HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990-07-19 Minutes• • • MINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW MEETING A meeting of the Fayetteville Plat Review Committee was held on Thursday, July 19, 1990 in Room 111 of the City Administration Building, 113 West Mountain Street, Fayetteville, Arkansas. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES- Rick Evans, L.O. Ferguson, Dale Cheatham, Jim Crownover and Larry Winkler CITY REPRESENTATIVES- Don Bunn, Becky Bryant, Mickey Jackson, Perry Franklin and Elaine Cattaneo OTHERS PRESENT: James Cameron, Mrs. Floyd Harris and Dave Jorgensen PRELIMINARY PLAT OF GREEN MEADOWS ADDITION FLOYD HARRIS & HOWARD SANDERS - S OF NT COMFORT RD, E OF RUPPLE RD The first item of consideration was the preliminary plat of Green Meadows Addition submitted Floyd Harris & Howard Sanders and represented by James Cameron of Northwest Engineers. The property is zoned R-1, Low Density Residential, containing 30.6 acres with 89 proposed lots. DON BUNN - CITY ENGINEER Bunn noted that this plat has been modified with a relocation of the intersection of Mt. Comfort Road and the Salem Road extension. He added that the water service will need to be worked out because there is a 4" line out in front of the property and will be a 6" line going into the subdivision. Bunn advised that the alignment of Salem Road through this property was an issue that was raised when this was presented a few weeks ago. The alignment, as shown on this plat, ties directly into Salem Road then moves over near the east property line. It is a reasonable alignment. This segment will be tied to the existing part of Salem Road, which goes north off of Wedington Drive, at some point in the future whenever the property in between is developed. This will be designated as a "collector" street. He noted that they can't require that the right-of-way for Salem Road on the rest of Dr. Harris' property to the south of this be dedicated at this time. However, if they are willing to dedicate that right-of-way at this time, it should be indicated on the plat for this development. Bunn advised that a bond will be required by final plat approval for the eventual widening of Mt. Comfort Road to city street standards. DALE CHEATHAM - SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE Cheatham stated that they have no problems with it. 111 RICK EVANS - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Evans requested that at least 20' of the building setback along the south side • • Plat Review July 19, 1990 Page 2 of Mt. Comfort Road be designated as a utility easement. Also, they will need an easement between lots 83 and 85 to serve lot 84 from the rear and on the back of lot 79 to serve lot 80. MICKEY JACKSON - FIRE CHIEF Jackson suggested that the hydrant on Wildflower Drive be moved to the corner of Wildflower & Salem Road, the hydrant on Salem Road be moved to the corner of Poppy Place & Salem Road, and the hydrant on Bluebell Avenue be moved to the corner of Salem Road and Bluebell Avenue. He advised that they need to verify that there is an existing hydrant on Mt. Comfort Road near the Buttercup Avenue intersection. There will need to be one put in if there is not an existing one. PERRY FRANKLIN - TRAFFIC SUPERINTENDENT Franklin stated that "Honeysuckle Court" conflicts with "Honeysuckle Drive" on another plat. He noted that street lighting looks good. L.O. FERGUSON - WARNER CABLE • Ferguson advised that they need some advance notification of when the subdivision will be developed and which phases will be developed first. • • BECKY BRYANT - ASSOCIATE PLANNER Bryant advised that the Water Meter Division has stated that the street names "Honeysuckle", "Buttercup" and "Red Clover" need to be changed. "Bluebell Avenue" can't be an avenue. It needs to be Street, Court, Lane or Place. She noted that the Parks Board has tabled their recommendation on the greenspace requirement on this subdivision until August 6th because of a negotiation on a possible donation of land. Bryant advised that the proof of notification of adjoining property owners needs to be submitted to the Planning Office by the Subdivision Committee meeting date. Covenants will also need to be submitted. The revised plats will need to be submitted by Monday, July 23rd. JIM CROWNOVER - OZARKS