HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-10-21 Minutes• • MINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW MEETING A meeting of the Fayetteville Plat Review Committee was held on Thursday, October 21, 1993 in Room 111 of the City Administration Building, 113 West Mountain Street, Fayetteville, Arkansas. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES: Rick Evans, Andy Calloway, Darrell Ritchey, L.O. Ferguson, John Hill, Floyd Cantrell, Jack Regal CITY REPRESENTATIVES: Alett Little, Tim Conklin, Mickey Jackson, Randy Allen, John Redfern, Lisa Cox OTHERS PRESENT: David Jorgenson, Albert Skiles, Tom Buysee, Earl Russell FINAL PLAT - JUSTIN ADDITION CHARLES DUNAWAY - E. SIDE OF CHERRY, N. OF HUNTSVILLE RD. The first item was a final plat for Justin Addition presented by David Jorgenson, Jorgenson & Associates, on behalf of Charles Dunaway for property located on the east side of Cherry Street, north of Huntsville Road. The property is zoned R - 1.5, Moderate Density Residential, and contains .97 acres with 5 proposed lots. ALETT LITTLE - PLANNING OFFICE Ms. Little stated street improvements to Cherry Street and the installation of the fire hydrant was required. Mr. Bunn requested the developer submit subdivision covenants. Ms Little explained the lot sizes were approved by the Board of Adjustments - noting without a variance 59 feet was an insufficient width - informing Mr Jorgenson to note it on the plat as such: Lot frontage approved by Board of Adjustments, date. She remarked an agreement for improvements to Cherry Street would be necessary. RICK EVANS - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Mr. Evans stated he would use an existing line. FLOYD CANTRELL - OZARK ELECTRIC Mr. Cantrell had no comment. ANDY CALLOWAY - SOUTHWESTERN BELL • Mr. Calloway pointed out the existing house on lot 3 was noted on the final plat as being in 7 the 25 foot building setback. He reminded the Committee he had requested a 20 foot front • easement but stated a 10 foot setback was feasible. Mr. Calloway stated he needed a 20 foot easement across lots 1, 2, 4, and 5. • • L.O. FERGUSON - WARNER CABLE Mr. Ferguson had no comment. RANDY ALLEN - STREET DEPARTMENT Mr. Allen bad no comment. MICKEY JACKSON - FIRE DEPARTMENT Chief Jackson had no comment. DARRELL RITCHEY - U.S. POSTAL SERVICE Mr. Ritchey had no comment. LISA COX - PARKS DEPARTMENT Ms. Cox had no comment. TIM CONKLIN - PLANNING OFFICE Mr. Conklin requested Mr. Jorgenson note on the plat the location of existing trees and indicate protective fencing. He stated the existing house would have to go before the Board of Adjustment. Ms. Little explained the house could remain as a legal nonconforming structure but could not be replaced in the same location if destroyed. • • Plat Review Committee October 21, 1993 Page 3 PRELIMINARY PLAT - LYNN -LEIGH HILL ADDITION JIM WHEELER - SW. CORNER OF HWY 112 & DEANE SOLOMON RD. The next item was a preliminary plat for Lynn -Leigh Hill Addition presented by David Jorgenson, Jorgenson & Associates, on behalf of Jim Wheeler for property located on the southwest corner of Highway 112 and Deane Solomon Road. The property is proposed zone R-1, Low Density Residential, and contains 8.51 acres with 8 lots. Mr. Conklin stated the current zonmg of the property was A-1, Agricultural and the developer was requesting R-1, Low Density Residential zoning concurrently with the plat. He explained that because the development would not utilize city sewer, a minimum one and one half acre parcel size was required under subdivision regulation - pointing out the proposed lots were smaller in size Ms. Little stated that, as a result of an amendment to the zoning ordmance, if the County Health Department approved a perc test for less than one and one half acre lots, the City could, but didn't have to, consider the plat. RICK EVANS - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Mr. Evans stated a line existed on the south side of Highway 112, in addition requesting a 20 foot easement on the north side of lots 3 and 4 extending to Deane Solomon road. FLOYD CANTRELL - OZARK ELECTRIC Mr. Cantrell requested an easement between lots 2 and 3 to service lot 4, and a crossing between lots 1 and 8. ANDY CALLOWAY - SOUTHWESTERN