HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-11-21 Minutes• • • MINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW MEETING A meeting of the Fayetteville Plat Review Committee was held on Thursday, November 21, 1991 in Room 326 of the City Administration Building, 113 West Mountain Street, Fayetteville, Arkansas. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES: CITY REPRESENTATIVES: OTHERS PRESENT: Rick Evans, Larry Winkler, David Tucker, and L. O. Ferguson Don Bunn, Alett Little, Becky Bryant, Mickey Jackson, Perry Franklin and Sharon Langley Dave Jorgensen and Glenn Sowder LARGE SCALE DEVELOPMENT - ADAMS STREET TOWNHOMES GLENN SOWDER - S OF ADAMS, W OF GREGG The first item on the agenda was a request for approval of a large scale development for Adams Street Townhomes located south of Adams Street and west of Gregg Street. The subject property is zoned R-2, Medium Density Residential. Mr. Dave Jorgensen appeared to represent the owner, Glenn Sowder. Mr. Jorgensen explained the project had originally been named the Oak Tree Townhouses but Jim Johnson had recommended changing the name to avoid confusion with other apartments and townhouses. He stated the development would contain 7 single family units. He further stated the owner wanted to connect the three existing houses. Mr. Sowder explained the existing houses would be completely renovated. He stated he planned to remove the back porch and put the livingroom to the west which would make the houses face the driveways rather than Gregg Street with garages in between each house. He explained the City would be widening Gregg to four lanes which would make the street approximately 2 1/2 feet from the front porch. Ms. Bryant stated it sounded like an attractive design and a good way of dealing with the Gregg Street extension. She explained that, if the existing houses were connected, they would probably have to be sold together rather than individually. LARRY WINKLER - SWEPCO Mr. Winkler explained that, should the three existing homes be connected, SWEPCO would need to rework the electrical services and have only one entry point. He further explained the same was true for the seven new units -- there would be one point of entry and then the service could branch out from the entry. He asked if f • • SWEPCO could run an overhead line in the 15 foot utility easement at the rear of the property. Mr. Sowder stated he would prefer to have the line underground. Mr. Winkler explained that, if the line was underground, it would have to come in at the front corner of the building. He stated they would work with Mr. Sowder on location after the final plans were made He stated they would also need to discuss lighting for the parking lot after the plans were finalized. DAVID TUCKER - SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE Mr. Tucker agreed that, if the three houses on Gregg Street were connected, they would have to rewire the phone lines with a single entry point. He further stated they would also need one entry point for the new units. He explained that, if the power lines were to buried at the back of the property, they did not want to be buried with the power lines. Mr. Sowder stated Kirby Estes was drawing the plans and he would be sure that Mr. Estes contacted the utility companies. Mr. Tucker explained their lines would need to come in off of Adams Street. He further explained the three existing houses would continue to be served off of Gregg Street. In response to a question from Mr. Sowder, Mr. Bunn stated they did not have a specific date as to when the Gregg Street project would begin. RICK EVANS - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS CO. Mr. Evans stated there was no problem with the existing houses. He explained that they also had a line running down Adams Street which would serve the new units. Mr. Bunn reminded him they needed to stay 10 feet away from the sewer lines. L. O. FERGUSON - WARNER CABLE Mr. Ferguson explained they had service on both Adams and Gregg Streets. He stated he would prefer the service came in at the same location as the electric and telephone companies. He explained they, would pre -wire the new units at the cost of the owner. MICKEY JACKSON - FIRE DEPARTMENT Mr. Jackson explained that, should they connect the existing houses, there were Fire Code regulations they would have to meet. • • • Plat Review November 21, 1991 Page 3 PERRY FRANKLIN - TRAFFIC DIVISION Mr. Franklin stated he had not received any information from the Solid Waste Division but he questioned the location of the dumpster. The Committee discussed the location and concurred it would need to be screened and perhaps moved. Mr. Sowder agreed he would discuss the matter with the supervisor of the Solid Waste Division. BECKY BRYANT - PLANNING DIVISION In response to a question from Ms. Bryant, Mr. Jorgensen stated they had provided space for 15 parking spaces plus one handicap space for the new units. He further stated there was a total of 20 parking spaces when the existing parking was included. DON BUNN - CITY ENGINEER Mr. Bunn stated the easements would need to be dedicated by separate instrument. He also pointed out a drainage easement would need to be included on the south side. He further stated the sidewalk would need to be redone on Gregg Street. Mr. Sowder objected to the reconstruction of the sidewalk. He stated the city would tear it out when Gregg Street was widened. Mr. Bunn stated they did not yet have a projection date for the widening of Gregg Street. He suggested Mr. Sowder present his request to the Planning Commission. Ms. Little