HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990-07-05 Minutes• • • MINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW MEETING A meeting of the Fayetteville Plat Review Committee was held on Thursday, July 5, 1990 in Roam 111 of the City Administration Building, 113 West Mountain Street, Fayetteville, Arkansas. Rick Evans, Tom McElroy, L.O. Ferguson, Dale Cheatham and Larry Winkler UTII.ITY REPRESENTATIVES - CITY REPRESENTATIVES - OTHERS PRESENT: Don Bunn, Becky Bryant, Lisa Cox and Elaine Cattaneo Albert Skiles, Dick Keating, Jim Cramer, Mark Mahaffey and Andrew Gibbs LARGE SCALE DEVELOPMENT PLAN - COLT SQUARE - PHASE II BILL & DICK KEATING - LOTS 1 & 2, BLK 2 OF COLT SQUARE SUBDIVISION The first item was a large scale development plan for Colt Square - Phase II submitted by Bill & Dick Keating and represented by Albert Skiles, Architect, for property located on Green Acres Road (Lots 1 & 2, Block 2 of Colt Square Subdivision. The property is zoned C-2, Thoroughfare Commercial. ALBERT SKILES - REPRESENTATIVE FOR OWNER Skiles stated that the building shown on the plan at the south end of the property is currently under construction. It was started when they only had the one lot. Now, they have purchased the other lot and the plan is to develop both lots together with the remainder of the buildings as shown. This plan is to show the proposed parking and sidewalk for this group. The parking represents the maximum parking required for this size building and the particular use. One building will be a restaurant and one is proposed for a new location for Bathrooms, Kitchens & More. They have placed the trash dumpster in an out-of- the-way location with a service drive to it. He added that they plan a reduction of the 50' required building setback from the street on the east side to a 25' setback with the 10% landscaping as required by ordinance. He added that all the existing trees on the east side are being saved. TOM MCELROY - SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE McElroy stated that they have existing facilities in the west easement (10') which needs to be shown. Also, on the south line there is a 15' easement. He asked that they contact him to work out how to serve from the easement to the building. Other than that, the existing easements that were on the existing plat are satisfactory. L.O. FERGUSON - WARNER CABLE Ferguson stated that they don't have anything in this development. To develop this area, it would have to be worked out with Mr. Bell. Therefore, if they want television cable in any of these buildings, they should contact them to work out the details. 419 • et Plat Review July 5, 1990 Page 2 RICK EVANS - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Evans stated that they have an existing easement on the south side of this property and an existing 2" line along part of the east side of this property. He noted that they would have no problem serving this. LARRY WINKLER - SWEPCO Winkler stated that the transformer as shown would serve the building under construction at this time. He added that they would extend north to a point just north of the proposed sidewalk to serve the other three buildings. They will have to stay in the easement and run services to the buildings from that easement. He noted that the restaurant could be served from the south if desirable. He advised that only single-phase is available. He added that no additional easements are needed, but he would like to have the existing easements indicated on the plat. RILEY - FIRE DEPARTMENT Riley stated that the service drive and access to the buildings would need to be up to Code. Skiles stated that they have room to do whatever is needed. Riley stated that there will need to be a fire hydrant within 400' of all the buildings. DON BUNN - CITY ENGINEER Bunn advised that the water and sewer looks sufficient. The easements, contours and general drainage pattern needs to be shown on this plat. He advised that they get in contact with Hal Morton, Solid Waste Management, regarding the location and specs on the trash dumpster. BECKY BRYANT - ASSOCIATE PLANNER Bryant stated that the 10% landscaping to reduce the setback on the east side should be noted on the plat. The streets all need to be named on this plat. A 5' sidewalk is required on the north and the east sides of this property. She noted that they should try to line up with other existing sidewalks in this area, but the staff prefers that sidewalks are set back away from the curb when possible. She stated that, if any of the buildings are going to be over 20' high, there will be an additional setback requirement which increases 1 foot for each foot in height over 20'. She noted that they canc discuss the height regulations in more detail when they know what the heights of the buildings will be. After consulting with the City Engineer, she determined that the curb cut would be o.k. as shown. ELAINE CATTANEO - CITY PLANNING SECRETARY Cattaneo stated that they will need to submit 12 revised copies on Monday, July 9th. She advised that they will