HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989-11-30 Minutes• • • MINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW MEETING A meeting of the Fayetteville Plat Review Committee was held on Thursday, November 30, 1989 in Room 111 of the City Administration Building, 113 West Mountain Street, Fayetteville, Arkansas. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES• Tom McElroy, Rick Evans, L 0 Ferguson and Dennis Burrack CITY REPRESENTATIVES- Don Bunn, Mickey Jackson, Perry Franklin, Scott Smith and Elaine Cattaneo OTHERS PRESENT: Harry Gray, Tom Hopper & Dave Jorgensen FINAL PLAT OF SPRING GREEK ADDITION (FORMERLY SLOAN ADDITION) CHARLES SLOAN - N OR MISSION BLVD, E OF RAMSEY AVE The first item was the final plat of Spring Creek Addition formerly known as Sloan Addition submitted by Charles Sloan and represented by Harry Gray of Northwest Engineers for property located north of Mission Boulevard and east of Ramsey Avenue and zoned R-1, Low Density Residential. Property contains 9.12 acres with 27 proposed lots. HARRY GRAY - REPRESENTATIVE Gray noted that when the preliminary plat was brought through the possibility of bringing all the utilities down the street, but Mr. Sloan doesn't want to do that. He wants to have them on the perimeter of it. He added that there is floodplain in the southeast corner of this subdivision. Gray stated that they would like to make the 20' easement that is shown all on lot 12 a 16' easement coming down the center of the lot line on Lots 11 & 12. L.O. FERGUSON - WARNER CABLE Ferguson noted that they have service along the highway. He noted that he would like to go overhead with the power company across that creek. Ferguson requested a pipe along the lot lines between lots 11 & 12 and 15 & 16 across the street. TOM MCELROY - SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE McElroy stated that the easement between lots 15 & 16 will need to matched for the power company. He noted that they will need a 3" pipe across that entrance road and all other easements are satisfactory. DENNIS BURRACK - SWEPCO Burrack noted what the preliminary plat showed the floodplain going across the corner of this subdivision which doesn't really match with the new lot line of lot 27. Gray noted that it will be parallel to the diagonal line about 40' out. Burrack asked if it would be possible for them to go overhead to the first lot • • Plat Review November 30, 1989 Page 2 and then going underground. Gray stated there would be no problem with that. Burrack noted that they will probably go in the air behind lot 27 down to some place in behind lot 26 and go underground from there. He noted that there are three street lights. If the easement is moved between 14 & 15 to between 15 7 16, will they move the street light to. Gray noted that it will depend on what the City requires because there is a requirement to have a light at the cul-de- sac. Bunn noted that it would probably be alright. RICK EVANS - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Evans stated that they have a line along Mission Blvd. He asked if the building setback was going to be a utility easement also. Gray noted that it was and they would show it on the plat. No other problems. MICKEY JACKSON - FIRE DEPARTMENT Jackson stated that with the preliminary they discussed fire hydrants. Two will be required and it would be best if one was at the corner of Mission and the other up between lots 9 & 10 or on the other side of the street. They shouldn't be more than 800' apart. SCOTT SMITH - SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT No problems. PERRY FRANKLIN - TRAFFIC SUPERINTENDENT Franklin asked that he be contacted when everything is done so they can put up the street marker. Any plantings at the intersection needs to be less than 30" long-term. Gray noted that he would like Mr. Franklin to meet with him out there and look at a 48" sycamore tree that they are trying to save that is very close to the intersection. ELAINE CATTANEO - CITY PLANNING SECRETARY Cattaneo noted that the Subdivision Committee meets on December 6th at 1:00 p.m. and the Planning Commission will review this on December 11th at 5:00 p.m. DON BUNN - CITY ENGINEER Bunn noted that he had no comments to add to the comments he made when the preliminary plat came through. He read the addresses of all the lots off for everyone. LARGE SCALE DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR A REHABILITATION HOSPITAL CONTINENTAL MEDICAL SYSTEMS, INC - N OR APPLEBY ON MONTE PAINTER DRIVE The second item was a large scale development plan for a rehabilitation hospital submitted by Continental Medical Systems, Inc. and represented by Harry Gray • • • Plat Review November 30, 1989 Page 3 of Northwest Engineers. Property is located north of Appleby Road on Monte Painter Drive and zoned R-0, Residential -Office containing 5 acres. L.O. FERGUSON - WARNER CABLE Ferguson noted that they have service available in that vicinity. They can make it available, but they would have to work the details out with someone connected with the facility. TOM MCELROY - SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE McElroy noted that he needs some type of access from the original project north of here. He asked if there will be a mechanical room inside the building besides the mechanical courtyard. Gray stated that he couldn't answer that but the architects will be up here within the