HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-08-05 Minutes• • • MINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW MEETING A meeting of the Fayetteville Plat Review Committee was held on Thursday, August 5, 1993 in Room 111 of the City Administration Building, 113 West Mountain Street, Fayetteville, Arkansas. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES: CITY REPRESENTATIVES: OTHERS PRESENT: John Hill, Dale Cheatham, Andy Calloway, Rick Hutton, Jack Regal, L. O. Ferguson, Jim Crownover, Darrell Ritchey and Rick Evans Alett Little, Don Bunn, Tim Conklin, Mickey Jackson, Perry Franklin, Randy Allen, Lisa Cox, and Sharon Langley Dave Jorgensen, Harry Gray, Rob Petrie, Bill Rudasill, Phil Lumbard, Shell Spivey, and Marion Williams FINAL PLAT - TAYLOR ESTATES ESTHER TAYLOR - OFF S COLLEGE, N OF E 29TH CIR. The first item was a final plat for Taylor Estates, presented by Dave Jorgensen on behalf of Esther Taylor for property located off of South College Avenue, north of East 29th Circle. The property is zoned R-1, Low Density Residential, and contains 11.86 acres with 15 proposed lots. TIM CONKLIN - PLANNING DEPARTMENT Mr. Conklin requested a 20 -foot setback line be shown around the perimeter of Lot 9. He explained the entire perimeter had a setback because it was a tandem lot. There were no other comments. IZ • • • Plat Review August 5, 1993 Page 2 FINAL PLAT - DAWN ACRES S & S DEVELOPMENT - SW CORNER OF SYCAMORE & GREGG The next item was a final plat for Dawn Acres presented by Rob Petrie, Milholland Company, for property located at the southwest corner of Sycamore and Gregg. The property is zoned R-3, High Density Residential, containing 21.10 acres with 78 proposed lots. JOHN HILL - SWEPCO Mr. Hill requested additional street crossings and easements. DALE CHEATHAM - SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE Mr. Cheatham also requested additional crossings. He also stated he would need to know which lots were going to contain triplexes and which would contain 4- plexes. L. O. FERGUSON - WARNER CABLE Mr. Ferguson also requested the same street crossings asked for by SWEPCO and Southwestern Bell Telephone. RICK EVANS - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Mr. Evans also requested street crossings. He advised the Gas Company had a 6 - inch main line on the south side of Sycamore with a 50 foot easement which was not shown on the plat. He requested that easement be shown on the plat. MICKEY JACKSON - FIRE DEPARTMENT Chief Jackson confirmed that all of the lots would be duplexes except lots 42 and 16 through 22. Mr. Conklin advised lot 42 did not have sufficient frontage for anything but a duplex. He reviewed the standards under R-3 zoning. Chief Jackson stated he would need to know the plan for the driveway for lot 42. In response to a question from Chief Jackson, Mr. Petrie stated he believed the 4-plexes would be 2 -story structures, but he was not sure. PERRY FRANKLIN - TRAFFIC SUPERINTENDENT Mr. Franklin asked if the street name had been approved by the 9-1-1 Coordinator. He also requested the name be shown on the street adjoining lots 1 and 20 to save confusion in the future. Ms. Little requested Mr. Petrie coordinate the street name with the 9-1-1 Coordinator prior to the Planning Commission meeting. DARRELL RITCHEY - POST OFFICE Mr. Ritchey stated they would prefer to have the same street name around the tract, as shown on the plat. He requested they call the post office prior to putting in any mailbox pada. • • • Plat Review August 5, 1993 Page 3 RANDY ALLEN - STREET DEPARTMENT Mr. Allen requested a copy of the drainage plan. He noted there was an easement on lot 37 showing a concrete swale. He asked if that was coming off the railroad property and then onto Dawn Circle. He asked what happened to the drainage at that point. Mr. Petrie advised they would be dumping off into the street. Mr. Allen stated that could create problems in the winter. He further stated he would prefer to see the drainage underground, if possible. He also noted on lot 16 there was a 10 foot drainage easement and 15 foot utility easement. He stated 10 feet was too narrow and would prefer a minimum of 20 feet. He advised there