HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-12-23 Minutes• • • MINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW MEETING A meeting of the Fayetteville Plat Review Committee was held on Thursday, December 23, 1993 m Room 111 of the City Administration Building, 113 West Mountain Street, Fayetteville, Arkansas. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES: CITY REPRESENTATIVES: OTHERS PRESENT: Rick Evans, Tom Mcllroy, Floyd Cantrell, John Hill, Jack Regal, Darrell Ritchey Don Bunn, John Redfern David Jorgensen, Cliff Mosier, Alan Reid, Dan Epperly, Harry Gray PRELIMINARY PLAT - SUNBRIDGE CENTER MAE NETTLESHIP - E. SIDE OF GREGG, N. OF TOWNSHIP The first item was a preliminary plat for Sunbridge Center presented by David Jorgensen, Jorgensen & Associates, on behalf of Mae Nettleship for property located on the east side of Gregg Avenue, north of Township The property is zoned C-1, Neighborhood Commercial, for lots 1 and 20, and R -O, Residential -Office, for lots 2 through 19 and contains 40.89 acres with 20 lots. Mr. Bunn advised this plat had been approved by the Planning Commission but there had been changes to it since it had been reviewed by the Plat Review Committee. RICK EVANS - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Mr. Evans stated the easements shown were fine. Mr. Jorgensen advised they had moved the cul-de-sacs over to accommodate the entrance to the New School. TOM McILROY - SOUTHWESTERN BELL Mr. Mcllroy stated the existing easements shown were fine but he did need crossings from lot 9 to 11 and one between 16, 17, 18 and 19 across the cul-de-sac. DARRELL RITCHEY - U.S. POSTAL SERVICE Mr. Ritchey advised he would have to get back to Mr. Jorgensen when the project was further along. tit Plat Review Meeting • December 23, 1993 Page 2 • • JOHN HILL - SWEPCO Mr. Hill stated the easements shown were satisfactory. He did request that a development to the north, Lakeside Village Apartments, be drawn with the current project, explaining that would help the utility representatives. MICKEY JACKSON - FIRE DEPARTMENT Chief Jackson advised they would need an additional hydrant on the northwest corner of Lot 16, the northeast corner of lot 12, and one half -way between the one on lot 12 and the hydrant located on Villa Boulevard. DON BUNN - CITY ENGINEER Mr. Bunn advised the Planning Department had requested a tree preservation plan. He also requested a drainage and grading plan. He asked that Mr. Jorgensen prepare an overall plan for the drainage for both the development to the north and the current project. • Plat Review Meeting December 23, 1993 Page 3 LARGE SCALE DEVELOPMENT - FAYETTEVILLE ATHLETIC CLUB KENNECO DEVEL. - W. SIDE OF CROSSOVER, N. SIDE OF ZION The next item on the agenda was a large scale development for Fayetteville Athletic Club presented by David Jorgensen, Jorgensen & Associates, on behalf of Kenneco Development for property located on the west side of Crossover and the north side of Zion Road. The property is zoned C-1 & R -O, Neighborhood Commercial and Residential -Office, and contains 4.37 acres. RICK EVANS - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Mr. Evans advised they would work with the existing easements. FLOYD CANTRELL - OZARKS ELECTRIC Mr. Cantrell advised they did have 3-phase to the south. He requested they contact him when they knew what type of service they wanted. TOM McILROY - SOUTHWESTERN BELL • Mr. Mcllroy advised the easements shown on the original plat were fine. DARRELL RITCHEY - U.S. POSTAL SERVICE Mr. Ritchey asked about the address. Mr. Bunn advised he believed the address would be off of Zion Road. MICKEY JACKSON - FIRE DEPARTMENT Chief Jackson asked if they had plans to sprinkle the building. He advised he did not believe it would be required to be sprinkled. Mr. Jorgensen advised he did not know but would have the owner call Chief Jackson. Chief Jackson stated they needed an additional hydrant at Highway 265 and Randall Place. After discussion, it was determined there was a 12 -inch water line on the west side of Highway 265 and the fire hydrant could be placed on the west side. • 9s Plat Review Meeting • December 23, 1993 Page 4 DON BUNN - CITY ENGINEER Mr. Bunn advised the Planning Department had requested a Tree Preservation Plan. He requested a grading plan. He also asked the square footage of the proposed building. He requested the name of the property owner to the north be shown. He also noted the Planning Department had requested they