HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990-08-23 Minutes1 • • MINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW MEETING A meeting of the Fayetteville Plat Review Committee was held on Thursday, August 23, 1990 in Room 326 of the City Administration Building, 113 West Mountain Street, Fayetteville, Arkansas. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES: Rick Evans, L.O. Ferguson, Tom McElroy, Larry Winkler and Jim Crownover CITY REPRESENTATIVES: Becky Bryant, Perry Franklin and Don Bunn OTHERS PRESENT: Doug Hemingway, Harry Gray, Dave Jorgensen, Chester Dean, and Jim Cramer REVISED FINAL PLAT OF GADDY ACRES SUBDIVISION BOB GADDY - S OF MISSION BLVD, E OF WHIPPOORWILL LANE The first item was a revised final plat of Gaddy Acres Subdivision submitted by Bob Gaddy and represented by Doug Hemingway of Professional Surveyors for property located on the south side of Mission Boulevard and east of Whippoorwill Lane. The property is zoned R-1, Low Density Residential, containing 40.32 acres with 21 proposed lots. DOUG HEMINGWAY - REPRESENTATIVE FOR OWNER/DEVELOPER Hemingway stated that they are changing some of the lots around and changing the access. L.O. FERGUSON - WARNER CABLE COMPANY Ferguson stated that he has no problem with the easements as they are shown. He asked that he be contacted as soon as they start constructing the first house. TOM MCELROY - SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE McElroy stated that he has no problem with the easements. He needs to be notified also when construction starts. RICK EVANS - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Evans stated that he has no problem with the easements as shown. They will start on their line when construction starts on the first house. JIM CROWNOVER - OZARKS ELECTRIC Crownover stated that they have no problem with the easements as shown. Please notify them when they start construction. • • Plat Review August 23, 1990 Page 2 DON BUNN - CITY ENGINEER Bunn asked if there is any water and sewer in yet. Mr. Hemingway answered, no. Bunn noted that there will be a contract needed for those improvements which will place a lien on certain lots to equal the value of those improvements. He added that, when it came in before, the staff required the street to be improved. Since then, they are having second thoughts about whether it should be required right now. The status of that street needs to be re-evaluated. He noted that there will be the same number of lots. One requirement by the Planning Commission was for a barrier to be put up. In answer to a question from Don Bunn, Mr. Hemingway stated that he would talk to Mr. Lindsey about that to find out when the barrier will be put up. Bunn advised that, by the time a house is built out there, that barrier ought to be put up. It was the intent of the Planning Commission not to have that as a through street. In answer to a question from Mr. Hemingway, Bunn stated that sewer and water easements as shown would be sufficient, but it needs to be easy for them to read the meters. BECKY BRYANT - ASSOCIATE PLANNER Bryant asked for clarification on the accesses. Mr. Hemingway advised that there will be no streets. There are private drives, but none of them will be city streets. He added that, because there is so much frontage all the way around on the sides, they are trying to make the lots along the existing frontage. They would make tandem whatever the Planning Commission would allow and have access easements of 50' for common drives for two lots. He added that lot 12 is tandem. Mr. Hemingway explained how each lot would be accessed. Bryant stated that they will need to submit a copy of the covenants. Also, a fire hydrant will need to be installed within 500' of the lots. She added that the improvements of one- half of Starr Drive needs to be worked out. The execution of a developer's contract needs to be done. The sidewalks will need to be designated on the plat. PERRY FRANKLIN - TRAFFIC SUPERINTENDENT Franklin stated that they need to be careful about sight distance problems on the driveways. All plantings, etc., within 25' from the intersections can't be higher than 30". If there is a problem with that, someone needs to contact him. 1� • • • Plat Review August 23, 1990 Page 3 PRELIMINARY PLAT OF OAK HILL SUBDIVISION GEORGE FAUCETTE - S OF SYCAMORE, E OF GREGG AVE The second item was a preliminary plat of Oak Hill Subdivision submitted by George Faucette and represented by Harry Gray of Northwest Engineers for property located on the south side of Sycamore Street, east of Gregg Avenue. The property is zoned R-1, Low Density Residential, containing 7.96 acres with 24 proposed lots. HARRY GRAY - REPRESENTATIVE FOR OWNER/DEVELOPER Gray stated that they are planning a single-family development. He added that this is a part of the old Evans Farm plat and there is a 20' alley across the middle of this property between lots 7 & 8 and lots 17 & 18. They plan to vacate that alley as a part of the replat of the property. In answer to a question from Perry Franklin (Traffic