BELL Mr. Calloway requested a 4 inch crossing at the entrance of lots 1 and 8 as well as the same easements as Mr. Evans. Mr. Calloway asked the developer to extend the perimeter 20 foot easement around lots 3,4,5,6,7, and 8 L.O. FERGUSON - WARNER CABLE Mr. Ferguson, confirming the developer's preference for underground service, stated he had an existing service along Highway 112. He requested a crossing between lots 1 and 8. RANDY ALLEN - STREET DEPARTMENT • Mr. Allen stated contours lines were not noted on the plat, and remarked most drainage Ra • • • Plat Review Committee October 21, 1993 Page 4 would occur toward Deane Solomon He confirmed a ditch did not exist along the street. Mr. Allen remarked a discussion of improvements to Deane Solomon would need to include drainage. He requested, for Perry Franklin, a streetlight at the back end of the cul-de sac adding this would be beyond the required 300 foot distance between the front -most streetlight. Mr. Bunn remarked the distance could be waived and agreed the streetlight should be placed between lots 3 and 5. In response to a question from Mr. Allen, Mr. Jorgenson stated drainage toward Highway 112 would be accommodated either by curb inlets or a concrete swell leading to the drainage pipe. Mr. Bunn stated a preliminary grading plan was necessary. Mr. Allen stated adjacent property owners needed to be noted on the plat. In answer to a question from Ms. Little, Mr. Allen explained his concern with the entrance onto Highway 112 was sightlme rather than the distance between Deane Solomon and the entrance to the subdivision. Mr. Bunn stated Howard Nickell was not noted on the plat. MICKEY JACKSON - FIRE DEPARTMENT Chief Jackson stated a six inch water line extended along the south side of Highway 112 - adding the line was extremely long and deadended. He explained the required minimum pressure was 1000 gallons/minute - remarking there was a serious question if the line would be sufficient. DARRELL RITCHEY - U.S. POSTAL SERVICE Mr. Ritchey had no comment. LISA COX - PARKS DEPARTMENT Ms. Cox stated land dedication was .2 acres and money in lieu was $1,800. TIM CONKLIN - PLANNING OFFICE Mr. Conklin stated the staff would like access restricted to the cul-de-sac for lots 8, 1, 2, and 4 - adding a street name needed to be noted on the plat. He stated sidewalks were required on one side of the street, around the cul-de-sac and on both Highway 112 and Deane Solomon Road. Mr. Conklin stated for the record the cul-de-sac was within the maximum length and therefore only one access to the development was required. Ms. Little remarked adjacent property owners, as well as the one across Deane Solomon, needed to be noted on • • • Plat Review Committee October 21, 1993 Page 5 the plat. Mr. Conklin pointed out protecting fencing needed to be indicated on the plat around trees which were to be preserved. DON BUNN - CITY ENGINEER Mr. Bunn stated the water line ran parallel to Highway 112 from the east - adding the line looped, and although a portion of it was 4 inch Zine, a 6 inch ran parallel to Howard Nickell Road. Chief Jackson stated that would provide sufficient water pressure - adding hydrants existed at Deane Solomon and Highway 112. Ms. Little stated the developer needed to provide flow data prior to Subdivision Committee. • • • Plat Review Committee October 21, 1993 Page 6 PRELIMINARY PLAT - CROSSOVER PLAZA GORDON WILKINS - W. SIDE OF CROSSOVER, S. OF MISSION BLVD. The next item was a preliminary plat for Crossover Plaza presented by David Jorgenson, Jorgenson & Associates, on behalf of Gordon Wilkins and Danny \Mimes for property located on the west side of Crossover, south of Mission Boulevard. The property is zoned C- 2, Thoroughfare Commercial, and contains 4.13 acres with 6 lots. LARGE SCALE DEVELOPMENT - CROSSOVER STORAGE JORGENSON & ASSOCIATES - W. SIDE OF CROSSOVER, S. OF MISSION BLVD. The next item was a large scale development for Crossover Storage presented by David Jorgenson, Jorgenson & Associates, for property located on the west side of Crossover, south of Mission Boulevard. The property is zoned C-2, Thoroughfare Commercial. Both Crossover Plaza and Crossover Storage were reviewed concurrently by the Committee. ALETT LITTLE - PLANNING OFFICE Ms. Little