HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990-12-27 MinutesMINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW MEETING A meeting of the Fayetteville Plat Review Committee was held on Thursday, December 27, 1990 in Room 111 of the City Administration Building, 113 West Mountain Street, Fayetteville, Arkansas. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES: Rick Evans, James Crownover, Larry Winkler, and Dale Cheatham CITY REPRESENTATIVES: OTHERS PRESENT: Elaine Cattaneo, Mickey Jackson, Cheryl Wright, Becky Bryant, and Don Bunn Tim Davis, Harrison Davis, Bob Morgan, Mel Milholland, Harry Gray, and James Cameron LARGE SCALE DEVELOPMENT PLAN OF TOWNHOUSES TIM DAVIS - NW CORNER OF SYCAMORE & PORTER The first item was a large scale development plan of Townhouses submitted by Tim Davis for property located on the northwest corner of Sycamore Street and Porter Avenue. The property is zoned R-2, Medium Density Residential. LARRY WINKLER - SWEPCO Winkler stated that they have an existing overhead line on the south side of Sycamore. Easements as shown are sufficient. They will most likely serve this with a line running north between buildings 9 & 10 up to in front of building 6, then running east to Porter Road, then south down to Sycamore and along it to the west to form a loop. In answer to a question from Winkler, Mr. Davis advised that they will probably develop Tract I first and Tract II at a later date. RICK EVANS - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Evans stated that he has no problem with the easements shown. They will work with them on the meter locations. DALE CHEATHAM - SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE Cheatham stated that the easements as shown are fine. He requested four 4" conduits under the paved locations where he needs to cross including one on the east side, one between buildings 9 & 10, one between buildings 8 & 11, and one between buildings 2 & 3. DON BUNN - CITY ENGINEER Bunn stated that the sewer line shown is existing. He asked if any of this is in the 100 year flood plain. Harrison Davis advised that the architect looked into that and says it isn't. /0 9 • • Plat Review December 27, 1990 Page 2 Bunn asked about the drainage. Mr. Davis stated that the drainage currently runs between the two parcels, tracts 1 & 2, into a pond area. He added that they will have to provide a small ditch line through it to take care of any drainage. Bunn advised that they show two proposed 48" culverts and there are two 42" culverts under Porter Road. He stated that he would like to see the cross section of the drainage ditch they are planning to build. He advised that it needs to be kept away from the sewer line. He noted that the plat shows the water line is 4" although he thinks it might be a 6" line. If it is a 4" line, they will have to put another line in. Off-site improvements will be required on both Sycamore and Porter which will entail improvement of half of the street to city street standards including storm drainage. In answer to a question from Mr. Davis, he noted that a bill of assurance might be considered on that. He advised that if they develop Tract II a year or more from approval of this, they will probably have to bring it back through the large scale development process. He added that may also affect the off-site improvement requirements and how much of a water line they will be required to put in now. MICKEY JACKSON - FIRE CHIEF Jackson stated that the best locations for the three additional fire hydrants would be on the northeast corner of the property between buildings 3 & 4 in one of the spaces at the end of the parking area or on the property line, in front of building 7, and between building 8 & 9. If the water line isn't larger than 4", the water main should loop across the north end of the property and down the west property line to tie back into the 12" water line. Jackson stated that he is a little concerned that they would not be able to drive up behind buildings 6 & 7 with this layout. He stated that if they can't use the hydrants on the existing line, there would also need to be one on Sycamore Street at the entrance to the center drive between tracts 1 & 2. Jackson stated that there are some specific building code requirements applicable to townhouses that aren't applicable to other apartments. BECKY BRYANT - ASSOCIATE PLANNER Bryant stated that this property was recently rezoned and, as she recalls, there was a limit on the number of units per acre with a bill of assurance. She noted that they will need to check into • that. Also, the parking requirement is 1.5 spaces per unit so they exceeded that considerably. In terms of improving the drainage on the site and having less impervious surface, she would /76 • • X • Plat Review December 27, 1990 Page 3 recommend that they reduce the number of parking spaces. She noted that they will need to look at the Master Sidewalk Plan to see if there is a sidewalk required on Sycamore and/or Porter. She advised that the parks fee