Superintendent), Mr. Gray stated that they don't see a need for a connection into Spruce Street from this platted alley. The terrain would make it difficult. Gray stated that he shows a 20' perimeter easement on the southwest corner of the property. He asked if there would be any objection to dividing the 20' easement on the lot line between lots 14 & 15 and then going back out between lots 12'& 13 or lots 11 & 12. DON BUNN - CITY ENGINEER Bunn advised that there would need to be a waiver requested from the Planning Commission on the length of the cul-de-sac. The only other issue that needs to be resolved is whether they want to require a dedication of street easement which he will refer to John Merrell, Planning Management Director, and the Planning Commission. He added that this is a basically a replatting of a very old subdivision. L.O. FERGUSON - WARNER CABLE Ferguson stated that they have no problem with the easements. They have an aerial service on the west side of the property. He requested that all of the easements be cleared and brought to grade. Please notify him when they start construction. LARRY WINKLER Winkler stated that, if they go underground, they can build it on the outside perimeter, taking out a lot of trees. He added that splitting the 20' easement between lots 14 & 15 and going out between lots 12 & 13 would be fine. The portion of the cul-de-sac on the west side of the street needs to be designated as a utility easement and building setback. He requested that the easements be 1s • Plat Review August 23, 1990 Page 4 cleared. TOM MCELROY - SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE McElroy stated that the easements are satisfactory with the easement in between lots 14 & 15 and between lots 12 & 13. If the lots are redesigned, he asked for a revised plat before they start construction. RICK EVANS - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Evans stated that the easements are satisfactory. They can serve from the back side with no problems. Send him a copy of the updated plat. BECKY BRYANT - ASSOCIATE PLANNER Bryant advised that, according to Jim Johnson from the Water Meter Division, this street can not be named "Oak Hill" because there are too many existing streets with "Oak" in the name. She asked that proof of notification of the adjoining property owners be submitted by the Subdivision Committee meeting. The revised plats need to • be submitted by Monday, August 27th. The greenspace dedication is .3 acres or money in lieu of $2,520. She noted that it is her opinion that Spruce Street should be connected up to Oak Hill Place because of the length of the cul-de-sac and the opportunity to divert some of the traffic down to Gregg Avenue, since Sycamore is operating at its design capacity. Bryant asked if there is any development to the east of this property. Mr. Gray stated that there are three or four existing houses on the east side of this property. PERRY FRANKLIN - TRAFFIC SUPERINTENDENT Franklin stated that, as soon as they get ready for the street markers and stop signs, please contact him. PRELIMINARY PLAT OF EDGE HILL SUBDIVISION MARK FOSTER - S OF RAVENSWOOD LN, W OF COUNTRY CLUB DR The third item was a preliminary plat of Edge Hill Subdivision submitted by Dave Jorgensen of Jorgensen & Associates on behalf of Mark Foster & Buddy Peoples for property located south of Ravenswood Lane and west of Country Club Drive and zoned R-1, Low Density Residential. The property contains 15.31 acres with 26 proposed lots. • DAVE JORGENSEN - REPRESENTATIVE OF OWNER/DEVELOPER Jorgensen advised that this is west of Skyline Estates on Country �L9 Plat Review August 23, 1990 Page 5 Club Mountain. He added that this will tie into existing 27th Court on the north end and extend westerly then turn into what is now called "Club Oak Drive". Bryant stated that Jim Johnson of the Water Meter Division has stated that this is a private drive and not a city street. Jorgensen stated that he is maintaining that it is a city street simply because it has been platted on the previous plat. They would be bringing in a private drive on "West 28th Court" with a tandem lot situation leading back to lots 25 & 26. They are requesting a 27' back to back street because they are tying into a 27' street. LARRY WINKLER - SWEPCO Winkler stated that there needs to be clear markings on where the road will be. He noted that he has an existing line along Country Club Drive overhead and along 27th Court and could come from those and make a loop. On the southeast corner, this property goes right up to the private drive so they have access. However, in front of Joe Fred Starr's house, if the street(Ravenswood) is extended, they will need some easement shown off-site from this going north to Ravenswood and then east to Country Club Drive. Jorgensen stated that they could give a 15' easement all they way with the access being between lots 151 & 152 of Country Club Estates to the northeast corner of lot 1 of this subdivision. Winkler requested that the easements be cleared, and they need to coordinate street