HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-11-04 Minutes• • • MINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW MEETING A meeting of the Fayetteville Plat Review Committee was held on Thursday, November 4, 1993 in Room 111 of the City Administration Building, 113 West Mountain Street, Fayetteville, Arkansas. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES: CITY REPRESENTATIVES: OTHERS PRESENT: Rick Evans, Andy Calloway, Darrell Ritchey, Jack Regal, John Hill Tim Conklin, Mickey Jackson, Randy Allen, John Redfern, Lisa Cox Harry Gray, Ron Petrie, Audy Lack LARGE SCALE DEVELOPMENT - ARK REGIONAL ATHLETIC CLUB DAN W. HART INC. - W. SIDE OF COLT SQUARE, S. OF TOWNSHIP The first item was a large scale development for Arkansas Regional Athletic Club presented by Audy Lack on behalf of Dan W Hart Inc., for property located on the west side of Colt Square, south of Township. The property is zoned C-2, Thoroughfare Commercial, and contains 1.93 acres. RICK EVANS - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Mr. Evans stated the existing lures were correctly noted on the plat, adding the easement along the west and north side of the property needed to be noted as being uniformly 20 foot. He further stated he had no problem with the noted location of the gas meter, but it would be necessary to, due to a security fence in the easement, place the lines prior to the construction of the fence. JOHN HILL - SWEPCO Mr. Hill explained he would service the development from the southwest corner with an existing pole - remarking the noted easements were fine. ANDY CALLOWAY - SOUTHWESTERN BELL Mr. Calloway explained there was an existing telephone cable on the southwest corner of the property parallel to the west property line which the developer indicated would be paved over. He stated he anticipated the placement of a second telephone cable in the easement, for which the phone company would assume no responsibility for construction within the easement - adding the developer might consider placing 4 inch PVC conduit under the paved areas. Mr. Calloway further explained the phone company would not absorb the expense of any work required to access the existing cable for repairs He also stated there was an 2:1 Plat Review November 4, 1993 Page 2 existing junction point at the southwest corner of the property, suggesting a minimum 2 inch conduit from the building to that location. Mr. Calloway explained the junction point was located 3 to 5 feet inside the property line. MICKEY JACKSON - FIRE DEPARTMENT Mr Jackson suggested installing a sprinkler system in the building, stating for this type of construction sprinklers were not required by code. DARRELL RITCHEY - U. S. POSTAL SERVICE Mr. Ritchey commented the development would be served by a rural -type box. RANDY ALLEN - STREET DEPARTMENT Superintendent Allen requested a grading and drainage plan and suggested Mr. Lack discuss with Cheryl Zotti requirements for the trash enclosure. He explained that the proposed pavement - 2 inch asphalt on 6 inch base - was sufficient but might be inadequate to support sanitation truck activity. TIM CONKLIN - PLANNING OFFICE Mr. Conklin confirmed that no additional easements in the subdivision had been requested by the utility companies and stated all the existing easements were fine. He further stated bumper guards were required for parking spaces on the exterior of the parking lot and requested a tree preservation plan. He informed Mr. Lark the proof of notification needed to be provided for adjacent property owners and added that lighting for the parking lot should be downlit and suggested high pressure sodium lights. He stated for the record the developer was to contact Don Bunn, City Engineer, to discuss water and sewer requirements for the development and any additional issues. • • • Plat Review • November 4, 1993 Page 3 PRELIMINARY PLAT - OWL CREEK MIKE PENNINGTON - E. SIDE OF DOUBLE SPRINGS, S. OF WEDINGTON The next item on the agenda was a preliminary plat for Owl Creek presented by Mel Milholland, Milholland Co., on behalf of Mike Pennington for property located on the east side of Double Springs, south of Wedington Drive. The property is zoned R-1, Low Density Residential, and contains 10.22 acres with 33 proposed lots. RICK EVANS - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Mr. Evans requested an easement between lots 18 and 19 down to lot 20, in addition to a 20 foot easement from lots 3 to 9 adjacent to and north of the floodplain. He stated he would serve the development from the rear and pointed out the quad conduits at the entrance were properly noted on the plat. ANDY CALLOWAY - SOUTHWESTERN BELL Mr. Calloway requested the same easements as Mr. Evans and requested an easement • between lots 12 and 11. MICKEY JACKSON - FIRE DEPARTMENT Chief Jackson stated he had no comments. DARRELL RITCHEY - U.S. POSTAL SERVICE Mr. Ritchey stated the development would be served on one side of the street and requested the boxes be placed within the four foot greenspace between curb and sidewalk. LISA COX - PARKS AND RECREATION Ms. Cox stated land dedication would be .66 acres or $7,425 in lieu. RANDY ALLEN - STREET DEPARTMENT • In answer to a question from Superintendent Allen, Mr. Petrie explained there would be a high point in