HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-11-24 Minutes• MINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW MEETING 29 A meeting of the Fayetteville Plat Review Committee was held on Thursday, November4 1993 in Room 111 of the City Administration Building, 113 West Mountain Street, Fayetteville, Arkansas. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES: Rick Evans, Andy Calloway, Floyd Cantrell, Floyd Homaday, John Hill, L.O. Ferguson CITY REPRESENTATIVES: Alett Little, Tim Conklin, Mickey Jackson, Perry Franklin, Don Bunn, John Redfern OTHERS PRESENT• David Jorgenson, Kurt Jones, Leonard Messina, David Cox, Bill Rudasill LARGE SCALE DEVELOPMENT - CROSSOVER STORAGE DANNY VILLINES & CORDON WILKINS - W. OF CROSSOVER, S. OF MISSION The first item was a large scale development for Crossover Storage presented by David Jorgenson on behalf of Danny Villines and Gordon Wilkins for property located west of Crossover, south of Mission Boulevard. The property is zoned C-2, Thoroughfare Commercial, and contains 2.66 acres. Mr. Jorgenson, in answer to a question from Ms. Little, explained the area of the floodplain in the development presented a difficult problem. Reading from the plat, He stated: Zone A is the flood insurance rate zone that corresponds to the 100 -year floodplains that are determined in the Flood Insurance Study by approximate methods. Because detailed hydraulic analyses are not performed for such areas, no base flood elevations or depths are shown within this zone. Mr. Jorgenson explained that, having spoken with Little Rock, he determined it was not possible to obtain 100 -year floodplain elevations - remarking the detailed hydraulic analyses had been discontinued at Old Wire Road and Skillern Road. Ms. Little remarked her problem was discrepancies in elevations on corresponding sides of the floodplain area as noted on the plat. Mr. Jorgenson responded there was nothing to be done about the contours; however, information was available to determine what portion of the site was effected. Mr. Bunn stated what was required to resolve the issue was a coordinated effort to analyze upstream drainage areas and calculate the 100 -year flood through the development and compare projected volume with the capacity of the existing ditch. • Ms. Little stated plats would be required for Subdivision Committee the following Tuesday by 10:00 a.m. She explained the original plat of Crossover Storage had shown 28,000 square Og Plat Review •November 24, 1993 Page 2 feet of storage area, and noted the subject plat showed 33,000 square feet of storage area and showed buildings 7 and 8 abutting the extreme west property line. Ms. Little stated there were trees at the west property line in addition to a screening requirement. She remarked the site had limitations - existing trees, a screening requirement, and encroachment of the 100 - year floodplain - which would need to be resolved. In answer to a question pertaining to the screening requirement, Ms. Little explained the development abutted a residential zone and therefore required screening; in addition, the City had a Tree Preservation ordinance which required that of the total number of existing trees on site, a certain number must be preserved. Mr. Jorgenson stated he would determine the number of existing trees to be removed and replace them. RICK EVANS - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Mr. Evans had no comment. FLOYD HORNADAY - SWEPCO Mr. Hornaday stated there was an existing service line on the west side of Hwy 265 - adding service could be provided to the north of south side of the development. Mr. Hornaday asked, with regard to the 30 access/utility easement, how much of the easement would be used for access. When asked by Mr. Jorgenson if it was possible to service the development underground, Mr. Hornaday replied it was possible to do so to the rear from Hwy 265. Ms. Little remarked the City was encouraging underground service and the site had been rezoned to allow for it. Mr. Jorgenson explained a six inch water line was platted north of the property line and ten feet further a sewer line, therefore the 30 easement would not offer a lot of room for overhead poles. In response to a question from Mr. Bunn, Mr. Jorgenson stated the paved area would meet and not exceed regulation. Ms. Little stated gravel was preferable to facilitate perc testing. ANDY CALLOWAY - SOUTHWESTERN BELL Mr. Calloway expressed