crossings between lots 13 & 14 and lots 4 & 5. L.O. FERGUSON - WARNER CABLE Ferguson stated that they need a street crossing between lots 8 & 9, lots 10 & 11, lots 13 & 14 and between lots 4 & 5 to the easement on the north side of lot 20. He asked for a revised plat and notification, when they are sure they are going to start construction. BECKY BRYANT - ASSOCIATE PLANNER Bryant advised that the Water Meter Division has stated that both of the streets will need to be renamed. "Court" and "Drive" are o.k. She noted that the names of the adjacent property owners needs to always be shown on preliminary plats. The greenspace requirement is .33 acres and the money in lieu is $2,730. Also, the Fire Chief wants the fire hydrant moved to a location one block south. TOM MCELROY - SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE McElroy requested that the 25' building setback from the private drive on the north side of lot 20 be designated a utility easement. 11 • • • Plat Review August 23, 1990 Page 6 All the other easements as discussed will be satisfactory. He advised that he will need street crossings between lots 4 & 5 and lots 20 & 21. PERRY FRANKLIN - TRAFFIC SUPERINTENDENT Franklin requested that they notify him, when they are ready for the street signs. DON BUNN - CITY ENGINEER Bunn advised that there needs to be a legend on the plat. He stated that they need to show the street easement of "Edge Hill Drive" going to the north and how it will connect into the existing street. Also, he is concerned about whether or not they should be closing that street easement between lots 20 & 21 and lots 25 & 26. He would prefer that they consider a street right-of-way through there with a temporary cul-de-sac and a connection for future extention of the street on to the west. RICK EVANS - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Evans stated that the easements as requested will be fine. He asked for a copy of the plat once it has been revised. PRELIMINARY PLAT OF COTNER SUBDIVISION WARREN COTNER - WEST OF HWY 112, N OF HWY 71 BYPASS The fourth item submitted by Dave Warren Cotner for Highway 71 Bypass C-2, Thoroughfare six proposed lots was a preliminary plat of Cotner Subdivision Jorgensen of Jorgensen & Associates on behalf of property located west of Highway 112 and north of . The property is zoned A-1, Agricultural, and Commercial, containing 33 acres more or less with DAVE JORGENSEN - REPRESENTATIVE OF OWNER/DEVELOPER Jorgensen stated that the developers are planning to sell the lots contingent on approval of the preliminary plat. He noted that he advised them that nothing could be developed here until the plat has gone through the final process. L.O. FERGUSON - WARNER CABLE Ferguson stated that they don't have any service available to this property, but it is close coming from the west on highway 112. If they were asked to serve this property, it would be on a cost- sharing basis. 1% Plat Review August 23, 1990 Page 7 TOM MCELROY - SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE McElroy stated that all the easements shown are fine. He requested an easement on the west edge of the 50' access shown for the lot on the west side, which has the existing house on it. RICK EVANS - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Evans stated that the easements shown are fine. The gas meter sits on Highway 112, so they have a private line back to their building. Therefore, they will have to look into how to move it out of the other lots. JIM CROWNOVER - OZARKS ELECTRIC Crownover stated that they have power to the existing buildings. The easements look fine, but he isn't sure what arrangements will be made on adjusting their existing lines to those easements. He advised that it is hard to build or install power lines on an access type easement such as the 25' utility and access easement on the south side. If it has to be an access easement, they will need 20' additional easement north of the 25' shown. BECKY BRYANT - ASSOCIATE PLANNER Bryant advised that the street needs to be named. It would be either a "Court" or a "Place". We need lot numbers and the proposed use of the land, if known, on the plat. The names of the adjacent property owners need to be shown on the plat. The greenspace requirement is .09 acres with the money in lieu being $735. A copy of the covenants need to be submitted and proof of notification needs to be submitted by the Subdivision Committee meeting. PERRY FRANKLIN - TRAFFIC SUPERINTENDENT Franklin stated that the length of the cul-de-sac far exceeds the requirement. Jorgensen noted that they would be requesting a waiver on the length of the cul-de-sac. REPLAT OF FINAL PLAT OF PARK PLACE ADDITION - PHASE IV JIM LINDSEY - OFF CAMBRIDGE, S OF MISSION BLVD The fifth item was a replat of the final plat of Park Place - Phase IV submitted by Dave Jorgensen of Jorgensen & Associates on behalf of Jim Lindsey for property located off of Cambridge, south of Mission Boulevard. The property is zoned R-1, Low Density Residential, containing 8.51 acres with 18 proposed lots. • Plat