use down -lighting for all exterior lighting. He stated they needed to show the existing right-of-way along Highway 265. He advised he believed Zion Road had all of the right-of-way needed but they might need additional nght-of-way along Randall Road. • • Plat Review Meeting December 23, 1993 Page 5 LARGE SCALE DEVELOPMENT - LAKESIDE APARTMENTS PHASE II LINDSEY & ASSOCIATES - E. SIDE OF GREGG, NORTH OF TOWNSHIP The next item on the agenda was a large scale development for Lakeside Apartments Phase I1 presented by David Jorgensen, Jorgensen & Associates, on behalf of Lindsey & Associates for property located on the east side of Gregg Avenue, north of Township. The property is zoned R-2, Medium Density Residential, and contains 29.49 acres with 396 units JOHN HILL - SWEPCO Mr. Hill advised he would have to feed the northern lots around the pond from the north with a loop He asked if they preferred the transformer in the front of the building on the parking lot side or on the pond side. Mr. Jorgensen stated he did not know but would find out. Mr. Hill stated he would assume it would be at the back. He advised he would want a 25 - foot easement between 13 and 14B, extending north to the property line. He requested the sewer easement be enlarged to 20 feet rather than 15 feet and extend the easement to the 15 - foot easement along the east side. He also requested a 25 -foot easement between lots 15 and 16b, extending to the north to the property line. He advised he would need a 20 -foot easement at 18b to the property line to the south to tie into the sewer and carry it down to the property line on the east. He requested the 25 -foot setback be a utility easement also. He stated the main power would be on Drake Street. He advised that, for the "A" section, they could widen the sewer easements to 20 feet RICK EVANS - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Mr. Evans advised the easements requested by SWEPCO were fine. He stated he did need an additional easement from 18B to the north property line. TOM McILROY - SOUTHWESTERN BELL Mr. Mcllroy stated the easements were acceptable. He requested crossings. He also requested a 20 x 20 easement just west of the pond to establish a distribution terminal. He explained they would be providing service to both phases of the apartments and also the development to the south from this one location. Mr. Hill also requested various crossings. 96 Plat Review Meeting December 23, 1993 Page 6 DARRELL RITCHEY - U.S. POSTAL SERVICE Mr. Ritchey asked if they knew the location of the mailroom; whether it would be m Phase 1 or Phase 1I. Mr. Jorgensen advised they had discussed it being in the clubhouse. Mr. Ritchey advised there was a contract between the Postal Service and Mr. Lindsey. MICKEY JACKSON - FIRE DEPARTMENT Chief Jackson advised they would need to place hydrants at the following locations: one between lot lb and 2b, one in front of 7b at the east end, one between 16b and 17b, and one at the entrance. He advised there would be a total of seven hydrant. DON BUNN - CITY ENGINEER Mr. Bunn advised the Planning Department had requested a tree preservation plan. He requested a grading and drainage plan. He suggested routing the sewer around tee number 7. He informed Mr. Jorgensen this project would require an easement plat to be filed since it was a large scale development. He also noted the plat should be circulated to the utility companies prior to filing it. Plat Review Meeting • December 23, 1993 Page 7 LARGE SCALE DEVELOPMENT - EPPERLY MINISTORAGE DAN EPPERLY - S. SIDE OF MT. COMFORT, W. OF DEANE SOLOMON The next item on the agenda was a large scale development for Epperly Mmistorage presented by Dan Epperly for property located on the south side of Mount Comfort, west of Deane Solomon. The property is zoned I-1, Heavy Commercial -Light Industrial, and contains 3.73 acres. RICK EVANS - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Mr. Evans advised the gas meter off Mt. Comfort needed to be shown. He stated the Gas Company had a blanket easement of 30 feet out by the road. FLOYD CANTRELL - OZARKS ELECTRIC Mr. Cantrell asked where they wanted the power. Mr. Epperly advised they had no plans for power. • TOM McILROY - SOUTHWESTERN BELL Mr. Mcllroy had no comments. DARRELL RITCHEY - U.S. POSTAL SERVICE Mr. Ritchey advised there was already mail service to the address. MICKEY JACKSON - FIRE DEPARTMENT Chief Jackson stated they needed a water line down the drive - adding the developer would be required