HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-02-21 Minutes;• • IM -40 MINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE POLICE PENSION BOARD A meeting of the Fayetteville Police Pension andRelief Fund Board of Trustees was held on [Thursday,wFebrua_ry 21,.1991, at 3:30 p.m. in Room 326 of City Hall. T PRESENT: Eldon Roberts, Rick Hoyt, Jerry Friend, Dr, James Mashburn, Hollis Spencer, City Manager Scott Linebaugh, Finance Director Ben Mayes, and City Clerk Sherry Thomas CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by City Manager Linebaugh, I!"Al*"' Mashburn, seconded by Roberts, made a motion to approve the minutes from the October 25, 1990 meeting. The motion was approved by a unanimous vote. Mike Kirkland, with Dean Witter, stated the ACORN account and the Madison account portfolios, which has been moved to Dean Witter, • have been established and are running pretty smoothly. He said the report that has been prepared for this meeting is pretty self- explanatory. There is over a half million dollars in cash available for use as needed as well as the bond. The cash account interest rate has continued to come down and now is around 6.56, which is a competitive rate. Mayes stated that a minimum will be maintained in the City account. The current balance in the City account is approximately $23,000. Kirkland explained that the first trade in the Madison account, fixed asset account, was currently worth $1,108,585. He stated the account started with $1 million about 14 months ago, so it is up about 9% He reported that the cash in the ACORN account should show $254,000. The ACORN account is worth about $1,063,000, which is extremely well. That is up 6.3% in three and one-half months, and a little over 9% on Madison on the cash account. On the ACORN and Madison accounts, the initial investment was $2,003,000, and the accounts are now worth $2.175 million (up $168,575.00). Elaine Longer, of Longer Investments, distributed year end reports to the Board and explained the stock portfolio at this time is • worth right at $971,000, and we started with right at $1 million in June; bond account which contains $524,000, with a yield of about February 21, 1991 8.5% on historical costs -- 8.3% on market; the third report is the combined account which was right at $1.495 million with stocks making up 60% of the total and bonds and cash making up the rest of it (about 40%). The yield on the stock portfolio was about 3.3% at year end and the yield on the bond portfolio was right at 8.3%. Six percent is the target figure. The equity account is up to $1,083,000 and is fully invested. There is a 2% cash reserve to be used for Pacific Corp. The dividend yield on the stock part of the portfolio shows a 2.6% yield on market value and 3% on historical cost. There has been no change in the bond account since year end except that the market value has gone up because interest rates dropped. The combined account is at $1.616 million. Because the equity market has been so strong, the equity is at 67% of the investment. Roberts asked what the overall rate of return was on the portfolio. Longer replied that the overall average rate of return on stocks has been approximately 8.12%, and on bonds it is about 6.54%, so that would be a combined total of 7-3/4% (bonds and stocks together or 14.2% annualized). She stated that from January 14 to February 20, the market was up 400 points. • Mayes stated all the requested changes in the investment policy have been made. In answer to an inquiry, Mayes stated there was never more than $100,000 put into a CD in any bank. Therefore the collapse of some banking institutions can not hurt the Pension's assets because there is a 100% guarantee on this money. DAVID PRESTON PENSION Hoyt stated that he had a letter concerning David Preston, who used to work for the City. He retired in 1983, for medical reasons. He had not served his 20 years with the City at that time. Since that time the 20 years expired in 1989, he has gained employment elsewhere, and it was brought to the attention of the Board that they should be aware of his retirement and the fact that 20 years have elapsed and the Chief of Police sent a letter to Sheriff McKee on January 21, 1991 stating that those were the facts and that since 20 years have elapsed no consideration will be given to reinstating David Preston with the Fayetteville Police Department. He has no obligation to the City and the City has no obligation to him other than paying him his retirement. Roberts, seconded by Spencer, made a motion to recognize that David Preston has no obligation to this Board or to the Fayetteville Police Department • as 20 years have elapsed from retiring and the only obligation that the Board has is to pay him his monthly pension benefit. The motion was approved by a unanimous vote. February 21, 1991 I.`I�I;i Irl i;j zf7? Hoyt asked why the remaining position on the Board has not been filled. Friend, seconded by Roberts, made a motion to ask City Attorney Jerry Rose how to solve this problem. The motion was approved by a unanimous vote. The next meeting will be held on a Monday in April at 2:00 p.m. The meeting was adjourned at 4:48 p.m. • 0 • • Y OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS EMEN'S PENSION AND RELIEF FOND TMENT POLICY C ICP t4111MED Revised 1/15/91 \invpol The purpose of this policy is to define the guidelines Policemen's Pension and Relief Fund Board in selecting for the Policemen's Pension and Relief Fund. Investment objectives: A. To protect the Fund's assets while insuring systematic and adequate funding of plan distributions and benefits to participants and their beneficiaries. Be To earn the highest possible total return (capital appreciation plus current return), consistent with prudent levels of risk. C. The long-term goal is to realize a minimum annual absolute rate of return equal to a weighted average income yield on the Fund's total portfolio of 6% to satisfy actuarial projections. The Board expects the total fund, as well as each component, (ie: equity fund, balanced fund, fixed income fund, etc.) to: 1. Perform in the top one-third of an evaluation services universe using a Standard and Poors Index; 2. Achieve a net return equal to the S & P 500 rate of return for equities; 3. Achieve a net return ,inclusive of fees, equal to the Shearson/Lehman Government/Corporate Bond Index for fixed income; and 4. Achieve a net return ,inclusive of fees, at least equal to the combination of the S & P 500 and Shearson/Lehman Government/Corporate Bond Index for balanced funds. Investment Guidelines: A. Adherence to all applicable Arkansas Statutes is required, particularly A. C. A. 24-10-401 --24-11-410 of 1987 as amended. Be Investments and reinvestment shall be made in accordance with the prudent investor rule as interpreted and defined by the Federal Employees Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) of 1974. This rule states that in making investments, the fiduciary shall exercise the same judgement and care which an institutional investor of ordinary prudence, discretion and intelligence exercises in the management of large • CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS POLICEMEWS PENSION & RELIEF FUND INVESTMENT POLICY investments entrusted to it, considering probable safety of capital as well as probable income. C. If professional investment counsel is employed to execute transactions as a money manager, the following is required: 1. Investment counsel may be comprised of more than one professional firm in order to segregate various duties and powers. 2. Investment counsel shall be registered with the Arkansas Securities Department and/or the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Proof of current registration shall be made annually to the Board. 3. Investment counsel shall be retained under contract awarded on the basis of competitive bid. Award of the contract will not be required to be solely on lowest bid. All contracts shall include a 30 day cancellation provision. 4. The investment counsel shall have full power to hold, purchase, sell, assign, transfer or dispose • of any of the moneys or investments of the fund so long as such activities are in accordance with the following guidelines: a. No more than 2% of the fund's total assets valued at cost be invested in the equities of any one company or affiliated group of companies. (Each telephone company issuer shall be considered a separate & distinct issuer). Equities purchased for the account will carry a minimum Standards & Poors rating of "B-" with a weighted average of the equity portfolio being equal to a Standards & Poors rating of "B+" or better. b. No more than 11% of the fund's total assets may be invested in any one debt security of any one issuer or intermediary. This does not apply to U. S. Treasury or government guaranteed or agency debt securities. c. Any fixed income securities shall carry an investment rating of "A" or better by Moody's and "A" by Standard & Poors. d. Short term investments shall consist of direct U. S. Government obligations such as U. S. Treasury Bills, repurchase agreements fully • collateralized by U. S. Treasury issues, 2 n LJ n LJ • YETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS S PENSION & RELIEF FUND POLICY certificates of deposit not to exceed $100,000 at any national bank or federal savings and loan institution, and corporate issues of one year maturity or less. Funds may be held in good quality money market funds during periods of purchasing securities. e. Investments in international securities that are not exchange -traded American Depository Receipts shall be made only after securing approval by the majority of the Board at a regularly scheduled meeting. f. In accordance with Arkansas Statute 12-3307.15, no funds shall be invested in companies engaged in business in or with the Republic of South Africa which have.not adopted the "Statement of Principles of U. S. Firms with Affiliates in the Republic of South Africa" Sullivan principles. 5. Investments and reinvestments shall only be made in in accordance with the prudent investor rule, as interpreted by the Federal ERISA of 1974. 6. Investment counsel shall provide the Board a written investment policy and promptly provide the Board with subsequent policy changes in writing. The policy shall adhere to guidelines as set forth in this document. 7. Investment counsel shall file a written report with the Board , for the period since the last report, setting forth the following: a. All investments purchased and sold, all receipts and disbursements and any other transactions concerning the Fund's account on a monthly basis. b. Cost and market value of all investment categories on a monthly basis. c. Current yield at market on a monthly basis. d. Total investment return of the total Fund as well as investment return by asset category for the most recent quarter. This quarterly information should include year to date and • CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS POLICEMEN'S PENSION & RELIEF FUND INVESTMENT POLICY previous year return figures. e. Average maturities of applicable securities on an annual basis. f. Comparison of actual asset allocation to established asset allocation guidelines on a quarterly basis. g. Short and long-term forecasts of economic conditions which have an impact on invest- ments at least quarterly. h. Projected earnings for the Fund for the next annual period at least quarterly. i. A list of all transaction fees as cents per share and percent of trade value and the total amount of transaction fees on a monthly and year to date basis. 8. If the Board chooses to direct a specific invest- 40 ment activity, the investment counsel shall be so notified in writing. The Board must approve such action during a regularly scheduled meeting. 9. The investment counsel shall select brokers to handle transactions on a competitive bid basis at least quarterly. A report of these bids and awards shall be submitted to the Board quarterly. III. Volatility and Liquidity: A. Consistent with the desire for adequate diversification, this investment policy is based upon the assumption that the volatility of the portfolio will be similar to that of the overall market. Consequently, it is expected that the volatility of the total portfolio, in aggregate, will be reasonably close to that of a weighted composite of market indexes (e.g. Standard & Poors 500 index for stocks and Salomon Brothers Broad Grade Index for bonds). B. While there is no immediate requirement for the investment managers to maintain liquid reserves for payment of pension benefits, the Board of Trustees will monitor the liquidity needs of the plan with the • managers on at least an annual basis. 4 • CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS POLICEMEN'S PENSION & RELIEF FUND INVESTMENT POLICY IV. Asset-Allocation/Diversification: A. The maximum allocation of investment categories shall be 408 for equities and the balance in fixed income (includes cash equivalents). Be A specific asset allocation shall be approved by the Board and shall be segregated as a percentage for equities, fixed income and cash equivalents. The specific asset allocation shall be reviewed at least semi-annually with the investment counsel. Any changes shall be transmitted to the investment counsel in writing. The allocation shall be within the following guidelines: 1. Cash and Cash Equivalents: 108-25$ Short term investments shall consist of obligations of the U. S. Government, U. S. Agencies and corporate issues of one to three year maturity or less, repurchase agreements, certificates of deposit and •\ the highest two grade of commercial paper. Additionally, any good _quality money market funds may be utilized. 2. Fixed Income: 158-758 The quality of fixed income securities shall not be rated less than "A" by Moody Is or Standard an Poors. Any one issue shall not exceed 158 of the fixed income portfolio at cost without Board approval. only after the Board has approved any recommendation may the investment advisor take such action. Whenever possible, call protection shall be integrated into the portfolio to stabilize the current income and marketability of the portfolio. 3. Equities: 208-408 Managers shall have no restrictions as to the percentage of their diversification except as follows: Equity investments in any single issue shall not exceed 58 of the cost value of the total equity portfolio. Private place- ments are permissible. C i • CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE., ARKANSAS POLICEMEN'S PENSION & RELIEF FUND INVESTMENT POLICY (in terms of the stock/bond ratio, diversification, volatility, and style); 3. The opportunities available in both the equity and bond markets; and 4. Material changes in the counsels' organization; such as philosophical and personnel changes. vi. Communication and Review: Ongoing communication by phone, letter, or meeting will be accomplished as deemed necessary by either the investment counsel and/or the Board of Trustees. A review of the fund's overall performance will be scheduled to occur quarterly; and that review will be done in person. A copy of all trades will be sent by the money manager to the City Manager's office to be distributed to the Board for information purposes only. The Board will look forward to specific investment ideas and how they should affect the portfolio's performance. Addition- ally, any communications concerning the outlook of the • economy, business environment and other related matters would be information well received by the Board. • 7 City of Fayetteville, Arkansas \POLPR01 Policemen0s Pension 8 Relief Fund Plan Projections - 1/1/90 54,009,866 Benefit Payments Eaply-6% Court Investment .................. City -12% Fines Property State Earnings Ending Year Retirees! Active Contrib. 8 Fees Taxes Insurance (6%) Assets _______________ ..... __---- -------- ___ ______________________ ------ _---- ___________ ___________ 1987 2330203. 750982 59,769 115,780 830791 1410286 1988 244,334 82,918 560841 122,813 80,768 169,899 1989 2638333 1190632 52,283 1280295 115,732 217,806 1990 2888122 120,592 69,234 141,500 1300499 3500000 4,5390000 1990 $278,930 $30424 $114,248 $55,000 $1200000 $100,000 $243,799 54,360,558 1991 2760798 90335 118,703 55,000 1200000 990350 264,841 48732,319 1992 274,632' 17,351 124,065 55,000 120,000 98,700 287,113 50125,214 1993 2720433 310294 1270368 55,000 120,000 98,050 3108414 5,5321319 1994 2700201 50,040 128,805 55,000 120,000 970400 334$68 5,947,651 1995 267,938! 690390 128,938 550000 1208000 96,750 358,760 6,3690771 1996 2650639 88,005 1290925 55,000 120,000 96,100 383,608 60800,760 1997 2630294 1051808 1300223 55,000 1200000 95,450 4080993 7,2410324 1998 260,891 131,237 131,700 550000 120,000 941800 4340761 7,685,457 1999 2581414 157,055 1260974 556000 120,000 94,150 460,547 8,1260659 2000 255,841 185,083 127,979 55,000 1200000 930500 4860266 8,568,480 2001 2530145 221,697 1201338 55,000 120,000 92,850 511,509 8,9930335 2002 250,301 262,148 1140722 55,000 120,000 920200 535,684 90398,492 • 2003 247,292 3100706 103,427 558000 1200000 910550 5580269 90768,740 2004 244,105 364,932 908075 550000 120,000 90,900 578,533 1000940211 2005 2400733 426,050 730172 550000 1200000 90,250 595,802 1003610652 2006 2371175 479,981 538087 550000 1200000 89,600 609,715 1005718898 2007 233,426. 