HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-05-06 MinutesMINUTES OF A meeting of the Fayetteville Plat 6, 20� in Room 111 of the City Street,Tayetteville, Arkansas. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES: CITY REPRESENTATIVES: OTHERS PRESENT: A PLAT REVIEW MEETING Review Committee was held Administration Building, on Thursday, ''1r lD J 19 93 113 West Mountain Jack Regal, Floyd Cantrell, Dale Cheatham, Rick Evans, L. O. Ferguson and Andy Calloway Alett Little, Tim Conklin, Perry Franklin, Mickey Jackson, Lisa Cox, and Sharon Langley Tom Hopper, Dave Jorgensen, Milholland and Mel INFORMAL PLAT - UNDERWOOD/LINDSEY PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT BILL UNDERWOOD & JIM LINDSEY - W OF CROSSOVER, N OF HUNTSVILLE The first item was an informal plat for the Underwood/Lindsey Planned Unit Development presented by Tom Hopper on behalf of Bill Underwood and Jim Lindsey for property located north of Huntsville and west of Crossover. The property is zoned R-1, Low Density Residential, and contains 128 acres with 896 units proposed. ALETT LITTLE - PLANNING DEPARTMENT Ms. Little advised this plat would not be going to the Planning Commission, that she wanted to wait until the owners were closer to development. She noted this project would be controversial based on the traffic emptying onto Crossover Road. She asked if the right-of-way to Happy Hollow Road was owned by the developer. Mr. Hopper stated it was. Ms. Little stated there would probably be some additional requirements for off- site improvements to Happy Hollow Road. She further advised the perimeter setback was 250 feet rather than the 150 feet shown. There was discussion regarding the latest version of the P.U.D. ordinance. There was also discussion regarding the density of the P.U.D and how to figure that density. TIM CONKLIN - PLANNING DEPARTMENT Mr. Conklin requested the tree canopy percentage be shown per the tree ordinance. He further noted the number and species of trees would need to be shown. He also requested the plat show the elevation of the contours. He requested the nature of the surrounding development, the names of existing streets, existing land uses, and the acreage. JACK REGAL - SWEPCO Mr. Regal stated he had two overhead lines to feed the development underground. He stated they would need overhead lines parallel to the south property line and another one parallel to the north property line. He explained that would require a 20 -foot easement along the north line. He noted he could use a portion of the 80 -foot right-of-way along the south line. He explained this development would require a 3-phase feeder line which would require the overhead lines. Mr. Hopper stated he would prefer the services be underground, if possible. He explained they wanted to save all of the trees they possibly could. He further noted the first phase would be the area adjacent to Highway 265 and then the four-plexes would be the second phase. a) • Plat Review May 6, 1993 Page 2 • • Mr. Regal also advised the service would be split between SWEPCO and Ozark. He pointed out the property east of the 100 -foot transmission line belonged to Ozark. In response to a question from Mr. Regal, Mr. Hopper advised they would give whatever easements that were necessary. Mr. Regal noted the tennis courts were on the 100 -foot easement which meant they could not allow any lighting standards. He advised he would have to check to see if any other utilities could use the easement; that it had been purchased by SWEPCO for their exclusive use. FLOYD CANTRELL - OZARK ELECTRIC Mr. Cantrell stated they would work to serve the out they had an overhead line on the west side DALE CHEATHAM - SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE project underground. He pointed of Highway 265. Mr. Cheatham stated they would be able to serve the project from the north. He advised they would have to cross the SWEPCO easement. He noted he would have to work out street crossings at a later date. L. O. FERGUSON - WARNER CABLE Mr. Ferguson advised they had service along Highway 265. He stated he would need to see the phases and the order as to how they would be developed. RICK EVANS - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Mr. Evans stated they had two easements on would need to check the depth of the lines roadways, etc. He advised he would like