had been problems in the past when there were drainage and utility easement adjoining because there was not enough room to work on the drainage easement. Mr. Bunn stated they did need to separate the drainage and utility easements and show which portion was for the drainage easement. He also requested a drainage easement in the floodway portion of Skull Creek. TIM CONKLIN - PLANNING DEPARTMENT Mr. Conklin stated the sidewalks needed to be shown on the plat. He also requested an indication on the plat as to which lots would be duplex lots, triplex lots and 4-plex lots. Mr. Allen requested sidewalks be placed around the island. Plat Review • August 5, 1993 Page 4 • • FINAL PLAT - RIDGEWOOD SUBDIVISION PHILLIPS & ROBLEE - E OF OLD MISSOURI, S OF ZION The next item was a final plat for Ridgewood Subdivision presented by Dave Jorgensen on behalf of Jim Phillips and Rick Roblee for property located on the east side of Old Missouri Road, south of Zion Road. The property is zoned R-1, Low Density Residential, contains 25.61 acres with 16 proposed lots. ALETT LITTLE - PLANNING DEPARTMENT Ms. Little stated that, at the preliminary plat stage, it had been agreed there would be a 25 -foot right-of-way off the southern boundary of the property. She further stated there had been a waiver granted for sidewalks along Old Missouri. and another waiver granted on the cul-de-sac length. TIM CONKLIN - PLANNING DEPARTMENT Mr. Conklin noted there would have to be a Property Owners Association formed to maintain the islands shown on the plat. JIM CROWNOVER - OZARR ELECTRIC Mr. Crownover stated he would have to get with Mr. Jorgensen regarding the lines. PERRY FRANKLIN - TRAFFIC DEPARTMENT Mr. Franklin advised the applicants had requested non-standard street lights for the subdivision and there had been attempts to draw up agreements but they had never reached an agreement. He stated he wanted standard street lights in the subdivision. He explained the applicant had proposed the POA would own and maintain the street lights and pay the electric bill but nothing had ever been executed. Mr. Jorgensen stated he thought that had been agreed to. He stated he would talk to the applicants. Mr. Franklin stated the applicants also wanted to put non-standard street markers in the subdivision. He advised he was opposed to that due to emergency service personnel being able to identify a street. He expressed concern that, should this subdivision be allowed to have non- standard lights and signs, they would end up with POA's all over town who had agreed to maintain the equipment. He stated the POA could easily flop and the City would end up owning the lights in 5 years. He further stated the applicants could have done this development as a P.U.D. and would have owned everything. He further advised any such agreement would need to go to the City Council for their approval. Ms. Little stated she would like to have the agreement in hand before taking the plat to the Planning Commission. Mr. Crownover requested additional easements for the street lights. In response to a question from Mr. Bunn, Mr. Jorgensen advised the water and sewer was in and the street was cut to grade. L. O. FERGUSON - WARNER CABLE Mr. Ferguson asked if the applicants would want the cable put in. • • • Plat Review August 5, 1993 Page 5 Mr. Jorgensen stated he believed they wanted it put in. Mr. Ferguson stated the rate was 90 cents a foot. He further stated the easements requested by the electric company would be fine. ANDY CALLOWAY - SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE Mr. Calloway requested the setback on lot 10 be shown as a utility easement also. RICK EVANS - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Mr. Evans requested the easement along Old Missouri Road be shown on the plat. He advised they would be willing to share the easement as long as everyone stayed. 