concern that the development was not serviceable from an easement standpoint - adding two original easement requests across the north and south property lines were no longer feasible. • Mr. Jorgenson stated there would be no telephone service in any of the buildings - adding there would not be an office or apartment on the site. He explained a future office might be Plat Review • November 24, 1993 Page 3 erected on an abutting lot. Mr. Calloway requested a 15 foot utility easement parallel to the north and south property lines extending to Hwy 265 - adding he did not intend to make use of the 30 access/utility easement. MICKEY JACKSON - FIRE DEPARTMENT Chief Jackson stated at least one fire hydrant was required. In answer to a question from Ms. Little, Chief Jackson replied he needed twenty feet of access minimum. PERRY FRANKLIN - TRAFFIC DIVISION Mr. Franklin had no comment. L.O. FERGUSON - WARNER CABLE Mr. Ferguson had no comment. • TIM CONKLIN - PLANNING OFFICE • Mr. Conklin stated a Tree Preservation Plan was required and explained an easement plat was now required by Subdivision Committee, with a legal description documented on the plat. Mr. Conklin added all lighting should be down -lit utilizing high pressure sodium. Plat Review •November 24, 1993 Page 4 PRELIMINARY PLAT - SUNBRmGE CENTER MAE NETTLESHIP - E. SIDE OF GREGG AVE., N. OF TOWNSHIP The next item was a preliminary plat for Sunbridge Center presented by David Jorgenson, Jorgenson & Associates, on behalf of Mae Nettleship for property located on the east side of Gregg Avenue, north of Township. The property is zoned C-1, Neighborhood Commercial, for lots 1 and 20, and R -O, Residential -Office, for lots 2 through 19 and contains 40.89 acres with 20 lots. Ms. Little explained at some time in the past the City's Capital Improvements Program contained a plan to make the intersection of Villa Blvd and Hwy 71 a ninety degree intersection - noting the street would be have to be replatted near the south property line curving to the north so the intersection at Hwy 71 would be.a right angle. Mr. Jorgenson stated the abutting property to the east was separately owned, and in response to a question from Mr. Little, remarked the developers had an agreement with the west property owners to extend the street east through their property to connect with Villa Blvd. • Mr. Franklin expressed concern about how close Villa Blvd came in to the intersection - • joining the proposed street at the same curb cut. Ms Little stated it would be appropriate to research the proposal at this time. RICK EVANS - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Mr. Evans requested a 20 easement between lots 2, 3, and 4 running north and south, a crossing from 3 and 4 down through 18 and 19, a 20 foot utility easement between 18 and 19 down to lot 17 running north and south, a 20 foot easement running east and west from lots 18, 19 and 17, a 20 foot easement between 15 and 16, a 20 foot easement between 15 and 14 up to lot 13 running north, a 20 easement between 13 and 14 running east and west, a 20 foot easement between 11 and 12 running east and west, a 20 easement on the east side of lot 9 running north and south, a crossing between lots 13 and 14 extending to lot 12, and a crossing between lots 17 and 18 over to 15 and 16 across the cul-de-sac. ANDY CALLOWAY - SOUTHWESTERN BELL Mr. Calloway requested the same easements and crossings as Mr. Evans in addition to a crossing between lots 9 and 11. In answer to a question from Mr. Calloway pertaining to the existence of an off-site easement to the north of lots 7, 8, and 9, Mr. Jorgenson said he would find out. • Plat Review November 24, 1993 Page 5 JOHN HILL - S W EPCO Mr. Hill stated he was satisfied with the requested easements and crossing - adding he would provide lots 1 and 20 with three-phase service. He requested crossings from lots 11 to 9 and lots 3 to 19. MICKEY JACKSON - FIRE DEPARTMENT Chief Jackson stated the water line would need to be tied in on both ends. PERRY FRANKLIN - TRAFFIC DIVISION Mr. Franklin had no comment. Ms. Little requested the major street be named Sunbridge. In answer to a question from Ms. Little, Mr. Jorgenson stated the developer did not currently have plans for any residential development within the subdivision. • Ms. Little encouraged the incorporation of one or more apartment units, noting parks fees • would be levied on each apartment unit Mr. Hill explained street lights on