to place a hydrant by the existing office. Mr. Epperly asked if the hydrant could be located at the corner where the fence was, explaining there were 18 wheelers using the drive. Chief Jackson explained the fire code decreed no pomt on a buildmg could be located more than 500 feet from a hydrant. He stated he believed the location by the fence would work. DON BUNN - CITY ENGINEER Mr. Bunn advised he would need a tree preservation plan, a grading and drainage plan. He • requested a revised plat showmg the gas easement and a 15 foot easement for the water line. 9'7 Plat Review Meeting December 23, 1993 Page 9 PRELIMINARY PLAT - MOSIER ADDITION CLIFF MOSIER - S. SIDE OF WEDINGTON, W. SIDE OF 54TH The next item on the agenda was a preliminary plat for Mosier Addition presented by Alan Reid, Alan Reid & Associates, on behalf of Cliff Mosier for property located on the south side of Wedmgton and the west side of 54th Street. The property is zoned R-1, Low Density Residential, and contains 2.07 acres with 2 lots. RICK EVANS - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Mr. Evans stated there was an existing line on the east side of Lot 2. He requested a 20 -foot easement up to Highway 16. FLOYD CANTRELL - OZARKS ELECTRIC Mr. Cantrell requested the same easement. He further advised he would need a 30 foot easement between the two lots for an existing overhead line. TOM McILROY - SOUTHWESTERN BELL Mr. Mcllroy stated the 20 -foot easement on the east side was all they would need. DARRELL RITCHEY - U.S. POSTAL SERVICE Mr. Ritchey advised this was rural territory and they would need to contact the Post Office to determine the placement of the mail boxes. MICKEY JACKSON - FIRE DEPARTMENT Chief Jackson advised a fire hydrant would need to be installed on the north side of the intersection of 54th Street and Wedmgton. DON BUNN - CITY ENGINEER Mr. Bunn advised they needed to show the 25 -foot right-of-way on 54th Street, pointing out they would need to add five feet. Mr. Jackson stated that, if the water line ran down 54th Street, he would rather have the fire hydrant on the south side of Wedmgton. Mr. Bunn stated they would need to file a tree preservation plan. cia • Plat Review Meeting December 23, 1993 Page 11 FINAL PLAT - SOUTHWOODS ADDITION DREW SPURLOCK - W. SIDE OF HAPPY HOLLOW, N. OF 5TH The next item on the agenda was a final plat for Southwoods Addition presented by Harry Gray, Northwest Engineers, on behalf of Drew Spurlock for property located on the west side of Happy Hollow, north of 54th Street. The property is zoned R-1, Low Residential Density, and contains 6..65 acres with 15 lots. JACK REGAL - SWEPCO Mr. Regal stated the easements were fine - adding an Ozarks/SWEPCO territory boundary marker crossed lots 1 through 4. He remarked relocation of the existing overhead service would cost the developer approximately $51,000 in addition to a service charge to install an underground line to serve the development. Mr. Gray, in answer to a question from Mr. Regal, replied street lights were required at the entrance to the development, end of the cul-de-sac and then every three hundred feet - noting a variance for only three street lights might be feasible. • Mr. Regal asked for a 10 foot easement between lots 10 and 11 down to Myrtle Drive to service the street lights. • RICK EVANS - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Mr. Evans stated the easements were fine and confirmed all lots in the development would be single family residences. FLOYD CANTRELL - OZARKS ELECTRIC Mr. Cantrell remarked there was an existing line that ended around Fourth Street and stated an off-site easement would be necessary to service the development, therefore Ozarks would most likely release the lots to SWEPCO. TOM McILROY - SOUTHWESTERN BELL Mr. Mcllroy had no comment. DARRELL RITCHEY - U.S. POSTAL SERVICE Mr. Ritchey had no comment. 