-92 Through 04-15-92 Security Cost Basis Proceeds Gain Or Loss 01-08-92 01-14-92 01-20-92 01-29-92 01-29-92 02-07-92 02-12-92 02-24-92 02-25-92 02-25-92 03-03-92 03-05-92 03-05-92 03-05-92 03-11-92 03-11-92 03-30-92 04-01.92 04-01-92 04-01-92 04-01-92 04-01-92 04-01-92 04-01-92 04-02-92 04-02-92 04-02-92 04-07-92 04-07-92 04-07-92 04-07-92 04-07-92 04-08-92 04-09-92 TOTAL GAINS TOTAL LOSSES 100,000 800 500 500 800 1,000 10 1,700 1,000 U. S. Treasury Note 8.000% Due 05-15-01 Dreyer's Grand Ice Cream 20,700.00 Tyson Foods 8,717.75 Armstrong World Ind 16,062 50 35,361.32 11,085.00 8,373.11 20,819.00 11,955.00 98,265.63 107,875.00 Cintas TRC Cos OEX February 390 Puts Input/Output, Inc. Community Psychiatric Center 900 Dean Foods 1,000 Pacificorp 400 Briggs 8 Stratton 500 Crane Co. 500 Diebold, Inc. 500 Durr Fillauer 400 Kaydon, Corp. 450 Hershey Foods 500 Abbott Labs 1,000 America Service Group 400 Briggs 8 Stratton 500 Bob Evans Farms 750 Claire's Stores 600 Centex Telemanagement 600 Diebold Inc. 500 Bob Evans Farms 800 Centex Telemanagement 600 Compaq 1,500 Arbor Drug 500 Comptronix Corp. 1,000 Crane Co. 500 E.I. du Pont Nemours 8 Co. 1,100 Hasbro, Inc. 22,548.95 500 Walmart Stores 20,163.33 5 Schlumberger May 55 Puts 1,035.00 27,075.00 19,570.00 13,678.87 13,118.33 21,478.32 11,172.00 19,235.00 18,823.50 20,974.34 12,000.00 13,678.87 9,062 50 6,286.61 10,932.00 25,773.99 9,062.50 14,576.00 18,810.00 29,375.00 6,852.50 26,236.67 23,477.50 28,544.00 9,147.50 14,499.51 46,300.00 14,999.49 5,719.01 28,475.00 14,499.51 23,124.22 21,249.28 20,372.84 13,437.05 29,217.77 10,687 50 20,550.00 18,188.39 30,311.48 12,250.00 20,849.30 12,875.00 5,999.79 8,958.00 34,198.85 13,062.50 12,200.00 15,599.47 31,479.00 6,312.50 25,179.15 23,311.72 27,705.32 25,249.15 464.98 9,609.37 7,844.00 429.75 -1,562.99 10,938.68 3,914.49 -2,654.10 7,656.00 2,544.51 -3,950.78 1,679.28 6,693.96 318.72 7,739.45 -484.50 1,315.00 -635.11 9,337.14 250.00 7,170.42 3,812.50 -286.82 -1,974.00 8,424.86 4,000.00 -2,376.00 -3,210.53 2,104.00 -540.00 -1,057.52 -165.78 5,156.37 5,085.82 -570.02 106,024.32 -19,468.14 646,336.10 732,892.28 86,556.18 • • • Date Longer Investments, Incorporated INTEREST, DIVIDENDS, AND EXPENSES City of Fayetteville Police Pension Fund Combined Account From 01-01-92 Through 04-15-92 Security Amount COMMON STOCK 01-02-92 01-02-92 01-02-92 01-02-92 O 1-02-92 01-03-92 01-03-92 01-03-92 01-07-92 01-09-92 O 1-10-92 O 1-15-92 O 1-27-92 02-03-92 02-03-92 02-03-92 02-04-92 02-05-92 02-10-92 02-10-92 02-14-92 02-18-92 02-18-92 02-19-92 02-19-92 02-20-92 02-24-92 02-25-92 02-25-92 02-25-92 02-28-92 02-28-92 O 3-02-92 03-02-92 03-02-92 03-04-92 03-05-92 03-06-92 03-09-92 03-09-92 03-12-92 03-12-92 03-13-92 Arbor Drug Baxter Int'1. Briggs & Stratton Luby's Cafeterias Waste Management Dean Foods Mattel Inc. Walmart Stores Dreyer's Grand