HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989-06-15 MinutesMINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW MEETING A meeting of the Fayetteville Plat Review Committee was held on Thursday, June 15, 1989 in Room 111 of the City Administration Building, 113 West Mountain Street, Fayetteville, Arkansas. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES CITY REPRESENTATIVES• OTHERS PRESENT: Tom McElroy, Rick Evans, Jim Crownover, Larry Winkler and L.O. Ferguson Don Bunn, Mickey Jackson, Perry Franklin and Elaine Cattaneo Tom Hopper, Al Rukgaber and Harry Gray FINAL PLAT OF HYLAND PARK - PHASE VI HYLAND PARK, INC. - S OF HYLAND PARK, PH 3 BETWEEN PHASES 5 & 4 The first item was the final plat of Hyland Park - Phase VI submitted by Jim Lindsey for Hyland Park, Inc. and represented by Tom Hopper of Crafton, Tull & Associates for property located south of Hyland Park - Phase 3 between Phases 5 (on the West) and Phase 4 ( on the East) with 22.98 acres and 19 proposed lots. Property is zoned R-1, Low Density Residential. Tom Hopper - Representative He noted that Rock Cliff Road is proposed to come through and tie into this phase. Instead of cul-de-sacing lots, they have gone with four big lots. All the sewers are in and they just have to connect the streets and the water lines. He added that they have all the utility layouts that the utility companies that given to them in previous years and conduit will be installed to match those utility layouts. TOM MCELROY - SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE McElroy noted that on this plat the street name is "Rockcliff Road" but on the earlier plat it is "Rock Cliff Road". Mr. Hopper stated that he will check into it and get it right on the revised plat. McElroy stated that the easements are fine. RICK EVANS - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Evans stated that the easements are fine as shown. • Plat Review June 15, 1989 Page 2 L.O. FERGUSON - WARNER CABLE Ferguson asked about the cross street that was designated as "Rushing". Mr. Hopper stated that there won't be a cross street in this phase; the lots will be coming all the way up to the street with the lots lines conforming to the old street lines. Ferguson stated that they have a line that goes through there and they won't have any problem with the easements. MICKEY JACKSON - FIRE CHIEF Jackson stated that hydrant spacing requirement has changed since the original subdivision was developed and now there is a maximum spacing of 800' between hydrants with one within 400' of each lot. No other comments. PERRY FRANKLIN - TRAFFIC DEPARTMENT Franklin had no comments other than the discrepancy in the street name between this plat and the earlier one. • DON BUNN - CITY ENGINEER • Bunn stated that he had talked with John Merrell and since this has four tandem lots and has changed quite a bit since the preliminary came through, the staff would like this plat to be a "preliminary" instead of a " final". He stated that it will depend on how long these private drives are but they might need to put a fire hydrant on the private drive in order to meet the 400' minimum requirement. Mr. Hopper stated that they will be placing a hydrant right where the lots connect. Bunn stated that location should work. He noted that they need a vicinity map on this plat to show how this ties in with the rest of Hyland Park. The contours, wooded areas and any houses that are close to this phase need to be shown on the plat. Bunn advised that John Merrell had made a comment about the tandem lots, but he isn't objecting to them. This will go to the Subdivision Committee meeting on Wednesday, June 21 at 1:30 in Room 111 and the Planning Commission date is Monday, June 26 at 5:00 p.m. and the 13 revised plats need to be into the office by 3:00 on Monday. JIM CROWNOVER - OZARKS ELECTRIC Crownover stated that he is going to need an additional easement to get to the four tandem lots. Mr. Hopper stated that the street right-of-way is 50' wide so they could use part of it. Crownover stated that they could not use anything that is dedicated as street or access right-of-way and utility. They have to separate entities, but they could narrow the 50' right-of-way and give a separate 15' utility easement. The easement will have to touch all the lots to give them access to all the lots. • Plat Review June 15 1989 Page 3 CONNIE EDHONSTON - PARKS DEPARTMENT Edmonston wasn't able to attend the meeting, but she coniented that this was in the Southeast Parks District and with nineteen single-family lots the land dedication for greenspace would be .23 acres with the money in lieu of land set at $1,995 ($105 x 19). The Parks Board will meet on June 19 at 5:00 p.m. in Room 326. FINAL PLAT OF VANTAGE SQUARE - UNIT 2 A.W. REALTY CO. - N & S OF JOYCE ST BETWEEN OLD MISSOURI & FRONT The second item was a final plat for Vantage Square -Unit 2 submitted by A.W. Realty Co. and represented by Tom Hopper of Crafton & Tull Associates for property that is located on the north and south sides of Joyce Street between Old Missouri Road and Front Street containing 107.29 acres with 12 proposed lots and zoned R-0, R-2 and C-2. TOM HOPPER - REPRESENTATIVE Hopper stated that Unit 2 is everything that is shown except for the portion that is shown to be "reserved for future development". There was a question that came up as far as access off of Joyce Street to the North and they aren't ready to determine exactly where that would be so that portion was left out of the plat. TOM MCELROY - SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE McElroy stated that there are quite a few easements that are not shown on this plat. There is an existing line on Lots 5 & 6. Mr. Hopper stated that they will have a separate easement dedication plat for Lot 5 that will cover all the easements in that apartment complex and when Lot 4 is sold and developed there may be something but right now they don't anticipate any additional easements. McElroy stated that there is an existing 25' easement across the front of Lot 4 and Lot 16 that was dedicated with the development of Lot 5. Also, Ozarks Electric has a north/south easement across Lot 6 and an easement was asked for on the north side of Sain on Lot 11 over to Lot 9 to be able to access Lot 9. McElroy advised that with all the other lots, they will be able to access off the easements that are shown. RICK EVANS - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Evans stated that the easements the Telephone Company has asked for are the ones they were going to recommend. • • • Plat Review June 15 1989 Page 4 L.O. FERGUSON - WARNER CABLE Ferguson stated that he doesn't have any problem with the plat as shown. PERRY FRANK•LIN - TRAFFIC SUPERINTENDENT No comments. JIM CROWNOVER - OZARKS ELECTRIC Crownover stated that they do have an easement across Lot 6 but he doesn't know exactly where it is located but they would be willing to move it adjacent to the property line if they give them a 30' easement. LARRY WINKLER - SWEPCO Winkler stated that they don't need any additional easements other than what has already been asked for. He advised that the SWEPCO/Ozarks territorial line runs north/south through the property starting at the northwest corner and running along that line with SWEPCO on the west side and Ozarks on the east. DON BUNN - CITY ENGINEER Bunn stated that they are considering a road between Joyce and Zion but they haven't fully investigated all the properties to know what is available. Mr. Hopper asked if they are interested in extending Stearns and making that tie and not bring it down to Joyce. Bunn answered that they are considering extending Stearns to tie in but also bring it to Joyce. LARGE SCALE DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR HILL MOTOR COMPANY JERRY SWEETSER, INC. - 2795 N MCCONNELL AVENUE The third item was the large scale development plan for Hill Motor Company submitted by Jerry Sweetser, Inc. and represented by Al Rukgaber for property located at 2795 North McConnell Avenue and zoned C-2, Thoroughfare Commercial. TOM MCELROY - SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE McElroy stated that they have service an the front of the lot at the intersection of Drake and McConnell. Please call him when they get ready to develop so they can locate it because they may have to move it. 22.9 • • Plat Review June 15, 1989 Page 5 RICK EVANS - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS No problems. L.O. FERGUSON - WARNER CABLE Have nothing in that area. MICKEY JACKSON - FIRE CHIEF No comments. JIM CROWNOVER - OZARKS ELECTRIC Crownover stated that there is a 15' easement along the south side of this property and along the east side of this property to the power pole and they would not object to that being dedicated as a utility easement if other utilities wanted in there. There is already a 3 phase feeder lineburied there so other utilities might want an additional easement if they want in there. PERRY FRANKLIN - TRAFFIC SUPERINTENDENT Franklin stated that if they plan any landscaping planned at the driveway, it needs to be 30" tall or less. DON BUNN - CITY ENGINEER Bunn stated that they will be required to put in storm drainage and improve half of the street connecting to what Southwestern Bell Company has done near here to the north right-of-way line of Drake Street. He advised that the Planning Commission may have some other thoughts on this. If additional development took place up here, more improvements to the road might be