need to notify the adjoining property owners 61 Plat Review July 5, 1990 Page 3 of this project including those across the street and submit proof to the Planning Office by the Subdivision Committee meeting date. FINAL PLAT OF KEATING ESTATES RICHARD AND GEORGE KEATING - N OF TOWNSHIP RD, W OF PRIMROSE LN The second item was a final plat of Keating Estates submitted by Richard & George Keating and represented by Jim Cramer of C & F Surveyors for property located on the north side of Township Road, west of Primrose Lane and zoned R-1, Low Density Residential. The property contains .78 acres with 3 proposed lots. TOM MCELROY - SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE McElroy stated that the easements as shown are satisfactory. No problem. L.O. FERGUSON - WARNER CABLE Ferguson stated that they have an existing line on the north side of this property. No problems. RICK EVANS - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Evans stated that the easements shown are fine. No problems. LARRY WINKLER - SWEPCO Winkler stated that the easements shown are fine. They have an existing overhead line in that rear easement on the north property line. No additional easements are needed. If there are street lights, they can serve them down the side property lines. DON BUNN - CITY ENGINEER Bunn advised that a contract will need to be signed with the City for the construction of the water and sewer before the final plat can be filed. Dick Keating stated that they would like to avoid bringing the water across the street in two places in this area by tying into the line that will be brought across for Bill Kennedy's development and for Gulley Park. Bunn advised that the Parks Department has agreed to contribute some money towards the extension of water, but it will be up to the developers of these two subdivisions to get the water there. The City's requirements are based on this subdivision alone without relying on the other subdivision or the Parks Department to get water across the street. Bunn stated that, if there is a variance needed on the street light spacing, it will need to be requested from the Planning Commission. RILEY - FIRE DEPARTMENT No comments. 5`p Plat Review July 5, 1990 Page 4 BECKY BRYANT - ASSOCIATE PLANNER No comments. LISA COX - PARKS DEPARTMENT Cox stated that the Parks Board is making a recommendation to the Planning Commission to take the money ($315) in lieu of land. PRELIMINARY PLAT OF WATERMAN WOODS SUBDIVISION G. TOMLINSON & B. BROOKS - S OF CLEVELAND, E OF SANG The third item was the preliminary plat of Waterman Woods Subdivision submitted by Gerald Tomlinson and Bill Brooks and represented by Mark Mahaffey of Mahaffey Engineers for property located on the south side of Cleveland, east of Sang Avenue and zoned R-1, Low Density Residential. The property contains 11.42 acres with 23 proposed lots. MARK MAHAFFEY - OWNER/DEVELOPER REPRESENTATIVE Mahaffey stated that the developers want to have a wide entrance with an island coming off of Cleveland with a divided entrance. Therefore, they will have to have a wider right-of-way. TOM MCEL.ROY - SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE McElroy stated that the easements shown are satisfactory except there needs to be a 25' easement going south on the back of lot 18 to the north line of lot 17. He noted that they can take out the easement between lots 20 & 21 and put a 20' easement between lots 18 & 19. There will also need to be one between lots 2 & 3. He requested that they make the setback around the cul-de-sac a utility easement also. He added that they will need a street crossing under Archer Drive between lots 2 & 3 and under Samara Circle. He noted that the drainage easement on the south line of lots 10, 11 & 12 will need to be separated from their utility easement. L.O. FERGUSON - WARNER CABLE Ferguson advised that the easements are fine as requested. They will need a street crossing between lots 2 & 3 on Archer Circle and one across Samara Circle. RICK EVANS - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Evans stated that the easements as requested and shown are fine. They will also need street crossings with everyone else. LARRY WINKLER - SWEPCO Winkler stated that they will serve off of Cleveland Street at the northeast sok • Plat Review July 5, 1990 Page 5 corner of the subdivision and come down the rear of lots 1 & 2, then go between 2 & 3 and across Archer Drive over to and across Samara Circle, then between lots 18 & 19 and on to Sang Avenue along the rear of lots 13 thru 16. Lots 5 thru 12 will be served in the rear. Winkler stated that they will need a 2" street crossing on Archer and a 2" & a 3" crossing on Samara Circle. The easements as requested are fine. A portion of the building setback shown on the east line of lot 23 will need to a utility easement. Between lots 15 & 16, there will need to be a 10' easement for the street light. Need an easement on the west side of lot 22 and on the west side of lot 13. There will need to be an easement to get to the street light at Cleveland and Archer. DON