easements, if possible. the subject property. He stated they in order to stay out of them with the to keep other utilities out of their Mr. Hopper advised they had attempted to stay off of the easements but they did have parking on the edge. Mr. Evans stated he had no objections with the parking but they did not want a street running down one of the easements. MICKEY JACKSON - FIRE DEPARTMENT Chief Jackson advised the fire hydrants could not be more than 600 feet apart and no point of any building could be more than 500 feet from a hydrant. He also noted they would want looped water lines. PERRY FRANKLIN - TRAFFIC DEPARTMENT Mr. Franklin stated the State Highway Department had been looking at signalization at the intersection of Happy Hollow and Huntsville and he had forwarded them a copy of the plat. He stated that, if the state did not pay for the installation of the signal, they might request some contribution from the developer. He also requested 3 -inch PVC and pull boxes at the intersection of the southern street with Crossover in the event they wanted to install a signal at a later date. Mr. Hopper stated Don Bunn had told him Highway 265 would be widened in the future. • • • Plat Review May 6, 1993 Page 3 Me. Little stated that was her understanding but the amount of right-of-way required was not known at this time. Mr. Franklin also noted a street light was required every 300 feet, at the end of cul-de-sacs and at intersections. LISA COX - PARKS DEPARTMENT Ms. Cox advised the green space fees would be 18 acres or money in lieu would be $161,280. She noted the Parks Board would review this project at their meeting the first Monday in June. STEVE MCDANIEL AND DARRELL RITCHEY - POST OFFICE Mr. McDaniel advised the Poet Office would prefer the use of NDCBU's for this project. Mr. Hopper stated they would like the Post Office's suggestion on the location of the boxes. TIM CONKLIN - PLANNING DEPARTMENT Mr. Conklin advised he would prefer to see the streets come in at 90° angles. Mr. Hopper stated the contour would not allow those angles at all intersections. Mr. Conklin also requested the developer contact Jim Johnson, 9-1-1 Systems regarding street names. Ms. Little pointed out there would be quite a bit of redesign work on this project. • • • Plat Review May 6, 1993 Page 4 PRELIMINARY PLAT - SAVANNA ESTATES, PHASES III & IV BUDDY PEOPLES & MARE FOSTER - S OF SKILLERN, E OF HWY 265 The next item was a preliminary plat for Savanna Estates, Phase III presented by Dave Jorgensen on behalf of Buddy Peoples and Mark Foster for property located south of Skillern Road, east of Highway 265. The property is zoned R-1, Low Density Residential. Phase III contains 18.08 acres with 35 proposed lots and Phase IV contains 25.36 acres with 37 proposed lots. FLOYD CANTRELL - OZARK ELECTRIC Mr. Cantrell requested Phases I and II be shown on the plat so they could determine where Phase III was in conjunction with the previous phases. He advised he needed a 4 -inch crossing between lots 29 and 30 to cross the street in Phase III. He stated on Phase IV he needed an easement between lots 18 and 19, back to 15. He requested a 4 -inch PVC crossing between lots 16 and 37. L. O. FERGUSON - WARNER CABLE Mr. Ferguson advised they did not have anything in the area. Ms. Little stated that, if cable was not to be provided by the developer, they needed to make a notation on the plat to that effect. ANDY CALLOWAY - SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE Mr. Calloway stated that in Phase III between lots 6, 7, 8, 9, 11 and 12 he would need a utility easement. He also requested a 4 -inch PVC between lots 21 and 22 across the entrance and a 10 -foot off-site easement between lot 27 of Phase III and lot 37 of Phase IV. He asked for a crossing between lots 26 and 27. He stated on Phase IV he would need an easement between lots 14 and 22 to between 16 and 17 and then down between 17 and 21 and 18 and 20. Ms. Little asked if the creek running through 14 and 15 was in the flood plain. Mr. Jorgensen stated it was just a wet weather stream. RICK EVANS - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Mr. Evans stated they would try to serve the properties from the front. He requested the following crossings in Phase III: from lot 1 to lot 35 (4 -inch), from lots 33 and 34 to lots 8 and 9 (2 -inch); from lots 31 and 32 to lot 10 (4 - inch; from lots 16 and 17 to lot 11 (2 -inch); from lot 27 to lot 26 (4 -inch); between lots 18 and 19 to lots 25 and 26 (2 -inch); from lots 20 and 21 to lots 22 and 23 (4 -inch). He stated on Phase IV he would need two different crossings at the main intersection between lots 1 and 37 (on the west side) and on the south side of the intersection from lot 16 to lot 37 (4 -inch); from between lots 16 and 15 over to lots 10 and 11; from between lots 35 and 36 to between lots 17 and 18; from between lots 19 and 20 to lot 27. ANDY CALLOWAY - SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE Mr. Calloway stated he had one other comment; that, if the easements and rights- of-way were not cleared when they placed their cable, they would not be responsible for any brush or tree removal. MICKEY JACKSON - FIRE DEPARTMENT Chief Jackson stated the water main map showed only a four inch line. • • • Plat Review May 6, 1993 Page 5 Mr. Jorgensen stated there was now an 8 -inch line extended from the intersection of Old Wire Road and Highway 265. Chief Jackson stated he had no comments on Phase III but on Phase IV they needed a hydrant at the intersection east of Nachez Trace. He further stated that, since the development bordered Skillern Road, he would like to see a drive from Skillern. PERRY FRANKLIN - TRAFFIC DEPARTMENT Mr. Franklin stated it would just be a "U" shaped drive and he did not believe it was necessary. Chief Jackson stated he was not demanding another access but would recommend it. Mr. Jorgensen advised the developer did not want a connection between the phases. Ms. Little requested the connection. Mr. Franklin requested a street light at Skillern and Pat Henry Drive. He also noted the owners had approached him regarding putting in antique looking street lights. He advised the City would not maintain that type of street lights; that the maintenance responsibility would be the Homeowner's Association. He requested that be noted on the plat and in the covenants. Ms. Little also advised they would need to consider down lighting for the subdivision. LISA COX - PARKS DEPARTMENT Ms. Cox stated the green space fees were as follows: Phase III .9 acres or money in lieu would be $7,875; Phase IV .93 acres or money in lieu $8,325. She stated this item would be discussed at the meeting held the first Monday of June. TIM CONKLIN - PLANNING DEPARTMENT Mr. Conklin stated the Homeowners Association would be responsible for maintenance of the islands and that needed to be noted in the covenants. He further noted sidewalks would have to be four feet from the curb. He requested sidewalks be shown along Skillern Road. Ms. Little also requested a drainage easement be shown along the creek. She pointed out the easement southwest of Phase III, joining Phase II, was not completely off-site. Mr. Jorgensen advised it was all in Phase II but the creek was probably in Phase III. He stated he needed to check that. Ms. Little stated that in Phases I and sides of the street but only on one side the phases be consistent. II, there were sidewalks shown on both in Phase III and Iv. She requested that STEVE McDANIEL - POST OFFICE Mr. McDaniel stated it was too early for them to make a designation. Me. Little pointed out that, since the sidewalks were set back four feet, there should not be a problem with the mail boxes. • • • Plat Review May 6, 1993 Page 6 PRELIMINARY PLAT - BOARDWALK SUBDIVISION, PHASE IV JIM LINDSEY - S OF MISSION BLVD , W OF HWY 265 The next item was a preliminary plat for Boardwalk Subdivision, Phase IV, presented by Dave Jorgensen on behalf of Jim Lindsey for property located south of Mission Boulevard, west of Highway 265. The property is zoned R-1, Low Density Residential, contains 4.85 acres with 7 proposed lots. JACK REGAL - SWEPCO Mr. Regal stated there was an existing overhead line running along the north side. He stated there needed to be a 20 -foot easement along the south side of lots 5, 6 and 7 and the west side of lot 5 up to the access easement, across the access easement and along the southwest line of lot 4. He stated the 10 -foot easement along the west side of lots 3 and 4 needed to be larger. Mr. Jorgensen stated he could make it a 20 -foot easement. Mr. Regal stated that, since he was unable to locate the property corners, he had two poles along Highway 265 and it was possible a pole relocation might be