HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-04-24 Minutes1 • MINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE POLICE PENSION BOARD A meeting of the Fayetteville Police Pension and Relief Fund Board of Trustees was held on Wednesday, April 24, 1991, at 2:30 p.m. in Room 326 of City Hall. PRESENT: Eldon Roberts, Jr., Jerry Friend, Retiree Hollis Spencer, City Manager Scott Linebaugh, Finance Director Ben Mayes, and City Clerk Sherry Thomas. ABSENT: Rick Hoyt and Dr. James Mashburn CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by City Manager Linebaugh. MINUTES Roberts, seconded from the previous OLD BUSINESS by Spencer, made a motion to approve the minutes meeting. The motion was approved unanimously. • Dean Witter -Mike Kirkland • INVESTMENTS Mike Kirkland addressed the Board stating that the ACORN account has earned 7.2% net in less than six months. Kirkland introduced John McClure from Madison Investment Advisors who serves as a fixed income manager. McClure reported that Madison Investment Advisors' style of management was low risk with a goal to perform as well as the bond market performs when times are good and to do much better than the bond market when it's not doing well. He further stated that Madison does not buy junk bonds or long term bonds. McClure discussed the report format which shows a total return for every quarter and compares to all other market indices such as Shearson Lehman which is the Dow Jones of bonds. The return for the first quarter of 1991 was 240 - slightly less than other market indices. McClure reported that 1990 was a good year for bonds with the year ending at 9.7 and the market at 8.3 - for an added value of 1.8% over 90 day bills and 1.4% over the index, including payment of commissions, but not Madison's fees. McClure reported the portfolio investment return at the end of March 1991 was $130,000. McClure explained that Madison Investment Advisors manage the portfolio by buying corporate bonds and with short maturities so they can sell bonds when they believe interest rates will rise in order to buy additional bonds when rates are higher. When reviewing average maturity on the quarterly reports, if it is April 24, 1991 high then they believe interest rates will be dropping and if it is low, they believe interest rates will be rising. McClure presented charts which demonstrated price movement and interest rates on a government bond - when interest rates increase, prices come down and when interest rates are coming down, prices go up. McClure reported Madison's feeling that the recession is still with us even with the rally in the bond market. As soon as they foresee strength in the economy and the banks start lending money again, there will be an opportunity for the interest rates on the bonds to go back into double digit levels. One alternative when this happens is for them to go into money market accounts. McClure reported that Madison works with eleven leading indicators on a fixed income, and that trend is as important as the actual level. McClure reported that Madison is generally pleased with the returns so far, as well as risks being very low on the account. Longer Investments Elaine Longer addressed the Board with regard to the stock portfolio. She stated that the market hit and closed above 3,000 last week. Longer reported that the City account reached 1.14 million since the last meeting and $100,000 of that was put into a two year treasury which shows up in the stock account but can be shifted to the bond account. The quarter end report for March 31st shows account position and 7 1/8 treasury purchased for $100,000. This made the yield on the common stock portfolio at 3.25% on book value. Longer reported no change in the bond account - $24,000 of two year treasury were purchased. She further reported a good yield on current income on the fixed income portfolio which is at 8.2% on market value and 8.45% on book value. The combined income (fixed income and equity portfolios) which is invested at 61% stocks and the market value at $1.66 million - up 10.7% on total account or annualized at 16% for 1991. Performance numbers showed equity on the portfolio up 12.2% - stock in the portfolio up 13.5%. The bond account is up 7.26% from July of '90 or annualized for 1991 at 10.86%. It was reported that in the first quarter gains of $54,000 have been realized. Year-to-date income accounting on common stocks and bonds, expense accounting, and purchase and sales reports were presented to the Board. Total profile showed a return on equity at 19.8%, the debt to total capital at 20.2%, internal growth rate of portfolio at 14.85% - reflecting a good portfolio of stocks. Price earnings multiple on total portfolio is 18.65%. Estimated income summary shows total income from stocks and bonds is at $75,000 a year. Year-to-date commissions are at $3,400 or annualized at less than .7% on the total account. Longer suggested continuing taking a portion of profits to buy treasury bonds. April 24, 1991 Police Pension Board Members Linebaugh reported that City Attorney Jerry Rose advised them that Kevin Crosson is officially on the Board as an authorized voting member. INVESTMENT POLICY Ben Mayes presented a summary report on the pension funds' investments. In addition, he presented an actuarial update. Total projected benefits at the end of 1990 were $6,424,513 - up $302,000 from 1989. Assets at the end of '89 were $4,008,000 and at the end of '90 were $4,540,000 - up $532,000. Asset growth exceeded benefit obligation growth by $232,000. Mayes reported on changes in the investment policy allowing the total stock portfolio to have a rating of not less than B+, and individual stock to be at B- which will allow for more flexibility. In addition, he reported that the wording relating to international security investments and investment objectives were altered as per the Board's request. Friend, seconded by Roberts, made a motion to approve the amendments, and the same passed unanimously. NEW BUSINESS Eldon Roberts reported that in May there would be elections for two positions on the Police Pension Fund. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 3:44 p.m. FAYETTEVI LLE TNF CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE. ARKANSAS • DEPARTMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE 4 Mfr./TH-1 Tr • • TO: Jerry E. Rose, City Attorney FROM: Sherry L. Thomas, City Clerk DATE: March 1, 1991 SUBJECT: Vacant Position on the Police Pension Board in the past, both the City Manager and the Assistant City Manager or Chief Financial Officer of the City has been on the Police Pension Board. Scott is on this Board. Ben Mays attends but is not an official voting member at this time. The Pension Board asked that you please check in to this situation. Apparently, Kevin Crosson's job description states he is the "Chief Financial Officer" of the City. However, Kevin never attends the meetings. Ben prepares all the financial information the Board requests, etc. The Board wants to know if possible and how to designate Ben as an official voting member of the Pension Board. Thanks for your help. ,qc4 a4c- Seos oeepret Om.* ,o - 3v-/./& 6d0.4 -dz 6 ) a t 741-c- 4 M.-.