HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-03-25 Minutes• • • MINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW MEETING A meeting of the Fayetteville Plat Review Committee was held on Thursday, March 25, 1993 at 9:30 a.m. in Room 056 of the City Administration Building, 113 West Mountain Street, Fayetteville, Arkansas UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES: Dale Cheatham, Rick Evans, Jack Regal, and L. O. Ferguson CITY REPRESENTATIVES: Don Bunn, Perry Franklin, Tim Conklin, and Sharon Langley OTHERS PRESENT • Harry Gray and Dave Jorgensen LOT SPLITS #1 AND #2 SYLVIA SWARTZ - W OF RAZORBACK, N OF CARDWELL LANE The first item on the agenda was a two lot splits of property, presented by Harry Gray on behalf of Sylvia Swartz, for property located at the northwest corner of Razorback Road and Cardwell Lane. Mr. Bunn explained this matter had already been before the Planning Commission and he had wanted the utility companies an opportunity to review the easements. RICK EVANS - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Mr. Evans requested a 20 -foot easement to the west of the right-of-way. He explained this was for future use. Mr. Gray stated there were some walnut trees Mrs. Swartz wanted to save but they would work with the gas company. DALE CHEATHAM - SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE Mr. Cheatham advised they had utilities on the east side of Razorback so there would be no problem in serving the property. L. O. FERGUSON - WARNER CABLE Mr. Ferguson stated they also had facilities on the east side of Razorback. He. advised they could serve the property with overhead lines. JACK REGAL - SWEPCO Mr. Regal advised they also had an existing overhead line on the east side of Razorback. He explained the easiest proposal for service for tracts 1 and 2 would be to cross Razorback and set a pole on the property line. He stated they could go underground from that point, if they so desired. He further advised there was the possibility of going along the west property line but there were a number of nice trees which might be destroyed. He further advised there would also be a cost to Mrs. Swartz if they ran the line on the west side. da • Plat Review March 25, 1993 Page 2 Mr. Gray advised he would visit with Mrs. Swartz but believed she would prefer the overhead line. PRELIMINARY PLAT - NORTHWEST ACRES, PHASE V DENNIS SMITH - OFF CARRIAGE WAY, N OF WEDINGTON The last item was a preliminary plat for Northwest Acres, Phase V, presented by Dave Jorgensen on behalf of Dennis Smith, for property located off Carriage Way, north of Wedington. The property consists of 17.67 acres with 73 proposed lots and is zoned R-1.5, Moderate Density Residential. RICK EVANS - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Mr. Evans requested an additional 20 -foot easement between lots 2 and 3 together with a 4 -inch crossing. He also requested an easement along the east side of the subdivision. He suggested getting a 10 -foot off-site easement from the Garrison property together with 10 feet on the subject property. He asked they also get a 10 foot easement from Randall Barnes. DALE CHEATHAM - SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE Mr. Cheatham requested the following crossings: 73 and 72 to 19 and 20; 35 and 36 • to 68 and 69; 57 to 66; 61 to 62; 1 and 61; 1 to 2; and 3 to 4. He requested easements between lots 62 and 63; 72 and 73; 60 and 61; 56 and 57; 66 and 67; 68 and 69. • L. O. FERGUSON - WARNER CABLE Mr. Ferguson requested the same crossings and easements. He recommended the developer contact the cable company regarding installation of service since the property would be developed as duplexes. TIM CONKLIN - PLANNING DEPARTMENT Mr. Conklin advised minimum lot width for R-1.5 was 70 feet and minimum lot area was 7,260 square feet. He advised that lots 19 through 27 and 35 through 43 did not meet the minimum lot area. He further noted that lots 46 through 49, lots 56 through 60, 63 through 66, and 69 through 72 did not meet the lot width minimum. He also pointed out the lot width needed to be indicated at the setback line on lot 54. He asked that the dimensions be corrected. He also verified there was not a problem having the cul-de-sacs on the Garrison property. He informed Mr. Jorgensen that it was normally a 50 foot radius for a cul- de-sac but these were only 40 feet. He noted a waiver would be required since the cul-de-sacs were over 500 feet in length. He asked that Mr. Jorgensen contact Mr. Jim Johnson regarding the street names. Mr. Conklin expressed concern as to the extension of the streets to the south. He pointed out there was a tract of undeveloped land owned by Randall Barnes located between the subject development and Phase III. He explained he did not believe the Plat Review • March 25, 1993 Page 3 • property owned by Mr. Barnes would be developed in the near future. He asked if the developer would purchase right-of-way from Mr. Barnes. Mr. Jorgensen presented a concept plat for the area. He pointed out the streets in the proposed subdivision did line up with those in Phase III. He stated he would anticipate that, when the area between Phase III and Phase V was developed, the streets would be required to connect. Mr. Conklin stated his concern was there would only be one access for Phase V until the Barnes property developed. He asked if Mr. Jorgensen had discussed the concept plat with Mr. Barnes. Mr. Jorgensen stated he did not know if Mr. Barnes had seen the concept plat or not but the concept plat did show the original plans for the entire area. Mr. Bunn stated they had required off-site improvements by a developer before but the city would have to condemn the property and he did not think he could speak to that. Mr. Conklin asked if Mr. Jorgensen could talk to Randall Barnes before the Subdivision Committee meeting. Mr. Jorgensen stated he was sure Mr. Barnes was aware of the concept layout. He further noted the developer would like to see the connection made between Phases III and V. He advised that on other projects they had been required to pave the street up to the limits of the property line. Mr. Bunn stated they needed to view every subdivision with the thought that the adjacent property might not develop. He stated the decision regarding access would have to be made by the Planning Commission. Mr. Conklin also requested a sidewalk on the north side of Lot 44. He pointed out that Carriage Way needed a minimum of 60 feet right-of-way. He stated he believed Carriage Way would become the main artery for the area. PERRY FRANKLIN - TRAFFIC DEPARTMENT Mr. Franklin requested a street light be placed at the corner of lot 55. SHARON LANGLEY - PLANNING DEPARTMENT Ms. Langley advised a park department representative could not be present but had forwarded the following: land for greenspace would be 1.22 acres or money in lieu of land would be $10,980. DON BUNN - CITY ENGINEER • Mr. Bunn advised the paved surface of the radius was 40 feet but the actual diameter was 100 feet. He requested a written assurance in the form of a contract or bond • • • Plat Review March 25, 1993 Page 4 that, should the property to the east not develop in a reasonable time, the cul-de- sac would be put in permanently. He also pointed out there was a 6 -inch sewer line going through the property which. might have to be upgraded to an 8 -inch line. He stated the developer would have to pay his pro rata share for increasing the size of the line to 8 inches down to the pump station. He stated they also wanted to look at what upgrades might be required at the pump station and require the developer to pay his pro rata share of that also. The meeting adjourned at 10:00 a.m.