HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-08-26 Minutes• MINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW MEETING A meeting of the Fayetteville Plat Review Committee was held on Thursday, August 26, 1993 in Room 111 of the City Administration Building, 113 West Mountain Street, Fayetteville, Arkansas. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES: John Hill, L. O. Ferguson, Dale Cheatum, Jack Regal, Andy Calloway, Rick Evans, Darrell Ritchey CITY REPRESENTATIVES: Alett Little, Don Bunn, Sharon Langley, Mickey Jackson, John Redfern OTHERS PRESENT: Mandy Bunch, Mel Milholland, Al Harris, and Bill Oestreich PRELIMINARY PLAT - RETAIL STORE CEI ENGINEERING - S. SIDE OF JOYCE BLVD, W. OF SHILOH DR. The first item was a preliminary plat for a Retail Store, presented by Mandy Bunch on behalf of CEI Engineering for property located on the south side of Joyce Boulevard, west of • Shiloh Drive. The property is zoned C-2, Thoroughfare Commercial, and contains 24.94 acres. JOHN HILL - SWEPCO Mr. Hill stated SWEPCO intended to service the building north of the fifty foot easement along the south boundary - ten feet into the easement. He explained that because he did not know the voltage desired by the developers, he intended to utilize underground service lines. Ms. Little questioned how power was presently reaching the construction site. Mr. Hill answered no power was reaching the site, and explained service would be provided at the southwest corner of Spring Creek. Mr. Hill requested the developer provide SWEPCO with the load they wanted in order to procure a transformer in a timely manner. L . O. FERGUSON - WARNER CABLE Mr. Ferguson asked Ms. Bunch if the developers anticipated having cable. • Ms. Mandy Bunch rephed that she did not anticipate needing cable. (o Z Plat Review August 26, 1993 Page 2 RICK EVANS - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Mr. Evans stated that he had no problem with the easements and, like SWEPCO, intended to utilize the south easement. Mr. Bunn stated it would be necessary to coordinate the location of utilities within the fifty foot easement, adding the City planned to put a thirty-six inch water line in, as well as an eight inch line. Mr. Hill stated that SWEPCO intended to stay as far north of the easement as possible. Mr. Milholland pointed out problems might exist servicing the building as a result of the necessity of digging across the utility lines in the south easement. Mr. Bunn responded that the City hadn't intended that to be necessary, but that the south side was the best location because it prevented other Imes from crossing the water line. In response to a question from Mr. Bunn, Mr. Hill explained the creek was between the easement and the property to the south. He advised the line would have to go overhead. ANDY CALLOWAY - SOUTHWESTERN BELL Mr. Calloway stated that he approved of the easements. He informed the committee Southwestern Bell intended to service the building via the Joyce Street easement, which would require a three inch conduit from the building to the easement. MICKEY JACKSON - FIRE DEPARTMENT Chief Jackson had no comments. ALETT LITTLE - PLANNING DEPARTMENT Ms. Little asked Ms. Bunch if pavmg the service road would be continuous with construction of the building. Ms. Bunch replied she did not know, there were still some coordination problems. Mr. Mel Mtlholland expressed his client's (adjacent property owner to the south) concern over additional drainage. He offered easements to allow the water to drain to the creek. Ms. Little stated that as a result of the service road being set back forty-five feet from the west property line, she would assume that development to the west would furnish access • • • Plat Review • August 26, 1993 Page 3 • • roads, with buildings backing up to the service road. She noted this would establish the development pattern for future adjacent construction. Ms. Little informed Ms. Bunch the City of Fayetteville had previously enforced strict requirements that gardern center areas be integrated into the design of the building. Ms. Little encouraged the placement of sidewalks along the service road but stated they were not required She also advised some screening would be required. DARRELL RITCHEY - POSTAL SERVICE Mr. Ritchey stated door to door service was available. Plat Review August 26, 1993 Page 4 FINAL PLAT - MISSION HILLS MILHOLLAND CO. - E. SIDE OF MISSION, WEST OF KINGS, N. OF LAKESIDE. The next item was a final plat for Mission Hills, presented by Mel Milholland on behalf of the Milholland Co. for property located along the east side of Mission Boulevard, west of Kings, north of Lakeside. The property is zoned R-1, Low Density Residential, and contains 9.7 acres with 23 proposed lots. Ms Little advised on the preliminary plat there was a restricted left turn which needed to be noted on the plat. She further stated a sidewalk, which existed along Mission Boulevard, would be disturbed but replaced. L. O. FERGUSON - WARNER CABLE Mr. Ferguson asked Mr. Milholland to contact him regarding providing the subdivision with cable. JACK REGAL - SWEPCO Mr. Regal requested the easements across lots 16 through 19 and through the center island be labelled as twenty and twenty-five foot utility easements respectively. He confirmed the developers wanted front -of -the -lot service. He explained the power pole at lot fifteen would have to be relocated. He