BUNN - CITY ENGINEER The water line will need to be looped. Bunn stated that they will need an additional 5' of right-of-way on Cleveland. He noted that they may be required to construct half the street on Sang Avenue and Cleveland or at least the drainage. He will have to look into it. A 10' of additional right-of-way is indicated, but the staff will need to make sure it meets the requirement. They will need possibly two fire hydrants along Archer Drive. The present owner and the wooded areas should be shown on the plat. • BECKY BRYANT - ASSOCIATE PLANNER • Bryant stated that the project line needs to be a little more defined. In answer to questions from Becky Bryant, Mr. Mahaffey stated that the the legal description and the vicinity map is for this project only. She noted that they need to submit a copy of the covenants. Also, a sidewalk is required on Cleveland. LISA COX - PARRS DEPARTMENT Cox stated that the greenspace land dedication requirement for 23 units is .29 acres with the money in lieu being $2,415. The Parks Board will be meeting on July 17th and they will make a recommendation to the Planning Commission. ELAINE CATTANEO - CITY PLANNING SECRETARY Cattaneo stated that the revisions will need to be in the Planning Office on Monday, July 9th. LARGE SCALE DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR WALTON ART CENTER BILL MITCHELL - S OF DICKSON,E OF WEST,N OF SPRING, & W OF SCHOOL The fourth item was a large scale development plan for the Walton Arts Center represented by Andrew Gibbs for property located on the south side of Dickson Street, east of West Avenue, north of Spring Street, and west of School Avenue and zoned C-3, Central Business Commercial. �0 • • Plat Review July 5, 1990 Page 6 ANDREW GIBBS - REPRESENTATIVE Gibbs stated that Pettit and Pettit have been in touch with the various utilities and there has been a relocation of some gas lines. He advised that the building on the corner of West Avenue and Spring Street is scheduled to be renovated for classroom space and offices. DON BUNN - CITY ENGINEER Bunn stated that this project will cover the block between Spring & Dickson Streets and School & West Avenues. He noted that there is a water line in all the streets around this. They have discussed water service with a representative earlier. He added that they need to make sure the Fire Chief has approved the kind of setup they propose. Bunn advised that any easements requested by the utility companies should be granted to the City by separate documents. L.O. FERGUSON - WARNER CABLE Ferguson stated that someone contacted Warner Cable, and they discussed what was needed. If they want cable t.v. in the building that is on the corner of West Avenue and Spring Street, they have an existing aerial line on the north side of Spring Street which they could serve it from. RILEY - FIRE DEPARTMENT Riley stated that they will need to know where the fire department connections will be located on the building. He advised that there should be no parking in front of it and it should be close to a fire hydrant. Gibbs advised that this building will have a sprinkler system. RICK EVANS - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Evans stated that they have already replaced their lines that needed to be replaced. He noted that the utility easements along School Avenue and Spring Street should be shown on the plan. The existing buildings still have gas in them. LARRY WINKLER - SWEPCO Winkler stated that they have been in contact with a representative of this project. They will be building a new line from Spring Street to the existing old lumber company building. The service has been removed from this building, but will put back in after the renovation. They have service existing to the John Porter Produce building. He added that they don't need any easements as such. • BECKY BRYANT - ASSOCIATE PLANNER Bryant advised that there has been a lot of discussion about the parking issue, (9� • • I Plat Review July 5, 1990 Page 7 which has most likely been resolved by the off-site parking that will be provided. There are only 21 spaces on-site. Gibbs stated that the only on- site parking this project will have is staff parking and some handicapped spaces. There will be about 200 off-site parking spaces on West Avenue north of McBride Distributing. The second parking lot will be behind the block of buildings on Dickson Street. Bryant advised that the Master Sidewalk Plan shows a sidewalk along the full length of Dickson Street, West Avenue and School Avenue. She advised that the staff will put a notification of this in the newspaper. ELAINE CATLANEO - CITY PLANNING SECRETARY Cattaneo advised that a representative from the Solid Waste Management Department has voiced some concern earlier regarding the proposed location of the trash dumpsters. She suggested that they contact the Solid Waste Management Department concerning this. DALE CHEATHAM - SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE Cheatham noted that the easements that have already been acquired for this should be o.k. �2