520,475 394304 55,000 1208000 880950 620,795 10,742,046 2008 229,478 550,543 27,358 55,000 120,000 88,300 629,842 1008820525 2009 2256327 576,162 200462 554000 1200000 87,650 637,400 11,001,548 2010 220,964 598,386 101173 556000 120,000 87,000 643,678 118098,049 2011 216,384 6078053 5,690 556000 1200000 860350 649,191 11,190,843 2.012 2111510 6080938` 30192 55,000 1206000 860037 6540764 1102890388 2013 2060488 606,858 2,784 55,000 1200000 851292 660,855 11,399,973 2014 2010206 603,999 20398 550000 120,000 840438 667,697 11,5240301 2015 1950648 6018255 2,114 550000 120,000 830568 6758372 11,6630452 2016 189,802 597,212 10758 55,000 120,000 828530 6836975 110819,701 2017 183,653 593,558 10501 550000 120,000 810503 693,606 1109940100 2018 1770185' 589,008 921 55,000 1200000 800347 704,348 12,188,523 2019 1700385 5860115 669 55,000 120,000 790331 716,266 12,403,289 2020 1630250 5800661 298 558000 1200000 780010 7296479 128642,165 2021 1550782 5720407 0 558000 120,000 76,362 744,225 128909,563 2022 1470998 562,592 0 558000 120,000 74,516 760,742 13,2096231 2023 1398752 5510898 0 55,000 120,000 72,530 7790230 13,5440341 2024 1310462 5400291 0 55,000 120,000 708444 7990871 130917,903 2025 1220946 5270735 0 550000 120,000 68,234 822,851 14,333,307 2026 1140263 514,200 0 550000 1200000 65,904 8480372 14,7940120 • 2027 1050486 499,663 0 55,000 120,000 63,459 8760647 1503040077 2028 960694 484,118 0 550000 1208000 60,907 907,898 150867,070 2029 874966 467,585 0 55,000 1200000 58,258 9421355 16,4870132 t • City of Fayetteville, Arkansas Policemen's Pension & Relief Fund Asset Allocation — Cost Basis January 31, 1991 DEAN WITTER Dean Witter Madision Investment Acorn Asset Management TOTAL DEAN WITTER •LONGER INVESTMENTS, INC. CITY HELD INVESTMENTS TOTAL FUND PERCENT OF TOTAL • p f /3 a-;�I-ql \BENIPOLINV Cash & Fixed $0 Percent Equivalent Income Equities Total Of (10-25%) (15-75%) (20-40%) Total $5499407 $609000 $0 $609:407 13% 1699750 900,000 0 1,06%750 24% 334,644 350,000 319,575 12004;219 22% 95% 61% 59% 26% 1,053,801 11310,000 319,575 2;683,376. 59% 3% 23°h 74% ".320/co' 349284 494,403 931,542:::. 1,460229 32% 2% 16% 0% 8% 23,737 3509000 0 '`' ` 373;737 8% ;,$1,111822 $2,154,403 $1,251,117", $4517;342` 100% ------ ------ ------ ------ 25% 100% ( S t • u E�tYETTEVI LLE THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS January 21, 1991 Sheriff Kenneth McKee Washington County Sheriff's Office 114 North College Avenue Fayetteville, Arkansas 72701 RE: George David PRESTON Dear Sheriff McKee: POLICE DEPARTMENT Our records on PRESTON indicate he was initially employed by the Fayetteville Police Department on October 27, 1969. He subsequently resigned for medical reasons on April 25, 1983. Since the retirement system in which PRESTON was a member provided for a 20 -year plan, and since more than 20 years has elapsed since his original date of hire, no consideration will be given to reinstating PRESTON with the Fayetteville Police Department. The Commission on Law Enforcement Little Rock should have all pertinent retirement from our department in 1983. sincerely, L Richard L. Watson Chief of iPolice P. O. BOX 1988 160 WEST ROCK STREET 72702 501 521-8050 FAX 501 521-5876 Standards and Training in files on PRESTON since his 1 > r A - 342 018786 049 END 2/20/91 2 CITY OF FAY�ETsTEVILLE POLICE re .C.C"JSTODIAL POSITIONS c rAj f �CG DATE QUANTITY SYMBL MGN PLAN NR DIV RE PRICE VALUE MARGINED 2/19 551x262 ILAF 024004937 . 1.00 551x262.00 — C ASH .CASH POS 1 OF 1 2/08/91 0o29CR T/D 0.29CR S/D 60x600#00 MKT 0.29CR CSH SECURITY OPN COST PRICE UNITS MKT VALUE SYMBOL FED FARM CRED BY. 910 91JL22 N/0 100.875?101? 60x000 60600 8042K r 616 F A 342 015178"049 END 2/20/91 2 CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE POLICE PENSIO C.CUSTODIAL POSITIONS Oil PlYd ✓ •DATE QUANTITY SYMBL MGN PLAN NR DIV RE PRICE VALUE MARGINED 2/19 132x338* ILAF 023996279 1.00 132x338.00 �- O.CASH POS 1 OF 9 2/20/91 0.41CR T/D 1Or906.26CR S/D 976,250.00 MKT 0.00 CSH SECURITY OPN COST PRICE UNITS MKT VALUE SYMBOL TORONTO DOM US $ 9900 99FBRG N/0 100.000?104 1/8? 50000 52062 TB847 DAYTON HUDSON CO 9400 01FBRG N/0 102.739?100 1/4? 50000 50125 TC629 XEROX CREDIT 101250 99AP15 N/0 99.750?102 3/8? 50x000 51187 TW454 DEAN WITTER SEARS LIQUID ASSET N/0 1.000 ?1? 40x464Sx 40464 ILAF US TSY NOTE 850 00FB15 N/O 100.750?104? 100000 104000 B01D5 FFCB 086500 990C N/0 98.125?103 5/8? 175x000 181343 808H2 US TSY NOTE 8875 99FB15 N/O 103.000?106 1/8? 150x000 159187 809W1 FNMA 082000 96DE23 N/0 97x375?100 7/8? 325x000 327843 818M6 EASTMAN KODAK CO 9125 x98MHRG A— 98.000?101? 50x000 50500 99968 0 -� to g, .SgS" L F 9� A 342 018922 049 3 2/20/91 2 CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE PPOOLICE PENSIO TE C.CUSTODIAL POSITIONS , / co" '"LI DATE OUANTITY SYMBL MGN PLAN NR DIV RE PRICE VALUE MARGINED 2/19 444r4T3 ILAF 024004945 1.00 9V,ii3-80 - CASH O.CASH POS 1 OF 18 2/20/91 59x531.63 T/D 0.27CR S/D 808050.00 MKT 0.00 CSH SECURITY OPN COST PRICE UNITS MKT VALUE SYMBOL GMAC 8750 96FBRG N/O 100.715 ?99 3/4? 50x000 49875 TC632 AMER TEL R TELEG COMPANY NY H 29.250 33 7/8 17000 33875 T AVON PRODS PFD EOTY REDM $2 N/O 26.197 29 5/8 2000 71100 AVPPR BLACK AND DECKER CORP H 9.125 12 1/2 11000 12500 BDK BOEING CO -H 49.486 48 400 x 19200 BA EASTMAN KODAK CO B/H 39.125 45 3/4 300 13725 Ell GTE CORPORATION 31 28.250 31 1/4 17000 31250 GTE GENL ELECTRIC CO BRL 51.750 68 3/8 400 27350 GE MOTOROLA INC 21 62.250 61 5/8 300 x 18487 MOT FFG INDUSTRIES INC B 38.875 54 1/2 300 16350 FFG PACIFIC TELESIS GROUP H 44.500 42 600 25200 PAC PEPSICO INC NC BRL 25.375 31 5/8 800 25300 PEP PHILIP MORRIS_COS..INC BRL 48.000 64 1/8 500 32062 MO SHL TRNSdTRAD PLC NY SH NEW -2x 52.000 53 7/8 _ 400 21550 SC SOUTHWESTERN BELL CORP H 54.750 54 3/4 600 32850 SBC US TSY NOTE 8125 93JN30 N/O 103.000?102 3/8? 200x000 204750 801F9 WASTE MANAGEMENT INC B/H 42.125 39 1%4 500 x 19625 WMX US TSY NOTE 825 92AU15 N/0 102.000?102? 150x000 153000 810C2 77 rt4L ✓A L 0 c= 0- / o 2, �4eoe,� l 6211 yto L — CAsN • 0 0 i > f DEAN WITTER REYNOLDS, INC. Firstsouth Centre, Suite 200, 280 North College, Fayetteville, AR 72701. Telephone (501) 575-1400 Rogers Area (501) 831-7000 W=1(800)487-4880 �oPTFo�io XLI�OCArIOIV Ac 4L 3 ,4cars �/� 39�, S97 - BorJDs - SD• �� 1391 500 Y Asa, 2O?y 3) V 3 7 CAsH — _ Saraw — 33.7% P®6 CZ -,kI -qI PROPOSED • CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS page 1 POLICEMEN'S PENSION AND RELIEF FUND Revised 1/15/91 INVESTMENT POLICY \invpol PURPOSE: The purpose of this policy is to define the guidelines for the Policemen's Pension and Relief Fund Board in selecting assets for the Policemen's Pension and Relief Fund. i. Investment Objectives: A. To protect the Fund's assets while insuring systematic and adequate funding of plan distributions and benefits to participants and their beneficiaries. B. To earn the highest possible total return (capital appreciation plus current return), consistent with prudent levels of risk. C. The long-term goal is to realize an annual absolute rate of return equal to a weighted average income yield on the Fund's total portfolio of 6% to satisfy actuarial projections. The Board expects the total fund, as well as each component, (ie: equity fund, balanced fund, fixed ,income fund, etc.) to: 1. Perform in the top one-third of an evaluation • services universe using a Standard and Poors Index; 2. Achieve a net return equal to the S & P 500 rate of return for equities; 3. Achieve a net return ,inclusive of fees, equal to the Shearson/Lehman Government/Corporate Bond Index for fixed income; and 4. Achieve a net return ,inclusive of fees, at least equal to the combination of the S & P 500 and Shearson/Lehman Government/Corporate Bond Index for balanced funds. II. Investment Guidelines: A. Adherence to all applicable Arkansas Statutes is required, particularly A. C. A. 24-10-401 --24-11-410 of 1987 as amended. B. Investments and reinvestment shall be made in accordance with the prudent investor rule as interpreted and defined by the Federal Employees Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) of 1974. This rule states that in making investments, the fiduciary shall exercise the same judgement and care which an institutional investor of ordinary prudence, discretion and intelligence exercises in the management of large • investments entrusted to it, considering probable safety CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS PROPOSED • POLICEMEN'S PENSION & RELIEF FUND INVESTMENT POLICY of capital as well as probable income. C. If professional investment counsel is employed to execute transactions as a money manager, the following is required: 1. Investment counsel may be comprised of more than one professional firm in order to segregate various duties and powers. 2. Investment counsel shall be registered with the Arkansas Securities Department and/or the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Proof of current registration shall be made annually to the Board. 3. Investment counsel shall be retained under contract awarded on the basis of competitive bid. Award of the contract will not be required to be solely on lowest bid. All contracts shall include a 30 day cancellation provision. 4. The investment counsel shall have full power to hold, purchase, sell, assign, transfer or dispose of any of the moneys or investments of the fund so • long as such activities are in accordance with the following guidelines: a. No more thanjA of the fund's total assets valued at cost be invested in the equities of any one company or affiliated group of companies. (Each telephone company issuer shall be considered a separate & distinct issuer) ._Equit s Rurchased for the account will carry a minimum Standards & Poors rating"of "B-" with a weighted average of the equity portfolio being equal to a Standards & Poors rating of "B+" or better. b. No more than '1r W'of the fund's total assets may be invested in any one debt security of any one issuer or intermediary. This does not apply to U. S. Treasury or government guaranteed or agency debt securities. C, Any fixed income securities shall carry an investment rating of "A" or better by Moody's and "A" by Standard & Poors. d. Short term investments shall consist of direct U. S. Government obligations such as U. S. Treasury Bills, repurchase agreements fully collateralized by U. S. Treasury issues, certificates of deposit not to exceed $100,000 0 a • CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS PROPOSED POLICEMEN'S PENSION & RELIEF FUND INVESTMENT POLICY at any national bank or federal savings and loan institution, and corporate issues of one year maturity or less. Funds may be held in good quality money market funds during periods of purchasing securities. e. Investments in international securities fha£ are not exchange -traded American Depository Receipts shall be made only after securing approval by the majority of the Board at a regularly scheduled meeting. f. In accordance with Arkansas Statute 12-3307.15, no funds shall be invested in companies engaged in business in or with the Republic of South Africa which have not adopted the "Statement of Principles of U. S. Firms with Affiliates in the Republic of South Africa" Sullivan principles. 5. Investments and reinvestments shall only be made in in accordance with the prudent investor rule, as interpreted by the Federal ERISA of 1974. • 6. Investment counsel shall provide the Board a written investment policy and promptly provide the Board with subsequent policy changes in writing. The policy shall adhere to guidelines as set forth in this document. 7. Investment counsel shall file a written report with the Board , for the period since the last report, setting forth the following: a. All investments purchased and sold, all receipts and disbursements and any other transactions concerning the Fund's account on a monthly basis. b. Cost and market value of all investment categories on a monthly basis. c. Current yield at market on a monthly basis. d. Total investment return of the total Fund as well as investment return by asset category for the most recent quarter. This quarterly information should include year to date and • previous year return figures. 3 CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS P R O P O S E D • POLICEMEN'S PENSION & RELIEF FUND INVESTMENT POLICY e. Average maturities of applicable securities on an annual basis. f. Comparison of actual asset allocation to established asset allocation guidelines on a quarterly basis. g. Short and long-term forecasts of economic conditions which have an impact on invest- ments at least quarterly. h. Projected earnings for the Fund for the next annual period at least quarterly. i. A list of all transaction fees as cents per share and percent of trade value and the total amount of transaction fees on a monthly and year to date basis. 8. If the Board chooses to direct a specific invest- ment activity, the investment counsel shall be so notified in writing. The Board must approve such • action during a regularly scheduled meeting. 9. The investment counsel shall select brokers to handle transactions on a competitive bid basis at least quarterly. A report of these bids and awards shall be submitted to the Board quarterly. III. Volatility and Liquidity: A. Consistent with the desire for adequate diversification, this investment policy is based upon the assumption that the volatility of the portfolio will be similar to that of the overall market. Consequently, it is expected that the volatility of the total portfolio, in aggregate, will be reasonably close to that of a weighted composite of market indexes (e.g. Standard & Poors 500 index for stocks and Salomon Brothers Broad Grade Index for bonds). B. While there is no immediate requirement for the investment managers to maintain liquid reserves for payment of pension benefits, the Board of Trustees will monitor the liquidity needs of the plan with the managers on at least an annual basis. • 4 • CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS POLICEMEN'S PENSION & RELIEF FUND INVESTMENT POLICY • 0 Iv. Asset Allocation/Diversification: PROPOSELu A. The maximum allocation of investment categories shall be 40% for equities and the balance in fixed income (includes cash equivalents). B. A specific asset allocation shall be approved by the Board and shall be segregated as a percentage for equities, fixed income and cash equivalents. The specific asset allocation shall be reviewed at least semi-annually with the investment counsel. Any changes shall be transmitted to the investment counsel in writing. The allocation shall be within the following guidelines: 1. Cash and Cash Equivalents: 10%-25$ Short term investments shall consist of obligations of the U. S. Government, U. S. Agencies and corporate issues of one to three year maturity or less, repurchase agreements, certificates of deposit and the highest two grade of commercial paper. Additionally, any good quality money market funds may be utilized. Fixed Income: 15%-75% The quality of fixed income securities shall not be rated less than "A" by Moody Is or Standard an Poors. Any one issue shall not exceed 15% of the fixed income portfolio at cost without Board approval. Only after the Board has approved any recommendation may the investment advisor take such action. Whenever possible, call protection shall be integrated into the portfolio to stabilize the current income and marketability of the portfolio. Equities: 20$-40% Managers shall have no restrictions as to the percentage of their diversification except as follows: Equity investments in any single issue shall not exceed 5% of the cost value of the total equity portfolio. Private place- ments are permissible. CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS • INVESTMENTPOLICY POLICEMEN'SPENSION& RELIEF FUND PROPOSED C. The Board of Trustees recognizes the need for diversification of the plan assets in order to minimize the risk of large losses. Consequently, the total portfolio will be structured to maintain high levels of diversification, consistent with prudent investment practices and with the Board's desire to stress the principle of preservation of capital. v. Monitoring the Performance of the Investment Process: A. At least semi-annually, the Board shall review its investment methodology, including the investment policy. B. A five (5) year time frame shall be used to evaluate real investment return. C. If a investment counsel is employed, the manager's performance shall be measured over a five (5) year time frame. Consideration shall be given for investment market condition during the period and adherence to the Board's • investment policy guidelines. If the Board so chooses, a review of the money manager's performance over the cycle shall be made by an independent third party. D. Semi-annually, the City Accounting Division shall prepare a schedule which computes the simple weighted average investment rate of return which considers both realized and unrealized (market value adjustment) income. (This is the same type schedule as required by the Arkansas Pension Review Board for actuary information.) E. The Board of Trustees may opt to employ a professional service to perform regular investment performance analysis on the portfolio. Payment for this service can be made through directed commission business, which is an option that may be chosen. F. The Board of Trustees will meet a minimum of semi- annually with its investment counsel. At that time they will review: 1. The counsels' adherence to the policy guidelines; 2. Comparison of the counsels' results • against funds using similar policies 6 CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS PROPOSED • POLICEMEN'S PENSION & RELIEF FUND INVESTMENT POLICY (in terms of the stock/bond ratio, diversification, volatility, and style); 3. The opportunities available in both the equity and bond markets; and 4. Material changes in the counsels' organization; such as philosophical and personnel changes. VI. Communication and Review: Ongoing communication by phone, letter, or meeting will be accomplished as deemed necessary by either the investment counsel and/or the Board of Trustees. A review of the fund's overall performance will be scheduled to occur quarterly; and that, review will be done in person. A copy of all trades will be sent by the money manager to the`City,Manager(!s office to be distributed to the Board fqe information, purposes only. The Board will look forward to specific investment ideas and how they should affect the portfolio's performance. Addition- ally, any communications concerning the outlook of the economy, business environment and other related matters would be information well received by the Board. 