HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-03-07 Minutes• A meeting Thursday, Building, MINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW MEETING of the Fayetteville Plat Review Committee was held on March 7, 1991 in Room 111 of the City Administration 113 West Mountain Street, Fayetteville, Arkansas. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES: CITY REPRESENTATIVES: OTHERS PRESENT: Rick Evans, L.O. Ferguson, Dale Cheatham, John Fitzgerald and Larry Winkler Don Bunn, Perry Franklin, Mickey Jackson and Becky Bryant Mr. Milholland, Bob Whitfield, and Dave Jorgensen CONCURRENT PLAT OF POINT WEST SUBADDITION, PHASE II MILHOLLAND - W.OF SHILOH, S. MT. COMFORT The first item of consideration was the concurrent plat of Point West Subaddition submitted by Mr. Milholland for I-1, Heavy Industrial, consisting of 15.92 acres. MR. MILHOLLAND - MILHOLLAND ENGINEERING • Melholland explained this is a replat of the Phase I which had been previously approved. Phase II is land lying to the northwest of Phase I and a small section to the south. Holland stated there was a need for larger tracts. He explained the changes on the preliminary plat affecting the sewer line, lots 1, 2, 13 and 14. On the south side of the property certain lots were enlarged, necessitating the altering of two easements. • DON BUNN - CITY ENGINEER Bunn noted that this was a concurrent plat and would be submitted to the Planning Commission as a preliminary and final plat. If the Planning Commission agrees, it will be approved as a final plat. DALE CHEATHAM - SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE Cheatham requested information regarding the fifty foot utility and drainage easement. It was explained it was approved on the original preliminary plat, that the channel was already there and it was improved upon for flood purposes. RICK EVANS - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Evans stated there was a problem with the easement on Lot 4 but it could be made back into a utility easement or the line could be relocated. It was determined it was best to relocate the line. 1 vB • Plat Review March 7, 1991 Page 2 • • L. O. FERGUSON - WARNER CABLE Ferguson stated there was no service in the area but they could work out an agreement with the developer on a cost sharing plan. LARRY WINKLER - SWEPCO Winkler stated the easements were satisfactory with the exception of Lot 4. He requested an easement on the north side of the street going through Lot 4, Block B. He explained that Lots 1 and 2 were Ozark Electric Service. It was determined that Lots 1 and 2 would probably be used as storage buildings. Winkler stated there were poles near where the street lights were designated. He stated they could put the light in whenever desired and that there would be no contribution since the lights were going on overhead poles. PERRY FRANKLIN - TRAFFIC SUPERINTENDENT Franklin stated street markers and stop signs would be put up at the intersections. MICKEY JACKSON - FIRE DEPT. Jackson stated he had no questions. In answer to a regarding fire hydrants, he explained the State Fire Code a fire hydrant within 500 feet of the furtherest point building and that would be required upon issuance of a permit. He explained the developer could put in a private It was agreed the requirement would be on the plat. question required from any building