Ice Cream Harnischfeger Industries Philip Morris American Barrick Resources SafeCard Services Bristol Myers Squibb Reader's Digest Warner Lambert Mobil Corp. Amoco E.I. du Pont Nemours & Co. Eli Lilly & Co. Emerson Electric Abbott Labs Pacificorp Claire's Stores Hasbro, Inc. Hershey Foods Briggs & Stratton Durr Fillauer McDonald's Corp Schlumberger, LTD Crane Co. Perkin Elmer Corporation Archer Daniels Midland American Home Products Bob Evans Farms Diebold, Inc. Baxter Int'1. Philip Morris Luby's Cafeterias Mattel Inc. Arbor Drug Waste Management Dean Foods 1 52.50 185.00 640.00 125.00 44.00 126.00 31.25 21.25 40.00 100.00 630.00 25.95 150.00 552.00 100.00 510.00 800.00 275.00 210.00 275.00 621.00 250.00 375.00 43.75 84.00 110.25 640.00 70.00 92.50 150.00 281.25 136.00 15.75 260.00 70.00 462.00 279.50 630.00 250.00 31.25 52.50 44.00 126.00 • • • Date O 3-16-92 03-17-92 03-19-92 O 3-30-92 03-30-92 03-30-92 Longer Investments, Incorporated INTEREST, DIVIDENDS, AND EXPENSES City of Fayetteville Police Pension Fund Combined Account From 01-01-92 Through 04-15-92 Security Amount Tyson Foods Walmart Stores Harnischfeger Industries Bristol Myers Squibb Kaydon, Corp. Sensormatic Electric GOVERNMENT BONDS 01-08-92 02-08-92 02-28-92 04-15-92 U . S. Treasury Note 8.000% Due 05-15-01 Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. 9.150% Due 08-08-00 U . S. Treasury Note (912827C26) 6.375% Due 08-31-93 U . S. Treasury Note 7.125% Due 10-15-93 CASH AND EQUIVALENTS 02-03-92 02-03-92 03-02-92 O 3-02-92 04-01-92 04-01-92 Money Money Money Money Money Money Market Market Market Market Market Market CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT (MONTHLY PYMT.) 02-05-92 03-03-92 04-02-92 First USA Bank Wilmington, DE 8.3% 1-2-96 8.300% Due 01-02-96 First USA Bank Wilmington, DE 8.3% 1-2-96 8.300% Due 01-02-96 First USA Bank Wilmington, DE 8.3% 1-2-96 8.300% Due 01-02-96 2 20.00 52.50 100.00 690.00 60.00 60.00 10,950.20 1,230.77 4,575.00 3,605.20 855.00 10,265.97 241.32 167.69 110.17 24.18 128.38 12.70 684.44 714.72 668.61 714.72 2,098.05 ;'a • • • Date Longer Investments, Incorporated INTEREST, DIVIDENDS, AND EXPENSES City of Fayetteville Police Pension Fund Combined Account From 01-01-92 Through 04-15-92 Security Amount EXPENSE ACCOUNTS 01-15-92 02-03-92 02-03-92 03-02-92 03-02-92 04-01-92 04-01-92 Foreign Tax on Automated Cash Automated Cash Automated Cash Automated Cash Automated Cash Automated Cash Dividends Mgmt. Mgmt. Mgmt. Mgmt. Mgmt. Mgmt. AFTER FEE PERFORMANCE EXPENSE ACCOUNTS O 1-10-92 O 1-10-92 O 1-30-92 03-31-92 03-31-92 04-08-92 04-08-92 Management Fee Management Fee Northern Trust Northern Trust Northern Trust Management Fee Management Fee Fee Fee Fee 3.89 8.72 6.06 6.77 1.49 8.24 0.82 35.99 4,423.84 1,487.22 2,050.00 584.18 216.07 4,089.25 1,616.52 14,467.08 NET INCOME 9,495.59 3 • Date Quantity