10 feet off of the line. MICKEY JACKSON - FIRE DEPARTMENT Chief Jackson advised that, at the preliminary plat stage, he had thought there had been discussion regarding access to the north. Me. Little stated such access had been suggested for the circulation for emergency vehicles. She further stated she had recalled the applicants proposing an outlet to the north in lieu to providing right-of-way to the south. After reading the plat review meeting minutes for the preliminary plat, she advised that matter had not been approved. PERRY FRANKLIN - TRAFFIC DEPARTMENT Mr. Franklin requested a letter from the electric company stating they would not maintain any non-standard street lights. Mr. Regal, SWEPCO, noted they would not have parts to repair non-standard street lights. Mr. Crownover stated he believed that was in the agreement the utility companies had with the city. Mr. Franklin advised all street markers, etc. would be installed according to city standards. DARRELL RITCHEY - POST OFFICE Mr. Ritchey asked about location of the sidewalks. Mr. Jorgensen advised there was a possibility of sidewalks along Old Missouri Road; that a fence would run along the property and sidewalks might be able to be put on the outside of the fence. Ms. Little stated she would prefer having sidewalks. Mr. Bunn advised the sidewalk should be completed along with the other subdivision improvements. TIM CONKLIN - PLANNING DEPARTMENT Mr. Conklin asked if access to Old Missouri Road would be limited. Mr. Jorgensen stated it would. He advised he would put a notation on the plat to that effect. • • • Plat Review August 5, 1993 Page 6 RANDY ALLEN - STREET DEPARTMENT Mr. Allen asked if there was a drainage plan. Mr. Jorgensen explained that, when the preliminary plat had been approved, the grading and drainage ordinance had not been in effect. He stated there was a grading and drainage plan incorporated with the plat. He reviewed the drainage path. Mr. Allen asked if improvements included storm sewers and curb and gutter along Old Missouri. Mr. Bunn stated the requirement was to give the right-of-way and then improve the ditch. He advised that, since they were not using Old Missouri as an access, improvements were not required. He stated the applicants were improving drainage at the intersection so the drainage would not over -top Old Missouri Road. Mr. Allen suggested an underground system. He further stated he would prefer to collect all of the drainage in the subdivision and then bring it down rather than have it sheet flow. Ms. Little recalled there were at least 2 neighboring property owners across Old Missouri Road expressing concern about the drainage. Mr. Jorgensen advised the biggest problem was that the ditches had contained gravel, construction debris, etc. so the run-off could not go down the ditch. He advised he would get in touch with Mr. Allen. • • • Plat Review August 5, 1993 Page 7 PRELIMINARY PLAT - WHITE OARS MANOR RICK TORNATORE - E OF HARVEY OWL RD., S OF WYMAN RD. The next item was a preliminary plat for White Oaks Manor presented by Harry Gray on behalf of Rick Tornatore for property located on the east side of Harvey Owl Road, south of Wyman Road. The property is located outside the City limits, contains 43.9 acres with 27 proposed lots. TIN CONKLIN - PLANNING DEPARTMENT Mr. Conklin asked if the cemetery would be owned by the homeowners of lots 2 and 3. Mr. Gray stated that was not the intent. He advised it was a very old cemetery with the graves being over 100 years old. It was determined it would be better to run the lot lines around the cemetery and not have it in the subdivision but provide access to it. Mr. Conklin asked if the land to the east would be developed in the near future. He suggested providing access to the east. Mr. Gray agreed there should be access to the east from the cul-de-sac. Mr. Conklin advised they would need to contact the 9-1-1 Coordinator to verify the street names. JIM CROWNOVER - OZARK ELECTRIC Mr. Crownover asked if they wanted overhead or underground service. Mr. Gray stated he believed they wanted underground service. Mr. Crownover stated there was some overhead on the property but he would work with Mr. Gray. He also requested the current easement be shown. L. O. FERGUSON - WARNER CABLE Mr. Ferguson advised they did not have anything close to the area. ANDY CALLOWAY - SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE Mr. Calloway requested various easements and street crossings. RICK EVANS - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Mr. Evans