hydrant. BECKY BRYANT - ASSOCIATE PLANNER Bryant advised this would require re -notification by subdivision meeting. She explained the revisions would have to be received by March 11, 1991. JOHN FITZGERALD - OZARKS ELECTRIC Fitzgerald asked what was going to be built on the land serviced by Ozark Electric. He as told that had not been determined as of yet. FINAL PLAT OF LEVERETTE TERRACE - A TOWNHOUSE DEVELOPMENT BOB WHITFIELD - E OF LEVERETT, N OF POPLAR AND W OF CHESTNUT The second item was a final plat of Leverett Terrace - A townhouse development submitted by Bob Whitfield for property located east of Leverett, north of Poplar, and west of Chestnut. The property is zoned R-2 and contains 5.29 acres with 32 proposed lots. • Plat Review March 7, 1991 Page 3 • MICKEY JACKSON - FIRE DEPT. There was discussion as to which lots contained single family dwellings and which lots contained townhouses. Jackson stated there would have to be an additional hydrant on Poplar Street between the two existing hydrants. He further requested that the proposed hydrant on the cul-de-sac be moved between Lots 28 and 298. PERRY FRANKLIN - TRAFFIC SUPERINTENDENT Franklin stated he had no comments other than concern about the driveways coming out onto Poplar Street. It was pointed out that the plan called for shared driveways and that nothing backed out on the street, but that everything circled through adjoining lots. LARRY WINKLER - SWEPCO Winkler stated he would need an easement through Banjo Street to the north, a minimum of 15 (7 1/2 on each side) or they could go between 31A and 32. There was further discussion regarding placement of easements fronting on secondary streets. Winkler stated they would try to work with the existing ditch if it was sloped up and trees removed on the south side of the ditch. He stated he had been working with Mr. Whitfield on location of the pedestals in the street to keep them away from the driveways and he would continue working with him on that problem. He explained they would have to have a pedestal between every other lot with transformers between every four or five lots. He said they would just have to make sure they didn't put the pedestal where the driveways were since the pads were 42" x 48". L.O. FERGUSON - WARNER CABLE Ferguson questioned placement of the electric meters. It was explained that the meters would be cross -lotted and that it was in the covenant that a lot owner had access to all adjoining lots touching to cross in the event of a space or coordination problem. Ferguson was told they could not penetrate the firewall between houses, that he would have to have two different points of penetration for two-family dwellings. He stated he had no problem with that. RICK EVANS - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Evans stated that they had no problems. • BILL TIBBS - SOUTHWESTERN BELL Tibbs stated that he has no problems with the plat. • Plat Review March 7, 1991 Page 4 DON BUNN - CITY ENGINEER Bunn stated the City would require a developer's contract for all of the water, sewer, streets and drainage improvements and that a lien would be placed on however many lots it would take to account for the construction cost. He explained to Mr. Whitfield that on the final plat only street lines, lot lines, easements, etc. were shown; not utility lines. BECKY BRYANT - ASSOCIATE PLANNER Bryant stated