agreed with Mr. Bunn that the sidewalk needed to be reconstructed. LARGE SCALE DEVELOPMENT - STOCKLAND DAY CARE FACILITY STOCKLAND, STOCKLAND & ARMSTRONG - S OF HAROLD, W OF SHERYL The next item considered by the Plat Review Committee was a request for approval of a large scale development for Stockland Day Care Facility to be located south of Harold and west of Sheryl Streets. The property is zoned R -O, Residential -Office. Mr. Dave Jorgensen appeared before the Committee representing Stockland, Stockland and Armstrong. Mr. Jorgensen explained there was a private 25 -foot drive leading back to the property off of Harold Street. Poo • • • Plat Review November 21, 1991 Page 4 DAVID TUCKER - SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE Mr. Tucker explained the telephone facilities were on the west side of the fence behind K -Mart. He stated he would need a 2 -inch conduit from the mechanical room. RICK EVANS - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Mr. Evans stated he preferred the service to come off of the Rolling Hills Addition rather than from behind K -Mart. L. O. FERGUSON - WARNER CABLE Mr. Ferguson stated they had service from both sides. He stated he also would prefer coming in from the Rolling Hills area. MICKEY JACKSON - FIRE DEPARTMENT Mr. Jackson suggested the installation of a sprinkler system. He explained that the developer should also check with his insurer on the reduced rates of insurance with a sprinkler system installed. In response to a question from Mr. Jackson, Mr. Jorgensen stated there was a fire hydrant 230 feet from the property. There was also another fire hydrant behind K -Mart but it was behind the fence. PERRY FRANKLIN - TRAFFIC DIVISION Mr. Franklin stated he had no comments. DON BUNN - CITY ENGINEER Mr. Bunn asked about the location of the dumpster. Mr. Jorgensen stated it had not been determined yet but he would check with Greg Field. BECKY BRYANT - PLANNING DIVISION There was discussion regarding the location of the privacy fence. It was agreed the fence should be on the property line. In response to a question from Ms. Bryant, Mr. Jorgensen stated the approximately height of the building would be under 20 feet. Mr. Bunn explained that a sidewalk was required but improvement of Harold Street was scheduled. He suggested a Bill of Assurance for the sidewalk or money in lieu of construction of the sidewalk. • • • Plat Review November 21, 1991 Page 5 Ms. Bryant pointed out they had much more parking than they needed for a child care facility. Ms. Little pointed out the extra parking could have been for assemblies and parents' meetings. Ms. Bryant requested they review the parking and possibly reduce it in order to have more permeability on site. She also encouraged landscaping. In response to a questions regarding ingress and egress, Mr. Jorgensen stated they would be opening a road to the south. Mr. Bunn stated the easements would have to be dedicated as separate instruments. He further stated he was concerned about the drainage and wanted to see a drainage plan. CONCEPT PLAT - FOSTER/BROPHY SUBDIVISION MARK FOSTER/RALPH BROPHY - N OF RIDGELY DR., W OF CROSSOVER The next item to come before the Plat Review Committee was a concept plat for Foster/Brophy Subdivision located north of Ridgely Drive and west of Crossover Road presented by Dave Jorgensen, representing Mark Foster and Ralph Brophy. The property is zoned R-1, consists of 14.20 acres and has 26 proposed lots. Mr. Jorgensen explained he had filed the concept plat so everyone would be able to understand how Phase I of the subdivision related to the subdivision as a whole. He pointed out the subdivision was directly south of Park Place and just east of Shadow Ridge. LARRY WINKLER - SWEPCO Mr. Winkler expressed his appreciation for the concept plat. He explained that he would need some off-site easements. He pointed out the existing power line to the east side of the subject property. He explained he would like to continue the line down the east side of the subject property to service Phase I. He stated he would need a 20 or 25 -foot off-site easement on Phase III and an off-site easement on Phase VI of Park Place. He explained the easement would extend south to Ridgely Drive. He further pointed out there was an existing line around the east, south and west perimeter of the subject tract. He stated he might need an easement to the south. DAVID TUCKER - SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE Mr. Tucker stated they had an existing cable that came down the west side of Phases II and III, sized just to serve the lots along the west side. He explained he would need to get a facility in to 1' • Plat Review November 21, 1991 Page 6 • • serve all of the rest of these lots. He stated he would need an off-site easement coming across Park Place on the east side so he could serve the northeast corner of Phase I. RICK EVANS - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Mr. Evans stated he had no problems with the plat. He explained service would come from the south side of the property. L. 0. FERGUSON - WARNER CABLE Mr. Ferguson stated the easements asked for would be adequate. He explained that the cable company would no longer be putting cable in until homes were built. He further explained they could work with the developer to lay the cable at 90 cents a foot if the developer so desired. MICKEY JACKSON - FIRE DEPARTMENT Mr. Jackson stated he was not in favor of the cul-de-sac in Phase III. After discussion it was agreed by the plat review committee that there should be a dedicated right-of-way easement