HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-01-21 Minutes• • • MINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW MEETING A meeting of the Fayetteville Plat Review Committee was held on Thursday, January 21, 1993 in Room 111 of the City Administration Building, 113 West Mountain Street, Fayetteville, Arkansas. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES: CITY REPRESENTATIVES: OTHERS PRESENT: Dale Cheatham, Rick Evans, Floyd Cantrell, Larry Winkler, Jack Regal, and L. O. Ferguson Don Bunn, Randy Allen, Perry Franklin, Tim Conklin, Alett Little, Mickey Jackson, and Sharon Langley Dave Jorgensen, Mark Haguewood, Bill Kaiser, Gary Jackson, Harry Gray, and Mel Milholland PRELIMINARY PLAT - TAYLOR ESTATES PHILLIP TAYLOR - NE OF EAST 26TH CIRCLE The first item on the agenda was a request for approval of a preliminary plat for Taylor Estates, submitted by Dave Jorgensen on behalf of Phillip Taylor for property located northeast of East 26th Circle. The property is zoned R-1, Low Density Residential, contains 11.86 acres with 13 proposed lots. Mr. Bunn explained there had been a preliminary plat on this property approximately 20 years earlier. DALE CHEATHAM - SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE CO. Mr. Cheatham asked the name of the street. Mr. Jorgensen stated it was South College. Mr. Cheatham stated the easements shown were fine. RICK EVANS - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Mr. Evans stated the easements shown were fine. Mr. Bunn stated the SWEPCO representative was not present but Mr. Jorgensen would need to get in touch with the representative and report their comments back to the Planning Department. L. O. FERGUSON - WARNER CABLE Mr. Ferguson stated the, asements appeared to be fine. Plat Review January 1993 Page 2 a% DON OSBORNE - WATER DEPARTMENT In response to a question from Mr. Osborne, Mr. Jorgensen stated he did not know if the water line was in where it needed to be; they were attempting to determine the water location at this time. PERRY FRANKLIN - TRAFFIC DEPARTMENT Mr. Franklin pointed out they would require a waiver on the length of the cul-de- sac. TIM CONKLIN - PLANNING DEPARTMENT Mr. Conklin noted the sidewalks were to be set in four feet from the curb. He also advised the Planning Commission had requested a notation be made on the plat that the park fees were to be paid when the lot was developed. DON BUNN - CITY ENGINEER In response to a question from Mr. Bunn, Mr. Jorgensen advised they were attempting to locate the sewer line. He further noted they were sure the sewer line was existing. He stated the easements shown on the original plat were existing. It was determined the only utilities existing were the water and sewer. Mr. Bunn stated they would need to account for all of the easements shown on the original plat, including the off-site easements. He explained the off-site easements would have to be dedicated specifically in a separate instrument. He asked the size of the water line. Mr. Jorgensen stated he was not sure of the size. He further noted there was an existing fire hydrant and he did not believe the water line went past that point. SHARON LANGLEY - PLANNING DEPARTMENT Ms. Langley advised the Parks Department had established .33 acres for the green space requirement or $2,925.00 for money in lieu of land. She noted the determination would be made at the February 1st Park Board meeting. In response to a question from Mr. Bunn, Mr. Jorgensen stated Lot 8 was a tandem lot with a 50 -foot easement back to it. Mr. Bunn stated a 50 -foot easement had been shown on the original plat with the intent to extend the street through. Mr. Jorgensen stated the owner now wanted a cul-de-sac with a private drive going back to the lot. Ms. Little stated that, if cable would not be provided by the developer, she wanted a notation to that effect on the plat. • Plat Review January $1993 ("2"13 Page 3 • • MICKEY JACKSON - FIRE DEPARTMENT Chief Jackson recommended moving the existing fire hydrant. He explained they needed a hydrant at the end of the cul-de-sac. RANDY ALLEN - STREET DEPARTMENT Mr. Allen requested a copy of the grading plan. FINAL PLAT - CROSSOVER HEIGHTS, PHASE II KEATING ENTERPRISES - E OF CROSSOVER, N OF WHIPPOORWILL LN The next item was a request for approval of a final plat for Crossover Heights, Phase II presented by Dave Jorgensen on behalf of Keating Enterprises for property located east of Crossover and north of Whippoorwill Lane. The property is zoned R- 2, Medium Density Residential, and contains 20 proposed lots. DALE CHEATHAM - SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE CO. Mr. Cheatham asked the name of the street located between lots 4 and 5. Mr. Jorgensen stated they did not have a street name at this time. Mr. Cheatham stated the easements shown were fine. RICK EVANS - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS CO. Mr. Evans stated the easements shown were fine. FLOYD CANTRELL - OZARK ELECTRIC Mr. Cantrell had no comments. L. O. FERGUSON - WARNER CABLE Mr. Ferguson explained that, should the developer want the cable installed prior to the construct of the houses, the developer would have to pay for the installation. DON OSBORN - WATER DEPARTMENT Mr. Osborn had no comments. MICKEY JACKSON - FIRE DEPARTMENT Chief Jackson stated he had no comments. RANDY ALLEN - STREET DEPARTMENT Mr. Allen stated he would like to have the sidewalk extended to the unnamed street. He advised it would have to be ADA accessible. 