--' 't - a 41S kas 4 t ( K,vv;•%. ) L.o • Le2771,MzD P ' RO F CFUS in] flSSOCIflT4, OC. • • flCTUflRICS • COflSULTflfl1S • flflflLYSTS April 11, 1991 Mr. Ben R. Mayes Finance Director City of Fayetteville 113 West Mountain Fayetteville, AR 72701 RE: Fayetteville Police Pension Fund Dear Mr. Mayes: 1300 Tower Building 4th and Center Streets Little Rock. Ark. 72201 501/376-8043 This letter presents the results of our actuarial valuation of the liabilities of the Fayetteville Police Pension Fund as of December 31, 1990. The purpose of this letter is to present the information required by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board Statement Number 5. The member and financial information used in this letter was supplied by your office on the forms provided by the Arkansas Fire & Police Pension Review Board. The methods and assumptions used are the same as were used in preparing the Actuarial Valuation as of December 31, 1989. These methods are fully described in Exhib- its 7 and 8 of that report which was dated May 18, 1990. I certify that this letter has been prepared in accordance with generally accepted actuarial principles and practices. In my opin- ion, the actuarial methods used are appropriate and the actuarial assumptions are reasonable in the aggregate. If you have any questions or comments, please let me know. Sincerely, Steve Osborn, F.S.A., M.A.A.A. Actuary • • • • RICIIRRO E C[US [co CISSOCIfl1ES, IOC. flCiUflRICS • CflflSULiflflTS • flflflLVS1S FAYETTEVILLE POLICE PENSION FUND ACCOUNTING INFORMATION This page is included to provide the information required by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board Statement No. 5. The val- ues below are based on the assumptions contained in Exhibit 8. STATEMENT OF CREDITED PROJECTED BENEFITS December 31 1990 Actuarial present value of credited projected plan benefits Participants currently receiving benefits Terminated employees not yet receiving benefits Active employees Accumulated employee contributions Employer financed Vested Nonvested Total actuarial present value of credited proj- ected benefits $ 3,772,720 0 296,986 631,598 1,772,209 January 1 1991 $ 3,772,720 0 296,986 631,598 1,732,209 $ 6,424,513 $ 6,424,513 The actuarial present value of credited projected benefits is used in the financial statements of the plan and the Employer. These numbers are used for disclosure purposes only, and are not used in determining the actuarial contribution requirements. • • • • RIOIRRO C. CQOIUS [trio flSSOCIM€S, IOC. flCTURRICS • COOSUUflfl%S • 1111H1S 7AYETTEVILL4 po icg PENSION FUND ACCOUNTING INFORMATION This page is included to provide the information required by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board Statement No. 5. The val- ues below are based on the assumptions contained in Exhibit 8. STATEMENT OF CREDITED PROJECTED BENEFITS December 31 1990 Actuarial present value of credited projected plan benefits Participants currently receiving benefits Terminated employees not yet receiving benefits Active employees Accumulated employee contributions Employer financed Vested Nonvested Total actuarial present value of credited proj- ected benefits $ 3,772,720 0 296,986 631,598 1,723,209 January 1 1991 $ 3,772,720 0 296,986 631,598 1,723,209 $ 6,424,513 $ 6,424,513 The actuarial present value of credited projected benefits is used in the financial statements of the plan and the Employer. These numbers are used for disclosure purposes only, and are not used in determining the actuarial contribution requirements. Quantity COMMON STOCK Security 1,000 Abbott Labs 600 Archer Daniels Midland 1,100 Bristol Myers Squibb 600 Community Psychiatric Center 600 Dean Foods 1,500 Diebold, Inc. 1,200 Emerson Electric 700 Fluor Corp. 700 Glaxo Holding 800 Intl Business Machines 1,000 John H. Harland 1,500 Luby's Cafeterias 800 Mattel Inc. 400 Minnesota Mining 8 Mfg. 500 Mobil Corp. 700 Motorola, Inc. 1,500 Mylan Labs 1,000 National Service Industries 1,000 Pacificorp 1,200 Philip Morris 800 Reader's Digest 700 Schlumberger, LTD 1,200 Toys -R -Us 1,500 Tyson Foods 500 Walmart Stores 700 Waste Management GOVERNMENT BONDS 100,000 U. S. Treasury Note 7.125% Due 10-15-93 Accrued Interest Longer Investments, Incorporated PORTFOLIO APPRAISAL City of Fayetteville Police Pension Fund Stock Account March 31, 1991 Unit Total Cost Cost Market Market Price Value Pct. Assets Pfrvvira Unit Annual Cur. Income Income Yield 41.95 41,948.68 48.00 48,000.00 4.3 1.000 1,000.00 2.1 23.29 13,973.79 22.00 13,200.00 1.2 0.100 60.00 0.5 60.08 66,093.00 78.12 85,937.50 7.6 2.400 2,640.00 3.1 35.72 21,435.00 37.25 22,350.00 2.0 0.360 216.00 1.0 45.12 27,075.00 36.68 55,025.00 40.07 48,084.00 39.12 27,381.87 35.00 24,500.00 116.77 93,416.56 22.07 22,070.00 18.13 27,198.75 23.94 19,156.00 74.97 29,986.44 62.17 31,085.83 58.62 41,034.00 17.55 26,320.00 25.93 25,927.10 44.50 26,700.00 2.4 0.740 444.00 1.7 38.50 57,750.00 5.1 1.600 2,400.00 4.2 44.37 53,250.00 4.7 1.320 1,584.00 3.0 48.37 33,862.50 3.0 0.320 224.00 0.7 39.62 27,737.50 2.5 0.900 630.00 2.3 114.25 91,400.00 8.1 4.840 3,872.00 4.2 22.50 22,500.00 2.0 0.860 860.00 3.8 19.12 28,687.50 2.6 0.460 690.00 2.4 25.62 20,500.00 1.8 0.120 96.00 0.5 88.50 35,400.00 3.1 3.120 1,248.00 3.5 64.50 32,250.00 2.9 2.900 1,450.00 4.5 57.25 40,075.00 3.6 0.760 532.00 1.3 26.75 40,125.00 3.6 0.200 300.00 0.7 26.25 26,250.00 2.3 0.920 920.00 3.5 19.57 19,570.00 22.00 22,000.00 2.0 1.440 1,440.00 6.5 44.96 53,948.13 68.12 81,750.00 7.3 1.720 2,064.00 2.5 28.87 23,096.00 34.50 27,600.00 2.5 0.750 600.00 2.2 55.02 38,511.00 58.25 40,775.00 3.6 1.200 840.00 2.1 27.42 32,908.50 27.50 33,000.00 2.9 0.000 0.00 0.0 27.66 41,493.75 39.00 58,500.00 5.2 0.040 60.00 0.1 29.03 14,514.17 38.87 19,437.50 1.7 0.170 85.00 0.4 33.85 23,696.59 39.50 27,650.00 2.5 0.360 252.00 0.9 889,449.17 1,016,687.50 90.4 24,507.00 2.4 99.75 99,750.00 99.87 99,875.00 8.9 7.125 7,125.00 7.1 99,750.00 1 3,285.42 0.3 103,160.42 9.2 7,125.00 7.1 • • • • • Quantity Security CORPORATE BONDS 100,000 100,000 G. E. Capital Corp. 8.000% Due 12-01-92 Philip Morris 9.250% Due 12-01-97 Accrued Interest GOVERNMENT BONDS 24,000 100,000 U. S. Treasury Note 7.125% Due 10-15-93 Federal Hone Loan Mortgage Corp. 9.150% Due 08-08-00 Accrued Interest CASH AND EQUIVALENTS Money Market CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT 94,000 Mcllroy Bank & Trust (Matures 8-27-91) 7.805% Due 11-27-91 Accrued Interest Longer Investments, Incorporated PORTFOLIO APPRAISAL City of Fayetteville Police Pension Fund Bond Account March 31, 1991 Unit Cost Total Market Cost Price Market Pct. Unit Annual Cur. Value Assets Income Income Yield 99.86 99,860 00 100.59 100,592.00 18.8 8.000 8,000.00 8.0 100.54 100,543.50 101.95 101,950.00 19.0 9.250 9,250.00 9.1 5,750.00 1.1 200,403.50 208,292.00 38.9 17,250.00 8.5 99.91 23,977.50 99.87 23,970.00 4.5 7.125 1,710.00 7.1 100.00 100,000.00 101.62 101,625.00 19.0 9.150 9,150.00 9.0 2,135.58 0.4 123,977.50 127,730.58 23.9 10,860.00 8.6 536.82 536.82 0.1 7.200 38.65 7.2 536.82 536.82 0.1 38.65 7.2 100.00 94,000.00 100.00 94,000.00 17.6 7.805 7,336.70 7.8 CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT (MONTHLY PYMT.) 100,000 First USA Bank Wilmington, DE 8.3% 1-2-96 8.300% Due 01-02-96 2,527.09 0.5 94,000.00 96,527.09 18.0 7,336.70 7.8 100.00 100,000.00 102.25 102,250.00 19.1 8.300 8,300.00 8.1 100,000.00 1 102,250.00 19.1 8,300.00 8.1 • • • Quantity COMMON STOCK Security 1,000 Abbott Labs 600 Archer Daniels Midland 1,100 Bristol Myers Squibb 600 Community Psychiatric Center 600 Dean Foods 1,500 Diebold, Inc. 1,200 Emerson Electric 700 Fluor Corp. 700 Glaxo Holding 800 Intl Business Machines 1,000 John H. Harland 1,500 Luby's Cafeterias 800 Mattel Inc. 400 Minnesota Mining 8 Mfg. 500 Mobil Corp. 700 Motorola, Inc. 1,500 Mylan Labs 1,000 National Service Industries 1,000 Pacificorp 1,200 Philip Morris 800 Reader's Digest 700 Schlumberger, LTD 1,200 Toys -R -Us 1,500 Tyson Foods 500 Walmart Stores 700 Waste Management