stated during the rezoning of the property the developer had been requested to limit access to Highway 265 - adding the subdivider had reduced accesses from 5 to 3, although 2 accesses was preferable. In response to a question from Ms. Little concerning a single entrance, Mr. Jorgenson replied the elimination a thud access was possible, for a total of two. Ms. Little stated one of the City's traffic concerns was the number of curb cuts in State highways. Mr. Bunn stated contours should be noted on the plat - adding a grading plan was required prior to the Planning Commission. In response to a question from Mr. Bunn, Mr. Conklin replied 80 - 100 feet of was required - noting currently only 60 feet - therefore a minimum of 20 feet of right-of-way needed to be shown as dedicated on the plat. Ms. Little stated because it was a State highway, it would be necessary to determine the designated nght of way. She pointed out right-of-way needed to be noted as such on the preliminary plat, rather than as a dimension - adding the curb cut would be addressed by the Highway Department. Mr. Jorgenson remarked the middle driveway might be removed from the plat due to the existence of a drainage ditch - adding a continuous parking lot might be the solution. Plat Review Committee October 21, 1993 Page 7 RICK EVANS - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Mr. Evans stated the 22 foot gas easement shown on the plat was incorrect - adding the easement was larger than that. Mr. Jorgenson explained the 28 foot utility easement was intended to provide for a sewer line on the western edge down to the north. Mr. Evans stated his concern was the existence of the sewer line. JACK REGAL - SWEPCO Mr. Regal requested a 20 foot easement on lot 1 along the north side as well as the west boundary of 1 and 2. Mr. Calloway suggested he would also use the easement. He requested a 20 foot easement along the south side of lot 5 and a 20 foot easement along the west side of lots 3, 4, and 5. He pointed out there were existing poles which, if required to be relocated to facilitate the driveways, would be moved at cost to the developer. ANDY CALLOWAY - SOUTHWESTERN BELL Mr. Calloway requested a 20 foot easement parallel to the north property line of lot 6 and parallel to the south property line of lot 6. He confirmed there was an off-site easement off Glenbrook Addition to the west. Mr. Calloway also requested a 4 inch crossing on the west side of lots 2 and 3, and a crossmg on the entrances of lots 2 and 3, in addition to a crossing spanning the entrances along the east side. L.O. FERGUSON - WARNER CABLE Mr. Ferguson stated the easements requested were fine - adding he had an existing line shared with Swepco and Southwestern Bell. RANDY ALLEN - STREET DEPARTMENT Mr. Allen asked what width of the floodway ran through the drainage easement. Mr. Jorgenson replied he didn't recall if a floodway was designated, pointing out the floodplain area noted on the plat. Mr. Allen requested a 15 foot drainage easement from each side of the bank of the floodway. He stated it would be necessary to note the easement as such that if the banks of the floodway were to move through erosion the easement would be relocated to correspond. Ms. Little asked if a thirty foot easement on one side would be possible. Mr. Allen responded access on both sides was necessary due to streambank erosion - adding the easement was to be • • Plat Review Committee October 21, 1993 Page 8 measure from the bank, not the center of the floodway. Ms. Little advised Mr. Jorgenson to consult with Mr. Allen and Mr. Rakes to determine how to note the easement. Mr. Jorgenson, in response to a question from Mr. Allen, stated there was a 18 or 24 inch pipe in the northern -most drainage easement. Ms. Little asked, if the middle access was removed, would the developer lotline adjust lots 2 and 3 - adding that this question would need to be resolved prior to Subdivision Committee. MICKEY JACKSON - FIRE DEPARTMENT Chief Jackson stated a fire hydrant for the storage units was required, and suggested tentatively locating the hydrant at the back of lot three. In answer to a question from Mr. Jorgenson, Chief Jackson stated he could move the existing fire hydrant to the entrance of the development, but