the middle of the interior road that would drain in both directions into a drainage pipe running the length of the street and discharge into a ditch on Double Springs Road. Mr. Petrie remarked the quads noted on the plat were for the utility conduits. Superintendent Allen stated he favored an increase in underground drainage systems within 8r Plat Review • November 4, 1993 Page 4 subdivisions, pointing out the 30 fall in elevation to Double Springs Road. He added corners as well as settlement in crowns were a problem. Mr. Petrie suggested putting a low point in the street. Superintendent Allen remarked that all that would be required would be a few additional boxes to carry water out to the road. - adding the corner of lot 27 would be a suitable site. TIM CONKLIN - PLANNING OFFICE Mr. Conklin stated access for lots 20, 33, 21 and lot 1 would need to be restricted to the interior streets, adding only lot 19 would access onto Double Springs Road. He remarked a Tree Preservation Plan was required and three street names would need to be provided. Mr. Conklin explained that, Double Spnngs Road being a minor arterial and currently possessing 60 feet of right-of-way, an additional 10 feet of right-of-way was necessary on the east side of the road. He requested access be provided to the east for property owned by Jen -y and Diana McGruder - pointing out the only access for the McGruder's property was onto Highway 16. Mr. Conklin stated the purpose of the access was to avoid landlocking future developments and providing them with access other than Highway 16. He remarked the stub - out could be placed anywhere along the east side of the property. Mr. Conklin stated for the record the developer needed to discuss with Don Bunn the required street improvements to • Double Springs Road. He pointed out that due to the requested 20 foot utility easement north of the 100 year floodplain, there would be a restricted building area for lots 4,5,6,7, and 8. • • Plat Review November 4, 1993 Page 5 PRELIMINARY PLAT - WOODLAWN ADDITION BARRY BAKER - N SIDE OF 24TH ST., E. OF S. SCHOOL AVE. The next item on the agenda was a preliminary plat for Viewpoint Estates presented by Harry Gray, Northwest Engineers, on behalf of Barry Baker for property located on the north side of 24th Street, east of south School Avenue. The property is zoned R-1.5, Moderate Density Residential, and contains 1.51 acres with 6 proposed lots. JACK REGAL - SWEPCO Mr. Regal requested the 25 foot building setback also be noted on the plat as a utility easement. He stated service for the development would come from 24th Street. RICK EVANS - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Mr. Evans made the same request as Mr. Regal and stated he had an existing line on the south side of 24th Street. • ANDY CALLOWAY - SOUTHWESTERN BELL • Mr. Calloway made the same request as Mr. Regal and Mr. Evans in addition to requesting a 15 foot easement along the east side of lot 6 and the west side of lot 1 to service development to the east and west. Mr. Gray stated Mr. Calloway's request might landlock a portion of the acreage to the east if the developer succeeded in purchasing it and suggested an 8 foot easement to the west and east of the development. Mr. Conklin remarked he was concerned about future development to the north and stated a 50 foot right-of-way easement north from 24th Street was necessary. In response to a comment from Mr. Gray suggesting Mr. Baker intended to construct his house on the property to the north, Mr. Conklin remarked if the intended development did not take place, the property would be landlocked with no provision for access. Mr. Conklin stated a paved stub -out would be required to the north. He confirmed the Baker property had access to North College Avenue and added the required right-of-way stub -out to the north would require a 25 foot building setback on both sides. MICKEY JACKSON - FIRE DEPARTMENT Chief Jackson requested a hydrant between lots 2 and 3. 8'6 Plat Review November 4, 1993 Page 6 DARRELL RITCHEY - U.S. POSTAL SERVICE Mr. Ritchey stated the development could be serviced from either side of the street. RANDY ALLEN - STREET DEPARTMENT In response to a question from Superintendent Allen, Mr. Gray stated water drained to the north from 24th Street - adding the only street improvements he anticipated was the widening of 24th Street and therefore would not develop a grading plan for the duplexes. TIM CONKLIN - PLANNING OFFICE Mr. Conklin stated for the record Mr. Gray would need to discuss with Don Bunn off-site improvements for 24th Street - adding no sidewalks were required on the north side of 24th Street. In response to a question from Mr. Conklin, Mr. Regal stated two street lights existed along 24th: one in front of lot 5 and one off to the east of lot 6 about 100 feet. Mr. Conklin stated a Tree Preservation Plan was required - with existing trees noted on the plat with protective fencing- and asked if an off-site easement would be necessary to bring a sewer line to the property. Mr. Gray remarked he believed adequate right-of-way existed. Mr. Conklin stated he would meet with Don Bunn to determine if the requested 50 foot right- of-way easement would be required to be paved. He added Mr. Gray would need to contact L.O. Ferguson with Warner