0 PP /5 O? -.Z I -q I DRAFT M I PURPOSE: The for the Police for the Police CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS POLICEMEN'S PENSION AND RELIEF FUND INVESTMENT POLICY purpose of this policy is to define the guidelines Pension and Relief Fund Board in selecting assets Pension and Relief Fund, I. Investment Objectives A. To protect the Fund's assets while insuring systematic and adequate funding of plan distributions and benefits to participants and their beneficiaries. B. To earn the highest possible total return (capital appreciation plus current return), consistent with prudent levels of risk. C. The long-term goal is to realize an annual absolute rate of return which exceeds the rate of inflation as measured by the Consumer Price Index (CPI) by 5% (annual real rate of return of 5%). The Board of Trustees recognizes that this real return objective may not be meaningful during some time periods. In order to ensure that investment opportunities available over a specific time period are fairly evaluated, the Board will use comparative performance statistics to evaluate investment results. The Board expects the total fund as well as each component (ie: equity fund, balanced fund, fixed income fund, etc.) to: 1. Perform in the top one-third of an evaluation services universe using a Standard and Poors Index; 2. Achieve a net return equal to the S & P 500 rate of return for equities; 3. Achieve a net return (inclusive of fees) equal to the Shearson/Lehman Government/Corporate Bond Index for fixed income; and 4. Achieve a net return (inclusive of fees) at least equal to the equal combination of the S & P 500 and Shearson/Lehman Government/ Corporate Bond Index for balanced funds. The performance will be measured over a 5 year market • cycle. Short run results will also be monitored and are expected to be within the top one-third of an evaluation services universe. Non-performance with regard to these requirements will cause the Board to evaluate continuation of the contracts. 0 Performance will take into consideration the risk the money manager is incurring to achieve the rate of return. Money managers incurring undue risk according to the evaluation services universe will be considered as not properly performing. II. Volatility and Liquidity A. Consistent with the desire for adequate diversification, this investment policy is based upon the assumption that the volatility of the portfolio will be similar to that of the overall market. Consequently, it is expected that the volatility of the total portfolio, in aggregate, will be reasonably close to that of a weighted composite of market indexes (e.g. Standard & Poors 500 index for stocks and Salomon Brothers Broad Grade Index for bonds). Be While there is no immediate requirement for the investment managers to maintain liquid reserves for payment of pension benefits, the Board of Trustees will monitor the liquidity needs of the plan with the managers on at least an annual basis. • III. Asset Allocation/Diversification A. The maximum allocation of investment categories shall be 40% for equities and the balance in fixed income (includes cash equivalents). Be A specific asset allocation shall be approved by the Board and shall be segregated as a percentage for equities, fixed income and cash equivalents. The specific asset allocation shall be reviewed at least semi-annually with the investment counsel. Any changes shall be transmitted to the investment counsel in writing. The allocation shall be within the following guidelines: 1. Cash and Cash Equivalents: 10-25% Short term investments shall consist of obligations of the U.S. Government, U.S. Agencies and corporate issues of one to three year maturity or less, repurchase agreements, certificates of deposit and the highest two grades of commercial paper. Additionally, any good quality money market funds may be utilized. • 2. Fixed Income: 15-75% The quality of fixed income securities shall not be rated less than "A" by Moody's or • Standard and Poors. Excluding direct maximum : of any one issue shall not exceed 15% of the fixed income portfolio at cost. Only after the Board has approved any recommendation may the investment advisor take such action. Whenever possible, call protection shall be integrated into the portfolio to stabilize the current income and marketability of the portfolio. 3. Equities: 20-40% Managers shall have no restrictions as to the percentage of their diversification except as follows: Equity investments in any single issue shall not exceed 5% of the cost value of the total equity portfolio. Private placements are permissible. co The Board of Trustees recognizes the need for diversification of the plan assets in order to minimize the risk of large losses. Consequently, the total portfolio will be structured to maintain high levels of diversification, consistent with prudent investment • practices and with the Board's desire to stress the principle of preservation of capital. IV. Investment Guidelines A. Adherence to all applicable Arkansas Statutes is required, particularly act 364 of Arkansas Public Acts of 1981 as amended. B. Investments and reinvestment shall be made in accordance with the prudent investor rule as interpreted and defined by the Federal Employees Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) of 1974. This rule states that in making investments, the fiduciary shall exercise the same judgement and care which an institutional investor of -ordinary prudence, discretion and intelligence exercises in the management of large investments entrusted to it, considering probable safety of capital as well as probable income. C. If professional investment counsel is employed to execute transactions as a money manager, the following is required: .1. Investment counsel may be comprised of more than one professional firm in order to segregate various duties and powers. 2. Investment counsel shall be registered with the • Arkansas Securities Department and/or the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Proof of current registration shall be made annually to the Board. • 3. Investment counsel shall be retained under contract i awarded on the basis of competitive bid. Award of the contract will not be required to be solely on lowest bid. All contracts shall include a 30 day cancellation provision. 4. The investment counsel shall have full power to hold, purchase, sell, assign, transfer or dispose of any of the moneys or investments of the Fund so long as such activities are in accordance with the following guidelines: a. No more than 5% of the Fund's total assets valued at cost be invested in the equities of any one Company or affiliated group of companies. (Each telephone company issuer shall be considered a separate and distinct issuer). The common stock purchased must carry an investment rating of medium grade or better by Moody's or a rating of "A" or better by Standards & Poors. b. No more than 3% of the Fund's total assets valued at cost be invested in any one debt issue. This does not apply to U.S. Treasury or government or agency debt securities. C, No more than 5% of the Fund's total assets may • be invested in any one debt security of any one issuer or intermediary. This does not apply to U.S. Treasury or government guaranteed or agency debt securities. d. Any fixed income securities shall carry an investment rating of "A" or better by Moody's and "A" by Standard & Poors. e. Short term investments shall consist of direct U.S. Government obligations such as U.S. Treasury Bills, repurchase agreements fully collateralized by U.S. Treasury issues, certificates of deposit not to exceed $100,000 at any national bank or federal savings and loan institution, and corporate issues of one year maturity or less. Funds may be held in good quality money market funds during period of purchasing securities. f. Investments in international securities shall be made only after securing approval by the majority of the Board at a regularly scheduled meeting. g. In accordance with Arkansas Statute 12- 3307.15, no funds shall be invested in companies engaged in business in or with the Republic of South Africa which have not • adopted the "Statement of Principles of U.S. Firms with Affiliates in the Republic of South Africa" Sullivan principles. 5. Investments and reinvestment shall only be made in accordance with the prudent investor rule, as . , . • interpreted by the Federal ERISA of 1974. 6. The investment counsel shall provide the Board a written investment policy and promptly provided the Board with subsequent changes in policy in writing. The policy shall adhere to guidelines as set forth in this document. 7. Investment counsel shall file with the Board a written report setting forth for the period since the last report, which shall include: a. All investments purchased and sold, all receipts and disbursements and any other transactions concerning the Fund's moneys on a monthly basis. b. Cost and market value of all investment categories on a monthly basis. C, Current yield at market on a monthly basis. d. Total investment return of the total Fund as well as investment return by asset category for the most recent quarter. Also, this quarterly information should include year to date and previous year return figures. e. Average maturities of applicable securities on an annual basis. f. Comparison of actual asset allocation to • established asset allocation guidelines on a quarterly basis. g. Short and long-term forecasts of economic conditions which have an impact on investment margins at least quarterly. h. Projected earnings for the fund for the next annual period at least quarterly. i. A list of all transactions fees as cents per share and percent of trade value. Also including a total amount for transaction fees on a monthly basis. 8. If the Board chooses to direct a specific investment activity, the investment counsel shall be so notified in writing. The Board must approve such action during a regularly scheduled meeting. 9. The investment counsel shall select brokers to handle transactions on a competitive bid basis, at least quarterly. A report of these bids and awards shall be submitted to the Board monthly. N. Monitoring the Performance of the Investment Process A. At least semi-annually, the Board shall review its investment methodology, including the investment policy. • B. A five (5) year market cycle shall be used to evaluate real investment return. C. If investment counsel is employed, the counsel's performance shall be measured over a five (5) year i • cycle. Consideration shall be given for investment market condition during the period and adherence to the Boards's investment policy guidelines. If the Board so chooses, a review of the investment counsel's performance over the cycle shall be made by an independent third party. D. Semi-annually, the City Accounting Division shall prepare a schedule which computes the simple weighted average investment rate of return which considers both realized and unrealized (market value adjustment) income. (This is the same type schedule as required by the Arkansas Pension Review Board for actuary information.) E. The Board of Trustees may opt to employ a professional service to perform regular investment performance analysis on the portfolio. Payment for this service can be made through directed commission business, which is an option that may be chosen. F. The Board of Trustees will meet semi-annually with its investment counsels. At that time they will review: 1. The counsels' adherence to the policy • guidelines; 2. Comparison of the counsels' results against funds using similar policies (in terms of the stock/bond ratio, diversification, volatility, and style); 3. The opportunities available in both the equity and bond markets; and 4. Material changes in the counsels' organization; such as philosophical and personnel changes. VI. Communication and Review Ongoing communication by phone, letter, or meeting will be accomplished as deemed necessary by either the investment counsel and/or the Board of Trustees. Review of the fund's overall performance will be scheduled to occur quarterly; and that review will be done in person. A copy of all trades will be forwarded to the Board for information purposes only. The Board will look forward to specific investment ideas and how they should affect the portfolio's performance. Additionally, any communications concerning the outlook of the economy, business environment and other related matters would be information well received by the Board. • A .. 11 DRAFT CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS POLICEMEN'S PENSION AND RELIEF FUND INVESTMENT POLICY PURPOSE: The purpose of this policy is to define the guidelines for the Police Pension and Relief Fund Board in selecting assets for the Police Pension and Relief Fund. I. Investment Objectives A. To protect the Fund's assets while insuring systematic and adequate funding of plan distributions and benefits to participants and their beneficiaries. B. To earn the highest possible total return (capital appreciation plus current return), consistent with prudent levels of risk. C. The long-term goal is to realize an annual absolute rate of return which exceeds the rate of inflation as • measured by the Consumer Price Index (CPI) by 5% (annual real rate of return of 5%). The Board of Trustees recognizes that this real return objective may not be meaningful during some time periods. In order to ensure that investment opportunities available over a specific time period are fairly evaluated, the Board will use comparative performance statistics to evaluate investment results. The Board expects the total fund as well as each component (ie: equity fund, balanced fund, fixed income fund, etc.) to: 1. Perform in the top one-third of an evaluation services universe using a Standard and Poors Index; 2. Achieve a net return equal to the S & P 500 rate of return for equities; 3. Achieve a net return (inclusive of fees) equal to the Shearson/Lehman Government/Corporate Bond Index for fixed income; and 4. Achieve a net return (inclusive of fees) at least equal to the equal combination of the S & P 500 and Shearson/Lehman Government/ Corporate Bond Index for balanced funds. The performance will be measured over a 5 year market • cycle. Short run results will also be monitored and are expected to be within the top one-third of an evaluation services universe. Non-performance with regard to these requirements will cause the Board to evaluate continuation of the contracts. Performance will take into consideration the risk the money manager is incurring to achieve the rate of return. Money managers incurring undue risk according to the evaluation services universe will be considered as not properly performing. II. Volatility and Liquidity A. Consistent with the desire for adequate diversification, this investment policy is based upon the assumption that the volatility of the portfolio will be similar to that of the overall market. Consequently, it is expected that the volatility of the total portfolio, in aggregate, will be reasonably close to that of a weighted composite of market indexes (e.g. Standard & Poors 500 index for stocks and Salomon Brothers Broad Grade Index for bonds). B. While there is no immediate requirement for the investment managers to maintain liquid reserves for payment of pension benefits, the Board of Trustees will monitor the liquidity needs of the plan with the managers on at least an annual basis. Asset Allocation/Diversification A. The maximum allocation of investment categories shall be 40% for equities and the balance in fixed income (includes cash equivalents). B. A specific asset allocation shall be approved by the Board and shall be segregated as a percentage for equities, fixed income and cash equivalents. The specific asset allocation shall be reviewed at least semi-annually with the investment counsel. Any changes shall be transmitted to the investment counsel in writing. The allocation shall be within the following guidelines: 1. Cash and Cash Equivalents: 10-25% Short term investments shall consist of obligations of the U.S. Government, U.S. Agencies and corporate issues of one to three year maturity or less, repurchase agreements, certificates of deposit and the highest two grades of commercial paper. Additionally, any good quality money market funds may be utilized. • 2. Fixed Income: 15-75% The quality of fixed income securities shall not be rated less than "A" by Moody's or 6 • Standard and Poors. Excluding direct maximum of any one issue shall not exceed 15% of the fixed income portfolio at cost. Only after the Board has approved any recommendation may the investment advisor take such action. Whenever possible, call protection shall be integrated into the portfolio to stabilize the current income and marketability of the portfolio. 