CORPORATE BONDS 100,000 100,000 G. E. Capital Corp. 8.000% Due 12-01-92 Philip Morris 9.250% Due 12-01-97 Accrued Interest Longer Investments, Incorporated PORTFOLIO APPRAISAL City of Fayetteville Police Pension Fund Combined Account March 31, 1991 Unit Cost Total Market Cost Price Market Pct. Unit Annual Cur. Value Assets Income Income Yield 41.95 41,948.68 48.00 48,000.00 2.9 1.000 1,000.00 2.1 23.29 13,973.79 22.00 13,200.00 0.8 0.100 60.00 0.5 60.08 66,093.00 35.72 21,435.00 45.12 27,075.00 36.68 55,025.00 40.07 48,084.00 39.12 27,381.87 35.00 24,500.00 116.77 93,416.56 22.07 22,070.00 18.13 27,198.75 23.94 19,156.00 74.97 29,986.44 62.17 31,085.83 58.62 41,034.00 17.55 26,320.00 25.93 25,927.10 19.57 44.96 28.87 55.02 27.42 27.66 29.03 33.85 19,570.00 53,948.13 23,096.00 38,511.00 32,908.50 41,493.75 14,514.17 23,696.59 889,449.17 78.12 85,937.50 5.2 2.400 2,640.00 3.1 37.25 22,350.00 1.3 0.360 216.00 1.0 44.50 26,700.00 38.50 57,750.00 44.37 53,250.00 48.37 33,862.50 39.62 27,737.50 114.25 91,400.00 22.50 22,500.00 19.12 28,687 50 25.62 20,500.00 88.50 35,400.00 64.50 32,250.00 57.25 40,075.00 26.75 40,125.00 26.25 26,250.00 22.00 68.12 34.50 58.25 27.50 39.00 38.87 39.50 22,000.00 81,750.00 27,600.00 40,775.00 33,000.00 58,500.00 19,437.50 27,650.00 1.6 0.740 444.00 1.7 3.5 1.600 2,400.00 4.2 3.2 1.320 1,584.00 3.0 2.0 0.320 224.00 0.7 1.7 0.900 630.00 2.3 5.5 4.840 3,872.00 4.2 1.4 0.860 860 00 3.8 1.7 0.460 690.00 2.4 1.2 0.120 96.00 0.5 2.1 3.120 1,248.00 3.5 1.9 2.900 1,450.00 4.5 2.4 0.760 532.00 1.3 2.4 0.200 300.00 0.7 1.6 0.920 920.00 3.5 1.3 1.440 1,440.00 6.5 4.9 1.720 2,064.00 2.5 1.7 0.750 600.00 2.2 2.5 1.200 840.00 2.1 2.0 0.000 0.00 0.0 3.5 0.040 60.00 0.1 1.2 0.170 85.00 0.4 1.7 0.360 252.00 0.9 1,016,687 50 61.3 24,507.00 2.4 99.86 99,860 00 100.59 100,592.00 6.1 8.000 8,000.00 8.0 100.54 100,543.50 200,403.50 1 101.95 101,950.00 6.1 9.250 9,250.00 9.1 5,750.00 0.3 208,292.00 12.5 17,250.00 8.5 • Quantity Security GOVERNMENT BONDS 124,000 100,000 U. S. Treasury Note 7.125% Due 10-15-93 Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. 9.150% Due 08-08-00 Accrued Interest CASH AND EQUIVALENTS Money Market CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT 94,000 • Mcllroy Bank 8 Trust (Matures 8-27-91) 7.805% Due 11-27-91 Accrued Interest Longer Investments, Incorporated PORTFOLIO APPRAISAL City of Fayetteville Police Pension Fund Combined Account March 31, 1991 Unit Cost Total Market Cost Price Market Pct. Unit Annual Cur. Value Assets Income Income Yield 99.78 123,727.50 99.87 123,845.00 7.5 7.125 8,835.00 7.1 100.00 100,000.00 101.62 101,625.00 6.1 9.150 9,150.00 9.0 5,421.00 0.3 223,727.50 230,891.00 13.9 17,985.00 8.0 5,235.61 5,235.61 0.3 7.200 376.96 7.2 5,235.61 5,235.61 0.3 376.96 7.2 100.00 94,000.00 100.00 94,000.00 5.7 7.805 7,336.70 7.8 CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT (MONTHLY PYMT.) 100,000 First USA Bank Wilmington, DE 8.3% 1-2-96 8.300% Due 01-02-96 TOTAL PORTFOLIO • 2,527.09 0.2 94,000.00 96,527.09 5.8 7,336.70 7.8 100.00 100,000.00 102.25 102,250.00 6.2 8.300 8,300.00 8.1 100,000.00 102,250.00 6.2 1,512,815.78 2 8,300.00 8.1 1,659,883 20 100.0 75,755.66 4.6 1 3 83 € O L C T Lu 0 6 C • O J CO • U n _ N W O. U 4-0 O. U a r y O O J • 304 M L U J V ea O .G' C 0 Y O. O L LI O L O. w O. O• C CE O w J L 0 M O m H 0 N OC 6 y. ad O C > V3 N v 5 Q C O O 0 O a O. O y• .. • td O C N — ... N 4.. Time Period 0 CO p� 0 0 d Lt P P P 0 ▪ o 00000000 O I- 0 0 Ipp!. 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Index • • • Date Quantity Longer Investments, Incorporated REALIZED CAPITAL GAINS AND LOSSES City of Fayetteville Police Pension Fund Combined Account From 01-01-91 Through 03-31-91 Security Cost Basis Proceeds Gain Or Loss 01-03-91 01-04-91 01-07-91 01-14-91 01-14-91 01-14-91 01-14.91 01-14-91 01-22-91 01-28-91 01-29-91 01-31-91 01-31-91 02-05-91 02-07-91 02-27-91 02-27-91 03-01-91 03-01-91 03-01-91 03-01-91 03-01-91 03-06-91 03-15-91 03-20-91 03-21-91 03-27-91 TOTAL GAINS TOTAL LOSSES 500 1,000 1,000 1,500 1,000 700 700 400 200 900 300 600 250 500 1,000 600 600 600 300 300 600 400 500 500 2,000 700 500 Laidlaw Inc. Class B Chemical Waste Management Eastman Kodak Claire's Stores Hershey Foods Ingersoll-Rand J.B. Hunt Minnesota Mining 8 Mfg. Jacobs Engineering Abbott Labs Ingersoll-Rand Pacificorp Warner Lambert Ingersoll-Rand Greiner Engineering Fluor Corp. Westinghouse Elec Community Psychiatric Center Crane Co. Fluor Corp. Jacobs Engineering Waste Management Mobil Corp. Warner Lambert Baroid Corp. Crane Co. Mobil Corp 11,222. 18,945. 42,865. 14,355. 35,570. 25,445. 10,587. 29,986. 4,120. 37,753. 10,980. 11,742. 16,033. 18,300. 13,070. 23,470. 17,967. 17,760. 6,774. 11,735. 12,360. 13,540. 31,085. 32,067 14,222. 15,806. 31,085. 50 8,999.69 00 21,304.28 00 00 00 00 50 44 00 82 00 00 75 00 00 18 00 00 00 09 00 91 83 50 18 00 83 40,023.66 14,332.01 35,998.79 25,199.15 11,987.50 32,098.92 5,094.82 39,711.17 12,824.57 12,524.58 17,499.41 21,699.27 14,249.52 31,513.94 16,457.45 21,089.29 7,312.25 15,899.46 23,324.22 16,849.43 31,811.43 38,213.72 15,859.46 18,668.37 32,276.42 -2,222.81 2,359.28 -2,841.34 -22.99 428.79 -245.85 1,400.00 2,112.48 974.82 1,957.35 1,844.57 782.58 1,465.66 3,399.27 1,179.52 8,043.76 -1,509.55 3,329.29 538.25 4,164.37 10,964.22 3,308.52 725.60 6,146.22 1,637.28 2,862.37 1,190.59 60,814.79 -6,842.54 528,850.53 582,822.78 53,972.25 • • Longer Investments, Incorporated INTEREST, DIVIDENDS, AND EXPENSES City of Fayetteville Police Pension Fund Combined Account From 01-01-91 Through 03-31-91 COMMON STOCK 01-02-91 01-03-91 01-03-91 01-03-91 01-10-91 01-11-91 01-15-91 01-16-91 02-01-91 02-15-91 02-15-91 02-25-91 03-01-91 03-04-91 03-08-91 03-11-91 03-11-91 03-11-91 03-12-91 03-14-91 03-15-91 03-28-91 Walmart Stores Chemical Waste Management Reebok Intl. Waste Management Philip Morris Schlumberger, LTD Mylan Labs Fluor Corp. Bristol Myers Squibb Abbott Labs Pacificorp Archer Daniels Midland Westinghouse Elec Diebold, Inc. Warner Lambert Emerson Electric Intl Business Machines Mobil Corp. Minnesota Mining & Mfg. Crane Co. Tyson Foods Baroid Corp. GOVERNMENT BONDS 02-08-91 03-01-91 03-10-91 Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. 9.150% Due 08-08-00 U. S. Treasury Note 7.125% Due 10-15-93 U. S. Treasury Note 7.125% Due 10-15-93 CASH AND EQUIVALENTS 02-01-91 Money Market 03-01-91 Money Market 1 17.50 40.00 75.00 72.00 344.00 150.00 75.00 80.00 360.00 399.00 576.00 15.00 210.00 400.00 220.00 396.00 726.00 1,087.50 312.00 131.25 15.00 100.00 5,801.25 4,575.00 -2,818.68 -695.27 1,061.05 773.32 215.56 988.88 • • • Longer Investments, Incorporated INTEREST, DIVIDENDS, AND EXPENSES City of Fayetteville Police Pension Fund Combined Account From 01-01-91 Through 03-31-91 CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT (MONTHLY PYMT.) 01-30-91 02-27-91 First USA Bank Wilmington, DE 8.3% 1-2-96 8.300% Due 01-02-96 First USA Bank Wilmington, DE 8.3% 1-2-96 8.300% Due 01-02-96 EXPENSE ACCOUNTS 02-01-91 Automated Cash Mgmt. 03-01-91 Automated Cash Mgmt. AFTER FEE PERFORMANCE EXPENSE ACCOUNTS 01-14-91 01-14-91 02-05-91 03-18-91 Management Fee Management Fee Northern Trust Fee Northern Trust Fee 714.72 645.56 1,360.28 26.63 8.19 34.82 2,739.39 1,296.18 400.00 601.72 5,037.29 NET INCOME 4,139.35 2 • • Date • • Quantity Longer Investments, Incorporated PURCHASE AND SALE REPORT City of Fayetteville Police Pension Fund Stock Account From 01-01-91 To 03-31-91 Security Unit Price Amount PURCHASES 01-07-91 01-04-91 01-04-91 01-29-91 03-22-91 01-30-91 03-25-91 01-22-91 01-31-91 02-07-91 01-18-91 O 1-22-91 O 1-30-91 