advised they did not have service in the area at this time. MICKEY JACKSON - FIRE DEPARTMENT Chief Jackson pointed out this tract was not far from the City and, if the residents wanted to have the property annexed in the future, he would be opposed to the annexation. He suggested putting in hydrants to fill tankers. Mr. Gray advised there was an existing 3 -inch line and they were proposing a 3 - inch loop. He stated he would check into the hydrants. ;S Plat Review • August 5, 1993 Page 8 • • DARRELL RITCHEY - POST OFFICE Mr. Ritchey stated this area would be curbside service. He requested they contact the post office prior to putting up the mail boxes. RANDY ALLEN - STREET DEPARTMENT Mr. Allen had no comment. Mr. Gray advised the county had approved the plat on July 7, 1993. • • • Plat Review August 5, 1993 Page 9 FINAL PLAT - WALNUT VIEW ESTATES, PHASE II CASTLE DEVELOPMENT CO., INC. - W OF SALEM, N OF BUCKEYE The next item was a final plat for Walnut View Estates, Phase Harry Gray for Castle Development Company, Inc. for property Salem, north of Buckeye. The property is zoned R-1, Low Density contains 5.88 acres with 22 lots being proposed. TIM CONKLIN - PLANNING DEPARTMENT Mr. Conklin had no comments. JIM CROWNOVER - OZARK ELECTRIC Mr. Crownover had no comments. DALE CHEATHAM - SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE Mr. Cheatham advised the easements looked fine. L. O. FERGUSON - WARNER CABLE Mr. Ferguson advised they did not have cable in Phase I and he presumed they would not have any in Phase II until the properties were developed. RICK EVANS - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Mr. Evans requested various crossings. MICKEY JACKSON - FIRE DEPARTMENT Chief Jackson had no comments. PERRY FRANKLIN - TRAFFIC DEPARTMENT Mr. Franklin reviewed the street lighting and asked that location of a street light in Phase I be verified. DARRELL RITCHEY - POST OFFICE Mr. Ritchey stated this area was curb side delivery, all on one side of the street. RANDY ALLEN - STREET DEPARTMENT Mr. Allen asked about the drainage. Mr. Gray explained the drainage on this phase was picked up between lots 10 and 11 and would be taken underground to the northeast. In response to a question from Mr. Allen, Mr. Gray advised he did need to check because it appeared a portion of lots 9 and 10 might be in the flood plain. II presented by located west of Residential, and 5' • Plat Review August 5, 1993 Page 10 • • LARGE SCALE DEVELOPMENT - SPOT -NOT CAR WASH GARY DANDY - SE CORNER OF WEDINGTON AND MARVIN The next item was a large scale development for Spot -Not Car Wash presented by Harry Gray on behalf of Gary Dandy for property located at the southeast corner of Wedington and Marvin. The property is zoned C-2, Thoroughfare Commercial, and contains 1.38 acres. Mr. Gray advised that, on the south the 25 -foot utility easement was also to be an access easement to the property to the east. He further noted they had acquired an easement to get to the public sewer. TIM CONKLIN - PLANNING DEPARTMENT Mr. Conklin advised they were required to have screening along the south boundary. He also requested a tree preservation plan; sidewalks on Marvin and Highway 16 which were five feet wide, set back 4 feet from the curb. He expressed concern about the curb cut next to Marvin Avenue since there is a minimum of 40 feet from intersection to curb cut. He suggested just having one curb cut onto Highway 16 (entrance only) with the exit to be on Marvin. Mr. Gray stated he believed they needed 2 curb cuts. He pointed out they had set the building back 98 feet to prevent stacking on Wedington and blocked visibility. After discussion, Mr. Gray stated he would need to talk to the applicant but understood their concern. Mr. Conklin also expressed concern regarding the noise adjacent to the apartments since the'car wash would be open 24 hours a day. Ms. Little advised the lighting would need to be directed downward. JACK REGAL - SWEPCO Mr. Regal stated they had an existing overhead line along the north side of the development. He further stated that historically car washes used secondary underground and, in that case, he would need to replace the pole. He advised location would depend