HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-10-10 Minutesi • • MINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW MEETING A meeting of the Fayetteville Plat Review Committee was held on Thursday, October 10, 1991 in Room 111 of the City Administration Building, 113 West Mountain Street, Fayetteville, Arkansas. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES: CITY REPRESENTATIVES: Rick Evans, Larry Winkler, David Tucker, Jim Crownover, Floyd Castle, and L. O. Ferguson Don Bunn, Becky Bryant, Mickey Jackson, Perry Franklin, and Sharon Langley OTHERS PRESENT: Dave Jorgensen, Jim Phillips, Mrs. Rudko, and Chester Dean PRELIMINARY PLAT - RIDGEWOOD SUBDIVISION JIM PHILLIPS - E OF OLD MISSOURI, S OF ZION RD. The first item on the agenda was a request for approval of a preliminary plat for Ridgewood Subdivision, requested by Dave Jorgensen on behalf of Jim Phillips for property located on the east side of Old Missouri Road, south of Zion Road. The proposed property consists of 26 acres with 16 proposed lots. The size of the lots will vary from approximately '1 acre to 3 1/2 acre tracts. The property is presently zoned A-1, Agriculture, with a requested zoning change to R-1, Low Density Residential. Mr. Jorgensen explained that Dr. and Ms. Rudko had a 20 -foot access easement bordering the subject property on the south. DAVID TUCKER - SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE Mr. Tucker asked if the perimeter easement would be cleared. Mr. Jorgensen stated they would have to clear the easement for the sewer line. After discussion, it was determined the developer desired the utilities to serve the lots from the front of the property. Mr. Tucker stated he would use the street side and, should there be anything in the setback/utility easement needing to be cleared, they would contact the owner. RICK EVANS - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Mr. Evans stated the Gas Company had a three-inch high pressure wrapped steel line on the east side of Old Missouri Road along the entire tract of subject property. He explained they were approximately 25 feet off the existing road right-of-way. He further explained they would need to make the 25 -foot building • • Plat Review October 10, 1991 Page 2 setback 35 feet. He stated there was already an existing 25 -foot utility easement for the high pressure line. He further stated he would need a crossing between lots 1 and 3 to get to lots 2 and 4 with a 4 -inch casing. Mr. Tucker stated he also needed the same crossing for a 2 -inch casing. L. O. FERGUSON - WARNER CABLE In response to a question from Mr. Ferguson, Mr. Parker explained they would be selling lots not constructing spec homes. Mr. Ferguson explained he would need the same crossing (4 -inch) at the same place the other utilities were crossing. He emphasized this was not a guarantee that cable would be put in at that time, that the company was now installing the cable after the houses were built and people living in them. JIM CROWNOVER - OZARK ELECTRIC Mr. Crownover stated he would need an easement down one side of either lot 8 or 9 since they were tandem lots. He stated lot 11 showed two accesses and he needed to know which would be the entrance. Mr. Jorgensen stated it would probably be the north access. Mr. Crownover stated it would make a difference on how the underground was designed. He explained he would need a minimum of 15 feet between lots 7 and 10 in order to get into lots 8 and 9. He further explained he would need the easement all the way through so he could loop back to the road. PERRY FRANKLIN - TRAFFIC DIVISION Mr. Franklin stated the south street needed to be named Stearns Street. Ms. Bryant explained that, when two streets lined up, they needed to have the same name. Mr. Jorgensen asked if they could appeal the street name. Mr. Phillips explained they wanted to put a nice sign at the entrance of the subdivision showing the name of the subdivision. He asked if that would allow them to name the street Ridgewood. • Mr. Jackson explained the difficulty of emergency vehicles finding minor streets when there were name changes. • • • Plat Review October 10, 1991 Page 3 DON BUNN - CITY ENGINEER Mr. Bunn explained that the utility easements between lots 1 and 3 needed to be 25 feet. He stated he was certain the planning division would recommend to the Planning Commission that the southern street (Stearns) should go through or that right-of-way should be provided to the east edge of the subdivision. Mr. Phillips explained he was concerned about the marketability of the property, especially if the southern street