between lots 1 and 24 for a future tie-in with the Rob Lewis property. BECKY BRYANT - PLANNING DIVISION Ms. Bryant stated the City had been looking closely at traffic circulation and she strongly recommended a right-of-way easement between lots 1 and 24. She also stated that, during the Vision Project, one of the recommendations was to start minimizing lighting pollution. She explained there was low sodium lighting that was more energy efficient and less light polluting. Mr. Winkler stated SWEPCO was using the high pressure sodium lighting. He explained he believed they were using the best available technology. Mr. Franklin explained they had been reviewing information on new lighting systems. He stated the City of Fayetteville was doing better that most cities as far as controlling lighting pollution. He further explained that the bulbs for low pressure sodium lighting were made outside the United States and had materials in them that had to be disposed of in hazardous waste dumps. Plat Review November 21, 1991 Page 7 PRELIMINARY PLAT - FOSTER/BROPHY SUBDIVISION, PHASE I MARK FOSTER/RALPH BROPHY - N OF RIDGLEY DR., W OF CROSSOVER The next item was presentation of a preliminary plat for the Foster/Brophy Subdivision, Phase I, for property located north of Ridgely Drive and West of Crossover. The property is zoned R-1 and Phase I will consist of 26 lots. Dave Jorgensen represented the owners, Mark Foster and Ralph Brophy. LARRY WINKLER - SWEPCO Mr. Winkler stated he had already addressed the off-site easements required. He stated he would also need an easement on the west side of lot 14 in order to serve lot 15. He stated there was an existing power pole at the main entrance that probably would have to be moved. He stated the subdivision would be served underground with the exception of lots 1, 2, 23, 24, 25, and 26. He explained there would be underground service but from an overhead line. He pointed out he would need 10 -foot easements to get to the street lights. DAVID TUCKER - SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE Mr. Tucker stated he would also need an easement on the west side of lot 14. He stated he would also need a 2 -inch conduit across the street from lots 4 and 5 to the easement between lots 18 and 19. Mr. Winkler stated he also needed a crossing there and at the very top of the project also. Mr. Tucker stated he also would need one between lots 13 and 14. He also pointed out there would probably be a charge to relocate the facilities at the entrance. He requested a drawing whenever the street was going to be extended. RICK EVANS - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Mr. Evans also requested an easement on the west side of lot 14. He stated he would need a 4 -inch casing at the top of the street. L. O. FERGUSON - WARNER CABLE Mr. Ferguson stated the easements requested were adequate. MICKEY JACKSON - FIRE DEPARTMENT Mr. Jackson requested that the fire hydrant located between lots 24 nd 25 be moved to the corner. I62 • • • Plat Review November 21, 1991 Page 8 BECKY BRYANT - PLANNING DIVISION Ms. Bryant explained Mr. Franklin had left the meeting. She stated his only concern was the intersection. Mr. Jorgensen explained he would need to do a special, detailed layout for the intersection. Ms. Bryant requested he do a concept design of the intersection on the plat. DON BUNN - CITY ENGINEER Mr. Bunn stated they would need to look closely regarding the water service and the drainage plan. He further stated the sewer looked adequate. He asked how long before Phases II and III would be completed. Mr. Jorgensen explained they hoped to complete the other two phases in the near future. He further stated for surfacing he had planned temporary SB2. Mr. Bunn stated he would like chip and seal on the slopes. He further agreed with Mr. Franklin regarding the intersection at Ridgely Drive. He suggested moving the intersection further to the west. ALETT LITTLE - PLANNING DEPARTMENT Ms. Little stated she would like to see the sidewalks setback so there was a four -foot grass median next to the curb. She explained that would make the development much more attractive. FINAL PLAT - REPLAT OF LOT 30, ROYAL OAKS SUBDIVISION E. J. BALL - E OF N. KANTZ LN, OFF KANTZ COVE The final item for review by the Plat Review Committee was a final plat for the Replat of Lot 30 of Royal Oaks Subdivision located east of North Kantz Lane, off of Kantz Cove. The property is zoned R-1, Low Density Residential with 4 lots. Mr. Dave Jorgensen represented the owner, E. J. Ball. Mr. Jorgensen explained the sewer line had not been completed as yet but everything else was complete. LARRY WINKLER - SWEPCO Mr. Winkler stated the easements were fine but they did not have all of the facilities in for service. 103 • • • Plat Review November 21, 1991 Page 9 DAVID TUCKER - SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE Mr. Tucker stated the easements were find. He further stated he would need to set a pedestal on each side of Kantz Drive. RICK EVANS - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Mr. Evans stated he had a line on the west side from which to provide service. L. O. FERGUSON - WARNER CABLE Mr. Ferguson stated they had service in the existing easement. MICKEY JACKSON - FIRE DEPARTMENT Mr. Jackson stated he had no comments. BECKY BRYANT - PLANNING DIVISION Ms. Bryant questioned if the sidewalks were already in. Mr. Jorgensen stated they were. DON BUNN - CITY ENGINEER Mr. Bunn stated they would need to sign a contract for the sewer line and would place a lien on one of the lots. The meeting adjourned at 10:30 a.m.