O 1-17-91 O 1-23-91 02-07-91 01-07-91 03-06-91 03-06-91 03-27-91 041115-91 O 8-91 01-30-91 01-17-91 03-22-91 01-04-91 01-03-91 03-01-91 1,000 200 300 600 600 1,000 600 500 500 500 300 300 700 800 200 200 800 1,000 800 700 1,000 400 800 200 600 500 300 100,000 Abbott Labs Bristol Myers Squibb Bristol Myers Squibb Community Psychiatric Center Community Psychiatric Center Crane Co. Dean Foods Diebold, Inc. Diebold, Inc. Diebold, Inc. Fluor Corp. Fluor Corp. Glaxo Holding Ingersoll-Rand Int'1 Business Machines Int'l Business Machines Jacobs Engineering John H. Harland Mattel Inc. Motorola, Inc. National Service Industries Philip Morris Reader's Digest Schlumberger, LTD Toys -R -Us Tyson Foods Waste Management U. S. Treasury Note 7.125% Due 10-15-93 1 40.35 40,350.00 62.40 12,480.00 62.87 18,861.00 29.60 17,760.00 35.72 21,435.00 22.58 22,580.00 45.12 27,075.00 35.10 17,550.00 37.60 18,800.00 37.35 18,675.00 39.25 11,775.00 39.37 11,811.00 35.00 24,500.00 36.60 29,280.00 120.02 24,005.00 130.90 26,180.00 20.60 16,480.00 22.07 22,070.00 23.94 19,156.00 58.62 41,034.00 25.93 25,927.10 53.00 21,200.00 28.87 23,096.00 53.80 10,761.00 26.00 15,600.00 29.94 14,972.50 35.12 10,537.50 99.75 99,750.00 663,701.10 • • • Date • Quantity Longer Investments, Incorporated PURCHASE AND SALE REPORT City of Fayetteville Police Pension Fund Stock Account From 01-01-91 To 03-31-91 Security Unit Price Amount SALES 01-28-91 03-20-91 01-04-91 01-14-91 03-01-91 03-01-91 03-21-91 01-07-91 02-27-91 03-01-91 02-07-91 01-14-91 01-14-91 01-29-91 02-05-91 01-14-91 01-22-91 03-01-91 01-03-91 01-14-91 0/016-91 010E7-91 01-31-91 01-31-91 03-15-91 03-01-91 02-27-91 • 900 Abbott Labs 2,000 Baroid Corp. 1,000 Chemical Waste Management 1,500 Claire's Stores 600 Community Psychiatric 300 Crane Co. 700 Crane Co. 1,000 Eastman Kodak 600 Fluor Corp. 300 Fluor Corp. 1,000 Greiner Engineering 1,000 Hershey Foods 700 Ingersoll-Rand 300 Ingersoll-Rand 500 Ingersoll-Rand 700 J.B. Hunt 200 Jacobs Engineering 600 Jacobs Engineering 500 Laidlaw Inc. Class 400 Minnesota Mining & 500 Mobil Corp. 500 Mobil Corp. 600 Pacificorp 250 Warner Lambert 500 Warner Lambert 400 Waste Management 600 Westinghouse Elec 2 Center B Mfg. 44.12 39,711.17 7.93 15,859.46 21.30 21,304.28 9.55 14,332.01 35.15 21,089.29 24.37 7,312.25 26.67 18,668.37 40.02 40,023.66 52.52 31,513.94 53.00 15,899.46 14.25 14,249.52 36.00 35,998.79 36.00 25,199.15 42.75 12,824.57 43.40 21,699.27 17.12 11,987.50 25.47 5,094.82 38.87 23,324.22 18.00 8,999.69 80.25 32,098.92 63.62 31,811.43 64.55 32,276.42 20.87 12,524.58 70.00 17,499.41 76.43 38,213.72 42.12 16,849.43 27.43 16,457.45 582,822.78 • 0. W 0 0 0 CO CU K 9 a > 1 0 rag _ p. M d P 0 T2lr 0 13.0 r II. n 0 O 0 0 T.� 0 ~ L • O 0 1-10.0 • Nni n. A W O •O § m_ Y0If� M 0t 6] M W .4firi N�t} Ifs P A M M N .. N 0 M r V W O A V A o P M P W o P O terP P r M. .O (MO O O O O O N O o O O N O O m m r O O O O ' r O O O . • • • • • • 00000000000000000000000000 n M P A MM g A Ifs Ytr M W f� W P W IMn P Ian A v A W A O O 00000000000000000000000000 .......................... eornait N W f� f� N P a N A In e O .Mt p3p.. d' P M M. N -t N M O N W M v d I1nl� W r M P M O P A M M O W V1 N A P A M W M N d W N N d W M N N A V WMM • • ✓ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 r O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 r 0 0 0 0 0 0 X • X X X X 0 X n r pM. O O {OXO} W X 0 .O P 2 r P N ry nJ ( Ny M •O P. 1n Ic1nn M N P M M O O �WIn N r' in- W N' A A N N N CO O I. N O O M O 1n g W A O .� M O M M �t r O 0000 O 0000 1‘100000003-311001•111‘10 •- X X X X X X X X X 3 6' IM Rt 6 N O V O M P_ N- N P- •XO M r N W 0 r N M N IOWA• �W} W e In �W} pA. •O N N J N In OeNMe0Or In A 6 N N IWn A M 1Mn .O J N W A N •O l0 J V •••• • • r O N O O O r O 0 0 r O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 r 0 0 0 0 0 0 0eb 0. P •O A A O •O .t P .O O P P O M 2 O N O .O O N O O N A • M r W W W M r .t N W J V • • • • • • • r O r O O r O O 00.-000000 O O r O r O r O O reazxggxxgflx A N • V d O- .t O r d N M .T •O P P N O .O M d •O 6 r A N M W W M N N O M N M M 6 N N N W N 6 M 6 r N • ✓ N r N r a r W r r N N •O r 6 M 6 r M r N M b N r N O O O N O O N O N In O O N N O O O O O M O O O In 1n O O O P 6 P P P P N O W .t N O M M W IY r • • . . . . . . • ✓ r r r O O r r 0 0 0 0 r r 0e r r O r r r r O r r N MmNOMXdMJXOXMMXNxJNi4 O A O O O O cas Ne ecoe compeeeNe M X 4 .O W x I X n v N x N N M .O x v N P M P O r P J r N r N 01 — 01 M M P 6 N d X X X e ae X X XXX XXX X X XXX X X X X X X X O W O P N O N W O W O O O W O W M O W 1n In O M O M c M e e W N 4 N Q 4 e N N N r 4 M N e W W N W M M V1 A V1 W r M r W P N N O O r 6 O N A In M N 1n W M ✓ M M O P W W W N 6 O W N W V N P M N A N 6 A r M .O N r N N r r r N N N r r r N N r N M N Act .O II'- O O I On O . O W O O In A O .apt %‘• O O - W %J. O W N N r In J I- pM. 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III •Tl m g O r S 4- m 4• to = v -. 0 m^ 0 F S? -t t7 m=== 0 0 M. -7 C Cr m r- = 0 y :D to rJ T -1 r- c .0 Z (A u, r Sn Y 'D y r- u •-1 CO = S X = m (.'1 3• M m 0 T a= m CO -^ 0 C a O r- O r - a G 3• -' -C a O m At •i a CC S 0 T J r N 9 CY (1 m CO S = m -n r re m r m - 0 :O CO 0 C - -1 * r - ro-• G . = r v: ' m r o= 0 C T 0 CO 0 .- a •^K - m n Cto r r a x 0 r a m I fn1 .m m c m = Cr m v a z •- c+ r o -4 z u+ 44 C0 a b n a y o z Cr O 70 M1 s c4n _0 m c -e = JI .0 -J re. f[ - t -0 C" VCO r- co a. 4 P (17 .44 V m e 2�T= m 'p 41 n 0W4 o s t� 0 - ts = -e (.0 m _G6 N - m CJ = c 0 0 -C G a 0 a 0 0 0 0 C O 0 0 0 0 0 0 OH -a ® V W i.: 4 m r O� as. II II 11 M 0 M N II ^ II h M W 1 p '} P 04 1 11 WI•` b •O • 11 N II N1 J J I 11 --/ to . n v CO 1./ o o t o -J to a to 01 o o- v 1-4 u. P m- 0- c C 4 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O C 0 0 4 0- 0 0 0 0 C 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 4 0 Cr 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 c 0 0 0 M 44.4.1•444.14 M u .* N M 44 M M M M N M e/. ^ M M K M M 0 0 O 0 ^- 0 0 0 N W C 0 0 a C O- C 4 N O •- W .+ 0 kJ V 1 a .O N V -0 .-• - a CO CO 40 W (et P V tN • - P V a 0 01 N a N 0 P 0 N N P Cr- a 0 10 1J 0 a P 0 0 0 ***************** M T T 14 14 • C._ T C 4 M M M M M 14 44- M ^ CA N M co. N M 1.4- M aR b C 4T: 1J W V 10 N 0 114 4..a Mr -0 C T P O 4Jl a a V • - * - T 1•4 CO 0 0 0 0 ij 0 O O 4e aa G1 O 4 0 C 0 C 0 C C' CG * * T 1.14 14 44- II II 11 .G 1.-.. T h ' M -T 4T: * m m 11 C.1 R Ln _M.. 444M- o- V. .•M.-, 4* -c1 t' KK • 11 V •O 6P W Fa- •O T a 0 tJl - 0• 0• W 01 g. w r y +Pi 11 0 v 0 c O q 0 0 0 �C. MN 11 0 0 0 •M 11 1 T I/ 4° r 4 M 1 R 0 WJmO 11u I44 111 N -,m -b PWN t!CN1 N^J V -I _(W Oa- . .14 mr • PV II 0 (T 0O 0 0 OJQ- 06 10 CO4 O O 0 T •O Ci M 0.01.: •- S TT µ M. T T 0 * T I* T II a * 141 iµiM_ T CO II 4P44 11 (-PI ..44. TaT vli 0 II t1-4 ra 11 a MTb 44 MN :.M 4* eV y44 CO P .k J T - 3 a 4. Sa-4$ • • V •- P O N .ON ti1tJJ 10U 4 0 0c 0 0 00 4.100 0 0 *kT72.rT T Sins 0 0 n 0" 00 T T a II T T C/ 44 11 FFFFJJJJ N nPC C T T 2 ii_ * ale 71 NI- 0141 MW04 Mr -y Cr. a NM M S i 11171-14 (Th 0" * -0 ' 4: CO•10IO-J II 11111n v o O O4 OoO 0 at TMT ac Tla +R 4 44 -- 11 4F M M M Tad 1 N 1 __ r1�Ln-0.._J•. __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ -0Nm N M O 1a a Y C1MM4.4444 r c. 4. CM. 4-* uUtf 0-4M M01•- W N Pm W S - G -O 0 fie- " • I11 I i11N J II CO o0 04 O0 • 0..."17..... 0 f4J JI O 0 O> C •P * 1�4*•- m T 11 c 0 4 m•1-1 1 r T T II 144 44N 1 M- T W -KT -4mu 41 41 44 0 444 1.41 P1 rY^qN SM M 1<Cn 444 .. a rr -o T 11n -O OP a 0,V P .- •C Mr • • • 1n 11 0- V 10 0 0 4 0 O 0 6O ^ 0 .M a -9 • N 11 C^ VI 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 iC O T t_. 11 4. r 11 14. 