HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-02-18 Minutes• • • MINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW MEETING A meeting of the Fayetteville Plat Review Committee was held on Thursday, February 18, 1993 in Room 111 of the City Administration Building, 113 West Mountain Street, Fayetteville, Arkansan. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES: CITY REPRESENTATIVES: Dale Cheatham, Rick Evans, John Hill, Jack Regal, and L. O. Ferguson Don Bunn, Alett Little, Perry Franklin, Tim Conklin, Mickey Jackson, Connie Edmonton,. and Sharon Langley OTHERS PRESENT: Tim Sorey, Harry Gray, Steve Clark and Mel Milholland PRELIMINARY PLAT - HORSESHOE ADDITION C & B LAND & CATTLE CO. - SW CORNER OF SYCAMORE & PORTER The first item on the agenda was a preliminary plat for Horseshoe Addition, presented by Harry Gray on behalf of the C & B Land and Cattle Company, for property located at the southwest corner of Sycamore and Porter Road. The property consists of 17.36 acres with 59 proposed lots. The property is zoned R-1 and R-1.5 (rezoning request R93-9). Mr. Gray stated there was a request to rezone this property going before the Planning Commission at the next meeting. He advised the neighbors had originally objected to development of the subject property but the developer had agreed that lots 43 through 59 would be duplex development with every other lot being developed. as single-family homes. TIM CONKLIN - PLANNING DEPARTMENT Mr. Conklin requested a 30 -foot right-of-way easement from Futrell Drive across Lots 19, 20, 42 and 43. Ms. Little advised they had a 30 -foot right-of-way easement on the property to the south and wanted at least the same amount. She noted it would probably never be opened unless the property changed from residential to commercial use. Mr. Conklin stated staff also wanted access provided in Quail Ridge Subdivision. He advised there was an access easement onto Megan Drive. He noted the cul-de-sac did exceed the length set out by code. He asked if the developer was planning on improving Sycamore upon development of the subdivision or if it would be further in the future. Mr. Gray explained he had anticipated the Planning Commission would want two accesses to the property which would mean they would have to improve Sycamore. He stated that, if the City required a connection to Megan Drive, that would be their second access. He further advised that, with the requirements set out by the City, the subdivision lay -out would change. He recommended taking just general comments from the utility company representatives and then bring the plat back )‘0 • • • Plat Review February 18, 1993 Page 2 before Plat Review after the Planning Commission meeting. He advised that neither the residents on Megan Drive nor the owner of the subject property wanted a connection between the two subdivisions but he was quite certain the Planning Commission would require it. JOHN HILL - SWEPCO Mr. Hill stated he believed there was a standing utility easement on the west side of Lifestyles. He stated he would like to have a second point to get into the subdivision with his primary. DALE CHEATHAM - SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE Mr. Cheatham stated he would need a pipe between lots 47 and 48 over to lot 50 and a 15 -foot easement between lots 47 and 48. He further noted he would need a pipe at the end of Arthur Hart Street at the cul-de-sac. Mr. Gray explained they probably would be pulling the cul-de-sac back 50 feet. RICK EVANS - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS CO. Mr. Evans advised that, if the cul-de-sac were pulled back 50 feet, they would have no problems in that area. He requested an easement between lots 2 and 3, with a 4 - inch casing over to lot 32. He also requested a 4 -inch casing from lots 47 and 48 over to lot 50. L. O. FERGUSON - WARNER CABLE Mr. Ferguson requested the same crossings asked for by Mr. Evans. He stated there was a problem in running their line down Porter Road, that it would have to be in the road right-of-way. Mr. Gray advised he would contact Mrs. Hart regarding an easement through her property from Porter Road. PERRY FRANKLIN - TRAFFIC DIVISION Mr. Franklin requested the street light locations be shown on the plat. CONNIE EDMONSTON - PARKS DEPARTMENT Ms. Edmonston stated the land required for parks would be 1.39 acres or, money in lieu would be $12,510.00. She stated this matter would be reviewed at the Parks Board meeting on March 1 at 5:00 p.m. MICKEY JACKSON - FIRE DEPARTMENT Chief Jackson stated he would like to see Sycamore Street extended. He further requested the line at the end of Saddlehorn Avenue be connected with existing 6 - inch. He also informed Mr. Gray there was starting to be a number of short streets • • • Plat Review February 18, 1993 Page 3 with different names that were hard to remember. He pointed out that, since there was already a Houston Street, it would be easier to remember the subdivision if the other streets were named after Texas cities. He also requested the hydrant on Lot 16 be moved eastward to the lot line between lots 14 and 15. Mr. Gray stated he was anticipating a street being at that location and the area would be an intersection. Chief Jackson pointed out the distance between the hydrant at Stable Avenue and Houston Street would be to far from the one on Lot 16. Mr. Gray stated