HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-06-24 Minutes• • • MINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW MEETING A meeting of the Fayetteville Plat Review Committee was held on Thursday, June 24, 1993 in Room 111 of the City Administration Building, 113 West Mountain Street, Fayetteville, Arkansas. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES: CITY REPRESENTATIVES: OTHERS PRESENT: Floyd Cantrell, John Hill, Dale Cheatham, Rick Evans, and Andy Calloway Don Bunn, Murphy Hartshorn, Perry Franklin, Randy Allen, Mickey Jackson, and Lisa Cox Robert Brown and Dave Jorgenson FINAL PLAT - SPRING PARK SUBDIVISION, PHASE II, LOTS 4, 6, 8, & 11 CLARY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION - W OF SHILOH, ON JOYCE BLVD. The first item was a final plat for Spring Park Subdivision, Phase 11, Lots 4, 6, 8, & 11 presented by Robert Brown, Development Consultants Inc., on the behalf of Clary Development Corporation, for property located west of Shiloh on Joyce Blvd. The property is zoned C-2, Thoroughfare Commercial, and contains 45.70 acres. Mr. Brown explained the property shown on the west side of the plat was to be subdivided and the property shown on the east side would be developed for National Home Center and future restaurant sites. He noted revisions made from the preliminary plat which included the shaping of lot 4, based on the purchase of lot 8, and the deletion of lot 7. JOHN HILL - SWEPCO Mr. Hill stated the easements were sufficient as platted. RICK EVANS - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Mr. Evans also stated the easements were sufficient as platted. ANDY CALLOWAY - SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE Mr. Calloway noted lots 9 and 10 had been shown as part of Phase I on the preliminary plat and now were shown as part of Phase H. In response, Mr. Brown stated the lots mentioned had been re -platted at the first of the year and the lot lines had been amended. Mr. Calloway requested a copy of the re -plat. 3� Plat Review Meeting June 24, 1993 Page 2 Mr. Hill asked if a development has been planned west of the site. Mr. Brown stated Development Consultants Incorporated was not involved in developing property to the west of the site. He noted Mr. Mel Milholland had proposed plans in the past regarding road improvements, alignments, and larger subdivisions in the area mentioned. Mr. Bunn stated Mr. Milholland was still interested in proposing plans for development west of Spring Park Subdivision with the road extension of Joyce Blvd. to Gregg Street. Mr. Hill stated he was concemed with pulling a major circuit along Walnut Creek bed. MICKEY JACKSON - FIRE DEPARTMENT Chief Jackson stated no fire hydrants were shown on the water lines. Mr. Bunn stated the water lines were dependant upon individual developments on site. Mr. Brown stated the main extension was shown and that future service to the area was undetermined. RANDY ALLEN - STREETS DEPARTMENT Mr. Allen stated he had no comments. Mr. Bunn stated plans were being submitted to the Highway Department for the extension of Shiloh Drive, south of Red Lobster Restaurant. There was discussion regarding street names for the development and Mall Lane was agreed upon. PERRY FRANKLIN - TRAFFIC DEPARTMENT Mr. Franklin questioned plans of the street improvements at the intersection of Joyce and College Avenue. Mr. Bunn stated funds would be available through CIP (Capital Improvements Program) for the intersection improvements at Joyce and College Avenue. • • 1 • Plat Review Meeting June 24, 1993 Page 3 • DON BUNN - CITY ENGINEER Mr. Bunn expressed his concern over the extension of Joyce Boulevard. He noted there would be city participation required in the extension. He maintained the developer would be responsible for a 31 foot street to be oversized into at least four lanes. Mr. Brown stated there was plenty of right-of-way available if the extension was needed. PRELIMINARY PLAT - WILLOW SPRINGS ADDITION RALPH WALKER - N. OF WEDINGTON, W. OF RUPPLE RD. The next item was a preliminary plat for Willow Spnngs Addition presented by Dave Jorgensen on the behalf of Ralph Walker, for property located north of Wedington and west of Rupple Road The property is zoned R-1.5, Moderate Density Residential, and R-2, Medium Density Residential, and contains 15.25 acres with 68 proposed lots (Single Family Homes). Mr. Jorgensen stated Willow Spring Addition was formerly known as Northwest Acres Phases IV and V. He noted Willow Springs had been rezoned recently. He stated access to the site would be available from Highway 16 by a 660 foot streetdeveloped off site from Wedington. He stated eventually this access would tie into Northwest Acres Phase IV, located to the west. Mr. Jorgensen noted Northwest Acres Phases II and III were in still in development process. He stated Northwest Acres Phase III was south of the Willow Spnngs Addition development. FLOYD CANTRELL - OZARKS ELECTRIC Mr. Cantrell