that the legal needed to be legible and the number of acres needed to be listed. Further, the final plat needed to designate which lots were single family dwellings and which lots were townhouses. In response to a question regarding access to 31A, it was explained it would be a two-story, joined townhouse and access would be through the a common driveway serving 7A, 8A, 32, 33, 31A and 32B that carried a common maintenance clause. Bryant asked the City Engineer if that would not create tandem lots. He stated he believed the Commission approved it as a private street rather than a driveway. He further stated that would need to be clarified before approval of the final plat. Bryant asked why they • would have a private drive off of a public street -- why the public street was not continued. She explained there had been no discussion on this matter by the Commission and she believed it had been assumed that since it was 31A and B that it was one unit and the access would be off of Van Gough for both of them. She stated this might be a potential problem that would have to be resolved. • She stated there was also the issue of two tandem lots in the rear which were supposed to have 25 -foot access driveways each. Whitfield stated this had been discussed and they had requested approval for a private drive to service the six lots in question. He stated the discussion revolved around the width of the easement for the private drive and they had dedicated 24 feet. He explained that since it was not a street, they would not have to provide a setback. Whitfield stated that a townhouse development was a planned unit development. Bryant disagreed. He said he understood that it was not a planned unit development under the city standards but he believed that the codes of the City of Fayetteville were not comprehensive to cover a townhouse development. He further stated he had requested specific approval of this private drive and he was told the city wanted a 50 foot easement. Bryant stated that with two tandum lots he would need 25 feet access for each lot. He stated tandum lots did not apply to a townhouse development situation but to an R1 subdivision • Plat Review March 7, 1991 Page 5 regulation. Bryant stated that was not the decision staff had come up with, so it would have to be worked out. Whitfield stated the Planning Commission had already approved this. Bryant stated there was apparently a misunderstanding and they would have to talk about it. Bryant further stated there would have to be a sideyard waiver. Whitfield stated that this had already been brought up before the Planning Commission Meeting; that in a townhouse development there were no side yard lot line requirements. He stated they had reached a compromise with the previous administration in that if the structures were built within five feet of the property line a fire wall would be constructed even though the dwelling was not attached. He stated this was a zero lot line development. Bryant suggested Whitfield resolve this issue with John Merrell. Bryant stated the City did not have copies of the convenants. She stated the deadlines for revisions was March 11, 1991. PERRY FRANKLIN - TRAFFIC SUPERVISOR Franklin stated this was the first time he had seen the plan but • that he knew that Poplar Street was to be widened. He added that he had reservations regarding the number of parking