HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-04-22 Minutes• • • MINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW MEETING A meeting of the Fayetteville Plat Review Committee was held on Thursday, April 22, 1993 in Room 111 of the City Administration Building, 113 West Mountain Street, Fayetteville, Arkansas. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVE: CITY REPRESENTATIVES: Dale Cheatham, Andy Calloway, Rick Evans, L.O. Ferguson, John Hill, and Floyd Cantrell Alett Little, Tim Conklin, Randy Allen, Don Bunn, Mickey Jackson, Perry Franklin, Connie Edmondston, and Murphy Sullivan Hartshorn OTHERS PRESENT: Mel Milholland, Dave Jorgensen, and Harry Gray PRELIMINARY PLAT - RIGDEMONT DOWNS SUBDIVISION NIBLOCK AND PARTNERS - S OF MISSION BLVD, W OF FOX HUNTER RD. The first item on the agenda was preliminary plat for Ridgemont Downs Subdivision presented by Mr. Mel Milholland on behalf of Niblock and Partners for property located on the south side of Mission Boulevard, west of Fox Hunter Road. The property is not zoned because it is located outside city. The property contains 77.2 acres with 52 proposed lots. TIM CONKLIN - PLANNING DEPARTMENT Mr. Conklin noted that Jim Johnson contacted him concerning the need to provide five street names. RICK EVANS - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Mr. Evans stated the easements shown were adequate. Mr. Evans requested a four inch crossing from lots 31 and 32 over to 51 and 52, and a four inch crossing from the south end from lots 15 and 16 over to lots 41 and 42. Mr. Milholland noted he discussed tying onto the sewer system with the city. He stated that if tying onto the city sewer system followed through, he would be adding six lots to the subdivision. L. O. FERGUSON - WARNER CABLE Mr. Ferguson advised installation cable in the area would cost ninety cents a foot. Mr. Milholland noted that he would like service at the rear of the lots. a3 • • • Plat Review April 22, 1993 Page 2 Mr. Ferguson explained he would like four inch crossings where Mr. Evans requested his crossings. Mr. Milholland stated he wanted underground cable. ANDY CALLOWAY - SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE Mr. Calloway requested the following four inch crossings: from lots 1 and 32 in the entrance area; from 31 and 32 over to lots 51 and 52. He also requested a crossing from lots 41 and 42 over to 15 and 16. Mr. Calloway stated there would need to be a thirty foot easement across the rear of the subdivision. FLOYD CANTRELL - OZARKS ELECTRIC Mr. Cantrell requested two four -inch crossings at the same location requested by Mr. Evans and Mr. Calloway. MICKEY JACKSON - FIRE DEPARTMENT Chief Jackson suggested moving and adding some fire hydrants. He requested one to be added between lots 51 and 52; the hydrant on the corner (lot 33), moved between lots 34 and 35. He also stated the hydrant located between lots 36 and 37 moved between lots 38 and 39; the hydrant between lots 24 and 25 moved to 22 and 23; and the hydrant between lots 28 and 29 moved to 26 and 27. The alterations mentioned, Mr. Jackson noted, would meet current requirements of in -city properties. Mr. Jackson reminded Mr. Milholland hydrants should be no more than 800 feet apart. Ms. Little suggested that Mr. Milholland review said changes with Chief Jackson when complete. In response to discussion concerning lot additions in the area, Mr. Milholland stated water lines nearest to the subdivision were located by Fox Hunter Road and the City Treatment Plant. Mr. Milholland stated he would be installing eight -inch lines coming into the subdivision with a six loop between lots 6 and 9. Mr. Bunn stated those suggestions were adequate. PERRY FRANKLIN - TRAFFIC DEPARTMENT Mr. Franklin stated the lighting noted on the plat was not adequate and would not meet city requirements for subdivisions. Mr. Franklin noted lighting was required every 300 feet, every intersection, and every cul-de-sac. He stated the lighting on Mr. Milholland's plat appeared to be 1000 feet apart. • • • Plat Review April 22, 1993 Page 3 Mr. Milholland explained the reason spacing was larger was due to the lots being of larger size than usual city subdivision lots. Mr. Franklin noted it was just as dark between large and small lots. Mr. Milholland stated every 300 feet would be every lot line. RANDY ALLEN - STREET DEPARTMENT Mr. Allen had no comment. DON BUNN - ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT Mr. Bunn stated the