HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-10-24 Minutes• MINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW MEETING A meeting of the Fayetteville Plat Review Committee was held on Thursday, October 24, 1991 in Room 111 of the City Administration Building, 113 West Mountain Street, Fayetteville, Arkansas. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES: Rick Evans, Larry Winkler, David Tucker, Jim Crownover, Floyd Cantrell, and L. O. Ferguson CITY REPRESENTATIVES: Don Bunn, Becky Bryant, Mickey Jackson, Perry Franklin, and Sharon Langley OTHERS PRESENT: Kim Fugitt, Glen Woodruff, Harry Gray, Al Harris PRELIMINARY PLAT - McDONNELL ESTATES JOHN McDONNELL- N OF HWY 45, OUTSIDE CITY LIMITS The first item on the agenda was a request for approval of a preliminary plat for McDonnell Estates, requested by Kim Fugitt on behalf of John McDonnell for property located north of Highway 45, outside of the city limits. DON BUNN - CITY ENGINEER Mr. Bunn stated this area was outside of the Fayetteville Growth Area. The city had no jurisdiction over the subdivision. LARGE SCALE DEVELOPMENT - McILROY BANK GLEN WOODRUFF - SE CORNER OF STEARNS & JOYCE The next item to be reviewed by the committee was a request for a large scale development for Mcllroy Bank to be located at the southeast corner of Stearns and Joyce. Mr. Glen Woodruff appeared representing Mcllroy Bank. The property contains approximately 1.26 acres and is zoned C-2. Mr. Woodruff reviewed the plat and stated the bank would like to have the flexibility of landscaping an maintaining the land in front of the bank which was owned by the city. PERRY FRANKLIN - TRAFFIC DIVISION Mr. Franklin stated the city was trying to rename the street Joyce Boulevard to avoid confusion with Stearns Street. He stated it would not affect this project. • Mr. Franklin explained his only concern with this project was that the automatic teller machine was only four or five car lengths from • • • Plat Review October 24, 1991 Page 2 Joyce Street. He stated that could cause a potential backing up of cars on Joyce Street. He suggested moving the machine further back. Mr. Woodruff explained they were providing two ATM machines. Mr. Fugitt explained that, for security purposes, they had planned the machine close to the street where it could be easily viewed. RICK EVANS - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Mr. Evans stated there were gas lines on Stearns Street and they would run a service line from that site. He further stated he would need to know the location of the meter. L. O. FERGUSON - WARNER CABLE Mr. Ferguson stated that, if they wanted cable, it would come in from the north side. LARRY WINKLER - SWEPCO Mr. Winkler stated he would need to know the voltage they required. He explained there was an overhead line on the north side of Stearns. He stated no additional easements would be required. MICKEY JACKSON - FIRE DEPARTMENT Mr. Jackson suggested they check with their insurer to see if there would be any financial advantage to sprinkling the building. He stated there was no sprinkling requirement but he would recommend it. BECKY BRYANT - PLANNING DIVISION Ms. Bryant requested that the vicinity map, the legal description and the legend be placed on the plat. In response to a question from Ms. Bryant, Mr. Woodruff explained they would have a completed grading plan by the end of the week. Ms. Bryant also requested the zoning classification be placed on the plat. She pointed out a sidewalk was required on Joyce Street. She informed Mr. Woodruff the required distance from an intersection to a curb cut was sixty feet with thirty feet required between curb cuts. • • • Plat Review October 24, 1991 Page 3 DON BUNN - CITY ENGINEER Mr. Bunn asked about existing sewer and water easements, requesting they be shown on the plat. DAVID TUCKER - SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE Mr. Tucker stated he had service on the south side of Joyce but nothing on Stearns. He pointed out the area he would need an easement and explained he could need a conduit stubbed. He explained that normally ATMs were heavy users of telephone lines -- from 5 to 12 lines. He stated he would need to know how many lines they needed. He further explained he needed to know if they wanted a private line to the vault. PRELIMINARY PLAT - SEQUOYAH MEADOWS SUBDIVISION C. W. COMBS - S OF HUNTSVILLE, W OF ED EDWARDS RD. The next item to be reviewed was a request for approval of a preliminary plat for Sequoyah Meadows Subdivision, located south of Huntsville and west of Ed Edwards Drive. Mr. Harry Gray appeared representing C. W. Combs. The property consists of 47 acres with 99 lots proposed, and is zoned R-1. Mr. Gray explained they were proposing a phased development with the first phase covering approximately nine acres south of Highway 16, phase two would be on the west side of the drainage channel, and phase three would be the east side of the drainage