HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990-04-26 Minutes• MINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW MEETING A meeting of the Fayetteville Plat Review Committee was held on Thursday, April 26,. 1990 in Room 111 of the City Administration Building, 113 West Mountain Street;-Fayettevilte,.Arkansas.--_. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES• L.O. Ferguson, Tom McElroy, Rick Evans, and Larry Winkler CITY REPRESENTATIVES Don Bunn, Elaine Cattaneo, Hal Morton, Perry Franklin, Lisa Cox and Mickey Jackson OTHERS PRESENT: Doug Hemingway, Dave Jorgensen and James Cameron PRELDINARY PLAT OF SEXTON POINT SUBDIVISION LINDSEY/SEXTON/J.W. REYNOLDS LUMBER CO. - S OF JOYCE, W OF CROSSOVER The first item was a preliminary plat of Sexton Point Subdivision submitted by Doug Hemingway of Professional Surveyors on behalf of Lindsey/Sexton/J.W. Reynolds Lumber Co. for property located on the south side of Joyce Street, west of Crossover Road The property is zoned R-0, Residential -Office, containing 1.55 acres with 2 proposed lots. RICK EVANS - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Evans stated that the easements shown are fine. TON MCELROY - SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE McElroy stated that he has no problems with the easements. DON BUNN - CITY ENGINEER Bunn stated that they need to contact Ozarks Electric to make sure additional easements aren't needed. He stated that they would need access to read the meters, if they are going to be in the back. He stated that he would prefer them in the front. He asked that they check with Don Osburn of the Water Meter Division on that. He advised that the sewer will have to be extended to serve both lots. Bunn stated. that the Master Sidewalk Plan calls for a sidewalk along Crossover Road. There won't be any improvements required on Crossover Road because it is a state highway. BECKY BRYANT - ASSOCIATE PLANNER Bryant advised that they will need to submit revised copies by Monday at 1:00 p.m. Itwill go to the Subdivision Committee on Thursday at 10:30 and they will need to submit the proof of notification by that date. �2 • • • Plat Review April 26, 1990 Page 2 LISA COX - PARKS DEPARTMENT Cox advised that the greenspace land dedication would be .03 acres with the money in lieu being $210. The Parks Board meeting is May 7th. PERRY FRANKLIN - TRAFFIC SUPERINTENDENT Franklin stated that, if they are planning any plantings, walls or fences at their driveways, contact him so that he can check traffic sight distance. MICKEY JACKSON - FIRE CHIEF Jackson stated that he has no comments. HAL MORTON - SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT No comments. L.O. FERGUSON - WARNER CABLE No problems. PRELIMINARY PLATS OF PARK PLACE PHASES IV, V AND VIII JIM LINDSEY - S OF MISSION, W OF CROSSOVER The second item was a preliminary plat of Park Place Subdivision, Phase IV Replat, resubmittal of Phase V and resubmittal of Phase VIII submitted by Jim Lindsey and represented by Dave Jorgensen of Jorgensen & Associates for property located south of Mission Boulevard and west of Crossover Road and zoned R-1, Low Density Residential. DAVE JORGENSEN - REPRESENTATIVE Jorgensen stated that it has been about two years since these phases were approved, so they are resubmitting the preliminary plat on phases IV, V & VIII. Phase IV was previously submitted on a final plat that included phase III. The only change in phase IV from the previous submittal is that they are ending the road at the east property line into the recreation area. Phase V has no changes at all from the previous submittal. Phase VIII is a completely revised plan as a result of the Planning Commission meeting and the meeting of the Park Place Property Owners Association. The access to Crossover Road that was on the previous Phase VIII submittal is now a cul-de-sac and a street (Meandering Way) is being opened up to Crossover Road. The reason for this is to try and prevent traffic from cutting though from Crossover Road to Mission Boulevard. As far as the total development, there has been one change in that Cambridge Road, which had been platted to extend to the south property line, will now be closed before it reaches the south property line. • • • Plat Review April 26, 1990 Page 3 PRELIMINARY PLAT OF PARK PLACE - PHASE IV RICK EVANS - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Evans stated that they have gas available. He requested a crossing on the east end of Revere Place and on the south end of Cambridge Road. L.O. FERGUSON - WARNER CABLE Ferguson stated that they need the same crossings as requested by the Gas Company TOM MCELROY - SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE McElroy stated that the easements are satisfactory. LARRY WINK ER - SWEPCO Winkler stated that they have an existing line along the south side of Phase III. The easements are fine. He requested a street crossing on the south end of Cambridge Road. DON BUNN - CITY ENGINEER Bunn stated that they need to show the easement along the