city would provide sewer service to the subdivision. He asked when the plat would go to the county for review. Mr. Milholland responded the county would review the final plat the first of June. Mr. Bunn asked what the county required on Fox Hunter Road. Mr. Milholland reviewed the County's requirements. He noted that on the Fox Hunter Road side, homeowners will restrict access to lots 3 through 8 and all lots would access on the new street. He stated this allowed them to save trees, which would eventually give better sight distance. Mr. Milholland further explained a six foot asphalt jogging path was in the planning stage to be developed from lot 3 around to lots 28 and 29. He further explained the base would be 8 feet wide. He stated the jogging path would be similar to the one found in Wilson Park. He stated he would prefer the path to be closer to the houses and put the utilities behind that, next to the fence, and allow the utilities to bore under. Mr. Milholland stated the Homeowner's Association would be responsible for maintaining the "island" jogging path and common usage area. He explained one of the path's purpose was crime prevention which would allow the neighbor to police itself. Mr. Calloway stated that, if the path was between the easement and the house the utility company would have to bore underneath it when the installation was made on the house. The utility representatives decided it would be easier to bore from the outside thirty feet from fence. • • • Plat Review April 22, 1993 Page 4 Mr. Bunn requested the proposed jogging trail be noted on the plat. Mr. Milholland stated he would put in the covenants that the utility companies would have the right to bore underneath the jogging path any time, if necessary. Mr. Milholland asked if the city had jurisdiction over the county in this matter. Ms. Little stated the city had jurisdiction over the county in this matter. Ms. Little explained the city had the jurisdiction to required everything except for parks fee. She stated that was not always done in outside city developments, but the city reserves the right and authority to do so when needed. PRELIMINARY PLAT - RIDGEMONT VIEW SUBDIVISION NIBLOCK AND PARTNERS - S OF MISSION BLVD, E OF FOX HUNTER RD. The second item on the agenda was a preliminary plat for Ridgemont View subdivision presented by Mr. Mel Milholland on behalf of Niblock and Partners for property located on the south side of Mission Boulevard, east of Fox Hunter Road. The property is not zoned because it is located outside the city. The property contains 55.64 acres with 28 proposed lots. RICK EVANS - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Mr. Evans asked if service would be requested at the front or rear of the subdivision. Mr. Milholland requested service at the rear. He stated there could be a possibility of service in the front, near lots 9 through 14, in order to preserve an area of 100 to 150 foot of trees. Mr. Milholland explained there could service around lot 9 running along the area of trees. Mr. Milholland stated he would like service to the upper lots in the rear, back by the trees, where the area drops off. Mr. Evans stated there would be no need of crossings if served from the rear. L. O. FERGUSON - WARNER CABLE Mr. Ferguson requested underground service. He stated the same price per foot would apply. He further stated he saw no problems with the easement placement. ay Plat Review • April 22, 1993 Page 5 • • Mr. Milholland stated that, once the decision was made regarding placement of service, he would distribute copies of the plats to the utility representatives. ANDY CALLOWAY - SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE Mr. Calloway requested crossings between lots 1 and 2 over to lot 28, lots 26 and 27 over to 20 and 21, and between 17 and 18 over to 11 and 12. FLOYD CANTRELL - OZARKS ELECTRIC Mr. Cantrell requested a "straightening out" of the existing line noted on the plat. He advised Mr. Milholland if service was going to buried, Ozarks would need crossings. Mr. Milholland stated he would prefer underground service. MICKEY JACKSON - FIRE DEPARTMENT Chief Jackson requested an additional hydrant for lot 1. He suggested moving the hydrants located at the end of the cul-de-sacs northward between lots 25 and 26 and lots 12 and 13. He stated, subject to Mr. Bunn's approval, the hydrant relocations could be accepted with a two-inch waterline. PERRY FRANKLIN - TRAFFIC DEPARTMENT Mr. Franklin stated he had