HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-06-10 Minutes• • • • MINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW MEETING A meeting of the Fayetteville Plat Review Committee was held on Thursday, June 10, 1993 in Room 111 of the City Administration Building, 113 West Mountain Street, Fayetteville, Arkansas. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES: CITY REPRESENTATIVES: OTHERS PRESENT: Jim Crownover, Dale Cheatham, Rick Evans, L. O. Ferguson, Darrell Ritchey, and Jack Regal Alett Little, Don Bunn, Tim Conklin, Randy Allen, and Sharon Langley Albert Skiles, Rod Wood, and Curtis Presley LARGE SCALE DEVELOPMENT - ALL RENTS ROB WOOD - 2789 McCONNELL RD. The first item was a large scale development for All Rents, presented by Albert Skiles on behalf of Rob Wood for property located at 2789 McConnell Road. The property is zoned C-2, Thoroughfare Commercial and contains 3.41 acres. Mr. Wood explained he was moving the All Rents location and would be putting up a metal building on two of the three acres. DALE CHEATHAM - SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE Mr. Cheatham requested a 2 -inch sleeve under the parking area. RICK EVANS - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Mr. Evans advised there was gas service along McConnell and the subject property would be served at the front. Mr. Skiles stated they preferred service at the southeast corner. Mr. Evans stated he believed that would be possible. He requested that, when they had established the total load, they contact him with the information. L. O. FERGUSON - WARNER CABLE Mr. Ferguson advised they did not have service in the subject area. JIM CROWNOVER - OZARK ELECTRIC Mr. Crownover stated they could provide single phase service. RANDY ALLEN - STREET DEPARTMENT In response to a question from Mr. Allen regarding drainage, Mr. Skiles explained he had not finalized the contours but there was an existing ditch along McConnell they planned on using for drainage. Mr. Allen informed the applicant he might want to install a concrete apron for the dumpster location. He also asked if they planned any lighting at the back of the building. Mr. Wood stated he planned security lighting on the back of the building. 37 • Plat Review June 10, 1993 Page 2 • • Ms. Little advised the general public had requested the lighting be focused downward. Mr. Allen also requested they not have any plantings near the entry/exit which would obstruct or impede vision. He pointed out the entry/exit did not line up with Drake. He explained he would prefer they line up for purposes of traffic safety. Mr. Skiles explained McConnell was a dead little traffic at that point. He also noted future date, to develop the remainder of the need to verify the exact location of Drake property. end street so there would be very the property owner planned, at some property. He further stated he did Street in relation to the subject Ms. Little advised Mr. Skiles that any adjustment he could make on the entry/exit would be appreciated. DARRELL RITCHEY - POST OFFICE Mr. Ritchey advised this property would have curb side delivery. He stated they would need to contact the post office whenever they were ready for their mail box TIM CONKLIN - PLANNING DEPARTMENT Mr. Conklin requested the legal description be placed on the plat; the setback lines be shown; and the vicinity map show more detail. He also reminded Mr. Skiles he would need to file a tree preservation plan or, if there were no trees on the site, file a letter stating that fact. He advised McConnell was a collector street requiring 60 to 80 feet of right-of-way, extended to the intersection. DON BONN - CITY ENGINEER Mr. Bunn explained the dedication of that right-of-way would need to be by separate instrument and might require a survey. He stated they would work with the applicant. He further stated the City would normally required a Bill of Assurance for improvements to McConnell Street such as curb and gutter, storm drainage, and widening the street to 15 feet on the applicant's side. He advised they would need to know the cost of the improvements and the Bill of Assurance would be for that amount. He then explained after five years the Bill of Assurance would be reviewed and a determination would be made as to whether the City still needed the Bill of Assurance. He advised it was doubtful McConnell Street would be improved in the next five years. Ms. Little requested dimensions be shown on the plat. Mr. Bunn stated there should be some existing easements for sewer and water. He requested those easements be shown on the plat. He advised that, if the easements did not exist, the City would require one for the sewer and water. • • Plat Review June 10, 1993 Page 3 LARGE SCALE DEVELOPMENT - McBRIDE DISTRIBUTING BOB McBRIDE - W SIDE OF S SCHOOL, N OF HWY 71 BYPASS The next