HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990-10-18 Minutes• A meeting Thursday, Building, MINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW MEETING of the Fayetteville Plat Review Committee was held on October 18, 1990 in Room 111 of the City Administration 113 West Mountain Street, Fayetteville, Arkansas. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES: CITY REPRESENTATIVES: OTHERS PRESENT: Rick Evans, L.O. Ferguson, Larry Winkler, and Tom McElroy Perry Franklin, Elaine Cattaneo, and Don Bunn Jeff Staggs, Dave Jorgensen, and Bob Whitfield PRELIMINARY PLAT OF DOUBLE SPRINGS ESTATES STEVE & DONNA COMBS - S OF HIGHWAY 16 W, W OF DOUBLE SPGS RD The first item was a preliminary plat of Double Springs Estates submitted by Milholland Engineers on behalf of Steve & Donna Combs for property located south of Highway 16 West and west of Double Springs Road. The property is outside the city limits and contains 10 acres with 4 proposed lots. JEFF STAGGS - MILHOLLAND ENGINEERS • Jeff Staggs of Milholland Engineers was present at the meeting. He stated that they have this scheduled to be reviewed by the County Planning on the first Monday of November. • L.O. FERGUSON - WARNER CABLE No comments. JIM CROWNOVER - OZARK ELECTRIC Crownover was not present at the meeting. He requested that the 25' building setback along Double Springs Road be designated as a utility easement including 25' parallel to the street across the accesses to the back lots. TOM MCELROY - SOUTHWESTERN BELL McElroy requested the same easement as the electric company. RICK EVANS - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Evans stated that he would like the 25' building setback be designated as utility easement also. • DON BUNN - CITY ENGINEER Bunn stated that the water line is existing. There will be meters 95 • • Plat Review October 18, 1990 Page 2 on Double Springs Road for the back lots. ELAINE CATTANEO - CITY PLANNING SECRETARY Cattaneo advised that they will need to submit their proof of notification of the adjoining property owners to the staff by the Subdivision Committee meeting date. She noted that the Planning Commission meeting has been rescheduled for November 13th since November 12th is a holiday. Twelve revised copies of the plat will need to be submitted to the Planning Office by Monday, October 22nd. PERRY FRANKLIN - PUBLIC WORKS Franklin stated that they aren't sure the parks fees(greenspace requirement) apply to property outside the city limits. If so, the land dedication would be .05 acres and the money in lieu would be $420. The next Parks Board meeting is Monday, October 22nd at 5:15 in Room 326. Franklin added that street lighting can't be imposed by the City outside the city limits. PRELIMINARY PLAT OF LEVERETT TERRACE - A TOWNHOUSE DEVELOPMENT BOB WHITFIELD - E OF LEVERETT, N OF POPLAR, & W OF CHESTNUT The second item was a preliminary plat of Leverett Terrace - A townhouse development submitted by Bob Whitfield and represented by Dave Jorgensen of Jorgensen & Associates for property located east of Leverett, north of Poplar, and west of Chestnut. The property is zoned R-2 and contains 5.29 acres with 32 proposed lots. • BOB WHITFIELD - OWNER/DEVELOPER • Whitfield stated that they are proposing 54 units on 5.29 acres which would be about 10 units per acre. This is almost identical to the Garland Terraces development on the corner of Garland and Sycamore. He noted that he submitted a concept plat earlier that went to the Plat Review. Since that time, it has been revised and is being brought back as a preliminary plat. It is an owner - occupied townhouse development. He added that on the lots which show A & B, there will be two townhouses developed joining each other back-to-back. On lots 1, 6, 29, 30, 31, & 32, the townhouses will be attached side-by-side. They have individually numbered lots 21 through 28 and 2 through 4,because they propose to build individual free-standing units with fire walls that are not joined. But, it is his understanding that they would have the option to join them if they decide to before the development is complete. Lots 7 through 18 are front -to -back configurations. He noted that they propose to put in the covenants a blanket easement for construction, maintenance, and repairs of utilities on all adjoining lots. For example, 14A would have access to 13A, 96 • • • • • Plat Review October 18, 1990 Page 3 14B, and 15A. The sewer is shown on the south side of Van Gogh and the water is across the street. They may need to bring water & sewer service from Poplar on lots 6A & B. In answer to questions from the utility representatives, Mr. Whitfield stated that they plan to remove some of the trees to the rear of the lot and move the creek. There is a natural basin back there, but they will need to do some clean up work. He stated that, after their survey work is complete and they know how much of the trees will be removed along the ditch, they propose to widen the utility easement to 35' or 40'. Gas service will not be needed because this is proposed as an all electric development. TOM