lots 5, 6, 7, and 8 would require a 7 and 1/2 foot easement for service between lots 7 and 8 and lots 5 and 6 - adding the building setback could serve also as the utility easement. LO FERGUSON - WARNER CABLE Mr. Ferguson stated the requested easements were fine. TIM CONKLIN - PLANNING OFFICE Mr. Conklin stated setbacks noted on R -O lots were incorrect - adding if no parking was developed in front on any structures, the setback was 30 feet and if parking was developed in front of a structure the setback was 50 feet. He added any residential development would have to meet R-3, High Density Residential, zoning standards. Mr. Conklin requested an additional 20 feet of right-of-way along Gregg Street. Ms Little stated any residential development whatsoever would have to be recoordinated with all the utility companies. Mr. Conklin stated sidewalks were required along both sides of the street as well as along the east side of Gregg Street. Ms. Little stated if the development were residential, sidewalks on only one side of the street was satisfactory. Mr. Conklin stated a Tree Preservation Plan would need to be submitted by Subdivision Committee. Ms. Little stated the additional right-of-way • • • Plat Review November 24, 1993 Page 6 along Gregg was consistent with the other portion of Gregg Street. ALETT LITTLE - PLANNING OFFICE Ms. Little stated Mr. Franklin would research the CIP containing the proposed 90 degree intersection of Villa Blvd and Hwy 71 and determine if the project could be incorporated into the development of Sunbridge Center - in lieu of the northern most east -west access from Villa Blvd. Mr. Bunn expressed concern that the issue could not be resolved prior to Subdivision Committee. Ms. Little stated the issue should be resolved by Planning Commission. Mr. Bunn stated the legal description did not close and needed to be resolved - adding a number of Tots did not have dimensions. Ms. Little stated a description for the C-1 property was missing from the plat. Mr. Bunn remarked there was a tremendous drainage problem across the north side of the property - adding the 25 foot utility easement along the north side might be required for drainage. Ms. Little remarked there was a discrepancy between lot 12 and the southern property line. Plat Review •November 24, 1993 Page 7 LARGE SCALE DEVELOPMENT - SUPERIOR INDUSTRIES SUPERIOR INDUSTRIES INT. - 1901 COMMERCE DRIVE The next item was a large scale development for Superior Industries presented by Leonard Messina, the Warrior Group Ltd., on behalf of Superior Industries International for property located at 1901 Commerce Drive. The property is zoned I-2, General Industrial, and contains 35.99 acres. Ms. Little explained the plat represented the second expansion of Superior Industries to the east - adding the first expansion would be completed within one week. She requested from the developer the number of employees the total facility employed by shift. RICK EVANS - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Mr. Evans stated he had been talking with the developer about the existing line and had no other comments. • ANDY CALLOWAY - SOUTHWESTERN BELL Mr. Calloway had no comment. FLOYD HORNADAY - SWEPCO • Mr. Homaday explained the drainage ditch along the south side of the development had presented a difficulty during the first phase - adding the underground portion of the service would have similar specifications to phase one. MICKEY JACKSON - FIRE DEPARTMENT Chief Jackson explained that phase one approval had contained an agreement for another tie- in to a fire protection line in the southwest comer of the property - adding he did not see that on the site. He stated two connections to the City water system were required, expressing a preference for a tie-in on the southwest side but stating a tie-in to the main at the front of the property was possible. PERRY FRANKLIN - TRAFFIC DIVISION Mr. Franklin expressed a desire to improve lighting down the street. 