a second one was necessary at the back as well. Mr. Jorgenson explained that there was an existing water line on the east side of Highway 265 - adding a fire hydrant to service the front units would be placed off the east side of Highway 265. Chief Jackson stated one hydrant was required for the front 5 lots and one for the storage buildings - asking if the 6 inch water line extend to the west of the development would tie in to Glenbrook Phase II. Mr. Jorgenson confirmed it would. DARRELL RITCHEY - U.S. POSTAL SERVICE Mr. Ritchey stated the development would be serviced from Highway 265. TIM CONKLIN - PLANNING OFFICE Mr. Conklin stated fencing around existing trees needed to be noted on the plat - adding screening was required if the existing trees did not meet the standard: view obscuring within two years. Mr. Conklin stated the office/apartment would need to be noted, and 2 parking spaces were required per building. Ms. Little stated, due to drainage concerns, the area between the buildings needed to be paved, and a total of 8 parking spaces was required. Mr. Bunn stated a grading plan was necessary. Mr. Regal stated the easement requests by the utility companies would require readjustment of the storage building sites. Mr. Conklin informed the utility representatives the easements • requested and shown would be recorded on the final plat. • • • Plat Review Committee October 21, 1993 Page 9 LARGE SCALE DEVELOPMENT - WAREHOUSES T & K ENTERPRISES - N. SIDE OF PUMP STATION RD, W. OF LEEPER. The next item was a large scale development for warehouses presented by David Jorgenson, Jorgenson & Associates, on behalf of T& K Enterprises for property located on the north side of Pump Station Road, west of Leeper. The zoning is I-2 , General Industrial and contains 11 acres. Ms. Little stated the replat of the Industrial Park had not been filed as a final plat, therefore the legal description shown on the large scale development plat may be erroneous. Mr. Bunn suggested the developer provide a meets and bounds legal and a separate document for existing easements. Mr .Jorgenson explained the development included two identical 10,000 square foot warehouses, an office building, and a loading dock. Ms. Little stated 14 parking spaces were required to accommodate employees and trucking activities. She added the turning area would have to be paved RICK EVANS - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Mr. Evans stated the existing easements were fine - adding he would service the development from the east. JACK REGAL - SWEPCO Mr. Regal stated the easement along the west easement, containing the sewer line, was not dimensioned and requested that it be 20 feet. He explained he would service from the front with an overhead line - also requesting load calculations. ANDY CALLOWAY - SOUTHWESTERN BELL Mr. Calloway requested the same easement along the west as well as the easement across the north property line. He also requested a 4 inch crossing at the entrance of the development, and a minimum 2 inch PVC from the office to the southeast corner. L.O. FERGUSON - WARNER CABLE Mr. Ferguson stated he had an existing overhead line to the west, also requesting a 2 inch PVC from the pole to the front of the development. • • • Plat Review Committee October 21, 1993 Page 10 MICKEY JACKSON - FIRE DEPARTMENT Chief Jackson suggested the developer contact him regarding the type of warehouse to be constructed and what would be stored in them. DARRELL RITCHEY - U.S. POSTAL SERVICE Mr. Ritchey suggested putting a box at the front of the development. TIM CONKLIN - PLANNING OFFICE Mr Conklin pointed out the zoning noted on the plat was incorrect and should be I-2, General Industrial, adjacent property owners needed to be noted and stated a sidewalk was required along Pump Station Road. Ms. Little stated any portion of the development in the floodplain needed to be noted as such. • • • Plat Review Committee October 21, 1993 Page 11 LARGE SCALE DEVELOPMENT - CANDLE LIGHT PLACE APTS. R & B VENTURES, INC. - N.E. CORNER OF GREGG & SYCAMORE The final item was a large scale development for Candle Light Place Apartments presented by Albert Skiles on behalf of R & B Ventures Inc for property located on the northeast corner of Gregg and