3. Equities: 20-40% Managers shall have no restrictions as to the percentage of their diversification except as follows: Equity investments in any single issue shall not exceed 5% of the cost value of the total equity portfolio. Private placements are permissible. C. The Board of Trustees recognizes the diversification of the plan assets in order t the risk of large losses. Consequently, portfolio will be structured to maintain high diversification, consistent with prudent practices and with the Board's desire to principle of preservation of capital. need for o minimize the total levels of investment stress the IV. Investment Guidelines A. Adherence to all applicable ,Arkansas Statutes is required, particularly act 364 of Arkansas Public Acts of 1981 as amended. B. Investments and reinvestment shall be made in accordance with the prudent investor rule as interpreted and defined by the Federal Employees Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) of 1974. This rule states that in making investments, the fiduciary shall exercise the same judgement and care which an institutional investor of ordinary prudence, discretion and intelligence exercises in the management of large investments entrusted to it, considering probable safety of capital as well as probable income. C. If professional investment counsel is employed to execute transactions as a money manager, the following is required: .1. Investment counsel may be comprised of more than one professional firm in order to segregate various duties and powers. 2. Investment counsel shall be registered with the • Arkansas Securities Department and/or the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Proof of current registration shall be made annually to the Board. • 3. Investment counsel shall be retained under contract i awarded on the basis of competitive bid. Award of the contract will not be required to be solely on lowest bid. All contracts shall include a 30 day cancellation provision. 4. The investment counsel shall have full power to hold, purchase, sell, assign, transfer or dispose of any of the moneys or investments of the Fund so long as such activities are in accordance with the following guidelines: a. No more than 5% of the Fund's total assets valued at cost be invested in the equities of any one Company or affiliated group of companies. (Each telephone company issuer shall be considered a separate and distinct issuer). The common stock purchased must carry an investment rating of medium grade or better by Moody's or a rating of "A" or better by Standards & Poors. b. No more than 3% of the Fund's total assets valued at cost be invested in any one debt issue. This does not apply to U.S. Treasury or government or agency debt securities. c. No more than 5% of the Fund's total assets may • be invested in any one debt security of any one issuer or intermediary. This does not apply to U.S. Treasury or government guaranteed or agency debt securities. d. Any fixed income securities shall carry an investment rating of "A" or better by Moody's and "A" by Standard & Poors. e. Short term investments shall consist of direct U.S. Government obligations such as U.S. Treasury Bills, repurchase agreements fully collateralized by U.S. Treasury issues, certificates of deposit not to exceed $100,000 at any national bank or federal savings and loan institution, and corporate issues of one year maturity or less. Funds may be held in good quality money market funds during period of purchasing securities. f. Investments in international securities shall be made only after securing approval by the majority of the Board at a regularly scheduled meeting. g. In accordance with Arkansas Statute 12- 3307.15, no funds shall be invested in companies engaged in business in or with the Republic of South Africa which have not • adopted the "Statement of Principles of U.S. Firms with Affiliates in the Republic of South Africa" Sullivan principles. 5. Investments and reinvestment shall only be made in accordance with the prudent investor rule, as r-7 L V. Monitoring the Performance of the Investment Process A. At least semi-annually, the Board shall review its investment methodology, including the investment policy. • B. A five (5) year market cycle shall be used to evaluate real investment return. C. If investment counsel is employed, the counsel's performance shall be measured over a five (5) year interpreted by the Federal ERISA of 1974. i 6. The investment counsel shall provide the Board a written investment policy and promptly provided the Board with subsequent changes in policy in writing. The policy shall adhere to guidelines as set forth in this document. 7. Investment counsel shall file with the Board a written report setting forth for the period since the last report, which shall include: a. All investments purchased and sold, all receipts and disbursements and any other transactions concerning the Fund's moneys on a monthly basis. b. Cost and market value of all investment categories on a monthly basis. C, Current yield at market on a monthly basis. d. Total investment return of the total Fund as well as investment return by asset category for the most recent quarter. Also, this quarterly information should include year to date and previous year return figures. e. Average maturities of applicable securities on an annual basis. f. Comparison of actual asset allocation to • established asset allocation guidelines on a quarterly basis. g. Short and long-term forecasts of economic conditions which have an impact on investment margins at least quarterly. h. Projected earnings for the fund for the nest annual period at least quarterly. i. A list of all transactions fees as cents per share and percent of trade value. Also including a total amount for transaction fees on a monthly basis. 8. If the Board chooses to direct a specific investment activity, the investment counsel shall be so notified in writing. The Board must approve such action during a regularly scheduled meeting. 9. The investment counsel shall select brokers to handle transactions on a competitive bid basis, at least quarterly. A report of these bids and awards shall be submitted to the Board monthly. V. Monitoring the Performance of the Investment Process A. At least semi-annually, the Board shall review its investment methodology, including the investment policy. • B. A five (5) year market cycle shall be used to evaluate real investment return. C. If investment counsel is employed, the counsel's performance shall be measured over a five (5) year ) . . 0 • 01 0 cycle. Consideration shall be given for investment market condition during the period and adherence to the Boards's investment policy guidelines. If the Board so chooses, a review, of the investment counsel's performance over the cycle shall be made by an independent third party. D. Semi-annually, the City Accounting Division shall prepare a schedule which computes the simple weighted average investment rate of return which considers both realized and unrealized (market value adjustment) income. (This is the same type schedule as required by the Arkansas Pension Review Board for actuary information.) E. The Board of Trustees may opt to employ a professional service to perform regular investment performance analysis on the portfolio. Payment for this service can be made through directed commission business, which is an option that may be chosen. F. The Board of Trustees will meet semi-annually with its investment counsels. At that time they will review: 1. The counsels' adherence to the policy guidelines; 2. Comparison of the counsels' results against funds using similar policies (in terms of the stock/bond ratio, diversification, volatility, and style); 3. The opportunities available in both the equity and bond markets; and 4. Material changes in the counsels' organization; such as philosophical and personnel changes. Communication and Review Ongoing communication by phone, letter, or meeting will be accomplished as deemed necessary by either the investment counsel and/or the Board of Trustees. Review of the fund's overall performance will be scheduled to occur quarterly; and that review will be done in person. A copy of all trades will be forwarded to the Board for information purposes only. The Board will look forward to specific investment ideas and how they should affect the portfolio's performance. Additionally, any communications concerning the outlook of the economy, business environment and other related matters would be information well received by the Board. r • • Longer Investments, Incorporated PORTFOLIO APPRAISAL +v City of Fayetteville Police Pension Fund Stock Account February 20, 1991 Unit Total Market Market Pct. Unit Annual Cur. Quantity Security Cost Cost Price Value Assets Income Income Yield ........ __ ........ _----- ______ _______ _________ _______ _____--- _ _____ ______ _________ mm - COMMON STOCK 1,000 Abbott Labs 41.95 418948.68 46.25 46,250.00 4.3 0.840 840.00 1.8 600 Archer Daniels 23.29 13,973.79 21.75 130050.00 1.2 0.100 60.00 0.5 Midland 2,000 Baroid Corp. 7.11 14,222.18 6.75 130500.00 1.2 0.200 400.00 3.0 1,100 Bristol Myers Squibb 60.08 66,093.00 75.00 820500.00 7.6 2.400 2,640.00 3.2 600 Community 29.60 17,760.00 33.00 198800.00 1.8 0.360 216.00 1.1 Psychiatric Center 1,000 Crane Co. 22.58 22,580.00 24.87 248875.00 2.3 0.750 750.00 3.0 1,500 Diebold, Inc. 36.68 550025.00 38.62 57,937.50 5.3 1.600 21400.00 4.1 1,200 Emerson Electric 40.07 48,084.00 42.50 51,000.00 4.7 1.320 1,584.00 3.1 1,600 Fluor Corp. 39.12 62,587.14 44.87 710800.00 6.6 0.320 512.00 0.7 700 Glaxo Holding 35.00 24,500.00 37.00 25,900.00 2.4 0.900 630.00 2.4 800 Inti Business 116.77 93,416.56 138.00 110,400.00 10.2 4.840 31872.00 3.5 Machines 600 Jacobs Engineering 20.60 12,360.00 32.00 19,200.00 1.8 0.000 0.00 0.0 11500 Luby's Cafeterias 18.13 279198.75 19.87 298812.50 2.8 0.460 690.00 2.3 400 Minnesota Mining 8 74.97 290986.44 88.37 35,350.00 3.3 3.120 10248.00 3.5 Mfg. 1,500 Mobil Corp. 62.17 931257.50 60.00 909000.00 8.3 2.900 40350.00 4.8 1,500 Mylan Labs 17.55 260320.00 21.37 32,062.50 3.0 0.200 300.00 0.9 1,000 Pacificorp 19.57 19,570.00 22.25 220250.00 2.1 1.440 10440.00 6.5 • 10200 Philip Morris 44.96 53,948.13 65.00 78,000.00 7.2 1.720 2,064.00 2.6 800 Reader's Digest 28.87 23,096.00 32.75 26,200.00 2.4 0.750 600.00 2.3 700 Schlumberger, LTD 55.02 380511.00 58.25 40,775.00 3.8 1.200 840.00 2.1 600 Toys -R -Us 28.85 170308.50 27.62 16,575.00 1.5 0.000 0.00 0.0 1,500 Tyson Foods 27.66 41,493.75 35.00 520500.00 4.8 0.040 60.00 0.1 500 Walmart Stores 29.03 140514.17 36.12 180062.50 1.7 0.140 70.00 0.4 500 Warner Lambert 64.13 321067.50 76.12 381062.50 3.5 1.760 880.00 2.3 11100 Waste Management 33.85 37,237.50 39.12 43,037.50 4.0 0.360 396.00 0.9 600 Westinghouse Elec 29.94 17,967.00 29.75 17,850.00 1.6 1.400 840.00 4.7 ......... 9450026.59 1,0760750.00 --------- ----- 99.3 --------- 270682.00 ----- 2.6 CASH AND EQUIVALENTS .................... Money Market 70070.73 --------- 7,070.73 ......... 0.7 ..... 7.200 509.09 --------- 7.2 ----- 71070.73 70070.73 0.7 509.09 7.2 TOTAL PORTFOLIO ......... 952,097.32 1,083,820.73 --------- ----- 100.0 --------- 28,191.09 ----- 2.6 0 • • 0 Longer Investments, Incorporated PORTFOLIO APPRAISAL City of Fayetteville Police Pension Fund Bond Account February 20, 1991 Unit Total Market Market Pct. Unit Annual Cur. Quantity Security Cost Cost Price Value Assets Income Income Yield _____---- ________ _______--- w..... ....... ......... _.... ...... _________ _____ CORPORATE BONDS 1000000 G. E. Capital Corp. 99.86 99,860.00 100.71 100,709.00 18.9 8.000 8,000.00 7.9 8.000% Due 12-01-92 1008000 Philip Morris 100.54 100,543.50 102.49 102,486.00 19.3 9.250 9,250.00 9.0 9.250% Due 12-01-97 Accrued Interest 3,785.42 0.7 --------- 200,403.50 ------"- 206,980.42 ..... 38.9 --------- ----- 17,250.00 8.5 GOVERNMENT BONDS ................ 100,000 Federal Home Loan 100.00 1008000.00 102.59 1020593.75 19.3 9.150 90150.00 8.9 Mortgage Corp. 9.150% Due 08-08-00 Accrued Interest 305.00 0.1 --------- ......... ..... --------- ----- 1000000.00 102,898.75 19.3 9,150.00 8.9 CASH AND EQUIVALENTS Money Market 24,564.03 24,564.03 4.6 7.200 1,768.61 7.2 --------- --------- ----- _........ ..... 24,564.03 24,564.03 4.6 1,768.61 7.2 CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT ...................... 94,000 Mcllroy Bank 8 Trust 100.00 94,000.00 100.00 94,000.00 17.7 7.805 7,336.70 7.8 (Matures 8-27-91) 7.805% Due 11-27-91 Accrued Interest 11691.52 0.3 ......... --------- ----- --------- --_.. 94,000.00 95,691.52 18.0 7,336.70 7.8 CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT (MONTHLY PYMT.) ...................................... 100,000 First USA Bank 100.00 100,000.00 102.25 102,250.00 19.2 8.300 81300.00 8.1 Wilmington, DE 8.3% 1-2-96 8.300% Due 01-02-96 _______ ......... ..... ...______ _____ 1000000.00 102,250.00 19.2 8,300.00 8.1 TOTAL PORTFOLIO 518,967.53 5320384.71 100.0 43,805.31 8.2 • Longer Investments, Incorporated PORTFOLIO APPRAISAL City of Fayetteville Police Pension Fund Combined Account February 20, 1991 COMMON STOCK 1,000 Abbott Labs Unit Total Market Market Pct. Unit Annual Cur. Quantity --------- Security -------------------- Cost --'-... Cost ......... Price ....... Value ......... Assets ..... Income ...... Income ......... Yield ..... COMMON STOCK 1,000 Abbott Labs 41.95 41,948.68 46.25 46,250.00 2.9 0.840 840.00 1.8 600 Archer Daniels 23.29 13,973.79 21.75 13,050.00 0.8 0.100 60.00 0.5 Midland Accrued Interest 31785.42 0.2 20000 Baroid Corp. 7.11 14,222.18 6.75 13,500.00 0.8 0.200 400.00 3.0 10100 Bristol Myers Squibb 60.08 660093.00 75.00 82,500.00 5.1 2.400 20640.00 3.2 600 Community 29.60 170760.00 33.00 191800.00 1.2 0.360 216.00 1.1 Psychiatric Center 1,000 Crane Co. 22.58 22,580.00 24.87 24,875.00 1.5 0.750 750.00 3.0 1,500 Diebold, Inc. 36.68 55,025.00 38.62 57,937.50 3.6 1.600 2,400.00 4.1 1,200 Emerson Electric 40.07 48,084.00 42.50 51,000.00 3.2 1.320 1,584.00 3.1 1,600 Fluor Corp. 39.12 62,587.14 44.87 710800.00 4.4 0.320 512.00 0.7 700 Glaxo Holding 35.00 24,500.00 37.00 250900.00 1.6 0.900 630.00 2.4 800 Int8L Business 116.77 93,416.56 138.00 110,400.00 6.8 4.840 3,872.00 3.5 Machines 600 Jacobs Engineering 20.60 12,360.00 32.00 19,200.00 1.2 0.000 0.00 0.0 10500 Luby's Cafeterias 18.13 27,198.75 19.87 29,812.50 1.8 0.460 690.00 2.3 400 Minnesota Mining & 74.97 29,986.44 88.37 35,350.00 2.2 3.120 1,248.00 3.5 Mfg. 1,500 Mobil Corp. 62.17 93,257.50 60.00 90,000.00 5.6 2.900 4,350.00 4.8 10500 Mylan Labs 17.55 260320.00 21.37 32,062.50 2.0 0.200 300.00 0.9 1,000 Pacificorp 19.57 19,570.00 22.25 22,250.00 1.4 1.440 1,440.00 6.5 • 1,200 Philip Morris 44.96 53,948.13 65.00 78,000.00 4.8 1.720 2,064.00 2.6 800 Reader's Digest 28.87 23,096.00 32.75 26,200.00 1.6 0.750 600.00 2.3 700 Schlumberger, LTD 55.02 38,511.00 58.25 40,775.00 2.5 1.200 840.00 2.1 600 Toys -R -Us 28.85 17,308.50 27.62 16,575.00 1.0 0.000 0.00 0.0 1,500 Tyson Foods 27.66 41,493.75 35.00 52,500.00 3.2 0.040 60.00 0.1 500 Walmart Stores 29.03 14,514.17 36.12 18,062.50 1.1 0.140 70.00 0.4 500 Warner Lambert 64.13 32,067.50 76.12 38,062.50 2.4 1.760 880.00 2.3 18100 Waste Management 33.85 37,237.50 39.12 43,037.50 2.7 0.360 396.00 0.9 600 Westinghouse Elec 29.94 17,967.00 29.75 17,850.00 1.1 1.400 840.00 4.7 ......... 945,026.59 ......... 1,076,750.00 ..... 66.6 --------- 27,682.00 ----- 2.6 CORPORATE BONDS ............... 100,000 G. E. Capital Corp. 99.86 99,860.00 100.71 100,709.00 6.2 8.000 80000.00 7.9 8.000% Due 12.01-92 1000000 Philip Morris 100.54 100,543.50 102.49 102,486.00 6.3 9.250 91250.00 9.0 9.250% Due 12-01-97 Accrued Interest 31785.42 0.2 '.'.'---- 2000403.50 --------- 2060980.42 ----- 12.8 ......... 17,250.00 ..... 8.5 1 0 • • • CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT 94,000 MclLroy Bank 8 Trust 100.00 948000.00 100.00 94,000.00 5.8 7.805 71336.70 7.8 (Matures 8-27-91) 7.805% Due 11-27-91 Accrued Interest 11691.52 0.1 ......... --------- ----- ------- 948000.00 95,691.52 5.9 71336.70 7.8 CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT (MONTHLY PYMT.) ---- _________--- ____------- ________ 100,000 First USA Bank 100.00 100,000.00 102.25 102,250.00 6.3 8.300 8,300.00 8.1 Wilmington, DE 8.3% 1-2-96 8.300% Due 01-02-96 Y[�)f:1�39:ilid�G7 1000000.00 102,250.00 6.3 ......... 