next week or two and will be contacting all of them. McElroy stated that there shouldn't be any problems. DENNIS BURRACK - SWRPCO Burrack asked where the 6" loop is located. Gray noted that it is probably 150 west of the northwest corner. Burrack noted that they will need a site for a piece of switchgear on that side. Gray noted that they:could dedicate maybe 20' of the building setback as a utility easement across the property adjacent to the right-of-way. RICK EVANS - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Evans stated that he has no problems with it. MICKEY JACKSON - FIRE DEPARTMENT Jackson asked if this would be sprinklered. Gray answered, yes, and they will be adding a fire hydrant probably at the northeast corner. SCOTT SMITH - SOLID WASTE DEPARTMENT Smith stated that access to the dumpster looks fine. The area around the dumpster needs to be reinforced. PERRY FRANKLIN - TRAFFIC SUPERINTENDENT Franklin asked what the circular area on the plat is going to be. Gray noted that it would be a landscaped area. Franklin noted that they need to pay close e attention to what they put in there so that the view is not obscured for all the traffic coming through. Any plantings at the entrances and exits needs to be less than 30" long-term to avoid obscuring the view of on -coming traffic. This area has the potential for a high traffic area • • Plat Review November 30, 1989 Page 4 DON BUNN - CITY ENGINEER Bunn stated that he had no comments except that they need the work out the details of the fire hydrant. This is an R-0 zone so a Conditional Use will have to be obtained for a hospital here. Contact him when they are at a point where they would like to have the street markers in place. Gray advised that they want to put some brick pavers in the streets out there, so they would like him to look at it. ELAINE CATTANEO - CITY PLANNING SECRETARY Cattaneo stated that the address here is 153 East Monte Painter Drive. FINAL PLAT OF PARADISE VIEW ESTATES LINDSEY & ASSOCIATES - W OF CROSSOVER RD, N OF OLD WIRE RD The third item was the final plat of Paradise View Estates submitted by Lindsey & Associates and represented by Tom Hopper of Crafton, Tull & Associates for property located west of Crossover Road and north of Old Wire Road about 1,200 feet south of the intersection of Joyce and Hwy 265. Property is zoned R-2, Medium Density Residential, contains 7.58 acres and there. are 19 proposed lots. TOM HOPPER - REPRESENTATIVE Hopper noted that the developer would like to make a couple of changes from the preliminary plat to this final plat. First, he would like the street name coming into the subdivision to be named "Par Drive" instead of "Birdie Drive". Secondly, there is a five foot common area along Highway 265 and the developer would like to put an ornate fence along there. They will work out the sight distances regarding traffic He added that they hope to have the street paved before Christmas. Hopper noted that he has a concept plan he would like them to look at of a subdivision adjacent to this plat on the north side which will be named "Paradise Place" Subdivision. They are planning to extend "Par Court" due north with a cul-de-sac and tying back in with two drives back into the Highway. They will be presenting this as a preliminary plat as soon as possible. ELAINE CATTANEO - CITY PLANNING SECRETARY Cattaneo advised that Jim Johnson of the Water Meter Division had stated that having "Par" as both street names would be too confusing. Hopper stated that they plan to leave "Par Court" the way it is, but if "Par Drive" will not work they will come up with one. She noted that the Subdivision Committee meets on December 6th at 1:00 and the Planning Commission will review this on December • llth at 5:00 p.m. L.O. FERGUSON - WARNER CABLE • • Plat Review November 30, 1989 Page 5 Ferguson stated that he has no problems. TOM MCELROY - SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE No problems with the final plat. As far as the concept plat, they would have trouble serving the lots that back up to the floodway on the rear lot easement. JAMES CROWNOVER - OZARKS ELECTRIC Crownover was unable to attend the meeting but he stated that the easements as shown were satisfactory. RICK EVANS - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Evans stated that as long as they have their casings everything is fine. DON BUNN - CITY ENGINEER Bunn noted that there is always concern about how close -houses are to a high pressure gas line. Hopper stated that they have located the gas line and it is in the center of the easement. The requirement is that a house be no closer than 25' from the line and that is what is shown on the plat. Bunn noted that there have been some concerns about development in the floodplain recently so they should keep that in mind with the subdivision to the north of this. MICKEY JACKSON - FIRE DEPARTMENT Jackson noted that a fire hydrant is needed at each end of the east/west street. SCOTT SMITH - SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT No problems. PERRY FRANKLIN - TRAFFIC SUPERINTENDENT Franklin stated that the fence shouldn't be a problem in this location, but he will look at it. Let him know when they are ready for their street markers. LARGE SCALE DEVELOPMENT PLAN OF RESTAURANT - A.Q. CHICKEN • RON PALMER - SOUTHWEST CORNER OF NORTH COLLEGE AND APPLEBY RD The fourth item was a large scale development plan for