HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990-02-22 MinutesMINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW MEETING A meeting of the Fayetteville Plat Review Committee was held on Thursday, February 22, 1990 in Room 111 of the City Administration Building, 113 West Mountain Street, Fayetteville, Arkansas. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES - CITY REPRESENTATIVES - OMENS PRESENT: Tom McElroy, Rick Evans, L.O. Ferguson and Elaine Cattaneo, Becky Bryant, Don Bunn, Hickey Jackson and Perry Franklin James Vizzier & Harry Gray of Northwest Engineers and Mrs. Floyd Harris PRELIMINARY PLAT OF MOUNT COMFORT AIR PARK FLOYD HARRIS - SE CORNER OF MT COMFORT RD & RUPPLE RD The first item was a preliminary plat of Mount Comfort Air Park submitted by Floyd Harris and represented by James Vizzier for property located at the southeast corner of Mount Comfort Road and Rupple Road and zoned R-1, Low Density Residential. JAMES VIZZIER - REPRESENTATIVE Vizzier stated that Dr. Harris decided to subdivide this into an air park. Therefore, they have set this plan up so that they have..easements.that.are common property, in effect private streets. That would mean that the south lots will have access to the street and the north lots would have access to the air strip. Each of the lots will probably have an individual hangar. Dr. Harris is wanting to sell these lots to people with private aircraft and let them park on their property. There would be common property with covenants covering the common property and every lot owner would have a piece of the airstrip. Mr. Vizzier stated that they are talking about doing this development in phases. Mrs. Harris stated that their intentions at this time, if it is agreeable with the City, to pave only part way back on the private streets unless the owners that buy those lots want to pay the expense of going all the way with them. Mr. Vizzier stated that he would like to advise everyone that the creek as shown on the plat is in the wrong location. It has been relocated so that the section of right-of-way is actually to the south of the creek. DON BUNN - CITY ENGINEER Bunn advised that Salem Road has been designated as a "collector" by the Board of Directors on to the south through this property. Mr. Vizzier noted that it wasn't designated on the Master Street Plan and there wasn't a location established. Mr. Bunn noted that they can go ahead and discuss it as it is laid out, but the extension of Salem Road is something that will need to be resolved between the developers and the staff before it goes to the Planning Commission. He noted that whether or not the streets are paved will be determined by how the streets are designated. Private drives need to be required to be paved to the • • • Plat Review February 22, 1990 Page 2 same standards as public streets. If they are just tandem lots with driveways, then they wouldn't be private streets. Bunn noted that the west end of this is outside the City limits so they will need to petition for an annexation of that property. The approval on this will be conditioned on the annexation being approved. If this is phased, the annexation will need to be done before they get to those phases and before those lots can be served by sewer. He advised that it doesn't make a difference as far as off- site improvements because they can require the same thing outside the City as inside. The main thing is providing the sewer service for that part of the project. As far as off-site improvements on Mt. Comfort Road, they will need to construct half of that road to City standards for the entire length of the subdivision or offering a Bill of Assurance to do that at the call of the City. The Planning Commission will need to consider whether or not off-site improvements will be required on Rupple Road. The three lots on the southwest corner would seem to warrant upgrading of Rupple Road. Bunn stated that sewer service looks alright and they would like to have it encased under the airstrip. He noted that he would like to see the water line moved up to Mt. Comfort Road with all the meters placed there so there wouldn't be any trouble having access for reading the meters and maintenance later on. He noted that fire hydrants can't be allowed off of the existing 4" water line. They could center a water line through there for fire,,protection and then come off the 4" line for services. Bunn advised that these are in effect tandem lots. He noted that the staff had talked about whether an air park would require a rezoning or conditional use and he isn't sure whether John Merrell is going to make a decision on this or let the Planning Commission decide. The airstrip is a nonconforming use now and expansion of it would be the question. Bunn noted that they are required to notify the adjoining property owners with this preliminary plat. KEN RAIDER - OZARKS ELECTRIC Raider stated that they will need a 25' easement down the eastern side of the project and then back through the project along the back side of all the lots. He stated that they will plan to put it underground. RICK EVANS - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Evans stated that the easements requested by Ozarks Electric will be fine. They will also need 20' to 25' easement along the south side of Mt. Comfort. He noted that they have an existing line with a 50' easement that goes down Rupple Road on the east side on a private right-of-way. He stated that if they take the 30' building setback along Rupple Road and make it a utility easement also, then it would cover everything in there. Also, there are three lots on the south side so they will need a 20' easement down the south side of that drive into the property to serve those lots also. �2 Plat Review February 22, 1990 Page 3 L.O. FERGUSON - WARNER CABLE The easements as requested are fine. However, he would like to request a Schedule 40 PVC under the taxiways so that they could get under those. TOM MCELROY - SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE McElroy stated that the easements as requested are acceptable, but he would also have a 2" conduit under the paved portion of those drives if they are paved. He can serve the three lots on the southwest corner by the easement along the front that was asked for. PERRY FRANKLIN - TRAFFIC SUPERINTENDENT Franklin stated that the City of Springdale, City of Fayetteville staff, Northwest Arkansas Regional Planning and Statewide Planning have for a year and one half been working on a functional class road system between Springdale and Fayetteville to come up with principal roads for the 2010 Plan. He added that it hasn't been adopted by anyone and is in various stages of planning. The Highway Department has it currently