HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-02-04 Minutesi • • MINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW MEETING A meeting of the Fayetteville Plat Review Committee was held on Thursday, February 4, 1993 in Room 111 of the City Administration Building, 113 West Mountain Street, Fayetteville, Arkansas. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES: CITY REPRESENTATIVES: Dale Cheatham, Floyd Cantrell, Terry England, John Hill, and Andy Calloway Alett Little, Randy Allen, Perry Franklin, Tim Conklin, Connie Edmonston, Mickey Jackson, Jim Petty and Sharon Langley OTHERS PRESENT: Dave Jorgensen and Harry Grey LARGE SCALE DEVELOPMENT - COLLEGE STREET STORAGE kEATING ENTERPRISES - W SIDE OF COLLEGE, S OF DRAKE The first item on the agenda was a request for approval of a large scale development for College Street Storage, submitted by Dave Jorgensen on behalf of Keating Enterprises for property located on the west side of College, south of Drake. The property contains 1.9 acres and is zoned C-2, Thoroughfare Commercial. Mr. Jorgensen explained the property owners wanted to put in a storage facility and were tearing out the old buildings. He further stated the structure would be two stories with the lower level would be storage and the upper level would contain an apartment and miscellaneous retail space or an office. Ms. Little stated they had been told earlier the Hong Kong Garden building would not be removed. Mr. Jorgensen stated he had originally believed the building would remain. He advised the owners had not had any architectural drawings yet. He further noted there would be a privacy fence, starting at the rear of the two-story building, go along the property lines to the north, west, south and end by tying back into the building. TIM CONKLIN - PLANNING DEPARTMENT Mr. Conklin advised he had calculated they would need 28 parking spaces but they were only showing 17 spaces. Ms. Little advised the Planning Department had not required the full amount of parking on storage units because it was a use that had inconsistent parking. Mr. Jorgensen stated he had only given parking for the upper level of the 2 -story building. Ms. Little informed Mr. Jorgensen he would need to request a waiver on the parking. She further noted that, due to the drainage problems in this area, the City would be amenable to a parking surface plan. She explained he could possibly pave the perimeter and leave the aisles gravel. 11) Plat Review • February 4, 1993 Page 2 Mr. Conklin advised a sidewalk would be required along the front of the property and it would need to be five feet wide and set in four feet. • Ms. Little stated the Highway Department had expressed concerns regarding parking abutting the right-of-way. TERRY ENGLAND - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Mr. England advise they had a 2 -inch distribution line immediately inside the property line. He requested an easement be shown for that line. JOHN HILL - SWEPCO Mr. Hill stated they might have to install a service pole for service to the northwest building. There was also discussion regarding the type of service that would be required. DALE CHEATHAM - SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE Mr. Cheatham requested 2 -inch conduit from the power pole to the southeast corner. CONNIE EDMONSTON - PARKS DEPARTMENT There was discussion regarding parks fees for the apartment. Ms. Edmonston advised the fee would be $180.00. MICKEY JACKSON - FIRE DEPARTMENT Chief Jackson requested a hydrant at the south entrance off of College. He advised the Inspection Department would need to know there was an apartment in the one building. PERRY FRANKLIN - TRAFFIC DEPARTMENT Mr. Franklin advised that any plantings or signage could not be more than 30 inches in height within 25 feet of the entrance. JIM PETTY - ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT Mr. Petty advised there were drainage problems and they would need to be addressed in the drainage plan. RANDY ALLEN - STREET DEPARTMENT Mr. Allen asked if they would consider directional lighting so it would not extend into the residential area across the street. He asked what type of surfacing they planned for the emergency access. • Mr. Jorgensen stated they had planned on a hard surface. He advised it was not the intent to have a main access at that location but only for emergencies. • • • Plat Review February 4, 1993 Page 3 ALETT LITTLE - PLANNING