HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-09-19 Minutes• • • MINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW MEETING A meeting of the Fayettevil Thursday, September 19, 1991 Building, 113 West Mountain UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES: CITY REPRESENTATIVES: OTHERS PRESENT: le Plat Review Committee was held on in Room 111 of the City Administration Street, Fayetteville, Arkansas. Rick Evans, Larry Winkler, David Don Bunn, Traci Paul, and Perry Franklin Tucker, and L. O. Ferguson Wayne Lane, Kim Fugitt, and Al Harris FINAL PLAT - PARADISE VIEW ESTATES, PHASE II WAYNE LANE - W OF CROSSOVER, S OF JOYCE The first item on the agenda was a request for approval of a final plat for Paradise View Estates Phase II Subdivision located west of Crossover, south of Joyce. The property consists of 10.02 acres to be divided into 21 lots. The property is zoned R-1, Low Density Residential. Mr. Wayne Lane appeared to represent the owner, the Lindsey Family Trust. RICK EVANS - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Mr. Evans explained that on lots 1 through 10, Block 2, the meters would have to set on the front of the lot. L. O. FERGUSON - WARNER CABLE Mr. Ferguson agreed that he would have to use the front of the lots for cable also. DAVID TUCKER - SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE Mr. Tucker agreed he had the same problem. He explained he would need to use the front of lots 2 through 9. DON BUNN - CITY ENGINEER In response to a question from Mr. Bunn, Mr. Lane stated the owner had allocated lot 8, block 2 as greenspace per the Park Department's request. Mr. Bunn asked that notation be made on the plat that lot 8 was city property. He explained that tract of land needed to be deeded to the city by separate instrument. He further explained that, before the final plat could be filed, the developer would need to sign a contract with the city placing a lien on some of the lots for the uncompleted improvements. 14S Plat Review September 19, 1991 Page 2 JIM CROWNOVER - OZARK ELECTRIC Mr. Crownover stated he would also need to use the front of lots 1 through 10, block 2. PERRY FRANKLIN - TRAFFIC DEPT. Mr. Franklin stated the plat looked good but he did want to be sure the developer had the streetlights in before he started building houses. LARGE SCALE DEVELOPMENT - YOUTH BRIDGE KIM FUGITT - W OF CROSSOVER RD., S OF ZION RD. The second item to be reviewed was a request for approval of a large scale development for Youth Bridge Youth Shelter submitted by Gina Ervin of Youth Bridge Properties Corp., Inc., and represented by Kim Fugitt. The property is located on the west side of Crossover Road, south of Zion Road, and is zoned R -O, Residential - Office. JIM CROWNOVER - OZARK ELECTRIC Mr. Crownover explained they needed dedicated easements. He further explained they would need easements on the north end of the building. He stated he did not know about linking from the other building. In response to a question from Mr. Crownover, Ms. Ervin explained that both Youth Bridge buildings were considered as one property. RICK EVANS - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Mr. Evans explained he had a line along the north side of the property running east and west. He stated that the existing 10 foot easement as shown on the plat should be enlarged to a 20 foot easement. L. O. FERGUSON - WARNER CABLE Mr. Ferguson agreed that the easement should be 20 feet. He requested a two-inch schedule 40 PVC from the building out to the easement at some marked location. DAVID TUCKER - SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE Mr. Tucker explained that Youth Bridge would be responsible in getting their new lines from the existing building to the new building. He stated Southwestern Bell Telephone would have no interest in the new building. 14(0 Plat Review September 19, 1991 Page 3 PERRY FRANKLIN - TRAFFIC DEPARTMENT Mr. Franklin stated he had no comment on this project since there was sufficient parking available. DON BUNN - CITY ENGINEER Mr. Bunn stated that Mickey Jackson, Fire Department, had recommended that they sprinkle the building. Mr. Bunn pointed out that was not a requirement but a recommendation. In response to a question from Mr. Bunn regarding the water and sewer, Mr. Fugitt stated he did not know what the plans were. He explained another contractor was doing that work and he would contact him. Mr. Bunn stated it did not making any difference since service would be coming from the other building. PERRY FRANKLIN - TRAFFIC DEPARTMENT Mr. Franklin stated he had no comments. PRELIMINARY PLAT - HOUSTON MEADOWS GORDON HOUSTON - E OF PORTER RD., S OF DEANE ST The third item to be reviewed was a preliminary plat for Houston Meadows Addition located east of Porter