involved. He requested the poles be shown on the plat. L. O. FERGUSON - WARNER CABLE Mr. Ferguson asked if they wanted service from the front or back. Mr. Jorgensen stated they would like the service from the back. Mr. Ferguson stated he could serve the area but would charge 90 cents a foot. Ms. Little stated there would need to be a notation on the plat that cable would not be provided by the developer. ANDY CALLOWAY - SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE Mr. Calloway stated they would not be responsible for brush removal on the easements and rights-of-way. RICK EVANS - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Mr. Evans requested the same easement as requested by SWEPCO. He stated the easement along lots 1, 2 and 3 needed to be widened to 30 feet since the sewer line would be using that easement. MICKEY JACKSON - FIRE DEPARTMENT Chief Jackson asked the intended use of the recreation area. Mr. Jorgensen stated it would be a swimming pool, tennis court and club house. He stated the recreation area was a common area for all of the Boardwalk properties and would be maintained by the Property Owners Association, having a separate legal description. He stated it was not for the express use of Phase IV. He stated there would be a 25 -foot access easement to the area from both directions. Ms. Little stated the access easement would need to be paved. Jack Regal stated he would need a continuation of the 20 -foot easement along the lake frontage. .2? • • • Plat Review May 6, 1993 Page 7 PERRY FRANKLIN - TRAFFIC DEPARTMENT Mr. Franklin stated there needed to be a street light at the intersection with Highway 265. LISA COX - PARKS DEPARTMENT Me. Cox advised the green space fees would be .18 acres or money in lieu would be $1,575. She noted the Parks Board would review this item at their meeting the first Monday in June. TIM CONKLIN - PLANNING DEPARTMENT Mr. Conklin requested sidewalks be shown along Highway 265; the adjoining property owners needed to be indicated on the plat; and the sewer line needed to be a utility easement. Me. Little stated the off-site easement would need to be dedicated by separate instrument. STEVE McDANIEL - POST OFFICE Mr. McDaniel asked for a pad and the box turned around so they could be loaded from the street. Mr. Jorgensen stated he believed each property owner would have his own mail box. • • • Plat Review May 6, 1993 Page 8 FINAL PLAT - RIDGEMONTE VIEW NIBLOCR & PARTNERS - S OF MISSION, E OF FOX HUNTER The next item was the final plat for Ridgemonte View presented by Mel Milholland on behalf of Niblock & Partners for property located south of Mission Road, east of Fox Hunter Road. The property is outside the City Limits and contains 55.64 acres with 28 lots proposed. FLOYD CANTRELL - OZARE ELECTRIC Mr. Cantrell requested the existing overhead line be shown on the plat. There was discussion regarding putting the service underground. Mr. Milholland stated it was difficult to get off-site easements in the subject area. Ms. Little stated she would like to have the matter resolved by the Subdivision Committee meeting, if possible. L. O. FERGUSON - WARNER CABLE Mr. Ferguson stated the easements were not on the property line. He asked for an explanation. Mr. Milholland stated they had discussed it meeting; that the consensus of the utility easements on the inside of the jogging path. bordered the perimeter of the property and then to the house. at the preliminary plat review representatives was to have the He explained the jogging path the utility easements were closer Mr. Ferguson further advised the charge would be 90 cents a foot. Mr. Milholland advised they would be paying the 90 cents a foot so cable could be installed prior to construction of the houses. ANDY CALLOWAY - SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE Mr. Calloway stated he had previously requested a 15 -foot easement to be extended between lots 11 and 12. He further advised he had requested an easement between lots 1 and 2 but the jogging trail now went through that area. He suggested going down the southwestern side of lot 1 and lot 28 instead. He advised they would not remove trees and brush from the utility easements nor the right-of-way. Mr. Milholland advised he preferred on lots 9 through 14 that the service be over the hill, down in the woods. He stated they would like to work with the utility companies in order to save the trees and, if it took a 40 foot setback, they would grant it. Ms. Little pointed out this was the final plat and any easements would have to be dedicated on this plat. She asked if they wanted to change the 25 -foot easement to a 40 -foot one. Mr. Milholland stated he would have to look at it before knowing how wide the utility easement needed to be. entrance was to be divided, it needed to be Me. Little also noted that, if the shown on the plat. Mr. Calloway stated he also needed something giving him the right to cross the jogging trail. 