DEPARTMENT Ms. Little advised they would be checking the screening requirements. She advised that, if the property across the street was zoned residential, they would have to put in a privacy fence. PRELIMINARY PLAT - TIMBERSIDE SUBDIVISION KEN STAHMAN - E OF CROSSOVER, N OF WYMAN The next item was a preliminary plat for Timberside Subdivision presented by Dave Jorgensen on behalf of Ken Stahman for property located on the east side of Crossover Road, north of Wyman Road. The property is zoned R-1, Low Density Residential and contains 15.60 acres with 21 proposed lots. Mr. Jorgensen advised there were three or four main transmission gas lines running through the property. He explained their intent was to parallel the line and cross it once. He noted they were in the process of locating the lines. He pointed out the 60 -foot access easement to the property. TIM CONKLIN - PLANNING DEPARTMENT In response to a question from Mr. Conklin, Mr. Jorgensen advised the property to the west, between the subject property and Crossover Road, was developed in single-family, large lot homes. Mr. Jorgensen stated the legal description showed the access to lot 15 but the survey was showing some discrepancies. He explained the access might not be there. He stated that would not be access for the subdivision. TERRY ENGLAND - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Mr. England stated they could serve the property from the front. He advised the gas line easement was not wide enough and noted they needed 85 feet. Mr. Jorgensen stated he had just found that out but believed they could still use the same concept. He pointed out there was enough depth on the lots that it should not create a problem. DALE CHEATHAM - SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE Mr. Cheatham requested a 4 -inch crossing from lot 2 to 21. FLOYD CANTRELL - OZARK ELECTRIC Mr. Cantrell also requested a crossing from lot 2 to 21. He further requested an outlet easement on the south side of lot 7. Plat Review February 4, 1993 Page 4 CONNIE EDMONSTON - PARKS DEPARTMENT Ms. Edmonston advised the land dedication requirement would be .53 acres or money. in lieu would be $4,725. She stated the Parks Board had voted to take the money in lieu of the land. MICKEY JACKSON - FIRE DEPARTMENT Chief Jackson asked if there were any plans to loop the water line. Mr. Jorgensen stated he did not know where they could loop it. Chief Jackson stated he would yield to Don Bunn's judgement on a loop. He further advised they always had concern regarding a single entrance to a subdivision. Ms. Little advised the cul-de-sac would require a waiver since it was over 300 feet long. PERRY FRANKLIN - TRAFFIC DEPARTMENT Mr. Franklin requested a street light at Crossover Road and the entrance to the subdivision. ALETT LITTLE - PLANNING DEPARTMENT Ms. Little asked if the developer would want an island and sign at the entrance. Mr. Jorgensen stated they probably would. He advised he would make a provision in the covenants for maintenance by the Homeowners Association. JIM PETTY - ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT Mr. Petty noted there would be drainage problems. He advised they might have to look at a grading permit on each lot. RANDY ALLEN -STREET DEPARTMENT Mr. Allen requested they connect the sidewalk by putting it along lot 6. PRELIMINARY PLAT - PINEVALLEY SUBDIVISION JAMES POTTS - OFF POINT WEST, N OF SYCAMORE The last item was a preliminary plat for Pinevalley Subdivision presented by Harry Gray on behalf of the owner, James Potts, and developer, BMP Development, for property located off Point West Street, north of Sycamore. The property is zoned R-2, Medium Density Residential, and contains 26.5 acres with 66 proposed lots. Mr. Gray stated this was a duplex development with three lots (lots 66, 52, and 65) that could be something other than duplexes. He pointed out all three of those lots were over an acre in size and would require a large scale development if they were 1.S • • • Plat Review February 4, 1993 Page 5 ever developed. He advised the property was under one ownership and that BMP would develop the property and then sell the lots. It was determined the owner did not own property all the way over to the highway. TIM CONKLIN - PLANNING DEPARTMENT In response to a question from Mr. Conklin, Mr. Gray explained Hamstring Creek separated Pinecrest Subdivision from Pinevalley Subdivision. He advised it would take a major bridge