on what they decided about the driveways. He stated they would have to install an additional pole. DALE CHEATHAM - SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE Mr. Cheatham stated he would get with Mr. Gray on what they needed. Mr. Gray suggested a 20 -foot easement along the north side. Mr. Regal stated he would like to see that. L. O. FERGUSON - WARNER CABLE Mr. Ferguson stated he doubted they would have television service but there was an existing cable. RICK EVANS - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Mr. Evans stated he had a line on the west side of Marvin Avenue. He stated he would get with Mr. Gray regarding location. He advised he would need to know the total load required. S? • • • Plat Review August 5, 1993 Page 11 • MICKEY JACKSON - FIRE DEPARTMENT Chief Jackson had no comments. PERRY FRANKLIN - TRAFFIC DEPARTMENT Mr. Franklin stated he had no further comments. DARREIL RITCHEY - POST OFFICE Mr. Ritchey stated he did not believe they would want mail service but, if they did, they could contact the post office. RANDY ALLEN - STREET DEPARTMENT Mr. Allen had no comments. DON BONN - CITY ENGINEER Mr. Bunn asked about drainage. Mr. Gray advised the property was relatively flat and the run off did flow to the south. Mr. Bunn stated he thought there would be some type of drainage on Marvin but he did not know if it extended to this location. He advised they would need to look at it closely. • Plat Review August 5, 1993 Page 12 • • FINAL PLAT - PINE VALLEY, PHASE I BNP DEVELOPMENT - OFF POINT WEST, W OF SHILOH DR. The next item was a final plat for Pine Valley, Phase I, presented by Harry Gray on behalf of BMP Development for property located off of Point West Street west of Shiloh Drive. The property is zoned R-2, Medium Density Residential, and contains 6.5 acres with 20 lots proposed. TIM CONKLIN - PLANNING DEPARTMENT Mr. Conklin advised they would need to coordinate the street names with the 9-1-1 Coordinator. He made note that there were 2 lees lots than shown on the preliminary plat. Mr. Gray explained originally the subdivision was set up on 78 foot lots but they had expanded them to 82 feet. Mr. Conklin reminded the committee the Parks Board had agreed land would be dedicated for parks rather than parks fees. He also requested there be a notation on the plat that there would be a $360.00 off-site improvement fee per lot would be paid at the time the building permit would be issued. He stated the funds were for the bridge on Salem over Hamestring Creek. Mr. Gray stated he did not believe that fee would be paid by the individual lot owners. He advised he would check into it. Mr. Conklin also requested the stub out to the east be paved. He explained that had not been required at the preliminary plat stage and therefore could not be required. JOHN HILL - SWEPCO Mr. Hill requested additional street crossings and a 10 -foot off-site easement along the west property line. DALE CBEATHAM - SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY Mr. Cheatham also requested additional street crossings. L. O. FERGUSON - WARNER CABLE Mr. Ferguson asked if the developer planned on installing cable. Mr. Gray stated BMP was the owner and, if they had previously been installing the cable at time of construction, they would probably do so on this project. He also advised it was his understanding that someone else was purchasing the lots and putting in duplexes. Mr. Ferguson stated the developer would need to contact him. RICK EVANS - AREANSAS WESTERN GAS Mr. Evans also requested additional crossings. MICKEY JACKSON - FIRE DEPARTMENT Chief Jackson had no comments. • Plat Review August 5, 1993 Page 13 PERRY FRANKLIN - TRAFFIC DEPARTMENT Mr. Franklin stated the street light spacing looked good. He requested that, if possible, he would like them installed when the streets were constructed. DARRELL RITCHEY - POST OFFICE Mr. Ritchey asked if the area to the west would be another phase of Pine Valley. Mr. Gray stated it was. He explained the street would circle around and go out Point West. Mr. Ritchey stated there would be curb side boxes and they would all be on one side of the street. He advised they needed to contact the post office prior