3 • Plat Review January 3?'5/1993 1-a1-93 Page 4 PERRY FRANKLIN - TRAFFIC DEPARTMENT Mr. Franklin had no comment. TIM CONKLIN - PLANNING DEPARTMENT Mr. Conklin discussed the curve radius on lots 12 and 13. He also requested the sidewalks be set in four feet from the curb. He advised there would need to be a notation regarding the parks fees being due when applying for a building permit. DON BUNN - CITY ENGINEER Mr. Bunn advised they would need a contract with the City for the uncompleted improvements, including street lights, and a copy of the subdivision covenants would need to be filed with the City. He further advised the covenants would need to cover the maintenance of the landscaping in the islands shown on the plat. CONCURRENT PLAT - STEPHENSON ADDITION E. L. STEPHENSON - E OF OLD WIRE, N OF ROM'S ORCHARD RD. The next item was presentation of a concurrent plat for Stephenson Addition presented by Dave Jorgensen on behalf of E. L. Stephenson for property located • outside the City Limits, east of Old Wire Road and north of Rom's Orchard Road. The property contains 14.05 acres with 2 proposed lots. Mr. Jorgensen explained Mr. Stephenson had already exceeded his lot split allowance and wanted to sell one 5 -acre lot. He advised they were filing subdivision covenants that would not allow the 5 -acre tract to be split any further. • DALE CHEATHAM - SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE Mr. Cheatham had no comments. RICK EVANS - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Mr. Evans requested a 20 -foot easements along the road. FLOYD CANTRELL - OZARK ELECTRIC Mr. Cantrell stated he had no comments. L. O. FERGUSON - WARNER CABLE Mr. Ferguson stated they had buried cable along the road. DON OSBORN - WATER DEPARTMENT In response to a question from Mr. Osborn, Mr. Jorgensen explained there would be one single-family residence on the 5 -acre tract. Plat Revie January 14211993 1'2.113 Page 5 MICKEY JACKSON - FIRE DEPARTMENT Chief Jackson had no comments. PERRY FRANKLIN - TRAFFIC DEPARTMENT Mr. Franklin had no comments. TIM CONKLIN - PLANNING DEPARTMENT Mr. Conklin had no comments. DON BUNN - CITY ENGINEER Mr. Bunn stated the City would need a copy of the subdivision covenants. He. advised that, since there would be no public improvements, the developer would not need a contract with the City. LARGE SCALE DEVELOPMENT - UNIVERSITY BAPTIST CHURCH UNIVERSITY BAPTIST CHURCH - 315 W. MAPLE The next item was a request for approval of a large scale development for University Baptist Church presented by Mark Haguewood on behalf of the church. The property is located at 315 W. Maple and is zoned R-3, High Density Residential. Mr. Bunn explained this large scale development involved the relocation of Vandevender Street together with whatever utilities were located in Vandevender Street. Mr. Haguewood explained the utilities now located in the street would be either relocated or abandoned. He advised an easement had been provided as shown on the plat. DALE CHEATHAM - SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE Mr. Cheatham stated he had failed to quote a price to Mr. Haguewood on one section of cable that would have to be moved. He advised he would determine the price and contact Mr. Haguewood. RICK EVANS - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS CO. Mr. Evans stated they had already discussed the relocation of the gas lines and all they needed to know was when to start the relocation. Mr. Bunn advised this property was served by SWEPCO. He asked if Mr. Haguewood had contacted SWEPCO. Mr. Haguewood stated he had talked with Judy Williams and the only easement required was the one shown. Plat Revie • January V/1993 I 'a-1-43 3 Page 6 L. O. FERGUSON - WARNER CABLE Mr. Ferguson stated it was his understanding his boss had spoken with Mr. Haguewood and had given them an estimate of cost for the relocation. DON OSBORN - WATER DEPARTMENT In response to a question from Mr. Osborn, Mr. Haguewood advised they would be eliminating one water main. Mr. Osborn stated he would inform Don Cochran, Water -Sewer