they would do whatever they needed to do to meet code. DON BUNN - CITY ENGINEER Mr. Bunn noted staff would have to look at the frontage road issue. He explained they had been discussing letting Porter Road suffice as a frontage road. LARGE SCALE DEVELOPMENT - RETAIL DEVELOPMENT CEI ENGINEERING - S SIDE OF W 6TH, W OF FARMER'S DR. The next item was a large scale development for a retail establishment presented by CEI Engineering on property located on the south side of West Sixth Street, west of Farmer's Drive. The property contains 26.46 acres and is zoned C-2, Thoroughfare Commercial. DALE CHEATHAM - SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE Mr. Cheatham stated they would need a board in the utility area of the building. JACK REGAL - SWEPCO Mr. Regal stated he needed a 20 -foot utility easement shown along the north side of the retaining wall extending from Finger Road to the east end of the retaining wall. He explained this would give at least one underground, and perhaps two underground, locations. RICK EVANS - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Mr. Evans stated he needed a 15- or 20 -foot easement along the east side of Finger Road and along the south side of 6th Street. L. O. FERGUSON - WARNER CABLE In response to a question from Mr. Ferguson, Mr. Sorey advised he believed they would want cable service. Mr. Ferguson advised he would need 2 -inch PVC from the utility area. 17 • Plat Review February 18, 1993 Page 4 TIM CONKLIN - PLANNING DEPARTMENT After discussion it was determined the property zoned A-1 would be used just for parking and would not need to be rezoned. In response to a question from Mr. Conklin, Mr. Sorey explained there was existing sidewalk along Sixth Street and, wherever there were cuts for entrances, the sidewalks would be replaced. He further noted there would also be sidewalks along the east side of Finger Road. Ms. Little asked if all the property acquisition had been made. Mr. Sorey stated documents had not been signed on all of the property but they were finalizing the contracts. DALE CHEATHAM - SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE Mr. Cheatham advised if they had to relocate service along Finger Road there would be a charge. He further stated he would need 2 -inch pipe from the building out to Finger Road. After discussion, Ms. Little explained the developer had agreed to pave the full • width of improving Finger Road up to the entrance of the retail development. • In response to a question from Ms. Little, Mr. Conklin explained they had exceeded the parking requirement by approximately 50 spaces. CONNIE EDMONSTON - PARKS DEPARTMENT Ms. Edmonston pointed out Finger Park bordered the subject property. She advised they would be happy to work with the developer. Mr. Sorey stated they would be putting in a fence between the park property and the retail development. He further stated that, due to the terrain, he did not have room on the subject tract to plant any trees. He advised he would like to plant some evergreens on the park side to help screen the corner. MICKEY JACKSON - FIRE DEPARTMENT Chief Jackson stated the water line on the east side of the building needed to be extended to the highway. He further advised they would need one additional hydrant within 75 feet sprinkler system. PERRY FRANKLIN - TRAFFIC DEPARTMENT In response to a question from Mr. Franklin, Mr. Sorey explained Mr. Peters with the State Highway Department would dictate the design of the intersection. • Plat Review February 18, 1993 Page 5 DON BUNN - CITY ENGINEER Mr. Bunn advised he would need to review the grading plan and drainage plan. In response to a question from Ms. Little, Mr. Sorey stated they had requested a wetlands determination from the Corps. He further stated they had received a verbal confirmation but had not received a written permit yet. Mr. Bunn reviewed the agreement between the City and the developer: the developer would pave the full width of Finger Road up to the entrance of the project, in lieu of any other improvement on Finger Road. PRELIMINARY PLAT - GEORGIAN PLACE SUBDIVISION TOM BAILEY - NW CORNER OF POPLAR AND LEVERETT The next item was a preliminary plat for Georgian Place Subdivision presented by Sate Clark on behalf of Tom Bailey for property located at the northwest corner of Poplar and Leverett. The property consists of 5 acres with 12 proposed lots and is zoned R-3, High Density Residential. JOHN HILL - SWEPCO • Mr. Hill advised SWEPCO had a 100 -foot easement running along the west side of Leverett, 50 feet of which was on the subject property. He stated he was not sure that the entire tract was served by SWEPCO, that a portion might be served by Ozark Electric. He requested a 20 -foot easement around the perimeter of the property. He also requested at least a 16 -foot easement between 6B and 5A. He stated he would be going from between lA and 1B down to between 3A and 3B. He also requested an easement between 2D and 3A and one between 4B and 5A (Block A) to install street lights. • DALE CHEATHAM - SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE In response to a question from Mr. Cheatham, Mr. Clark advised lots 1, 2, and 3, Block A would be townhouse units and all other lots would contain duplexes with a common wall. Mr. Cheatham stated he would need a 4 -inch crossing from 6B to 3B, an easement on the east side of 