HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983-02-03 Minutes• MINUTES OF A POLICE PENSION FUND BOARD MEETING A meeting of the Police Pension Fund Board was held on February 3, 1983, at 11:00 a.m., in the Chamber of Commerce, Board Room, Fayetteville, Arkansas. PRESENT: Ron Bumpass, Dan Epperley, Eldon Roberts, Chief Bob Jones, Scott Linebaugh, and Olivia Kelly. ABSENT: Dr. James Mashburn CALL TO ORDER Chairman Ron Bumpass called the meeting to order at 11:00 a.m., and stated that the purpose of this meeting was to consider the request by Officer David Preston for the granting of medical disability. This request had been made to Police Chief Bob Jones in a letter dated January 24, 1983. Chief Jones stated that he is in receipt of a letter from Dr. Stephen Nichols of Ozark Guidance Center concerning Officer Preston's current mental state, which letter indicates that Dr. Nichols questions whether Officer Preston can function in the course of his police officer duties, without risk to his personal well being, and adds that Officer Preston might act in a manner that could be detrimental to the Police Department. Chief Jones added that Officer Preston had been under this doctor's care for approximately a two-month period. Mr. Bumpass suggested that a letter should be directed to Dr. Nichols and that Dr. James Mashburn, who is absent from this meeting, might be consulted as to the proper language to be used in this letter to Dr. Nichols The letter would request that Dr. Nichols send a letter to the attention of Dr. Mashburn, as physician for the Police Pension Fund Board, stating that "Officer Preston is physically or mentally permanently disabled as relating to the functions`of his job as a police officer." The technical law reads that the Pension Board physician has to certify permanent disability. Chief Jones raised the question as to whether the Pension Board desired to issue "temporary retirement" because Officer Preston is still on the payroll. He stated that Officer Preston is currently suspended with pay. It was determined that "temporary retirement" does not exist as per State law. Mr. Epperley asked how long Officer Preston can be kept on suspension, and it was determined that it would be a Police Department management decision and not a decision of the Pension Board. They reiterated that the function of the Board is to determine whether Officer Preston had met the requirements of the State regarding permanent and total disability. Mr. Epperley stated that he would not be infavor of recommending retirement for Officer Preston until the Board had received the letter from Dr. Nichols stating his opinion. Mr. Epperley stated thathe would be in favor of leaving on on suspension. A question was raised on which doctor's findings should be used, and Chief Jones stated that he felt that no one on the Pension Board could disqualify Dr. Nichols'findings. He added that the Police Department utilizes the professional services of Dr. Nichols for purposes of evaluation of psychological profiles of entry level patrolmen. They also added that Dr. Mashburn is a member of the State Police Commission and is very well versed in vicarious liability cases. Mr. Epperley stated that he felt the Board should be certain of their actions in that they would be setting a precedent. He added that it is • • • Page Two possible that a short term employee of the department might act in this same manner and if the Pension Board were to grant this request it might hinder the morale of the dedicated officers on the force. Mr. Epperley asked the normal procedure in regard to officers experi- encing emotional or mental disorders, and Chief Jones stated that the department is only contacted when the doctor feels the officer is experiencing abnormal problems. This is done to insure the confidentiality of doctor/ patient relationships. If a serious problem is evidenced, the doctor then gets in touch with the Chief. Chief Jones stated that he felt a letter from Dr. Nichols was in order and could clarify to the Pension Board Dr. Nichols opinion of the condition o f Officer Preston. Dr. Mashburn would then have the opportunity to consult with Dr. Nichols, and communicate these opinions to the other members of the Board. The Board determined that Officer Preston should be left on suspension with pay, but that the letter should be directed to Dr. Nichols as soon as possible to expedite the process. Mr. Bumpass, seconded by Officer Roberts, made a motion to instruct Mr. Linebaugh to write a letter to Dr. Nichols, asking him, at the request of the Pension Board members, to prepare a letter to Dr. James Mashburn's attention, clarifying Dr. Nichols opinion of the current condition of Officer Preston, and to ask that this letter be prepared within a 30 day