1-..1 M a Ct a II 11 :f• M M T T m a -.I - * T -o ^ M .T M .y: rn 0 wK-oCC *44y (JI t. W Pz_II1 01V 1 44 WP Pm 6 P 14. 14.d.ill � 11 1 -O Or P44 V P .O G aro .-0 S T4*4 0 W O lC (.0 Ol W 11 ^ 4 0 O •^ 0 0 0 0 * T MW 11i 11 11 o oNM c c G c 0 aµm T WT4 o NewT -el c0V a 41 01 II 0- 9 C -O W Cr - 11 O JV C O 41 C PyN IO 0 r O 0 O MT :O TT0 1 -0 (...1 U 10 CO T r CO T 11P n 41 Mc 11 T nT T * • P 11 .VC. a41.4 '-^M M M TTTT a TTTT V+1 11 11 11 N+ a1.4. MP_p PP 10 10 •-M Y0, M M 44 110 01 17_N a Mrrt CO 11 -0 V 44 -0 4.4. 0 0'N CMn r8 rC1 T 0b• - 0O TT b 11 •- UI P 1-., O O O C 4. 41C O *r . 1• 0 O 0 aM 10 11 V 0 •J 01 Ln 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 O rt T 11 .4 11 T 1/ a T II 44 •1• 2 •F 11 II 11 Jot ro. P P cm u W44 r C- ^ N Tli' -O m •K 11 nb.. --o P 6 Cr- W LH 1 11 CO O O W 11C tJl O y r GCT 11 y 0-• L 0 • C O G O C T IT A .h 0 0 0 c _ 0 0 0 T 04 11 u T as 11 .M 4* i N 4. C/ 4: 11 -0 a N 11 M' - M M M M M . ._ n �• 11 ti~ -O N 0 CO 44 O- M r 44. -O W P Z. -O m 4: 10 -II — UI Op -0 W Cn 11 N 10 N 0 P 4 T O SC T 11 w0i v O O 0 0 • C0 C. O VI 0 C - A r O 0 0 4 0 II • • • • PO .M T MJon4T M M M M N 44 44 N 4* 44 M jM O m J] CO 'L - . a N .- Y•- {N 4.- A 1 •- .--.1 T -a M M M M M M. 4m m- L/ N 0 W _ N M M CO T 0 a -O W Ja N M Cr- CO m P N 01 a a N 0- a 0 4 W (21 O A 4 W 0 6 CO 4 a 0 P a N O W 0 a -O -0 P W i 0a P 0 -MI.-. (JI O 0 0 0 P V N 6 0 0 0 x 0 0 0 N 4 CO 0- 0 0 10 4WO a 0- 4 0 O r jV • 0 ^ 1 4 0 4 al 0 O 0 0 0 0- 0 4 0 G 4 0 0 0 0 4 C 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 T 10 0 O C 0 0 0 O O G 0 0 4 0 4 0 0 0 O 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 4 C 0 0 0 rt T T 1 • I I 1 • 1 • 1 • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • { • • • • • • • uantity COMMON STOCK Security 1,000 Abbott Labs 600 Archer Daniels Midland 1,100 Bristol Myers Squibb 600 Community Psychiatric Center 600 Dean Foods 1,500 Diebold, Inc. 1,200 Emerson Electric 700 Fluor Corp. 700 Glaxo Holding 800 Intl Business Machines 1,000 John H. Harland 1,500 Luby's Cafeterias 800 Mattel Inc. 400 Minnesota Mining 8 Mfg. 500 Mobil Corp. 700 Motorola, Inc. 1,500 Mylan Labs 1,000 National Service Industries 1,000 Pacificorp 1,200 Philip Morris 800 Reader's Digest 700 Schlumberger, LTD 1,200 Toys -R -Us 1,500 Tyson Foods 500 Walmart Stores 700 Waste Management GOVERNMENT BONDS 100,000 U. S. Treasury Note 7.125% Due 10-15-93 Accrued Interest Longer Investments, Incorporated PORTFOLIO APPRAISAL City of Fayetteville Police Pension Fund Stock Account March 31, 1991 Unit Cost Total Market Cost Price Market Pct. Unit Annual Cur. Value Assets Income Income Yield 41.95 41,948.68 48.00 48,000.00 4.3 1.000 1,000.00 2.1 23.29 13,973.79 22.00 13,200.00 1.2 0.100 60.00 0.5 60.08 66,093.00 35.72 21,435.00 45.12 27,075.00 36.68 55,025.00 40.07 48,084.00 39.12 27,381.87 35.00 24,500.00 116.77 93,416.56 22.07 22,070.00 18.13 27,198.75 23.94 19,156.00 74.97 29,986.44 62.17 31,085.83 58.62 41,034.00 17.55 26,320.00 25.93 25,927.10 19.57 44.96 28.87 55.02 27.42 27.66 29.03 33.85 19,570.00 53,948.13 23,096.00 38,511.00 32,908.50 41,493.75 14,514.17 23,696.59 889,449.17 78.12 85,937.50 7.6 2.400 2,640.00 3.1 37.25 22,350.00 2.0 0.360 216.00 1.0 44.50 26,700.00 38.50 57,750.00 44.37 53,250.00 48.37 33,862.50 39.62 27,737.50 114.25 91,400.00 22.50 22,500.00 19.12 28,687 50 25.62 20,500.00 88.50 35,400.00 64.50 32,250.00 57.25 40,075.00 26.75 40,125.00 26.25 26,250.00 22.00 68.12 34.50 58.25 27.50 39.00 38.87 39.50 22,000.00 81,750.00 27,600.00 40,775.00 33,000.00 58,500.00 19,437.50 27,650.00 2.4 0.740 444.00 1.7 5.1 1.600 2,400.00 4.2 4.7 1.320 1,584.00 3.0 3.0 0.320 224.00 0.7 2.5 0.900 630.00 2.3 8.1 4.840 3,872.00 4.2 2.0 0.860 860.00 3.8 2.6 0.460 690.00 2.4 1.8 0.120 96.00 0.5 3.1 3.120 1,248.00 3.5 2.9 2.900 1,450.00 4.5 3.6 0.760 532.00 1.3 3.6 0.200 300 00 0.7 2.3 0.920 920.00 3.5 2.0 1.440 1,440.00 6.5 7.3 1.720 2,064.00 2.5 2.5 0.750 600.00 2.2 3.6 1.200 840.00 2.1 2.9 0.000 0.00 0.0 5.2 0.040 60.00 0.1 1.7 0.170 85.00 0.4 2.5 0.360 252.00 0.9 1,016,687.50 90.4 24,507.00 2.4 99.75 99,750.00 99.87 99,875.00 8.9 7.125 7,125.00 7.1 99,750.00 1 3,285.42 0.3 103,160.42 9.2 7,125.00 7.1 • • • • • • Quantity Security CORPORATE BONDS 100,000 100,000 G. E. Capital Corp. 8.000% Due 12-01-92 Philip Morris 9.250X Due 12-01-97 Accrued Interest GOVERNMENT BONDS 24,000 100,000 U. S. Treasury Note 7.125% Due 10-15-93 Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. 9.150% Due 08-08-00 Accrued Interest CASH AND EQUIVALENTS Money Market CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT 94,000 MclLroy Bank & Trust (Matures 8-27-91) 7.805% Due 11-27-91 Accrued Interest Longer Investments, Incorporated PORTFOLIO APPRAISAL City of Fayetteville Police Pension Fund Bond Account March 31, 1991 Unit Cost Total Market Cost Price Market Pct. Unit Annual Cur. Value Assets Income Income Yield 99.86 99,860.00 100.59 100,592.00 18.8 8.000 8,000.00 8.0 100.54 100,543.50 101.95 101,950.00 19.0 9.250 9,250.00 9.1 5,750.00 1.1 200,403.50 208,292.00 38.9 17,250.00 8.5 99.91 23,977.50 99.87 23,970.00 4.5 7.125 1,710.00 7.1 100.00 100,000.00 101.62 101,625.00 19.0 9.150 9,150.00 9.0 2,135.58 0.4 123,977.50 127,730.58 23.9 10,860.00 8.6 536.82 536.82 0.1 7.200 38.65 7.2 536.82 536.82 0.1 38.65 7.2 100.00 94,000.00 100.00 94,000.00 17.6 7.805 7,336.70 7.8 CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT (MONTHLY PYMT.) 100,000 First USA Bank Wilmington, DE 8.3% 1-2-96 8.300% Due 01-02-96 2,527.09 0.5 94,000.00 96,527.09 18.0 7,336.70 7.8 100.00 100,000.00 102.25 102,250.00 19.1 8.300 8,300.00 8.1 100,000.00 1 102,250.00 19.1 8,300.00 8.1 • • • • • uantity COMMON STOCK Security 1,000 Abbott Labs 600 Archer Daniels Midland 1,100 Bristol Myers Squibb 600 Community Psychiatric Center 600 Dean Foods 1,500 Diebold, Inc. 1,200 Emerson Electric 700 Fluor Corp. 700 Glaxo Holding 800 Int'l Business Machines 1,000 John H. Harland 1,500 Luby's Cafeterias 800 Mattel Inc. 400 Minnesota Mining & Mfg. 500 Mobil Corp 700 Motorola, Inc. 1,500 Mylan Labs 1,000 National Service Industries 1,000 Pacificorp 1,200 Philip Morris 800 Reader's Digest 700 Schlumberger, LTD 1,200 Toys -R -Us 1,500 Tyson Foods 500 Walmart Stores 700 Waste Management CORPORATE BONDS 100,000 100,000 G. E. Capital Corp. 8.000% Due 12-01-92 Philip Morris 9.250% Due 12-01-97 Accrued Interest Longer Investments, Incorporated PORTFOLIO APPRAISAL City of Fayetteville Police Pension Fund Combined Account March 31, 1991 Unit Total Cost Cost 41.95 41,948.68 23.29 13,973.79 60.08 66,093.00 35.72 21,435.00 45.12 27,075.00 36.68 55,025.00 40.07 48,084.00 39.12 27,381.87 35.00 24,500.00 116.77 93,416.56 22.07 22,070.00 18.13 27,198.75 23.94 19,156.00 74.97 29,986.44 62.17 31,085.83 58.62 41,034.00 17.55 26,320.00 25.93 25,927.10 19.57 44.96 28.87 55.02 27.42 27.66 29.03 33.85 19,570.00 53,948.13 23,096.00 38,511.00 32,908.50 41,493.75 14,514.17 23,696.59 889,449.17 Market Market Pct. Unit Price Value Assets Income 48.00 48,000.00 2.9 1.000 22.00 13,200.00 0.8 0.100 78.12 85,937.50 5.2 2.400 37.25 22,350.00 1.3 0.360 44.50 26,700.00 38.50 57,750.00 44.37 53,250.00 48.37 33,862.50 39.62 27,737.50 114.25 91,400.00 22.50 22,500.00 19.12 28 687 50 25.62 20,500.00 88.50 35,400.00 64.50 32,250.00 57.25 40,075.00 26.75 40,125.00 26.25 26,250.00 22.00 68.12 34.50 58.25 27.50 39.00 38.87 39.50 22,000.00 81,750.00 27,600.00 40,775.00 33,000.00 58,500.00 19,437.50 27,650.00 1.6 0.740 3.5 1.600 3.2 1.320 2.0 0.320 1.7 0.900 5.5 4.840 1.4 0.860 1.7 0.460 1.2 0.120 2.1 3.120 1.9 2.900 2.4 0.760 2.4 0.200 1.6 0.920 1.3 1.440 4.9 1.720 1.7 0.750 2.5 1.200 2.0 0.000 3.5 0.040 1.2 0.170 1.7 0.360 1,016,687 50 61.3 Annual Cur. Income Yield 1,000.00 2.1 60.00 0.5 2,640.00 3.1 216.00 1.0 444.00 2,400.00 1,584.00 224.00 630.00 3,872.00 860.00 690.00 96.00 1,248.00 1,450.00 532.00 300.00 920.00 1,440.00 2,064.00 600.00 840.00 0.00 60.00 85.00 252.00 1.7 4.2 3.0 0.7 2.3 4.2 3.8 2.4 0.5 3.5 4.5 1.3 0.7 3.5 6.5 2.5 2.2 2.1 0.0 0.1 0.4 0.9 24,507.00 2.4 99.86 99,860.00 100.59 100,592.00 6.1 8.000 8,000.00 8.0 100.54 100,543.50 200,403.50 1 101.95 101,950.00 6.1 9.250 9,250.00 9.1 5,750.00 0.3 208,292.00 12.5 17,250.00 8.5 • • • • • • • • uantity Security GOVERNMENT BONDS 124,000 100,000 U. S. Treasury Note 7.125% Due 10-15-93 Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. 