HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990-06-07 Minutes• • • MINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW MEETING A meeting of the Fayetteville Plat Review Committee was held on Thursday, June 7, 1990 in Room 111 of the City Administration Building, 113 West Mountain Street, Fayetteville, Arkansas. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES- Rick Evans and Larry Winkler CITY REPRESENTATIVES- Don Bunn, John Merrell, Perry Franklin, Lisa Cox and Becky Bryant OTHERS PRESENT: Harry Gray of Northwest Engineers PRELIMINARY PLAT OF JASON P. KENNEDY ESTATES BILL KENNEDY - N OF TOWNSHIP, E OF OLD WIRE RD The only item was a preliminary plat of Jason P. Kennedy Estates submitted by Harry Gray of Northwest Engineers on behalf of Bill Kennedy for property located on the north side of Township, east of Old Wire Road and zoned R-1, Low Density Residential. There is a total acreage of 1.9 acres with seven proposed lots. HARRY GRAY - REPRESENTATIVE Gray stated that the Keating Estates Subdivision that he presented to the Planning Commission at their last meeting was also in this area and the question came up regarding driveways onto Township. This development.. will also be accessing Township. He noted that the developer is planning to sign a contract with the Parks Department whereby lots 4 & 5 would be deeded to the City for parks in lieu of the parks fee. Also, that the City would pay for half the cost of extending the water line under Township Road. LISA COX - PARKS DEPARTMENT Cox advised that greenspace land requirement would be .09 acres with the money in lieu being $735. The next Parks Board meeting is June 19th. RICK EVANS - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Evans advised that they have an existing line on the east side of lot 9 and will serve from the front. The 25' easement is adequate. LARRY WINKLER - SWEPCO Winkler stated that they have an existing line following the north property line. They wouldn't have any problem with serving the property. He stated that he doesn't require any additional easements. He added that he doesn't anticipate using the easements between lots 8 & 9 or between lots 1 & 2. PERRY FRANKLIN - TRAFFIC SUPERINTENDENT Franklin had no comments. • Plat Review June 7, 1990 Page 2 DON BUNN - CITY ENGINEER Bunn advised that they need to show the site location on the vicinity map. The sewer is available. The water line will come across Township. No further comments. The Subdivision Committee meets on June 14th at 10:30 a.m. and the Planning Commission meets on June 25th at 5:00 p.m. L.O. FERGUSON - WARNER CABLE Ferguson was unable to attend the meeting, but he commented that they have an aerial line along the north side of this property and won't have any trouble serving this property. BECKY BRYANT - ASSOCIATE PLANNER Bryant asked that they show the sidewalk on the plat as well as the zoning district. Also, they need to show whether the property is wooded. She advised that they will need to submit proof of notification of the adjoining property owners by the Subdivision Committee meeting. JOHN MERRELL - PLANNING MANAGEMENT DIRECTOR • Merrell stated that the staff would like to encourage that this be developed with as much preservation of the trees as possible. • DALE CBEATHAI1 - SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE Cheatham was unable to attend the meeting, but he commented that he had no problem with the easements as described. Cl