ELECTRIC Crownover requested that the building setback along one side of Salem Road be dedicated as a utility easement. He noted that they have a major feeder going up the south end of Salem Road, which they plan to extend and tie together to the north. That feeder, by necessity, will have to be an overhead line; however, the rest of the subdivision can be served underground. He added that they will take care of the street lightS. (Da • • Plat Review July 19, 1990 Page 3 FINAL PLAT OF FIESTA PARK ADDITION - PHASE III BHP DEVELOPMENT - N OF DRAKE, W OF COLLEGE AVE The second item was a final plat of Fiesta Park Addition - Phase III submitted by BMP Development and represented by Northwest Engineers for property located on the north side of Drake, west of College Avenue. The property is zoned R- 2, Medium Density Residential. LARRY WINKLER - SWEPCO Winkler stated that they will be looping around the outside perimeter of Phases II & III. The easements are sufficient. He advised that they had some problem • on Phase I with the elevations being changed after the lines were in. They had to raise some transformers and pedestals. He requested that the land be to final grade as much as possible before they put the utilities in. Or, the engineers could estimate the grade, so that they could make allowance for any changes. The easements are sufficient. • • DALE CHEATHM - SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE Cheatham stated that they have no problems with this plat. L.O. FERGUSON - WARNER CABLE Ferguson stated that they have no problems. RICK EVANS - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Evans stated that they had no problems. MICKEY JACKSON - FIRE CHIEF Jackson stated that he has no problems with the plat. BECKY BRYANT - ASSOCIATE PLANNER Bryant stated that, if the covenants have not already been submitted, they need to submit them. FINAL PLAT OF SKYLINE ESTATES DALLAS & DEE WRIGHT - E OF COUNTRY CLUB DR, S OF E 28TH CIR The third item was the final plat of Skyline Estates submitted by Dallas & Dee Wright and represented by Dave Jorgensen, of Jorgensen Engineers, for property located on the east side of Country Club Drive, south of East 28th Circle. • LARRY WINKLER - SWEPCO Winkler stated that the 15' easement shown on the west side of lot 15 doesn't • • • • • Plat July Page Review 19, 1990 4 look like it is that easement where all of obtained off-site, it wide. He advised that they will need at least a 15' these are shown. He added that, if half of easement is needs to be shown on plat. DON BUNN - CITY ENGINEER Bunn stated that all off-site easements need to be shown on the plat. He noted that the drainage easements need to be shown separately. He advised if there are any public improvements yet to be made, a contract will need to be executed with the City for the completion of the improvements. He added that he talked with Dee Wright about a possible cost-sharing on a culvert off-site. He added that,if the owners will provide cost estimates, the City will consider it. He noted that there have been some complaints from neighboring property owners regarding drainage problems. In answer to a question from Bunn, Jorgensen stated that there are some problems with drainage on properties north of lots 1, 2 & 3. However, there won't be any drainage crossing lots 1, 2 & 3 and their drainage plans won't worsen it. DALE CHEATHAM - SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE Cheatham stated that they had no problems. L.O. FERGUSON - WARNER CABLE Ferguson stated that the easements as shown and requested are fine. RICK EVANS - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Evans stated that they have most of these lots served already. His only concern is the off-site easements mentioned by the power company. Also, any drainage easement needs to be separate from the utility easements. MICKEY JACKSON Jackson stated that Lot 114 isn't within 400' of the fire hydrant. Therefore, if there isn't an off-site hydrant within this distance, one will be needed around lot 4. PERRY FRANKLIN - TRAFFIC SUPERINTENDENT Franklin had no comments. BECKY BRYANT- ASSOCIATE PLANNER Bryant stated that Jim Johnson of the Water Meter Division has stated that "Wright Place" needs to be changed to "E. 30th Circle". She stated that they need to submit a copy of the