Review August 23, 1990 Page 8 DAVE JORGENSEN - REPRESENTATIVE FOR THE OWNER/DEVELOPER Jorgensen stated that the developer's reason for doing the final plat now is to sell lots, and they do understand that they can't build anything until all the improvements are in. There haven't been any changes since it came through the preliminary process. L.O. FERGUSON - WARNER CABLE Ferguson asked to be notified, when construction. The easements are fine. between phases IV & V. they intend to start Need street crossing TOM MCELROY - SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE McElroy stated that the easements are fine. LARRY WINKLER - SWEPCO Easements are fine as shown. Need street crossing between phases IV & V across Cambridge. • RICK EVANS - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS No problem with the easements. BECKY BRYANT - ASSOCIATE PLANNER Bryant had no comments. PERRY FRANKLIN - TRAFFIC DEPARTMENT Franklin stated that they need to make sure the street lights are installed when the rest of the improvements are done. FINAL PLAT OF PARK PLACE ADDITION - PHASE V JIM LINDSEY - OFF OF CAMBRIDGE, S OF MISSION BLVD • The sixth item was a final plat of Park submitted by Dave Jorgensen of Jorgensen Jim Lindsey for property located off of Mission Boulevard. The property is Residential, containing 11.05 acres with L.O. FERGUSON - WARNER CABLE No problems. Place Addition - Phase V & Associates on behalf of Cambridge Road, south of zoned R-1, Low Density 25 proposed lots. • Plat Review August 23, 1990 Page 9 LARRY WINKLER - SWEPCO No problems. TOM MCELROY - SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE No problems. RICK EVANS - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS No problems. PERRY FRANKLIN - TRAFFIC SUPERINTENDENT No problems. BECKY BRYANT - ASSOCIATE PLANNER Bryant stated that, according to the Planning Commission minutes, it indicates that they wanted back to back cul-de-sacs between this phase and phase VIII, and that is not how it is shown. • FINAL PLAT OF KEATING ESTATES WEST(FORMERLY JASON P. KENNEDY EST.) RICHARD KEATING - N OF TOWNSHIP, E OF OLD WIRE RD • The seventh item was the final plat of Keating Estates West submitted by Jim Cramer of C & F Surveyors on behalf of Richard Keating for property located on the north side of Township, east of Old Wire Road. The property is zoned R-1, Low Density Residential, containing 2.3 acres with 9 proposed lots. JIM CRAMER - REPRESENTATIVE FOR THE OWNER/DEVELOPER Cramer stated that this was formerly Jason P. Kennedy Estates, the only thing that has been changed is the name. L.O. FERGUSON - WARNER CABLE Ferguson had no problems with it. TOM MCELROY - SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE McElroy advised that he has utilities in the back easement, and they need to be located before any digging is done. RICK EVANS - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Evans had no problems. le • • • Plat Review August 23, 1990 Page 10 LARRY WINKLER - SWEPCO Winkler stated that they have an existing aerial line along the north property line in the 20' utility easement shown. The easements are fine. BECKY BRYANT - ASSOCIATE PLANNER Bryant asked about lots 4 & 5. Mr. Cramer stated that they are going to be dedicated as greenspace to the Parks Department. She noted that they need a date, a graphic scale and a name change on the plat. The name will need to be checked out with the Water Meter Division. She added that they need to submit their revisions by Monday, August 27th. LARGE SCALE DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR OFFICE - WAREHOUSE ARKANSAS BOOK SERVICES - E OF SHILOH, S OF MT. COMFORT RD The eighth item was a large scale development plan for Office - Warehouse submitted by Arkansas Book Services Corporation and represented by Chester Dean of Architectural Construction. The property is zoned I-1, Light Industrial & Heavy Commercial, containing 2.18 acres. L.O. FERGUSON - WARNER CABLE Ferguson stated that he doesn't have anything in that area. TOM MCELROY - SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE McElroy stated that he will serve this from the northeast corner of the property. When the utility rooms are located, the developer will need to provide a pipe out to that utility easement. RICK EVANS - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Evans stated that they won't have any trouble serving this. LARRY WINKLER - SWEPCO Winkler stated that there is a three-phase power line on the west side of Shiloh Drive. Easements are fine. BECKY BRYANT - ASSOCIATE PLANNER Bryant stated that the zoning needs to be noted under general information on the plat. She noted that the shape of the property on the vicinity map needs to be more accurate with Shiloh Drive shown, so that Planning Commissioners can locate this property. Plat Review August 23, 1990 Page 11 PERRY FRANKLIN - TRAFFIC SUPERINTENDENT Franklin stated that any plantings or signs need to be 30" or less within 25' of the intersection so as not to cause a visual obstruction for vehicles going in and out of the parking lot.