HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989-05-11 Minutes• MINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW MEETING A meeting of the Fayetteville Plat Review Committee was held on Thursday, May 11, 1989 in Room 111 of the City Administration Building, 113 West Mountain Street, Fayetteville, Arkansas. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES- Rick Evans and Dennis Burrack CITY REPRESENTATIVES- Mickey Jackson, Perry Franklin, Hal Morton, Don Bunn, John Merrell and Elaine Cattaneo OTHERS PRESENT: Dave Jorgensen, Harry Gray & Barry Herzog FINAL PLAT OF THE FOSTER ADDITION MARK FOSTER - E OF MANOR DRIVE & E OF ROCKWOOD TRAIL The first item was the final plat of the Foster Addition submitted by Mark Foster and represented by Dave Jorgensen, Jorgensen & Associates, for property located on east of Manor Drive & of Rockwood Trail with 28.99 acres and 15 proposed lots. DAVE JORGENSEN - REPRESENTATIVE He noted that he has been asked to find out if they can.::make thew40'^-setback. and_ utility easement shown on the plat to be a 40' setback but just 15' or 20' of that a utility easement. RICK EVANS - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS No problem with the easements. Need to know when they are wanting to have the gas put in. DENNIS BURRACK - SWEPCO They have street crossings installed already in here. He asked if the City would be assuming the billing of the street lighting. Perry Franklin stated that he didn't know since it is a private drive, but he will check into it. Bunn stated that if the City does it, they would have to have standard street lights. Burrack stated that all easements are fine, they would ask for the back 20' of the easement/setback that is the farthest away from the street. HAL MORTON - SANITATION No comments. 207 • Plat Review May 11, 1989 Page 2 DON BUNN - CITY ENGINEER Bunn asked if they are planning to have some sort of garbage holders. Jorgensen stated that they may build some sort of screened area to hold the trash cans at that cul-de-sac. Bunn stated that since they are going to have an island in the middle of the cul-de-sac, their covenants should probably prohibit parking around the cul-de-sac. He advised that they would have to work this out with the Fire Department as far as what they need to do whether an island can be there. He noted that the Planning Commission will approve this subject to the Plat Review minutes so if they don't work this out, the plat will not be approved. Bunn advised that they need to show the reasonable distance of the property line of the plat as well as the island if they work MICKEY JACKSON - FIRE CHIEF Jackson stated that he thought cul-de-sac because they probably He asked if those would be Jorgensen stated that those will de -sac they will be private lanes wooded areas and any houses within a this development should be shown on out one. they would have to leave the wouldn't be able to get fire trucks paved drives to get to Lots 10, be private drives, then at the end island out of the around it. 11, 14 & 15. of the cul - PERRY FRANKLIN - TRAFFIC SUPERINTENDENT Franklin stated that he will research the street lights on private streets. JOHN MERRELL - CITY PLANNING DIRECTOR No problem. All of the lots are very large so there will be no problems with setbacks, etc. ELAINE CATTANEO - CITY PLANNING SECRETARY She advised that this will go to the Subdivision Committee meeting on May 17th at 1:30 and the Planning Commission will meet on May 22nd at 5:00 p.m. They will need to submit 15 copies of the revised plat by Monday, May 15th. FINAL PLAT NORTH HILLS MEDICAL PARK - P.U.D. BARRY HERZOG - SOUTH OF 4715 & N OF APPLEBY ROAD The second item was a final plat of North Hills Medical Park - P.U.D. submitted by Barry Herzog and represented by Harry Gray for property located south of the 471S Bypass and North of Appleby Road containing 26.62 acres more or less with 17 proposed lots. Property is zoned R-0, Residential -Office. 2.08 • • • Plat Review May 11, 1989 Page 3 HARRY GRAY, NORTHWEST ENGINEERS - REPRESENTATIVE He stated that they would like to be allowed to file an easement plat later because the landscape architect out of Dallas is still working on the courtyard area Mr. Bunn advised that could do that. He noted could have a plat for the subdivision and a plat with just the easements. Gray advised that they will work with all the utility companies on this once the landscape architect has it figured out. He asked that all of the utility companies "red line" what they would need in the meantime. Gray stated that they would file the easement plat on the whole 70 acres if they are allowed to; they will provide the City with any thing they need outside the boundaries of this project. Gray stated that they are waiting to hear from Washington Regional on a name for the one street that hasn't been named yet. Gray advised that they will be asking