Department, and Mr. Cochran might be contacting Mr. Haguewood. He asked if they would be installing a new water meter. Mr. Haguewood stated he was not sure because the engineers had not had time to evaluate it. Mr. Osborn recommended putting in one large meter. He asked if the building would be sprinkled. Mr. Haguewood stated he was not sure. • Mr. Osborn stated that, if they decided to sprinkle the building, they would need to get with the water department regarding information for the taps. He further noted they would also need to contact them regarding the backflow requirements. • MICKEY JACKSON - FIRE DEPARTMENT Chief Jackson noted the gross floor area was 80,452 feet for the new addition. He advised the building would have to be sprinkled. He further advised the code requirement on fire hydrants was that no point of the building was more than 500 feet from the hydrant. RANDY ALLEN - STREET DEPARTMENT Mr. Allen questioned the grade and surfacing of Vandevender Street. Mr. Bunn noted the surfacing would be appropriate for the grade -- that if it was over 10%, it would have to be concrete. Mr. Allen stated they would also be requiring a drainage plan. PERRY FRANKLIN - TRAFFIC DEPARTMENT Mr. Franklin noted he had been approached regarding a crosswalk from the existing parking lot to the church. He pointed out the construction would require new crosswalks. He advised that, if the developer would construct the wheelchair access points, the city would put the markings and signage up. He further advised they needed one or two pedestrian crossings on the south side with wheelchair ramps. He noted the university had done a traffic study in the vicinity of the church He Plat Review • January { 1993 I-a—i 93 Page 7 stated there had been a recommendation for a traffic signal at the intersection of' West and Maple. He requested the curb cut at that intersection be eliminated. • • TIM CONKLIN - PLANNING DEPARTMENT Mr. Conklin requested the sidewalks be set in from the curb four feet, if possible. There was also discussion regarding including the right-of-way in the utility easement but it was determined that would affect the setback for the parking lot. He advised that, at the present time, they were landscaping in order to reduce the setback. Mr. Franklin advised that all landscaping within 25 feet of the driveways needed to be no higher than 30 inches or higher than 10 feet. DON BUNN - CITY ENGINEER Mr. Bunn noted the City would require both a grading and drainage plan. He also requested the completed plans for Vandevender Street upon approval of the large scale. He noted the vacation of existing Vandevender Street was subject to approval of the large scale development. He stated the distance on the jog between the streets would have to be waived as well as the right-of-way requirement. Ms. Little advised that, at the Planning Commission meeting, there would be a public hearing regarding Vandevender. In response to a question from Bill Kaiser, University Baptist Church, Ms. Little recommended rather than using the term "closing" of Vandevender, they use the term "relocation". She further suggested a meeting prior to the Planning Commission meeting. Mr. Bunn further advised that any waivers the church was requesting needed to be done in writing to the Planning Commission. LARGE SCALE DEVELOPMENT - FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH - 20 E. DICKSON The next item was a request for a large scale development for First Baptist Church presented by Mark Haguewood on behalf of the church for property located at 20 East Dickson Street. The building is located in C-2, Thoroughfare Commercial, zoning and the parking for the building is located in both C-2 and 11-0, Residential - Office zoning. DALE CHEATHAM - SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE Mr. Cheatham noted if they needed the service relocated, the telephone company would do it for a fee. RICK EVANS - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS CO. Mr. Evans advised he had a line running through the middle of the new building. He explained they would need an easement to relocate the line and the church would be charged for the relocation. <o • • • Plat Review January Jr4 1993 1-3,4-q3 Page 8 L. O. FERGUSON - WARNER CABLE Mr. Ferguson stated they had an overhead line on the electric pole. DON OSBORN - WATER DEPARTMENT Mr. Osborn advised, if there was to be an increase on the water demand, they would need to review the mechanical plans and see what would be necessary. Mr. Jackson advised he believed they would want to handle the water for the new addition by itself rather than combine it with the existing service. He further advised he did not believe they would sprinkle the building. Mr. Osborn also advised they would need to review the backflow requirements. LARRY