to installing the boxes. RANDY ALLEN - STREET DEPARTMENT Mr. Allen discussed the drainage for the area. He stated he would like to see improvement to the creek channels and then the granting of drainage easements. Mr. Gray stated any improvements would have to be approved by FEMA. He contended any improvements would have to be overall for the city, that they could not be piecemealed. He advised approval from FEMA took from 6 months to a year. He suggested staff draw up a plan and then get the entire plan approved by FEMA. • Mr. Allen stated he needed to talk to Ms. Little regarding fees associated with getting the channels improved in connection with development. Mr. Gray advised they had agreed to dedicate drainage easements. • Mr. Allen stated he was concerned with the impact of development on the channels. He asked if a grading plan had been approved on this project. Mr. Gray stated it had not been approved yet but he had been working with Don Bunn and Jim Petty. • Plat Review August 5, 1993 Page 14 • • PRELIMINARY PLAT - HILLSIDE TERRACE ESTATES STERLING INVESTMENTS LTD - W OF HILLSIDE, S OF ZION RD The next item was a preliminary plat for Hillside Terrace Estates presented by Phil Lumbard, Engineering Services, Inc., on behalf of Sterling Investments, Ltd. for property located on the west side of Hillside, south of Zion Road. The property is zoned R-1, Low Density Residential, and R-2, Medium Density Residential and contains 6.81 acres with 15 proposed lots. TIM CONKLIN - PLANNING DEPARTMENT Mr. Conklin verified that lots 1 through 6 were single family and the remaining lots were duplex lots. Mr. Lumbard advised that was correct. He pointed out the area in Hillside Terrace Circle was planned for a gazebo. Mr. Conklin stated the standard paved street width was 31 feet. He advised the sidewalk requirements did require a sidewalk on one side of the street and around the circumference of the circle, to be set back 4 feet from the curb. He also noted that developer would be required to improve one half of Hillside Terrace. Mr. Lumbard advised the entire street was on the applicant's property. Mr. Conklin stated Mr. Lumbard would have to the street improvement. He also requested there would have to be a property owners island. He also advised they would have to 1-1 Coordinator. He asked about access to get with the City Engineer regarding a tree preservation plan. He noted association for maintenance of the approve the street names with the S- lot 11. Mr. Lumbard stated it could be accessed off of Highway 265. Mr. Conklin advised he would prefer a 25 foot access easement from Hillside Terrace Circle in order to minimize curb cuts on 265. Mr. Lumbard stated the owner was considering a commercial enterprise on lot 11. He advised they were considering deleting lot 11 from the subdivision. There was discussion regarding the extension of Hillside Terrace. JIM CROWNOVER - OZARK ELECTRIC Mr. Crownover requested a 15 -foot utility easement around the perimeter of the subdivision, including lot 11. He also advised that, when using the same easement as the sewer line, there needed to be at least a 20 -foot easement. He requested further easements and street crossings. ANDY CALLOWAY - SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE Mr. Calloway advised the two off-site easements needed to be 20 feet and shown as utility easements. He also requested some of the easements be larger. He stated the telephone easement was a purchased easement and the telephone company would maintain controlled access. RICK EVANS - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Mr. Evans requested additional easements. He requested the 50 foot easement shown needed to be shown as a gas easement. • Plat Review August 5, 1993 Page 15 MICKEY JACKSON - FIRE DEPARTMENT Chief Jackson advised he was in favor of the street name. He requested the hydrant be moved from the circle to the intersection. He asked if the 6 -inch line would be big enough. Mr. Bunn advised he believed it would need to be an 8 -inch line. PERRY FRANKLIN - TRAFFIC DEPARTMENT Mr. Franklin asked if they would be bring the curb and gutter out to the gravel road. Mr. Bunn advised they needed to talk about upgrading