Longer Investments, Incorporated PURCHASE AND SALE REPORT City of Fayetteville Police Pension Fund Stock Account From 01-01-92 To 04-15-92 Security Unit Price Amount PURCHASES 02-19-92 04-13-92 01-13-92 01-17-92 02-03-92 03-02-92 03-05-92 02-04-92 02-12-92 O 1-02-92 01-09-92 O 1-08-92 O 1-14-92 04-06-92 04-10-92 04-10-92 04-09-92 04-09-92 O 8-92 O 2-92 O 24-92 04-10-92 O 3-06-92 02-05-92 01-09-92 01-08-92 03-04-92 03-24-92 04-08-92 04-08-92 02-10-92 04-01-92 03-04-92 03-12-92 • 1,000 America Service Group 500 Boeing Co. 200 Bristol Myers Squibb 1,000 Centex Telemanagement 400 Centex Telemanagement 600 Compaq 1,500 Comptronix Corp. 1,000 Computer Associates International 600 Computer Associates International 500 Diebold, Inc. 500 E.I. du Pont Nemours & Co. 500 Eli Lilly & Co. 300 Emerson Electric 800 Fluor Corp. 800 Food Lion Inc. B 500 Genuine Parts 500 Glaxo Holding 850 Grainger, W. W. 500 Ingersoll-Rand 700 Input/Output, Inc. 400 Kaydon, Corp. 500 Minnesota Mining & Mfg. 500 Pall Corp. 800 Perkin Elmer Corporation 1,000 SafeCard Services 500 Schlumberger, LTD 500 Sensormatic Electric 300 Sensormatic Electric 700 Texaco 700 VeriFone, Inc. 10 OEX February 390 Puts 5 Schlumberger May 55 Puts 275,000 U. S. Treasury Strips O .000% Due 08-15-12 100,000 U. S. Treasury Strips O .000% Due 08-15-12 1 12.00 45.57 85.55 19.08 16.07 31.35 13.70 14.97 15.62 47.35 46.95 86.22 53.99 38.87 20.69 45.96 27.32 56.01 56.32 11.07 48.09 88.44 27.00 32.10 11.37 57.94 26.62 29.17 59.94 20.50 8.37 2.07 18.84 18.69 12,000.00 22,785.00 17,111.00 19,080.00 6,428.00 18,810.00 20,557.50 14,975.00 9,375.00 23,675.00 23,477.50 43,112.50 16,197.50 31,100.00 16,556.00 22,980.00 13,660.00 47,606.38 28,160.00 7,749.00 19,235.00 44,222.50 13,500.00 25,680.00 11,375.00 28,972.50 13,312.50 8,750.00 41,961.50 14,350.00 8,373.11 1,035.00 51,798.73 18,694.00 716,655.22 Y r 1 • Date Quantity Longer Investments, Incorporated PURCHASE AND SALE REPORT City of Fayetteville Police Pension Fund Stock Account From 01-01-92 To 04-15-92 Security Unit Price Amount SALES 04-01-92 04-01-92 04-07-92 01-29-92 04-01-92 04-02-92 03-05-92 04-01-92 04-01-92 04-02-92 01-29-92 04-01-92 02-25-92 04-02-92 04-07-92 03-05-92 04-07-92 02-25-92 03-05-92 04-01-92 0 4-92 0 1-92 04-07-92 04-07-92 03-30-92 02-24-92 03-11-92 03-03-92 02-07-92 01-20-92 04-08-92 02-12-92 04-09-92 01-08-92 SHORT SALES 04-03-92 • 500 1,000 1,500 500 500 500 400 400 600 800 800 750 1,000 600 500 500 1,000 900 500 600 800 500 500 1,100 450 1,700 400 1,000 1,000 500 500 10 5 100,000 Abbott Labs America Service Group Arbor Drug Armstrong World Ind Bob Evans Farms Bob Evans Farms Briggs & Stratton Briggs & Stratton Centex Telemanagement Centex Telemanagement Cintas Claire's Stores Community Psychiatric Center Compaq Comptronix Corp. Crane Co. Crane Co. Dean Foods Diebold, Inc. Diebold, Inc. Dreyer's Grand