spaces because there would be no parking on Poplar Street for visitor parking. Whitfield stated there would be space in the garage, space in the front and also room for access through the turn -around. Whitfield stated it was 24 feet wide and there was room for access and parking. Franklin reiterated his concern over the parking situation. It was determined the city engineer and planning department needed to have another meeting with the developer. • FINAL PLAT OF EDGE HILLS SUBDIVISION MARK FOSTER & BUDDY PEOPLES - S OF RAVENSWOOD LN, W OF COUNTRY CLUB The third item was the final plat of Edge Hills submitted by Dave Jorgensen, of Jorgensen Engineering, located south of Ravenswood Lane and west of Country Subdivision for property Club. DAVE JORGENSON Jorgensen stated that he was resubmitting for final plat L. O. FERGUSON - WARNER CABLE We have no problems with this one. review. Ito • • • Plat Review March 7, 1991 Page 6 RICK EDWARDS - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS CO. Edwards asked if there could be a four -inch conduit between Lot 8 and 9 going to 10 and 11 going on West 29th Court. He was told the work had already been done but Jorgensen believed there was a four inch conduit there. He would check and advise Edwards. DALE TIBBS - SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE Tibbs questioned one area of the plat where there would be no access. Jorgensen stated that was true because those lots were owned by an individual. They discussed solving that problem. There was further discussion that there was an existing easement and it was recorded. DON BUNN - CITY ENGINEER Bunn asked if the water and sewer lines were in. Jorgensen stated they were and explained that there were four or five lots where they put in 2 -inch line since the lots were too low to service by gravity. Bunn stated they were accepting the 2 -inch line for that area. Jorgensen stated the 2 -inch line was put in a separate easement -- the 15 -foot utility easement that fronted Lots 12, 13, 14, and 15. MICKEY JACKSON - FIRE DEPT. Jackson asked if the hydrants were in. He was told they were put in approximately 20 years ago. PERRY FRANKLIN - TRAFFIC SUPERINTENDENT Franklin stated that there was a problem with the name of West 29th Court when it went north. Jorgensen agreed and stated the name would be changed. LARRY WINKLER - SWEPCO Winkler questioned the amount of 2 -inch conduits for the utilities; he stated he didn't think there would be enough. He stated if the conduit was 4 -inch instead of 2 -inch, cable and telephone could go together in one and there would be enough. There was discussion as to which ones would be needed for electric. There was also discussion as to placement of street lights. Winkler suggested that a street light be placed at the corner of Country Club into the subdivision. Jorgensen agreed and stated there was a guide wire coming down from a pole in that area which would need to be moved. There was more discussion on placement of conduit for utiities. • • Plat Review March 7, 1991 Page 7 BECKY BRYANT - ASSOCIATE PLANNER Bryant stated revisions were needed by March 11, 1991 and the subdivision committee meeting would be March 14, 1991. DON BUNN - CITY ENGINEER Bunn stated the City would need a contract for the unfinished portion of the street construction. PRELIMINARY PLAT OF SPRING PARK SUBDIVISION DUANE