the gravel road. Mr. Franklin explained they needed to be sure there was some sight distance since it was wooded. He stated the street lights looked okay. He asked if the city could require the developer to put a street light at Valorie. Mr. Crownover stated he believed there was already one at that location. Mr. Bunn stated that was 500 feet. He advised they would need another one between lots 3 and 4. Mr. Crownover advised he would need another 15 -foot easement for the street light. • In response to a question from Mr. Franklin, Mr. Crownover advised they did have a high pressure sodium light but it would have to be on a wooden pole. He further noted that, if there was no light at the intersection with Valerie, Mr. Franklin would need to make a written request. • DARRELL RITCHEY - POST OFFICE Mr. Ritchey advised that, as long as there was green space between the curb and sidewalk, there would be no problem in installing boxes. RANDY ALLEN - STREET DEPARTMENT Mr. Allen asked Mr. Bunn for his opinion. Mr. Bunn advised the average street grade for the first 300 feet greater than 10%. Mr. Allen stated they had recently chip and sealed the roadway but doubted it would hold up under construction vehicles. Mr. Bunn stated the city normally required the developer to improve half of the street but, in this instance, the street was all on the developer's property. He stated he was not sure what the city could do. He stated he believed the most the city could require was that half of the street be brought up to city street standards. He advised they were probably be talking about concrete and it appeared going down Hillside Terrace Circle was also 10% grade. He noted some of the options they could look at included requiring improvements to the entire street, to city standards, in an amount that would not exceed the cost of improvement of half of the street. He advised he did not know if that was a possibility in this case. He also noted the City might be able to put some money with the developers to'improvement the entire street. He stated if the grades were greater than 10% there was no choice but to use concrete. • • • Plat Review August 5, 1993 Page 16 Mr. Allen asked how they could work out the lot lines being outside the roadway. Mr. Lumbard advised it was dedicated right-of-way. Mr. Bunn stated the right-of-way shown as adequate. Mr. Bunn and Mr. Allen agreed there were several options for the improvement of Hillside Terrace. They agreed to review those options. Mr. Allen asked where the drainage flowed to. Mr. Lumbard advised it went between lots 12 and 13 down to ditch along Highway 265. Mr. Allen asked if they had checked with the Highway Department regarding their requirements for dumping the water in the ditch. Mr. Lumbard stated they just needed to submit a letter to the Highway Department. Mr. Allen also noted they needed to make some type of allowance for drainage at the northeast corner rather than sheet flow. Mr. Bunn stated they were discussing the drainage that collected on the street. Mr. Lumbard agreed there might be a problem at the northeast corner of lot 1. Mr. Allen stated a grading and drainage plan would be required. LISA COX - PARRS DEPARTMENT Ms. Cox stated the green space land requirement would be .33 acres or money in lieu of land would be $2,970. She advised the Parks Board would meet on this development on September 13. • Plat Review August 5, 1993 Page 17 • • PRELIMINARY PLAT - BROPHY SUBDIVISION RALPH BROPHY - W OF BROPHY CIRCLE, N OF TOWNSHIP The next item was a preliminary plat for Brophy Subdivision presented by Bill Rudasill on behalf of Ralph Brophy for property located west of Brophy Circle north of Township. The property is zoned R-3, Maximum Density Residential, with 1.27 acres and 5 proposed lots. Mr. Rudasell stated this was a re -plat of an existing subdivision (Bronze Tree P.U.D.). He noted there were existing sewer lines, water lines and streets to. city standards. He stated the plan was to develop this tract into duplexes and townhouses. He explained they wanted a concurrent plat for the first five lots in Phase I. He stated the remainder of the original subdivision would also be re -platted in the future. There was