south side of Phase III on this plat. He added that the -contours, wooded areas, sidewalks and street lights need to be shown on the plat. He noted that the water service needs to be looked at carefully in regard to high service and low service. BECKY BRYANT - ASSOCIATE PLANNER Bryant stated that they need to show the sidewalk on Revere Place. LISA COX - PARKS DEPARTMENT Cox stated that the greenspace land dedication would be .23 acres and the money in lieu would be $1,890. PERRY FRANKLIN - TRAFFIC SUPERINTENDENT Franklin stated that there is only one street light shown in the cul-de- sac. There probably should be one at the intersection also. They should be placed to meet the 300' minimum spacing requirement. HICKEY JACKSON - FIRE CHIEF Jackson stated that one hydrant on Revere Street would be adequate. He suggested that it be located in the southwest corner of the intersection. He added that they need to make sure those are good flowing hydrants. • • • Plat Review April 26, 1990 Page 4 HAL MORTON - SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT Morton had no comments. PRELIMINARY PLAT OF PARK PLACE - PHASE V RICK EVANS - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Evans stated that the easements are fine. He requested a crossing on the south end of Cambridge Road. L.O. FERGUSON - WARNER CABLE Ferguson requested a crossing on the east end of Victoria Lane. He requested that the utility easements be shown closest to the lot line and the drainage easement farther away. TOM MCELROY - SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE McElroy stated that he has a problem with the combination drainage -utility easements. Mr. Jorgensen stated that they will give another 10' to 15' off of the east side of lots 1 & 24 to make sure that the utility lines don't get in the drainage easement. Also, they will make the easement off of lots 1, 2 & 3 a 20' easement. McElroy requested a crossing on the east end of Victoria. LARRY WINKLER - SWEPCO Winkler stated that the easements requested are fine. He requested a street crossing on the south end of Cambridge Road. They will need to provide an easement to access the street lights. DON BUNN - CITY ENGINEER Bunn stated that they should show the drainage easement and the utility easement separately PERRY FRANKLIN - TRAFFIC SUPERINTENDENT Franklin stated that the street lights need to be located at the intersections and in the cul-de-sac and then every 300' if possible. He noted that, if they are planning any kind of plantings or landscaping at the intersections, have them contact him. BECKY BRYANT - ASSOCIATE PLANNER Bryant stated that they will need to show a sidewalk on Victoria Lane. LISA COX - PARKS DEPARTMENT • Cox advised that the greenspace land dedication would be .3 acres and the money in lieu would be $2,520. • • • Plat Review April 26, 1990 Page 5 MICKEY JACKSON - FIRE CHIEF Jackson suggested that they locate a hydrant on the northwest or southwest corner of Victoria and Cambridge and another one in the middle of that block toward Author's Court. HAL MORTON - SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT Morton stated that, if Phase V is constructed before Phase VIII, they will need temporary turnarounds for the garbage trucks. PRELIMINARY PLAT OF PARK PLACE, PHASE VIII RICK EVANS - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Evans stated that they have a line on the west side of Crossover Road with a 50' easement. He requested a crossing on the south & north ends of Arthor's Court. He noted that an off-site easement will be needed on the west side on Lots 10, 11 & 12 to go with the 15' shown and the off-site easement on the north side of Phase V needs to be shown. He added that they will also need an easement to get to lot 14. L.O. FERGUSON - WARNER CABLE Ferguson stated that he will need the same crossings on Arthor's Court as well as a crossing on Meandering Way between lots 20 & 43. He noted that the easements are fine as requested. TON MCELROY - SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE McElroy requested crossings on the north and south ends of Arthor's Court as well as a crossing on Meandering Way between lots 20 & 43. He noted that all other easements requested are fine. LARRY WINILER - SWEPCO Winkler requested the same street crossings. He added that they will need additional easement or off-site easement on the northeast side of lots 3 & 20. He noted that they may need an additional crossing later. If Phase VIII is developed first, they will need an additional easement or off-site easement on the west end. DON BUNN - CITY ENGINEER Bunn stated that they need to be careful to separate the gas line from the sewer line. He stated that the plat needs to be legible. BECKY BRYANT - ASSOCIATE PLANNER Bryant stated that the sidewalk looks discontinuous and should be looked at. The revised plats need to be submitted by 1:00 p.m. on Monday and the Subdivision Committee meeting will be Thursday at 10:30. • • Plat Review April 26, 1990 Page 6 LISA COX - PARKS DEPARTMENT Cox stated that