30 • • • Plat Review May 6, 1993 Page 9 Mr. Milholland stated that would be in the covenants. RICK EVANS - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Mr. Evans advised there would probably be some cost. Mr. Milholland asked for a proposal on the costs. MICKEY JACKSON - FIRE DEPARTMENT Chief Jackson had no comment. PERRY FRANKLIN - TRAFFIC DEPARTMENT Mr. Franklin stated he was opposed to the street names because they were proper names. He explained people took the street signs. Mr. Conklin advised Mr. Milholland he would need to review the names with Jim Johnson, 9-1-1 Systems. TIM CONKLIN - PLANNING DEPARTMENT Mr. Conklin stated it needed to be indicated that the Property Owners Association would be responsible for the maintenance of the jogging trail and the entrance. He then read comments from Don Bunn: "No comments other than those raised on the preliminary plat. A contract will be required for the unfinished water construction prior to the final plat being recorded. We need to be sure, also, that whatever assurances the County requires to be in place prior to the final plat being approved is in place." He advised they would need those documents prior to the Planning Commission meeting. Mr. Milholland stated he had met with the County Judge earlier and was giving a lien on some lots. In response to a question from Mr. Franklin, Mr. Milholland advised there would be street lights but not to city standards. He stated they planned lights at the cul-de-sacs, intersections and one or two at the entrance. STEVE McDANIEL - POST OFFICE Mr. McDaniel asked if the planned to use rural boxes or NDCBU's. Mr. Milholland stated they planned a 30 -foot wide divided entrance and approximately half way in there would be a 14 foot pull -off with a double key entry to the mail boxes. He stated they were aware they would have to purchase the boxes because they had to be specially made. Plat Review • May 6, 1993 Page 10 • • FINAL PLAT - RIDGEMONTE DOWNS NIBLOCK & PARTNERS - S OF MISSION, W OF FOX HUNTER RD. The next item was a final plat for Ridgemonte Downs presented by Mel Milholland on behalf of Niblock & Partners for property located south of Mission, west of Fox Hunter Road. The property is located outside the City Limits, contains 77.2 acres with 27 proposed lots. FLOYD CANTRELL - OZARK ELECTRIC Mr. Cantrell requested a 4 -inch crossing between lots 29 and 30 to lot 57 and one between lots 43 and 44 to between lots 10 and 11. L. O. FERGUSON - WARNER CABLE Mr. Ferguson stated the lot 2 had no easements. Mr. Milholland pointed out the 30 -foot easement on the street right-of-way. Mr. Ferguson further advised there was another tract of land where they needed an easement. Mr. Milholland stated that property belonged to Mr. Samples. He advised he could attempt to get an off-site easement. He stated there was a 30 -foot easement on. lot 30 of Ridgemonte Estates along the road right-of-way. Mr. Ferguson advised he needed to come from the northeast corner of lot 2, down the east edge of the property. Mr. Milholland suggested coming down Fox Hunter Road and through the entry to the subdivision. Mr. Ferguson stated he would need an easement along the north side of lot 2 in order to do that. Mr. Milholland stated he would give him a 30 -foot easement. He requested a redline and cost estimate. ANDY CALLOWAY - SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE Mr. Calloway had no comment. RICK EVANS - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Mr. Evans stated the crossings looked fine. He advised he would give Mr. Milholland a proposal. MICKEY JACKSON - FIRE DEPARTMENT Chief Jackson had no comment. PERRY FRANKLIN - TRAFFIC DEPARTMENT Mr. Franklin stated he had the same comments on this subdivision as on the last one regarding street lights. He