discussion regarding this plat being a concurrent plat but it was determined it did not meet the requirements. Mr. Franklin asked if there were existing street lights. Mr. Rudasill stated there were no street lights. JOHN HILL - SWEPCO Mr. Hill requested additional easements for the street lights. He asked if they wanted service to be underground. Mr. Rudasill stated they did want it underground. ANDY CALLOWAY - SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE Mr. Calloway requested additional utility easements. Mr. Rudasill advised one of the requested easements would probably be off-site. Mr. Bunn stated that would need to be dedicated on a separate instrument. RICK EVANS - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Mr. Evans advised the easements shown were fine. MICKEY JACKSON - FIRE DEPARTMENT Chief Jackson stated the existing hydrant did not meet the current spacing requirements so one would need to be added between lots 9 and 10 or between lots 1 and 2 in Phase I. He stated they did not need a hydrant in the cul-de-sac. PERRY FRANKLIN - TRAFFIC DEPARTMENT Mr. Franklin requested a street light between lots 3 and 4. He stated regulations required one at the back of the cul-de-sac but, since this was such a shaft cul-de-sac, he would rather have, one at the corner. DARRELL RITCHEY - POST OFFICE Mr. Ritchey advised this area would have curb side service. 60 • • Plat Review August 5, 1993 Page 18 RANDY ALLEN — STREET DEPARTMENT Mr. Allen stated he could not read the elevation figures. Mr. Rudasill stated it started at 1325 and then it was shown at 5 foot contours. In response to a question from Mr. Bunn, Mr. Rudasill stated the grade on Brophy Place was slightly less than 10%. Mr. Allen asked what the plans were for the water going down to the back of Brophy Place. Mr. Rudasill stated there was an existing culvert on Brophy Circle and an existing pickup on Brophy Circle which discharged into an existing -ditch. He further explained the path of drainage. He advised Mr. Brophy owned adjoining property. Mr. Bunn advised if any individual lots were at a grade of 20% or greater, an individual building permit would be required on each lot. • • • Plat Review August 5, 1993 Page 19 LARGE SCALE DEVELOPMENT - UNITED WAY HEADQUARTERS UNITED WAY - SE CORNER OF IVEY LANE AND HWY 265 The last item was a large scale development for the United Way Headquarters presented by Shell Spivey and Marion Williams, Land Tech Engineering, on behalf of the United Way for property located at the southeast corner of Ivey Lane and Highway 265. The property is zoned R-0, Residential -Office, and contains 2 acres. Mr. Spivey stated the City of Springdale was allowing them to tap onto their water system. TIM CONKLIN - PLANNING DEPARTMENT Mr. Conklin advised they were required to have only 8 parking spaces. He noted they had in excess of that amount. Mr. Spivey explained they believed they needed the amount shown due to volunteers and board meetings. Mr. Franklin also discussed handicap spacing for the parking lot. Mr. Conklin also asked about the right-of-way on Highway 265. Mr. Williams stated there was 80 feet. Mr. Conklin advised they would probably need an additional 10 feet. .He also requested a tree preservation plan prior to submission to the Planning Commission. JIM CROWNOVER - OZARK ELECTRIC Mr. Crownover stated the easements appeared to be fine. ANDY CALLOWAY - SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE Mr. Calloway advised the easements were fine but he would need a 4 -inch conduit from the building. He requested they contact him for location. RICE EVANS - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Mr. Evans stated they had existing lines and he would bring service in at the northeast corner of the property. MICKEY JACKSON - FIRE DEPARTMENT Chief Jackson recommended installing a hydrant for reduction of insurance cost. PERRY FRANKLIN - TRAFFIC DEPARTMENT Mr. Franklin advised they could not have any plantings over 30 inches within 25 feet of the entrance. DARRELL RITCHEY - POST OFFICE Mr. Ritchey advised this property would have a Springdale address and they would need to contact Springdale Post Office. The meeting adjourned at 11:45 a.m. 6(