HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-12-30 MinutesMINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW MEETING A meeting of the Fayetteville Plat Review Committee was held on Thursday, December 30, 1991 in Room 111 of the City Administration Building, 113 West Mountain Street, Fayetteville, Arkansas. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES: CITY REPRESENTATIVES: Larry Winkler, David Tucker, Jim Crownover, Terry England Alett Little, Jackson, Patti Langley Don Bunn, Mickey Erwin, and Sharon OTHERS PRESENT: Al Harris, Harry Gray, Aaron Mills, and Tom Hopper FINAL PLAT - PINE HAVEN ADDITION GORDON WILKINS - E OF AZALEA TER., S OF OLD WIRE RD. The first item on the agenda was a request for approval of a final plat for Pine Haven Addition presented by Al Harris, Northwest Engineers, on behalf of Gordon Wilkins for property located east of Azalea Terrace and south of Old Wire Road. The property consists of 1.25 acres with four lots. The property is zoned R-1, Low Density Residential. LARRY WINKLER - SWEPCO Mr. Winkler stated the easements requested appeared to be on the plat. He stated he had no comments. DAVID TUCKER - SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE Mr. Tucker stated the easements appeared to be fine. DON BUNN - CITY ENGINEER Mr. Bunn asked if the water line was completed. Mr. Harris stated it was not. Mr. Gray stated they would enter into a contract with the City for uncompleted improvements. LARGE SCALE DEVELOPMENT - TRESSLAR PARK MALL TRESSLAR DEVELOPMENT - 1370 E. JOYCE The next item to be reviewed was a request for approval of a large scale development for Tresslar Park Mall presented by Aaron Mills on behalf of Tresslar Development Company. The property is located at 1370 E. Joyce and is zoned C-2, Thoroughfare Commercial. • • • Plat Review December 30, 1991 Page 2 Mr. Mills explained the project was to be an center with approximately 53,000 square feet for 40,000 square feet devoted to an anchor store, feet for a restaurant and club. DAVID TUCKER - SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE enclosed shopping specialty stores, and 6,500 square Mr. Tucker questioned an open area in the mall. He was informed it would be a concourse area. He explained they would need a conduit from the east side for an inside terminal for the east side of the building and one from the west side for that section of the building so they would not have to cross the open area. He further stated they would like a 4 -inch conduit from wherever the utility closet was to be out to the north property line from each building. He explained the existing telephone facilities were on the south side of Joyce. Mr. Tucker pointed out the rear utility easement would not be large enough to hold all of the utilities. Mr. Mills explained they would have a 15 -foot off-site easement together with the 15 -foot on-site easement. Mr. Bunn explained the off-site easement would need to be shown on the plat. JIM CROWNOVER - OZARK ELECTRIC In response to a question from Mr. Crownover, Mr. Mills explained the anchor store would have separate service due to its size. Mr. Crownover stated they would need an additional easement to get service to the anchor store but he didn't know the location as of yet. Mr. Mills explained they had provided one large room at the back of the mall for enclosed meters. TERRY ENGLAND - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Mr. England explained the present facilities were on the south side of Joyce Street. He pointed out the area he would need dedicated as a 15 -foot easement. He explained that, if any other utility needed to use the easement, it would have to be widened. Mr. Bunn stated the water line would be in that easement and it would need to be 25 feet. • Plat Review December 30, 1991 Page 3 Mr. England stated they were planning on serving the meters on the roof and would need access to the roof. DON BUNN - CITY ENGINEER Mr. Bunn stated the off-site easement needed to be shown on the plat and all of the easements would need to be dedicated by separate instrument. He further pointed out all of the required easements. ALETT LITTLE - PLANNING DIVISION Ms. Little stated she had comments from Perry Franklin, Traffic Division. He had noted that Joyce Street had been changed to Joyce Boulevard. He had also noted that nothing higher than 30 inches be placed within 25 feet of any of the exits. Ms. Little stated the parking spaces proposed were correct however she noted they had provided excess parking for the first phase. She explained this area did have some drainage problems and, therefore, staff was concerned regarding the amount of pavement which would affect permeability of the site. She requested they • reduce the number of parking spaces they installed for the first phase. • PATTI ERWIN - CITY HORTICULTURIST Ms. Erwin explained the city was in the process of drafting a landscape and tree ordinance which called for one tree every six parking spaces (or 1 tree every 600 feet). She also suggested that, along the street, they plant one tree every 50 feet. She recommended the planting of mixed species of trees. LARGE SCALE DEVELOPMENT - WATSON'S GROCERY & LAUNDROMAT JIM WATSON - 2523 E. HUNTSVILLE RD. The last item to be reviewed by the committee was a large scale development for Watson's Grocery & Laundromat located at 2523 E. Huntsville Road, presented by Tom Hopper on behalf of Jim Watson. The property is zoned C-2, Thoroughfare Commercial, and consists of 8.81 acres. Mr. Hopper explained they were proposing a 27,000 square foot grocery, a laundromat, and some rental space. He stated the property