HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990-02-15 Minutes• MINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW MEETING A meeting of the Fayetteville Plat Review Committee was held on Thursday, February 15, 1990 in Room 111 of the City Administration Building, 113 West Mountain Street, Fayetteville, Arkansas. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES - CITY REPRESENTATIVES - OTHERS PRESENT: Tom McElroy, Rick Evans, L.O. Ferguson and James Crownover Elaine Cattaneo, Becky Bryant, Don Bunn, Mickey l Jackson, Richard Shewmaker and Perry Franklin dal L1'b2]m+ Chester Dean of Architectural Construction, Representative LARGE SCALE DEVELOPMENT PLAN - CTA INDUSTRIAL PROJECT (MANUFACTURING) CHESTER DEAN - W OF DEANE SOLOMON RD , N OF MOUNT COMFORT ROAD The only item for review was the large scale development plan for the CTA Industrial Project ( Manufacturing) submitted by Chester Dean of Architectural Construction for 5.75 acres of property located west of Deane Solomon Road and north of Mount Comfort Road. CHESTER DEAN - REPRESENTATIVE Dean advised that they are proposing 50% manufacturing and 50% warehouse. hazardous materials. He noted that the whole building. a 40,000 square foot building with about It doesn't involve any toxic fumes or they are planning a sprinkler system for RICHARD S - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Shewmaker stated that it would only entail domestic sewer discharge. He stated that he anticipates that the plant will be constructed before the road is started, but they do have access now. They have set aside 100' along the north side of this project for access to property to the west so that it won't be landlocked, but there are no plans to build that street until the property behind it is developed HAL MORTON - SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT Morton stated that they should be able to get a truck into the dumpster at the location shown without to much of a problem. He asked if there will be any problem with trucks blocking the dumpster. Mr. Dean answered, no. Morton asked if the asphalt paved road shown along the north side of the project is the one that will be constructed later. Mr. Dean answered, yes. Morton stated that they may have trouble getting trucks in there in the meantime without getting stuck. BECKY BRYANT - ASSOCIATE PLANNER Bryant stated that the proposed asphalt paved road along the north should just be shown as an easement. • • • Plat Review February 15, 1990 Page 2 She stated that the Master Sidewalk Plan shows a sidewalk on both sides of the road. Mr. Shewmaker noted that Deane Solomon will be paved as they get the funds, but it isn't in this project. Bryant stated that the proposed Trucker's Drive needs to be show on this plat where it will intersect this development. Deane Solomon shouldn't be shown as a paved road. She asked where the ingress/egress would be into the plant. Mr. Shewmaker stated that would come in on Deane Solomon and turn into the plant. Bryant stated that there will be 300 employees a day coming in on a dirt road. Mr. Dean stated that at present there would only be about 160 employees on a three -shift basis and about 12 people in the office so they won't all be there at once. Bryant stated that the parking would be ample in that case. Bryant stated that there needs to be a sidewalk on at least one side of Trucker's Lane. Mr. Shewmaker stated that it wouldn't come into play on this project. Bryant stated that she thought the intent was to rezone this to I-1, this shows I-2. She noted that there is a major difference between the two in that I-1 is for industries that do not produce objectionable environmental influences in their operation and appearance and I-2 is for industries which may give rise to substantial environmental nuisances. JAMES CROWNOVER - OZARKS ELECTRIC Crownover stated that they need to know where the roadwill be out to this project before they know what easements they will need. He added that he will be coming from the North to serve this project. Mr. Dean stated that they would prefer that his service was brought down the east side of Deane Solomon Road to save the trees on the west side, then run it underground over to the building. Crownover stated that they could probably do it that way, but he will need some easement on west side of the road in order to turn the corner to the east. He explained that they would come down the east side of the road and would have to guy across the road. He requested a dedicated easement across that north side to line up with the south side of the dedicated right-of-way for the road. He requested a 30' utility easement on the north property line on the north side of the road of the industrial park ( the portion west of where the road comes down from the North). Then, he would need whatever is necessary to come down the east side of Deane Solomon Rd. He added that they would work the off-site easements out with the City. Their easement to the building needs to 20' to 25' wide if all the utilities are going to be in it and under as little pavement as possible. He requested conduit under the road. RICK EVANS - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Evans stated that the easement requested on the south side of the building across the road that the power company asked for is fine for him and the off-site easements will be worked out with the City. TOM MCELROY - SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE McElroy stated that he would like to ask for a 10' off-site easement (maybe on Trucker's Lane) to get to Deane Solomon Road and they will work that out with • Plat Review February 15, 1990 Page 3 the City; from there he can go either way to serve the project. The only on- site easement he would need is the one asked for on the south side of the building. L.O. FERGUSON - WARNER CABLE Ferguson stated that he doesn't have anything in this area, but it is available. Mr. Dean stated that they haven't indicated that they want cable t.v. here. MICKEY JACKSON - FIRE DEPARTMENT Jackson suggested that the northern most hydrant on Deane Solomon Road be moved down to the entrance into the parking lot. He added that they will still need the two on-site hydrants, but they will need to be relocated; one to the northwest corner and the other down by the public main for the sprinkler system. Jackson asked if they expect to use some wood for interior partitions. Mr. Dean stated that they would be using metal studs, so the only wood would be some cabinets and doors in the office area Jackson advised that it would probably be Type 4 construction instead of Type 5 which is shown. PERRY FRANKLIN - TRAFFIC DEPARTMENT Franklin stated that he did an ITE trip generation survey for three different aspects; 1) number of employees which with 350 shows a generation of 700+ trips/day (24 hrs), 2) acres of development, and 3) square footage of building. He advised that the three shifts per day would change it. considerably. Franklin stated that there is an ordinance about the sight distance for traffic at driveways, intersections and corners. There can be nothing higher than 30" within 25' of the corner. He noted that they may possibly have to remove one of the trees shown if it is creating a problem. Contact him when they get the driveways straightened out and he will come out and look at it. ID