70 • • Plat Review November 24, 1993 Page 8 LO FERGUSON - WARNER CABLE Mr. Ferguson had no comment. TIM CONKLIN - PLANNING OFFICE Mr. Conklin stated adjacent property owners needed to be noted on the plat, in addition to proof of notification by the following Thursday, and further stated a Tree Preservation Plan was required. DON BUNN - ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT Mr. Bunn stated there existed an agreement between the City and Superior Industries for certain utility improvements in addition to Borick Drive. Mr. Bunn suggested the developer contact Kevin Crosson regarding the agreement - adding the connections should be made in compliance with Chief Jackson's fire protection needs. Ms. Little stated all parking areas needed to be paved and noted on the plat as such. • • Plat Review November 24, 1993 Page 9 PRELIMINARY PLAT - WOODSIDE ADDITION HAROLD JOHNSON - W. SIDE OF SHILOH DR., S. OF 15TH ST. The next item was a preliminary plat for Woodside Addition presented by Kurt Jones, Northwest Engineers, on behalf of Harold Johnson for property located on the west side of Shiloh Drive, south of 15th Street. The property is currently zoned A-1, Agricultural, and is being petitioned to be rezoned R-1 (proposed R93-54), Low Density Residential. This plat contains 11.67 acres with 44 lots. Ms Little confirmed there were no existing homes on the site, and stated adjacent property owners needed to be noted on the plat. RICK EVANS - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Mr. Evans requested the following 4 inch crossings: four between lots 1 and 2 extending to lots 35 and 36, one between lot 18 and 19 extending to lots 25 and 26, one between Tots 14 and 15 on the west easement. He explained he had an existing line at the intersection of 15th Street and Shiloh Drive and requested the platted utility easement to contain the water line be noted as a general utility easement. FLOYD CANTRELL - OZARKS ELECTRIC Mr. Cantrell requested the same crossings as Mr. Evans and stated the existing 3-phase overhead service pole needed to be noted on the plat. He also requested a 7 and 1/2 foot utility easement for each street light. Mr. Cantrell remarked he anticipated serving the subdivision entirely underground. PERRY FRANKLIN - TRAFFIC DIVISION Mr. Franklin requested street lights along Shiloh Drive at 300 foot intervals. He also stated where Woodside Drive turns the east it would need to be noted as Woodside on the plat. ANDY CALLOWAY - SOUTHWESTERN BELL Mr. Calloway requested the same crossings as Mr. Evans, and also requested the water line easement be noted as a utility easement. He requested the building setbacks along the north side be noted as a utility easement. MICKEY JACKSON - FIRE DEPARTMENT • Chief Jackson had no comment. GTI • • • Plat Review November 24, 1993 Page 10 LO FERGUSON - WARNER CABLE Mr. Ferguson stated there was not service in the immediate vicinity therefore the developer would bear some of the cost of extending the line to the subdivision. He requested the same crossings as Mr. Evans. LISA COX - PARKS AND RECREATION Ms. Cox stated land dedication would be 1.1 acres or $9,900 in lieu. TIM CONKLIN - PLANNING OFFICE Mr. Conklin stated sidewalks were required along Shiloh Drive and requested a Tree Preservation Plan be submitted by Subdivision Committee. DON BUNN - ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT Mr. Bunn stated the water line noted on the plat was a 12, not a 15, inch line - adding the City would contribute to the oversizing of the water line. Mr. Bunn explained a 12 inch crossing existed to the south, and the City would bear the cost of installing a 12 inch line along Frontage Road above the costs the developer would incur installing the required 8 inch line. Mr. Bunn stated the easement from the north might have to be widened to 30 to 50 feet and would be an off-site easement. ALETF LITTLE - PLANNING OFFICE Ms. Little explained the City required separate grading plans for any lots with over a 20 percent grade. She explained as a condition of the approval of the plat the staff requested that lots 1, 36, 23, and 22 be restricted access to interior streets, and encouraged the creation of an additional street through the subdivision to eliminate curb cuts on Shiloh Drive - noting all curb cuts onto Shiloh would have to be approved by the State Highway Department. Mr. Calloway cautioned the developer of the existence of both a copper telephone cable and a fiber optic cable near the subdivision. Ms. Little remarked the maximum number of units per acre in an R-1 zone was 4, and the developer was showing 44 lots within 11.67 more or less. She stated a minimum of 11 acres was required. Plat Review •November 24, 1993 Page 11 • PRELIMINARY PLAT - THE MASTERS WRIGHT-PENSE, INC. - S. OF COUNTRY CLUB DR., E. OF S. COLLEGE The next item was a preliminary plat for The Masters presented by Bill Rudasill, WBR Engineering