HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-05-23 MinutesMINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW MEETING A meeting of the Fayetteville Plat Review Committee was held on Thursday, May 23, 1991 in Room 111 of the City Administration Building, 113 West Mountain Street, Fayetteville, Arkansas. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES: CITY REPRESENTATIVES: Rick Evans, Jim Crownover, L. O. Ferguson, and Tom McElroy Jim Beavers, Perry Franklin, and Sharon Langley PRELIMINARY PLAT - TIMBER CREST SUBDIVISION MEL MILHOLLAND - HIGHWAY 45 EAST The only item on the agenda was a preliminary plat for Timber Crest Subdivision for property owned by Mike Pennington, represented by Mel Milholland, located on Highway 45 East. The property contains 27.52 acres with 58 proposed lots. The property is zoned R-1, Low Density Residential. JIM BEAVERS - CITY ENGINEERING Mr. Beavers asked if there was a drainage problem for this area. Mr. Milholland stated there was and he pointed out an area on the plat where the project would be filled. He also pointed out the direction the water would flow. He explained he would be filling lot 23 to assist in the runoff. He pointed out locations of the pick-up boxes which would take the runoff into the natural drainage system. L. O. FERGUSON - WARNER CABLE Mr. Ferguson requested that the front setback on lots 1 through 5, Block 1, also be shown as a utility easement. He asked about having the pedestals on the front of the lots. He explained those lots were along the creek and the back of the lots appeared to go down to the edge of the creek. Mr. Milholland stated that the lots would be at least 20 feet from the creek. Mr. Ferguson requested a four -inch p.v.c. at the entrance of the subdivision, between lots 2 and 3 crossing to the easement between lot 1 and 22. He further requested that the 15 foot utility easement around the front be enlarged to 25 feet. He expressed concern over lots 1 through 5, block 1, because he feared they were low enough that should it flood, the pedestals and cable would be washed out. • • • Plat Review May 23, 1991 Page 2 Mr. Milholland stated he had not seen any signs area. of erosion in that Mr. Ferguson pointed out it would not erode until they started digging. Mr. Milholland stated the owner would prefer pedestals and cable along the back of the lots. if necessary, they would build the back of the that they run the He explained that, lots up. It was agreed that all of the utility companies would need a 25 foot easement between lots 2 and 3, block 1. JIM CROWNOVER - OZARK ELECTRIC Mr. Crownover stated he would need another quad crossing between lots 20 and 21 over to 11 and 12. He asked if the 55 -foot easement on the west property line was a transmission line easement for SWEPCO. Mr. Milholland stated there was overhead power lines in that location. Mr. Crownover stated they would need some kind of authorization from SWEPCO for the other utilities. He also questioned the offset of the 10 foot easements for street lights in Block 2. He explained they needed to be opposite of each other, not offset. He stated he would notify Mr. Milholland after doing a transformer layout to see where the lights should be. Mr. Crownover also agreed with Mr. Ferguson that he wanted to be sure they would not run into problems on the lots adjoining the creek. PERRY FRANKLIN - TRAFFIC DEPARTMENT Mr. Franklin asked if lots 1 and 36 were to be accessed from Highway 45 or Monterey Drive. Mr. Milholland stated there will be a divider with a 15 or 20 open space between the lots. He explained that a car would be to turn to come from the subdivision, and turn around to go into the subdivision, without getting out onto Highway 45. foot able back Mr. Franklin informed that, if Mr. Milholland would notify the Traffic Department when the streets were completed, they would provide the street signs. Plat Review May 23, 1991 Page 3 RICK EVANS - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS COMPANY Mr. Evans stated he would need conduit the same places the other utilities had requested and that he would need 4 -inch conduit. He also requested that they be allowed to use part of the 55 -foot utility easement on the west property line. TOM MC ELROY - SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE Mr. McElroy explained he would need conduit across the entrance at lot 2 and also across Monterey Drive between lots 1 and 22. Mr. Milholland stated there would be three quads: one at the entrance, one at line 22, and one at the north end. Mr. McElroy asked if on lots 1, 35 and 36 they wanted the utilities on Highway 45 instead of the inside. Mr. Milholland stated he did. Mr. McElroy also expressed concern with lots 1 through 6 because of their proximity to the creek. He explained they had problems with cable washing out. • The meeting was adjourned. • •