HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-10-07 Minutes• • MINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW MEETING A meeting of the Fayetteville Plat Review Committee was held on Thursday, October 7, 1993 in Room 111 of the City Administration Building, 113 West Mountain Street, Fayetteville, Arkansas. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES: Rick Evans, Andy Calloway, Bob Harp, Darrell Ritchey, L.O. Ferguson, Dale Cheatum, John Hill CITY REPRESENTATIVES: Alett Little, Tim Conklin, Mickey Jackson, Randy Allen, John Redfern, Lisa Cox OTHERS PRESENT: David Jorgenson, David Cox, Ronnie Petrie PRELIMINARY PLAT - THE MEWS ROB MERRYSHIP - S. SIDE OF ZION, W. OF OLD MISSOURI RD The first item was a preliminary plat for The Mews presented by David Jorgenson, Jorgenson & Assoc., on behalf of Rob Merryship for property located on the south side of Zion, west of Old Missouri Road. The property is zoned R-2, Medium Density Residential, and contains 8.45 acres with 25 lots. Mr. Jorgenson explained the development would consist of duplexes, excepting lots 14 and 21 which would be triplexes. Ms. Little stated it would be necessary to note that on the plat - adding that both Winnice and Merry could not be used as street names because they already existed. Ms. Little stated the City needed 40 feet of nght-of-way on Zion Road - requiring an additional 15 feet of right-of-way from the developer - and 5 additional feet of right-of-way for Old Missouri Road. She further stated the City required a contract for one half of the improvements to both Zion Road and Old Missouri, though the developer was not accessing Zion. RICK EVANS - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Mr. Evans stated there were two existing off-site easements which needed to be noted on the plat. He requested a 15 foot easement along the south property line, an easement extending behind lots 8 through 12, and a 20 foot utility easement extending along the south side of Zion - stating there was an existing line 15 feet off the existing road. Andy Calloway suggested a 20 rather than a 15 foot easement on the west side of the property line. Mr. Evans stated the easement would extend down lots 21,22, 23 and 25 to Old Missouri. He • added an additional 10 feet utility easement would be required to service lot 16. In response to a comment from Ms. Little, Mr. Evans remarked it would be possible to utilize the • existing sewer easement. • ANDY CALLOWAY - SOUTHWESTERN BELL Mr. Calloway requested the same easements as Mr. Evans. In addition, he requested a crossing at the entrance to the subdivision - shown as Merry Lane - and stated it would be necessary to service lot 19 via lot 20. Mr. Calloway stressed it was imperative to know what would be constructed on the lots. BOB HARP - OZARK ELECTRIC Mr. Harp requested the same easements as. Mr. Evans and Mr. Calloway. DARRELL RITCHEY - U.S. POSTAL SERVICE Mr. Ritchey stated the postal boxes would need to be placed on the property lines. L.O. FERGUSON - WARNER CABLE Mr. Ferguson remarked he was satisfied with the requested easements and crossings. RANDY ALLEN - STREET DEPARTMENT Mr. Allen expressed concerns about drainage from the property. Mr. Jorgenson stated a natural ditch existed which drained to the west - adding that the culvert in the south east corner discharged water into a ditch along the length of the south property line. In response to a question from Mr. Allen, Mr. Jorgenson stated the developer would install curb inlets at a number of intersections. Mr. Jorgenson explained the islands would be maintained by the Property Owners' Association. Ms. Little suggested a contract for City maintainence of the islands or an annual lot assesment. MICKEY JACKSON - FIRE DEPARTMENT Chief Jackson stated the extension of access to Zion Road was necessary. Mr. Jorgenson stated the developer did not want to extend Winnace to Zion Road. Ms. Little remarked the developer was in violation of the required length of cul-de-sacs. ALETT LITTLE - PLANNING OFFICE • Ms. Little stated sidewalks were required along Old Missouri and Zion Road. In addition, Plat Review • October 7, 1993 Page 3 she stated the sidewalk along Ship's Cove needed to be extended an additional 70 feet. Ms. Little remarked the adjoining property owners' needed to be noted on the plat. • • • Plat Review October 7, 1993 Page 4 LARGE SCALE DEVELOPMENT - LAKESIDE VILLAGE APARTMENTS JORGENSON & ASSOC. - E. SIDE OF GREGG AVE., N. SIDE OF TOWNSHIP The next item was a Large Scale