Associates, on behalf of Wright-Pense, Inc., for property located south of Country Club Drive, east of South College. The property is zoned R-1, Low Density Residential, and contains 20.5 acres "with 15 lots. Ms Little explained the replat of the Masters had been previously phased as 53 lots on 20 acres, but now contained 15 lots on 20.5 acres. RICK EVANS - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Mr. Evans remarked that due to slope and enlarged lot size, he would like to discuss with the developer serving the subdivision from the front - adding he would need several street crossings it he were to serve from the front. He stated the easements shown were fine. ANDY CALLOWAY - SOUTHWESTERN BELL Mr. Calloway stated the easements were fine; however, he remarked they were not labelled. In answer to a question from Mr. Calloway pertaining to the 10 foot landscape buffer along the west side of the property, Mr. Rudasill explained there was a 20 foot utility easement inside the buffer. JOHN HILL - SWEPCO Mr. Hill requested a 15 easement between lots 14 and 15, and a 15 foot easement between 11 and 12. Mr. Franklin suggested the street lights on the west side of the property be moved to the intersections. Mr. Hill encouraged Mr. Rudasill to meet with Jack Regal regarding the development. He also requested a 15 foot easement between lots 1 and 2 and 3 and 4 to service the lights. In response to a question from Mr. Hill, Mr. Rudasill replied the existing private right-of-way would be eliminated. • Mr. Hill stated Mr. Regal would probably also request a crossing at the end of the cul-de-sac of Fairway Lane. 9z • • Plat Review November 24, 1993 Page 12 MICKEY JACKSON - FIRE DEPARTMENT Chief Jackson had no comment. PERRY FRANKLIN - TRAFFIC DIVISION Mr. Franklin had no additional comments. L.O FERGUSON - WARNER CABLE Mr. Ferguson stated he would have to service the development from the front. LISA COX - PARKS AND RECREATION Ms. Cox stated land dedication was .375 acres or $3,375 in lieu. Mr. Rudasill stated a variance on the length of the cul-de-sac was required. TIM CONKLIN - PLANNING OFFICE Mr. Conklin stated sidewalks were required along Country Club Drive set one foot back from the curb and access for lots 15 and 1 would be restricted to interior streets. He added a dedication of 5 feet of right-of-way was required along Country Club Drive. Mr. Evans requested crossings on Fairway Lane at both cul-de-sacs. ALETT LITTLE - PLANNING OFFICE Ms. Little requested an offsite drainage easement to the east behind lots 14, 13, 12, 9 and 8 on the property, or an easement along the east rear lotline of the same lots. She added that drainage off lot 11 had the potential to affect lots 12, 9, and 10, and could develop into a significant problem is not handled at the time of development. Plat Review November 24, 1993 Page 13 FINAL PLAT - STERLING ESTATES STERLING INVESTMENTS, LTD. - W. SIDE OF CROSSOVER, S. OF ZION The final item was a final plat for Sterling Estates presented by David Cox, Engineering Services, Inc., on behalf of Sterling Investments, Ltd., for property located on the west side of Crossover, south of Zion Road. The property is zoned R-1, Low Density Residential, & R-2, Medium Density Residential, and contains 6.85 acres with 15 lots. PERRY FRANKLIN - TRAFFIC DIVISION Mr. Franklin had no comment. Ms. Little stated access for lots 13,14, and 15 had been limited to Hillside Terrace, the number of Tots had been reduced, and greenspace fees required in lieu of land dedication due to the revised configuration of the cul-de-sac. RICK EVANS - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Mr. Evans had no comments. FLOYD CANTRELL - OZARKS ELECTRIC Mr. Cantrell requested a pipe to service the streetlight in the cul-de-sac. ANDY CALLOWAY - SOUTHWESTERN BELL Mr. Calloway requested a 4 inch crossing across Sterling Court at the entrance to the subdivision. MICKEY JACKSON - FIRE DEPARTMENT Chief Jackson stated hydrant between lots 14 and 15 was too close to the other hydrant - requesting it be moved further south - either between lots 13 and 14 or to the end of lot 13. Chief Franklin stated it might practical to feed the relocated hydrant from the water line extending from Hwy 265 - adding the original location of the hydrant did meet City and State fire code. Ms. Little suggested the developer meet with Mr. Bunn to discuss the possibility of cost- sharing the extension of the water line from Hwy 265. y3