WINKLER - SWEPCO Mr. Winkler introduced Jack Regal of SWEPCO. Mr. Regal stated he had not had a chance to review the plans but would like to discuss their plans with them at a later date. MICKEY JACKSON - FIRE DEPARTMENT Chief Jackson advised they would need a 4 -hour wall as the separating wall. He further advised they would need to install a fire hydrant in the front of the new building. RANDY ALLEN -STREET DEPARTMENT Mr. Allen had no comments. PERRY FRANKLIN - TRAFFIC DEPARTMENT Mr. Franklin expressed dissatisfaction with the parking lot. He pointed out certain areas of the parking lot did not meet code. He advised there needed to be 24 feet of separation between parking rows. Mr. Jackson stated they would be able to work out any problems. He stated they could designate the problem area as parking for compact cars only. Mr. Franklin stated that any landscaping within 25 feet of an intersection had to be no higher than 30 inches or higher than 10 feet. He also pointed out there was a notation on the plat regarding improvements by the Dickson Street Improvement District. He advised they would be putting a bigger cabinet on the corner in order to make improvements at the intersection. • Plat Review January 1993 I -;-1-13 Page 9 TIM CONKLIN - PLANNING DEPARTMENT Mr. Conklin advised they would have to request a variance for the parking lot at the south corner. He advised they were required to have 253 parking spaces and they were showing 341. He asked what off-site parking they were referring to. Mr. Jackson stated some of the parking was behind Jerry's Restaurant and also the lot behind the First South Building. Mr. Conklin stated the off-site parking had to be within 300 feet. He further advised the Planning Commission would have to approve the off-site parking. Ms. Little noted they could give a waiver for the 300 feet, if necessary. Mr. Conklin requested the sidewalks be set in four feet from the curb. He noted the sidewalks would have to be 5 feet in width. He further advised the City Horticulturist would be reviewing the landscaping plans in order to ascertain they were landscaping 10% of the property in order to reduce the setback to 25 feet. Mr. Haguewood stated he had discussed the matter with Ms. Erwin, City Horticulturist. • Mr. Regal pointed out SWEPCO did have a power line on the north side of Hyland. He requested they take that into consideration and not plant something that would grow to an extreme height. 0014 BUNN - CITY ENGINEER Mr. Bunn stated he would need a grading plan and drainage plan. Ms. Little asked how they had been coordinating this project with the Dickson Street Improvement District. Mr. Jackson explained the notations on the plat regarding the Improvement District had been provided by the Dickson Street architect. Ms. Little explained the architect's plans had not been approved but she believed they were close to reaching an agreement on an approved plan. She also recommended they tie the landscaping in with the Dickson Street project. FINAL PLAT - SPRING PARK, PHASE II DUANE NELSON - W OF SHILOH, N & S OF JOYCE The next item was a final plat for Spring Park Subdivision, Phase II, presented by Robert Brown on behalf of Duane Nelson for property located west of Shiloh and north and south of Joyce Street. The property consists of 21.04 acres with 6 proposed lots. The property is zoned C-2, Thoroughfare Commercial. • Mr. Bunn pointed out this phase did not include the entire tract but only for lots 1, 2, 3, 5, 9 and 10. 7 Plat Review January Ti 1993 1--1-q3 Page 10 DALE CHEATHAM - SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE Mr. Cheatham advised the easements were fine. RICK EVANS - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Mr. Evans advised the easements shown were fine. He asked when they would start construction. Mr. Brown advised it would probably be the end of the first quarter or beginning of the second quarter of the year. L. O. FERGUSON - WARNER CABLE Mr. Ferguson advised the easements shown were fine. He noted they would not install service at this point in time unless the developer paid for the installation. DON OSBORN - WATER DEPARTMENT Mr. Osborn requested the water meters be in the front of the lots. Mr. Brown pointed out the areas on the plat for water service. Mr. Osborn advised that when they started construction the developer would need to contact the Water Department regarding exact location of meters and the backflow requirements. Don Bunn left the meeting. MICKEY JACKSON - FIRE DEPARTMENT Chief Jackson stated he had no comments. RANDY ALLEN -STREET DEPARTMENT Mr. Allen requested they contact Greg Fields regarding details for trash collection. Mr. Brown stated he believed they would be using a private contractor. LARRY WINKLER - SWEPCO Mr. Winkler advised they