supposedly doing a..traffic volume projection using some software program He advised that it has been established by all the staff working on it in this area and agreed upon to be taken before all the Boards. They have defined cross-sections of certain designated streets so that the same one in Springdale ten years from now will be the same on in Fayetteville. On that plan just west of the Bypass, there is a designated "principal arterial" starting from Highway 62 and going all the way to Springdale which goes right up through this property. He reiterated that it has not been approved by anyone as of yet and whether it will remain classified as a "principal arterial" since the Board of Directors has designated it as a "collector" remains to be seen. This is just an effort by everyone to come up with something. There are no considerations as of yet as to how it would physically be done. Mr. Vizzier stated that under the Planning Legislature, to really restrict development, there has to be a establish a location. Franklin noted that they need to be careful about causing any traffic sight distance problems with plantings and such at the intersections to Mt. Comfort Road. BECKY BRYANT - ASSOCIATE PLANNER Bryant stated that Jim Johnson of the Water Meter Division stated that the existing residence at 2150 Rupple Road will need an address change if this goes through and the cul-de-sac street needs to have a name on the plat. She noted that the Master Sidewalk Plan shows a sidewalk up to some point on Mt. Comfort Road so there will need to be clarification as to whether a sidewalk is required in this project. Then if the property next to Rupple Road is annexed there will have be a sidewalk along that street. �3 • • • Plat Review February 22, 1990 Page 4 Road so there will need to be clarification as to whether a sidewalk is required in this project. Then if the property next to Rupple Road is annexed there will have be a sidewalk along that street. Revisions need to be shown on the plat and will need to be submitted by March 5th for the Subdivision Committee meeting. MICKEY JACKSON - FIRE CHIEF Jackson stated that there would need to be fire hydrants to serve lots 1, 2 & 3 that meets the spacing requirements for all three lots. He advised that the ordinance they have setting the spacing requirement is less restrictive to residential developments than other. However, on an airport, it might be different. He stated that he will need to review that ordinance. CONNIE EDMONSTON - PARKS DEPARTMENT Edmonston stated that the greenspace requirement with 27 lots would be a land dedication requirement of .34 acres (27 x .0125) with the money in lieu being $2,835. The Parks Board will be meeting on March -5th and will make a recommendation on this. There is a park area in the Walnut Grove Addition located in this parks district so it isn't a high priority area. PRELIMINARY PLAT OF STONEBRIDGE SUBDIVISION LARRY ROBBINS - W OF STONE BRIDGE RD, N OF HUNfSVILLE RD The second item for review was a preliminary plat of Stonebridge Subdivision submitted by Larry Robbins and represented by Dave Jorgensen of Jorgensen & Associates. The property is located on the west side of Stone Bridge Road and north of Huntsville Road and zoned R-1, Low Density Residential. There are 11 proposed lots on 4.7 acres more or less. DAVE JORGENSEN - REPRESENTATIVE Jorgensen noted that there were two lots sold off here by metes and bounds. Don Bunn advised that two lot splits were done by Forrest Drake earlier with the intention of the rest being subdivided later on. He noted that the easement across the north lot between this subdivision and Stone Bridge Road has been filed by a separate document, but he isn't sure the one on the south lot has been. KEN RAIDER - OZARKS ELECTRIC Raider stated that they have an existing line along the east side of Stone Bridge Road and the easements shown along the north and south sides of the subdivision • • • Plat Review February 22, 1990 Page 5 will suffice. Need to know if they want this underground. RICK EVANS - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Evans stated that the easements shown are fine and they have an existing line on the east side of Stone Bridge Road L.O. FERGUSON - WARNER CABLE Ferguson stated that they have an existing line on the east side of Stone Bridge Road and the easements are fine as shown. He noted that they would like to know if this is going to be overhead or underground. DALE CHEATHAM - SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE Cheatham stated that easements as shown are o.k. They have facilities buried on the east side of Stone Bridge Road. He noted that they do have one problem that the lot on the southeast corner of the property has a fence across the easement. DON BUNN - CITY ENGINEER Bunn stated that the easements along the north side,.of..the north lot next to Stone Bridge Road and the south side of the south lot next to the road should have been filed on separate documents at the time the property was split. He noted that he isn't sure what was determined as far as off-site improvements when the lot splits were done here, he will research it. The sidewalk needs to be shown on the plat. The street light spacing seems a little awkward here. They may need a waiver from the maximum distance between street lights or put another one in. He commented that they need to make sure that the fire hydrants are within 500' of all lots. He will look at the drainage. He noted that they have a new requirement that will be enforced soon which is that the minimum size sewer requirement is being changed from 6" to 8". BECKY BRYANT - ASSOCIATE PLANNER Bryant stated that they need to show the sidewalk on the plat and there doesn't seem to be a scale shown on the plat. PERRY FRANKLIN - TRAFFIC SUPERINTENDENT Franklin stated that they are putting any kind of plantings, signs or anything at the entrance, they need to be careful that there is a sight distance problem for traffic pulling in and out of the entrance. MICKEY JACKSON - FIRE CHIEF Jackson asked that they move the fire hydrant two lot lines west to put it in the middle of the subdivision, maybe between lots 9 & 10. \5 ;. • • Plat Review February 22, 1990 Page 6 CONNIE EDMONSTON - PARKS DEPARTMENT Edmonston stated that this is in the southeast parks district and the greenspace requirement for land dedication for 11 lots would be .14 acres with the money in lieu being $1,155. The Parks Board will be meeting on March 5th and will make a recommendation on it. ELAINE CATTANEO - CITY PLANNING SECRETARY Cattaneo advised that this will go before the Subdivision Committee on March 7th and the Planning Commission on March 12th. They will need to submit revised plats by March 5th (13 copies). OD