Development for Lakeside Village Apartments presented by David Jorgenson, Jorgenson & Assoc., for property located on the east side of Gregg Avenue and the north side of Township. The property is zoned R-2 and contains 19.17 acres with 252 units. Mr. Jorgenson familiarized those present with the concept plat for Lakeside Village, Phase I - adding that Phase II would be developed immediately to the east in an R-2 zone. He explained access would come off of Gregg Street through Phase I and connect with Drake Street once it was extended. He further explained access would extend to the south through Phases I & II into the R -O zone. Ms. Little remarked traffic flow would only be satisfactorily provided by the development of Phase II. Mr. Jorgenson stated Phase I would only have one ingress and egress. Ms. Little remarked Drake street would fall wholly to the south of the development property line. • Mr. Jorgenson stated he believed there was 30 feet allocated for Drake Street off the Quail Creek Development, in addition to 30 feet allocated of the Lakeside development for a total of 60 feet of right-of-way • Ms. Little stated the City required 40 feet of right-of-way west of the center line on Gregg. RICK EVANS - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Mr. Evans requested an off-site easement extending from Quail Creek Addition. He asked Mr. Jorgenson if it would be possible to increase the proposed sewer easement extending behind lots 4 through 11 from 20 feet to 25 feet. Mr. Jorgenson replied it would be possible. Mr. Rick requested an off-site easement extended from the north side of the sewer easement to the north side of lot 12 and behind lot 13. He stated the easement extending behind lots 13 - 21 would have to be 25 feet. In addition, Mr. Evans requested a 4 inch crossmg across the parking lot to extend service behind lots 1 through 3. JOHN HILL - SWEPCO Mr. Hill stated SWEPCO had an existmg quarter line and requested the same easements. He further stated SWEPCO had an existing east -west line along the north side of the adjacent property to the south. Mr. Hill explained either one or two loops would be necessary to service the development - requesting an 15 foot utility easement down the east side. He requested a crossing along the east boundary. 7', Plat Review • October 7, 1993 Page 5 • • Mr. Jorgenson stated the subdivider would relocate the street to the south over to the east. ANDY CALLOWAY - SOUTHWESTERN BELL Mr. Calloway requested a 15 foot easement along Gregg Street on the west side of the property. He also requested a crossing running north to south along the street in the south- east corner . L.O. FERGUSON - WARNER CABLE Mr. Ferguson requested the same crossing from lot 21 to lot 1. DARRELL RITCHEY - U.S. POSTAL SERVICE Mr. Ritchey had no comments. MICKEY JACKSON - FIRE DEPARTMENT Chief Jackson stated the water main would require an 8 inch line - adding that the line would have to loop, rather than deadending at lot 4, as shown on the plat. Mr. Jorgenson stated the water line would tie in to Phase II to the north. He stated the development of Phase II would access to the north to the future extension of Drake Street. Ms. Little stated the City would require some contribution for improvements to Gregg Street from the Phase I development. LISA COX - PARKS DIVISION Ms. Cox stated the Parks Division required a land dedication of 5.04 acres and money in lieu totalling approximately $45, 300. RANDY ALLEN - STREET DIVISION Mr. Allen requested a 15 foot (minimum) drainage easement along Skull Creek - adding a similar easement would be necessary along Sublet Creek when property to the south was developed. Mr. Jorgenson explained the levy was going to be converted into a retention pond - requiring the relocation of the existing sewer line to the east - with drainage on the development running east and west from the middle. Plat Review • October 7, 1993 Page 6 • • ALETT LITTLE - PLANNING OFFICE Ms. Little stated a bridge crossing for the sidewalk along Gregg would be required. She further suggested the developer could gam up to three apartment buildings by accessing Drake. Mr. Conklin reminded Mr. Jorgenson the clubhouse, as well as all structures along private drives, were required to meet a 25 foot setback. He added a sidewalk was required along Gregg Street, and the adjacent property owner to the west, as well as trash dumpsters, needed to be noted on the plat. Plat Review October 7, 1993 Page 7 PRELIMINARY PLAT - STERLING ESTATES CEI