the same concern and comment previously noted on Ridgemont Downs. RANDY ALLEN - STREET DEPARTMENT Mr. Allen passed with no comment. TIM CONKLIN - PLANNING DEPARTMENT Mr. Conklin stated Mr. Jim Johnson requested the need of three street names. Mr. Milholland stated three names had been discussed and they were Malcolm Lane, Ashley Lane, and Heather Cove. Mr. Conklin explained Mr. Johnson might have a problem due to the theft occurrences of street signs named after people. Mr. Conklin maintained the waiver required by the Planning Commission would also apply to this development. • Plat Review April 22, 1993 Page 6 Mr. Milholland asked if the city had jurisdiction over the county in this matter. Ms. Little stated the city had jurisdiction over the county in this matter. She explained the city had the jurisdiction to require everything except for the parks fee. She stated that was not always done in outside city developments, but the city reserves the right and authority to do so when needed. DON BUNN - ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT Mr. Bunn asked if sewer was being considered for this development. He stated it would be difficult to get to the sewer system to the subject. Mr. Milholland stated there were also plans of a jogging path in this subdivision. He noted the side of the road would be used as a shoulder and the path would not extend to the highway. RANDY ALLEN - STREETS DEPARTMENT Mr. Allen asked if sidewalks were planned for this development. • Mr. Milholland expressed hope that jogging paths would take the place of sidewalks for the interior. He stated there would be curb gutters on the inside and shoulders on the outside. Mr. Allen asked if sidewalks would have to be installed if the subdivision should be annexed into the city. Mr. Milholland stated he would prefer to have a jogging path rather than a sidewalk. Mr. Bunn explained the city would not be obligated to put in sidewalks should that situation ever take place. He advised Ms. Little to make the call on sidewalks versus jogging trails. Mr. Milholland stated the objective was to obtain a rural type setting in this area and the jogging path correlated with the setting. FINAL PLAT - MISSION BOULEVARD SUBDIVISION GORDON WILKINS & DANNY VILLINES - S OF MISSION BLVD., W OF CROSSOVER RD. The third item on the agenda was a final plat for Mission Boulevard subdivision presented by Dave Jorgensen on behalf of Gordon Wilkins and Danny Villines for property located south of Mission Boulevard aC • Plat Review April 22, 1993 Page 7 and west of Crossover Road. The property is zoned R-1, Low Density Residential and contains 9.65 acres with 29 proposed lots. JOHN HILL - SWEPCO Mr. Hill stated service would be located underground. He noted service would be tied in with Park Place in the future. He requested a four -inch crossing by lots 22 and 23 along the backside. Mr. Hill stated existing easements could be used around lots 22 and 23. Mr. Jorgensen explained the legal came off the northeast corner northwest corner for Park Place. The surveyor for the development, northeast corner. description of this development for Mission Boulevard and the He stated there was gap present. he maintained, came off from the Mr. Hill asked how that would effect SWEPCO Park Place to the west through the "void". when they tried to feed Mr. Jorgensen stated he thought there was a 12 1/2 foot easement east of Park Place that would cover SWEPCO. • Mr. Hill noted he thought there was only a 20 to 25 foot • easement present. off-site off-site Mr. Jorgensen stated the east side of the development lines up perfectly with the fence line that went up and down the north side direction. RICK EVANS - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Mr. Evans stated he had the same concern undescribed piece of land. He requested the unnamed easternmost street. L. O. FERGUSON - WARNER CABLE trying to get across an a four -inch crossing on Mr. Ferguson also requested a crossing. He stated he had no problem with the easements present. ANDY CALLOWAY - SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE Mr. Calloway requested a four -inch crossing on the east side between lots 22 and 23. Mr. Hill stated a contract was forthcoming containing a "rock clause". He explained that, when Swepco had to dig in Park Place, they had to use dynamite. Plat Review • April 22, 1993 Page 8 • • MICKEY JACKSON - FIRE DEPARTMENT Chief Jackson had no comments at this time. PERRY FRANKLIN - TRAFFIC DEPARTMENT