99 Plat Review Meeting December 23, 1993 Page 12 MICKEY JACKSON - FIRE DEPARTMENT Chief Jackson had no comment DON BUNN - CITY ENGINEER Mr. Bunn requested a tree preservation plan, asked Mr. Gray to confirm that a gradmg plan had been submitted, and remarked he and Mr Gray would need to meet regarding drainage on the site. Mr Regal remarked the 20 foot utility easement on the east side of lot 1 needed to be dimensioned. • Plat Review Meeting December 23, 1993 Page 13 • • FINAL PLAT - PINE VALLEY PHASE II BMP DEVELOPMENT - OFF POINT WEST, N. OF SHILOH DR. The next item on the agenda was a final plat for Pine Valley Addition Phase II presented by Harry Gray, Northwest Engineers, on behalf of BMP Development for property located off Point West, north of Shiloh Drive. The property is zoned R-2, Medium Density Residential, and contains 6.13 acres with 20 lots. Mr. Bunn stated the developer was required to submit a contract for off-site improvements. JOHN HILL - SWEPCO Mr. Hill requested a street crossing from lots 23 and 22 to lots 34 and 35, a crossing from lots 33 and 32 to lots 25 and 26 and a 15 foot easement between lots 33 and 32. Mr. Hill requested a building setback also be designated as a utility easement. He requested the 25 foot building setback also be designated a utility easement for those lots encroaching in the floodplain. RICK EVANS - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Mr. Evans stated the easements shown were fine and requested a street crossing at the west side of Rivenidge Drive for lot 40 to serve lot 29. TOM McILROY - SOUTHWESTERN BELL Mr. Mcllroy stated the easements shown were fine and requested a crossing from lot 40 to lot 2 - adding if the utility easement on Wildwood Drive overlapped into the street he would need a street crossing at lot 36. Mr. Gray confirmed the utility representatives desired 4 inch conduit in all street crossings. DARRELL RITCHEY - U.S. POSTAL SERVICE Mr. Ritchey stated he would meet with a representative from BMP Development to discuss mail service to phase I. MICKEY JACKSON - FIRE DEPARTMENT Chief Jackson had no comment. 100 • Plat Review Meeting December 23, 1993 Page 14 • • DON BUNN - CITY ENGINEER Mr. Bunn remarked the spelling of "Valley" in the title block was incorrect - adding lot dimensions needed to be noted on the south lots. He stated bndge fees would be $7200 and requested the floodplam be designated on the plat. Mr. Bunn stated a contract for any unfinished improvements would be required - remarking a grading plan would also need to be submitted. Plat Review Meeting • December 23, 1993 Page 15 • • LARGE SCALE DEVELOPMENT -DUPLEXES DARAN JOHNSON - N. OF DOCKERY, E. OF RAY The next item on the agenda was a large scale development for duplexes presented by Harry Gray, Northwest Engineers, on behalf of Daran Johnson for property located north of Dockery Lane, east of Ray Street. The property is zoned R-2, Medium Density Residential, and contains 1.40 acres with 6 units. RICK EVANS - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Mr. Evans stated he had an existing line along Dockery Avenue and requested a 20 foot easement between the duplexes and the south property line. He requested Mr Gray designated the 20 foot building setback from the east property line as a utility easement. In response to a question from Mr. Gray regarding the possibility of serving the development from the front, Mr Evans remarked he wouldn't need the 20 foot easement but would need an easement up the private drive if the developer desired front service. FLOYD CANTRELL - OZARKS ELECTRIC Mr. Cantrell stated the existing overhead line needed to be designated on the plat - commenting it might be too close to the structures - adding the pole may have to be relocated. He requested the same easements. TOM McILROY - SOUTHWESTERN BELL Mr. Mcllroy stated if the developer wanted to serve from behind, he would need a 20 foot utility easement and if the developer wanted to serve from the front, he would need crossings under the drives in addition to an easement. DARRELL RITCHEY - U.S. POSTAL SERVICE Mr. Ritchey had no comment. MICKEY JACKSON - FIRE DEPARTMENT Chief Jackson had no comment. DON BUNN - CITY ENGINEER Mr. Bunn remarked Mr. Conklin, Associate Planner, requested the developer complete the stub -out to the Fayetteville school site on the north end and also requested a sidewalk through 10? • Plat Review Meeting December 23, 1993 Page 16 the property to the school site. He stated a tree preservation plan and grading plan were required - addmg a street extension was also required. Mr. Gray remarked the developer had been provided with an 40 foot access easement connecting the site with Dockery Avenue and asked if that would be adequate. Mr. Bunn stated 50 feet of right-of-way was required. He remarked the City might require the water line be tied through. Mr. Gray responded the City water map showed only a 2 and 1/4 inch line - remarking there was an existing fire hydrant there, perhaps indicating the water line would be enlarged in the near future. Mr. Bunn stated the developer would need to provide an