confirmed the center easement would be cleared, in addition to trees in front of the lots for a minimum of a fifteen foot easement. Mr. Milholland requested as many trees as possible be saved. RICK EVANS - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Mr. Evans approved the easements. ANDY CALLOWAY - SOUTHWESTERN BELL Mr. Calloway asked for the same easements requested by Mr. Regal. He also requested a fifteen foot easement between lots 7 and 8. Mr. Calloway explained Southwestern Bell mtended to service lots 1 through 15 from the front and service lots 16 through 23 from the rear. MICKEY JACKSON - FIRE DEPARTMENT Chief Jackson requested a six inch line in the easement between lots 19 and 20 and placing • • • Plat Review • August 26, 1993 Page 5 • • the hydrant on the west side of the street. Mr. Milholland responded a hydrant would be placed between lots 18 and 19. Chief Jackson replied the two existing hydrants were not in the right places. He stated the Fire Department needed a hydrant between lots 19 and 20. Mr Milholland suggested the grade of the ground was better suited to a hydrant on the north-east corner of lot 19 or between lots 12 and 11. Chief Jackson stated a hydrant halfway between the two existing hydrants represented the simplest solution. DARRELL RICKEY - POST OFFICE Mr. Rickey suggested the use of NDCBU boxes would only require the developer to pour two pads. DONN BUNN - CITY ENGINEER Mr. Bunn requested a notation on the plat that any lot with a grade of 20% or more would be required to obtain a separate grading permit. Plat Review August 26, 1993 Page 6 FINAL PLAT - HORSESHOE ADDITION C & B LAND AND CATTLE CO., INC. - SW CORNER OF PORTER & SYCAMORE The next item was a final plat for Horseshoe Addition, presented by Al Hams on behalf of C & B Land and Cattle Company, Inc. for property located on the southwest comer of Porter & Sycamore. The property is zoned R -1 & R - 1.5, Low Density Residential and Moderate Density Residential respectively, and contains 17.48 acres and 58 lots. ALETT LITTLE - PLANNING OFFICE Ms. Little stated the plat contained no lot numbers, did not denote single family residences and duplex lots and was missing a north -south street name. She suggested lot 50 be split to facilitate the occupancy of handicapped mdividuals. MICKEY JACKSON - FIRE DEPARTMENT Chief Jackson also requested lot numbers. DON BUNN - ENGINEERING DIVISION Mr. Bunn stated the plat needed to denote the flood plain. He also discussed the possible impact of Horseshoe Addition development on adjacent Quail Ridge development. JOHN HILL - SWEPCO Mr. Hill stated an easement had been lost between lots 36 & 37. He also requested street crossings between lots 36 & 37, and lots 34 & 33. He verified to Mr. Bunn that an easement between 53 & 54 was missing. L. O. FERGUSON - WARNER CABLE Mr. Ferguson requested an off-site easement, stating a nine foot easement along Houston Street was not sufficient for underground service. Mr Bunn asked Mr. Hams if an off -side easement adjacent to the nine foot Houston Street easement would be possible. Mr. Hams stated he believed it would. Mr. Ferguson asked Mr. Hill if overhead service to the first lot was a possibility. • • Plat Review August 26, 1993 Page 7 Mr. Hill suggested overhead service would create a lack -of -view for the existing house. DALE CHEATUM - SOUTHWESTERN BELL Mr. Cheatum requested a crossing between lots 3 & 4, across north side of Houston Street, and across the Megan Street extension. RICK EVANS - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Mr. Evans requested the same crossings as Mr. Cheatum, in addition to crossings between lots 45, 46, 47, and 48. MICKEY JACKSON - FIRE DEPARTMENT Mr. Jackson had no comment. DARRELL RITCHEY - POST OFFICE Mr. Ritchey had no comment. Plat Review August 26, 1993 Page 8 LARGE SCALE DEVELOPMENT - CITY SHOP CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE - SW CORNER OF HAPPY HOLLOW & 15TH STREET. The final item was a large scale development for a City Shop, presented by Bill Oestreich for the City of Fayetteville for property located on the southwest comer of Happy Hollow Road and 15th Street. The property is zoned I - 2, General Industrial. Mr. Oestreich explained underground utihhes existed, and would service the new building from the north. He stated all traffic was internal and parking would remain as it was. Alett Little stated Mr. Oestreich needed to furnish a vicinity map, and confirmed that no trees would be moved for development. JACK REGAL - SWEPCO Mr. Regal asked Mr. Oestreich if he planned to cut a new dnve to Happy Hollow Road. Mr. Oestreich responded it was not currently in the plans. Mr. Regal stated the addition of a pole in the twenty foot easement might be necessary. He also requested a thirty foot utility easement adjacent to Happy Hollow Road to the west. Ms. Little and Mr Bunn agreed with the general utility easement requested by Mr. Regal. RICK EVANS - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Mr. Evans stated that a gasline existed along Happy Hollow Road within a sixty-five foot easement. ANDY CALLOWAY - SOUTHWESTERN BELL Mr. Calloway approved the easements. MICKEY JACKSON - FIRE DEPARTMENT Chief Jackson requested a hydrant toward the west end of the canopy. Mr. Oestreich agreed to the placement of a hydrant serviced by an eight inch line. DARRELL RITCHEY - POST OFFICE Mr. Ritchey approved the easements. • • •