Mr. Franklin noted street lighting was needed at lots 25 and 26. He stated there also needed to be lighting at the corner of the east -west street. Mr. Franklin agreed to lighting being placed at the north-west corner of lot 22. He stated lighting was needed at lots 18 and 19 to the corner of the cul-de-sac. Mr. Jorgensen asked if lighting could be placed at lots 16 and 17 instead Mr. Franklin noted that it could be placed there. CONNIE EDMONDSTON - PARKS DEPARTMENT Ms. Edmondston stated the Parks Board determined they would take money in lieu of land, in the amount of $6,525. RANDY ALLEN - STREETS DEPARTMENT Mr. Allen noted sidewalks were needed around the cul-de-sac and would need to be handicap accessible. Mr. Conklin stated street names were needed. Mr. Jorgensen stated the names would be forthcoming. DON BUNN - ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT Mr. Bunn asked of the status of the construction. Mr. Jorgensen stated the sewer line had been tested and the drainage was being worked on. Mr. Bunn wanted to know how much right-of-way was on the south side. Mr. Jorgensen noted there was a fifty foot right-of-way. Mr. Bunn stated there would need to be a contract with the developer/owner for the unfinished improvements before the final plat could be filed. Plat Review April 22, 1993 Page 9 LARGE SCALE DEVELOPMENT - SANG AVENUE TRICIA HECKATHORN - E OF SANG AVE., S OF DEANE ST. The final item on the agenda was a large scale development for Sang Avenue presented by Harry Gray on behalf of Tricia Heckathorn for property located on the east side of Sang Avenue, south of Deane Street. The property is zoned R-3, High Density Residential consisting of 1.62 acres with proposed 20 two-bedroom units and 18 one -bedroom units. RICK EVANS - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Mr. Evans requested the "green area" on the east of the development and north and south side be a utility easement. L. O. FERGUSON - WARNER CABLE Mr. Ferguson stated he had no problem with the easement placements. DALE CHEATHAM - SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE Mr. Cheatham also requested the "green area" be also a utility easement. He asked when the project was to begin. Mr. Gray responded four to five months. FLOYD CANTRELL - OZARKS ELECTRIC Mr. Cantrell stated the easement placements were fine. He requested the void area on the plat to be occupied by Ozarks Electric. MICKEY JACKSON - FIRE DEPARTMENT Chief Jackson requested a fire hydrant at each entrance, which would require bringing the water line down to Deane Street. Chief Jackson noted, according to the fire department's map, there was no water main present on Sang Avenue. Mr. Bunn stated there was a water line over into Washington Plaza, but he believed that was a private line. Chief Jackson wanted to know if this development was going to be two-story or three-story. Mr. Gray confirmed it would be a two-story development. • • • Plat Review April 22, 1993 Page 10 PERRY FRANKLIN - TRAFFIC DEPARTMENT Mr. Franklin requested signs be present at the entrance ways, due to the high traffic in the area. TIM CONKLIN - PLANNING DEPARTMENT Mr. Conklin noted a sidewalk needed to be shown along Sang Avenue. He advised Mr. Gray the planning office required 1 1/2 spaces per unit. CONNIE EDMONDSTON - PARKS DEPARTMENT Ms. Edmondston advised Mr. Gray green space requirements for land would be .76 acres. She noted money cost would be $6820.00. She stated the park board would take the money for the parks fee requirement. DON BUNN - ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT Mr. Bunn stated a grading plan and a drainage plan would be required. He noted the property is located partially within a flood plain, according to the maps of the engineering department. He asked if the elevation had been established in that area. Mr. Gray stated he wasn't sure if it was part of the detailed study. Mr. Bunn stated Mr. Gray would have to show the flood plain area and establish an elevation in order to set the grades on the building. Mr. Bunn noted he saw no problems with the drainage. He advised the existing crossing needed to be examined to determine if it was sufficient Mr. Bunn stated off -side improvements were needed on Sang and widening of the street to met city standards. Mr. Bunn noted a contract could be discussed for the off -side improvements, since the city had no plans for improvements of Sang Street in the near future. The meeting adjourned at 10:00 a.m.