9.150% Due 08-08-00 Accrued Interest CASH AND EQUIVALENTS Money Market CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT 94,000 Mcllroy Bank & Trust (Matures 8-27-91) 7.805% Due 11-27-91 Accrued Interest Longer Investments, Incorporated PORTFOLIO APPRAISAL City of Fayetteville Police Pension Fund Combined Account March 31, 1991 Unit Total Cost Cost Market Market Pct. Unit Annual Cur. Price Value Assets Income Income Yield 99.78 123,727.50 99.87 123,845.00 7.5 7.125 8,835.00 7.1 100.00 100,000.00 101.62 101,625.00 6.1 9.150 9,150.00 9.0 5,421.00 0.3 223,727.50 230,891.00 13.9 17,985.00 8.0 5,235.61 5,235.61 0.3 7.200 376.96 7.2 5,235.61 5,235.61 0.3 376.96 7.2 100.00 94,000.00 100.00 94,000.00 5.7 7.805 7,336.70 7.8 CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT (MONTHLY PYMT.) 100,000 First USA Bank Wilmington, DE 8.3% 1-2-96 8.300% Due 01-02-96 TOTAL PORTFOLIO 2,527.09 0.2 94,000.00 96,527.09 5.8 7,336.70 7.8 100.00 100,000.00 102.25 102,250.00 6.2 8.300 8,300.00 8.1 100,000.00 102,250.00 6.2 1,512,815.78 2 8,300.00 8.1 1,659,883.20 100.0 75,755.66 4.6 • L 5 • M U • O. O b O C > N - -4- •-• 4- v Lc O O 4 L 0 ✓ d m r 0 N OC > •r 0 O O • v cc r 1- L C.0 O M Cil O •- N 3 Id O. y• ••+ 0 • 011 Cr C > N •• N N.4 CI CO rr CO o <1 .At P P CO O r P P Min NO A CO O O O• O. 0 0 0 0 0 0 O p N. W i . 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O 41 2` 51 2 � 2 CO O 0 N LI O. d yC 8 d ` E N J Y ✓ — — O 0 S > ✓ d d > W ✓ 00 C u ✓ — z d LL d • • • 0 O 00 W x O W H 3 W 0 f Ul x 8- 0 O WUl S - LL Z W 0 N- 0 r 0 0 0 0 ✓ pPppp szpp • . c M M • O O P P r r N 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 pt. • ipfl pOp.. pNp.. O . co 0 O. O O. O• O P P P 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0•O 00 0• 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O P Op M •NO t- N M • u 10/1 00SCO NM P CO P O• O ip- • O M In in •O 03 N. O • CO M O N M d 0• O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 • O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -t co P P A N N co 0 •O .t N1 O P CO -.t 0 ▪ 0 0 0 0 r M N r O N M 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 In %0 •MO P O ▪ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 P O• - in in N. ry O. tO d in .^t O 00 • V 0 N. en N O. O M O • . 1 r N P O O P O P P P M • M M M M M N M 0 CO O ^ M O O C O O O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ✓ O 0 000000' •0 •0 • r O r O .• r N N M M M M M M M N A A 0O 1 O• 0 r^ N 0 0 0 0 r 0 0 Date to Date • • • • • • 0 co E 0 a O 0 v a° • 0 r >1 71) Cr; a 1 P 2 O) 0 .c o o 0 °'off L aN US cp > c t a 0 T • • • 1 • t 1 , • • • • • \ • • t • • • • • • • • • • • • 0 In 0 T O T \/ •••••• March 1990 December 1990 October 1990 November 1990 0 c w 01.00 O2 O a V! CO Q a) T o O N -3 Police Pension Fund S & P 500 • 3 C M 0 0 L N 8 Y •L ix 0a O d f d O O M U U CC 2 0 < ES - My CO C IL u O. 0 L IDLL m O O J M • • as r o 0 > II 0 0 gU OD 8•r O ✓ r L 0 0 m r 0 Cn ae O H E L L O M O• N 3P 3 IL 6 •yy M O C > N r •� N v p u,d L r I 0 re re 0 CO f 0 N OC pa N 0 N L 0 0 L O Y 00•- •I1 3 W 1 O•• O O 0 > .•• O 0 0 d a Time Period o CO 00 CT c00 0 .Ao .At P P P OP P M N •O A t0 O O P O• 0 0 0 0 0 0 O pNp1, N NVN n •O • M o P cc0 2o a P P 0 0 OM 03 CT H en M O W PP N o0 mI) CO AA o o o 0 Ca O PJ AO AO I,C0 ON P0WWPO OP •O O r Q. P A N A• .t A r P• . N.pp . 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Index • • Date Quantity Longer Investments, Incorporated REALIZED CAPITAL GAINS AND LOSSES City of Fayetteville Police Pension Fund Combined Account From 01-01-91 Through 03-31-91 Security Cost Basis Proceeds Gain Or Loss 01-03-91 01-04-91 01-07-91 01-14-91 01-14-91 01-14-91 01-14-91 01-14-91 01-22-91 01-28-91 01-29-91 01-31-91 01-31-91 02-05-91 02-07-91 02-27-91 02-27-91 03-01-91 03-01-91 03-01-91 03-01-91 03.01-91 03-06-91 03-15-91 03-20-91 03-21-91 03-27-91 TOTAL GAINS TOTAL LOSSES 500 Laidlaw Inc. Class 8 1,000 Chemical Waste Management 1,000 Eastman Kodak 1,500 Claire's Stores 1,000 Hershey Foods 700 Ingersoll-Rand 700 J.B. Hunt 400 Minnesota Mining & Mfg. 200 Jacobs Engineering 900 Abbott Labs 300 Ingersoll-Rand 600 Pacificorp 250 Warner Lambert 500 Ingersoll-Rand 1,000 Greiner Engineering 600 Fluor Corp. 600 Westinghouse Elec 600 Community Psychiatric Center 300 Crane Co. 300 Fluor Corp. 600 Jacobs Engineering 400 Waste Management 500 Mobil Corp. 500 Warner Lambert 2,000 Baroid Corp. 700 Crane Co. 500 Mobil Corp. 11,222.50 8,999.69 18,945.00 21,304.28 42,865.00 14,355.00 35,570.00 25,445.00 10,587.50 29,986.44 4,120.00 37,753.82 10,980.00 11,742.00 16,033.75 18,300.00 13,070.00 23,470.18 17,967.00 17,760.00 6,774.00 11,735.09 12,360 00 13,540.91 31,085.83 32,067 50 14,222.18 15,806.00 31,085.83 40,023.66 14,332.01 35,998.79 25,199.15 11,987.50 32,098.92 5,094.82 39,711.17 12,824.57 12,524.58 17,499.41 21,699.27 14,249.52 31,513.94 16,457.45 21,089.29 7,312.25 15,899.46 23,324.22 16,849.43 31,811.43 38,213.72 15,859.46 18,668.37 32,276.42 -2,222.81 2,359.28 -2,841.34 -22.99 428.79 -245.85 1,400.00 2,112.48 974.82 1,957.35 1,844.57 782.58 1,465.66 3,399.27 1,179.52 8,043.76 -1,509.55 3,329.29 538.25 4,164.37 10,964.22 3,308.52 725.60 6,146.22 1,637.28 2,862.37 1,190.59 60,814.79 -6,842.54 528,850.53 582,822.78 53,972.25 • • • • • • Longer Investments, Incorporated INTEREST, DIVIDENDS, AND EXPENSES City of Fayetteville Police Pension Fund Combined Account From 01-01-91 Through 03-31-91 COMMON STOCK 01-02-91 01-03-91 01-03-91 01-03-91 01-10-91 01-11-91 01-15-91 01-16-91 02-01-91 02-15-91 02-15-91 02-25-91 03-01-91 03-04-91 03-08-91 03-11-91 O 3-11-91 O 3-11-91 O 3-12-91 03-14-91 03-15-91 03-28-91 Walmart Stores Chemical Waste Management Reebok Intl. Waste Management Philip Morris Schlumberger, LTD Mylan Labs Fluor Corp. Bristol Myers Squibb Abbott Labs Pacificorp Archer Daniels Midland Westinghouse Elec Diebold, Inc. Warner Lambert Emerson Electric Int']. Business Machines Mobil Corp. Minnesota Mining & Mfg. Crane Co. Tyson Foods Baroid Corp. GOVERNMENT BONDS 02-08-91 03-01-91 03-10-91 Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. 