Ice Cream Durr Fillauer E.I. du Pont Nemours & Co. Hasbro, Inc. Hershey Foods Input/Output, Inc. Kaydon, Corp. Pacificorp TRC Cos Tyson Foods Walmart Stores OEX February 390 Puts Schlumberger May 55 Puts U. S. Treasury Note 8.000% Due 05-15-01 8 Briggs & Stratton May 50 Calls 2 60.62 30,311.48 12.25 12,250.00 20.99 31,479.00 29.00 14,499.51 25.75 12,875.00 26.12 13,062.50 50.93 20,372.84 52.12 20,849.30 14.93 8,958.00 15.25 12,200.00 57.87 46,300.00 8.00 5,999.79 14.50 14,499.51 26.00 15,599.47 12.62 6,312.50 26.87 13,437.05 25.18 25,179.15 25.69 23,124.22 58.44 29,217.77 57.00 34,198.85 35.68 28,544.00 21.37 10,687.50 46.62 23,311.72 25.19 27,705.32 40.42 18,188.39 16.75 28,475.00 51.37 20,550.00 21.25 21,249.28 15.00 14,999.49 18.29 9,147.50 50.50 25,249.15 5.72 5,719.01 0.93 464.98 107.87 107,875.00 3.50 732,892.28 2,803.30 2,803.30 • Date Quantity Longer Investments, Incorporated PURCHASE AND SALE REPORT City of Fayetteville Police Pension Fund Bond Account From 01-01-92 To 04-15-92 Security Unit Price Amount PURCHASES 02-14-92 • • 100,000 U. S. Treasury Strips 0.000% Due 08-15-12 18.73 18,732.00 18,732.00 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • * m m +mi• ¢ v m 0 •1. is I- M: * w 29 ro Cc 41W Wal FY m 4• s m r N m 4▪ 4 .79 P •A W tT 91 Ye 0 44 41W A• + c Sr I. • CC. - ▪ J W C # 41 T a 4 In so w -P.. • I Q S atr 24▪ 4 91 s a'• Y W 1• iT m 0 ? 19 44 q• Mt 1-44.1 m At 44 441 41 AK S 41 m 2 ▪ V +Y .. c P 401 s44 O O C C) 0 0 0 O O 0 O O 0 O O O_ O O 0 0 J O 0 0^ O O O 0 0 0 0 0 O O O 0 0 O• t_ I 0 0 0 0 0 0 O .0 .0 0 0 0 0 0 J 0 0 0 0 O O O O 0 0 0 0 C 0 CJ O O 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 ,• M N O •t' O O 0 O.• o _p IO IV 0 6 0 0 in 46 0 0 0 441- 0 O N o -O 0 CO M1 O 0 CO N 16 N 0 0.100 0 .Q O N -O O W • +• N.- O -O A N r l'> N..... M n co 0 V -0 a -- CM In N •r. In 14, �-• •- .- M N W N N N W N N <R M - 4. N 16-r ±R N N 4A M M * 1 4 o 4 a r. -9 tic We 44 S J t 94 44C 0 a N • uma +- 6 .4- N mit 99 411 41 - 19 * C . 61.0 • 01 n '- 44 m ▪ m IS 'It -. •tel 4 k t n ▪ m G 6 0 'Y i 0 0 LC) 1 t[> O O ... ^J 0 0 N11 N 0 0 O 0 In 0-. -+ 0 0 0 -. = 0- 11 N a O R CA 0 V' V CO u') 0 6 M 0 N nl W O O N 6 ^r 0 CO W J11 a r N -- M ▪ Cr -01 co N Sr" be w w W W l.w M [r n V. p> M 11 y 44112 W N N SW I1I u ii II II 4D Ca^ 0 00 I-n� 0 O O 0 O G O O Y - UO -On -O.y- I•11I I N T Co 0 V 0 n-- .iIOaNIOOn .) c 0• .P9.4 PO 00 o G o c..01.14 V T CN b .0 Cr � NM NW M nuT N-. +Y N -p 1^N N M .N 01(44 0 0 TO iNf. Sr5O M- •-4: -4.9 Y+ M 11I Hb M i. N M In .4. n I1 0- W N 41011 .-• N unT 11 COP C 0OvH 0OO0. 0 NrU nOpG InnvCO n -O lT 6O n..O-- . 1111c ...-• 1ni -0 O 4▪ 111 14 OzO 0 r4-•▪ 03 0 -+r•-• Cr_ -O• M O 09 119 In W 0 N7NvNC.4 J- w-0-•. 11TO !1 • 4O RL+ u1I II .44 .0 11 11 trG Sr •Y <t M .- N • a .oN .I Ina o- -O n2•r 11 ▪ in fl1+ N +u N W . 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