HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987-01-22 Minutes• • MINUTE OF A MEETING OF THE POLICE PENSION BOARD A meeting of the Fayetteville Police Pension Relief and Fund Board was held on Thursday, January 22, 1987 at 4:00 p.m. PRESENT: Chairman Don Grimes, Treasurer Scott Linebaugh, members Mashburn, Spencer, Roberts and Mitchell; also present were Public Safety Director Marty Coates and City Clerk Suzanne Kennedy ABSENT: Rick Hoyt CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Chairman Don Grimes. MINUTES It was moved by Dr. Mashburn, seconded by Hollis Spencer,.. and unanimous, to approve the minutes of the October 30 meeting. RETIREMENT APPLICATION The Board considered a request for retirement from Don Witt, to be effective January 29, 1987. Eldon Roberts said that in August of 1986 Witt had suffered a heart attack and has not been able to work since that time. Roberts told the Board.he. had a letter from Witt's physician, Dr. Charles Inlow, in which he states that Witt should not go back to work. He added that Witt had suffered a stroke about a year prior to the heart attack which caused a vision problem which has never been completely corrected. Dr.. Mashburn said he had reviewed Dr. Inlow's letter which states that Witt had an acute inferior myocardial infarction, a third degree AV block and arrythmia. Dr. Mashburn said it appears that he is certainly justified in applying for total and permanent disability, based on the recommendation of Dr. Inlow. Dr. Mashburn moved approval of the retirement. The motion was seconded by Eldon Roberts and unanimously approved. Mike Mitchell commented that Don Witt was a good patrolman who willingly worked overtime and double shifts. Dr. Mashburn suggested a letter of commendation should be written from the Pension Board or from the City Manager to let Witt know he is appreciated and well thought of. Public Safety Director Coates said he had plans to write such a letter. • •= Police Pension Board Minutes January 22, 1987 Hollis Spencer commented that Witt was among the best dispatchers the department had. - Mike Mitchell commented that Don Witt handled the public well and said he hoped something could be said about Witt's service.,,to._the..public. The City Manager asked Public Safety Director Coates to draft a statement of commendation for the entire Pension Board to sign. Dr. Mashburn asked if a police officer may keep the hand gun at the retirement. Coates stated this was allowed after twenty years of service, but has not been allowed in the case of medical retirement. Grimes suggested a plaque would be appropriate. ACTIVE SECURITIES Treasurer Linebaugh distributed a list of active securities. He pointed out... that the Board presently has only one certificate of deposit, with- other., investments being in Treasury Notes, or with money managers... _. CASH DONATION Eldon Roberts reported a check was received from Mrs. Hazel Thompson for $100 to the pension fund. Roberts said Mrs. Thompson has been making .such, contributions every year. ADJOURNMENT There being no other business before the Board, it was moved, seconded and unanimously approved to adjourn the meeting at 4:30 p.m.