NELSON - W OF COLLEGE, N OF HIWAY 71 BYPASS The fourth item was a preliminary plat of Spring Park Subdivision submitted by Duane Nelson and represented by Dave Jorgenson of Jorgenson Engineering. The property is zoned C-2, Thoroughfare Commercial, consisting of 19.77 acres containing 7 large lots. DAVE JORGENSEN Jorgensen stated they would be changing the name of Stearns per the request of the City. He stated they were trying to conform to the master street plan as far as the right-of-way. He explained that it would be 60 feet at the beginning, going to 70 feet and then going to 80 feet as they had more room. He stated the owner had not said if he was going to put in "Mall Lane Avenue" as shown on the plat. He stated they were also requesting a zoning change on Lots 4 and 5. LARRY WINKLER - SWEPCO Winkler pointed out there was an existing overhead 3-phase line in the southeast corner of this area. The developer stated that was on the south border line so that would be no problem. Winkle stated he preferred to keep the lines overhead. He stated they would like a 25 -foot easement along Stearns. He further stated they would serve Lots 4, 5, 6 and 7 and part of Lot 3. He stated Lots 1, 2 and part of 3 would be Ozark Electric. BECKY BRYANT - ASSOCIATE PLANNER Bryant asked about a concept plan. The developer stated one had been filed. PERRY FRANKLIN - TRAFFIC ENGINEER Franklin stated he was concerned about changing the name of Stearns Street. He stated it had been on the master street plan for a number of years. Jorgensen stated it conformed with the master street plan in location and right-of-way. He stated the developer \Z\ • • • Plat Review March 7, 1991 Page 8 would like to have a four -lane street there. Franklin stated he though there should be a major east -west street in that location. He further stated that another street light was needed on the south side of Stearn Street, in the vicinity of Lot 6 and 7. MICKEY JACKSON - FIRE DEPT. He stated that he would agree the street should be called "Stearns Street". He suggested that the hydrant show at the southeast corner of Stearns Street and Mull Lane Avenue be moved to the northeast corner. DON BUNN - CITY ENGINEER He pointed out that the developer would be required to put in either a 31 foot street back to back from the curbs or the City would put in something larger and the developer would pay his pro rata share together with being responsible for driving surface and curb and gutter associated with it. He further stated they might need to look at the size of the water line. It was the consensus that the size of the water line needed to be reviewed. DALE CHEATHAM - SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE Cheatham questioned the size of the setback on the north side of Stearns. He was told 25 -foot. RICK EVANS - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS CO. Evans stated he would like to see an easement down the west side of Lots 4 and 5. Jorgensen agreed. Evans further requested that the easement on the south side of Lots 5, 6 and 7 be expanded to 20 feet. JOHN FITZGERALD - OZARKS ELECTRIC Fitzgerald explained there was an existing three-phase line underground line on the west side of Nelson's Funeral Home but that was the only line they had in the area. There was discussion on the best way to service the area. It was pointed out that if the lines are to be run underground the easement would have to be 30 feet. Fitzgerald stated it would seem more logical to go overhead. It was determined that the developer would be given the option to choose underground or overhead. L. O. FERGUSON - WARNER CABLE Ferguson stated they had cable service in the vicinity. AARON SUBDIVISION - DUB DUNAWAY (PP) 92 •- AARON SUBDIVISION - DUB DUNAWAY (FP) 105 ADAMS STREET DEVELOPMENT -.GLEN SOWDERS (LSD) 204 ADAMS STREET TOWNHOMES - GLENN SOWDER (LSD) 159 ALDI'S, INC.