would need to contact John Hill at SWEPCO regarding the electric service. Mr. Brown stated a portion of the service would need to be underground but other service would be overhead. PERRY FRANKLIN - TRAFFIC DEPARTMENT Mr. Franklin stated he had no comment. • Plat Review January 1993 1-21-13 Page 11 .2-1 TIM CONKLIN - PLANNING DEPARTMENT Mr. Conklin advised they needed to make a determination as to whether the street would be named Mall Lane or Mall Avenue. He also requested the sidewalks be five feet wide and set back four feet from the curb. Mr. Brown stated he had questions concerning lots 5, 9 and 10, which was a replat of a prior subdivision. He advised there had been no sidewalks nor street lights installed. Ms. Little advised sidewalks were not installed until the lots were developed but. street lights should have been required as a condition of the contract for uncompleted improvements. In response to a question from Mr. Brown, Mr. Franklin advised street lights were to be every 300 feet and at intersections and cul-de-sacs. Mr. Winkler pointed out if they put 30 - 40 foot tall fixtures in the parking area the 18 -foot street lights would not come on. Mr. Brown advised lot 2 would be a restaurant and he knew they would want a well - lit site. • LARGE SCALE DEVELOPMENT - SPRING CREEK CENTRE, PHASE I ROBERT BROWN - W OF SHILOH, N & S OF JOYCE The next item was the presentation of a large scale development for Spring Creek Centre, Phase I, presented by Robert Brown on behalf of Spring Creek Centre for property located west of Shiloh, north and south of Joyce Street. The property consists of 17.077 acres and is zoned C-2, Thoroughfare Commercial. • DALE CHEATHAM - SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE In response to a question from Mr. Cheatham, Mr. Brown advised the larger tenant was National Home Center. He further advised he had completed a conditional use for this tenant. RICK EVANS - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Mr. Evans noted the easements shown were fine. L. O. FERGUSON - WARNER CABLE Mr. Ferguson advised the easements were fine. DON OSBORN - WATER DEPARTMENT Mr. Osborn asked if they would be installing a sprinkler system in the Home Center. Ms. Little advised it was required by code. Plat Review January x; 1993 1 -LI -g3 Page 12 'tel Mr. Osborn discussed location of the meters and the amount of room that would be required. MICKEY JACKSON - FIRE DEPARTMENT Chief Jackson had no comments. RANDY ALLEN -STREET DEPARTMENT Mr. Allen had no comment. PERRY FRANKLIN - TRAFFIC DEPARTMENT Mr. Franklin advised they had a meeting scheduled for later in the day regarding the traffic. He pointed out that, when Joyce extended to the west, they probably would need a traffic signal at Mall Lane and Joyce Boulevard. He requested a 3 -inch PVC be installed now for future development. Mr. Winkler advised some crossings had already been installed by Mr. Nelson. Mr. Brown stated they could sleeve whatever was not paved. TIM CONKLIN - PLANNING DEPARTMENT Mr. Conklin advised the sidewalks would need to be five feet wide and set back from the curb at least four feet. He noted the parking exceeded city requirements. ALETT LITTLE - PLANNING MANAGEMENT DIRECTOR Ms. Little stated the city would be requiring off-site improvements to Shiloh and cooperation in the signalization at the intersection of Joyce and Highway 71. She advised it would also require the vacation of the street right-of-way of Mall Avenue south of Joyce. Mr. Brown stated that would be addressed at the time lot 6 was developed. Ms Little asked if all negotiations had been completed on the 50 -foot water line easement. Mr. Brown stated they had. He pointed out the service drive would be partially on the easement but they could shift the water line in the future, if necessary. Ms. Little asked if they had discussed the 8 -inch sewer crossing with Mr. Bunn. She advised they would need to coordinate those crossings with Mr. Bunn. Mr. Brown advised he would be making a revision but it should not affect any easements. He explained he would be adding 35 - 37 feet to the largest lot since the proposed building would be 120,000 square feet. He noted the parking would still meet city requirements. Plat Review January 1993 1-a 1-93 Page 13 a) FINAL PLAT - PRATT WOODS ADDITION SASSAFRAS HILL ENT. - OFF HOTZ DR., S OF MARKHAM RD. The next item was a request for approval of a final plat for Pratt Woods Addition presented by Harry Gray on behalf of Sassafras Hill Enterprises for property located off Hotz Drive, south of Markham Road. The property consists of 9.9 acres with 4 proposed lots and is zoned R-1, Single -Family Residential. Mr. Gray explained this subdivision would have four single-family lots with a private drive. He pointed out each lot contained