requirement is $85 per multi -family unit. With large scale developments, the total parks fees can be paid in three equal installments. The Parks Board will make the decision on whether they will accept land or money in lieu. She suggested that they contact Connie Edmonston of the Parks Department for more information. CHERYL WRIGHT - SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT Wright stated that the location of the dumpsters seem adequate, but the direction that they are faced will make a lot of difference for their new large trash trucks as to whether they can turn around. She advised that they have someone in their office who will work with them in placing the dumpsters. LISA COX - PARKS DEPARTMENT Cox was not present at the meeting, but she commented that the greenspace(parks fee) requirement for 74 units would be .74 acres of land or $6,290 money in lieu. The Parks Board will be making a recommendation on this at their January 7th meeting at 5:15 p.m. in Room 111 of City Hall. LARGE SCALE DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR PARADISE VIEW APTS LINDSEY & ASSOCIATES - S OF JOYCE ST, W OF CROSSOVER RD The second item was a large scale development plan for Paradise View Apartments submitted by Lindsey & Associates and represented by Bob Morgan of Crafton, Tull, & Associates. The property is located south of Joyce Street and west of Crossover Road and zoned R -O, Residential -Office with 132 proposed units. JAMES CROWNOVER - OZARKS ELECTRIC Crownover stated that they have existing power close to the west property line. He noted that they may have to relocate that line. They will plan to serve this underground. The 25' utility easement may be too crowded with the sewer line there. Mr. Morgan advised that they could place the sewer 5' off the property line. He requested a 20' easement down the west property line. He requested 3" or 4" PVC Schedule 40 conduit under all paved areas where their line will run. He noted that he will make a layout of how they will serve all the buildings if they will provide him with two more copies of plan. /// • Plat Review December 27, 1990 Page 4 RICK EVANS - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Evans advised that the easements requested are sufficient. He advised that they won't have any problem serving this. They will be bringing the gas in across the south side of the front drive. DALE CHEATHAM - SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE Cheatham stated that the easements need to be 25' especially on the west side of the property. He requested that they provide a utility easement between the second and third buildings from the west side. He requested conduit the paved area. In answer to a question from Cheatham, Mr. Morgan stated that they don't plan to have a phone in the clubhouse. MICKEY JACKSON - FIRE CHIEF Jackson suggested that the proposed hydrant coming into the complex be moved west two building spacing and place it across from the pool. All other proposed locations are adequate. BECKY BRYANT - ASSOCIATE PLANNER • Bryant advised that a conditional use is needed in R -O for apartments. Mr. Morgan advised that they have applied for a conditional use. Bryant stated that it appears they have provided two spaces for each two-bedroom unit and one space for each one -bedroom unit which is the requirement for high-density residential. However, she feels that because of the density this fits into medium density residential, so the requirement would only be 1.5 spaces per unit. Therefore, they have shown an excess of about 44 spaces that aren't required. She noted that a sidewalk may be required along Crossover Road. She noted that, according to the vicinity map, it appears that this has frontage on Crossover Road all along the east property line. She requested that they correct the vicinity map to accurately depict the total frontage on that road. DON BUNN - CITY ENGINEER In answer to a question from Bunn, Mr. Morgan stated that they only have approximately 102' of frontage on Crossover. Bunn stated that there may not be room to put in a sidewalk, so he doesn't think they would require it. Bunn advised that no off-site improvements are required on a State Highway. He advised that all easements requested will need to be executed as a separate document. Need to show all the easements including off-site easements. They will all be general utility easements. Bunn advised that they need to get in touch with L.O. Ferguson at Warner Cable to find out what they might need. He advised that "Paradise View Drive" is a • Plat Review December 27, 1990 Page 5 public street until it turns to the south which is private. Bunn advised that the Parks Department will be reviewing the greenspace (parks fee) requirement. Bunn stated that there is a note on the plat taking no responsibility for the flood plain and asked if they had confirmed the location. Mr. Morgan stated that they have shown on the plat the flood lines as per the elevation from the FEMA study as well as by elevation with the