required. Rukgaber asked if Mr. Hill could do a phase type construction on that. Bunn answered that if it is going to be a parking lot, it needs to be a one time deal. Whatever he plans to use as a parking area has to be paved. Although, he could create more green area and less parking lot if he wants to. Bunn noted that approval of this large scale development doesn't necessarily approve the location of the sign. That will have to be approved separately. Bunn advised the ordinance called for the parking lot to be "durable and dust - free" surface which is interpreted to be at least a double chip & seal. 225 • • Plat Review June 15, 1989 Page 6 Bunn asked Jim Crownover if he was agreeable to having his easement designated as a general utility easement. Mr. Crownover answered, yes, but it is only 15' wide. Bunn suggested that they make the north/south building setback a general utility easement. PRELIMINARY PLAT OF FIESTA PARK BNP DEVELOPMENT, INC - S OF APPLEBY, N OF DRAKE The fourth item was a preliminary plat of Fiesta Park_Addition submitted by John Burckhart for BMP Development, Inc. and represented by Harry Gray of Northwest Engineers for property located south of Appleby and north of Drake Street and zoned R-2, Medium Density Residential. Property contains 20.62 acres and there are 120 single-family lots proposed to be developed as a H.U.D. project with smaller affordable homes. TOM MCELROY - SOUTHWESTERN BELL McElroy asked if the building setback along the property line would be also a utility easement. Mr. Gray stated that they could designate it as a utility easement too. McElroy stated that to be able to put their service in the rear of the lots, they will be need a 25' e/w easement centered on those lot lines in the two areas in the center of this subdivision. That would be a 12.5' easement on the rear of each lot. That easement will need to extend across (east/west) the streets so there will need to be crossings and into the rear easements that are running north/south. McElroy stated that if they want service in the rear on Lots 92 through 95, they will need an easement across Lots 92, 93, 94 running along lot 95 or it could go across the front of these lots. There needs to be a 20' easement across the back of Lots 97 & 98 RICK EVANS - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Evans stated that he didn't know if they would be able to build anything on Lots 89, 67 & 68 because of the existing gas easement. He noted that the easements that Southwestern Bell requested will be fine with them. L.O. FERGUSON - WARNER CABLE CO Ferguson stated that they could serve this with the easements that have been requested by the Southwestern Bell Telephone. MICKEY JACKSON - FIRE CHIEF 22 • • • Plat Review June 15, 1989 Page 7 No comments. PERRY FRANKLIN - TRAFFIC DEPARTMENT Franklin stated that they would need to get in touch with Jim Johnson with the Water Meter Division to help them name these streets. He would be able to tell you if you are duplicating existing street names. Franklin stated that if they plan to put any plantings or signs on corners, they need to be 30" high or less within 25' of the corner. LARRY WINKLER - SWEPCO Winkler stated that the easements that Southwestern Bell asked for would be sufficient. To reiterate they will need a perimeter easement around the subdivision so they can serve the lots from the rear with easements down the centers of the rear lot lines on the center lots. Street light easements (10') will need to be worked out on the lots where they will have the lights. DON BUNN - CITY ENGINEER Bunn stated that he had discussed this with John Merrell", City .Planning Director, and they have decided to delay sending this to the Planning Commission for one two-week period so that they will have more time to review it. Mr. Gray stated that there is a question in his mind as to whether it should be processed as a P.U.D. If it can't be processed as a P.U.D., who has the authority to grant the variances on the lot width minimum, lot area minimum, etc. Bunn suggested that they set up an appointment with Mr. Merrell and discuss this with him in a week or so after he has had time to study it. Bunn stated that there will be some drainage problems associated with the area but they can deal with that. CONNIE EDMONSTON - PARKS DEPARTMENT Edmonston was unable to attend the meeting, but she commented that this project is in the Northwest Parks District and with 120 single-family lots the land dedication for the greenspace requirement would be 1.5 acres with the money in lieu being $12,600. She noted that this is in a Priority One area so there is a potential for land dedication. The Parks Board will make a recmmendation at their June 19th meeting in Room 326 at 5:00 p.m. zz1