was a through street. Mr. Bunn stated he would have to talk to the Planning Commission. Mr. Jorgensen asked if they could leave the street as a cul-de-sac if they made the development a PUD. Mr. Bunn stated it was not a PUD under the intent of the ordinance. He further stated that, it would not matter if it was a PUD, they would still want the street to be a through street. Mr. Jorgensen asked if they just divided the subject property into two tracts making two tandem lots out of the 26 acres, if the street would have to be a through street. Mr. Bunn stated he did not know. Ms. Bryant explained that she did not believe making Stearns a through street would affect the marketability of the property. She further explained the public interest was making sure the city had good traffic circulation. Mr. Bunn explained the Planning Commission would consider the matter and Mr. Phillips could try to convince them that the street did not need to be a through street. He asked if they planned access to Old Missouri Road from any of the lots. Mr. Phillips stated they did not. Mr. Bunn stated that, in looking at the improvements that might be required to Old Missouri Road, there was a possibility that the city, would ask for some off-site improvements. He stated he did not see how the drainage was going to work since it went to Old Missouri Road, BECKY BRYANT - PLANNING DIVISION In response to a question from Ms. Bryant, Mr. Jorgensen explained he planned the sidewalks to come in off of Old Missouri Road on the north side, going around the cul-de-sac and ending on lot 11. He • • • Plat Review October 10, 1991 Page 4 stated they also would pick up for the other cul-de-sac on lot 2 on the north side and continue around. Ms. Bryant asked that they make the sidewalk designations clear on the plat. She asked if they planned on sidewalks along Old Missouri Road. Mr. Jorgensen stated that, if it was required they would ask for a Bill of Assurance. Mr. Bunn stated there would probably be construction on Old Missouri Road within the next 5 year. Ms. Bryant stated the frontage was not adequate on lots 7 and 10. She explained the planning office and Planning Commission had been looking at tandem lots much more conservatively, especially in new subdivisions. She read the ordinance, as follows: "Conditional use for tandem lots shall not be granted unless the terrain of the area in which the tandem lot is proposed is such that subdivision of said area into a standard block in accordance with city subdivision regulations is not feasible." She explained that, according to the ordinance, they could not have a tandem lot unless the terrain was not feasible for a normal lot. MICKEY JACKSON - FIRE DEPARTMENT Mr. Jackson asked if the 50 -foot access for utility easement from the north cul-de-sac was intended to be paved. Mr. Jorgensen stated eventually it would be a 20 or 25 foot surface. He explained it was 50 feet in order to meet the tandem lot requirements. Mr. Jackson stated the fire hydrant locations appeared to be okay. Mr. Bunn stated they might want to look at the line to be an 8 -inch rather than 6 -inch line. Mr. Jackson explained they would need good access to lots 8, 9, 10, and 11. He recommended that the 50 -foot access and utility easement be a 50 -foot paved drive. Mr. Franklin pointed out the street light location appeared to be okay. He explained that because of the condition of Old Missouri Road, he wanted to be sure there was adequate sight distance at the intersection. Mr. Crownover stated he would need a 4 -inch PVC conduit crossing the road between lots 2 and 4. Plat Review October 10, 1991 Page 5 Ms. Rudko explained they planned on developing the property directly to the east. She expressed concern that there would only be one access to the property. PRELIMINARY PLAT - REPLAT OF LOT 30, ROYAL OAKS E. J. BALL - OFF KANTZ COVE, E OF NORTH KANTZ LANE The second item on the agenda was a request for approval of a preliminary plat of the Replat of Lot 30 in Royal Oaks Subdivision by E. J. Ball for property located off of Kantz Cove, east of North Kantz Lane. The property consists of 4.2 acres with 4 lots proposed, zoned R-1, Low Density Residential. Mr. Dave Jorgensen represented Mr. Ball. Mr. Jorgensen explained the subject property was an existing cul- de-sac and the developer wanted to subdivide the lot into four tracts. He explained the sewer line had been approved. DAVID TUCKER - SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE Mr. Tucker stated he had no comments. LARRY WINKLER - SWEPCO Mr. Evans stated Arkansas Western Gas had an existing primary line that stopped