the greenspace land dedication would be .54 acres with the money in lieu being $4, 515. PERRY FRANKLIN - TRAFFIC SUPERINTENDENT Franklin stated that the street lights need to be spaced every 300'. MICKEY JACKSON - FIRE CHIEF Jackson requested that the fire hydrant shown on lot 16 be moved to the north side of the street on either side of the intersection (Meandering Way & Londonderry Drive). HAL MORTON - SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT Morton had no comments. LARGE SCALE DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR FARM & RANCH SUPPLY ROBERT PIKES - S OF 6TH STREET, W OF BEECHWOOD The fifth item was a large scale development plan for Farm & Ranch Supply submitted by Robert Fikes and represented by Dave Jorgensen of Jorgensen & Associates for property located south of 6th Street and west of Beechwood. RICK EVANS - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Evans stated that they have an existing line on the south side of 6th Street. This easement needs to be shown on the plat. He stated that he would have no problem serving this. L.O. FERGUSON - WARNER CABLE Ferguson stated that have service available. TOM MCELROY - SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE McElroy stated that he will need a 1" pipe from some point on the building to the easement in the front for access to the building. LARRY WINKLER - SWEPCO Winkler stated that there needs to be an easement shown along 6th Street. He requested a 15' easement centered on the existing aerial line which goes back to Love Box Company. He advised that they can serve the building aerial or underground. He noted that they do have 3-phase available if needed. • DON BUNN - CITY ENGINEER Bunn advised that water and sewer are available. He added that theyneed to show the easement where the existing lines are located. He advsed sl Plat Review April 26, 1990 Page 7 that, if Love Box Company sells this off, they will need to do a lot split. This development will need to be constructed so that it will meet all the building setbacks, if it is sold off. He noted that the revised copies will need to be in the Planning Office by 1:00 p.m. on Monday and this will go to the Subdivision Committee meeting on Thursday at 10:30. BECKY BRYANT - ASSOCIATE PLANNER Bryant stated that they need to show the sidewalk along the full length of the frontage on 6th Street. She noted that the sign shown will need to be cleared with the Sign Inspector, Richard Wilson. She advised that one parking space is required per each 150 square feet of floor area. Jorgensen stated that there is 11,000 square feet of retail space for a total of 73 required spaces. The rest of the building is storage. PERRY FRANKLIN - TRAFFIC SUPERINTENDENT Franklin advised that this part of 6th Street is now designated Highway 180 instead of Highway 62. He added that, if there are plans for landscaping or plantings higher than 30" at the entrance, they need to contact him to check the traffic sight distance. HAL MORTON - SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT Morton stated that the dumpster is shown off the pavement and it needs to be on a reinforced slab. Also, there should not be any parking spaces in front of the dumpster. He added that, if they are generating a lot of cardboard or unwaxed brownpaper, they might consider designing enough space to have two smaller dumpsters with one for cardboard only. With this, they could possibly get a cut rate on their solid waste disposal at some point in the future. MICKEY JACKSON - FIRE CHIEF Jackson stated that the building code requires that this building be sprinklered. LARGE SCALE DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR MUDD CREEK FARM FRANCIS FERGUSON - W OF CROSSOVER RD, S OF OLD WIRE RD The sixth item was a large scale development plan for Mudd Creek Farm submitted by James Cameron of Northwest Engineers on behalf of Francis Ferguson for property located on the west side of Crossover Road, south of Old Wire Road and zoned A-1, Agricultural. RICK EVANS - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Evans stated that they have a 50' easement along the front of the property which should be shown on the plat. They will have no problems serving it. L.O. FERGUSON - WARNER CABLE Ferguson stated that they won't have any problems serving the residence. 