6B . Mr. Clark stated he did not want to make the entire setback a utility easement so there would be some protection to the lot owner. Mr. Cheatham stated a 15 -foot easement would be adequate. RICK EVANS - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Mr. Evans stated the easements requested by SWEPCO and Southwestern Bell would be fine. l8 • Plat Review February 18, 1993 Page 6 • • L. O. FERGUSON - WARNER CABLE Mr. Ferguson requested a 20 -foot easement down the middle of Block B and a 20 -foot easement around the perimeter. CONNIE EDMONSTON - PARKS DEPARTMENT Ms. Edmonston advised the land requirement would be .96 acres and money in lieu would be $8,640 based on 48 units. She stated the Parks Board would make the determination at the March 1 meeting. In response to a question from Ms. Little, Mr. Clark explained each duplex unit would be owned by a single owner and those units would be larger than the townhouse units. PERRY FRANKLIN - TRAFFIC DEPARTMENT Mr. Franklin requested that Mr. Clark not name the street Shannon. He explained that any personal names caused problems because people took the street signs. He stated Mr. Clark needed to talk to Jim Johnson, 9-1-1 Systems. In response to a question from Ms. Little, Mr. Franklin stated the Mel -Mar Apartments had been constructed many years ago and on-site parking had not been required. He explained the result was that the tenants used Mel -Mar Street as the parking area. He advised the duplexes facing Mel -Mar would require off-street parking. Ms. Little stated they needed to restrict access for 6A and 4B to Shannon and Leverett, limiting the number of units exiting onto Mel -Mar. Mr. Bailey explained each unit would have a garage, providing one parking space in the garage and one space in the drive. Ms. Little advised staff needed more details on how the units would be placed on the lots. TIM CONKLIN - PLANNING DEPARTMENT Mr. Conklin stated he would have to check the sidewalk requirement on Mel -Mar Drive. PRELIMINARY PLAT - BRECKENRIDGE ESTATES HELEN KIRBY - S SIDE OF STARR , W OF HUNTINGTON The last item was a preliminary plat for Breckenridge Estates presented by Mel Milholland on behalf of Helen Kirby for property located on the south side of Starr Road, west of Huntington Road. The property contains 20 acres with 52 proposed lots. The property is presently outside the City Limits with annexation and R-1, Low Density Residential, zoning being proposed. 17 • • • Plat Review February 18, 1993 Page 7 CONNIE EDMONSTON - PARKS DEPARTMENT Ms. Edmonston advised the land requirement for the green space would be 1.3 acres or money in lieu of land would be $11,700. She stated this matter would be discussed at the March 1st Parks Board meeting. DALE CHEATHAM - SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE Mr. Cheatham asked if the 15 -foot utility easements along the east side of Buckeye and the east side of Canyon Drive could be widened to 25 feet. Mr. Milholland pointed out the uphill side had 40 foot setbacks but the other side only had 25 feet as a setback. He advised he would prefer not using the entire setback as an easement. After discussion, it was determined the lots in the center would have service from the back and the exterior lots would have service from the front. Mr. Milholland stated he would increase the utility easements to 25 feet. Mr. Cheatham stated he would also need some street crossings: one between lots 3 and 4 over to the north side of lot 49. RICK EVANS - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Mr. Evans stated he had a problem serving lots 23 through 31 if they went down the middle of the center lots. It was determined the Gas Company would go down the front of all of the lots and there would be a 20 -foot easement provided. L. O. FERGUSON - WARNER CABLE Mr. Ferguson stated he would also need some crossings at the entrance from lot 52 to lot 1 and from between lots 32 and 49 to lot 50. He stated the cost would be 90 cents per foot for installation. PERRY FRANKLIN - TRAFFIC DEPARTMENT Mr. Franklin pointed out the street lights were not shown on the plat. Mr. Milholland advised they would be no more than 300 feet apart. Mr. Franklin stated there was only one ingress/egress to the property. Mr. Milholland explained it was not practical to put to streets to Starr Drive. He also pointed out the southernmost street would, some day in the future, access the property to the east He noted the land to the east was capable of being developed. TIM CONKLIN - PLANNING DEPARTMENT Mr. Conklin requested the sidewalks be shown on the plat along the exterior lots. • • • Plat Review February 18, 1993 Page 8 DON BUNN - CITY ENGINEER Mr. Bunn advised there were 7 lots that would either need to be on septic or gravity sewer. He further stated there needed to be a grading and drainage plan filed. He explained the subdivision covenants would need to provide for the maintenance of the island at the entrance. He also stated one-half of Starr Drive would have to be improved to city standards. ALETT LITTLE - PLANNING DEPARTMENT Ms. Little stated sidewalks would be required on Starr Drive. Mr. Milholland stated there was a spring and springhouse on lot 50. He stated they would like to have the option of keeping the spring and springhouse. He further stated the homeowner's association would maintain it. The meeting adjourned at 10:45 a.m.