ENGINEERING - S. SIDE OF JOYCE BLVD, W. OF SHILOH DR. The next item was a preliminary replat for Sterling Estates presented by David Cox, Engineering Services, Inc., on behalf of Sterling Investments, Ltd. for property located on the west side of Hillside Terrace, south of Zion Road. The property is zoned R-1, Low Density Residential, and R-2, Medium Density Residential and contains 6.81 acres with 15 proposed lots. Mr. Cox explained several changes not noted on the plat: the extension of water and sewer across the street at the entry to Hwy 265 to the property line, the relocation of a 6 inch waterline to parallel 10 feet of the sewerline, and the elimination of a hydrant previously located in the greenspace. RICK EVANS - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Mr. Evans had no comments. ANDY CALLOWAY - SOUTHWESTERN BELL Mr. Calloway requested a 4 inch crossing on Sterling Court parallel to Hwy 265. L.O. FERGUSON - WARNER CABLE Mr. Ferguson had no comments. BOB HARP - OZARK ELECTRIC Mr. Harp requested a 15 foot easement along the property line between lot 10 and lot 9 to serve the street light - adding a 2 mch conduit would be run across the street to service the light. DARRELL RITCHEY - U.S. POSTAL SERVICE Mr. Ritchey had no comments. RANDY ALLEN - STREET DIVISION In answer to a question from Mr. Allen, Mr. Cox stated the developer would provide a two foot curb -cut along the drainage ditch on both sides to facilitate adequate drainage. 77 Plat Review October 7, 1993 Page 8 ALETT LITTLE - PLANNING OFFICE Ms. Little stated a sidewalk was required along Hwy 265 and Hillside Terrace. She explained the City required 1/2 of the cost of bringing Hillside Terrace up to City standards the length the development fronts on. Ms. Little also requested a 15 foot utility easement along Hillside Terrace, unless it fell within the right-of-way. She requested the easement extending to lot 15 be further extended to lot 14 and the fire hydrant be located at the south property line. LISA COX - PARKS DIVISION Ms. Cox stated the Parks Division recommended money in lieu of land because the land was bordered by street on all sides. Plat Review • October 7, 1993 Page 9 PRELIMINARY PLAT - OWL CREEK MIKE PENNINGTON - E. SIDE OF DOUBLE SPRINGS, S. OF WEDINGTON The final item was a preliminary replat for Owl Creek Subdivision presented by Ronnie Petrie, Milholland Engineering, on behalf of Mike Pennington for property located on the east side of Double Spnngs, south of Wedington. The property is zoned R -O, Residential - Office, and R-1, Low Density Residential, and contains 14.80 acres with 50 lots. RICK EVANS - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Mr. Evans requested 15 foot easements between lots 1 & 2 and lots 4 & 5. He also requested a quad conduit between lots 22 and 23 to lots 16 & 17 - adding that if the developer wanted lots 15 through 21 serviced from the back, 15 foot easements on the north side of the floodplain and between lots 20 and 21 would be necessary. If the developer wanted frontside service for lots 15 through 21, Mr Evans explained, an easement between lots 13 and 14 would be necessary. He also requested an easement next to the drainage easement shown on the plat. DALE CHEATUM - SOUTHWESTERN BELL • Mr. Cheatum requested street names be noted on the plat. L.O. FERGUSON - WARNER CABLE Mr. Ferguson stated he would prefer to serve lots 15 through 18 from the front. BOB HARP - OZARK ELECTRIC Mr. Harp had no comment. DARRELL RITCHEY - U.S. POSTAL SERVICE Mr. Ritchey stated the mail boxes had to be placed on the west side of the street. MICKEY JACKSON - FIRE DEPARTMENT Chief Jackson stated the developer needed to place a hydrant m front of lot 22 - adding the size of the perimeter water line, 6 inch minimum, was not noted on the plat. He stated a 3 inch line on the middle streets was acceptable. 73 • • • Plat Review October 7, 1993 Page 10 LISA COX - PARKS DEPARTMENT Ms. Cox stated the Parks Department recommended $16,920 in lieu of land. RANDY ALLEN - STREET DIVISION Mr. Allen stated a necessary dropbox was not noted on the plat and should be added. TIM CONKLIN - PLANNING OFFICE Mr. Conklin stated Bobby Hatfield requested an easement for the future extension of the sewer to the north either between lots 1&2 or 6&7. ALETT LITTLE - PLANNING OFFICE Ms. Little explained the units in the R -O zone would meet code but those units in R-1 would not meet code; therefore, a rezoning would have to be placed into effect before those in R-1 would be allowable lots.