covenants. • Plat Review July 19, 1990 Page 5 FINAL PLAT OF STONEBRIDGE SUBDIVISION LARRY ROBBINS - W OF STONEBRIDGE RD, N OF HUNTSVLE RD The fourth item was a final plat of Stonebridge Subdivision submitted by Larry Robbins and represented by Dave Jorgensen of Jorgensen & Associates. The property is zoned R-1, Low Density Residential, containing 4.17 acres with 11 proposed lots. PERRY FRANKLIN - TRAFFIC SUPERINTENDENT Franklin had no comments. JIM CROWNOVER - OZARKS ELECTRIC • Crownover stated that, if they serve down the back of the lots with an overhead line, serving the'street lights might present a problem. The street lights could be served underground. It will be up to the developer. The easements are adequate as shown. DALE CHEATHAM - SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE • Cheatham stated that the easements are fine. L.O. FERGUSON - WARNER CABLE No comments. RICK EVANS - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS No comments. • MICKEY JACKSON - FIRE CHIEF No comments. BECKY BRYANT - ASSOCIATE PLANNER Bryant stated that a copy of the covenants needs to be submitted and a bond will be required for the off-site improvements. DON BUNN - CITY ENGINEER Bunn advised that parks fees will be required. He noted that they will need to check whether a sidewalk is required on Stonebridge Road. He advised that a condition of approval of the lot splits on the front of this property was that off-site improvements would be taken care of when the rest of this was developed. • • • • • Plat Review July 19, 1990 Page 6 FINAL PLAT OF MEADOWRIDGE SUBDIVISION- PHASE III J.B. HAYS - N OF FRAZIER TERRACE, W OF OLD MISSOURI RD The fifth item was a final plat of Meadowridge Subdivision - Phase III submitted by Dave Jorgensen of Jorgensen & Associates on behalf of J.B. Hays for property located on the north side of Frazier Terrace, west of Old Missouri Road. The property is zoned R-2, Medium Density Residential, and contains 6.93 acres with 22 proposed lots. PERRY FRANKLIN - TRAFFIC SUPERINTENDENT Franklin had no comments. JIM CROWNOVER - OZARKS ELECTRIC Crownover stated that they have an existing three-phase line through the middle of lot 14 which would be extremely hard to relocate. They may be able to adjust it to go between lots 13 & 14 in which case they would need a 15' between those two lots. All of other easements look fine. They have an underground line along the back of lots 18 through 22 and they plan to serve the rest around the perimeter. In answer to a question from Jorgensen, Crownover stated that an overhead line along the back of lots 4 through 14 might interfere with their transmission line. He stated that he would meet with the engineer on site to discuss it. He noted that he will need to know what is going to be developed on lot 15. DALE CHEATHAM - SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE Cheatham stated that the building setback along Old Missouri Road needs to also be designated as a utility easement. L.O. FERGUSON - WARNER CABLE Ferguson stated that they will need to know whether they want this served underground or aerial. Won't have any problem serving this. RICK EVANS - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Evans stated that they need to show the off-site easement on the south side of lots 18 through 22 It needs to be a total of 25'. MICKEY JACKSON - FIRE CHIEF Jackson had no comments. BECKY BRYANT - ASSOCIATE PLANNER Bryant advised that a bond is needed for improvements on Old Missouri Road. Sidewalks needs to be shown on Old Missouri Road, Honeysuckle and Sunflower. In answer to a question from Bryant, Jorgensen stated that the shaded area on lob • • • • • Plat Review July 19, 1990 Page 7 the front of lots 4 & 5 designates a 25' setback and utility easement. Bryant added that she is concerned about the buildable area on lots 5 through 13 and advised that they take the height regulations into account. They will need to submit covenants to the Planning Office. DON BUNN - CITY ENGINEER Bunn stated that, in addition to a bond for the off-site improvements, the covenants will need to be submitted before the final plat can be filed. A contract will need to executed with the City for completion of the improvements. He noted that the revised plats need to be submitted to the Planning Office by Monday, July 23rd. �v1