HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990-04-19 Minutes• • • MINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW MEETING A meeting of the Fayetteville Plat Review Committee was held on Thursday, April 19, 1990 in Room 111 of the City Administration Building, 113 West Mountain Street, Fayetteville, Arkansas. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES• CITY REPRESENTATIVES• OTHERS PRESENT: L.O. Ferguson, Tom McElroy, Rick Evans, Ken Raider and Larry Winkler Don Bunn, Elaine Cattaneo, Bal Morton, Perry Franklin, Connie Edmonston and Mickey Jackson Robert Whitfield and Harry Gray CONCEPT PLAT OF LIRE TERRACES (A TOWNHOUSE DEVELOPMENT) P.R. GREEN TRUST - NE CORNER OF POPLAR & LEVERETT The first item was a concept plat of Leverett Terraces (A Townhouse Development) submitted by Robert Whitfield on behalf of P.R. Green Trust for property located on the northeast corner of Poplar & Leverett containing 4.7 acres with 34 proposed lots. The property is zoned R-2, Medium Density Residential. ROBERT WHITFIELD - REPRESENTATIVE Whitfield stated that he would like to get a consensus from everyone on this project. Then, he will consult with his engineer and—bring—it-back through again. He stated that this is identical to the townhouse development on the northeast corner of Sycamore & Garland (Garland Terraces) with the exception of the two-story plans. He stated that the Code isn't clear on townhouse development, but this is a form of a subdivision with zero lot lines. He advised that they propose a two-story house with a duplex configuration on lots 1 through 3. Lot 4 will be a one story free-standing home. Lots 5 through 16 will be one-story individual homes. Lot 17A & B will be a corner configuration with the entrance point to the garage of 17A on Chestnut and the entrance point of 17B on the street through the middle of the development. He added that the street light and the fire hydrant will set in front of lots 4 & 5. Lot 18A & B will be identical to lot 17A & B. Lots 19 through 30 will be front -to - back townhouses with two on each lot (one facing one street and one facing the other.) Lots 31 through 34 will be free-standing single homes. He clarified that they will all be one-story, except lots 1 through 4. Whitfield advised that there will be water and sewer taps to each lot in the front. Electricity, telephone and cable will be on the back of the lots. Whitfield stated that (regarding the widening of Poplar Avenue) the widening of Sycamore Street would be a higher priority and that would entail a great expense. He noted that the drainage on Poplar would have to be fixed before it could be widened. Whitfield stated that they are proposing a 15' front setback on the south side of the new street like a P.U.D. • • • Plat Review April 19, 1990 Page 2 L.O. FERGUSON - WARNER CABLE Ferguson stated that he has no problems with it since the easement is shown all the way around it. He advised that he will need a street crossing on each end of the new street. LARRY WINKLER - SWEPCO Winkler stated that lots 19 through 30 are connected front to back so each building can have a separate service. He added that the easements are adequate. He noted that the creek on the north side will present some problems for them. The utility lines need to be in a separate area from the creek. He advised that there will be pedestals about every other lot along Poplar. He added that they will need a street crossing on one end of the street which lies in the middle of the project. He added that they will need a 10' easement (5' on each lot) between lots 4 & 5 for the street light. TOM MCELROY - SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE McElroy stated that they have a 10' easement on the northwest corner of the property near the creek which is where he will serve from. He added that he will need a street crossing on the new street on the west end. The easements are o.k. RICK EVANS - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Evans stated that they have an existing line running up the east side of Leverett which will need to be located before they do any ground cutting. Everything else is fine. DON BUNN - CITY ENGINEER Bunn advised that Chestnut Apartments across Chestnut from this had to put in a pump station for the sewer. He suggested that they check out the sewer situation. He added that a north arrow, the contours, the acreage, the number of units and other information needs to be on the plat. He added that he hasn't had a chance to look at this from the standpoint of where the water and sewer facilities are. Bunn advised that Becky Bryant was unable to attend the meeting, but she stated that a sidewalk would be required on Leverett Avenue as well as one side of the new street. He suggested that Mr. Whitfield consult the Master Sidewalk Plan to determine if any of the other streets will need a sidewalk. Bunn noted that (regarding the 15' setback from the street) the Board of Adjustment probably wouldn't approve this. They look for a hardship situation. He suggested that Mr. Whitfield meet with Becky Bryant or John Merrell to discuss this. He added that the concept of a P.U.D. is the clustering of development, but this doesn't strictly fall into that category. Therefore, the P.U.D. setbacks wouldn't be applied to this, unless it was presented as a P.U.D. • Plat Review April 19, 1990 Page 3 Bunn advised that a dedication of additional right-of-way easement on Poplar would be requested, as required by the Master Street Plan. Bunn advised that they will need to do a bond for off-site improvements of half of Poplar to city street standards. He added that they may need a waiver of the distance between street lights if they don't meet the minimum of 300' spacing requirement. MICKEY JACKSON - FIRE CHIEF He stated that the duplexes (townhouses) will need a 2 -hour rated dividing wall. In answer to a question from Mr. Jackson, Mr. Whitfield stated that the new street is going to be open on both ends. Jackson stated that it will need to be named. He stated that it would be desirable