Road and south of Deane Street, submitted by Harry Gray on behalf of Gordon Houston. Mr. Al Harris represented Mr. Gray. The property consists of 5.27 acres with 34 proposed lots. The area is zoned R-2, Medium Density Residential. RICK EVANS - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Mr. Evans stated the easements were fine except for lots 1 through 3. He asked if they were planning on using the south side of the 40 -foot drainage easement for those three lots. Mr. Harris stated the drainage easement was open channel so it could be used as a utility easement. Mr. Evans asked that the south half be shown as a utility easement on the plat. He further stated he would need a 4 -inch casing under Houston Street between lots 4 and 34. L. O. FERGUSON - WARNER CABLE Mr. Ferguson stated he also would need a 4 -inch scheduled PVC 40 crossing under Houston Street at the same location. • • Plat Review September 19, 1991 Page 4 LARRY WINKLER - SWEPCO Mr. Winkler stated he did not believe they had any existing facilities behind this area but did have aerial on Porter Road. He stated he would need an easement up Houston Street off of Porter. He stated the perimeter easements were adequate except he was concerned about the drainage ditch and the easement coming together. He explained that, if the drainage ditch was just a gentle swale and not likely to wash out, it would be acceptable. He further explained that, should the swale wash out, the cable would be exposed causing safety problems. He suggested separating the two. In response to a question from Don Bunn regarding taking the drainage down to the street, Mr. Harris explained there was a box culvert that the swale would feed into. There was discussion of moving the easement by all of the utility companies, making it on the inside rather than the outside, and moving the channel over 10 feet. Mr. Winkler stated he also would need a two-inch casing under Houston Street. He further stated the street lighting at the cul- de-sac was find but the street light at the intersection of Houston Court and Houston Street did not have an easement. He explained on the of the setback lines needed to include a 10 -foot easement. Mr. Winkler further explained that, should all of the buildings be connected together, it could cause problems. He stated they would need to take a close look at the fire code. L. O. FERGUSON - WARNER CABLE Mr. Ferguson requested 4" scheduled PVC 40 under any concrete they might pour. DAVID TUCKER - SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE Mr. Tucker explained he would have to have an individual service line to each residence and they could not go through a fire wall. He also agreed that he would like to have the channel moved over 10 feet allowing the utility easement on the building side. He stated their facilities were also on Porter Road so they would need to come down Houston Street on the west side. PERRY FRANKLIN - TRAFFIC DEPARTMENT • Mr. Perry stated he doubted Jim Johnson with the 911 system would allow both streets to be called Houston. • • Plat Review September 19, 1991 Page 5 Ms. Paul stated Mr. Johnson had contacted her. She explained that the name of the subdivision and one street could have the name "Houston" but the other street name could not use "Houston". She further explained that "Court" should be "Place". Mr. Perry further stated he would like to see two more streetlights - one midway and one at the intersection of Houston and Porter. In response to a question from Mr. Perry, Mr. Harris stated the parking for the subdivision would be off-street parking. There was also discussion of trash pick-up. DON BUNN - CITY ENGINEER Mr. Bunn stated the water and sewer appeared adequate but he was concerned about the drainage. He explained there should be some provision in the covenants prohibiting the residents from building fences across the drainage easement. He stated there needed to be another 20 -foot drainage easement along Houston Court. He further stated there should be a note on the plat with the number of proposed units. He stated the ordinance also called for a preliminary excavation plan which would need to be reviewed by his staff. He suggested the developer also show the parking when presenting the plat at the Planning Commission meeting. Mr. Bunn further stated there would be three utilities - water, telephone and cable - using the easement on Houston Street. He questioned if the easement was large enough. Mr. Tucker stated that, if SWEPCO went aerial, there would be enough room. Mr. Bunn stated that a separate easement would be needed if SWEPCO had to go underground. He further stated that, should there be adjacent utility easements in University Acres, they needed to be shown on the plat. PRELIMINARY PLAT - NORTH HILLS HEIGHTS HARRY GRAY - SW OF APPLEBY RD., N OF BISHOP DR. The next item considered by the Plat Review Committee was a preliminary plat for North Hills Heights Subdivision located southwest of Appleby Road and north of Bishop Drive owned by S & T Enterprises, represented by Harry Gray. The property consists of 6.29 acres with 48 proposed lots. The zoning is R-2, Medium Density Residential. • Mr. Harris explained the plans for this development would be one unit per lot but with a zero lot line, creating a duplex. 