channel. He further explained the lot size would be 80 by 125. RICK EVANS - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Mr. Evans pointed out areas where he would need more easements. Mr. Gray made notation of the requests. JIM CROWNOVER - OZARK ELECTRIC Mr. Crownover also pointed out areas where he would need easements. He explained there would be other side lot easements that he would request later. He suggested doing an electrical layout and they could work together in the placement of the street lights. L. O. FERGUSON - WARNER CABLE Mr. Ferguson explained Warner Cable no longer would put cable in a ditch until the houses were built. He stated the owner could pay for the cable and trenching if they wanted the cable in at the price of ninety cents per foot. 1S' • • Plat Review October 24, 1991 Page 4 DON BUNN - CITY ENGINEER In response to a question from Mr. Bunn, Mr. Gray explained they would be starting the first phase this year and the other phases would be determined by sales and the market. Mr. ,Bunn explained that all of the easements asked for would need to be shown on the final plat of Phase I. He further explained the plat was showing a six-inch line into the four -inch for the water line. He stated he would like them to use eight -inch instead of the six-inch. He also pointed out they would need to request a waiver from the Planning Commission on the length of the cul-de-sac since it appeared it was over 500 feet. Mr. Bunn stated they would ask for a Bill of Assurance on improvements to Ed Edwards Road on the part that was adjacent to the subdivision. He explained that the zoning ordinance indicates that tandem lot approval should only be for areas where it is not practicable to subdivide because the terrain does not lend itself to a subdivision. He also requested a preliminary grading plan for Phase I. BECKY BRYANT - PLANNING DIVISION Ms. Bryant agreed with Mr. Bunn regarding tandem lots. She explained they could only have tandem lots if there was a particular terrain problem. She stated she liked the design of the project. She suggested an access easement to the south for future development. She also suggested setting the sidewalks back to the right-of-way line. MICKEY JACKSON - FIRE DEPARTMENT Mr. Jackson stated the hydrant located at Cattail Court would be better at the intersection. He further stated they would need two additional hydrants in Phase III - one at Milo Way and Ed Edwards Road and one between lots 70 and 71. PERRY FRANKLIN - TRAFFIC DIVISION In response to a question from Mr. Franklin, Mr. Gray stated he had not checked with Jim Johnson on the street names but Mr. Johnson did have a copy of the plat. DAVID TUCKER - SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE • Mr. Tucker requested further easements. • • • Plat Review October 24, 1991 Page 5 PRELIMINARY PLAT - PINE HAVEN ADDITION GORDON WILKINS - E OF AZALEA TERRACE, S OF OLD WIRE RD. The final item to be reviewed by the plat review committee was a preliminary plat for Pine Haven Addition requested by Al Harris on behalf of Gordon Wilkins for property located east of Azalea Terrace and south of Old Wire Road. The property contains 1.25 acres with four lots being proposed. The property is zoned R-1. Mr. Harris explained the streets and sidewalks were already in place. RICK EVANS - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Mr. Evans requested the easement be 20 feet instead of 15 feet. He explained the meter would be set in the front. L. O. FERGUSON - WARNER CABLE Mr. Ferguson explained there was an existing line to the south side of the property. He explained that for the builder to take the cable into the property it would be 90 cents per foot. LARRY WINKLER - SWEPCO Mr. Winkler stated he also had line along the south side of the subject property. He explained he could extend either on the rear lot line or along the front, depending on where the houses would be located on the lots. Mr. Harris explained there were some large pine trees to the rear of the lots that they wanted to save. Mr. Winkler stated that, wherever the easement was located, it would need to be cleared. DON BUNN - CITY ENGINEER Mr. Bunn stated he had no comments. BECKY BRYANT - PLANNING DIVISION Ms. Bryant suggested they consider purchasing an easement on the other side of the property line if they wanted to save the pine trees. She informed him the city horticulturist would assist the owner in preserving the trees if they needed assistance. MICKEY JACKSON - FIRE DEPARTMENT Mr. Jackson stated he had no comments. (S-7 • • • Plat Review October 24, 1991 Page 6 PERRY FRANKLIN - TRAFFIC DIVISION Mr. Franklin stated he had no comments. In response to a question from Mr. Harris, Mr. Bunn explained this development did not meet the lot size requirements for a concurrent plat. He further explained Mr. Harris could ask the Planning Commission to approve it as a concurrent plat if he so desired. The meeting adjourned at 9:45 a.m.