HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-04-08 MinutesMINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW MEETING A meeting of the Fayetteville Plat Review Committee was held on Thursday, April 8, 1993 at 9:00 a.m. in Room 111 of the City Administration Building, 113 West Mountain Street, Fayetteville, Arkansas. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES: Dale Cheatham, Jack Regal, and L. O. Ferguson CITY REPRESENTATIVES: Don Bunn, Perry Franklin, Tim Conklin, Connie Edmonston, Mickey Jackson, and Sharon Langley OTHERS PRESENT: Leonard Gabbard PRELIMINARY PLAT - CEDARPOINT SUBDIVISION GENERAL DEVELOPMENT CO. - S OF HUNTSVILLE, W OF CURTIS The only item on the agenda was a preliminary plat for Cedarpoint Subdivision presented by Leonard Gabbard on behalf of the General Development Company for property located on the south side of Huntsville Road, west of Curtis Avenue. The property is zoned R-2, Medium Density Residential, contains 12.91 acres with 37 proposed lots. TIM CONKLIN - PLANNING DEPARTMENT Mr. Conklin advised the Planning Department would like some changes made to the plat. He pointed out there was right-of-way to the east (Fairlane Street) which staff wanted to see extended and stubbed out. He noted the street was not currently developed but would be when the property to the east was developed. He stated extension of the street would affect lots 18 and 19. He further advised that Curtis Street did adjoin the backs of lots 29, 30 and 31. He noted staff did not like to have double frontage lots. He suggested eliminating the cul-de-sac and presented them with a different design. He pointed out that would give them 39 lots rather than the 37. He requested they use the money they would have spent on the cul-de-sac and apply it to the extension of Curtis. He noted any additional costs would be borne by the City. Chief Jackson asked if they were proposing opening Curtis Street to Huntsville Road. Mr. Gabbard explained that was shown on the master plan but they only planned on opening it up to the north side of lot 31. He advised there was currently a dirt track from that point to Huntsville. Mr. Conklin requested sidewalks be shown on the plat. He also noted Huntsville Road would be widened in the near future and the City would need an additional 15 feet of right-of-way. • Mr. Gabbard asked if the City would allow a road cut to the water line on the north side of Huntsville. aa- • • • Plat Review April 8, 1993 Page 2 Chief Jackson stated he would recommend it. He explained the city had two different pressure planes which could not be interconnected. He stated they would want the line looped. Mr. Conklin requested there be more street names on the vicinity map. He also noted they would need to contact Jim Johnson, 9-1-1 Systems, regarding street names. He further explained they needed to contact Rick Evans, Arkansas Western Gas, because he had been unable to attend the meeting. CONNIE EDMONSTON - PARKS DEPARTMENT Ms. Edmonston advised the land dedication would be 1.44 acres (figured at .02 acres per unit) and money in lieu of land would be $14,040 (figured at $180.00 per unit). JACK REGAL - SWEPCO Mr. Regal advised there could be some changes to his requests since the plat would be changing. He requested an additional 10 -foot easement at the northeast corner down between lots 34 and 35; a 15 -foot easement between lots 31 and 32; a 15 -foot easement between lots 27 and 28; and a 15 -foot easement along the north side of lot 21. He noted they were showing a proposed grassline drainage swale along the south side of the property and asked how wide it would be. Mr. Gabbard stated it would be 10 to 15 foot wide. He explained there was an existing swale now which they planned to better define. Mr. Regal stated he would like 15 feet of usable space for a utility easement on the north side of the ditch. He advised there was the same situation behind lots 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11. He asked if they would be defining some type of drainage swale along that side. Mr. Gabbard explained it was already fairly well defined. He explained the natural drainage tended to go onto the property to the west. Mr. Regal stated he needed 15 feet of usable space in that area for a utility easement. He explained there was an existing overhead line which ran behind lots 33, 34, 35, 36, and 37. He stated he would make that his beginning point for the underground service. DALE CHEATHAM - SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE Mr. Cheatham stated there were existing facilities along the gravel road. He noted that, if they had to relocate, there would be a charge. He requested the following crossings: 30 to 21; 22 to 16; and 18 to 19 across the stub out of Fairlane. He noted the easements requested by SWEPCO were satisfactory. He further advised it would be helpful to show Curtis Lane north to Huntsville Road. L. O. FERGUSON - WARNER CABLE Mr. Ferguson asked if the units were going to be put in all at once. • • • Plat Review April 8, 1993 Page 3 Mr. Gabbard stated he believed they would be. Mr. Ferguson stated they would provide service but, if they were not going to be constructed together, it would cost the developer 90 cents per foot. He also requested the drainage easements and utility easements be split. He further requested the utility easement be closer to the lot. He noted he would need various crossings. MICKEY JACKSON - FIRE DEPARTMENT Chief Jackson requested the hydrant shown between lots 20 and 21 be moved to the proposed intersection of Curtis and Fairlane (on the north side of the street); move the hydrant at the end of the cul-de-sac out to the north -south street. He asked Mr. Bunn if the north end of the water line could be tied to the 8 -inch line on Huntsville Road. Mr. Bunn stated he believed that would be possible. In response to a question from Mr. Gabbard, he advised the 14 -inch line running across the property had given some problems at some locations and it might, at some future date, be abandoned. Chief Jackson also requested they move a hydrant up to the intersection of Huntsville and the north -south street. Mr. Bunn left the meeting to check on the water lines. He returned and noted they might not be able to abandon the 14 -inch line. He noted he would do further research and talk with Mr. Gabbard. PERRY FRANKLIN - TRAFFIC DEPARTMENT Mr. Franklin requested they place a streetlight to the north of the cul-de-sac since there would be no cul-de-sac. He also requested a streetlight at the northeast corner of lot 31. He noted there were sight distance problems on Huntsville Road and cautioned they be careful with placement of signs and landscaping. DON BUNN - CITY ENGINEER Mr. Bunn advised the city would require improvements to Huntsville Road to city street standards. He noted that, in this instance, they would probably take a contract for the improvement of the length of the subdivision on Huntsville Road (approximately 330 feet). He also noted they would need to file drainage and grading plans. The meeting adjourned at 9:45 a.m.