on the north side of the cul-de-sac which would have to be extended to complete a loop. He stated the easements were fine but they might need a street crossing. RICK EVANS - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Mr. Evans stated he had an existing two-inch line crossing the cul- de-sac, running north and south on the west side. He stated he had no problems with the plat. L. O. FERGUSON - WARNER CABLE Mr. Ferguson stated they would have to extend the line once the houses were built. PERRY FRANKLIN - TRAFFIC DIVISION Mr. Franklin stated he had no comments. DON BUNN - CITY ENGINEER Mr. Bunn stated he did not have any comments. ISI • • • Plat Review October 10, 1991 Page 6 BECKY BRYANT - PLANNING DIVISION Ms. Bryant stated Mr. Jorgensen needed to indicate the sidewalk on the plat. She asked if the property owner association had approved the subdivision. She stated she would need a letter from the property owners association agreeing to the replat. FINAL PLAT - SPRING PARK SUBDIVISION, PHASE I DUANE NELSON - W OF COLLEGE, N OF HWY 71 BYPASS The next item on the agenda was a request for approval of a final plat for Spring Park Subdivision, Phase I by Dave Jorgensen on behalf of Duane Nelson, for property located west of College and north of Highway 71 Bypass. The property consists of 19.96 acres to be divided into 7 lots. The zoning classification is C-2, Thoroughfare Commercial. Mr. Bunn stated the name Spring Park Boulevard is not an option unless approved by the Board of Directors. He further stated the name would either be Stearns Street or Joyce Boulevard. He explained the name change to Joyce Boulevard was supposed to go before the Board of Directors in November. Mr. Jorgensen stated they would also be changing the name of the north -south street. DAVID TUCKER - SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE Mr. Tucker stated he would need a crossing between lots 1 and 2, across Joyce, and a crossing on the south between lots 5 and 6, and on the north between lots 3 and 4. He stated the rest of the easements looked fine. LARRY WINKLER - SWEPCO Mr. Winkler stated the easements were fine. He stated he had also requested street crossings which were in place. He explained they would extend into the property as the houses were completed. He further explained the street lighting would not be put in until some facilities were in. RICK EVANS - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS He stated he had no problems with the plat. L. O. FERGUSON - WARNER CABLE Mr. Ferguson stated that, since it was commercial property, they would serve the area only on a cost-sharing basis. 152 • Plat Review October 10, 1991 Page 7 JIM CROWNOVER - OZARK GAS Mr. Crowover stated the easements were okay. DON BUNN - CITY ENGINEER Mr. Bunn asked if there had been discussion regarding changing the entranceway. Mr. Jorgensen stated there had been discussions and the projected cost from the drawings by the Highway Department was $86,000. He further stated the project would be done in the spring or summer of 1992. Mr. Bunn stated before the final plat could be filed they would need a resolution on the name and a contract with the developer for the uncompleted improvements. BECKY BRYANT - PLANNING DIVISION Ms. Bryant stated she had no comments. • LARGE SCALE DEVELOPMENT - WILLOW CREEK APARTMENTS BILL SWEETSER - E OF LEVERETT, S OF SYCAMORE The next item on the agenda was a request for approval of a Large Scale Development for Willow Creek Apartments, located on the east side of Leverett, south of Sycamore, requested by Dave Jorgensen on behalf of Bill Sweetser. The property is zoned R-2, Medium Density Residential. Mr. Jorgensen stated the subject property consisted of approximately 3 acres with 8 apartment units planned. He explained the sewer line would come in off of Leverett, as did the water line. He further explained there was natural drainage to the east to Skull Creek. He stated a good portion of the subject property was in the flood plain. DAVID TUCKER - SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE Mr. Tucker stated he didn't see any easements. He suggested he draw a layout for Mr. Jorgensen with the necessary easements. He further stated he would need some crossings under the driveways also. LARRY WINKLER - SWEPCO • Mr. Winkler stated he would also need some easements. He explained that since Mr. Sweetser owned the property to the south, he would 15'.3 Plat Review October 10, 1991 Page 8 like an off-site easement of 10-12 feet adjacent with the 8 -foot setback. Mr. Jorgensen suggested moving the building over two feet, giving a total of a 20 -foot easement. Mr. Winkler drew out the suggested easement, showing the desired location. He explained that part of the cable would have to go under the driveway along unit 3. In response to a question from Mr. Winkler, Mr. Jorgensen stated there were four two-story units with four units per building. He stated the buildings were 30 by 100 feet. Mr. Tucker stated they would need to bring a 1 -inch conduit from the power meter to the clubhouse for a telephone line. RICK EVANS - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Mr. Evans stated that, if the apartments were not all electric, he would get with Mr. Jorgensen regarding the necessary easements. He explained that on the east side of Leverett there was a 25 foot building setback. He requested that 20 -foot of it be a utility easement. Mr. Jorgensen stated he would make the entire 25 feet a utility easement. L. O. FERGUSON - WARNER CABLE Mr. Ferguson stated the easements were adequate. He further stated he would need a crossing at the same point as SWEPCO and the telephone company were requesting. He requested a one -inch conduit. He further requested a one -inch conduit to the clubhouse. DON BUNN - CITY ENGINEER Mr. Bunn explained the utility easements would need to be dedicated to the city by separate instrument. He requested Mr. Jorgensen work with Freeman Wood, Inspection Division, regarding the property within the 100 year flood plain. He also informed Mr. Jorgensen that a grading plan would be required. He further stated the water line needed to be a eight -inch line. In reply to a question from Mr. Bunn, Mr. Jorgensen stated he believed each building would be metered separately. • • Plat Review October 10, 1991 Page 9 BECKY BRYANT - PLANNING DIVISION Ms. Bryant explained work on the site could not be started until the grading and excavation plan was approved. She requested they be very careful along Skull Creek so they did not cause erosion and sedimentation into the creek. She explained the two dumpsters in the setback area would have to be moved. She further stated a sidewalk was required along Leverett. Ms. Bryant stated Mr. Jackson had requested a fire hydrant just east of Leverett. LARGE SCALE DEVELOPMENT - NWA WAREHOUSE ARCHITECTURAL CONSTRUCTION - 2075 N. SHILOH DR. The last item on the agenda was a request for approval of a Large Scale Development for the Northwest Arkansas Warehouse, to be located at 2075 N. Shiloh Drive presented by Chester Dean on behalf of Architectural Construction. The property consists of 6.14 acres and is zoned I-1. Mr. Dean explained this was a warehouse project in Lot 1, Block A of Point West Addition. DAVID TUCKER - SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE Mr. Tucker stated there was a 25 -foot utility easement along the north side which would be adequate. He further stated he would assume the telephone line would be placed at the northeast corner of the building. RICK EVANS - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Mr. Evans stated he had a line at both the back of the property and along the north side of the property. In response to a question from Mr. Evans, Mr. Dean explained they were proposing to plant 18 -inch fir trees at the north side of the building as a screen. Mr. Evans stated they would have to keep the trees out of the easement. Mr. Dean pointed out they did not have very much space on the lot to move the building. W' Plat Review October 10, 1991 Page 10 JIM CROWNOVER - OZARK ELECTRIC Mr. Crownover stated Ozark Electric was opposed to any planting in the utility easement. He stated he believed there was an option of either fencing or planting. DON BUNN - CITY ENGINEER Mr. Bunn stated he was aware of the problem with trees in the easement. He explained that, should the utility companies have to come back in to replace a line, everybody would be unhappy when the trees had to be removed. BECKY BRYANT - PLANNING DIVISION Ms. Bryant stated a fence would not work since the building was 23 feet tall. She explained that, if there was not room for the vegetation with the utility easement, the building would have to be moved forward. She suggested Mr. Dean contact the City Horticulturist. Mr. • Crownover explained that they could not have trees planted under the utility lines. He further stated that, should any of the limbs be in the easement, they would cut them off. • Ms. Bryant expressed concern that they were over -building the lot. She explained the setbacks either needed to be 50 feet or trees planted but offset from the easement where the trees would not interfere with the utilities. The meeting was adjourned at 10:30 a.m.