grading. MICKEY JACKSON In answer to a question from Jackson, Mr. Morgan stated that the drive will be 24' wide. Jackson had no problems. CHERYL WRIGHT - SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT In answer to a question from Wright, Mr. Morgan stated that they will have trash dumpsters. Wright noted that there shouldn't be any problem with the dumpster locations depending on how they are faced. She advised that they contact the Solid Waste Office to have someone come out and work out the details with them. JIM JOHNSON - WATER METER DIVISION • Johnson was not present at the meeting, but he commented that "Paradise View Drive" will need to be renamed so that it won't conflict with existing street names. He requested a floor plan layout to help him assign the addresses. LISA COX - PARKS DEPARTMENT Cox was not present at the meeting, but she commented that the greenspace requirement for 132 units would be 1.32 acres in land or a total of $11,220 in lieu of land. She advised that the Parks Board will meet on January 7th at 5:15 p.m. in Room 111 and will be making a recommendation to the Planning Commission. ELAINE CATTANEO - CITY PLANNING SECRETARY Cattaneo advised Mr. Morgan of the Subdivision Committee and Planning Commission meeting dates and noted that they would need to submit proof of notification of the adjoining property owners by the Subdivision Committee meeting date. Twelve revised copies of the plat will need to be submitted to the Planning Office by December 31st. XFINAL PLAT OF FOREST HEIGHTS(FORMERLY OAK HILL SUBDIVISION) GEORGE FAUCETTE, JR - S OF SYCAMORE ST, E OF SPRUCE • The third item was a final plat of Forest Heights(formerly Oak Hill Subdivision) submitted by George Faucette, Jr., and represented by //3 Plat Review • December 27, 1990 Page 6 • Harry Gray of Northwest Engineers for property located south of Sycamore Street and east of Spruce. The property is zoned R-1, Low Density Residential, and contains 7.96 acres with 24 proposed lots. HARRY GRAY - REPRESENTATIVE Gray stated that the owner would like to move the street lights from the locations shown to the west side of the street which would mean moving the easements to the other side. Also, they are considering larger lots which may eliminate one of the lots. LARRY WINKLER - SWEPCO Winkler stated that if they modify the lot lines, he will need a copy of the revised plat. They plan to loop around the outside perimeter of the subdivision with the exception of the very back around lots 13 & 14. They will follow the easement shown and come between 14 & 15 up to the cul-de-sac. Go around the cul-de-sac the point between lots 12 & 13 and follow that easement back to the perimeter. The easements shown are sufficient. They have an existing overhead line on the west side of Vandeventer. Won't need any additional easements other than what will be required if the lights are moved to the other side of the street. In answer to a question from Mr. Gray, Winkler stated that he will not need an easement along Sycamore Street. He advised that for underground installation, they will need the easements cleared as much as possible and brought to grade. RICK EVANS - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Evans stated that they will serve this on the outside perimeter as well. Therefore, if the easement was widened to 25', they would probably be able to save more trees. If the size of the lots are changed, he will need a new plat. DALE CHEATHAM - SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE Cheatham stated that the easements as shown are sufficient. DON BUNN - CITY ENGINEER Bunn stated that the easements on the east and west sides should probably be 25' wide. In answer to a question from Bunn, Mr. Gray advised that the street name, "Forest Heights", would not have "Avenue" or "Street" attached to it as approved by the Water Meter Division earlier. They will verify it with the Water Meter Division. Bunn advised that at the Sycamore intersection looking IIItoward the north, the traffic sight distance isn't restricted by the bank. Therefore, they need to cut that bank back to provide P' • • Plat Review December 27, 1990 Page 7 for sight distance. He advised that there have been some problems with locating sewer line connections. He requested that they mark the curbs to show the location of these connections. Bunn advised that they had just received an application to vacate alleys on this property which should go before the Board of Directors the first meeting in February. MICKEY JACKSON - FIRE CHIEF Jackson advised that two fire hydrants required aren't shown on this plat. One needs to be located close to the corner and one 700' to 800' down the street. He noted that the locations shown on the preliminary plat are satisfactory. He stated that he is concerned with the slope of the cul-de-sac in terms of fire truck access. BECKY BRYANT - ASSOCIATE PLANNER In answer to a question from Bryant, Mr. Gray advised that a waiver of the length of the cul-de-sac was approved at the preliminary