stated easements needed to be shown on the west and the north side of development. He requested off site easements at the entrance and in order to access the site from Wedington. Mr. Cantrell requested a decision regarding above ground or underground service. Further requests for easement placings were noted on the plat and shown to Mr. Jorgensen. DALE CHEATHAM - SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE Mr. Cheatham requested the same access easements and off site easements as noted except for the street lights markings. He requested piping 31 to 34 inches in all cul-de-sacs. He also requested easements at lots 61, 62 and lots 14, 15. Ya Plat Review Meeting June 24, 1993 Page 4 RICK EVANS - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Mr. Evans requested the same easements noted by Ozarks He also stated casing was needed between lots 47 and 48 to lots 55 and 68. He noted 7 1/2 feet would be sufficient on either side of the site to meet setbacks in oder to remain in the setbacks. Mr. Bunn stated 16 feet would coincide with the buildmg setbacks. Mr. Evans stated that since water lines would be placed through the same easement, he preferred 20 feet for this development, assuming the utility easements ran the perimeter of the site. PERRY FRANKLIN - TRAFFIC DEPARTMENT Mr. Franklin requested a light to be placed at the intersection and every 300 feet back to the highway. In response to a question from Mr. Bunn, Mr. Jorgensen stated there would be one off site easement where the sewer line tied into the existing sewer line on site. Mr. Bunn stated any off site easements needed to be shown on the plat. MICKEY JACKSON - FIRE DEPARTMENT Chief Jackson noted only two hydrants were shown on the plat. He requested a hydrant between lots 61and 62. He also requested hydrants at lot 5 and at the corner of the site intersection. He stated the hydrant shown at lot 47 needed to be moved to the corner. In response to a question from Chief Jackson, Mr. Bunn stated water would be placed in the development from the west. LISA COX - PARKS DEPARTMENT Ms. Cox stated greenspace requirements would be 1.3 acres or $12,150 in lieu of land. She noted the decision would be made at the Parks Board meeting on July 12th. RANDY ALLEN - STREET DEPARTMENT Mr. Allen discussed uniformity and continuity with the sidewalks noted on the plat. He questioned if sidewalks would be continued to Highway 16. • • • • Plat Review Meeting June 24, 1993 Page 5 • • In response, Mr. Bunn stated the continuation needed to be shown on the plat. He noted the sidewalk crossings needed to meet ADA (handicap) requirements. Mr. Allen asked if the temporary cul-de-sacs were planned to be paved. Mr. Bunn stated a contract, at the time of the final plat, would be drawn up requiring the builders to install permanent sidewalks. Mr. Allen questioned the location of drainage paths. In response, Mr. Jorgensen stated drainage paths were present on site which drained to the northeast and to the south. DON BUNN - CITY ENGINEER Mr. Bunn read into the record comments that were submitted by Tim Conklin of the Planning Department, as follows: It *Please provide names of adjacent property owners. *Please provide a tree preservation plan, if applicable. *Show sidewalk on the west die of the street that connects to Highway 16. *Please incorporate this development into the concept plat for this area that was prepared last April and provide several copies ar subdivision Committee meeting. " Mr. Bunn stated a drainage and grading plan would need to be provided for the site. FINAL PLAT - NORTHWEST ACRES, PHASE IV DR. JAMES MOORE - N. OF WEDINGTON, W OF RUPPLE The last item was a final plat for Northwest Acres, Phase IV, presented by Dave Jorgensen on behalf of Dr. James Moore for property located north of Wedington Drive, west of Rupple Road. The property is caned R-1.5, Moderate Density Residential, and contains 10 acres with 23 proposed lots. FLOYD CANTRELL - OZARKS ELECTRIC Mr. Cantrell had no comment. 4/ Plat Review Meeting June 24, 1993 Page 6 DALE CHEATHAM - SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE Mr. Cheatham requested two stubs/pipes between lots 17-18 and lots 8-9. He also stated street names were needed. RICK EVANS - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Mr. Evans had no comment. MICKEY JACKSON - FIRE DEPARTMENT Chief Jackson had no comment. RANDY ALLEN - STREETS DEPARTMENT Mr. Allen had no comment. PERRY FRANKLIN - TRAFFIC DEPARTMENT Mr. Franklin requested street names. He stated the placement of street lights were sufficient. DON BUNN - CITY ENGINEER Mr. Bunn questioned the state of construction on site. Mr. Jorgensen stated water/sewer lines were in place. He also stated underground electric was half in place. He noted the subgrade was almost at grade and that the streamline would be set up in the near future. He also noted construction was ready for curb and gutter within the week and maintained testing for subgrade would be