asked that Mr. Milholland contact Jim Johnson, 9-1-1 Systems. • • • Plat Review May 6, 1993 Page 11 STEVE MCDANIEL - POST OFFICE Mr. McDaniel had no comments. TIM CONKLIN - PLANNING DEPARTMENT Mr. Conklin advised Don Bunn had left the following comments: "No comments other than those raised for the Preliminary Plat. A contract will be required for the unfinished water construction prior o the final plat being recorded. We need to be sure also that whatever assurances the County requires to be in place prior to a final plat being approved is in place." He advised those documents were needed prior to presentation to the Planning Commission. He further advised the legal documents required regarding annexation would need to be reviewed and approved by the City Attorney prior to the final plat being filed or sewer construction being started. He also advised there needed to be a notation that the Property Owners Association would be responsible for maintenance of the jogging trail and the entrance. He asked if the jogging trail could be connected to Ridgemonte Estates. Mr. Milholland stated part of the lots in Ridgemonte Estates were already Bold. • Plat Review May 6, 1993 Page 12 • • INFORMAL PLAT - CRYSTAL SPRINGS JED DEVELOPMENT - S OF EAST SALEM, ON SOUTH SALEM RD. The next item was an informal plat for Crystal Springs presented by Mel Milholland on behalf of JED Development for property located on South Salem Road, south of East Salem Road. The property contains 283 acres and is currently outside the City Limits with a requested annexation and R-1, Low Density Residential, zoning. Mr. Milholland explained the informal plat was just for their information. He advised the subject property adjoined the western perimeter of the Razorback Golf Course. He noted the developers had worked out an agreement with the golf course for the residents to use the golf course. He explained this property was in the county but they would be requesting the property be annexed into the city. He pointed out there was a subdivision to the south with platted right-of-way to the subject subdivision but there were 30 - 35 -foot high pine trees which they would like to save. Mr. Milholland stated Phase I would be on the north end of the subdivision. He advised they would be requesting annexation and rezoning of the property. He pointed out the majority of the lots were 135 to 140 feet deep and 85 to 105 feet wide. He further advised they did want underground service. He noted he was trying to work out localized mail boxes or a combination of boxes. He stated he had reviewed the subdivision with Don Bunn and Clabber Creek tied into the lift station. He advised that, if the City wanted to consider participating, they could put their money into a gravity flow system rather than improving the lift station. Mr. Conklin read comments from Don Bunn: "More street ties should be provided for other development to the north, east, and to the west. Also, some consideration should be given to requiring the developer to pay some share of bridge costs on Salem Road on Clabber Creek. It will be critical to look further at water and sewer improvements as additional phases are brought before the Planning Commission and City for approval. We have water improvements planned for this part of Fayetteville, but, because of delays in that construction and because of additional subdivision development along the Highway 16 West corridor, we will have to look at future development in the area very carefully." In response to a question from Mr. Ferguson, Mr. Milholland stated the phases would be developed as previous phases sold. Mr. Conklin requested a drainage easement along Clabber Creek. He also advised this subdivision would have to comply with the new city tree ordinance which meant the tree canopy needed to be shown on the preliminary plat. He agreed with Mr. Bunn's comments that additional stub outs were needed to the north and west. 31, • Plat Review May 6, 1993 Page 13 • • PRELIMINARY PLAT - CRYSTAL SPRINGS, PHASE I JED DEVELOPMENT, INC. - E OF SOUTH SALEM, S OF EAST SALEM The last item was a preliminary Mel Milholland on behalf of JED South Salem Road, south of East the City Limits but there is an Low Density Residential. The proposed. plat for Crystal Springs, Phase I, presented by Development, Inc. for property located east of Salem Road. The property currently