stage. Bryant requested that the locations of any utility easements abutting the subdivision be shown on the plat. Also, the Spruce Street location should be indicated on the plat. CHERYL WRIGHT - SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT Wright stated that the turn around radius is fine, but she is also concerned about the slope of the cul-de-sac. Gray stated that they will cut it to their planned grade and then have the Fire Department and Sanitation to bring their trucks out to test it. ELAINE CATTANEO - CITY PLANNING SECRETARY Cattaneo advised that the revised plats need to be submitted to the Planning Office by December 31st. PRELIMINARY PLAT OF A REPLAT OF LOT 4 OF VANTAGE SQUARE SUBDIVISION JIM LINDSEY - N OF JOYCE STREET, W OF OLD MISSOURI ROAD The fourth item was a preliminary plat of a Replat of Lot 4 of Vantage Square Subdivision submitted by Jim Lindsey on behalf of Vantage Square - A Joint Venture and represented by Bob Morgan of Crafton, Tull, & Associates. The property is zoned R -O, Residential -Office, containing 7.59 acres with 7 proposed lots. JAMES CROWNOVER - OZARKS ELECTRIC • In answer to a question from Crownover, Mr. Morgan stated that he isn't sure what the planned use is for the lots but assumes it will //5 • • Plat Review December 27, 1990 Page 8 be for offices. Crownover stated that they will serve along the back lot lines. There is overhead power on the street for the front lots. He requested a 20' easement betweens lots 4E & 4F out to Joyce Street. RICK EVANS - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Evans requested an easement of at least 25' along Joyce Street on the south side of the property. No other problems. DALE CHEATHAM - SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE Cheatham requested a 25' easement on the east side of Park View Drive. No other problems. DON BUNN - CITY ENGINEER Bunn advised that the approval block on the plat for the water and sewer approval should state "City Engineer" rather than "Water and Sewer Superintendent". MICKEY JACKSON - FIRE CHIEF Jackson stated that the ordinance requires a fire hydrant within 300' of every lot on commercial property. This seems to meet that. BECKY BRYANT - ASSOCIATE PLANNER Bryant advised that the use of the property is very important. It needs to be designated on the plat. If this is to be developed as single-family, the lot sizes are adequate. However, if this is to be used as offices, the minimum lot size is an acre. Most of these aren't that large. Bryant advised that they need to also look at the sidewalk requirement. Also, if this is developed as residential, parks fees will apply to it. CHERYL WRIGHT - SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT Wright stated that the trash requirement would also depend on the use of the property. She stated that she is a little concerned about the access to lot 4A, she isn't sure how far up the private drive they can travel. FINAL PLAT OF ZION PLACE SUBDIVISION JOHN LARGENT - W.C. #87 - OUTSIDE CITY • The fifth item was a final plat of Zion Place Subdivision submitted by Mel Milholland of Milholland Engineers on behalf of John Largent. The property is located outside the City Limits on W.C. //L • Plat Review December 27, 1990 Page g Road #87. MEL MILHOLLAND - REPRESENTATIVE Milholland stated that part of this is in the City of Springdale and is on the agenda for their next meeting. He advised that Tract 8 is the only lot with an existing building. He noted that he has a letter from a representative of the City of Springdale releasing this from any right as far as water and sewer that they may have on this property. JAMES CROWNOVER - OZARKS ELECTRIC Crownover stated that the easements are fine. He advised that they have an off-site power line on the south side of this property, but it may not have been dedicated as an easement because of a lawsuit. RICK EVANS - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Evans stated that the easements are fine as they requested with the preliminary. DALE CHEATHAM - SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE Cheatham had no problems. DON BUNN - CITY ENGINEER Bunn advised that, as mentioned earlier, they would like the water meters to be located on the public road. In answer to a question from Bunn, Milholland stated that he spoke with the owner about putting in a 6" line and he didn't want to. Bunn advised that if a fire hydrant was put on a 4" line, it would have to be designated as a "fill station" only. He noted that parks fees don't apply to property in the growth area. MICKEY JACKSON - FIRE CHIEF Jackson stated that he had requested a fire hydrant on each end of the 4" line at the last meeting. Milholland stated that he will approach the owner about that. BECKY BRYANT - ASSOCIATE PLANNER Bryant advised that the zoning regulations don't apply to property outside the City Limits. CHERYL WRIGHT - SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT • Wright stated that they will need to check with Springdale about trash service.