item was a large scale development for McBride Distribution presented by Curtis Presley, Architectural Resources, on behalf of Bob McBride for property located on the west side of South School, north of Highway 71 Bypass. The property contains 11.61 acres and is zoned I-1, Light Industrial - Heavy Commercial. Mr. Presley advised the Committee the existing asphalt drive at the north of the site was shown on the county plat page as public road right-of-way. DALE CHEATHAM - SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE Mr. Cheatham requested a four -inch sleeve under the driveway into the southeast corner of the building together with pipe into the utility room. JACK REGAL - SWEPCO Mr. Regal stated the location shown on the plat was fine. He explained he would be coming in at the southeast corner of the building and would need 4 -inch PVC.. He also requested a dedication of easement to cover the power line from the west right-of-way line on Highway 71B. Mr. Bunn suggested the utility easement list those utilities located in it. RICK EVANS - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Mr. Evans stated the location of the meter was fine. He advised the Gas Company had a 30 foot utility easement along the right-of-way of Highway 71B and he would like it to be shown on the plat. L. O. FERGUSON - WARNER CABLE Mr. Ferguson stated there was cable along Highway 71 schedule PVC from the pole to the utility room in the RANDY ALLEN - STREET DEPARTMENT Mr. Allen asked why the county would have a platted road inside the city limits. B. He requested 2 -inch building. Mr. Bunn stated he did not know but it appeared the driveway was dedicated of -way. Mr. Allen advised the right-of-way had not been given maintenance. He suggested abandoning the right-of-way. right - to the city for Mr. Bunn explained the right-of-way was not on the McBride property but on the Tyson property. Mr. Presley stated he would work out the matter of access with the adjoining property owner. Mr. Bunn agreed. He advised he would not recommend abandonment of the right-of- way. Ms. Little explained having the dedicated right-of-way offered some protection to McBride. She further stated the city much preferred the use of the existing drive rather than having another curb cut on Highway 71B. • • • Plat Review June 10, 1993 Page 4 Mr. Allen asked if staff would require standards. After discussion, it was pointed out the and it was not on the McBride property. the right-of-way be brought up to city right-of-way was only 380 feet in length Mr. Allen requested that Mr. Presley get with the Solid Waste Division to determine the type of service they required. There was also discussion regarding the Tyson sign being located on the McBride property. Me. Little explained that only one free standing sign was allowed per property. DARRELL RITCHEY - POST OFFICE Mr. Ritchey advised that, depending upon the volume of mail received, they would probably have a curb side box. He stated they would need to contact Rick Hutton of the Post Office when they were ready for mail delivery. TIM CONKLIN - PLANNING DEPARTMENT Mr. Conklin requested the setback jog in where the property line jogged in. He also advised Tyson had installed a 5 foot sidewalk along Highway 71B which was set in from the street. He requested the sidewalk be lined up with the Tyson sidewalk, if possible. He also requested the adjacent property owners be shown on the plat. He advised a tree preservation plan would also need to be filed with the city. Mr. Presley advised there would be no trees removed from the tract. He also noted they would be doing extensive landscaping. Ms. Little explained there was a requirement that the industry be screened from residential property. She pointed out the property across the street was residential so the McBride property would have to be screened in the front. Mr. Conklin stated his calculations showed 70 parking spaces were needed but only 57 spaces were shown. Mr. Presley advised they possibly needed a variance. He explained they would not even use the 57 spaces shown. Me. Little suggested Mr. Presley make a comparison of the number they currently had at the existing facility to what they were providing at the new facility. DON BUNN - CITY ENGINEER In response to a question from Mr. Bunn, Mr. Presley explained he had spoken with Mickey Jackson, Fire Chief and he was happy with the location of the fire hydrant. He further advised the building would be sprinkled. He also noted he was talking with Don Osborne. Mr. Presley further stated they would need to get an easement from Joe Fred Starr to run the water and sewer lines approximately 880 to 900 feet. Mr. Bunn requested they install an 8 -inch public sewer line in a 15 -foot easement. He further noted a grading and drainage plan would be required. The meeting adjourned at 10:00 a.m.