3� • • • Plat Review April 26, 1990 Page 8 LARRY WINKLER - SWEPCO Winkler stated that they will only serve part of these buildings. He stated that they will follow the driveway to serve them. He requested a 15' to 20' easement along the driveway. DON BUNN - CITY ENGINEER Bunn stated that the buildings in the floodplain will have to built up one foot above the flood level. It will need to be done in such a way that the flood plain isn't raised. He stated that he assumes this will have to be approved by the Department of Pollution Control and Ecology. BECKY BRYANT - ASSOCIATE PLANNER Bryant stated that she will need to look at the building setbacks to make sure they all comply. PERRY FRANKLIN - TRAFFIC SUPERINTENDENT Franklin had no comments. MICKEY JACKSON - FIRE CHIEF Jackson stated that, if a driveway is run off of Magnolia Drive, there needs to be a fire hydrant near where the sanitary sewer easement is shown. The existing hydrants on Crossover Road will cover the buildings from that side. HAL MORTON - SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT Morton stated that the residence would have to take their garbage to the public street for pick-up. FINAL PLAT OF FIESTA PARK - PHASE II BHP DEVELOPMENT, INC - S OF APPLEBY RD, N OF DRAKE The seventh item was the final plat of Fiesta Park - Phase II submitted by BMP Development, Inc. and represented by James Cameron of Northwest Engineers for property located south of Appleby Road, north of Drake Street, and zoned R-2, Medium Density Residential. The property contains 9.31 acres. HAL MORTON - SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT No comments. RICK EVANS - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Evans stated that they need to show off-site easements. No problems. L.O. FERGUSON - WARNER CABLE scA • • Plat Review April 26, 1990 Page 9 Ferguson requested a 10' easement along the east side of lots 67 & 68. TOM MCELROY - SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE McElroy stated that they have an off-site easement along the eastern boundary of the entire subdivision and back across between Redbud Lane and Mimosa Lane. He requested an off-site easement between Evergreen and Mimosa on lots 71 & 72 to the east LARRY WINKLER - SWEPCO Winkler stated that the easements requested are fine. They will need a street crossing on the north end of Fiesta Drive, south of Redbud Lane and one mid block between Mimosa and Evergreen. He stated that he might need a street crossing on Drake and the entry road. He requested easements to serve the street lights. DON BUNN - CITY ENGINEER Bunn stated that they need to show all the sidewalks on the plat. He added that lots 62 & 63 should not access off of Drake Street. He requested that in the title block, they eliminate "Water & Sewer Superintendent." The protective covenants need to be filed at the time of final plat and a recorded copy should be submitted to the Planning Office. Also, if all the utilities and streets are not in, there will need to be a developer's contract signed with the City. He advised that there aren't any off-site improvements associated with this plat. He stated that they need to note on the plat that this will be a single-family development or have a note in the protective covenants, if that is the intent. PERRY FRANKLIN - TRAFFIC SUPERINTENDENT Franklin stated that the street lights are shown. He stated that they need to show that the street stub off of Drake Street is "Villa Boulevard". MICKEY JACKSON - FIRE CHIEF Jackson had no comments. FINAL PLAT OF REGENCY ESTATES PARKS & RUSSELL LTD PARTNERSHIP - E OF OLD WIRE RD, N OF MISSION BLVD The eighth item was the final plat of Regency Estates Subdivision, submitted by James Cameron of Northwest Engineers on behalf of Parks & Russell LTD Partnership for property located on the east side of Old Wire Road, north of Mission Boulevard. The property is zoned R-1, Low Density Residential, and contains 6.52 acres with 23 proposed lots. • RICK EVANS - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Evans stated that he has no problem with the easements. He requested a street crossing on a stub to the south.. ao • • Plat Review April 26, 1990 Page 10 L.O. FERGUSON - WARNER CABLE Ferguson had no comments. TON MCELROY - SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE McElroy stated that the easements are satisfactory. LARRY WINKLER - SWEPCO Winkler stated that the easements are fine. He requested a street crossing on the south end of the street to the south. DON BUNN - CITY ENGINEER Bunn stated that, if there are any off-site easements adjacent to this, they need to be shown on the plat. The protective covenants need to be filed at the same time as the final plat. Also, if the improvements aren't done, a subdivider's contract needs to be signed. He noted that they will need a bond for the improvement of Old Wire Road before any building permits are issued. Bunn stated that they could ask for a waiver of the street light spacing if needed. BECKY BRYANT - ASSOCIATE PLANNER Bryant stated that the street needs to be named. She noted that the revisions will be needed by 1:00 p.m. on Monday. The Subdivision Committee will meet on Thursday at 10:30 a.m. PERRY FRANKLIN - TRAFFIC SUPERINTENDENT Franklin advised that, if they plan any landscaping, fencing, etc. higher than 30" at the intersection, contact him so that he can check for traffic sight distance. He advised that, regarding the street lights, it is best to start at the intersection and work the spacing in to assure that a street light is located at the intersections. MICKEY JACKSON - FIRE CHIEF Jackson requested that they provide two hydrants. He suggested locating one on the corner of the stubbed street and one between lots 15 & 16. a\