HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-04-18 Minutes• • • MINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW MEETING A meeting of the Fayetteville Plat Review Committee was held on Thursday, April 18, 1991 in Room 111 of the City Administration Building, 113 West Mountain Street, Fayetteville, Arkansas. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES: Rick Evans, Larry Winkler, L. O. Ferguson, and Tom McElroy CITY REPRESENTATIVES: Don Bunn, Mickey Jackson, Perry Franklin, and Sharon Langley PRELIMINARY PLAT - BUTTERFIELD PARK HARRY GRAY FOR BMP DEVELOPMENT - N OF ERROL, E OF OLD MISSOURI RD. The first item on the agenda was a preliminary plat for Butterfield Park, located north of Errol and east of Old Missouri Road, presented by Harry Gray, representing BMP Development. The property consists of 17.13 acres with 84 lots proposed. The proposed zoning for this property is R-1.5, Moderate Density Residential. Mr. Harry Gray explained to the Committee they had applied for R- 1.5 rezoning with a Bill of Assurance that it would only be developed as single family. He stated this would be an affordable housing project, with lot size being 60 feet by 100 feet. Mr. Gray stated the property would probably be developed in two phases. He explained it was possible they would have an 8 inch water line through phase 1 and then loop onto it with a 6 inch for phase 2. Mr. Gray stated he was planning to use a lift station for sewage. He explained there was an existing 10 inch sewer west of Old Missouri Road but it would require a 25 foot cut through rock; therefore, it appeared a lift station would be more feasible. He further explained there would be additional study on the sewer. LARRY WINKLER - SWEPCO Mr. Winkler stated the easements shown were acceptable. He explained they would need a signed lot easement if the project was developed in two phases. He pointed out on the plat the easement would come between lots 5 and 6 and go over between lots 16 and 17. Mr. Gray pointed out there would be 8 foot building setbacks which would leave room for a 15 foot easement. Mr. Winkler stated 15 feet would be adequate for the electricity as long as there were not a lot more utility companies using the same easement. He stated the overhead line on Errol would need to be extended to where the phases join and then go underground at that point. Mr. Winkler stated he would need the same easements on Phase II. • Plat Review April 18, 1991 Page 2 • • Mr. Gray stated the water line easement shown located from the city plat book and there was a water line was not in the exact location shown. he did not believe there would be 84 lots, only on the plat was possibility the He further stated 80 or 81. L. O. FERGUSON - WARNER CABLE Mr. Ferguson stated the easements were adequate for his service. RICK EVANS - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Mr. Evans suggested making the 20 foot easement on the north end of the development a 25 foot easement. Mr. Gray explained he would like to leave it at 20 feet if possible because it would squeeze the lots. Mr. Evans stated he could work around it. He further stated the only other easement he would need was adjacent to Old Missouri Road, between lots 1 and 4. Mr. Ferguson stated Warner Cable would also use the easement. Mr. Bunn pointed out with a ten foot separation of the sewer and the gas there would not be a great deal of room. Mr. Gray stated if they had to have a 25 foot easement, they could probably handle it. He stated there would definitely be some rock on the northeast end of the project. MICKEY JACKSON - FIRE DEPARTMENT Mr. Jackson stated there were no problems with the plat. PERRY FRANKLIN - STREET DIVISION Mr. Franklin suggested Mr. Gray contact his department when he was ready for street names and addresses. Mr. Franklin determined that access to Stubblefield from the development would occur during Phase II. DON BUNN - CITY ENGINEER Mr. Bunn pointed out the water line easement would have to be located in the field. He stated he had viewed the property with John Merrell, Director of Planning, and Becky Bryant, Associate Planner. They had discussed tying the cul-de-sacs together, making a loop. Mr. Bunn stated they had also discussed an easement for a street going north from the development. He suggested Mr. Gray discuss these items with Ms. Bryant. • • • Plat Review April 18, 1991 Page 3 SHARON LANGLEY - PLANNING DEPT. Ms. Langley explained Ms. Bryant had suggested the road designated as "Road E" be the through road to the north. She also stated Ms. Bryant was concerned that Errol also be a through road. Mr. Gray explained the rezoning on this development would be presented to the Planning Commission on Monday. He stated notification had been given on the rezoning issue and would be sent regarding the subdivision. TOM MC ELROY - SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE Mr. McElroy stated the easements shown were satisfactory. Ms. Langley stated subdivision meeting would be April 25 and Planning Commission would be May 13. LARGE SCALE DEVELOPMENT - NWA SURGICAL & REHABILITATION CENTER OUTPATIENT SURGERY & THERAPY CLINIC - W. OF PARKVIEW DR., N OF JOYCE The second item on the agenda was a Large Scale Development for the Northwest Arkansas Surgical & Rehabilitation Clinic for property located on the west side of Parkview Drive and north of Joyce and owned by the Outpatient Surgery & Therapy Clinic, represented by Ken Fugitt. The property is zoned R-0 and contains 1.43 acres. TOM MC ELROY - SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE Mr. McElroy stated the easement shown on the east side of the property would be satisfactory. There was discussion regarding placement of the conduit. L. O. FERGUSON - WARNER CABLE Mr. Ferguson stated there was existing service in the area. He explained he would need further conduit also. He requested the conduit be 2 -inch. RICK EVANS - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS COMPANY Mr. Evans stated they had gas lines in the easement to the west of the property and would need to work with the developer regarding meter locations. lag Plat Review April 18, 1991 Page 4 MICKEY JACKSON - FIRE DEPARTMENT Mr. Jackson asked the construction type. Mr. Fugitt explained it was Type 4. Mr. Jackson stated because, this was to be a fully sprinklered occupancy, it would require an additional fire hydrant. He explained the location of the fire hydrant would be determined when the sprinkler system was installed. SHARON LANGLEY - PLANNING DEPARTMENT Ms. Langley read comments from Becky Bryant as follows: indicate location and name of Park View Street on the plat, remove check list from plat, add notes on plat regarding zoning and parking calculations, indication of all building setbacks (rear setback must be 25 feet from the overhang), suggested additional landscaping in the parking area in order to improve the aesthetics and cut down on the heat, glare and air conditioning costs. Ms. Langley stated the Planning Office did have staff available to assist in landscaping planning. She informed Mr. Fugitt of the future meeting dates when this item would be considered. PERRY FRANKLIN - STREET DIVISION Mr. Franklin pointed out an area on the plat showing a drop off and pick up drive. He explained he preferred to have the radius reduced in this area. He further stated that the signs, shrubs, etc. at the entrances and exits could not be higher than 30 inches. Ms. Langley stated Jim Johnson, Property Location Analyst, had designated the address as 3825 Park View. She explained Mr. Fugitt would need to consult with Mr. Johnson regarding suite numbers. Mr. Franklin also suggested Mr. Fugitt contact Cheryl Wright of Solid Waste regarding location of dumpster. DON BUNN - CITY ENGINEER Mr. Bunn explained the water line would need to be extended. It was determined that the additional fire hydrant would be located so that it would be a public fire hydrant. Mr. Bunn further stated, for drainage purposes, there would need to be a well defined ditch at the back of the property away from the utilities. He explained that, since most of the property would be paved, they would need to look at the drainage closely, making sure it did not cause off-site problems. • Plat Review April 18, 1991 Page 5 LARGE SCALE DEVELOPMENT - ST. PAUL'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH CECE HILLIARD - 224 N. EAST The third item to be reviewed was the presentation of a Large Scale Development for St. Paul's Episcopal Church, located at 224 North East and represented by Mr. Witsell and David Sargent of Witsell, Evans & Rasco. The property is zoned C-2, Commercial Thoroughfare and R-0, Residential Office and consists of 2.008 acres. Mr. Sargent explained the church wished to add an addition for a parish hall and classroom consisting of 10,552 square feet and they were also adding approximately 35 parking spaces. He showed the committee scale drawings of the proposed addition in relation to the existing buildings. TOM MC ELROY - SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE Mr. McElroy explained the proposed pipe needed to be at least 2 inch with sweep ends. LARRY WINKLER - SWEPCO • Mr. Winkler stated he had discussed this project with a representative of the church. He explained no new easements were needed. He further explained that the pole across the alley on the parking lot might have to be changed out. He asked if the new parking area lighting was to be installed privately or by the electric company. • Mr. Witsell stated his assumption was they would be installed by the church. There was discussion regarding enclosing the existing meter. Mr. Sargent explained it would be screened with a gate. L. O. FERGUSON - WARNER CABLE Mr. Ferguson explained the cable company would also need a 2 inch pipe with steel sweeps. RICK EVANS - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Mr. Evans explained the Gas Company would move the meter. He stated he would need to know how much the load would be in the new building. MICKEY JACKSON - FIRE DEPARTMENT Mr. Jackson recommended a sprinkler system be installed. He explained that, with the addition, they were close to the tact Plat Review April 18, 1991 Page 6 borderline of the maximum allowable unsprinklered floor area. He further explained that