Cable. Mr. Regal remarked if the two existing SWEPCO poles were moved to facilitate the widening of 24th there would be relocation costs to the developer. LISA COX - PARKS AND RECREATION Ms. Cox stated land dedication would be .3 acres or $2,160 in lieu. • Plat Review • November 4, 1993 Page 7 • PRELIMINARY PLAT - VIEWPOINT ESTATES JOE FRED STARR - E. SIDE OF GREENVIEW DR., S. OF MISSION The first item on the agenda was a preliminary plat for Viewpoint Estates presented by Harry Gray, Northwest Engineers, on behalf of Joe Fred Starr for property located on the east side of Greenview Drive, south of Mission Boulevard. The property is zoned R-1, Low Density Residential, and contains 2.05 acres with 4 proposed lots. Mr. Gray explained the terrain of the property was such that the developer was requesting 2 tandem lots with 2 lots fronting on Greenview Drive - adding there was a single family home to the east on property which extended to Mission Boulevard. Mr. Conklin stated his concern was landlocking possible future development to the east. He explained one of the conditions for granting a tandem lot approval was that the terrain be too steep to physically construct access, a street or cul-de-sac, to serve the development. Mr. Gray remarked the developer's intent was single family rent homes and asked if 4 single family homes could, under present regulations, be placed on 2 acres. Mr. Conklin replied the necessary frontage did not exist. He stated with 8 to 10 acres to the east, and one access subdivisions abutting the property, he would discuss with the City Engineer and Planning Director the necessity of an access through this subdivision to the east. JACK REGAL - SWEPCO Mr. Regal requested the 20 foot building setback along the west of lot 3 and 4 be also noted as a utility easement and extended from the south to the north boundary, between lots 1 and 3 and2and4. RICK EVANS - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Mr. Evans requested the same easements as Mr. Regal and requested that the 20 foot building setback on the south side of lot 4 also be noted as a utility easement for service for future development to the east. ANDY CALLOWAY -SOUTHWESTERN BELL Mr. Calloway had the same requests as Mr. Evans. MICKEY JACKSON - FIRE DEPARTMENT • In answer to a question from Chief Jackson regarding tandem lots, Mr. Conklin explained the Z Plat Review • November 4, 1993 Page 8 drive serving the development was required to be paved a minimum of 25 feet from the street. Mr. Conklin read the following: The tandem lot will have access to a public street by way of a private drive with a minimum width of 25 feet of equal and uniform width. The tandem lot owner shall be responsible for maintaining said 25 foot private drive so that sanitation and emergency vehicles have safe access to the dwelling located on the lot. The tandem lot owner shall have title to, or a perpetual easement in, the private dnve. If the pnvate drive intersects a paved street, the private drive shall be paved for a minimum distance of 25 feet from said intersection (160.091 (B-3) TANDEM LOT DEVELOPMENT). Mr. Gray remarked the private drive would be approximately twelve and one half feet in - width - adding he saw no difference between this development and a 300 foot deep lot containing two houses. LISA COX - PARKS AND RECREATION Ms. Cox stated land dedication would be .08 acres or $900 in lieu. • DARRELL RITCHEY - U.S. POSTAL SERVICE Mr. Ritchey stated boxes would be required on Greenview Drive. RANDY ALLEN - STREET DEPARTMENT Superintendent Allen stated the concern in the past with tandem lots had regarded elevation. Mr. Conklin explained in one instance Alett Little, Planning Director, had required that the drive be paved - adding that for safety purposes SB -2 gravel or paving should be necessary. Mr. Conklin suggested Mr. Gray note on the plat that the drive would be gravel. Chief Jackson stated access to the homes in the rain would be a problem. Regarding sanitation, Mr. Conklin stated one of the two following provisions was required: the construction of a 30 foot by 40 foot hard surface vehicular turnaround equivalent to SB -2 base or better at the end of the private dnve and shall execute a written agreement granting the city permission to enter the private drive and turn around with sanitation vehicles or the construction of a masonry garbage can holder, with screening, alongside the street onto which the private drive leads. Mr. Gray stated he didn't feel emergency vehicles would have a problem accessing the • homes. Plat Review November 4, 1993 Page 9 In answer to a question from Street Superintendent Allen, Chief Jackson replied he was not familiar with the legal ramifications of a house being destroyed because fire trucks couldn't access the lot. TIM CONKLIN - PLANNING OFFICE Mr Conklin restated his concern for approving a tandem lot without providing safe access - suggesting it would be necessary for City staff to meet to determine what the City would require for safe access. He explained the developer was asking for special permission - one lot beyond what was legal according to City ordinance. Mr. Conklin stated Mr. Gray needed to note Greenview Drive as extending to Mission Boulevard on the vicinity map. The meeting adjourned at 10:00 a.m. • • •