1--------- ----- 1,4719064.85 ,616,205.44 100.0 --------- --------- ----- V F 8,300.00 8.1 --------- ---'- 71,996.40 4.5 --------- ----- --------- ----- Longer Investments, Incorporated PORTFOLIO APPRAISAL City of Fayetteville Police Pension Fund Combined Account February 20, 1991 Unit Total Market Market Pct. Unit Annual Cur. Quantity .......... Security .................... Cost ....... Cost Price ......... ....... Value Assets ......... ..... Income ...... Income ......... Yield ----- GOVERNMENT BONDS ................ 100,000 Federal Home Loan 100.00 1000000.00 102.59 102,593.75 6.3 9.150 91150.00 8.9 Mortgage Corp. 9.150% Due 08-08-00 Accrued Interest 305.00 0.0 1000000.00 --------- 1020898.75 ----- 6.4 --------- 90150.00 ----- 8.9 CASH AND EQUIVALENTS Money Market 31,634.76 ......... 310634.76 ......... 2.0 ..... 7.200 2,277.70 ------ 7.2 31,634.76 31,634.76 2.0 2,277.70 7.2 CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT 94,000 MclLroy Bank 8 Trust 100.00 948000.00 100.00 94,000.00 5.8 7.805 71336.70 7.8 (Matures 8-27-91) 7.805% Due 11-27-91 Accrued Interest 11691.52 0.1 ......... --------- ----- ------- 948000.00 95,691.52 5.9 71336.70 7.8 CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT (MONTHLY PYMT.) ---- _________--- ____------- ________ 100,000 First USA Bank 100.00 100,000.00 102.25 102,250.00 6.3 8.300 8,300.00 8.1 Wilmington, DE 8.3% 1-2-96 8.300% Due 01-02-96 Y[�)f:1�39:ilid�G7 1000000.00 102,250.00 6.3 ......... 1--------- ----- 1,4719064.85 ,616,205.44 100.0 --------- --------- ----- V F 8,300.00 8.1 --------- ---'- 71,996.40 4.5 --------- ----- --------- ----- • • 11 N m + P O VOI I m L L L L-1-1 N .T T T S S S r m m m m S pJw j j 0CO; O Tpm O n n m D D• m m M ms0^Onm^3d=nhh0mP O m n m a n O ac m "cov ffB Sm 2 gv' Imo c o S N$ O N71 10 l J J O 0 l N3 'I 'I 'I m m m J_ m m m N •C m n m n J c n a r m l ti + W W+� W N W N •O N N+ •O N P A MI N pp• + � • O • t V V N A V m W W •O P W •O V N W A N Qm N N V P W INv�� �ii w�Im�a�m oo �mw�I moo• o� K�Nilo o�W iv.�pmQ. n I m 0 0 0 V VI O O O W O O O P VI O P6 C 0 0 0 0 0 •O m: n N N N + N++ N++ N+ N+ + N N W m V 0•O V U . N W W N P N N P N •O N m N W A I T VI N O• V N VI m VI m W W 0• P I Im N+ W N+ + N W+ N+ N+ + N+ N + W+ W A O m P. m m V V+ W N+ N V V W V V O m. m. W. I O X X X X X X X X X X M X X X X X X X X X X X M X X X• n m �.pp ..pp �VI .�pp .p • v Iop x X K at X X X X X X K K K K x apt K X t+ O P A N� a�xxxxxiix • � A + N N+ + N N N + N n m a` V a` W N V m O V+ •O + m P W V+ m+ P V A W N W W I m O +x xa�xa°gxx i't xai xxxa�aix'x xamt+x xxx .x, + o+ + o+ o+ 0 0 0 0 r+ o+ m • A N I m A+ N W+ N C W N+ W t N N N P N+ P+ W W N+ N+•� T ♦ >r I L O m_ p� + W W+ p r p N VI N N •O W N+ •O N P I!I I/I N+ P+ A • O� O O A W A W W CO A+ O m Ol j m U1 N m W CO CO A S M I x � xxxaixaixxxxa�a�aia�CxOxa'�a'gxa�'aYaixa�xx • •v +IPiI Yww�i���%;saiwra�&a mwro m O• N N P N W O 'O N+ O O O+ 0 0 0 0 0+ O O+ O O O+ O++ 0 0 0 N O+ m O O+ O O N+ O O W+ O N 0 0 0 N O O O O O O O O O• � O (O ai � aPta�aameiiiei�iiitaWia�'xa���ame�spea�a'�aPeaWeaNe�xamtameareai � v'8 m 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0+ 0 0 0 0 0 0+ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0+ n o m P VNV m p�o QmWj mN P jmN� •O y� mV Vpm N N VC P VVV O VWI 3mpN� %XII �pWrp W p m • Ln X x X X P a( X X aC x X X of X X x X x a X x X at at aNrt O O p O O O O O p O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 p Op O p Op O O O O p Op O O + I p N p W+ W N R W P W p W N V N .O N N N+ P+ m �pil mwIwo �rili �•o"wd.odwogiiA���i .. .. S OI S OI O O O {.A OS{ 1. .. O.VI awt:tw I N MgNw N W O W VNI + W j N N O VI W A W N •WO VI P N O P V R I ' P N+ P W P O N m P P+ • � � o aD aD P A A N N r u O M 1 O O P P O O O O O m H d r M O r � O 1p!1. 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O O P P P 0 A N G N N G N •O N N , O O J M o o aA0 A P a0 � O O O N Vr u o 0 0 0 0 aC (�pp ��yy MM m m r Y N O: �t •O O N N p U> O P N O N M �t •O M d O p pp O •O O N Z •O M O• d 10 4 O A 2 C r A d •� r L d N A ,An M t0 •O d d L O «_ O P N S •O N �f •O r G L U d L 6 d n Irk M op m .p •O O. M M N O y U> eE O O P d O •O N �f •O u a F O •p P N P O P •O O O O O O N O O � P P A O o P •AO P V A P P P N « O PN N O N N N •O O M M M O •p P N P O P •O O O O O O N O O P P P P P P P P P N « m N O O O M M M M M M M N d P m q L 0 0 0 0 0 0 M p p« p« G« G« G« G« P P P P P P P P P N N M M M M M M M P Y N « m N O O O O « « d P m q L A � O • • 0 V E L p TM d �- a>o ■O 14) N 4) a` LL /4) V/f_!� V Q O,+_+ o ICL J O �> LO TZ a m 4) 06 CV o LL N Mmm > � O` C L }� O T T C N cc C) Q U. m O Co rn O C T ca T co a) U CA a) CT 0 M CD .n rn E C) T M Z ca0 O O CT Ch rn a T Cl) T A M N 7 Qw o� 75 T CA CD N to O A Ln T T 01 of U fL ' cn a C 7 LL • 0 • ^W Y cc E x L 00 O G a oo /1. W L L MO as d O p L a� d O ML W O w O C L m N U T T N cc i LL CY/ 7 0 G) 0) rm Wcm ` Q cu E N am 1 1 I I i 1 1 1 11 11 i 1 1 I T VI T N cd LT M N M U T co O CO M M C T wz M N o U � U O O i./) a� n ai > T 0 T Z \i M `V Q 0 M U T OCTM o E N 0) a T T CO) Q M M CO) 75 rn � M co N CO fD qqt N O N 7 v-7 c 7 LL C O cn C CL U ^ I.L • • Lager Investments, Incorporated REALIZED CAPITAL GAINS AND LOSSES City of Fayetteville Police Pension Fund Combined Account From 01-01-91 Through 02-20-91 Cost Date Quantity Security Basis Proceeds Gain Or Loss 01-03-91 500 _______________--------- Laidlaw Inc. Class B __________ 118222.50 __________ 80999.69 __------ _____ -28222.81 01-04-91 1,000 Chemical waste 180945.00 21,304.28 28359.28 Management 01-07-91 18000 Eastman Kodak 42,865.00 40,023.66 -2,841.34 01-14-91 18500 Claire's Stores 14,355.00 140332.01 -22.99 01-14-91 1,000 Hershey Foods 35,570.00 35,998.79 428.79 01-14-91 700 Ingersoll-Rand 25,445.00 25,199.15 -245.85 01-14-91 700 J.B. Hunt 108587.50 11,987.50 1,400.00 01-14-91 400 Minnesota Mining 8 Mfg. 290986.44 32,098.92 2,112.48 01-22-91 200 Jacobs Engineering 48120.00 5,094.82 974.82 01-28-91 900 Abbott Labs 37,753.82 39,711.17 1,957.35 01-29-91 300 Ingersoll-Rand 100980.00 126824.57 1,844.57 01-31-91 600 Pacificorp 11,742.00 12,524.58 782.58 01-31-91 250 warner Lambert 16,033.75 17,499.41 1,465.66 02-05-91 500 Ingersoll-Rand 18,300.00 21,699.27 30399.27 02-07-91 18000 Greiner Engineering 13,070.00 14,249.52 1,179.52 ------------- TOTAL GAINS 170904.33 TOTAL LOSSES -5,332.99 .......... 3000976.00 ---------- ---------- .......... 313,547.34 ---------- ---------- ............. 12,571.34 ------------- ------------- n U • Longer Investments, Incorporated INTEREST, DIVIDENDS, AND EXPENSES City of Fayetteville Police Pension Fund Combined Account From 01-01-91 Through 02-20-91 COMMON STOCK 01-02-91 Walmart Stores 17.50 01-03-91 Chemical Waste Management 40.00 01-03-91 Reebok Int'1. 75.00 01-03-91 Waste Management 72.00 01-10-91 Philip Morris 344.00 01-11-91 Schlumberger, LTD 150.00 01-15-91 Mylan Labs 75.00 01-16-91 Fluor Corp. 80.00 02-01-91 Bristol Myers Squibb 360.00 02-15-91 Abbott Labs 399.00 02-15-91 Pacificorp 576.00 ------ 2,188.50 GOVERNMENT BONDS 02-08-91 Federal Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. 4,575.00 9.150% Due 08-08-00 4,575.00 CASH AND EQUIVALENTS 02-01-91 Money Market 773.32 -------773 32 CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT (MONTHLY PYMT.) ...................................... 01-30-91 First USA Bank Wilmington, DE 714.72 8.3% 1-2-96 8.300% Due 01-02-96 ............. EXPENSE ACCOUNTS ............ 02-01-91 Automated Cash Mgmt. 26.63 ------------- 26.63 AFTER FEE PERFORMANCE EXPENSE ACCOUNTS 01-14-91 Management Fee 01-14-91 Management Fee 02-05-91 Northern Trust Fee 2,739.39 1,296.18 400.00 4,435.57 ----- I Longer Investments, Incorporated PURCHASE AND SALE REPORT City of Fayetteville Police Pension Fund Stock Account • From 01-01-91 To 02-20-91 Unit Date Quantity Security Price Amount --------------------------------------------------------------............. PURCHASES 01-07-91 1,000 Abbott Labs 40.35 40,350.00 01-04-91 200 Bristol Myers Squibb 62.40 12,480.00 01-04-91 300 Bristol Myers Squibb 62.87 18,861.00 01-29-91 600 Community Psychiatric Center 29.60 171760.00 01-30-91 1,000 Crane Co. 22.58 22,580.00 01-22-91 500 Diebold, Inc. 35.10 17,550.00 01-31-91 500 Diebold, Inc. 37.60 18,800.00 02-07-91 500 Diebold, Inc. 37.35 18,675.00 01-18-91 300 Fluor Corp. 39.25 11,775.00 01-22-91 300 Fluor Corp. 39.37 11,811.00 01-30-91 700 Glaxo Holding 35.00 24,500.00 01-17-91 800 Ingersoll-Rand 36.60 29,280.00 01-23-91 200 Intl Business Machines 120.02 24,005.00 02-07-91 200 Intl Business Machines 130.90 26,180.00 01-07-91 800 Jacobs Engineering 20.60 16,480.00 01-18-91 400 Philip Morris 53.00 21,200.00 01-30-91 800 Reader's Digest 28.87 23,096.00 01-17-91 200 Schlumberger, LTD 53.80 10,761.00 01-04-91 500 Tyson Foods 29.94 14,972.50 01-03-91 300 Waste Management 35.12 10,537.50 • 391,654 00 SALES 01-28-91 900 Abbott Labs 44.12 39,711.17 01-04-91 1,000 Chemical Waste Management 21.30 211304.28 01-14-91 1,500 Claire's Stores 9.55 14,332.01 01-07-91 11000 Eastman Kodak 40.02 40,023.66 02-07-91 1,000 Greiner Engineering 14.25 14,249.52 01-14-91 11000 Hershey Foods 36.00 35,998.79 01-14-91 700 Ingersoll-Rand 36.00 25,199.15 01-29-91 300 Ingersoll-Rand 42.75 12,824.57 02-05-91 500 Ingersoll-Rand 43.40 21,699.27 01-14-91 700 J.B. Hunt 17.12 11,987.50 01-22-91 200 Jacobs Engineering 25.47 51094.82 01-03-91 500 Laidlaw Inc. Class B 18.00 81999.69 01-14-91 400 Minnesota Mining & Mfg. 80.25 32,098.92 01-31-91 600 Pacificorp 20.87 12,524.58 01-31-91 250 Warner Lambert 70.00 17,499.41 313,547 34 • it n m 'r c z -I a In 4n m m r m x D- n r m m a a c m m a z •- a] n m c ¢ is n c '3 m [!) .-• n d c -y y am' S m r rJ r ..+ a— a >t o :U m Y a v d x O— ¢ r 11 m in •-� N 9 n [n m •--� m m D r c m .� +1 `+. r •-• m2� 4] .7 m C ti a1. I$ m m `r+ C— GJ a 1 -r 'I'1 m m n r Y a C n -• r a m f+e It y N [�] I •- m S m r O m 3 O 2 r O y 2 [!: } 11 O S d O tl w m m d T < 3 ¢ } m T m O P ['l V •- V [n m 47 m moi%. T -i �• ek } it a o m m. m ro T n m ao a ¢ N m 11 N y y n 11 S Y 11 ¢ if If c o o G G P- r]l ul is -� m nl c In I.n a cn m ,1 ii• v cn o tr r G o- c w. ¢ If 'O O o G > O C O o O G G G G G G G C C G G p G o O G c G c• ¢ II } it + u N M N N M M N H N M N N M N N N N N N N N N N N ¢ ¢ 11 b m -C ?. v �- G +' O 6 •� O •+ •� G N W O a O C O G N O 0 0 4 if: h II • W !V `. m a W V r O N V U a• b .-+ is m-0^ w P V .' A N �-• m ¢ ¢ 11 'CJf t Cn O G tr P A Y O U1 N a O O N P A O N O tJl a C C O? } ¢ 11 11 _ _ .. _ _ _ } M 11 11 ¢Pc If M N 11 N rt 4 M 9 k r II N N N M N Y v .-• Y+ m 11 P P r .N.. N N N Gn so, N so 11 b .O V 4A V -ao n m m V 0 0- VI V m w. r '-0 KK it ¢ < + o- a it o in c o c cn o c .1< »� n } u 11 M N 11N N w T} o— n ir. A rt m¢ 11 N N N N N M > •� m¢ m_ II P r P VI (JI O O O O [JI G .1• r D KK 11 y A } P 11 V 11 J p V O p O O O O O rt It } is KK N It M M } It ¢ a KKn m It P P N N N o w .+ -O w P •+ y .O m + -O II O -O Lll V N N m P G -J O .y r x} 11 y n c+- n- in c c o i_n o is c o o rn o »� V 11 V V O O C O G C O 6 G O O O ¢ If MIC if 11 p } II h } It ¢ m H li N ¢ 4 m _ ¢ y n KK a } is m 11 P P r N VI M •- N } -O ?f ¢ D a It N -O fJi •� ••+ Gr lJl N VI KK -O r } y b 11 m V O P Cn V m A w r T 11 IK O y Ln 6 111 1 11 1 O C O `O C O O rt¢ II y ¢ Y it ¢ b N If M Of, Z N 11 If 4104- Ads, W 11 P P ` N •+ w P N N } -p SAbc 4 m 11 ye 11 V O O O O p } D 91 O c O o p G Ik m:p n KK < if li41ft 41k Of, N N N N N W O A a a A 11 m o— u —0 �� o i. .- -0 m — �1 o- -0 o m rJ m o V ii y ;r - c o o c c o 0 o c c 66 c c } w + n } u 11 a r KK 1 rt 4 y I »� W ¢ _N 1II m m 11 P P •� u N (JI N N � K ¢. .G C wa r a 1{1 -O I -0 GJ1 V tJl N KK -O +M r o- ii a v- o Sll o G o cn o G � v •H 11 v r 0 0 0 0 0 G o o s : o rl } } » Y KK m A If NIs 4110 40k a 1 ¢ a¢ N 11 P V1 IMP It V II wWi O _ Is ii a H w m+ z a 11 N N N + N N N N N N N ak •� MO,+ O W II ^ .-0. A •- .O N m r V P -G O m yJ 11 p -p fJl �1 N N m P .� -J C 4. •� m } 91 ¢ m ¢ u O- u- !.n o <7 O V 11 u r if w if « n « KK To } N 11 N ¢ o ¢K So ¢ 4 _ n } r N ~_ M M M= .p a n -O -0 Cn V 411 N a rM -p m¢ of -Q IIO P GP V 11 .-•. m m V • • ¢ A w P 11 P O Ill q O O VI O G ¢ + v to n ¢ ri N n N 11 N M -• N # W If P P P N W P N O 1 •O -O r N fllIf P 11 VI O O O O I✓1 O } r m¢ y II O` P O O O r 14' m II w V •J O O O O G O O 14CxI G o G KK ¢ I + w. } rt} "• I M MA N M rN.. al. p } W I O a A I N+ H -• M M N N N N Cmc w A II ^ P P G N ra P II N O 2• -O [] `1 O-0-Wp O m O r+. d 'm1• } O • II ri L c O VI o o q w o w O O G VI c:mL w N ii G o O o o G o c G G G G G c KK It y 1l It } It ¢ K it a M + P 11 N N N M V N N N a V ^ N N T } II N M N N+ + N•• v N N M+ rV• 11 G •� W N O r�r p- m W m M m P O a GJ W N P m P VI A N �N- P a N m w} W VI O Cn O W m a .p m J P O P A O VI A -O V W m O tll a O P A a n• m it O- O O O G P N O P O G O O O A O O O m O N O N A O O p O O G O M. r} O 11 O O O C O O O O C O O O O O C O O O O O O O O O O O C G O O C• Mx II } � City of Fayetteville, Arkansas Policemen's Pension & Relief Fund Asset Allocation — Cost Basis December 31, 1990 DEAN WITTER Dean Witter Madision Investment Acorn Asset Management TOTAL DEAN WITTER • LONGER INVESTMENTS, INC CITY HELD INVESTMENTS TOTAL FUND PERCENT OF TOTAL t1M1CP�OFTLMED \BEN\POUNV Cash & Fixed Percent Equivalent Income Equities Total Of (10-25%) (15-75%) (20-40%) Total $543,798 $60,000 $0 < $803,798; 13% 120,210 950,000 0: 1,070,210:'. 24% 350,002 363,000 301638 1,014,640` 22% 8996 dq% 6296 26% 1414,010 1,373,000 301,638 2,688,648 60% 9% 22% 74% 1059587 494,403 854,349 2% 16% 0% 25,432 350,000 0 2596 49% 26%; 100% m • ELAms M. Iom m C.F.A. LONGER INVESTMENTS,INC. REGISTERED INVESTMENT ADVISOR P. O. BOX 490 18 E. CENTER STREET SUITE 291 FAr vrrzvR.i.E. ARKANSAS 72701 T=EPRONE 6011448.6861 January 10, 1991 City of Fayetteville Police Pension Fund Committee Attn: Mr. Scott Linebaugh 113 W. Mountain Fayetteville, AR 72701 Dear Scott: Please find enclosed the portfolio reports for the fourth quarter of 1990 for the City of Fayetteville Police Pension Fund. These reports include a portfolio appraisal, an income and expense report, a report of realized gains, purchases and sales, performance, and an estimated income summary. As instructed, your management fees will be billed to the Northern Trust account.We will forward year-end reports of income and realized gains to you when we receive the final reports from Northern Trust, if any revisions are necessary. This has been a tumultuous year in the markets. Through the first half of the year, the markets were relatively stable, growth in the economy was sluggish but positive, earnings growth and interest rates were moderate and the market went from 2700 on the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) at the beginning of -the year -to 3000 by mid -year. In August when -Iraq -invaded Kuwait the market began a descent that carried the DJIA to the mid - 2300's by early October; a breathtaking decline of 238 in three months while the broader averages, small cap stocks, financial stocks and transportation stocks suffered even more pronounced declines. Since those lows in October, the market has recovered to the 2630 level as war fears abated on renewed hopes of a peaceful solution to the Middle East crisis. However, even with the fourth quarter recovery, the market closed down for the year for the first time since 1981. The slight decline in the DJIA masked the more pronounced weakness in the broader averages (Wilshire 5000, Value Line Index), as you can see in the table below. Even the Dow.Jones Utility Index, thought to be more stable in a declining market, suffered a significant loss for the year. Mr. Scott Linebaugh • January 10, 1991 Page Two PERFORMANCE 1990 Ju y 26 - December 31) 7.22% 5.73% 9.38 8.38 + 3.38 8.56% -16.07% INDEX S & P 500 S & P 500 (with dividends DJIA DJIA (with dividends DJ Utility Index Wilshire 5000 reinvested) reinvested) NASDAQ Over the Counter Stocks FAYETTEVILLE POLICE PENSION FUND 3.138 Equities + 4.918 Bonds +11.808 Bonds (Annualized) + 0.308 Total Account The average annual return for the equity markets over time has been 108 per year. During the 1980'x, the stock market returns have averaged approximatel 158 per year. It's not surprising • then, that with investors uggling war fears, recession, bank failures and budget gridlock in Washington, the markets underwent some consolidation and retrenchment this year. We have been communicating with you throughout the year on the defensive strategies we were employing to protect capital in a highly uncertain environment. The returns in your account this year are not as high, in absolute terms, as we have been accustomed to in the recent past. However, on a relative performance basis, we are pleased that we have been able to navigate a difficult course and preserve capital. As we face January of this new year, investors are still focusing on the Middle East deadline of January 15. The economy is in the midst of a recession that began in the fourth quarter of 1990. The negative impact of that contraction in economic growth on fourth quarter earnings won't be certain until the earnings are reported in late January. The first quarter of this year may be rocky due to these uncertainties and a retest of the October lows can be expected. However, looking beyond the first quarter and assuming we don't get into a prolonged engagement in the Middle East, there are some rays of hope. 