HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-09-09 Minutes• • • MINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW MEETING A meeting of the Fayetteville Plat Review Committee was held on Thursday, September 9, 1993 in Room 111 of the City Administration Building, 113 West Mountain Street, Fayetteville, Arkansas. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVE: Andy Calloway, Rick Evans, John Hill, and Darrell Ritchey CITY REPRESENTATIVES: OTHERS PRESENT: Alett Little, Don Bunn, Mickey Jackson, Perry Franklin and Sharon Langley Rob Petrie, Kurtis Jones, and Bill Rudasill FINAL PLAT - CNN PROPERTIES NANCHAR, INC. - N & S SIDE OF MILLSAP, W OF COLLEGE The first item on the agenda was a final plat for CMN Properties presented by Rob Petrie, Milholland Engineering, on behalf of Nanchar, Inc., for property located on the north and south side of Millsap, west of North College. The property i zoned C-2, Thoroughfare Commercial, contains 33.82 acres with 19 proposed lots. ALETT LITTLE - PLANNING DEPARTMENT Me. Little advised there needed to Upon questioning by Chief Jackson, the intersection of Wimberly Drive stated sidewalks would be required be a street name on the street to the south. Ms. Little stated the street was Milleap to and after that it was Futrall. She further on both sides of all streets. After discussion, it was determined it would be better to have the street to the west property line of the development be named Millsap and Futrall Drive after that point. Mr. Franklin pointed out the street changed direction at that point. Ms. Little advised the street was a collector street and 60 feet of right-of-way would be required rather than the 50 feet shown. She pointed out all of the lots within the development would be subject to the large scale development process since they were all over one acre in size. She asked if there would be restrictive covenants. Mr. Petrie stated he did not believe there would be covenants. Ms. Little stated that, since this area was highly visible from the by-pass, she wanted some type of mechanism to require each building to have dual frontage so it would look good from the by-pass as well as from Millsap. She pointed out restrictive covenants would give good design control for the entire development. RICE EVANS - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Mr. Evans stated the easements shown were fine. He asked when construction on the buildings would start. Mr. Petrie stated he was not sure but believed it would be in the near future. JOHN HILL - SWEPCO Mr. Hill asked if each property would be eold separately. Mr. Petrie stated that was true. Ms. Little pointed out each property would have to go through the large scale development process. Mr. Hill stated the easements shown were fine. • thg • • Plat Review September 9, 1993 Page 2 ANDY CALLOWAY - SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE Mr. Calloway stated the easements were fine. MICKEY JACKSON - FIRE DEPARTMENT Chief Jackson stated he was sure they had agreed to additional fire hydrants on the preliminary plat. He explained hydrant spacing was that they could not be more than 600 feet apart, a hydrant within 300 feet of each lot and within 500 feet of the moot distant point of a building. He stated he believed they had located hydrants between lots 5 and 6 and 7 and 8 on the preliminary plat. PERRY FRANKLIN - TRAFFIC DIVISION Mr. Franklin asked what type of establishments were allowed in C-2. He stated he would run a traffic generation report for staff. He further stated he would order a larger street sign at Millsap and Futrall. DARRELL RITCHEY - POSTAL SERVICE Mr. Ritchey agreed with the name change at the western boundary of the subject property, stating it would be easier for the carriers. He advised they would be using curbside boxes for this development. He requested the sidewalk be set back from the curb in order to allow for placement of the mailboxes. DON BUNN - CITY ENGINEER Mr. Bunn advised they would need a contract for the unfinished improvements, including streetlights. He noted they would need an off-site easement for the sewer line. After discussion, it was determined the off-site easement would need to be in hand prior to signing off on the final plat. • • • Plat Review September 9, 1993 Page 3 LARGE SCALE DEVELOPMENT - ELKS LODGE BENEVOLENT BUILDING CORPORATION - SE CORNER OF ZION & CROSSOVER The next item was a large scale development for the Elks Lodge presented by Kurtis Jones on behalf of the Benevolent Building Corporation for property located at the southeast corner of Zion Road and Crossover Road. The property contains 9 acres and is zoned A-1, Agricultural, with an approved conditional use for the lodge. ALETT LITTLE - PLANNING DEPARTMENT Ms. Little advised there had already been three lot splits on the subject tract and, in order to split the property further (as shown on the plat), a subdivision would be required. She asked if the existing house on the tract was to be removed. Mr. Jones explained the organization was currently using the house and wanted to leave it in place until the other building was constructed. He stated the house would then be removed. Me. Little asked if the existing gravel driveway would remain. Mr. Jones explained they wanted to leave that area for overflow parking. Me. Little advised a sidewalk would be required along Highway 265. She also noted an additional 10 feet of right-of-way would be required. She requested a tree preservation plan. She also requested the site be down -lighted. She noted this was also an appropriate time to give consideration of the type of sign the owners desired. Mr. Bunn asked if they planned on doing away with one of the driveways. Mr. Jones stated they planned on maintaining both drives. Mr. Bunn advised that 12.5 feet of the first drive would have to be paved. Ms. Little noted the parking lot would also have to be paved and wheel guards provided. DON BUNN - CITY ENGINEER Mr. Bunn stated sewer and water would be available to the site. He asked if they planned a swimming pool. Mr. Jones doubted there would be a pool. Mr. Bunn stated that, assuming there would be a subdivision, they would discuss improvements to Zion Road at that time. He further stated that, at the time a subdivision was filed, off-site improvements could be required. He further noted a grading plan would be required. He advised that, if they did not have a preliminary grading plan at the time the plat went to the Planning Commission, there was a notification requirement when the grading plan was submitted. He explained that, as long as the grading plan was considered along with the large scale development, the notification required for the large scale development