ready also in the next week. In response to a question from Mr. Bunn, Mr. Jorgensen stated the pond had been drained for three weeks. Mr. Bunn requested a contract for the unfinished street improvements including street light. Mr. Bunn read for the record comments that were submitted by Tim Conklin of the Planning Department, as follows: " 'Contact Jim Johnson for approval of street names that you may want to use for this subdivision. " • • • • Plat Review Meeting June 24, 1993 Page 7 • • Mr. Bunn noted, from general consensus, a agenda should be provided for plat review meetings. The meeting adjourned at 9:50 a.m. PRELIMINARY PLAT - THE MASTERS (PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT) DALLAS & DEE WRIGHT - S. OF COUNTRY CLUB DR, E. OF S. COLLEGE The following item is a preliminary plat for The Masters, Planned Unit Development was submitted by William B. Rudasill on behalf of Dallas and Dee Wright for property located south of Country Club and east of S. College. The property is zoned R-1, Low Density Residential, and contains 20 acres with 70 proposed lots. The following comments were submitted by William B. Rudasill: L.O. FERGUSON - WARNER CABLE Mr. Ferguson requested 20 foot easements to either the front or the rear of the property, preferrably the rear. He stated 15 foot easements were allowed where previous easements were not shared with sewer lines. He noted the trench was to be provided by the developer and the cable would be provided by Warner at $.90 a linear foot for single family residence and at no cost for duplex or multi -family units. JACK REGAL - SWEPCO Mr. Regal requested a 20 foot easement along rear lot line of all properties. RICK EVANS - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Mr. Evans requested a 20 foot easement to the rear lot lines of all properties and a 25 foot easement, if possible where the easement is shared with sewer. PERRY FRANKLIN - TRAFFIC DEPARTMENT Mr. Franklin requested the street light spacing be checked. He noted lights are required every 300 feet, at each intersection, and at the end of each cul-de-sac. He stated approval was needed for the length of the dead end street. He noted street names needed to be coordinated with 911 emergency services. Plat Review Meeting June 24, 1993 Page 8 DALE CHEATHAM - SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE Mr. Cheatham requested a 20 foot clearance between the east property line and the street at the front lots 14, 15, and 16D. He noted a 20 foot easement would need to be provided to all Tots. He stated a 4 foot conduit needed to be provided under Masters Drive at the south end. Mr. Cheatham stated all easements needed to be cleared of trees and easements widths needed to be shown on plat. He noted also the lot usage needed to be defined on plat. RANDY ALLEN - STREETS DEPARTMENT Mr. Allen was not able to review the plat at this time. Comments will be provided later. DON BUNN - CITY ENGINEER Mr. Bunn was not able to review the plat at this time. Comments will be provided to Planning at a later date. MICKEY JACKSON - FIRE DEPARTMENT Chief Jackson stated fire hydrant spacing was sufficient. He had no further comments. CONNIE EDMONSTON - PARKS DEPARTMENT Ms. Edmonston stated the parks board decided on a cash bond of $11,700 in lieu of land. RICK HUTTON - UNITED STATES POST OFFICE Mr. Hutton requested NDCBU boxes for duplex units with the developer providing slabs for the boxes. He also requested a one foot green strip between the curb and the sidewalk for mail boxes of single family residences. JIM JOHNSON - METER DEPARTMENT Mr. Johnson noted he had no conflict with street names provided. TIM CONKLIN - PLANNING DEPARTMENT The following comments were submitted: * Please provide a street name for each street. Dead end streets can use court or place and the one through street can use Drive, Way, or Lane. • • • • • Plat Review Meeting June 24, 1993 Page 9 * Indicate the number of each housing type. • A conditional use will have to be approved by the Plannmg Commission for duplexes with the 250 foot setback area. • Please provide Covenants for the maintenance of the common area, parking areas. and private streets. • Designate all private streets on the plat. • Indicate the number of parking spaces for each town house on the plat. • An Additional 5% (Total of 30%) of open space must be provided in order for this to be approved as Planned Unit Development. • Show sidewalks on the plat and in the legend. • Apply for a easement vacation. • Provide documentation showing that the homeowners association has been created for maintenance of the street, common areas, parking areas, and etc. as required by City Code. • Signs for each private street will be the financial responsibility of the developer/owner. Contact Perry Franklin for cost estimates on manufactunng, installation, and maintenance of the signs. • Please refer to the tree ordinance regarding tree preservation requirements during construction.