to connect the two subdivisions. Ms. Little advised there were concerns regarding additional development in the subject area She stated they would be recommending two accesses to the property which meant a connection to the south to Sycamore and improvement of one-half of Sycamore. There was also discussion regarding the Mount Comfort intersection Ms. Little advised at the present time that was the only place the 66 lots could enter or exit. She advised they needed some way to get to the frontage road. Mr. Gray agreed the frontage road was the key to opening up the area. Mr. Conklin asked they indicate on the plat the sidewalks would be setback four feet from the curb. He further advised the cul-de-sac would require a waiver. TERRY ENGLAND - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Mr. England advised he would want service along the street rather than the rear of the lots due to the flood plain. He requested a street crossing at either lot 37 or 38 from the north. He advised there was a high pressure gas line crossing the subdivision. JOHN HILL - SWEPCO Mr. Hill stated that, after scaling the property out, he came up with the quarter line being approximately 100 feet south of the north boundary. Mr. Gray stated they were having to run the legal from Point West Street but they were in the process of surveying the property so it would be verified. Mr. Hill drew out the proposed plans for the service. He advised they would have to stay out of the flood plan and recommended they serve from the front of the lots. He advised he would need the following street crossings: lot 11 to lot 14, lot 28 to lot 33, lot 31 to lot 60, lot 45 to lot 38, lot 37 to lot 23, and lot 22 to lot 2. Mr. Gray asked if they could get by with a 15 or 16 foot easement. Mr. Hill stated they could. Plat Review • February 4, 1993 Page 6 • • DALE CHEATHAM- SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE Mr. Cheatham requested a crossing from lot 3 to 4, from lot 22 to lot 23, from lot 37 to lot 38, and would need to get to lot 13 through lot 12. He stated he did want to serve the lots from the front. He further advised he would need an easement across lot 66. Mr. England stated he also needed an easement across lot 66. CONNIE EDMONSTON - PARKS DEPARTMENT Ms. Edmonston stated that, considering the growth in the subject area, the Parks Board had requested the department look into acquiring land. She advised the land dedication would be 2.5 acres and the money in lieu requirement would be $22,680. She stated they would need to get with Mr. Gray to look at the property. MICKEY JACKSON - FIRE DEPARTMENT Chief Jackson stated he would like to have a hydrant on the southwest corner of lot 42, move the hydrant on lot 38 to the northeast corner of lot 37, and move the hydrant on lot 30 to the southeast corner of lot 14. PERRY FRANKLIN - TRAFFIC DEPARTMENT Mr. Franklin stated the street names needed to be worked out. He further advised he was concerned regarding all of the traffic going out to the intersection at Mount Comfort. There was discussion of construction of a bridge. Ms. Little advised the City would. have to cooperate in the cost of a bridge. RANDY ALLEN -STREET DEPARTMENT Mr. Allen stated he was concerned about the drainage in this subdivision. He requested a copy of the drainage plan. Mr. Gray asked if Mr. Conklin had visited with Mr. Bunn regarding a drainage easement. He pointed out it would be easier to get it on the plat now. Mr. Allen stated they did need to look at acquiring a drainage easement. Mr. Gray also pointed out this was a FEMA designated flood plain and would require extensive study. ALETT LITTLE - PLANNING DEPARTMENT Ms. Little advised she was very concerned regarding access to the subdivision. She expressed her belief they needed to have some way to get south to Sycamore. She stated the City did not have any money at this point for street improvements but Plat Review February 4, 1993 Page 7 they could collect funds from developers for one-half of the improvement to hold in escrow. Chief Jackson agreed this was a large subdivision to have only one entrance. He pointed out the road into the subdivision was not even very accessible. Ms Little advised the Highway Department was looking at Shiloh Road at the present time. She stated she was going to forward these plans to the Highway Department. There was further discussion regarding access from Shiloh Drive. The meeting adjourned at 10:15 a.m.