- MARTIN C. FLORIE (LSD) 166 ASPEN HEIGHTS - MB3 PROPERTIES (PP) 207 BAYLEY TOWNHOUSES - THOMAS BAYLEY (LSD) 192 BILLY BROWN ESTATE (LS #1, 2 & 3) 190 BIO -TECH - DALE BENEDICT (LSD) 70 BRADFORD PLACE APARTMENTS - LINDSEY FAMILY TRUST (LSD) 194 K BROOHOLLOW FIRST ADDITION PROPERTIES (FP) 72 BROOKHOLLOW, PHASE III - JERRY SWEETSER (PP) 103' BROOKHOLLOW, PHASE III - JERRY SWEETSER (FP) 132 BURT HANNA - HARRY GRAY (LSD) 186 BUTTERFIELD MEADOWS ADDITION - BMP DEVELOPMENT (FP) 209 BUTTERFIELD PARK - HARRY GRAY (PP) 127 BUTTERFIELD MEADOWS ADDITION - HARRY GRAY (PP) '175 CAMBRAY SUBDIVISION - JERRY SWEETSER (PP) CHILI'S GRILL & BAR - CHARLES MORGAN (LSD) CHILI'S GRILL & BAR - JOHN TITUS (LSD) • CMN PROPERTIES - NANCHAR, INC. (IP) CMN PROPERTIES - NANCHAR, INC. (PP) COLT SQUARE, PHASE II - BILL & DICK KEATING (LSD) COTNER SUBDIVISION - WARREN COTNER (PP) COWBOY STEAKHOUSE - MIKE COLLINS (LSD) CREEKSIDE ESTATES - FRANCIS FERGUSON (PP) CROSS STREET SERVICE, INC. - CHUCK WEBB-(LSD)-, CROSSOVER HEIGHTS, PHASE II - DICK& BILL KEATING (PP) CROSSOVER HEIGHTS - BILL & DICK KEATING (FP) CROSSOVER HEIGHTS, PHASE III - KEATING ENTERPRISES (FP) CROSSOVER HEIGHTS, PHASE III - DICK & BILL KEATING (PP) CTA INDUSTRIAL PROJECT - CHESTER DEAN (LSD) • 18 126 123 244 245 56 78 211 29 225 223 190 240 231 8 DAVIS, TIM (LSD) 109 DISCUSSION REGARDING REPAIR OF BRIDGE 221 DISCUSSION ON REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGES 214 DON'S WHOLESALE CAR SALES - DON NELMS (LSD) 131 DOUBLE SPRINGS ESTATES - COMBS (PP) 95 DOUBLE SPRINGS ESTATES - STEVE & DONNA COMBS (FP) 107 DOUBLETREE ESTATES - LESLIE B. HOWELL (FP) 137 DOUBLETREE ESTATES - LESLIE HOWELL (PP) 107 • EDGE HILLS SUBDIVISION - MARK FOSTER & BUDDY PEOPLES (FP) 120 EDGE HILL SUBDIVISION - MARK FOSTER (PP) 76 EMERALD SUBDIVISION - J. B. HAYS (FP) 218 EMERALD SUBDIVISION, PHASE I - J. B. HAYS (PP) 17 ENGINEERING RESOURCES, INC. - CHESTER DEAN (LSD) 233 FARM & RANCH SUPPLY - ROBERT FIKES (LSD) 37 FAYETTEVILLE CHURCH OF CHRIST - JAMES T. KEY (LSD) 171 FAYETTEVILLE SCHOOL ADMINISTRATION (LSD) 87 FAYETTEVILLE HUMANE SOCIETY 46 FERGUSON ADDITION (PP) 2 FIESTA PARK, PHASE II - BMP DEVELOPMENT (FP) 39 FIESTA PARK ADDITION, PHASE III - BMP DEVELOPMENT (FP) 65 FOREST HEIGHTS - GEORGE FAUCETTE, JR. (FP) 113 FOSTER/BROPHY SUBDIVISION - DAVE JORGENSEN (CP) 170 FOSTER/BROPHY SUBDIVISION (CP) 161 FOSTER/BROPHY SUBDIVISION, PHASE I (PP) 162 FOSTER/BROPHY SUBDIVISION, PHASE I - DAVE JORGENSEN (PP) 170 FOX RUN ADDITION - DAVE JORGENSEN (FP) 176 GADDY ACRES SUBDIVISION - BOB GADDY (FP) 73 GARLAND GARDENS - LINDSEY CONSTRUCTION (LSD) 196 GOOD SHEPHERD LUTHERN CHURCH - DELVIN NATION (LSD) 26 GREEN MEADOWS ADDITION - HARRIS & SANDERS (PP) 63 GREEN MEADOWS SUBDIVISION - HOWARD SANDERS (PP) 54 HAMMOND PLAZA - RUTH HAMMOND TRUST (FP) 243 HAMMOND PLAZA - MEL MILHOLLAND (PP) 178 HANNA'S POTPOURRI - BURT HANNA (LSD) 122 HAYES