the only way to adequately protect a project this large was to sprinkler it. Mr. Sargent stated the church did wish to install a sprinkler system but, due to budgetary items, did not know if there was enough money to do so. He explained they would be bring pipe in from Dickson Street and a hose cabinet would be constructed in the hallway for future installation of a sprinkler system. SHARON LANGLEY - PLANNING DEPARTMENT Ms. Langley stated that, among comments from Becky Bryant, Associate Planner, was the addition would not meet the setback requirement of 30 feet. Mr. Sargent explained the placement of the addition was to bring it into conformity with the existing facility. He further explained that the church would be asking for a five foot variance. Ms. Langley pointed out that is the church would have 10% landscaping, the setback could be reduced to 25 feet. She suggested Mr. Sargent contact Patti Erwin regarding landscaping and Becky Bryant regarding a variance. Further notes by Ms. Bryant included notation of the parking calculations on the plat. PERRY FRANKLIN - TRAFFIC DIVISION Mr. Franklin pointed out the code required that there be no signs or shrubbery higher than 30 inches within 25 feet of the entrance/exit on College Avenue. He explained the 25 feet was measured from edge of payment, turn and going down 25 feet. Mr. Franklin further asked that handicap parking spaces be designated on the plan. DON BUNN - CITY ENGINEER Mr. Bunn explained there were also height requirements on setbacks. He recommended the representatives talk to the Planning Department before applying to the Board of Zoning Appeals to determine how many and what type of variances would be needed. In response to a question from Mr. Bunn, Mr. Sargent explained a study had already been completed regarding drainage of the property. Plat Review April 18, 1991 Page 7 FINAL PLAT - WATERMAN WOODS ADDITION TOMLINSON & BROOKS - S. OF CLEVELAND, E. OF SANG The fourth item on the agenda was the final plat of Waterman Woods Subdivision presented by John E. Mahaffey on behalf of Tomlinson and Brooks for property located on the south side of Cleveland and east of Sang. The property is zoned R-1, contains 11.5 acres and 23 lots are proposed. TOM MC ELROY - SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE Mr. McElroy asked that the northeast corner of lot 1 be staked. He further stated the easements would need to be cleared. Mr. Mahaffey explained the owner wanted to save as many trees as possible. It was explained that, with a 25 foot easement, not very many trees would be saved. There was discussion regarding location of the easement. Mr. Mahaffey pointed out location of the conduits on the plat. LARRY WINKLER - SWEPCO Mr. Winkler stated he would like to see a separate drainage and utility easement. Mr. Bunn suggested they be shown separately and then if the utility companies could work it out, the drainage and utility easements could be put together at time of construction. The proposed drainage easement will be 10 feet wide. There was further discussion regarding size of the easements. It was determined that the drainage easement should be 15 feet and the utility easement should be 20 feet wide. Mr. Winkler further explained that two of the lights might have to be moved but that could be determined at a later time. L. O. FERGUSON - WARNER CABLE Mr. Ferguson stated the easements appeared to be sufficient. Mr. Winkler stated there was not enough room for gas separation in the quads. He explained there was supposed to be one foot separation between gas and electric. RICK EVANS - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Mr. Evans stated the easements were fine and they would make sure 130 • • • Plat Review April 18, 1991 Page 8 the conduit was separated. He further stated he had no problem with the plat. MICKEY JACKSON - FIRE DEPARTMENT After reviewing the preliminary plat together with the final, Mr. Jackson stated the plan was satisfactory. PERRY FRANKLIN - TRAFFIC DEPARTMENT Mr. Franklin pointed out an area showing a traffic island. He explained that had created a problem at other locations. Mr. Bunn stated they needed to be sure the access to lot 1 would not be blocked by the island. Mr. Franklin further pointed out that since the area would be heavily wooded, they needed to be sure there would not be a sight problem. Mr. Winkler stated the preliminary plat showed a light in the middle of the island. DON BUNN - CITY ENGINEER In response to a question from Mr. Bunn, Mr. Mahaffey explained that water, sewer and drainage piping were completed. He stated the rough cut on the street had been made but no base had been installed. Mr. Bunn stated the city would need a contract from the developer. He explained the contract set forth the value of the improvements remaining to be done, the number of lots that would have a lien placed on them. The contract would have to be signed before the filing of the final plat. Mr. Bunn asked the covenants contain notification that lots 19, 20, 32 and 1 be accessed from within the interior of the subdivision only and not access Cleveland Street. The meeting was adjourned at 10:15 a.m.