adequately -sized waterline to service the remaining duplexes. Mr. Gray asked if the City might participate in oversizing the water line. MICKEY JACKSON - FIRE DEPARTMENT • Chief Jackson suggested moving the fire hydrant further north to the middle of the site if the water line were to be oversized. Mr. Bunn remarked it would be best to move the hydrant. Chief Jackson remarked there were two hydrants right by the school. Mr. Bunn stated an off-site easement for the waterline would be necessary. • • Plat Review Meeting December 23, 1993 Page 17 PRELIMINARY PLAT - FIELDSTONE ADDITION CASTLE DEVELOPMENT - W. OF CARLSBAD TRACE, N. OF WEDINGTON The next item on the agenda was a preliminary plat for Fieldstone Addition presented by Harry Gray, Northwest Engineers, on behalf of Castle Development for property located west of Carlsbad Trace, north of Wedington Drive. The property is zoned R-1, Low Density Residential, and R-1.5, Moderate Density Residential, and contains 29.18 acres with 211 lots. Mr. Gray explained he had spoken with the Planning staff about the possibility of altering the current configuration of streets - aligning with Franciscan Way, connecting Kingston and Boxley and tying mto Franciscan Way - due to the length of the cul-de-sac. He added Boxley might still exceed the 500 foot maximum length for cul-de-sacs - requiring a variance. Mr. Bunn remarked there would be 58 duplex lots. RICK EVANS - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Mr. Evans stated the 25 foot building setback/utility easement along Wedington needed to be • a 30 foot building setback/utility easement - adding there was an existing high pressure line in the easement. He requested a crossing across Franciscan Way if it were extended through the site, and an additional four inch crossing across Boxley Avenue between lots 55 and 56 along the back lotline. Mr. Evans requested a 20 foot utility easement between lots 66 and 67 on the north end, an easement between lots 206 through 209 up to 205 and 210 running through the entire section, an easement extending into lot 183 and 182 over to 186, an easement between lots 205, 204 and 203, a crossing between lots 188 and 19 across Ponca Street, a 20 foot utility easement between lots 102 and 103, a crossing between lots 114 to 152 across Ponca, a crossing between lots 132 and 152, an easement between lots 152 and 148 extendmg to lot 150, a crossing between lots 91 and 92 on the west side of Ponca, a 20 foot utility easement between lots 85 and 86, a crossing on Plainview Avenue between lots 153 and 169, a utility easement between lots 80 and 81, a crossing between lots 170 and 202, a utility easement between lots 174, 175, 176, 177 to service lot 176, a utility easement between lots 72 and 73, and a crossing across Dover Street between lots 175 and 174. • FLOYD CANTRELL - OZARKS ELECTRIC Mr. Cantrell requested the following crossings: between lots 203 and 176 and at 151 on Dasher Court. He also requested the utility easement between lots 168 and 169 be extended to lot 151. Mr. Cantrell requested the followmg 10 foot utility easements to service yard lights: between lots 10 and 11, between lots 158 and 157, between lots 47 and 48, and between lots 38 and 39 - adding additional easements would be required around the curbs to service yardhghts. (02 • Plat Review Meeting December 23, 1993 Page 18 • • TOM McILROY - SOUTHWESTERN BELL Mr. Mcllroy requested the same easements and crossings. DARRELL RITCHEY - U.S. POSTAL SERVICE Mr. Ritchey stated he would meet with the developer to discuss mail service. MICKEY JACKSON - FIRE DEPARTMENT Chief Jackson requested three fire hydrants: between lots 135 and 137, between lots 166 and 167 and on the northwest corner of lot 206 at the intersection of Dover and Boxley. DON BUNN - CITY ENGINEER Mr. Bunn stated "Plainview" needed to be removed from the plat. He advised additional access to the north was required and Patrick Street should be used as the northern -most stub - out to the east. He also stated a tree preservation plan and grading plan were required - remarking Mr. Gray needed to meet with Ozarks Electric concermng drainage. The meeting adjourned at 10:30 a.m. PARKS GREEN SPACE FEES PLAT REVIEW 12-23-93 The next PRAB meeting will be 1-3-94. MOSIER ADDITION Land - .05 acres Money - $450.00 SOUTHWOODS ADDITION Money in lieu, $3,375 Motion: Kimbrough/Driver June 7, 1993 meeting DARAN JOHNSON Land - .24 acres Money - $2,160 FIELDSTONE ADDITION Land - 5.28 acres Money - $47,475 • •