ADDITION - LINA WATSON (CONCURRENT PLAT) 125 HOUSTON MEADOWS - HARRY GRAY (FP) 183 HOUSTON MEADOWS - GORDON HOUSTON (PP) 147 JASON P. KENNEDY ESTATES - BILL KENNEDY (PP) 51 JIM BLACKSTON SUBDIVISION - JIM BLACKSTON (CONCURRENT PLAT) 195 KAITLYNN MEADOWS - BOB & DONNA TREAT (PP) 243 KEATING ESTATES - RICHARD & GEORGE KEATING (FP) 58 KEATING ESTATES WEST - RICHARD KEATING (FP) 81 KEATING ESTATES - BILL & DICK KEATING (PP) 44 KEATING ESTATES - DAVE JORGENSEN (PP) 177 KELLY EXCAVATION - LYNN KELLY (LSD) 228 KIRBY'S RESTAURANT - KIRBY WALKER (LSD) 134 LEVERETT TERRACES - P. R. GREEN TRUST (CP) 27 • LEVERETT TERRACE - WHITFIELD (PP) 96 LEVERETT TERRACE - BOB WHITFIELD (FP) 119 LOWE'S HOME CENTERS, INC. - HARRY GRAY (LSD) 235 M & B DUPLEXES - MEL MILHOLLAND & JAY BERRYMAN (LSD) 234 MATHIAS MINI -STORAGE - SAM MATHIAS (LSD) 173 MCDONNEL ESTATES - JOHN MCDONNEL (PP) 155 MCILROY BANK - GLEN WOODRUFF (LSD) 155 MCILROY BANK - KIM FUGITT (LSD) 133 MEADOWRIDGE SUBDIVISION, PHASE III - J B HAYS (FP) 68 MINI -STORAGE - CAUDLE (LSD) 84 MISSION BLVD. SUBDIVISION - GORDON WILKINS (PP) 222 MISSION HILLS - R. J. MERRY -SHIP (PP) 219 MOUNT COMFORT AIR PARK - FLOYD HARRIS (PP) 11 MOUNT COMFORT MEADOWS - HOWARD SANDERS (FP) 49 MT. COMFORT ACRES SUBDIVISION - HOWARD SANDERS (PP) 23 MUDD CREEK FARM - FRANCIS FERGUSON (LSD) 38 NEWSOME APARTMENTS - DON NEWSOME (LSD) 199 NEWSOME APARTMENTS - DON NEWSOME (LSD) 202 NORTH HILLS HEIGHTS - HARRY GRAY (PP) 148 • NORTH POINT - MCILROY BANK & TRUST (FP) 142 NORTH HILLS NURSING HOME - TOMMY HOLLAND (LSD) 229 NORTH HEIGHTS ADDITION - CHARLES SLOAN (FP) 230 NORTH POINT SUBDIVISION - MCILROY BANK & TRUST (PP) 91 NORTHWEST ACRES ESTATES - JAMES MOORE (FP) 191 NORTHWEST ACRES, PHASE III - JEFF ALLEN (FP) 237 NORTHWEST ACRES ESTATES, PHASE III - JEFF ALLEN (PP) 224 NORTHWEST ACRES - DAVE JORGENSEN (PP) 179 NWA WAREHOUSE - ARCHITECTURAL CONSTRUCTION (LSD) 154 NWA SURGICAL & REHAB CENTER (LSD) 128 OAK HILL SUBDIVISION - GEORGE FAUCETTE (PP) 75 OAKSHIRE EAST APARTMENTS - KIRK ELSASS (LSD) 221 OFFICE - WAREHOUSE - ARKANSAS BOOK SERVICE (LSD) 82 OLD WIRE SUBDIVISION - MATHIAS/TOMLINSON (PP) 220 PARADISE PLACE - TOM HOPPER (FP) 138 PARADISE VIEW ESTATES, PHASE II - TOM HOPPER (PP) 140 PARADISE VIEW ESTATES, PHASE II - WAYNE LANE (FP) 145 PARADISE VIEW APTS. - LINDSEY & ASSOCIATES (LSD) 111 PARK PLACE ADDITION, PHASE V - JIM LINDSEY (FP) 80 • PARK PLACE, PHASE VI - JIM LINDSEY (FP) 215 PARK PLACE MASTER PLAN - DAVE JORGENSEN (CP) 167 PARK PLACE, PHASE VI - DAVE JORGENSEN (PP) 167 PARK PLACE, PHASE VIII - DAVE JORGENSEN (PP) 168 PARK PLACE, PHASE VII - DAVE JORGENSEN (PP) 169 PARK PLACE ADDITION, PHASE IV - JIM LINDSEY (FP) 79 PARK PLACE, PHASE VII - JIM LINDSEY (FP) 217 PARK PLACE, PHASE VIII - JIM LINDSEY (FP) 216 PARK PLACE, PHASE VIII - JIM LINDSEY (PP) 21 PARK PLACE, PHASES IV, V, & VIII - JIM LINDSEY (PP) 33 PARKING LOT ADDITION - TYSON'S FOOD, INC. (LSD) 85 PINE HAVEN ADDITION - GORDON WILKINS (PP) 157 PINE HAVEN ADDITION - GORDON WILKINS (FP) 164 PINNELL, PAT (LSD) 101 POINT WEST, PHASE II - MILHOLLAND (CONCURRENT PLAT) 118 PRATT WOODS ADDITION - JULIAN ARCHER (PP) 237 PRATT WOODS ADDITION - JULIAN ARCHER (PP) 48 PROVIDENCE PLACE ADDITION - JERRY MCARTOR (PP) 197 PROVIDENCE PLACE ADDITION - GERALD MCARTOR (FP) 209 QUAILL CREEK SUBDIVISION, PHASE II - MEL MILHOLLAND (PP) 187 REGENCY 7 MOTEL - LEONARD GABBARD (LSD) 172 RENGENCY