0 Mr. Scott Linebaugh • January 10, 1991 Page Three We have enjoyed the longest peacetime expansion in this nation's history. It is now over eight years old and appears to have ended in the fourth quarter of 1990. Economic pauses are not all bad, and if they don't go on too long or become too severe, they are helpful in that they cure some of the excesses that have crept into the system and help to alleviate constraints in capacity utilization and employment so as to moderate the inflationary pressures in the economy. The Federal Reserve has responded to the weakness in the economy by moving aggressively since November to lower short term interest rates. The banks have followed by cutting the prime lending rate. This should stimulate the economy out of recession by the second half of 1991 and the economic cycle can begin anew. Earnings typically recover as the economy recovers. The stock market discounts the earnings improvement in advance and bottoms approximately six months before a recession ends. By the time investors know this recession is over, the stock market will have already recovered. Many of the companies we own have continued to demonstrate earnings improvement this year. We have emphasized credit quality in the stocks we own, choosing only those companies that have a strong balance sheet with very little debt. These companies generate sufficient cash flow from operations to cover their main capital requirements of dividends, debt retirement and additions to property, plant and equipment. We invest in companies that have consistent earnings and dividend growth and have a strong "franchise" or dominant market share in their . respective industries. As we look to the 901s, one trend that is indisputable is that American corporations and consumers will go through a period of unwinding the excessive debt build-up of the the 1980's. The companies that resisted the leverage craze of the 80's will reap the benefits in the 901s. Those benefits will include the ability to expand market share, higher profitability and returns on equity, greater capacity to spend on research, development and marketing and the financial flexibility to reward shareholders with increasing dividends as opposed to paying interest to creditors. These are what we call "survivor companies" and they are well represented in your portfolio. The future for these companies in the 1990's is very bright. As Eastern European and Asian markets and economies open up to democracy, capitalism and trade, these "survivors" are positioned financially and strategically to benefit from emerging growth opportunities in the next decade. Your account is still positioned defensively with cash reserves and utility stocks comprising 15% of the equity account. If some of the uncertainty regarding the economic outlook dissipates, if the Middle East conflict is resolved, or if the valuation of equities improves,relative to the valuation of the bond market, 0 • 0 Mr. Scott Linebaugh January 10, 1991 Page Four we have the flexibility to increase your exposure to stocks. However, until some or all of these events occur, it still pays to be cautious. I am enclosing a chart that shows the performance of equities as an asset relative to inflation over time. Equities are the only financial asset that allows an investor to participate in a rising stream of dividend income. By participating in growth, equity ownership provides protection from the erosion of purchasing power brought about by inflation. This chart helps me to see the forest, not the trees, during short term periods of uncertainty in the market. I thought you might enjoy it since it is a helpful tool to maintain the proper long term perspective. Please review your reports and call if you have any questions or comments. You will be hearing a new voice on the phone when you call our office. We have hired a new administrative assistant named Patti Kinder who started with Longer Investments January 7. Prior to joining Longer Investments, Patti worked as administrative assistant to the President of Northwest National Bank in Fayetteville. She will be responsible for settling trades and will be taking over some of the clerical duties Kim has been doing. This will free Kim up to help further with the research work, account management and client contacts. Kim will be sitting for the first of three exams this June, in pursuit of the designation of Chartered Financial Analyst. All of these developments are being done to maintain a high level of service for our clients. We appreciate your business and wish you a happy and prosperous new year. Please let us know if we can be of any additional assistance. Sincerely, 0010 L _ / eine M. g C.F.A President EML/kmc Enclosure 9 I 0 Om Z �v az my m .i v0 9 0 iv z m W c E N ma M Mo v _no m m N m N O 0 i Ul � o 0 CP to �< 'v 1 1 M 1 Z J �o CD o 0 O 1 z CO :c M \ i n V O Om Z �v az my m .i v0 9 0 iv z m W c E N ma M Mo v _no m m N m N 1 1 ; 1 1 1 1 \ \ ; 1 1 1 1 1 \ \ \ ; \ \ \ \ \ 1 • 1 \ \ Om Z �v az my m .i v0 9 0 iv z m W c E N ma M Mo v _no m m N m N December 31, 1990 City of Fayetteville Police Pension Fund Combined Account 13 W. Mountain ayetteville, AR 72701 Longer Investments, Incorporated STATEMENT OF MANAGEMENT FEES For The Period Ending December 31, 1990 Portfolio Valuation as of 12-31-90 500,000 @ 1.250% per annum 989,227 @ 1.000% per annum Quarterly Management Fee • • TOTAL DUE AND PAYABLE $ 1,489,227.08 1,562.50 2,473.07 $ 4,035.57 4,035.57 Pursuant to Section 204-3 of the Investment Advisors Act of 1940,' Part II of Form ADV is available to all clients of Longer Investments, Inc. This statement may be obtained by submitting a f. written request to the company. • • 0 Langer Investments, Incorporated PORTFOLIO APPRAISAL City of Fayetteville Police Pension Fund Combined Account December 31, 1990 CORPORATE BONDS 100,000 G. E. Capital Corp. 99.86 99,860.00 Unit Total Market Market Pct, Unit Annual Cur, Quantity Security Cost Cost Price Value Assets Income Income Yield ........M . .................... ....... ......... ....... ......... .... ...... ......... ..... COMMON STOCK 200,403.50 202,902.50 13.6 17,86.00 8.6 -----.-. 900 Abbott Labs 43.72 39,352.50 45.00 408500.00 2.7 0.840 756.00 1.9 600 Archer Daniels 23.29 13,973.79 22.75 13,650.00 0.9 0.100 60.00 0.4 Midland 20000 Barold Corp. 7.11 140222.18 6.00 12,000.00 0.8 0.200 400.00 3.3 600 Bristol Myers Squibb 57.92 34,752.00 67.25 40,350.00 2.7 2.400 1,440.00 3.6 10000 Chemical Waste 18.94 18,945.00 21.50 21,500.00 1.4 0.160 160.00 0.7 Management 1,500 Claire's Stores 9.57 14,355.00 9.75 14,625.00 1.0 0.100 150.00 1.0 1,000 Eastman Kodak 42.86 426865.00 41.62 41,625.00 2.8 2.000 2,000.00 4.8 1,200 Emerson Electric 40.07 48,084.00 37.75 45,300.00 3.0 1.260 1,512.00 3.3 1,000 Fluor Corp. 39.00 39,001.14 36.50 36,500.00 2.4 0.240 240.00 0.7 18000 Greiner Engineering 13.07 13,070.00 14.00 140000.00 0.9 0.200 200.00 1.4 1,000 Hershey Foods 35.57 35,570.00 37.50 37,500.00 2.5 0.900 900.00 2.4 700 Ingersoll-Rand 36.35 25,445.00 37.25 26,075.00 1.7 1.320 924.00 3.5 400 Inti Business 108.08 43,231.56 113.00 45,200.00 3.0 4.840 1,936.00 4.3 Machines 700 J.B. Hunt 15.12 10,587.50 17.50 12,250.00 0.8 0.240 168.00 1.4 500 LaidLaw Inc. Class 9 22.44 11,222.50 18.50 9,250.00 0.6 0.280 140.00 1.5 1,500 Luby's Cafeterias 18.13 270198.75 18.00 27,000.00 1.8 0.460 690.00 2.6 800 Minnesota Mining t 74.97 59,972.87 85.75 68,600.00 4.6 2.920 2,336.00 3.4 Mfg. 10500 MoblL Corp. 62.17 93,257.50 58.00 870000.00 5.8 2.900 4,350.00 5.0 1,500 Mylan Labs 17.55 26,320.00 20.75 310125.00 2.1 0.200 300.00 1.0 10600 Pacificorp 19.57 31,312.00 22.37 35,800.00 2.4 1.440 2,304.00 6.4 800 Philip Morris 40.94 32,748.13 51.75 41,400.00 2.8 1.720 1,376.00 3.3 500 Schlumberger, LTD 55.50 27,750.00 $7.87 28,937.50 1.9 1.200 600.00 2.1 - _- 600 Toys -R -Us 28.85 17,308.50 22.50 13,500.00 0.9 0.000 0.00 0.0 1,000 Tyson Foods 26.52 260521.8 31.00 31,000.00 2.1 0.040 40.00 0.1 500 Wataart Stores 29.03 14,514.17 30.25 15,125.00 1.0 0.140 70.00 0.5 750 Warner Lambert 64.13 480101.25 67.50 500625.00 3.4 1.520 11140.00 2.3 800 Waste Management 33.37 26,700.00 35.25 280200.00 1.9 0.360 288.00 1.0 600 Westinghouse Elec 29.94 17,967.00 28.50 17,100.00 1.1 1.400 840.00 4.9 ......... ......... ..... ......... ..... 854,348.59 885,737.50 59.2 25,320.00 2.9 CORPORATE BONDS 100,000 G. E. Capital Corp. 99.86 99,860.00 100.34 1000340.00 6.7 8.000 80000.00 8.0 8.000% Due 12-01-92 1000000 Philip Morris 100.54 100,543.50 101.12 101,125.00 6.8 9.250 98250.00 9.1 9.250% Due 12-01-97 Accrued Interest 1,437.50 0.1 ......... ......... ..... ......... ----- - 200,403.50 202,902.50 13.6 17,86.00 8.6 1 Longer Investments, Incorporated PORTFOLIO APPRAISAL City of Fayetteville Police Pension Fund Combined Account December 31, 1990 Unit Total Market Market Pct. Unit Annual Our Quantity Security Cost Cost Price Value Assets Income Income Yield .......... .................... ....... ......... ....... ......... ..... ...... ......... ..... GOVERNMENT BONDS 7.805 70336.70 7.8 lMatures 8-27-911 ............ 1.11 7.805% Due 11-27-91 100,000 Federal Naos Loan 100.00 100,000.00 102." 102,437.50 6.9 9.150 9,150.00 8.9 Mortgage Corp. ......... """"' ..... ......... ..... 9.150% Due 08-08-00 940000.00 '---94;692:91 6.3 --7,336.70 7.8--- -- Accrued Interest ......... 30634.58 0.2 _____ TOTAL PORTFOLIO 184546339.17 10494,992.07 100.0 75,275.73 5.0 ww nnn=nnnn aaasaaaaa a-san 1006000.00 106,072.08 7.1 9,150.00 8.9 CASH AND EQUIVALENTS Money Market 1058587.08 1056587.08 7.1 7.500 7,919.03 7.5 .._...... ......... ..... ......... ..... 105,587.08 1050587.08 7.1 7,919.03 7.5 CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT .................... -.. First USA Bank Wilmington, DE 1000000.00 FDIC 1.2-96 100,000.00 100,000.00 6.7 8.300 8,300.00 8.3 ____ ------ ------- __ 1000000.00 6.7 80300.00 8.3 CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT ____ ------ ------- __ • 96,000__Mcllroy_ Bank i Trust 100.00 946000.00 100.00 948000.00 6.3 7.805 70336.70 7.8 lMatures 8-27-911 7.805% Due 11-27-91 Accrued Interest - - -. 692.91 0.0 ......... """"' ..... ......... ..... 940000.00 '---94;692:91 6.3 --7,336.70 7.8--- -- ____.__.. ......... '---- _________ _____ TOTAL PORTFOLIO 184546339.17 10494,992.07 100.0 75,275.73 5.0 nnn=nnnn aaasaaaaa a-san saaaaaaaa amu b • • • 0 Longer Investments, Incorporated PORTFOLIO APPRAISAL City of Fayetteville Pollee Pension Fund Stock Account December 31, 1990 ......--- ......... ..... ......... ..... TOTAL PORTFOLIO 939,365.78 970,754.09 100.0 31,696.24 3.3 mamas ems aaammm an Unit Total Market Market Pct, Unit Annual Cur, Quantity Security Cost Cost Price Value Assets Income Income Yield .......... .................... ....... ......... ....... ......... ..... ...... ......... ..... COMMON STOCK ............ . 900 Abbott Labs 43.72 39,352.50 45.00 40,500.00 4.2 0.840 756.00 1.9 600 Archer Daniels 23.29 13,973.79 22.75 13,650.00 1.4 0.100 60.00 0.4 Midland 2,000 Baroid Corp. 7.11 14,222.18 6.00 12,000.00 1.2 0.200 400.00 3.3 600 Bristol Myers Squibb 57.92 34,752.00 67.25 40,350.00 4.2 2.400 18440.00 3.6 10000 Chemical Waste 18.94 18,945.00 21.50 21,500.00 2.2 0.160 160.00 0.7 Management 1,500 Claire's Stores 9.57 141355.00 9.75 140625.00 1.5 0.100 150.00 1.0 1,000 Eastman Kodak 42.86 42,565.00 41.62 418625.00 4.3 2.000 2,000.00 4.8 10200 Emerson Electric 40.07 488084.00 37.75 45,300.00 4.7 1.260 1,512.00 3.3 1,000 Fluor Corp. 39.00 39,001.14 36.50 36,500.00 3.8 0.240 240.00 0.7 1,000 Greiner Engineering 13.07 13,070.00 14.00 14,000.00 1.4 0.200 200.00 1.4 1,000 Hershey Foods 35.57 35,570.00 37.50 370500.00 3.9 0.900 900.00 2.4 700 Ingersoll-Rand 36.35 25,445.00 37.25 26,075.00 2.7 1.320 924.00 3.5 400 Intel Business 108.08 43,231.56 113.00 45,200.00 4.7 4.840 18936.00 4.3 Machines 700 J.B. Hurt 15.12 10,587.50 17.50 12,250.00 1.3 0.240 168.00 1.4 500 Laidlaw Inc. Class B 22.44 11,222.50 18.50 9,250.00 1.0 0.280 140.00 1.5 1,500 Lubyls Cafeterias 18.13 27,198.75 18.00 27,000.00 2.8 0.460 690.00 2.6 800 Minnesota Mining i 74.97 59,972.87 85.75 68,600.00 7.1 2.920 2,336.00 3.4 Mfg. 10500 Mobil Corp. 62.17 93,257.50 58.00 87,000.00 9.0 2.900 48350.00 5.0 1,500 Nylan Labe 17.55 26,320.00 20.75 318125.00 3.2 0.200 300.00 1.0 1,600 Paeificorp 19.57 31,312.00 22.37 35,800.00 3.7 1.440 2,304.00 6.4 800 Philip Morris 40.94 32,748.13 51.75 41,400.00 4.3 1.720 1,376.00 3.3 - 500 Schlumberger, LTD- --55.50 27,750.00 57.87 -28;937:50- 3.0 1.200°-- -600.00- 2.1 600 Toys -R -Us 28.85 17,308.50 22.SO 13,500.00 1.4 0.000 0.00 0.0 1,000 Tyson Foods 26.52 260521.25 31.00 31,000.00 3.2 0.040 40.00 0.1 500 Walmart Stores 29.03 14,514.17 30.25 15,125.00 1.6 0.140 70.00 0.5 750 Warner Lambert 64.13 48,101.25 67.50 50,625.00 5.2 1.520 10140.00 2.3 SOO Waste Management 33.37 260700.00 35.25 280200.00 2.9 0.360 288.00 1.0 600 Westinghouse Else 29.94 17,967.00 26.50 17,100.00 1.8 1.400 840.00 4.9 854,348.59 885,737.50 91.2 250320.00 2.9 CASH AND EQUIVALENTS ____________________ Money Market 850016.59 85,016.59 8.8 7.500 6,376.24 7.5 ......... ..... ......... ..... 85,016.59 85,016.59 8.8 6,376.24 7.5 ......--- ......... ..... ......... ..... TOTAL PORTFOLIO 939,365.78 970,754.09 100.0 31,696.24 3.3 mamas ems aaammm an Quantity Security .......... .................... CORPORATE BONDS ............... 19.3 100,000 G. E. Capital Corp. 1,437.50 8.000% Due 12-01-92 1000000 Philip Norris ....._... 9.250% Due 12-01-97 ......... ..... Accrued Interest GOVERNMENT BONDS ................ 100,000 Federal Nome Loan Mortgage Corp. 9.150% Due 08-08-00 Accrued Interest CASH AND EQUIVALENTS -............... Money Market CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT ....................... Longer Investments, Incorporated PORTFOLIO APPRAISAL City of Fayetteville Polioa Pension Furl Bond Account December 310 1990 Unit Total Market Market Pct. Unit Annual Cur. Cost Coat Price Value Assets Incase Income Yield ....... ......... ....... ......... ..... ...... ......... ..... 99.86 99,860.00 100.34 100,340.00 19.1 8.000 8,000.00 8.0 100.54 100,543.50 101.12 101,125.00 19.3 9.250 9,250.00 9.1 ....... .. 1,437.50 0.3 206570.49 ....._.._ ....._... ._••. ......... ..... 200,403.50 202,902.50 38.7 170250.00 8.6 100.00 100,000.00 102.44 102,437.50 19.5 9.150 9,150.00 8.9 3,634.58 0.7 •"'..... ......... ..... '••...... ..... 1006000.00 106,072.08 20.2 90150.00 8.9 20,570.49 20,570.49 3.9 7.500 1,542.79 7.5 ......... ......... ..... ....... .. ..... 20,570.49 206570.49 3.9 1,542.79 7.5 _ First USA Bank Wilmington, DE 100,000.00 100,000_.00 19.1 8.300 80300.00 8.3 FDIC 1-2-96 TOTAL PORTFOLIO 514,973.99 524,237.98 100.0 43,579.49 8.3 ......... ..... evxxa 1008000.00 1006000.00 19.1 80300.00 8.3 CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT ----------------•..... 94,000 Mcllroy Bank 9 Trust 100.00 94,000.00 100.00 94,000.00 17.9 7.805 7,336.70 7.8 (Matures 8-27-91) 7.805% Due 11-27-91 Accrued Interest 692.91 0.1 ......... ......... ."" _________ _____ 94,000.00 94,692.91 18.1 7,336.70 7.8 0 --""--. ......... ..... ......... .__.. TOTAL PORTFOLIO 514,973.99 524,237.98 100.0 43,579.49 8.3 xaaaanao aaaaxax® evxxa exxxxaxxv axaaa 0 L • 0 Longer Investments, Incorporated INTEREST, DIVIDENDS, AND EXPENSES City of Fayetteville Police Pension Fund Combined Account From 01-01-90 Through 12-31-90 COMMON STOCK 08-24-90 Greiner Engineering 90.00 08-27-90 Archer Daniels Midland 37.50 09-04-90 AMP 340.00 09-10-90 Amoco 510.00 09-10-90 Dun and Bradstreet 424.00 09-10-90 Emerson Electric 378.00 09-10-90 Intl Business Machines 605.00 09-10-90 Mobil Corp. 725.00 09-12-90 Minnesota Mining & Mfg. 584.00 09-17-90 Tyson Foods 20.00 10-04-90 Walmart Stores 52.50 10-04-90 Waste Management 45.00 10-10-90 Philip Morris 301.00 10-10-90 Tiffany & Co. 35.00 10-16-90 Fluor Corp. 51.00 10-19-90 Emerson Electric 288.75 10-25-90 General Electric 528.75 11-01-90 Bristol Myers Squibb 318.00 11-15-90 Pacificorp 576.00 11-16-90 Greiner Engineering 90.00 11-16-90 Laidlaw Inc. Class B 30.00 11-27-90 J.B. Hunt 42.00 12-03-90 Archer Daniels Midland 15.00 12-03-90 AMAX Inc. 200.00 12-03-90 Westinghouse Elec 210.00 12-10-90 Emerson Electric 396.00 12-10-90 Intl Business Machines 484.00 12-10-90 Mobil Corp. 1,087.50 12-17-90 Tyson Foods 10.00 12-28-90 Baroid Corp. 100.00 - ------------- 8,574.00 CORPORATE BONDS --------------- 12-01-90 Philip Morris -64.24 9.250% Due 12-01-97 12-03-90 G. E. Capital Corp. -266.67 8.000% Due 12-01-92 12-18-90 Philip Morris -321.18 9.250$ Due 12-01-97 ............ 1 4. • • • Longer Investments, Incorporated INTEREST, DIVIDENDS, AND EXPENSES City of Fayetteville Police Pension Fund Combined Account From 01-01-90 Through 12-31-90 GOVERNMENT BONDS ---------------- 08-24-90 U. S. Treas. Note -380.43 8.7508 Due 08-15-00 08-24-90 U. S. Treas. Note -380.43 8.750% Due 08-15-00 09-10-90 U. S. Treas. Note 11331.52 8.750% Due 08-15-00 570.66 TREASURY BILLS -------------- 12-13-90 U. S. Treasury Bill 3,746.00 7.660% Due 12-13-90 3,746.00 CASH AND EQUIVALENTS 09-04-90 Money Market 424.83 09-04-90 Money Market 21979.90 10-01-90 Money Market 1,224.92 10-01-90 Money Market 11773.89 11-01-90 Money Market 1,123.08 11-01-90 Money Market 11880.13 12-03-90 Money Market 966.80 12-03-90 Money Market 1,693.59 12-31-90 Money Market 452.88 12-31-90 Money Market 1,259.71 Mgmt, 31.66 12-03-90 ------------- Cash Mgmt, 55.47 13,779.73 EXPENSE ACCOUNTS ................ 