MCELROY - SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE McElroy stated that he doesn't have a problem serving the lots from the back as long as their line isn't in the creek ditch 'along the north side of the property. He noted that they can cross the ditch with the line, but don't want to follow it. He will need at least 20' of easement. He asked that they call him when they start clearing around the creek. L.O. FERGUSON - WARNER CABLE Ferguson stated that they need to make sure their line isn't in the creek. He added that they have service all around this property. LARRY WINKLER - SWEPCO Winkler stated that they could serve along the front of the lots to stay out of the street and would only need a couple of transformers in the front with a pedestal between every other lot. He requested that the 25' building setback along the front of the lots be a designated utility easement also. In answer to a question from Winkler, Whitfield stated the additional right-of-way of Poplar Street is shown. He stated that the 25' building setback on the south side should also be designated a utility easement. He advised that they will need to know up front whether the homes will be free-standing single homes or connected, because it could cause a problem with their points of service. When buildings are joined, there can be separate services and separate meters but only to one service point. RICK EVANS - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Evans had no comments. BECKY BRYANT - ASSOCIATE PLANNER Bryant was unable to attend the meeting. She commented that the adjoining property owners need to be shown on the plat. The 97 • Plat Review October 18, 1990 Page 4 private drive to access lot 32 needs to be 25' wide for each tandem lot. There needs to be a note on the plat to show which lots are proposed as single-family and which are duplex -townhouses. Contour lines need to be darker. The owner/developer needs to submit a written request to the Planning Commission for the side yard waiver for a townhouse development. The staff needs to know what the on-site parking provisions are for each lot. The proof of notification of adjoining property owners needs to be submitted by the Subdivision Committee meeting. ELAINE CATTANEO - CITY PLANNING SECRETARY Cattaneo stated that, according to the Water Meter Division, this needs to be Van Gogh "Place" or "Court" instead of "Street". The • Planning Commission meeting has been rescheduled for October 13th at 5:00 p.m. instead of November 12th because of the holiday. She noted that they need to submit their revised copies to the Planning Office by Monday, October 22nd. PERRY FRANKLIN - TRAFFIC SUPERINTENDENT • Franklin stated that the greenspace requirement(parks fees) will be a land dedication of .53 acres or money in lieu totaling $4,505. He noted that this was figured on $85/unit for 53 units if they are to be considered multi -family units and $105/unit if single-family. He added that the City will put a standard street light on the existing wooden poles. When they get ready for the street markers, contact him. DON BUNN - CITY ENGINEER • Bunn stated that all the building setbacks that are going to also be utility easements need to be designated that way on the plat. He noted that they will need to make a cash payment for whatever it will cost to bring their half of Poplar Street up to the City Street standards. That street will be widened within the next five years according to the Capital Improvement Plan. A bill of assurance will not be accepted. The drainage calculations on the creek will need to be submitted showing the current drainage and any new drainage created by the development. If they want the City to maintain it, it will need to be designated as a specific drainage easement separate from the utility easement. The legend on the plat needs to designate the sidewalks. In answer to a question from Bunn, Whitfield stated that there will be a pedestrian easement between lots 10 & 11 for a public sidewalk. Bunn noted that a sidewalk needs to be shown on the east side of Chestnut. The sidewalk needs to be shown all the way around the • cul-de-sac to the east property line of 30B. If a lot is not sold or a building permit is not issued on a lot within five years, the owner of record will have to build the sidewalk. The contours qg Plat Review October 18, 1990 Page 5 need to be darkened. The general drainage pattern needs to be indicated. The number of proposed units needs to be on the plat. "Water and Sewer Superintendent" on the plat needs to be changed to "City Engineer". The staff needs a copy of the subdivision covenants. Bunn stated that he isn't sure zoning. If lot 32 is considered residences, they will need a 25' total of 50'. He advised them to this. Whitfield stated that they Bunn noted, if that is the case, P.U.D. on the plat and all P.U.D. that tandem lots apply in R-2 a tandem lot with two separate access drive to each one for a talk to the Planning staff about are considering this as a P.U.D. it needs to be designated as a regulations followed. 77