for the water line coming down the new street to be 6" and to tie onto existing lines on both ends. There will also need to be a hydrant in the middle of the block on the south side of the development along Poplar Avenue. HAL MORTON - SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT No comments. PERRY FRANKLIN - TRAFFIC SUPERINTENDENT Franklin stated that Poplar Avenue is scheduled to be widened to a 3 or 4 -lane in the 5 -year CIP plan. He stated that he is concerned about all the driveways coming out onto Poplar Avenue. He advised that Mr. Whitfield contact the Water Meter Division regarding a street name. CONNIE EDMONSTON - PARKS DEPARTMENT Edmonston stated that with 34 multi -family units, the greenspace requirement would be .34 acres and the greenspace for 17 single-family units would be .21 acres for a total of .55 acres. The money in lieu for the 34 multi -family units would be $2,890 ($85 x 34). The money in lieu for the 17 single-family units would be $1,785 ($105 x 17) for a balance of $4,675. This is in the northwest park district and the Parks Board will make a recommendation on this at their May 7th meeting. PRELIMINARY PLAT OF CREEKSIDE ESTATES FRANCIS FERGUSON - W OF CROSSOVER RD, S OF OLD WIRE RD The second item was a preliminary plat of Creekside Estates Subdivision submitted by Harry Gray of Northwest Engineers on behalf of Francis Ferguson for property located on the west side of Crossover Road, south of Old Wire Road. The property is zoned A-1, Agricultural, and contains 18 acres with 7 proposed lots. Zq • • • Plat Review April 19, 1990 Page 4 HARRY GRAY - REPRESENTATIVE Gray stated that it is possible that duplexes will be constructed on the bigger lots. He added that lots 1, 2, 6 & 7 would be considered tandem lots. He noted that the lot lines will be adjusted to meet the 200' frontage width at the setback line. Gray stated that the Parks Department is looking into acquiring an easement for a walking trail along the creek from Gulley Park and possibly to the park at the corner of Old Wire Road and Crossover Road which would cross this property. Gray stated that sewer is available to all the lots except possibly lot 3 which will depend on where the sewer line is in relation to the easement. This lot may require a sewer extension. He added that he is showing a proposed fire hydrant on the east side of Crossover Road which should take care of the fire protection for the three lots fronting on that street. As far as the other lots, a hydrant will need to be placed probably somewhere within the 50' permanent easement shown. Gray stated that the easement along Crossover Road is an exclusive gas easement. L.O. FERGUSON - WARNER CABLE Ferguson stated that they would have no problem serving.this. He noted that they will need an easement along Crossover Road. KEN RAIDER - OZARKS ELECTRIC Raider stated that they will be serving lots 3, 4 & 5 in this subdivision. They have an existing underground line on the south side of lot 5. They will need an easement along the east side of Crossover Road and a 20' easement between lots 3 & 4. LARRY WINKLER - SWEPCO Winkler stated that they will be serving lots 1, 2, 6 & 7. They have underground facilities on the south side in the Cedarwood Addition. They will serve it with the right-of-way/utility easement shown. They will need a 20' easement on the north side of lot 1 that extends to lot 2. He added that, if this won't be a city street, street lights won't be required except in the existing cul-de-sac. TOM MCELROY - SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE McElroy stated that they have used the gas easement on Crossover Road. It can be used as long as other utility lines are kept away from the gas line. He stated that the easements as shown and as requested are satisfactory. No problems. • • • Plat Review April 19, 1990 Page 5 RICK EVANS - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Evans stated that the easements are adequate as shown and requested. DON BUNN - CITY ENGINEER Bunn stated that lots 4 & 5 don't have the 200' required frontage. He advised that tandem lots are reserved for single-family development only. Bunn advised that, when the Board denied the rezoning on this property, they indicated that the Corp of Engineers study should be completed before any development takes place here. He clarified that they may have meant that no rezoning could take place here until that study was finished. He stated that they will need to review the Board minutes pertaining to this before it goes to the Planning Commission. He advised that there has been a lot of neighborhood opposition to development here because of the flood plain and perceived problems with increased flood level. Bunn stated that lots 1, 2, 6 & 7 are tandem lots. He explained that a double tandem lot is prohibited. Therefore, if lots 1 & 7 are tandem lots, then 2 & 6 can't be tandem lots. He suggested that Magnolia Street be extended to the west side of lot 7 to provide frontage for lots 1 & 7. Bunn stated that, if Magnolia is extended, a sidewalk will be' required on one side. The Master Sidewalk Plan calls for a sidewalk on Crossover Road also. He noted that the house on lot 6 will most likely be in the floodplain. MICKEY JACKSON Jackson stated that the proposed hydrant location is adequate. However, another one will be needed. A good location for the other hydrant would be at the southeast corner of lot 1. HAL MORTON - SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT Morton stated that his main concern is with trash collection on lots 2 & 6. He stated that they will not be taking garbage trucks down the private driveways. In the near future, there are going to be some ordinance changes to curbside collection which would be at the turnaround of Magnolia Drive. PERRY FRANKLIN - TRAFFIC SUPERINTENDENT Franklin stated that one concern of the neighborhood, when this was presented earlier, was the driveways on Crossover Road. He noted that he doesn't see any major problems with this, because the traffic sight distance is good at this. location. 3\