09-04-90 Automated Cash Mgmt. 13.49 09-04-90 Automated Cash Mgmt. 94.64 10-01-90 Automated Cash Mgmt. 39.25 10-01-90 Automated Cash Mgmt. 56.83 11-01-90 Automated Cash Mgmt. 36.11 11-01-90 Automated Cash Mcjmt. 60.45 1i-16-90 Foreign Tax on Dividends 4.50 11-27-90 Miscellaneous Expense 10.00 12-03-90 Automated Cash Mgmt, 31.66 12-03-90 Automated Cash Mgmt, 55.47 12-31-90 Automated Cash Mgmt, 15.18 12-31-90 Automated Cash Mgmt, 42.22 459.80 2 0 0 Longer Investments, Incorporated INTEREST, DIVIDENDS, AND EXPENSES City of Fayetteville Police Pension Fund Combined Account From 01-01-90 Through 12-31-90 AFTER FEE PERFORMANCE EXPENSE ACCOUNTS -------------------------------------- 08-08-90 Management Fee 08-28-90 Northern Trust Fee 10-10-90 Management Fee 10-10-90 Management Fee 11-30-90 Northern Trust Fee NET INCOME E 3,750.00 300.00 2,428.64 1,380.07 1,375.00 9,233.71 16,324.79 • E 9) Lamar Investments, Incorporated REALIZED CAPITAL GAINS AND LOSSES City of Fayetteville Police Pension Fund Combined Account From 01-01-90 Through 12-31-90 Cost Date Quantity Security Basis Proceeds Gain Or Loss ........................................................................... 07-31-90 500 Toys -R -Us 14,423.75 150379.48 955.73 08-03-90 500 Archer Daniels Midland 12,535.00 12,214.59 -320.41 08-03-90 11000 Amoco 539570.00 590428.01 50858.01 08-03-90 19000 Lowe's 34,820.00 27,054.09 -7,765.91 08-13-90 10200 Reebok Intl, 15,834.00 15,665.47 -168.53 08-13-90 200 Tiffany 8 Co. 9,100.00 7,669.74 -1,430.26 08.15-90 250 American Now Products 11,209.40 12,214.59 10005.19 08-15-90 350 Philip Morris 11,327.30 16,468.70 5,141.40 08-15-90 900 Primerica Corp. 19,820.93 26,936.10 78115.17 08-16-90 1,075 Nestle 62,588.00 63,156.25 568.25 08-16-90 1,000 Primerica Corp. 22,023.25 29,429.01 7,405.76 08-21-90 10000 AMP 44,945.00 39,928.66 -5,016.34 08-21-90 1,000 Luby's Cafeterias 19,070.00 19,129.36 59.36 08-27-90 700 Amoco 39,074.00 37,837.23 -1,236.77 08-30-90 10000 American Home Products 44,837.60 "0428.51 -409.09 08-30-90 300 Fluor Corp. 13,337.31 106687.14 -2,650.17 08-30-90 300 Philip Morris 9,709.11 13,237.05 3,527.94 09-04-90 150 Fluor Corp. 6,668.65 50294.82 -1,375.83 09-04-90 500 Laidlaw Inc. Class B 11,222.50 8,725.00 -2,497.50 09-04-90 1,000 Tyson Foods 26,521.25 28,305.00 1,783.75 09-04-90 500 Waste Management 16s812.50 18,901.86 2,069.36 09-05-90 500 Abbott Labs 18,660.00 20,026.83 1,366.83 D9-05-90 400 Archer Daniels Midland 9,315.86 90644.67 328.81 09-05-90 300 Bristol Myers Squibb 17,376.00 18,561.88 1,185.88 09-05-90 500 Toys -R -Us 14,423.75 12,187.09 -2,236.66 09-10-90 200,000 U. S. Trees. Note 196,109.37 199,531.25 3,421.88 8.750% Due OB -75-00 09-27-90 125 General Electric 6,006.89 6,674.77 667.88 -- -- 09-27-90 -1,000 General Electric 48,055.11 53,273.22 5,218.11 10-03-90 500 Walmart Stores 14,514.17 14,214.52 -299.65 10-05-90 2DO Philip Morris 7,741.50 9,344.68 1,603.18 10-05-90 300 Philip Morris 111612.24 14,026.03 2,413.79 10-05.90 400 Westinghouse Elec 11,978.00 116849.60 -128.40 10-09-90 450 Archer Daniels Midland 10,480.34 10,745.64 265.30 10-19-90 -5 IBM Oct. 110 Calls 0.00 1,168.70 1,168.70 10-22-90 500 Inti Business Machines 54,039." 54,213.19 175.75 10-30-90 60 ESCO Electronics 288.75 152.49 -136.26 11-05-90 300 Minnesota Mining i Mfg. 21,215.62 24,186.69 20971.06 11-05-90 300 Philip Morris 12,280.55 14,588.51 2,307.96 11-06-90 300 Philip Morris 12,280.55 140699.50 2,418.95 11-07-90 800 Dun and Bradstreet 35,547.00 30,742.97 -4,804.03 11-12-90 350 Fluor Corp. 13,650.40 130261.05 -389.35 11-15-90 500 Walmart Stores 140514.17 14,437.01 -77.16 11-16-90 500 Tiffany i Co. 22,750.00 17,811.90 -4,938.10 11-21-90 10 OEX Dec. 300 Puts 6,314.51 6,267.41 . -47.10 Z • Larger Investments, incorporated REALIZED CAPITAL WINS AND LOSSES City of Fayetteville Police Pension Fund Combined Account From 01-01-90 Through 12-31-90 Date Quantity Security 11-26-90 300 Greiner Engineering 11-27-90 -5 Varner Lambert Dec. 65 .......... ....................... Calls 11-28-90 -4 IBM Dec. 110 Calls 11.30.90 20000 Tremont Corp. 12-21-90 500 Grainer Engineering 12-26-90 10000 AMAX Inc. 12-26-90 1,000 Lowe's 12-26-90 1,000 Reebok Int8l, TOTAL GAINS TOTAL LOSSES Cost 2,399.29 50.08 Basis Proceeds Gain Or Loss .......... ....................... 277.27 3,921.00 3,674.86 -246.14 10548.50 10513.38 -35.12 2,349.21 2,399.29 50.08 3,292.82 2,879.90 -412.92 6,53S.00 6,812.27 277.27 25,350.00 21,749.27 -3,600.75 19,522.50 23,874.20 4,351.70 10,195.00 12,374.58 2,179.58 ....67,880.63 -40.220.42 ............... 1,131,317.81 1,158,978.01 27,660.20 as=aaaaa asaaaaaaaa manaaaaaaaaa • • • • • • . • • • • • • • . • • • •l • o $12 � 8"B� y nm ro<me =4a-sans=siaaisN$=z_aaao=V»as»ssa x as a $'s a $ _ e = S 1 S v n o $ .. C .. L 8 88 8 x8x 88 8 'a $ m_ -___-_-.________________________g_- » 's s '8s 's 's s 'a '$ " a ' e - d N e M� CL88 $ 88 8 x8x 88 8 8 8 8 x $0 8 a$ a a$ a is s e s ______________ 9 s 88 $ 8 a s x s $ s a is s s'$ " a n 9 Lsww8 8 88 8 'xax 88 a s a I» • & 5-9 $=erasiesss.nxs,s.''a.g 2t :t s assn it $a'saoa$$aa'sas$a$aaa's$$8$$a$ R • • • m t 0 0 + o G G V C V S O O O O O O • • m • • O • C • W V O I a O VV 1NV Ny y N N N N V Go : N: • z T : m • z • v 00000 0 : � <fp� x • v i : o n n g w m r +G Om O c i �; o•, +JO O • V d d O) R S • T p i m• O oOoo v � m pn 0 W N O W O) O m • ~ m N 0 O P o +o v � • R m� 8 + m n 4VI �Vy W V p V� d S S �• T y 6 P A O N m �O S• N JC4 SSSS SS : .y <�% • me . S SS SS SS • y m s• • +C: : m n Fawgi Pi� SS : Nm°' : goso� gig. A P pW. O�.Opa+�• O S • w �Wp • O � �ppa�p �p� d O: O�O�p O G O O� C : O O O O O O p 0 0 p O N+ O V • W N 1• � 4 + O C • • • O O O O O O • • m • • O • C • W V O I a O VV 1NV Ny y N N N N V Go : N: • z T : m • z • v 00000 0 : � <fp� x • v i : o n n g w m r +G Om O c i �; o•, +JO O • V d d O) R S • T p i m• O oOoo v � m pn 0 W N O W O) O m • ~ m N 0 O P o +o v � • R m� 8 + m n 4VI �Vy W V p V� d S S �• T y 6 P A O N m �O S• N JC4 SSSS SS : .y <�% • me . S SS SS SS • y m s• • +C: : m n Fawgi Pi� SS : Nm°' : goso� gig. A P pW. O�.Opa+�• O S • w • Ll : O N+ + 0 0 0 0 O x• p m • Oi A A O O O O 5 • p• 1 : + A N O � ON• . O.pp p OpH� O n: S+ V a M •O J 5 55555 58 -. • 55555 88: N: L T_ _ GSpRRwN ��: ��• m SSSSS 8864 S S S S S 890 m + 0 p ��•• O M m T 9NS3S 88 y�i 8 N N V V S 88 m~ O � 0 8 5 5 5 8 8 i' m N 880 01 �a`dvPwR 88: ". v� m r O m b Y• T ppT A l0 � 1S i O A J n � q< _ M w � : O A O a, t b : O N+ + 0 0 0 0 O x• p m • Oi A A O O O O 5 • p• 1 : + A N O � ON• . O.pp p OpH� O n: S+ V a M •O J 5 55555 58 -. • 55555 88: N: L T_ _ GSpRRwN ��: ��• m SSSSS 8864 S S S S S 890 m + 0 p ��•• O M m T 9NS3S 88 y�i 8 N N V V S 88 m~ O � 0 8 5 5 5 8 8 i' m N 880 01 �a`dvPwR 88: ". A m r O m Y• T ppT A l0 � 1S i N A J n m q< _ M w r y A O t b G r � N O O O m ti ~ N y 5 n V� 0■ V V V I y, wig w • p.pp , O sagas O•O� •+•p� O.pp �•pp •+•pp �O�•� SP�OO � ■H_ • N O i 0 0 0 0 0 0 O p$ q . pe , I yyy 0 0 0 0 W i O W y II W• W W i O i 88988 O i mp , i C i W+ w V O w pV O .wi V�• N �y I• •O I N• w A Y1 N P Iy : T • o OI A 0 0 0+ O V Vy VV MT O i N W O W P+ •O S • , m SS 88888 d z y • w � Ifi r ' Ok . m + 0 0 0 0 O a Ong +i CC qr m Oi t A O O O S O • A I � A O J Y V 00t m O O W v W O+ n O • n � O> r�r 9 y Odp. N OVVC .W�pp N O O • � � �5 yj • •O N O N P •O S• N� p , i T �Rwtis SS �8 , O O O S S 8 0 I y C TT5 , S SSSSS SS•NT i O N , m I ■ 1 , , +s's$gg a+s9 sg :SSSS SSI 7 SISSSS Sao 06 OyI•�� P S V •AO + S • • • V • 0 • 66 S ll S1 4 Oil" ] 7 + n w As » w s s » e v R°» y� �1y�1 �1yu��11 ..pp �1yy yP1 O . co NA V P S A P V V N W' P l•1 O V+ V1 N W •WO S N A w W O N 9 w y P d A N P� + u' p��+ N N + O� .p N W� V' VO O ppp P N N � O• N � � 3 p N .O • N O pp O N1 N pp O N0 d N1 0 88 •P pp 0 pp pp VV p W N+ V W d P P+ N W+ .p W W A N+ •O V P N A N d •O W+ v 4 W N V N d y O11 P .D O .D 1N�y P P V 1 N�u N W O W N A N+ W .O •��O11 + O 1\11 • P d N N "be P W P W • T . xa9xa`�xxsexxN�'sYa+exxiaiexP WxaYxigieie�%xaixN. : o 0 • 41 N W N s�ie"�xx►ixx��ia�iiexx'�YxiYxxsi�xxxxix . 1y 1y y1 pn .(N ��.11 ppp .�pp .�pp d q po 1Ny pVp VNV qp oPo �Ny dm O po pNm� 1.Np p Op w ! x M M M x x X x x K it M x M if M K M M N 5 RR ON x • '»J l O O O O O O O O O 0 pdp pp 11yy 11�y ��11 ++�� II��1 ..pp ..pp ..pp yy11 _ pp pp pp _ s O N 0 0 0 0 N N O O O O O N N O N O O O V N O O N O 0 0• w O + N+ N W N+ W N W W W W O V M+ N N A r P N N+ P+ A _ ; po ypcypl1 cc O re eley.eoo �epp`r.eppeouo ee+o 0 000 0 P• N P N P O N� N� r P N d N N N N+ N_ C V d � RR pp 11yy w 1y 1yy1 p �1 yV1 .p N P pV+.1 ]O N T O O O O O N O O O O+ 0 0++ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0+ 0 0+ O+ O • � W .1�Op�/ p y p W .w1 + gpNq � MM pQ {pryd..�� vq 1W�1 �ppyy�� o •(pp�� � �pQ : �' 0000++or�ololNNy+oN000�ooQ000Neolloyylypo�� O� x • �11�y1'�Qp y�y11 j��j��11S j�$•O�.1 P WWQQ +� (�1 N�1�1 +�j�•$• V.p W • ^ S i!le�M�i��ii�x�if%i���ii�xA%Mi[ie PPxx • Vb <w 1N � O O P O+ 0 0 0 0 O O : : xxxx & six aixK x19V1,"i19A11 �. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o e o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 lou �N N 8� ��R�� ���R�R�885t�R�� • 'J8N�.oN�E..iIL'V��.1v9'NVbo"1`Joo1E.1.0iRv : i : 0 0 0 0 o e o 0 0 0 0 o e o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o e o o R �1 �y( V pp�� v p; pp��, y&1 1y +�� V•. V: yl +• N V M�� N 8 N 1 N N 9 .O � N I Z Z W� N • if S A s M dN R P + V V N a P Y V 66 S ll S1 4 Oil" ] 7 + n w As » w s s » e v R°» y� �1y�1 �1yu��11 ..pp �1yy yP1 O . co NA V P S A P V V N W' P l•1 O V+ V1 N W •WO S N A w W O N 9 w y P d A N P� + u' p��+ N N + O� .p N W� V' VO O ppp P N N � O• N � � 3 p N .O • N O pp O N1 N pp O N0 d N1 0 88 •P pp 0 pp pp VV p W N+ V W d P P+ N W+ .p W W A N+ •O V P N A N d •O W+ v 4 W N V N d y O11 P .D O .D 1N�y P P V 1 N�u N W O W N A N+ W .O •��O11 + O 1\11 • P d N N "be P W P W • T . xa9xa`�xxsexxN�'sYa+exxiaiexP WxaYxigieie�%xaixN. : o 0 • 41 N W N s�ie"�xx►ixx��ia�iiexx'�YxiYxxsi�xxxxix . 1y 1y y1 pn .(N ��.11 ppp .�pp .�pp d q po 1Ny pVp VNV qp oPo �Ny dm O po pNm� 1.Np p Op w ! x M M M x x X x x K it M x M if M K M M N 5 RR ON x • '»J l O O O O O O O O O 0 pdp pp 11yy 11�y ��11 ++�� II��1 ..pp ..pp ..pp yy11 _ pp pp pp _ s O N 0 0 0 0 N N O O O O O N N O N O O O V N O O N O 0 0• w O + N+ N W N+ W N W W W W O V M+ N N A r P N N+ P+ A _ ; po ypcypl1 cc O re eley.eoo �epp`r.eppeouo ee+o 0 000 0 P• N P N P O N� N� r P N d N N N N+ N_ C V d � RR pp 11yy w 1y 1yy1 p �1 yV1 .p N P pV+.1 ]O N T O O O O O N O O O O+ 0 0++ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0+ 0 0+ O+ O • � W .1�Op�/ p y p W .w1 + gpNq � MM pQ {pryd..�� vq 1W�1 �ppyy�� o •(pp�� � �pQ : �' 0000++or�ololNNy+oN000�ooQ000Neolloyylypo�� O� x • �11�y1'�Qp y�y11 j��j��11S j�$•O�.1 P WWQQ +� (�1 N�1�1 +�j�•$• V.p W • ^ S i!le�M�i��ii�x�if%i���ii�xA%Mi[ie PPxx • Vb <w 1N � O O P O+ 0 0 0 0 O O : : xxxx & six aixK x19V1,"i19A11 �. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o e o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 lou �N N 8� ��R�� ���R�R�885t�R�� • 'J8N�.oN�E..iIL'V��.1v9'NVbo"1`Joo1E.1.0iRv : i : 0 0 0 0 o e o 0 0 0 0 o e o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o e o o R �1 �y( V pp�� v p; pp��, y&1 1y +�� V•. V: yl +• N V M�� N 8 N 1 N N 9 .O � N I Z Z W� N • • 0 �'AN,77gF 1,... FN Longer Investments, Incorporated MI R_IPY "~ j PORTFOLIO APPRAISAL 171'Y City of Fayetteville Police Pension Fund c Stock Account December 31, 1990 �U< Unit Total Market Market Pct. Unit Annual Cur. Quantity Security Cost Cost Price Value Assets Income Income Yield ----- _---- _------ _____.... ____ ________________ _______ _________ _____ ______ ____----- _____ COMMON STOCK 900 Abbott Labs 43.72 39,352.50 45.00 40,500.00 4.2 0.840 756.00 1.9 600 Archer Daniels 23.29 13,973.79 22.75 13,650.00 1.4 0.100 60.00 0.4 Midland 2,000 Baroid Corp. 7.11 14,222.18 6.00 12,000.00 1.2 0.200 400.00 3.3 600 Bristol Myers Squibb 57.92 34,752.00 67.25 40,350.00 4.2 2.400 1,440.00 3.6 1,000 Chemical Waste 18.94 18,945.00 21.50 210500.00 2.2 0.160 160.00 0.7 Management 1,500 Claire's Stores 9.57 14,355.00 9.75 14,625.00 1.5 0.100 150.00 1.0 18000 Eastman Kodak 42.86 42,865.00 41.62 41,625.00 4.3 2.000 2,000.00 4.8 11200 Emerson Electric 40.07 480084.00 37.75 45,300.00 4.7 1.320 1,584.00 3.5 11000 Fluor Corp. 39.00 39,001.14 36.50 36,500.00 3.8 0.320 320.00 0.9 1,000 Greiner Engineering 13.07 13,070.00 14.00 14,000.00 1.4 0.200 200.00 1.4 1,000 Hershey Foods 35.57 35,570.00 37.50 37,500.00 3.9 0.900 900.00 2.4 700 Ingersoll-Rand 36.35 25,445.00 37.25 26,075.00 2.7 1.320 924.00 3.5 400 Intl Business 108.08 43,231.56 113.00 45,200.00 4.7 4.840 1,936.00 4.3 Machines 700 J.B. Hunt 15.12 100587.50 17.50 12,250.00 1.3 0.240 168.00 1.4 500 Laidlaw Inc. Class 8 22.44 11,222.50 18.50 9,250.00 1.0 0.280 140.00 1.5 1,500 Luby's Cafeterias 18.13 27,198.75 18.00 27,000.00 2.8 0.460 690.00 2.6 800 Minnesota Mining 8 74.97 59,972.87 85.75 680600.00 7.1 3.120 2,496.00 3.6 Mfg. 10500 Mobil Corp. 62.17 93,257.50 58.00 87,000.00 9.0 2.900 46350.00 5.0 1,500 Mylan Labs 17.55 26,320.00 20.75 319125.00 3.2 0.200 300.00 1.0 1,600 Pacificorp 19.57 31,312.00 22.37 350800.00 3.7 1.440 2,304.00 6.4 800 Philip Morris 40.94 32,748.13 51.75 41,400.00 4.3 1.720 1,376.00 3.3 500 Schlumberger, LTD 55.50 27,750.00 57.87 28,937.50 3.0 1.200 600.00 2.1 600 Toys -R -Us 28.85 17,308.50 22.50 13,500.00 1.4 0.000 0.00 0.0 1,000 Tyson Foods 26.52 26,521.25 31.00 31,000.00 3.2 0.040 40.00 0.1 500 Walmart Stores 29.03 14,514.17 30.25 15,125.00 1.6 0.140 70.00 0.5 750 Warner Lambert 64.13 48,101.25 67.50 50,625.00 5.2 1.760 1,320.00 2.6 800 Waste Management 33.37 26,700.00 35.25 28,200.00 2.9 0.360 288.00 1.0 600 Westinghouse Elec 29.94 17,967.00 28.50 17,100.00 1.8 1.400 840.00 4.9 .....------------ 854,348.59 885,737.50 ----- 91.2 ......... 25,812.00 ----- 2.9 CASH AND EQUIVALENTS _________--- ________ Money Market 854381.59 85,381.59 8.8 7.200 61147.47 7.2 --------- ......... ..... --------- ----- 85,381.59 85,381.59 8.8 6,147.47 7.2 --------- ......... ..... --------- -- -_ TOTAL PORTFOLIO 9390730.18 971,119.09 100.0 31,959.47 3.3 • • GOVERNMENT BONDS --- _----- _______ 100,000 Federal Home Loan 100.00 100,000.00 102.44 102,437.50 19.5 9.150 9,150.00 8.9 Mortgage Corp. 9.150% Due 08-08-00 Accrued Interest 3,634.58 0.7 --------- ......... ..... --------- 100,000.00 106,072.08 20.2 9,150.00 8.9 CASH AND EQUIVALENTS Money Market 200570.49 200570.49 3.9 7.200 1,481.08 7.2 200570.49 20,570.49 3.9 1,481.08 7.2 CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT ----- _______.......... 94,000 Mellroy Bank & Trust 100.00 948000.00 100.00 94,000.00 17.9 7.805 71336.70 7.8 (Matures 8-27-91) 7.805% Due 11-27-91 Accrued Interest 692.91 0.1 ......... "'------ __.__ --"'---- 94,000.00 94,692.91 18.1 7,336.70 7.8 CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT (MONTHLY PINT.) -------------------------------------- 100,000 First USA Bank 100.00 1001000.00 100.00 100,000.00 19.1 8.300 81300.00 8.3 Wilmington, DE 8.3% 1-2-96 8.300% Due 01-02-96 TOTAL PORTFOLIO --------- --------- -'-" -------_- "--- 100,000.00 1000000.00 19.1 8,300.00 8.3 Longer Investments, Incorporated 514,973.99 524,237.98 100.0 ✓ 431517.78 8.3 ✓ PORTFOLIO APPRAISAL City of Fayetteville PolicePgnsion Fund Bond Account .✓ December 31, 1990 Unit Total Market Market Pct. Unit Annual Cur. Quantity __________ Security ............. _...... Cost _______ Cost Price Value Assets _________ _______ _________ _____ Income ______ Income _________ Yield _____ CORPORATE BONDS ............... 1001000 G. E. Capital Corp. 99.86 99,860.00 100.34 100,340.00 19.1 8.000 88000.00 8.0 8.000% Due 12-01-92 100,000 Philip Morris 100.54 100,543.50 101.12 101,125.00 19.3 9.250 90250.00 9.1 9.250% Due 12-01-97 Accrued Interest 1,437.50 ------'.. 0.3 ......... 200,403.50 202,902.50 .'--- 38.7 --" "--- 17,250.00 -____ 8.6 GOVERNMENT BONDS --- _----- _______ 100,000 Federal Home Loan 100.00 100,000.00 102.44 102,437.50 19.5 9.150 9,150.00 8.9 Mortgage Corp. 9.150% Due 08-08-00 Accrued Interest 3,634.58 0.7 --------- ......... ..... --------- 100,000.00 106,072.08 20.2 9,150.00 8.9 CASH AND EQUIVALENTS Money Market 200570.49 200570.49 3.9 7.200 1,481.08 7.2 200570.49 20,570.49 3.9 1,481.08 7.2 CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT ----- _______.......... 94,000 Mellroy Bank & Trust 100.00 948000.00 100.00 94,000.00 17.9 7.805 71336.70 7.8 (Matures 8-27-91) 7.805% Due 11-27-91 Accrued Interest 692.91 0.1 ......... "'------ __.