is outside application for annexation and rezoning to R-1, property contains 39.9 acres with 115 lots Mr. Milholland advised Phase I contained by 135 to 140 feet deep. He pointed out there would be two entrances with a loop. be underground. FLOYD CANTRELL - OZARK ELECTRIC lots approximately 80 to 85 feet wide there would be a divided entrance and He requested that all of the utilities Mr. Cantrell requested a 20 -foot easement and 6 -inch crossings between lots 4 and 5; between 6 and 7; between 10 and 11; between 76 and 77; between 72 and 73. DALE CHEATHAM - SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE Mr. Cheatham stated he would need crossings from lots 39 to 40; 1 to 87; 87 and. 88; the south side of lots 5 and 6; and the east side of lots 13 and 14. Mr. Milholland noted he was planning street lights on the entry islands. Mr. Cantrell stated they would have to cross Salem Road and set a pole. Mr. Milholland pointed out all lots along Salem Road would be restricted from accessing Salem Road. L. O. FERGUSON - WARNER CABLE Mr. Ferguson requested the same easements requested by Ozark and Southwestern Bell. He also requested crossings from lots 10 and 11 to 61 and 62; from 6 and 7 to 105 and 106; and 4 and 5 to 88 and 115. He advised the cost was 90 cents a foot for installation. RICK EVANS - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Mr. Evans requested the same crossings as the other utilities. He also requested on the south side of lots 1 through 12 an off-site easement be shown. He also requested a 20 foot easement on the south side of lot 13. MICKEY JACKSON - FIRE DEPARTMENT Chief Jackson asked when the water system improvements were scheduled. Mr. Conklin stated Mr. Bunn's comments addressed that: "The water line from the Sonneman property should be 8 -inch all of the way to the northwest corner of the subdivision. Also there needs to be some work done along Mt. Comfort Road to make sure we have at least a 6 -inch tie to the existing 8 -inch line. It may be that the 8 -inch line will have to be carried all of the way back to the existing 8 -inch on Mt. Comfort Road just east of Raven Lane. The rest of the line sizes are sufficient provided it can be shown that sufficient fire flows are available. In any event, other ties will be required as future phases are constructed. Some further discussion is required on the location and size of the proposed sewer pump station and the possibility of a gravity sewer which would tie directly into • • • Plat Review May 6, 1993 Page 14 the existing pump station on Hamestring Creek to the west. In any event, the pump station on Hamestring Creek has to be looked at for this phase and considering the balance of the subdivision. The improvements to Salem Road appear to be sufficient for this phase. Some consideration should be given to the construction of the road from Raven Lane through to Phase I at this time." Chief Jackson stated he had some fire hydrant location alterations: one was needed between lots 37 and 38; one between lots 29 and 30; one between lots 56 and 57; lot 105 was okay; move the one between lot 71 and 72 to between lots 70 and 71; move the one between 82 and 83 to between 78 and 79; add one on lot 87; add one between lots 113 and 114. PERRY FRANKLIN - TRAFFIC DEPARTMENT Mr. Franklin stated the street lighting appeared to be okay. He requested Mr. Milholland contact Jim Johnson regarding street names. STEVE MCDANIEL - POST OFFICE Mr. McDaniel stated this subdivision would be ideal for multiple boxes. He advised the boxes came in a multiple of four. TIM CONKLIN - PLANNING DEPARTMENT Mr. Conklin advised the Parks Department needed to be contacted regarding green space fees. Mr. Milholland stated the subdivision wanted to maintain the floodway for the homeowner association benefits. He pointed out they wanted to have jogging trails and, if the city owned the land, anyone could use them but, if they were owned by the homeowners association, they could be restricted. Mr. Conklin stated there needed to be a notation regarding the homeowners association maintaining the entry islands. He also pointed out the sidewalks needed to be set back four feet from the curb. He reminded Mr. Milholland this subdivision did fall under the new tree ordinance and the tree canopy would need to be shown on the preliminary plat. The meeting adjourned at 11:40 a.m.