9.150% Due 08-08-00 U . S. Treasury Note 7.125% Due 10-15-93 U . S. Treasury Note 7.125% Due 10-15-93 CASH AND EQUIVALENTS 02-01-91 Money Market 03-01-91 Money Market 1 17.50 40.00 75.00 72.00 344.00 150.00 75.00 80.00 360.00 399.00 576.00 15.00 210.00 400.00 220.00 396.00 726.00 1,087.50 312.00 131.25 15.00 100.00 5,801.25 4,575.00 -2,818.68 -695.27 1,061.05 773.32 215.56 988.88 • • • • Longer Investments, Incorporated INTEREST, DIVIDENDS, AND EXPENSES City of Fayetteville Police Pension Fund Combined Account From 01-01-91 Through 03-31-91 CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT (MONTHLY PYMT.) O 1-30-91 02-27-91 First USA Bank Wilmington, DE 8.3% 1-2-96 8.300% Due 01-02-96 First USA Bank Wilmington, DE 8.3% 1-2-96 8.300% Due 01-02-96 EXPENSE ACCOUNTS 02-01-91 Automated Cash Mgmt. 03-01-91 Automated Cash Mgmt. AFTER FEE PERFORMANCE EXPENSE ACCOUNTS O 1-14-91 O 1-14-91 02-05-91 03-18-91 Management Fee Management Fee Northern Trust Fee Northern Trust Fee 714.72 645.56 1,360.28 26.63 8.19 34.82 2,739.39 1,296.18 400.00 601.72 5,037.29 NET INCOME 4,139.35 2 • Date Quantity Longer Investments, Incorporated PURCHASE AND SALE REPORT City of Fayetteville Police Pension Fund Stock Account From 01-01-91 To 03-31-91 Security Unit Price Amount PURCHASES 01-07-91 01-04-91 01-04-91 01-29-91 03-22-91 01-30-91 03-25-91 01-22-91 01-31-91 02-07-91 01-18-91 01-22-91 01-30-91 01-17-91 01-23-91 02-07-91 01-07-91 03-06-91 03-06-91 03-27-91 qmps-91 18-91 01-30-91 01-17-91 03-22-91 01-04-91 01-03-91 03-01-91 • 1,000 200 300 600 600 1,000 600 500 500 500 300 300 700 800 200 200 800 1,000 800 700 1,000 400 800 200 600 500 300 100,000 Abbott Labs Bristol Myers Squibb Bristol Myers Squibb Community Psychiatric Center Community Psychiatric Center Crane Co. Dean Foods Diebold, Inc. Diebold, Inc. Diebold, Inc. Fluor Corp. Fluor Corp. Glaxo Holding Ingersoll-Rand Int'1 Business Machines Int'l Business Machines Jacobs Engineering John H. Harland Mattel Inc. Motorola, Inc. National Service Industries Philip Morris Reader's Digest Schlumberger, LTD Toys -R -Us Tyson Foods Waste Management U. S. Treasury Note 7.125% Due 10-15-93 1 40.35 40,350.00 62.40 12,480.00 62.87 18,861.00 29.60 17,760.00 35.72 21,435.00 22.58 22,580.00 45.12 27,075.00 35.10 17,550.00 37.60 18,800.00 37.35 18,675.00 39.25 11,775.00 39.37 11,811.00 35.00 24,500.00 36.60 29,280.00 120.02 24,005.00 130.90 26,180.00 20.60 16,480.00 22.07 22,070.00 23.94 19,156.00 58.62 41,034.00 25.93 25,927.10 53.00 21,200.00 28.87 23,096.00 53.80 10,761.00 26.00 15,600.00 29.94 14,972.50 35.12 10,537.50 99.75 99,750.00 663,701.10 • • Date 00 Quantity Longer Investments, Incorporated PURCHASE AND SALE REPORT City of Fayetteville Police Pension Fund Stock Account From 01-01-91 To 03-31-91 Security Unit Price Amount SALES 01-28-91 03-20-91 01-04-91 01-14-91 03-01-91 03-01-91 03-21-91 01-07-91 02-27-91 03-01-91 02-07-91 01-14-91 01-14-91 01-29-91 02-05-91 01-14-91 01-22-91 03-01-91 01-03-91 01-14-91 qmp6-91 7-91 01-31-91 01-31-91 03-15-91 03-01-91 02-27-91 • 900 Abbott Labs 2,000 Baroid Corp. 1,000 Chemical Waste Management 1,500 Claire's Stores 600 Community Psychiatric Center 300 Crane Co. 700 Crane Co. 1,000 Eastman Kodak 600 Fluor Corp. 300 Fluor Corp. 1,000 Greiner Engineering 1,000 Hershey Foods 700 Ingersoll-Rand 300 Ingersoll-Rand 500 Ingersoll-Rand 700 J.B. Hunt 200 Jacobs Engineering 600 Jacobs Engineering 500 Laidlaw Inc. Class B 400 Minnesota Mining & Mfg. 500 Mobil Corp. 500 Mobil Corp. 600 Pacificorp 250 Warner Lambert 500 Warner Lambert 400 Waste Management 600 Westinghouse Elec 2 44.12 39,711.17 7.93 15,859.46 21.30 21,304.28 9.55 14,332.01 35.15 21,089.29 24.37 7,312.25 26.67 18,668.37 40.02 40,023.66 52.52 31,513.94 53.00 15,899.46 14.25 14,249.52 36.00 35,998.79 36.00 25,199.15 42.75 12,824.57 43.40 21,699.27 17.12 11,987.50 25.47 5,094.82 38.87 23,324.22 18.00 8,999.69 80.25 32,098.92 63.62 31,811.43 64.55 32,276.42 20.87 12,524.58 70.00 17,499.41 76.43 38,213.72 42.12 16,849.43 27.43 16,457.45 582,822.78 • • Y 0.1 0 W 0T M U • 1 L CO O 90 L 0 1. U O 0 0 3 Ot O. O 0.0 La CO N OC 0 CO .0 t.t. O Y • OC M c \ r .0 40 Y•_ 4.0 Cs 0.0 t1 0 OC UJ 6 Total Cost 1 U • N r A 0 O •O O r 1n M J C! r M W N N P A M M N J N CO M .O N O 0. J N •O J N^ N P O 0 J O N M P O r CO .t M .} J J O A A 0 O N A Oa OD .1 M0 Oa ••Opp 0 P CO M •MO M O O O O O N O n fO` O N O r O M 0 0 0 0 r r O O O 0 ▪ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 • 0 P A M M J A N .O 0 • 0p I1 N N P O. 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O F a a. n m S 9 r a 0 0 3 F- c m r a m o y .T a to w - r= m - a CO J r r S F .. r +b `m r 3 'a O m m is a n m c = 2 RI LA n tJ 3 O O r_ - - = O- .a.• - -K 2 O ."O m 2 'S' y S O • - n -•i N I> G cJ v-.1 T. 99 1' = r •.1 r 2: r m • o 9 CO O C -• 4 O CO ". C- O B -n m 9 0 0) r 0 .3-. r F r 04 01- 3 0 .a.. O T. T. .k 1 N1 CO 1 r CO O O m a O :T F F .2 -- 9 r O -i a VJ • • m Ma S+ -0 70 . S 0 9 3 Sr CO 9 CO 0 21 r 3m O< a * V N - O CI a .t. 't. C 0 n F CID r CO -K - 41 I CD P n - m m w 9 Z • m '[ m * •a C - -~- s m- n c CD CO C c • W N -O U"CO m n h 0 . • = 4 W N O O 0 O • 0 0 a r u r u u- ••••r ..+ a O O O 0 O 0 V JI U 4.4 C S 0 C CJ V U a CO CM 0 CO 4.1 V N CA P 0- - P O 4 O C O O O O 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 O 0 0 O 0 O O 0 G 0 0 C 0 0 0 O O 0 a. O 0 0 0 O 0 0 O 0 0 O O 0 0 O 0 C O 0 0 O 0 0 O C O O O O 0 0 .F ••w ...... K N N K K N K N K N K N N K Sr N * V •O CO -O CO V O 0 O- O- - O O 0 N W 0 0 0 a C O -- 0 Cr N O` . •* W N O m � • U O U O - S ._ n -e a C N v 4.4 a .0 N -1 -O a A m CO •O W W O^ V W a- C P V A 0 U N A N O O• 0 N N Cr- P a 0 N 4> 0 a 0- 0 0 0 • -1. * 4 4 WC n. D • N N a w N N N 11. - 2.' T P 0- Sr N Is N N N N - N - N M. -Q C 4 ✓ P I - ..• CA _ ▪ a U 141 r a *-0 r 4 -O 0 P O 'JI U -.4 Cl- 4- T - M -C • 04 V N O O O 0 0 0 Cn 0 C 0 .1. • ✓ V: U 0 O O O 0 0 O O O O is 4 4▪ 4 allt 41 Nr • • '^ a m .4w 14▪ 1 D• U K W ."▪ • P • N N • -O .'i1 al: • O P U O. W P- U * -O C* GM m 0 W 0 9 C!.14 1-4 n. 1-4 a 4 C C' O O O 0 0 0 * K n. 0 V O C O 0 O 0 0 4 .1. 4 4 44 4 rt N • * N .4. 2 ne 4/1 OD Q m w N G - .KO w 0 4 -O 3 .4i. -0 .O CO S - P N 0-.1. •D 0 4-0 n -0 9 01. N m Cr- Cr 144 - S iry C1.1 v C 0 Cn 0 U 0 O O 441. C C 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 •w 4 * 4 *MI ala 4 • m 4▪ . t9'i67$--ff'601'0 t['t09`Ztt-0'1693- M• • 4 1. 4 # N r Art 4 • F w N_ w N N N N ▪ - 7 - a P P N '✓1 N N N N r N - N 4 -OS 4 •O • P N • C5.5 -1 N Ln U - CII 4-- 4 0 P O U U v• . a 4 r 41 • • • 4 U CD- N 0 0 O^ O C U C O •O M• DR - O CA CI. 0 0 0 O O 0 O C C O 41 4 4 • • 4 N it ple •1 N 1* N or N N 4• - 2 rt P U (.: 0- • N N w .G F .w .a o- in w u- •- 0 4 -< w CO O C W O CA O 4- '# CA 4 3 c c c 0 c o owe ,1 0 o 0 0 o O o - ONTM • N NM t an N N * a a N . YY .. N N N N N N • ON O 0 CO N b 4 -- C T4 • -a J O CO P 44 mvo -0' W o- r N m 1 w - U▪ I NPPV - P i 4 IS o. o o V o • • • TPY YR ooNPo--OcnVNCIPCO CcN NVI oN OOGt.11ON NU0OWPNO N 44 ▪ W L▪ OCINO 0N• -•WW v1 0 o 0NN• OOA nowYC9• OO oc4.N U P U O C 0 0 G, o- N U • C ONP N NN Sr + -0-O- C�-C ▪ 4rt4rt41. 4. -G44 oet 41 ale 41 111 w* .K J) 4T• •O 44 • 0 P• • C CO • 0 O IO4144 4 • N v N N N N N U O 0 t44 --o -Kc V o 0 G 0 0 41 s -0 m -OP 44UNP N=VL .OPm CA -41 Oa - ON O 4-0 01 4 ro▪ e •4 O a Mw ✓ m w N W .k *4Q) w. 4 P G 6 O GT. O U C▪ r Cr O 4 3.` n4 ✓ O C Cr Cr Cr G 0 0 0 4 4 4 • v M 411 N = 4 ▪ • C rt 44 41 P P !i DJU• . M - O CO • rt t131 111-4. ✓ -0 44 Pa ` 0 - 9*T N • VW 61 4. N cO m+1 Ua • oO cO o 0 0 ▪ Lelo.U U LA G I.... U • •+ a c • O o -O m3 4 S 0* m H 441 «• 4 P w_U w C▪ WO-N 0 O P 40 Q U4* O•4444IL; n CC ▪ - 4G24 • • ON Cr- C O • 0 0 0 0 O W ,0 4M NJ V o C 0 GO 0 0 4 m * 4 4 N N w 4* 4 Is 1. P• P NO N 0 is UC P • O O m.O 0-- 4).1 U- (N WN N PJm Pr 44 .- m42n 4C M4 .▪ 4 b A A N 4 W 0- P 0 CO N N w ONier N ✓ V 0 0 CC OO 0O 0 0 Uo OO O O 441 4 S rt ▪ __ __ L▪ n O M w CO• -O N N N Jm .O CO Na M N N a V W -O NOM NN -M •44•.Y4 -i 4144• .4 lV Wm rU W N 0 W UO ▪ NNNMGa OW(41aNNP m m O. N U a. N ON N 0 U m ON 0 P N C W U a .4 -0 P V W N m 0 A U• 0N M. • N N N • •w N • N N w w • •44 0 4 1 ST 141 Ln O O O 0 W` V N NG O O a O O O N 0 CO ON 0 0 N 0 A A O a ON 0 0 0 4 r rtI- N O G CO O V O 0 0 C 0 G 0 0 0 0 0 O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 O 0 C 4 P O C O O O O C L^ O O O O O C O O G O O O O C O O O C 0 0 0 0 0 O w4. rt• 080J N01033 3:J110d 311163.1.13AVJ J0 A113 - ANWINS 3310301 • • • • • • • • • • • • • •S• • • • • • • • • • 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .• 1 C. r CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE POLICEMEN'S PENSION & RELIEF FUND PERFORMANCE: Quarter Ended March 31, 1991 YOUR TOTAL Indices: RETURN Shearson Lehman Govt/Corp Bonds Shearson L/H Intermediate G/C Index Shearson L/H Long Term G/C Index Shearson Lehman L.T. Treasuries 90 -Day Treasury Bills Lipper Bond Funds 3/31/91 Quarter 2.41% 2.69% 2.52% 3.10% 2.03% 1.42% 2.00% Calendar Year 2.41% 2.69% 2.52% 3.10% 2.03% 1.42% 2.00% HISTORICAL PERFORMANCE Calendar Years Your % Return S/L/H Govt/Corp 90 -Day T Bills Growth of $10,000 Asset Growth Starting Date: 1988 1989 „1990 3/31/91 11/27/89 0.6% 9.78.. 2.4% O .2% 8.3% 2.7% 0.6% 7.9% 1.4% Managed for 1.33 Years Calendar Years 1988 1989 1990 3/31/91 % Gain O .6% 9.7% 2.4% Investment Increase 5,343 97,233 26,585 129,161 $10,000 $10,000 $10,057 $11,032 $11,298 Additions/ Withdrawals Initial Value: 0 -1,022 -7,247 - 1,372 - 9,641 $1,003,443 $0 $1,007,764 ,$1,097,750 $1,122,963 Assets $1,003,443 $0 $1,007,764 $1,097,750 $1,122,963 1991 SUMMARY Market Value Total Portfolio Value: Investment Total Return: Net Additions/Withdrawals: 12/31/90 1,097,750 26,585 - 1,372 Total Portfolio Value: 3/31/91 1,122,963 Average Annual Increase: N/A 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 t 1 CITY OF FAYETTEVIT.T.F POLICEMEN'S PENSION & RELIEF FOND Quarterly Statistics Quarter Ended Dec 89 Mar 90 Jun 90 Sep 90 Dec 90 Mar 91 Total: Your % Return S/L/H 90 -Day Govt/Corp T Bills 0.6% 0.0% 3.0% 1.4% 5.1% 2.4% 13.0% 0.2% 2.7% 11.5% 0.6% 1.8% 2.0% 2.0% 1.8% 1.4% Average Maturity % Cash or < 90 Days 0.5 6.0 5.6 7.1 6.4 5.4 10.0% 5.8 90.0% 14.7% 27.6% 9.2% 15.4% 26.1% 34.3% 1� 4. 1 Quantit IRPORATE MADISON INVESTMENT ADVISORS, INC. PORTFOLIO APPRAISAL CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE POLICEMEN'S PENSION & RELIEF FUND FIXED INCOME PORTFOLIO March 31, 1991 Unit Total Market Pct. Security Cost Cost Price Value Assets Yield BONDS 1 '1 1 1 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 EASTMAN KODAK (CALL 99.50 49,750 100.81 50,406 4.5 9.0 3-1-95) 9.125% Due 03-01-98 TORONTO -DOMINION 99.70 49,848 102.25 51,125 4.6 9.5 (CALL '94) 9.900% Due 02-01-99 XEROX CREDIT CORP 101.75 50,875 102.72 51,359 4.6 9.6 (CALL '96) 101125% Due 04-15-99 DAYTON HUDSON 102.50 51,252 100.72 50,359 4.5 9.3 9.400% Due 02-15-01 Accrued Interest 4,140 0.4 VERNMENT BONDS' 201,725 207,390 18.5 9.3 , 325000 FED NATL MTG ASSN 98.81 321,141 100.50 326,625 29.1 8.1 08.200%.Due 12-23-96 _. 175,000 FED FARM CREDIT 98.66 172,648 101.72 178,008 15.9 8.4 I 8.650% Due 10-01-99 100,000 U.S. TREASURY NOTES 98.94 98,937 102.41 102,406 9.1 8.1 8.500% Due 02-15-00 Accrued Interest 15,910 1.4 :1 ISH AND 1 QUIVALENTS CASH EQUIVALENT FUND MONEY MARKET 1 TOTAL PORTFOLIO 1 .1 t 1 592,727 622,949 55.5 8.2 292,624 292,624 26.1 7.7 292,624 292,624 26.1 7.7 1,087,076 1,122,963 100.0 8.3 1 SLEM:MeSi=32 SIMS 1 1 1 1 1 1 J PRICE CHART for T 8 78 02/16/99 TO 4/12/91 PERIOD (D -W -M -Q -Y) 12/29/89 26JAN9 1 RANGE 1 1 1 1 1 1 • 107 00 106-00 105-00 04-00 103-00 102-00 101-00 100-00 99-00 /... 11 1 illi 1l. 1 111 it 1l 111 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i11 1 1 1 1i 111 1 l 11l 1 1 9800 23FE8 23MAR 20APR 18MAY 15JUN 13JUL IOAUG 7SEP 50CT 2N0U 30 28DEC 25JAN91 22FEB 22MAR J YIELD CHART for T 8 78 02/16/99 TO 4/12/91 PERIOD a (D -W -M -Q -Y) 12/29/89 1 • • BGN/NY/CLOSE/BID LAST 7.985 HIGH 9. 12 AVE 8 452 LON 7.772 ON 04/12/91 ON 04/27/90 ON 02/08/91 .. 1 111 1 1l 1 1111 1 11. lll 411111111111111111 I i 11111 1 llllllllllll1 26JAN90 23FEB 23MAR 20APR I8MAY 15JUH 13JUL IOAUG 7SEP 50CT 2N0U 30 28DEC 25JAN91 22FEB 22MAR 9.20 9.00 8.80 8.60 8.40 8.20 8.00 7.80 7.60 BGN/NY/CLOSE/BID LAST 105-03 ON 04/12/91 HIGH 106-15+ ON 02/08/91 AUE 102.501 LOW 98-18 ON 04/27/90 26JAN9 1 RANGE 1 1 1 1 1 1 • 107 00 106-00 105-00 04-00 103-00 102-00 101-00 100-00 99-00 /... 11 1 illi 1l. 1 111 it 1l 111 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i11 1 1 1 1i 111 1 l 11l 1 1 9800 23FE8 23MAR 20APR 18MAY 15JUN 13JUL IOAUG 7SEP 50CT 2N0U 30 28DEC 25JAN91 22FEB 22MAR J YIELD CHART for T 8 78 02/16/99 TO 4/12/91 PERIOD a (D -W -M -Q -Y) 12/29/89 1 • • BGN/NY/CLOSE/BID LAST 7.985 HIGH 9. 12 AVE 8 452 LON 7.772 ON 04/12/91 ON 04/27/90 ON 02/08/91 .. 1 111 1 1l 1 1111 1 11. lll 411111111111111111 I i 11111 1 llllllllllll1 26JAN90 23FEB 23MAR 20APR I8MAY 15JUH 13JUL IOAUG 7SEP 50CT 2N0U 30 28DEC 25JAN91 22FEB 22MAR 9.20 9.00 8.80 8.60 8.40 8.20 8.00 7.80 7.60 1 1 1 1 • 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 • SPREAD TO TREASURIES (BPS) SPREAD TO TREASURIES (BPS) INTERMEDIATE INDUSTRIAL YIELD SPREADS 220 200 • 180 160 -, 140 120 100 80 60 40 AAA A AA 586 ............>,,/,. JFMAMJ• • • J ASONDJFM 90 91 190 180 - 170 - 160 - 150 - 140 - 150 120 - 110 100 90 80 INTERMEDIATE FINANCE YIELD SPREADS A FINANCE A AUTO FINANCE • • • • • • • • • • JFMA M J J A SO ND J F M 90 91 • j 1 1 1 1 1 • 1 RANGE PRICE 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 FEDERAL FUNDS AND THE DISCOUNT RATE % 10 FEDERAL FUNDS RATE 9 1986 MOVING TO M (M=YIELD TO X8/31/90 TYPE DISCOUNT RATE i 1 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 A V E 4/ 9/91 MTY) -10 9 8 7 16 for GENERIC GMO BILL PERIOD 0 (D -U -M -Q -Y) # PERIODS BGN'NY'CLOSE'BID 1 DAY AVE -- -- 15 DAY AVE 1 1 • • • 14SEP90 28 120CT 26 9NOV 23 7DEC 21 4JAH91 18 'FEB 15 IMAR 15 29 8.00 7.50 7.00 6.50 6.00 5.50 '1 1 1 1 1 1 • 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 20 15 10 -10 -15 20 6 4 0 10 Med Income Forecaslinij gode/ 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 /ode%- Recent experience . . 89 90 Sept 88 Nov 88 Ap -May 89 Feb 90 Turning Positive . Sept 90 Summary of 11 Primary Forecasting Indicators 1988 1989 1990 Turning Positive Sept 90 June 84 \ A � May 83 Jan 87 Summary of 11 Primary Forecasting Indicators 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 /ode%- Recent experience . . 89 90 Sept 88 Nov 88 Ap -May 89 Feb 90 Turning Positive . Sept 90 Summary of 11 Primary Forecasting Indicators 1988 1989 1990 1 1 1 1 1 • 1 1 1 1 1 1 } 1 Ann% Chg ECONOMIC GROWTH, INFLATION AND BOND YIELDS Ann% _ Chg - 8 _ 4 Ann% Chg 14 12 10 8 4 2 13 11 9 7 ECONOMIC'GROWTH INFLATION 30 -YR. BOND YIELDS JOINIE 0 Ann% Chg 14 12 10 6 4 2 13 11 BCA INTEREST RATE FORECAST BCA PVbIitldiOni lid. 1991 i i I. i i I i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i I 1 1 iii i i i 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 7 5 Overview 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 • 1 1 1 1 1 1 } 1 RANGE PRICE MOVING AVE for CRY -- CRB INDEX SPOT TO TYPE P (P=PRICE) :.1/ Si5/90 :`3/29/91 PERIOD a (D -W -N -O -Y) • • • LOW I WEEK AVE -- -- 15 WEEK AVE .. 1.. 1 1.. 1 1, 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 , 1,, 1 1 1 1. 1. 2FEB90 2MAR 30 27APR 25MAY 22JUN 20JUL 17AUG I4SEP I20CT 9N0V MEC 4JA4191 2.,0 245 240 235 230 225 220 215 1 1FEB MAR 210 20� 29 Exhibit 3: CRB Index The CRB Index has pulled lack to iu:moving average and looks prepared to break above the resistance line. 240 235 r 230 - 225 — 220 — 215 - 210 — 205 • • • • • 20 -Day Moving Average • CRB Futures Index Resistance • 1 Bottoming Pattern OCT i NOV ) OEC I JAN ) FEB I MAR 1990 1991 111 IRANGE } 1 MOVING AVE for CLK1 CRUDE OIL FUTR Ma u91 TO (P=PRICE) ':4/16'/,90 TYPE P 4/8691 PERIOD T (D -W -M -O -Y) 11MAY IJUN 22 13JUL 3AUG 24 14SEP 50CT 26 16NOU 7DEC 28 18JA1491 BFEB IMAR 22 MOVING 'AVE for DXY -- DOLLAR INDEX SPT RANGE :4/16/90 TO PRICE TYPE P (P=PRICE) =4/11/.91 PERIOD 0 (D -W -M -Q -Y) IIMAY )JUN 22 13JUL 3AUG 24 I4SEP SOCT 26 16NOV 7DEC 28 18JAN91 8FE8 IMAR 22 34 32 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 96 94 92 90 88 86 84 82 80 78