__ --"'---- 94,000.00 94,692.91 18.1 7,336.70 7.8 CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT (MONTHLY PINT.) -------------------------------------- 100,000 First USA Bank 100.00 1001000.00 100.00 100,000.00 19.1 8.300 81300.00 8.3 Wilmington, DE 8.3% 1-2-96 8.300% Due 01-02-96 TOTAL PORTFOLIO --------- --------- -'-" -------_- "--- 100,000.00 1000000.00 19.1 8,300.00 8.3 514,973.99 524,237.98 100.0 ✓ 431517.78 8.3 ✓ • CI 0 Longer Investments, Incorporated PORTFOLIO APPRAISAL City of Fayetteville Police Pens' ^ Fund Combined Account December 31, 1990 COMMON STOCK 900 Abbott Labs 600 Archer Daniels Midland 26000 Baroid Corp. 600 Bristol Myers Squibb 11000 Chemical Waste Management 1,500 Claire's Stores 18000 Eastman Kodak 1,200 Emerson Electric 1,000 Fluor Corp. 18000 Greiner Engineering 1,000 Hershey Foods 700 Ingersoll-Rand 400 Intl Business Machines 700 J.B. Hunt 500 Laidlaw Inc. Class B 1,500 Luby's Cafeterias 800 Minnesota Mining & Mfg. 1,500 Mobil Corp. 1,500 Mylan Labs 1,600 Pacificorp 800 Philip Morris 500 Schlumberger, LTD 600 Toys -R -Us 1,000 Tyson Foods 500 Walmart Stores 750 Warner Lambert 800 Waste Management 600 Westinghouse Elec CORPORATE BONDS ____________ 100,000 G. E. Capital Corp. 8.000% Due 12-01-92 100,000 Philip Morris 9.250% Due 12-01-97 Accrued Interest 43.72 39,352.50 Unit Total Market Market Pct. Unit Annual Cur. Quantity -- --- - ---- Security -------------- ------ Cost ------- Cost --- ------ Price ------- Value --------- Assets ----- Income ------ Income --------- Yield ----- COMMON STOCK 900 Abbott Labs 600 Archer Daniels Midland 26000 Baroid Corp. 600 Bristol Myers Squibb 11000 Chemical Waste Management 1,500 Claire's Stores 18000 Eastman Kodak 1,200 Emerson Electric 1,000 Fluor Corp. 18000 Greiner Engineering 1,000 Hershey Foods 700 Ingersoll-Rand 400 Intl Business Machines 700 J.B. Hunt 500 Laidlaw Inc. Class B 1,500 Luby's Cafeterias 800 Minnesota Mining & Mfg. 1,500 Mobil Corp. 1,500 Mylan Labs 1,600 Pacificorp 800 Philip Morris 500 Schlumberger, LTD 600 Toys -R -Us 1,000 Tyson Foods 500 Walmart Stores 750 Warner Lambert 800 Waste Management 600 Westinghouse Elec CORPORATE BONDS ____________ 100,000 G. E. Capital Corp. 8.000% Due 12-01-92 100,000 Philip Morris 9.250% Due 12-01-97 Accrued Interest 43.72 39,352.50 45.00 40,500.00 2.7 0.640 756.00 1.9 23.29 13,973.79 22.75 13,650.00 0.9 0.100 60.00 0.4 7.11 14,222.18 6.00 12,000.00 0.8 0.200 400.00 3.3 57.92 34,752.00 67.25 40,350.00 2.7 2.400 11440.00 3.6 18.94 188945.00 21.50 21,500.00 1.4 0.160 160.00 0.7 9.57 14,355.00 9.75 14,625.00 1.0 0.100 150.00 1.0 42.86 420865.00 41.62 41,625.00 2.8 2.000 2,000.00 4.8 40.07 48,084.00 37.75 45,300.00 3.0 1.320 1,584.00 3.5 39.00 39,001.14 36.50 36,500.00 2.4 0.320 320.00 0.9 13.07 13,070.00 14.00 14,000.00 0.9 0.200 200.00 1.4 35.57 35,570.00 37.50 378500.00 2.5 0.900 900.00 2.4 36.35 25,445.00 37.25 26,075.00 1.7 1.320 924.00 3.5 108.08 43,231.56 113.00 45,200.00 3.0 4.840 1,936.00 4.3 15.12 10,587.50 17.50 12,250.00 0.8 0.240 168.00 1.4 22.44 11,222.50 18.50 9,250.00 0.6 0.280 140.00 1.5 18.13 27,198.75 18.00 27,000.00 1.8 0.460 690.00 2.6 74.97 59,972.87 85.75 68,600.00 4.6 3.120 21496.00 3.6 62.17 93,257.50 58.00 87,000.00 5.8 2.900 41350.00 5.0 17.55 26,320.00 20.75 31,125.00 2.1 0.200 300.00 1.0 19.57 31,312.00 22.37 35,800.00 2.4 1.440 2,304.00 6.4 40.94 32,748.13 51.75 41,400.00 2.8 1.720 1,376.00 3.3 55.50 27,750.00 57.87 28,937.50 1.9 1.200 600.00 2.1 28.85 179308.50 22.50 13,500.00 0.9 0.000 0.00 0.0 26.52 26,521.25 31.00 31,000.00 2.1 0.040 40.00 0.1 29.03 14,514.17 30.25 15,125.00 1.0 0.140 70.00 0.5 64.13 48,101.25 67.50 50,625.00 3.4 1.760 1,320.00 2.6 33.37 26,700.00 35.25 28,200.00 1.9 0.360 288.00 1.0 29.94 17,967.00 28.50 17,100.00 1.1 1.400 840.00 4.9 --------- 854,348.59 ......... 885,737.50 ..... 59.2 --------- 25,812.00 ----- 2.9 99.86 99,860.00 100.34 100,340.00 100.54 100,543.50 101.12 101,125.00 1,437.50 --------- ......... 200,403.50 202,902.50 1 6.7 8.000 8,000.00 8.0 6.8 9.250 9,250.00 9.1 0.1 ----- -------M. ----- 13.6 17,250.00 8.6 • CI 0 A;t1)I Fi (� \ial)f 11:12,14 111 94,000 Mcllroy Bank 8 Trust 100.00 94,000.00 100.00 94,000.00 6.3 7.805 70336.70 7.8 (Matures 8-27-91) 7.805% Due 11-27-91 Accrued Interest 692.91 0.0 --------- •-•_..... ..... .... 94,000.00 94,692.91 6.3 7,336.70 7.8 CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT (MONTHLY PYMT.) 100,000 First USA Bank 100.00 1000000.00 100.00 1001000.00 6.7 8.300 8,300.00 8.3 Wilmington, DE 8.3% 1-2-96 8.300% Due 01-02-96 ......... _________ _____ _________ _____ 1008000.00 100,000.00 6.7 8,300.00 8.3 TOTAL PORTFOLIO 1,454,704.17 1,495,357.07 100.0 --------- --------- ----- v 2 _________ _____ Longer Investments, Incorporated 75,477.25 5.0 --------- --------- ----- ----- PORTFOLIO APPRAISAL City of Fayetteville Police Pension Fund Combined Account December 31, 1990 Unit Total Market Market Pct. Unit Annual Cur. Quantity ........ M. Security ____________________ Cost _______ Cost Price _________ _______ Value Assets _________ _____ Income ---- __ Income _________ Yield GOVERNMENT BONDS ---- _______ 100,000 --- __ Federal Home Loan 100.00 1000000.00 102.44 102,437.50 6.9 9.150 98150.00 8.9 Mortgage Corp. 9.150% Due 08-08-00 Accrued Interest 3,634.58 0.2 1008000.00 1060072.08 7.1 91150.00 8.9 CASH AND EQUIVALENTS .................... Money Market 105,952.08 1050952.08 7.1 7.200 7,628.55 7.2 ......... 105v952.08 ......... 105,952.08 ..... 7.1 --------- 7,628.55 ----- 7.2 A;t1)I Fi (� \ial)f 11:12,14 111 94,000 Mcllroy Bank 8 Trust 100.00 94,000.00 100.00 94,000.00 6.3 7.805 70336.70 7.8 (Matures 8-27-91) 7.805% Due 11-27-91 Accrued Interest 692.91 0.0 --------- •-•_..... ..... .... 94,000.00 94,692.91 6.3 7,336.70 7.8 CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT (MONTHLY PYMT.) 100,000 First USA Bank 100.00 1000000.00 100.00 1001000.00 6.7 8.300 8,300.00 8.3 Wilmington, DE 8.3% 1-2-96 8.300% Due 01-02-96 ......... _________ _____ _________ _____ 1008000.00 100,000.00 6.7 8,300.00 8.3 TOTAL PORTFOLIO 1,454,704.17 1,495,357.07 100.0 --------- --------- ----- v 2 _________ _____ 75,477.25 5.0 --------- --------- ----- ----- 0 • ry O P d P P P P O M 0 O L C 0 O M C O V d M M M M M yO H d C A A Q) _ . S N O Y 0 w 6 U p�� Q C 2 d O O �_ Yu O O 0 u « « u u M O > « O N i 0 u 0 C W « P r p T P L P LL d 0 w O O � C0 C T A . O Q U A • P: O CI M O N M ry O P P P P P P A M O •� C O M O V d M M M M M M A A Q) P O S N • P p�, p�� d O O O O O O 0 u « « u u u O i 0 u 0 0 0 0 P P P P P P P P_p 0 O N C0 C A . O Q A A A Q7 P O X 0 0 O O O r > O P EPO A m O P O •+ O � O Q O M �� O •O P p6 ^ p N o P � A A EO t0 6 2 y � 3 O r O ppp� > 11 •• O p op ��}} !N�� u 0 0 O N O P P A W 2ppp� P W NO U O P P Npp N y .Yp1 N i 0 0 P W Z8 P P � EO G Ifl Vl GG N N B O O P CI CI P P N r O r f� •O EO {Pp {Ap Y O O P f0 OJ P P 0 0 LM GE N O N � L O V 0 DD f 0 N LL' P P pp A ^ d •O P O N Q y •-• C> O P N O C1 M O V O •O N m 6 6 � C 8 , d •9 d N A A M EO O L O 0 L O M O P V1 d N N WC L _ d I M A M (O Ed O C> O P d O •O N M P: O CI M O N M ry O P P P P P P A M M M M M M M M M A A Q) P O S N • P d O O O O O O 0 u « « u u u O i 0 u 0 0 0 0 P P P P P P P P_p 0 O N C0 C A . O Q A A A Q7 P O X 0 0 O O O r ry P A M M N M A • P d M 0 N p O O u « d O N P_p 0 O N C0 C A . O Q C] � P d M M o d co O � N d L O Y 'O d O N ✓ P p p p �O d L C, G C P P G C G O t e > o P e0 P p v p r 6 In law ^ p M aM0 A A m m 6 S p[ � 3 O F O d W S O W M P V1 P d > 113 O V W W O O P P m m m P W 0 3 W � m u O P IN n N �I N > pp .1�lpp1 . .pp Ipn O O P CO m P P N v O It- !2 8 v M n 0 N r 5 O O •O •O C�`0 A .P{ Ua O O O O O' O a � ry • r C M � f` � `MO n 6r N OC pp J d P O N Yy ..pp O O O d N m a p n a u m � Q � S C � L 8 AA ..pp d •� d N A A N M m d 1 L O V O P Y1 � •O N r N Y L L a d O U aA O L> O ail O O P IR O N N C O V P N P O O O O O O O N u u s O p O G P P P P M M. M M M B mM p IN •� O r Y O O O O O O V M Q61 X 0 G GM 0 pM pY pV E P P P P P 1 m •O �O m O O r N N M M M M M A A A EO P O X 0 0 O O O �-• � P d M M d O � O O Y 'O d O N ✓ P d p �O d A O t P • Longer Investments, Incorporated REALIZED CAPITAL GAINS AND LOSSES City of Fayetteville Police Pension Fund Combined Account From 01-01-90 Through 12-31-90 Date Quantity Security ........ 07-31-90 .......... 500 ....................... Toys -R -Us 08-03-90 500 Archer Daniels Midland 08-03-90 1,000 Amoco 08-03-90 1,000 Lowe's 08-13-90 10200 Reebok Intl. 08-13-90 200 Tiffany 8 Co. 08-15-90 250 American Home Products 08-15-90 350 Philip Morris 08-15-90 900 Primerica Corp. 08-16-90 18075 Nestle 08-16-90 1,000 Primerica Corp. 08-21-90 1,000 AMP 08.21-90 1,000 Luby's Cafeterias 08-27-90 700 Amoco 08-30-90 1,000 American Home Products 08-30-90 300 Fluor Corp. 08-30-90 300 Philip Morris 09-04-90 150 Fluor Corp. 09-04-90 500 Laidlaw Inc. Class B 09-04-90 1,000 Tyson Foods 09-04-90 500 Waste Management 09-05-90 500 Abbott Labs 09-05-90 400 Archer Daniels Midland 09-05-90 300 Bristol Myers Squibb 09-05-90 500 Toys -R -Us 09-10-90 200,000 U. S. Tress. Note 196,109.37 199,531.25 8.750% Due 08-15-00 09-27-90 125 General Electric 09-27-90 1,000 General Electric 10-03-90 500 Walamrt Stores 10-05-90 200 Philip Morris 10-05-90 300 Philip Morris 10-05-90 400 Westinghouse Elec 10-09-90 450 Archer Daniels Midland 10-19-90 -5 IBM Oct. 110 Calls 10-22-90 500 Inti Business Machines 10-30-90 60 ESCO Electronics 11-05-90 300 Minnesota Mining 8 Mfg. 11 -OS -90 300 Philip Morris 11-06-90 300 Philip Morris 11-07-90 800 Dun and Bradstreet 11-12-90 350 Fluor Corp. 11-15-90 500 Walmart Stores 11-16-90 500 Tiffany 8 Co. 11-21-90 10 OEX Dec. 300 Puts 1 Cost 6,674.77 667.88 Basis Proceeds Gain Or Loss .......... 14,423.75 .......... 15,379.48 ............. 955.73 12,535.00 12,214.59 -320.41 53,570.00 59,428.01 5,858.01 34,820.00 27,054.09 -7,765.91 15,834.00 15,665.47 -168.53 9,100.00 7,669.74 -1,430.26 11,209.40 12,214.59 1,005.19 11,327.30 16,468.70 5,141.40 19,820.93 26,936.10 7,115.17 62,588.00 638156.25 568.25 22,023.25 29,429.01 7,405.76 44,945.00 39,928.66 -5,016.34 19,070.00 19,129.36 59.36 39,074.00 37,837.23 -1,236.77 44,837.60 44,428.51 -409.09 13,337.31 10,687.14 -2,650.17 9,709.11 13,237.05 3,527.94 6,668.65 5,294.82 -1,373.83 11,222.50 8,725.00 -2,497.50 26,521.25 28,305.00 1,783.75 16,812.50 18,901.86 2,089.36 180660.00 20,026.83 1,366.83 9,315.86 9,644.67 328.81 17,376.00 18,561.88 1,185.88 14,423.75 12,187.09 -2,236.66 196,109.37 199,531.25 3,421.88 6,006.89 6,674.77 667.88 48,055.11 53,273.22 5,218.11 14,514.17 14,214.52 -299.65 7,741.50 9,344.68 1,603.18 11,612.24 14,026.03 2,413.79 11,978.00 11,849.60 -128.40 10,480.34 10,745.64 265.30 0.00 1,168.70 1,168.70 54,039.44 54,213.19 173.75 288.75 152.49 -136.26 21,215.62 24,186.69 2,971.06 12,280.55 14,588.51 2,307.96 12,280.55 14,699.50 2,418.95 35,547.00 30,742.97 -4,804.03 13,650.40 13,261.05 -389.35 14,514.17 14,437.01 -77.16 22,750.00 17,811.90 -41938.10 6,314.51 61267.41 -47.10 • rl L Longer Investments, Incorporated REALIZED CAPITAL GAINS AND LOSSES City of Fayettevi LLe Police Pension Fund Combined Account From 01-01-90. Through 12-31-90 Cost Date Quantity Security Basis Proceeds Gain Or Loss 11-26-90 300 Greiner Engineering 3,921.00 3,674.86 -246.14 11-27-90 -5 Warner Lambert Dec. 65 1,548.50 10513.38 -35.12 Cells 11-28-90 -4 IBM Dec. 110 Calls 2,349.21 2,399.29 50.08 11-30-90 21000 Tremont Corp. 3,292.82 2,879.90 -412.92 12-21-90 500 Greiner Engineering 6,535.00 6,812.27 277.27 12-26-90 18000 AMAX Inc. 25,350.00 21,749.27 -3,600.73 12-26-90 1,000 Lowe's 19,522.50 23,874.20 4,351.70 12-26-90 1,000 Reebok Intl. 10,195.00 12,374.58 2,179.58 TOTAL GAINS 67,880.63 TOTAL LOSSES -401220.42 / 1,131,317.81 1,158,978.01___27,660.20 V • • 0 ele)s04)L�cV4�l:Z�)�I�b`. 12-01-90 Philip Longer Investments, Incorporated -64.24 9.250% INTEREST, DIVIDENDS, AND EXPENSES 12-03-90 G. E. City of Fayetteville Police Pension Fund -266.67 8.000% Combined Account 12-18-90 Philip From 01-01-90 Through 12-31-90 -321.18 COMMON STOCK Due 12-01-97 08-24-90 Greiner Enginee Ing 90.00 -------652 08-27-90 Archer Daniels idland 37.50 09-04-90 AMP 340.00 09-10-90 Amoco 510.00 09-10-90 Dun and Bradstreet 424.00 09-10-90 Emerson Electric 378.00 09-10-90 Int'1 Business Machines 605.00 09-10-90 Mobil Corp. 725.00 09-12-90 Minnesota Mining & Mfg. 584.00 09-17-90 Tyson Foods 20.00 10-04-90 Walmart Stores 52.50 10-04-90 Waste Management 45.00 10-10-90 Philip Morris 301.00 10-10-90 Tiffany & Co. 35.00 10-16-90 Fluor Corp. 51.00 10-19-90 Emerson Electric 288.75 10-25-90 General Electric 528.75 11-01-90 Bristol Myers Squibb 318.00 11-15-90 Pacificorp 576.00 11-16-90 Greiner Engineering 90.00 11-16-90 Laidlaw Inc. Class B 30.00 11-27-90 J.B. Hunt 42.00 12-03-90 Archer Daniels Midland 15.00 12-03-90 AMAX Inc. 200.00 12-03-90 Westinghouse Elec 210.00 12-10-90 Emerson Electric 396.00 12-10-90 Intl Business Machines 484.00 12-10-90 Mobil Corp. 1,087.50 12-12-90 Minnesota Mining & Mfg. 365.00 12-17-90 Tyson Foods 10.00 12-28-90 Baroid Corp. 100.00 8,939.00 ele)s04)L�cV4�l:Z�)�I�b`. 12-01-90 Philip Morris -64.24 9.250% Due 12-01-97 12-03-90 G. E. Capital Corp. -266.67 8.000% Due 12-01-92 12-18-90 Philip Morris -321.18 9.250% Due 12-01-97 -------652 09 • Longer Investments, Incorporated INTEREST, DIVIDENDS, AND EXPENSES City of Fayetteville Police Pension Fund Combined Account From 01-01-90 Through 12-31-90 s /C JV. .w a. a 08-24-90 U. S. Treas. Note -380.43 8.750% Due 08-15-00 08-24-90 U. S. Treas. Note -380.43 8.750% Due 08-15-00 09-10-90 U. S. Treas, Note 1,331.52 8.750% Due 08-15-00 TREASURY BILLS 12-13-90 U. S. Treasury Bill 3,746.00 7.660% Due 12-13-90 3,746.00 CASH AND EQUIVALENTS .................... 09-04-90 Money Market 424.83 09-04-90 Money Market 2,979.90 10-01-90 Money Market 11224.92 10-01-90 Money Market 1,773.89 11-01-90 Money Market 1,123.08 11-01-90 Money Market 1,880.13 • 12-03-90 Money Market 966.80 12-03-90 Money Market 1,693.59 12-31-90 Money Market 452.88 12-31-90 Money Market 11259.71 ............. EXPENSE ACCOUNTS ............. 09-04-90 Automated Cash Mgmt, 13.49 09-04-90 Automated Cash Mgmt, 94.64 10-01-90 Automated Cash Mgmt. 39.25 10-01-90 Automated Cash Mgmt. 56.83 11-01-90 Automated Cash Mgmt. 36.11 11-01-90 Automated Cash Mcpt, 60.45 11-16-90 Foreign Tax on Dividends 4.50 11-27-90 Miscellaneous Expense 10.00 12-03-90 Automated Cash Mgmt, 31.66 12-03-90 Automated Cash Mgmt, 55.47 12-31-90 Automated Cash Mgmt, 15.18 12-31-90 Automated Cash Mgmt. 42.22 2 0 �Wllf • • • Longer Investments, Incorporated INTEREST, DIVIDENDS, AND EXPENSES City of Fayetteville Police Pension Fund Combined Account From 01-01-90 Through 12-31-90 08-08-90 Management Fee 31750.00 08-28-90 Northern Trust Fee 300.00 10-10-90 Management Fee 21428.64 10-10-90 Management Fee 11380.07 11-30-90 Northern Trust Fee 1,375.00 9,233.71 ----- NET INCOME 16,689.79 • Date Quantity ------........... PURCHASES Longer Investments, Incorporated PURCHASE AND SALE REPORT City of Fayetteville Police Pension Fund Stock Account From 10-25-90 To 12-31-90 J Unit Security Price Amount -----------------------------.......... 12-21-90 11000 900 Abbott Labs 43.72 39,352.50 11-27-90 1,000 800 Chemical Waste Management 18.94 18,945.00 12-06-90 1,500 60 Claire's Stores 9.57 14,355.00 152.49 11-27-90 11000 350 Eastman Kodak 42.86 42,865.00 12-03-90 1,000 300 Hershey Foods 35.57 35,570.00 12-18-90 700 Ingersoll-Rand 36.35 25,445.00 10-31-90 11000 500 Lowe's 19.44 91722.50 11-27-90 500 Lowe's 19.60 91800.00 12-12-90 1,500 300 Luby's Cafeterias 18.13 27,198.75 12-03-90 300 Minnesota Mining & Mfg. 82.04 24,613.50 11-01-90 1,000 Mylan Labs 16.57 16,570.00 11-30-90 500 Mylan Labs 19.50 91750.00 10-31-90 21000 500 Schlumberger, LTD 55.50 27,750.00 10-29-90 21000 500 Tremont Corp. 1.65 31292.82 10-31-90 500 Warner Lambert 62.82 31,410.00 11-27-90 250 Warner Lambert 66.76 16,691.25 11-14-90 10 OEX Dec. 300 Puts 6.31 61314.51 359,645.83 SS 12-26 11-07 10-30 11-12 11-26 12-21 12-26 11-05 11-05 11-06 12-26 11-16 11-30 11-15 11-21 0 -90 11000 AMAX Inc. 21.75 21,749.27 -90 800 Dun and Bradstreet 38.43 30,742.97 -90 60 ESCO Electronics 2.54 152.49 -90 350 Fluor Corp. 37.89 13,261.05 -90 300 Greiner Engineering 12.25 31674.86 -90 500 Greiner Engineering 13.62 61812.27 -90 11000 Lowe's 23.87 23,874.20 -90 300 Minnesota Mining & Mfg. 80.62 24,186.69 -90 300 Philip Morris 48.63 14,588.51 -90 300 Philip Morris 49.00 14,699.50 -90 11000 Reebok Int'1. 12.37 12,374.58 -90 500 Tiffany & Co. 35.62 17,811.90 -90 21000 Tremont Corp. 1.44 21879.90 -90 500 Walmart Stores 28.87 14,437.01 -90 10 OEX Dec. 300 Puts 6.27 6,267.41 207,512.61 • Date Quantity -------- ........... SHORT SALES 11-15-90 11-13-90 SHORT COVERS 11-28-90 11-27-90 ADJUST CAPITAL .............. 10-29-90 • • Longer Investments, Incorporated PURCHASE AND SALE REPORT City of Fayetteville Police Pension Fund Stock Account From 10-25-90 To 12-31-90 Security 4 IBM Dec. 110 Calls 5 Warner Lambert Dec. 65 Calls 4 IBM Dec. 110 Calls 5 Warner Lambert Dec. 65 Calls 2,000 Baroid Corp. 2 unit Price Amount -- --------- ---------- 6.00 21399.29 3.03 1,513.38 3,912.67 5.87 21349.21 3.10 11548.50 ------ 3,897.71 1.65 31292.82 ------------- 3,292.82 Longer Investments, Incorporated PURCHASE AND SALE REPORT City of Fayetteville Police Pension Fund Bond Account • From 10-25-90 To 12-31-90 Unit Date Quantity Security Price Amount ----------------------------------------------------- ---------............. PURCHASES 12-03-90 100,000 G. E. Capital Corp. 99.86 99,860.00 8.000% Due 12-01-92 12-01-90 50,000 Philip Morris 99.83 49,915.00 9.250% Due 12-01-97 12-18-90 50,000 Philip Morris 101.26 50,628.50 9.250% Due 12-01-97 11-27-90 94,000 McIlroy Bank & Trust (Matures 100.00 94,000.00 8-27-91) 7.805% Due 11-27-91 12-29-90 100,000 First USA Bank Wilmington, DE 100.00 100,000.00 8.3% 1-2-96 8.300% Due 01-02-96 394,403 50 SALES 12-13-90 200,000 U. S. Treasury Bill 100.00 200,000.00 7.660% Due 12-13-90 • 200,000 00 • • • I Longer Investments, Incorporated TOTAL 61531.97 Year to Date 07-26-90 to 12-31-90 6,531.97 0.00 ------------- 6,531.97 COMMISSIONS BY PORTFOLIO Month to Date 07-26-90 to Name 12-31-90 -------------------------------- City of Fayetteville Police ............. 61531.97 Pension Fund City of Fayetteville Police 0.00 Pension Fund TOTAL 61531.97 Year to Date 07-26-90 to 12-31-90 6,531.97 0.00 ------------- 6,531.97