was considered sufficient for the grading permit also. 67 • • • Plat Review September 9, 1993 Page 4 RICK EVANS - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Mr. Evans advised there would be no problem in working off the gas meter located on site. He stated they did have 50 foot easement along the south side of Zion Road which needed to be shown on the plat. Mr. Bunn noted there should also be an easement shown for the water line. SHARON LANGLEY - PLANNING DEPARTMENT Ms. Langley advised Ozark Electric had called in their comments. She stated their comments had been they had service on three sides of the property and the developer needed to contact them when they knew where they wanted service. ANDY CALLOWAY - SOUTHWESTERN HELL TELEPHONE Mr. Calloway stated that, along the west side of the subject property, parallel and adjacent to the gas line easement, they would need a 15 -foot utility easement and another one along the north property line. He requested a 20 foot utility easement along the east side of the property in the building setback. He also requested the setback along the south property line be shown as a utility easement. He also requested a 15 -foot easement between Tract A and B. MICKEY JACKSON - FIRE DEPARTMENT Chief Jackson asked if they planned on sprinkling the building. He advised there could be a financial advantage with their insurer. He noted there would need to be an addition hydrant at Highway 265 at the property line. Mr. Bunn advised the decision regarding the subdivision needed to be made prior to the large scale development going to the Subdivision Committee due to the notification requirements. There was discussion regarding delaying the splitting of the property. Mr. Jones advised he would talk to the client. PERRY FRANKLIN - TRAFFIC DIVISION Mr. Franklin asked the membership of the lodge. Mr. Jones stated it was approximately 50 members. Mr. Franklin advised the trip generation was by the number of members. DARRELL RITCHEY - POSTAL SERVICE Mr. Ritchey stated the facility was already receiving mail. There was discussion regarding the south property line in conjunction with Zion Road. Ms. Little recommended that, if the south property line did align with Zion Road, the main entrance to the facility be at that location due to traffic considerations. • • • Plat Review September 9, 1993 Page 5 LARGE SCALE DEVELOPMENT - GREGG PLAZA KENNETH & MARY LOU EVANS - NE CORNER TOWNSHIP AND GREGG The last item was a large scale development for Gregg Plaza presented by Bill Rudasill on behalf of Kenneth and Mary Lou Evane for property located at the northeast corner of Township and Gregg. The property is zoned C-2, Thoroughfare Commercial. ALETT LITTLE - PLANNING DEPARTMENT Ms. Little stated sidewalks would be required along both Gregg and Township, five feet wide, four feet from the curb. PERRY FRANKLIN - TRAFFIC DIVISION Mr. Franklin asked how much of the property would be retail and how much would be office space. Mr. Rudasill advised the planned to split it equally. There was also discussion regarding the service drive. Mr. Rudasill advised they planned on large trucks needing access to the stores and planned for their access to be one-way. He stated they could not provide sufficient maneuvering room at the back of the stores. He further stated they could require right turns only for the service vehicles. Me. Little advised there would be only one sign allowed for the center. She stated they would have to file a tree preservation plan. Mr. Rudasill pointed out the landscaping requirements. He also pointed out the flood plain and floodway lines. He stated they would erect a wall adjacent to the flood plain. Mr. Franklin also noted a van accessible handicap space would be required. RICK EVANS - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Mr. Evans stated he did have a line along Gregg. He requested a 20 foot easement under the parking area. He pointed out there was not sufficient room to provide service from the rear of the buildings and suggested placing it in the green areas and put decorative shrubbery or planters around it. He stated if they wanted to make the 50 -foot building setback a utility easement also, they could work around the existing trees. There was also discussion regarding obtaining an off-site easement. JOHN HILL - SWEPCO Mr. Hill stated there was a pole on the corner. He stated they might be able to get the meters back at the dock area. He advised he would not need any easements. ANDY CALLOWAY - SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE Mr. Calloway stated they needed an easement along Township or they could have an easement from the property line around the back of the building to Gregg. He stated they did have service from the southeast corner of the subject property and the owner would have to provide conduit from the building to that point. 68 • • • Plat Review September 9, 1993 Page 6 MICKEY JACKSON - FIRE DEPARTMENT Chief Jackson asked if they knew who would occupy the building. Mr. Rudasill advised the building would be leased. In response to a question from Chief Jackson, Mr. Rudasill stated he did not know if they planned to sprinkle the building but he doubted it. Chief Jackson advised he did not know if they would need an additional hydrant but, if they did, it would be at the Gregg Street entrance. He stated if the distance from the furthest point of the building to the existing hydrant was less than 500 feet, they would not need a hydrant. DON BONN - CITY ENGINEER Mr. Bunn advised the highway designations needed to be shown. He stated they would have to receive permission from the State Highway Department for both the boring under the highway for the water line and for the curb cuts. DARRELL RITCHEY - POSTAL SERVICE Mr. Ritchey asked if the property would be numbered from Gregg or Township. It was determined it probably would be from Gregg. He advised the postal carrier would not drive into the parking lot. He pointed out the property was very close to the corner. He asked if there was a shoulder where the mail boxes could be located. He noted the further north on Gregg for the mail boxes the better. Mr. Bunn requested the entrance from Gregg into the parking lot be at 90 degrees rather than the angle shown. He asked how they anticipated getting water service to the property. Mr. Rudasill stated they planned on bringing it from Township to the back of the store. Mr. Bunn stated they would need to discuss the service with Don Osborne. He noted there was no on-site sewer involved. There was discussion regarding changing the placement of the entrance and perhaps limiting the property to one entrance or having a right only exit onto Gregg. The meeting adjourned at 10:15 a.m. 4