approximately 2 1/2 acres. DALE CHEATHAM - SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE Mr. Cheatham advised the easements were fine. RICK EVANS - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS CO. Mr. Evans agreed the easements shown were fine. L. O. FERGUSON - WARNER CABLE Mr. Ferguson asked if 25 feet of the easement was to be used for a utility easement and the other 25 feet used as a driveway. Ms. Little stated it needed to be two access easements. She explained there were two tandem lots and each required a 25 -foot access easement. Mr. Gray explained they were looking at one 16 - 18 foot drive. Ms. Little stated if they wanted to do that, they would need to pave the drive and ask for a waiver. Mr. Ferguson advised the easements were fine but they would charge the developer for installation of the cable. Ms. Little read the definition of a tandem lot which included "...The tandem lot will have access to a public street by way of a private drive with a minimum width of 25 feet of equal and uniform width. The tandem lot owner shall be responsible for maintaining said 25 -foot private drive so that sanitation and emergency vehicles have safe access to the dwelling located on the lot. The tandem lot owner shall have title to or a perpetual private easement in the private drive..." She advised that each tandem lot had its own 25 -foot access easement. Mr. Gray pointed out each tandem lot did have a 25 -foot access easement but there would be only one drive. Ms. Little stated they would allow one drive if it were paved. Mr. Gray stated the plans for the present time was SB2 and 2 or 3 inches of creek gravel. • • Plat Review January T -r 1993 —a- I- 93 Page 14 X1 Mr. Conklin read from the minutes of the meeting which approved the preliminary plat: "Mr. Bunn recommended approval be subject to ... paving of the private road. He advised the City felt very strongly that some sort of hard surface should be required since the drive would probably serve all four lots. Mr. Nickle agreed the hard surface would be much better for emergency vehicle access." Ms. Little stated they had not been required to pave the drive but it needed to be chip and seal, not creek gravel. Mr. Conklin stated the minutes went on to read: "Mr. Allred noted he believed the driveway was to be paved. He stated the matter had not come up at the subdivision committee meeting. Ms. Britton agreed with Mr. Allred and stated that she believed it should be paved with at least SB2." Ms. Little noted SB2 was just gravel. She stated she believed Ms. Britton had mis- spoke. There was discussion as to whether two separate drives were required or two separate easements. Ms. Little stated if only one drive was allowed, they wanted it paved. It was determined it would be discussed at the Subdivision Meeting. Ms. Little pointed out on lot 3 a 20 -foot setback needed to be shown all the way around the lot. DON OSBORN - WATER DEPARTMENT In response to a question from Mr. Osborn, Mr. Gray pointed out where the water line would be and service to each lot. MICKEY JACKSON - FIRE DEPARTMENT Chief Jackson stated he was in favor of a 25 -foot wide paved drive for access for emergency vehicles. RANDY ALLEN - STREET DEPARTMENT Mr. Allen agreed he would like the drive paved. He explained they had numerous problems keeping gravel out of the intersections. JACK REGAL - SWEPCO Mr. Regal advised the easements appeared to be adequate. PERRY FRANKLIN - TRAFFIC DEPARTMENT Mr. Franklin recommended they name the private drive. • Ms. Little stated it should be on the plat that the roadway was a private drive. Mr. Franklin stated he would make the sign and charge $50.00 for the sign. Plat Review January 1993 1 q3 Page 15 7 1 TIM CONKLIN - PLANNING DEPARTMENT Mr. Conklin advised there should be a notation on the plat regarding park fees being paid at the time of development. Mr. Gray asked if there was not a five year time limit regarding payment of parks fees. Ms. Little stated there was a requirement but she did not know the time frame. ALETT LITTLE - PLANNING MANAGEMENT DIRECTOR Ms. Little advised there was a requirement for construction of sidewalks along Hotz Drive and a requirement for installation of a fire hydrant. PRELIMINARY PLAT - PINECREST ADDITION BMP DEVELOPMENT - E OF SALEM RD., N OF TIMBERLINE DR. The next item was a preliminary plat for Pinecrest Addition presented by Harry Gray on behalf of BMP Development for property located east of Salem Road, north of Timberline Drive. The property consists of 38 acres with 134 lots proposed. The property is zoned R-1.5, Moderate Density Residential. DALE CHEATHAM - SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE Mr. Cheatham asked about street names. Mr. Gray stated they would be forth coming. He pointed out this was a phased