period. Upon roll call, this motion passed unanimously. OTHER MATTERS.. Chief Jones read an excerpt from the Handbook for Arkansas Municipal Officers, regarding Semi -Annual Physical Examination -Return to Service Upon Recovery -Physician's fee, which reads: "If any member be retired because of disability it shall be the dity fo said member to have an examination made of himself by the physician on the Board of Trustees at least once every six (6) months, and if he shall have recovered from such disability, it shall be the duty of the Board of Trustees to stop .the payment of such pension and place such member back in service on the Police Department, and the time of his retirement shall be considered as continuous service in such department. A member receiving the examination shall pay to the physician examining him a fee of $5.00 for the examination so made." Chief Jones felt that this could be interpreted to apply to the case of Officer Hawkins. It was deter- mined that this would be referred to the City Attorney for clarification o f this Section 34-1.21 of the Handbook. Officer Roberts raised another matter concerning a policeman using county time for retirement in the Police Pension Fund. He stated that Officer Paul Wood began employment on January 15, 1964 and is still employed. He has set retirement at April 30, 1983, to give him 19 years, and 3 1/2 months total employment. Officer Wood worked in the Sheriff's Office from April 1, 1962 u ntil December 31, 1962, fora total of 9 months. He therefore only needs 8 1/2 months to reach his 20 years. Officer Roberts said that there have been two people in the past retired by including time spent working for the county. • • • Page Three Officer Roberts stated that David Malone, when City Attorney, had rendered an opinion concerning this matter. He presented copies to the Board members of Attorney Malone's opinion. He added that under the law, Arkansas Statute 1953, Act 70, there are no provisions whereby the officer is required to contribute into the Pension Fund. However, Officer Roberts stated, there is an instance cited in the law, whereby Firefighters are to pay 4% of their salary monthly for every month that they need to complete their 20 years into the Police Pension Fund, once they are employed by the Police Department. Officer Roberts stated that the Board shall be instructed to give credit for the time that the police officer has performed outside of his original employment, The Board felt that documentation would be needed from the County stating that the officer was serving as a law enforcement officer for the period of time cited. This matter was to be referred to Attorney McCord for further clarification. INVESTMENTS Treasurer Linebaugh stated that it is the Board's responsibility to approve the investments. The handout material he presented to the Board contained the list of investments for the past year. He added that the Treasurer is required to make the investments and then bring them back to the Board for approval. He also called their attention to the Financial Statement, dated December 31, 1982, contained in the handout material. He noted $1,900,000 worth of investments. In the opinion of Mr. Linebaugh the Police Pension Fund is not sound enough to raise the benefits. He added that the Firemen's Pension Fund is expected to reach soundness as of December 31, 1982, and felt that the reason forghe Police Pension Fund not yet reaching soundness can be attributed to the fact that the Police Pension Fund has more retirees. He called their attention to the $800 Due Other Funds amount and stated that this amount refers to an item that was incorrectly placed in the Police Pension Fund, but should have been placed in the Firemen's Pension Fund. When Mr. Linebaugh was questioned about the bond investment for the Police Pension Fund, he stated that he is in the process of investigating this matter and will report to the Board at the next meeting. He added that he has asked for the current market situation and has asked what is expected regarding these bonds during the next six months. He further stated that the current investment experts estimate that there will be a leveling out until June or July of 1983, and that some experts are expecting the interest rate to increase to approximately 18% at that time. Mr. Linebaugh asked the Board to review the financial data submitted to them and asked for their vote of approval at the next meeting of the Pension Board. By: Page Four The Board called for another meeting of the Police Pension Fund Board in two weeks time. Treasurer Linebaugh would set the date and time of the next meeting and notify Board members. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 12:25 p.m. APPROVED: Chairman Acting Secretary, Olivia Kelly