HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-03-21 Minutes• • A meeting Thursday, Building, MINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW MEETING of the Fayetteville Plat Review Committee was held on March 21, 1991 in Room 111 of the City Administration 113 West Mountain Street, Fayetteville, Arkansas. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES: CITY REPRESENTATIVES: OTHERS PRESENT: Rick Evans, Larry Winkler, Ken Rader, and Tom McElroy Sharon Langley, Don Bunn, and Cheryl Wright Burt Hanna, Fred Hanna, Harry Gray, Mark Stack, and George Faucette LARGE SCALE DEVELOPMENT - HANNA'S POTPOURRI BURT HANNA - 417 N. GOVERNMENT The first item on the agenda was a request for large scale development for Hanna's Potpourri owned by Burt Hanna and represented by Harry Gray, Northwest Engineering. The property is located at 417 North Government and consists of 3.5 acres. The property is zoned I-1, Heavy Commercial, Light Industrial. Mr. Harry Gray appeared before the Committee and explained they were desiring additional warehouse space and additional parking. He stated they would need to check the capacity of the culvert on Gregg for drainage runoff. He explained, if the existing culvert was not adequate, they would replacement culverts. LARRY WINKLER, SWEPCO Larry Winkler, SWEPCO representative, asked if they wanted a separate meter or tie into the existing one. Mr. Burt Hanna stated it could be pulled off the existing one, with the line feeding through the building. Mr. Winkler explained, if two buildings were going to be tied together, the Fire Code required one meter. It was determined that the buildings would not because of the difference in grade. be tied together Mr. Winkler stated there would need to be an easement on the south property line if one was not already there. Mr. Fred Hanna stated there was an easement at that location. Mr. Winkler stated, if there was an easement there, it needed to be shown on the plat; if not, they needed at least a 15 foot easement. 122. • • • Plat Review March 21, 1991 Page 2 RICK EVANS, ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Rick Evans, Arkansas Western Gas, stated they would be able to come off the existing lines. TOM MC ELROY, SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE Tom McElroy, Southwestern Bell Telephone, stated he had a problem with one point of interface. He explained that their tariff required that on a single piece of property, no matter how many buildings, only one point of interface would be provided. He stated he would look the property over within the next week or two and work the out the problem. CHERYL WRIGHT, SOLID WASTE Cheryl Wright, City Administrator of Solid Waste, stated they already had a dumpster at that location. She stated they might need more pickups per week. DON BUNN, CITY ENGINEER In response to a question from Don Bunn, City Engineer, Mr. Hanna stated they were not extending any water or sewer lines. Mr. Bunn stated he had talked to the fire chief about this and didn't think they needed a sprinkler system but they might consider one. He stated Becky Bryant, Associate Planner, had told him she would need proof of notification by the time of the subdivision committee meeting. The subdivision committee meeting would be March 28 at 10:30, planning meeting would be April 8, 1991. He asked if Mr. Hanna or Mr. Gray had talked to the planning department regarding parking requirements Mr. Gray stated they had 71 spaces. Mr. Bunn stated since it was not a retail business it should not generate any more traffic. He explained the drainage would have to be worked out. LARGE SCALE DEVELOPMENT - CHILI'S GRILL & BAR JOHN TITUS - N SIDE OF MILLSAP, W OF COLLEGE The second item on the agenda was a large scale development for Chili's Grill & Bar located on the north side of Millsap and west of College, owned by Snowstate Restaurant Corporation, represented by John Titus. The property consists of 2.12 acres and is zoned C- 2, Thoroughfare Commercial. No one was present to represent Chili's Grill & Bar. 1'23 • • • Plat Review March 21, 1991 Page 3 Mr. Bunn stated they usually did not review items when the owner or someone representing the owner was not present. TOM MC ELROY, SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE Mr. McElroy stated he had no problems with it. RICK EVANS, ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Mr. Evans stated there was a 50 foot easement on the highway that was not shown on the plat. CHERYL WRIGHT, WASTE MANAGEMENT Cheryl Wright stated she could see no problems as long as the parking area was kept free. DON BUNN, CITY ENGINEER Mr. Bunn explained, that because neither the owner nor its representative was present, they would probably have to review this again. LARRY WINKLER, SWEPCO Mr. Winkler stated he had some problems with this but they did not concern easements. Mr. George Faucette asked if there was any green space requirement. Mr. Bunn stated there was not, but the Planning Commission would probably encourage them to put in some green space. PRELIMINARY PLAT - WOODVIEW ESTATES LARRY HAINES, OUTSIDE CITY The third item on the agenda was a preliminary plat for Woodview Estates, owned by Larry Haines, represented by Milholland Engineering. The property is located outside the city limits and consists of 31.61 acres, 11 lots. Mr. Mike Stacks from Milholland Engineering appeared before the Committee to answer any questions they might have. KEN RAIDER, OZARK ELECTRIC Mr. Raider stated they had overhead service in that area but the easement was only 10 foot. He further stated there would need to be two 30 foot easements, one between lots 7 and 9 and the second between lots 6 and 8. �2� • • • Plat Review March 21, 1991 Page 4 TOM MC ELROY, SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE Mr. McElroy stated 25 feet of the 40 foot building setback on the north side of the building could be used for an easement. He further stated that would be satisfactory for him. RICK EVANS, ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Mr. Evans stated the easements requested by Ozark Electric were what he would need also. DON BUNN, CITY ENGINEER Mr. Bunn stated it appeared the fire hydrant would have to be moved to accommodate lot 1. He suggested looping the water line. He explained that proof of notification would need to be presented at the subcommittee meeting on March 28. He also directed the engineering firm to contact Jim Johnson regarding the street name "Woodview". CONCURRENT PLAT - HAYES ADDITION LINA WATSON - S OF HOWARD NICKLE RD, E OF SALEM The fourth item on the agenda was a concurrent plat for Hayes Addition, owned by Lina Watson, represented by George Faucette, and located on the south side of Howard Nickle Road and east of Salem. This area consists of 4 lots encompassing 16.91 acres and is zoned R-1, Low Density Residential. DON BUNN, CITY ENGINEER Mr. Bunn explained that since this was a concurrent plat, the Planning Commission could approve it as either a final or a preliminary plat. If it was approved as a preliminary, the plat would have to come before the review process again when it became a final plat. He further explained notification would have to be made and proof received before the Subdivision Committee meeting. KEN RAIDER, OZARK ELECTRIC Mr. Raider stated there would need to be an easement between lots 2 and 3. He explained all utility easements would need to be marked as such on the plat. RICK EVANS, ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Mr. Evans stated there were no problems. X25 • • • Plat Review March 21, 1991 Page 5 TOM MC ELROY, SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE Mr. McElroy also stated there were no problems. DON BUNN, CITY ENGINEER Mr. Bunn explained that, while it was not required, the owner would be allowed to place a fire hydrant on the property if they so wished. He was told by Mr. Faucette that this plat would go before the county on April 8, 1991. Mr. Bunn explained that the certificate of approval on the water and sewer needed to be approved by the city engineer rather than the water and sewer superintendent. Mr. Bunn then stated that Ms. Bryant, Associate Planner, had indicated that skipping preliminary plat was not a good precedent. He informed Mr. Faucette that revisions would be due on March 25. He further pointed out they would need a better vicinity map. He also stated any subdivision covenants would need to be presented to the city before filing a final plat. He explained there would be no recommendation made as to whether the plat was approved as a preliminary or final. The meeting was adjourned.