plat. Mr. Cheatham advised Mr. Gray of the crossings he would need and requested an easement to get between lots 11 and 12. RICK EVANS - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Mr. Evans requested the same crossings as Mr. Cheatham. FLOYD CANTRELL - OZARK ELECTRIC Mr. Cantrell requested an easement between lots 6 and 7 together with the crossings and easements requested by Mr. Cheatham. L. O. FERGUSON - WARNER CABLE Mr. Ferguson advised they would not be installing the cable until the houses were built unless paid for by the developer. He advised Mr. Gray of the crossings he would need and requested an easement between lots 13 and 14 together with the crossings and easements requested by the other utility representatives. /o • Plat Review January-, 1993 f _ .2- 3 Page 16 1l DON OSBORN - WATER DEPARTMENT Mr. Osborn asked if they were sure the entire subdivision with the exception of lots 57 through 63 would be single-family homes. Mr. Gray stated that was fixed. He advised they might end up replatting the east end because there was a lot of flood plain area. He stated they were in the process of getting the topography on that area and establishing the exact location of the flood plain. Mr. Osborn advised they would have to come up with 6 to 8 names for the streets. He also asked if they knew which way the house would sit on the corner lots. He explained that often the houses were water tapped one way and then the house ended up facing the other direction and the meter was behind a privacy fence. He stated he would like to have all of the meters at the front of the property. MICKEY JACKSON - FIRE DEPARTMENT Chief Jackson stated it appeared to him that with the looping of the water line as shown, the lines would have to be 6 -inch. He also recommended having two feeds into the subdivision. • Mr. Gray advised there would be two feeds. • Chief Jackson further noted all water pipe east of "F" Street should be 6 -inch. He also requested a hydrant at the intersection of "B" Street and Salem. RANDY ALLEN -STREET DEPARTMENT Mr. Allen stated they were starting to have problems with the turning radius in cul- de-sacs for the trash trucks. Ms. Little advised the minimum radius on a cul-de-sac was 50 feet. Mr. Allen stated the minimum, at the curb, needed to be at least 50 feet. Mr. Gray stated the ordinance only required 50 feet at the right-of-way. He stated if they desired to make a change he would like all the engineers and developers to have input on the change. Mr. Milholland recommended they go out and measure the radius at cul-de-sacs. Mr. Allen pointed out that, if they did not allow parking on the cul-de-sacs, there would not be as much of a problem. In response to a question from Mr. Allen, Ms. Little explained they could not build in the floodway but, if they built in the flood plain, it would have to be elevated three feet. Plat Revtgya January 1993 Iq3 Page 17 Mr. Allen advised there was a large beaver population along the creek and there would be periodic flooding in that area. Mr. Gray explained they would like to get into the creek and clean it out but they couldn't without going back through FEMA. PERRY FRANKLIN - TRAFFIC DEPARTMENT Mr. Franklin requested a change in the street lights: addition of one on lot 24 on "D" Street; and moving the light at lot 99 to lot 68 and then installing another light between lots 53 and 54. He further advised he had contacted the Highway Department regarding signalization on Wedington. He stated that they were looking at a new design for the intersection at Shiloh and Wedington so they could put in a signal. Ms. Little asked about a signal at Salem and Wedington. Mr. Franklin stated they were studying the intersection. Mr. Gray asked if the Highway Department had given a projection as to when they might begin the project. Mr. Franklin stated he asked for an update. He advised he had informed them there was another 38 acre development in the vicinity. There was also discussion regarding improvement to and extension of Sycamore to Shiloh. There was also discussion of extending Salem Road to the north to Mt. Comfort Road. TIM CONKLIN - PLANNING DEPARTMENT Mr. Conklin requested the sidewalks be set four feet from the curb. Mr. Gray advised they were allowed to construct a rolled curb in Woodfield with the agreement the sidewalks would set back four feet from the curb and the area between would be landscaped. He stated he would be requesting the same for this subdivision in areas where the terrain would allow it. Mr. Conklin advised that, if they did not install cable, there needed to be a notation on the plat. He noted they would need 70 feet of frontage on the duplex lots. He pointed out lots 58 and 62 did not meet those requirements. He also noted Sycamore would have to be improved as an off-site