Sycamore. The property is zoned proposed R-2, Medium Density Residential, and contains 3.75 acres. Ms. Little confirmed the development did not fit the density requirements for R-1.5, Moderate Density Residential. RICK EVANS - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Mr. Evans stated he had an existing 50 foot gas easement on the development side of west Sycamore containing an 8 inch gas line and indicated it needed to be noted on the plat. He requested a 20 foot utility easement around the entire development, whereas it had previously be absent on the east side. He stated he could provide service from directly behind the buildings if necessary, and requested instead a 20 foot easement extending from the overhang of the buildings. Mr. Skiles stated this was his preference in the event of development across the existing lot Ines He added there was a water line m the south 25 foot easement from a previous development off Sycamore. Ms. Little stated the City would need 5 to 15 feet of additional nght-of-way dedicated, as required by the Master Street Plan - adding the total right-of-way m the Capital Improvements Plan called for either 60 or 80 feet on Sycamore, classified as a collector. Mr. Conklin stated on Gregg an additional 25 feet of right-of-way was required. Mr. Evans requested four 4 inch conduits for any pavement over an easement. He also requested the existing 2 inch line off Gregg be noted on the plat. Mr. Hill requested conduit on the east, north and at the entrance in anticipation of street improvements surrounding the development. JOHN HILL - SWEPCO Mr. Hill stated he would service the development with 3 radials, two from an existing pole on Gregg. He requested ten feet between buildings to service the units. He suggested placing the meters on the inside between buildings and also requested load data. Plat Review Committee October 21, 1993 Page 12 ANDY CALLOWAY - SOUTHWESTERN BELL Mr. Calloway stated the requested easements were fine, and asked that the utility easement on the east side be extended to the property lme and be 15 feet wide - adding it could be vacated if not used in the future. He suggested putting the utilities on the same end of each building. Mr. Calloway requested a 15 foot utility easement adjacent and parallel to the existing gas easement out of the right-of-way along side Sycamore. L.O. FERGUSON - WARNER CABLE Mr. Ferguson stated he had an existing line, shared with Southwestern Bell and Swepco, along Gregg, requesting a 25 foot easement from the development to Sycamore. LISA COX - PARKS DEPARTMENT Ms. Cox stated the Parks Department stated the dedication would be 1.12 acres and/or $10,080 money in lieu. • DARRELL RITCHEY - U.S. POSTAL SERVICE Mr. Ritchey suggested four NDCVU cluster boxes. MICKEY JACKSON - FIRE DEPARTMENT • Chief Jackson requested a hydrants be placed at the front of the development and to the north of the proposed poolhouse, with an 8 inch water line, served by a 10 - 15 foot easement to each hydrant. He added there was a 6 or 8 inch line along Gregg. ALETT LITTLE - PLANNING OFFICE Ms. Little stated sidewalks were required on Gregg and Sycamore - adding any existing portion of sidewalk would require reconstruction. She explained the City was anticipating future improvements to Gregg, therefore the sidewalk should be placed four feet street -side of the nght-of-way. Ms. Little pointed out street lights needed to be noted on the plat - adding the City would pay for the maintenance and operation of a standard streetlight at the entrance of the development. Ms. Little stated the all lights be downlighted and suggested mercury vapor instead of sodium. She stated the adjacent property owners needed to be noted on the plat and notified prior to Subdivision Committee. Mr. Skiles stated he had advertised the plat in the newspaper. Plat Review Committee October 21, 1993 Page 13 DON BUNN - CITY ENGINEER Mr. Bunn suggested a single water/sewer meter for the entire development - adding service was usually provided from the front. He stated additional easements might be required depending on how the developer chose to provide water service to the units. Mr. Bunn stated all easements needed to be granted by a separate document. The meeting adjourned at 11:15 a.m. • •