ESTATES (FP) 40 • RIDEOUT HOME CENTER - E. J. BALL (LSD) 226 RIDGEMONTE ESTATES - MB3 PROPERTIES (FP) 213 RIDGEWOOD SUBDIVISION - JIM PHILLIPS (PP) 150 RIDGEWOOD SUBDIVISION - JIM PHILLIPS & RICK ROBLEE (PP) 201 RIDGEWOOD SUBDIVISION - JIM PHILLIPS & RICK ROBLEE (PP) 198 ROSEWOOD HEIGHTS ADDITION - ALEZANDER-HOUSE (PP) 242 ROYAL OAKS - E J BALL (PP) 151 ROYAL OAKS SUBDIVISION - E J BALL (FP) 163 RUPPLE SUBDIVISION - HOYET GREENWOOD ESTATES (PP) 143 SAVANNA ESTATES, PHASE II - MARK FOSTER & BUDDY PEOPLES (PP) 206 SAVANNA ESTATES, PHASE I - MARK FOSTER & BUDDY PEOPLES (PP) 205 SAVANNA ESTATES, PHASE I - MARK FOSTER & BUDDY PEOPLES (FP) 239 SAVANNA ESTATES, PHASE II - MARK FOSTER & BUDDY PEOPLES (FP) 240 SEQUOYAH MEADOWS SUBDIVISION - C. W. COMBS (PP) 156 SEQUOYAH MEADOWS, PHASE I - HARRY GRAY (FP) 181 SEQUOYAH UNITED METHODIST CHURCH (LSD) 1 SEXTON POINT SUBDIVISION - JIM LINDSEY (FP) 47 SEXTON POINT SUBDIVISION (PP) 32 SHADY ACRES - BMB PROPERTIES (PP) 208 SIMPLEX MOTEL - SIMPLEX MOTEL GROUP (LSD) 210 SKYLINE ESTATES - DALLAS & DEE WRIGHT (PP) 6 • SKYLINE ESTATES - WRIGHT (FP) 65 SPECIALTY FASTENING SYSTEMS, INC. (LSD) 238 • SPRING CREEK NORTH - HARRY GRAY (FP) 184 SPRING CREEK SUBDIVISION - DUANE NELSON (PP) 247 SPRING PARK - DUANE NELSON (PP) 121 SPRING CREEK ADDITION & REGENCY ESTATES (PP) 3 SPRING PARK SUBDIVISION, PHASE I - DUANE NELSON (FP) 152 ST. PAUL'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH - CECE HILLIARD (LSD) 129 STOCKLAND DAY CARE FACILITY (LSD) 160 STONEBRIDGE SUBDIVISION - LARRY ROBBINS (FP) 67 STONEBRIDGE SUBDIVISION - LARRY ROBBINS (PP) 14 SUPERIOR INDUSTRIES (LSD) 246 THE WILLIAMS CENTER - JIM MEINECKE (LSD) 193 THE SPORTS PARK - RICK COLLINS (LSD) 139 TIMBER CREST ADDITION - MEL MILHOLLAND (FP) 185 TIMBER CREST - MEL MILHOLLAND (PP) 135 TRESSLAR PARK MALL - TRESSLAR DEVELOPMENT (LSD) 164 UNIVERSITY BAPTIST CHURCH - GARY CANAHAN (LSD) 100 VANTAGE SQUARE SUBDIVISION - JIM LINDSEY (PP) 115 • WALNUT PARK ADDITION - HARRY GRAY (PP) 174 WALNUT HAVEN ADDITION - HARRY GRAY (CONCURRENT PLAT) 188 WALNUT VIEW ESTATES - R -CON, INC. (PP) 203 WALNUT PARK ADDITION, PHASE I - HARRY GRAY (FP) 180 WALNUT PARK ADDITION, PH. II - DON JOHNSTON & DAVID JOHNSON (FP) 227 WALNUT VIEW ESTATES - R -CON, INC. (PP) 200 WALNUT GROVE PLACE SUBDIVISION - SAM ROGERS (PP) 42 WALNUT HEIGHTS ADDITION - ROGERS COMPANY (FP) 53 WALNUT PARK, PHASE III - CASTLE DEVELOPMENT (FP) 236 WALTON ARTS CENTER - BILL MITCHEL (LSD) 60 WAREHOUSE - BURT HANNA (LSD) 232 WATERMAN WOODS - TOMLINSON & BROOKS (FP) 130 WATERMAN WOODS SUBDIVISION - C. TOMLINSON & B. BROOKS (PP) 59 WATSON'S GROCERY & LAUNDROMAT - JIM WATSON (LSD) 165 WEDINGTON HEIGHTS - MARK MARQUESS (PP) 136 WEST FAYETTEVILLE CHURCH OF CHRIST - STEVE MILLER (LSD) 241 WILLOW CREEK APARTMENTS - BILL SWEETSER (LSD) 153 WOODBURY PLACE - MID -SOUTH ENTERPRISES, INC. (FP) 236 WOODBURY PLACE - MID -SOUTHERN ENTERPRISES (PP) 212 WOODFIELD ADDITION, PHASE III - BMP DEVELOPMENT (FP) 237 WOODFIELD ADDITION, PHASE II - HARRY GRAY (FP) 182 • WOODFIELD ADDITION - HARRY GRAY (FP) 149 WOODLANDS ADDITION - HARRY GRAY (PP) 189 WOODVIEW ESTATES - LARRY HAINES (PP) 124 WOODVIEW ESTATES SUBDIVISION - LARRY HAINES (FP) 158 YOUTH BRIDGE - KIM FUGITT (LSD) YOUTH BRIDGE - KIM FUGITT (LSD) 146 144 ZION ROAD APARTMENTS - KIM FUGITT (LSD) 141 ZION PLACE - JOHN & LORA DEAN (PP) 106 ZION PLACE - JOHN LARGENT (FP) 116