was adjacent to, but not in, the 100 year flood plain. He further explained he was proposing to coordinate the entrance with stop lights the city was planning to install at the intersection of Highways 265 and 16. He further stated they were proposing a turn lane which would help the traffic congestion at that location. He pointed out that to the east of the intersection, across the creek, • Plat Review December 30, 1991 Page 4 they proposed a 30 -foot drive to provide a second access into the site and also to provide access to some future site on the east side of the creek. He also pointed out the existing 36 -inch forced main behind the subject property running along the rear side of the property. He stated the forced main had a 50 -foot easement. He stated the sewer line was to the south of the main. He further stated there was an 8 -inch water line on the north side of the highway. Mr. Hopper explained he would prepare dedication instruments for whatever easements that were requested by the utility companies. DAVID TUCKER - SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE Mr. Tucker stated there was an existing easement across the front of the subject property, part of which had underground conduit from the driveway to across the creek. He further stated they had an easement where the driveway was being proposed. He noted the owner would have to reimburse the telephone company in the amount of $253.54 for removing the cable from that easement. He pointed out the manhole would be the point of their primary service and they would need conduit from the building out to one side or the other of the driveway. He recommended they bring the conduit from the east side of the grocery store so it could serve the grocery, the laundry and any future development and take it to the east side of the driveway. JIM CROWNOVER - OZARK ELECTRIC Mr. Crownover explained that it would be best to provide overhead service. He stated he had not had an opportunity to review the site but there was the possibility they would come from the back side to provide the service. He explained that if they were not able to come in from the back side, he would need an easement down one of the sides from the street. He stated he would contact Mr. Hopper after reviewing the site. He asked if the City would allow other utilities within the forced main easement. Mr. Hopper stated he did not believe there was a problem with the overhead service. Mr. Bunn stated there should not be a problem in allowing other utilities within the easement. TERRY ENGLAND - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Mr. England stated they had existing facilities along Highway 16. He explained they would need to know what the loads were to be and where the mechanical room would be located before knowing what easements they would need. He also explained that in the future • • • Plat Review December 30, 1991 Page 5 leased space they would like to set the meter in a position where they could use the same manifold to pick up service and separately meter the site. MICKEY JACKSON - FIRE DEPARTMENT Mr. Jackson verified that the site would be sprinkled. DON BUNN - CITY ENGINEER Mr. Bunn explained Mr. Hopper would need to submit a grading plan. He questioned the method of fill on the east side of the creek. Mr. Hopper explained they planned to level the grocery store site and use the topsoil for fill. Mr. Bunn explained that he would need to know how they were going to finish it off once the fill was in. He further stated they would need a 25 -foot easement for the water line. He also explained that, once the locations for the easements were determined, they would need to be dedicated by separate instrument. Mr. Bunn also stated he would talk to Mr. Hopper later regarding a proposed retaining wall. ALETT LITTLE - PLANNING DIRECTOR Ms. Little presented the following comments from Perry Franklin, Traffic Division: Mr. Franklin has requested a meeting with Mr. Hopper regarding the installation of the traffic signal; and, no structures higher than 30 inches within 25 feet of the entrance. Ms. Little requested the number of parking spaces be noted on the plat. She informed Mr. Hopper that a laundry required 1 space per 100 square feet while the retail space required 1 space per 200 square feet. She also noted that they needed to plan 1 space per 200 square feet for the future leased space. In response to a question from Ms. Little, Mr. Hopper stated they had no plans for the future leased space at this time. Ms. Little pointed out there was R-1 zoning to the northwest and west plus adjoining A-1 zoning. She explained the surrounding zoning required the owner to provide a buffer - either fencing or a vegetative screen - to the northwest. She suggested vegetative plantings. Ms. Erwin suggested low growing shrubs and taller trees. • Ms. Little pointed out there was also a requirement that any parking areas be setback 25 feet from any residential area. • • • Plat Review December 30, 1991 Page 6 PATTI ERWIN - CITY HORTICULTURIST Ms. Erwin explained the city was working on a proposed tree and landscape ordinance. She stated they would like to see some tree plantings in the parking lot. Mr. Hopper stated they had planned on landscaping the sides. Ms. Erwin explained plantings within the parking area would offset the heat absorbed in the parking lot. Ms. Little pointed out this a request, not a requirement. DAVID TUCKER - SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE Mr. Tucker stated there was a fiber optic cable owned by AT&T running down the east side of the subject property. The meeting was adjourned at 11:10 a.m.