a restaurant - A.Q. • • Plat Review November 30, 1989 Page 6 Chicken submitted by Ron Palmer and represented by Dave Jorgensen of Jorgensen & Associates and Norm Barker, Contractor. Property is located at the southwest corner of North College and Appleby Road containing 2.13 acres and zoned C-2, Thoroughfare Commercial. L.O. FERGUSON - WARNER CABLE Ferguson asked if they anticipated wanting cable in there. Norm Barker, Contractor, stated that they don't plan on wanting t.v. TOM MCELROY - SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE McElroy stated that he has a main feeder cable on the east property line along North College. If any of their lines are in the way, give them a call. The 20' easement is satisfactory. They will probably serve off the east side. DENNIS BURRACK - SWEPCO Burrack stated that they can provide service with no problems. He asked where the mechanical room is located. Barker stated that it will be somewhere in the back. Burrack noted that they may end up using one of the parking spaces on the southeast corner of the building for the transformer. He asked that they have the electrical contractor contact him. RICK EVANS - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Evans stated that they have a line down the west side of College Avenue and on the south side of Appleby Road. Will probably come in the same and put their meter in the same area as SWEPCO. Contact him before they start cutting their drives so they can locate their line. MICKEY JACKSON - FIRE DEPARTMENT Jackson asked if they plan to sprinkler this building. Jorgensen answered, no. Jackson stated that in that case it will require a higher quality of construction than type 6. If the existing fire hydrant is more than 500' from the building, there needs to be another fire hydrant put in. Jackson suggested that they check into the economic advantages of sprinklering the building. He advised that they talk with Freeman Wood, Inspection Superintendent, about the requirements. SCOTT SMITH - SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT Smith asked where the dumpster would be located. Jorgensen stated that it will probably be next in Herman's in the southwest corner. Barker noted that they may have a compactor. Smith advised that if they have a compactor, clear it with them first so as not to be in violation of the ordinance. If they decide to go with the dumpster pad, the southwest corner would be a good location. • If they do go with anyone but the City, they need to contact the City also. PERRY FRANKLIN - TRAFFIC SUPERINTENDENT • • • Plat Review November 30, 1989 Page 7 Franklin commented that there has been discussion in the past about Appleby Road being brought through more at an easterly direction along the south side of this piece of property because of the need for traffic control there. It is doubtful if the Highway Department would ever allow a signal light at Appleby Road because of its proximity to Rolling Hills Drive light. He added that they have the money plugged in the CIP Plan for a traffic signal without any real certainty about where it will be. They were hoping it would be across the south piece of this property. Franklin stated that there is a traffic problem now with people turning into Appleby Road to get to Wal-Mart rather than going down to the signal light. Also, people that are coming east on Appleby are turning into the Wal-Mart parking lot and cutting across to get to the traffic light at Rolling Hills Drive. The manager at Wal-Mart has called him a couple of times complaining about that. He eventually realized that a lot of those people are potential customers. However, if all the sudden there are a lot of vehicles coming out of this development and cutting across that parking lot, they may initiate a movement to close that access and their customers will be faced with trying to get on there at Appleby Road which will be a problem for them. He suggested that they might move this restaurant to the north a little bit to allow enough land there in case Appleby Road did come though on the south side of this and they could put a traffic light in between this and Herman's...Barker.stated_that they feel like the biggest share of their customers will be -turning -back -to the right (going south) since there is another restaurant in Springdale. Franklin noted that they need to be careful at their intersections with plantings, etc. as not to cause a traffic sight distance problem. DON BUNN - CITY ENGINEER Bunn asked if the two existing driveways have been approved by the Highway Department. Barker stated that they have been approved as far as he knows. Jorgensen noted that they will check with the Highway Department on this. Bunn stated that they have access to water and sewer. Jorgensen advised that they will have to extend the sewer line down Appleby on the south side of Appleby. Bunn noted that improvements are noted on the plat along the south side of Appleby Road. Bunn added that as far as what Franklin commented, the re-routing of Appleby Road is not on the Master Street Plan. It is something that has been discussed and might be seriously considered sometime in the future. He advised that since it is not on the Master Street Plan, they couldn't require anything from the developers right now. Bunn stated that the Subdivision Committee meets at 1:00 on December 6th and the Planning Commission is at 5:00 p.m. on December llth.