HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990-10-04 Minutes• A meeting Thursday, Building, MINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW MEETING of the Fayetteville Plat Review Committee was held on October 4, 1990 in Room 111 of the City Administration 113 West Mountain Street, Fayetteville, Arkansas. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES: CITY REPRESENTATIVES: OTHERS PRESENT: Rick Evans, L.O. Ferguson, Jim Crownover, and Tom McElroy Perry Franklin, Elaine Cattaneo, and Don Bunn Doug Hemingway, Dave Jorgensen, and Dub Dunaway PRELIMINARY PLAT OF NORTH POINT SUBDIVISION MCILROY BANK AND TRUST - N OF HALL AVENUE, E OF HWY 71 BYPASS The first item was a preliminary plat of North Point Subdivision submitted by Doug Hemingway of Hemingway & Associates on behalf of Mcllroy Bank and Trust for property located on the north side of Hall Avenue, east of the Highway 71 Bypass and zoned C-2, Thoroughfare Commercial. The property contains 5.82 acres with eight proposed lots. • DOUG HEMINGWAY - REPRESENTATIVE FOR THE OWNER • Hemingway stated that they are proposing to subdivid this property and utilize the width of the lots by bringing the street as far north as possible. Therefore, they will need a waiver on the length of the cul-de-sac. L.O. FERGUSON - WARNER CABLE Ferguson stated that they don't have a line close to this area. If they require cable, it would have to be done on a cost -share basis. TOM MCELROY - SOUTHWESTERN BELL McElroy stated that they have an existing 12' easement purchased on the east line of this property. It is located within the 15' easement shown. He has no problems with their line being in the road easement, but they need to understand it can be dug up if there are problems. He added that they will serve this property on the front easement(west side). A street crossing will be needed at the entrance to the subdivision. RICK EVANS - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Evans stated that there closest line is on Drake Street, but they will have no problem extending it on up to this property. The easements are fine. He will need a casing under the new street. 9/ • Plat Review October 4, 1990 Page 2 • • JIM CROWNOVER - OZARKS ELECTRIC Crownover stated that they have service on the east side of this property. They will adjust their line to come down the east property line. It is a 3-phase line so they should keep it overall to give more flexibility. That may pose a problem on some of the lots. He requested that the sewer easement shown between lots 1 & 2 in block 2 and lots 1 & 2 of block 1 be dedicated as a general utility easement and widen it. He requested a 15' easement between lots 4 & 5 for the street light. DON BUNN - CITY ENGINEER Bunn requested that the sewer line be located over to one side of the sewer easement, which is to be widened for the power company. He stated that the Highway Department will have to approve the entrance off of Highway 112, and a copy of their approval needs to be submitted to him. He added that the Water Meter Division has stated that "North Point" conflicts with other street names. He stated that there will need to be one more fire hydrant located on the east middle side of the property. All the services need to come off of the new street so that they don't have to stop and read meters off of the highway. There will need to be a water line constructed along the new street. In answer to a question from Bunn, Hemingway stated that they haven't discussed any plans with the property owner to the east regarding any lots on his property accessing this street. Bunn stated that he would like discuss the water service with him further. There is no problem with the sewer line. A 5' sidewalk is required. The cul-de-sac length waiver will need to be requested from the Planning Commission. ELAINE CATTANEO - CITY PLANNING SECRETARY Cattaneo advised that they will need to submit 12 revised copies to the Planning Office by Monday, October Bth. Proof of notification will need to be submitted by the Subdivision Committee meeting date. Subdivision Committee meets on October 11, 1990 and Planning Commission meets on October 22nd. 7 PRELIMINARY PLAT OF AARON SUBDIVISION _ DUB DUNAWAY - N OF HUNTSVILLE RD, W OF CHERRY LN The second item was a preliminary plat of Aaron Subdivision submitted by Dub Dunaway and represented by Dave Jorgensen of Jorgensen & Associates for property located north of Huntsville Road and west of Cherry Lane. The property contains 1.34 acres with 5 proposed lots. T.2 Plat Review October 4, 1990 Page 3 DAVE JORGENSEN - REPRESENTATIVE Jorgensen advised that they are proposing to divide this property into five lots. They do have some more property to the north of this, but it will be sold to the adjoining property owner and a property line adjustment will be done. He advised that sewer service is available to all the property, but it will have to be extended to lot 5. L.O. FERGUSON - WARNER CABLE Ferguson stated that they have a line along Cherry Lane and one to the west of the property. No property serving this. TOM MCELROY - SOUTHWESTERN BELL McElroy stated that they will not have any problem serving this. He requested that the 25' setback along Cherry Lane be designated a utility easement. RICK EVANS - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Evans stated that they have a line going up Cherry Street. The easements as shown and requested by the telephone company are fine. There is no problem serving all the lots. JIM CROWNOVER - OZARKS ELECTRIC Crownover requested that the 25' setback along Cherry be dedicated as a utility easement. The other easements are fine. PERRY FRANKLIN - PUBLIC WORKS Franklin advised that Solid Waste Management didn't have any comments. The Parks Department has advised that the land dedication for greenspace requirement is .06 acres with the money in lieu being $525. They will make a recommendation at the next Parks Board meeting on Monday, October 8th, at 5:15 p.m. DON BUNN - CITY ENGINEER Bunn advised that there is an existing house on one of the lots. Therefore, a parks fee will probably not be required on that lot. He suggested they attend the Parks Board meeting and pose that question. He suggested that they contact Connie Edmonston in the Parks Department for more information. Bunn stated that they need to show on the plat the size of the water line, the location of the existing fire hydrants, the location of the proposed fire hydrant. There will need to be a 13 • • • Plat Review October 4, 1990 Page 4 fire hydrant within 500' of each lot. There is an 8" water line along Huntsville Road. He added that some sort of surety is needed for the construction of half of Cherry Lane to city street standards(1/2 of a 31' street with storm drainage) for the length of the subdivision. The sidewalk on Cherry needs to be constructed right away and not be a part of the surety for improving the street. Bunn advised that they need to make sure the property is being divided in a way that will provide the 8' setback on the side of the existing house. Bunn advised that the sidewalk needs to be shown on Huntsville Road and Cherry Lane. A street light will be needed at the north end of the subdivision assuming that there is an existing one at the intersection of Huntsville Road and Cherry Lane. Contour lines and surrounding property owners need to be shown on the plat. PERRY FRANKLIN - TRAFFIC SUPERINTENDENT Franklin stated that Hal Morton of Solid Waste Management had no comments. He added that the street light spacing is adequate. He added that if they propose any plantings or anything at the intersection, it needs to checked out with him to avoid traffic sight obstruction. ELAINE CATTANEO - CITY PLANNING SECRETARY Cattaneo stated that the revised copies of the plats need to be submitted to the Planning Office by Monday, October 8th. The proof of notification of the adjoining property owners needs to be submitted to the staff by the Subdivision Committee meeting date. ely