improvement. Mr. Gray pointed out that would be in Phase IV. SHARON LANGLEY - PLANNING DEPARTMENT Ms. Langley advised the Parks Department had requested 3.46 acres or money in lieu of land in the amount of $31,095. She noted the Park Board meeting would be held on February 1. • Plat Review January t 1993 i-oP-/-93 Page 18 a I PRELIMINARY PLAT - DAWN ACRES S & S DEVELOPMENT - S OF SYCAMORE & W OF GREGG The next item was a preliminary plat for Dawn Acres presented by Mel Milholland on behalf of S & S Development for property located south of Sycamore and west of Gregg. The property contains 21.10 acres with 79 proposed lots and is zoned R-3, Maximum Density Residential. Ms. Little advised Jim Johnson, 9-1-1 Systems, had notified the Planning Department that "Moan Drive" would need to be called "Moan Place". She further advised there were already two Samantha Streets so it would need to be changed. Mr. Milholland stated all of the lots would be duplexes except lots 45 (a tandem lot) , Lot 12, and Lots 16 through 22 in Block 1. He advised those lots would be four- plexes. He stated there was a force main that ran along the creek but they had been unsuccessful in locating it. Ms. Little advised that only single family development was permitted on a tandem lot. Mr. Milholland stated he would request a waiver. Ms. Little stated she did not believe he could ask for a waiver from the Planning • Commission; that he would have to go to the City Council. DALE CHEATHAM - SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE Mr. Cheatham requested a crossing between lots 1 and 59 and a crossing between 9 and 10 over to lot 20. In response to a question from Mr. Cheatham, Mr. Milholland explained none of the lots would have access to Sycamore. RICK EVANS - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS CO. Mr. Evans also requested a crossing between lots 1 and 59. He stated he would need an easement between Block 2, lots 10 and 11. He also questioned the location of the easement along lots 16 through 22, Block 1. Mr. Milholland explained that would be raised out of the flood plain. L. O. FERGUSON - WARNER CABLE • Mr. Ferguson advised they would not provide service unless the developer paid for the installation of cable or until the houses were constructed. He further requested crossings. He advised they would not put any equipment inside the floodway; the easement would need to be outside the floodway. I) • Plat Review a' 93 January -, 1993 i - Page 19 al • • MICKEY JACKSON - FIRE DEPARTMENT Chief Jackson stated they needed to move the fire hydrant between lots 30 and 31 to between lots 28 and 29 and install another hydrant between lots 39 and 40. Mr. Milholland asked if he could move the hydrant located at the corner of lot 44 to the end of the cul-de-sac. Chief Jackson stated he could not. RANDY ALLEN -STREET DEPARTMENT Mr. Allen stated he had no comment. PERRY FRANKLIN - TRAFFIC DEPARTMENT Mr. Franklin asked if there would ever be a chance the residents would have another way out of the subdivision. Ms. Little stated the only possibility would be a crossing at Spruce Street. She noted there was a 20 -foot easement. Mr. Franklin expressed concern that there was only one ingress/egress to the property. Mr. Milholland pointed out that, if Tune Concrete ever moved, they would have another point of ingress/egress. There was further discussion regarding providing access. TIM CONKLIN - PLANNING DEPARTMENT Mr. Conklin requested the sidewalks be set in from the curbs four feet. SHARON LANGLEY - PLANNING DEPARTMENT Ms. Langley advised the Park Department had stated the green space fees would be $180.00 per unit or .02 acres per unit. It was determined there were 175 units. FINAL PLAT - KAITLYNN MEADOWS BOB & DONNA TREAT - E OF DOUBLE SPRINGS, S OF DOT TIPTON The last item was a final plat for Kaitlynn Meadows presented by Mel Milholland on behalf of Bob & Donna Treat for property located east of Double Springs Road and south of Dot Tipton Road. The property contains 8.23 acres with 4 proposed lots and is located outside the City Limits. None of the utility company representatives had any comments. \'L Plat Review • January - 1993 I -a1 -q3 Page 20 2-( DON OSBORN - WATER DEPARTMENT Mr. Osborn discussed location of the water taps and the cost involved. The meeting adjourned at 11:50 a.m. After the meeting was adjourned, a SWEPCO representative contacted the Planning Department with the following comments: FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH; A 7.5 -foot easement will be required along the east property line of the church from the south property line to the north property line. UNIVERSITY BAPTIST CHURCH: A 10 -foot easement will be required on the east property line from Lafayette Street to the north a distance of 270 feet. • •