1Nark Plat Review September 19, 1991 Page 6 RICK EVANS - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Mr. Evans stated he saw no problems with the plat. LARRY WINKLER - SWEPCO Mr. Winkler stated the easements appeared to be adequate. He further stated that, if the developer wanted a streetlight at the entrance, there would need to be a 10 -foot easement along the east of lot 48. He further requested a copy of the proposed lay -out so he could see which lots would be connected. DAVID TUCKER - SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE Mr. Tucker agreed that the easements appeared to be adequate. He also requested a copy of the proposed lay -out showing which lots would be connected. He further stated an existing barn sitting on the easement would have to be removed. He recommended the developer contact the telephone company before they started digging since there was a cable along Appleby Road. He requested the number of total units that would be built. L. O. FERGUSON - WARNER CABLE Mr. Ferguson agreed with the comments from the other utility companies. TRACI PAUL - PLANNING DEPARTMENT Ms. Paul stated Jim Johnson, 911 Systems, had informed her the subdivision name of North Hills Heights could not be used since there was already a North Hills Addition. PERRY FRANKLIN - TRAFFIC DEPARTMENT Mr. Franklin explained that the developer would have to contact Mr. Johnson on the name of the street also and could verify a subdivision name at the same time. He further stated that, because the street was only 800 feet, it would require a variance. DON BUNN - CITY ENGINEER Mr. Bunn suggested tying the street into Sunny Lane. He explained that he did not know what the Planning Department would recommend but the Planning Commission would have to make the final decision. He explained that the length of the cul-de-sac would require a variance. Mr. Bunn stated there needed to be a legend on the plat. He further requested that, if there were any easements adjacent to • • • Plat Review September 19, 1991 Page 7 this property, they be shown on the plat. He suggested a tie through with either Susan Lane, Sunny Lane, or Peg Lane. He stated it appeared that Susan Lane might be a good tie-in point. Mr. Bunn requested a preliminary grading plan. Mr. Bunn stated the fire chief had approved the fire hydrants but had requested a tie -through to Appleby for the water. He further stated he did not believe the fire chief had noted there was a six inch loop line from Peg Lane. He stated he would talk to the chief. He further requested the normal signature blocks be placed on the plat. FINAL PLAT - WOODFIELD ADDITION (FORMERLY WEDINGTON HEIGHTS) HARRY GRAY - E OF SALEM RD., N OF WEDINGTON DR. The final item for consideration was a final plat for Woodfield Addition (formerly Wedington Heights) located east of Salem Road and north of Wedington Drive, presented by Harry Gray on behalf of BMP Development, Inc. The property consists of 11.66 acres with 50 proposed lots. The property is zoned R-1.5, Moderate Density Residential. JIM CROWNOVER - OZARK GAS Mr. Crownover stated he would need a 4 -inch PVC crossing. L. O. FERGUSON - WARNER CABLE Mr. Ferguson stated he would need crossings between lots 1 and 2, lots 48 and 49, lots 7 and 8, and 9 and 10 over to lot 30. LARRY WINKLER - SWEPCO Mr. Winkler stated the easements appeared adequate. He explained he would be coming from Giles Addition to the east. DAVID TUCKER - SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE Mr. Tucker stated the easements were fine. He of how Timberline Drive tied into the west. He existing cable in Walnut Grove that they would PERRY FRANKLIN - TRAFFIC DEPARTMENT Mr. Franklin stated the street names needed to Johnson. asked for a survey explained they had utilize. be verified by Jim NI • • • Plat Review September 19, 1991 Page 8 DON BUNN - CITY ENGINEER Mr. Bunn stated the fire chief had requested Timberidge Court be changed to Timberline Court. He also requested the connection to Salem Drive be shown on the plat. He stated they needed to show that this was Phase I of Woodfield Addition. He explained the developer would need to sign a contract with the city, placing liens on certain lots equal in value to the remaining construction. The meeting was adjourned at 10:20 a.m.