for two variances: 1) that they not have any City setback requirements from lot lines except from street right-of-ways which affects lots 16 & 17; there will be some setback requirements as part of the protective covenants and 2) a waiver of the separation between structures requirement of 10' in the P.U.D. regulations because the roofs will be joined on Lots 1,2 & 3 and form a cover for an 8' sidewalk between the buildings. It states in Section 2.1 (6) that the Planning Commission can grant variances on any of the subdivision or zoning ordinances. DON BUNN - CITY ENGINEER Bunn stated that there shouldn't be any particular problem with submitting an easement plat later if they can all agree on the easements all except for the courtyard area. Bunn stated that they would need to show on the plat that they will have access all the way through to Appleby Road. Also, there should be permanent type barricades at the end of these streets that are stubbed out to the property lines to the East of this site. Bunn asked what the purpose of the final plat right now is. Gray stated that in order to proceed with the building, they need their financing and the attorney says that they need a plat filed to get the financing. Bunn stated that he didn't know if the subdivider contract would need to be signed with the City for off-site improvements. Gray stated that they will have a Property Owner's Association agreement and restrictive covenants and they will have those in draft form before the Planning Commission and they will have to sign a contract on off-site improvements. Bunn advised that they should make sure they have everything shown on the plat that is required. • • • Plat Review May 11, 1989 Page 4 RICK EVANS - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS No problem with working with on the easements to get gas into it. Gray stated that they have been considering making it all electric but he doesn't know yet. DENNIS BURRACK - SWEPCO Burrack noted that their general office people out of Shreveport have been driving over to Dallas and have gotten quite a few things worked out as far as the placement of their facilities there. He noted that the general agreement is that the developer is going to install conduit, pads and vaults for the equipment. The exact placement is still up in the air subject to the architect s design of the garden area. Burrack requested that a stipulation be made that the narrowest place they could get through between any buildings is 15' which is 5' more than the P.U.D. regulations call for. There will be a contract signed between them on the installation of the underground which will protect them. The platted easements would be fine after it's done. PERRY FRANKLIN - TRAFFIC SUPERINTENDENT Franklin noted that in the past history of the Planning Commission, there has been concern over this much parking (80 spaces) having..only_one..exit out. In the past with this many cars, they have demanded at least two ways in and out. Gray stated that one of those parking lots is for staff and one is for doctors. Franklin stated that someone with the architects had called him about putting in nonstandard street lights and he referred them to SWEPCO because there would have to be some kind of arrangement for maintenance, etc. Franklin advised that the Highway Department contacted him and they are planning to do a study of their traffic volumes at the exit going out onto the Bypass and they should be getting those numbers in a couple of months. Futrall Drive will eventually go on over to Milsap where that new traffic light was put in. He noted that when the signal was put in there, they requested that the equipment to handle any kind of traffic operation at that intersection so there is equipment there that will handle left -turn protected movements and all that stuff. MICKEY JACKSON - FIRE DEPARTMENT No comments. JOHN MERRELL - CITY PLANNING DIRECTOR Merrell stated that since this is going to be a medical consider putting in more handi-capped parking than shown. they had planned more handi-capped parking initially but center, they might Herzog stated that all the buildings 210 • • • Plat Review May 11, 1989 Page 5 entrances are setup where people will be able to drive up and drop off at the front door. Merrell asked what their development schedule is. Gray stated that the projected schedule for lots 1-7 is to start construction in July and there is some negotiation of the hospital's outpatient services as far as relocating to the south of this project with a decision being made before too long. Merrell stated that he is happy to see the "Wimberly Drive" notation because Ery was a good guy and this is a tribute to him. HAL MORTON - SANITATION DEPARTMENT Morton asked if they planned to contract with the City for the solid waste collection or will it be handled privately like the hospital is with an on-site incinerator for infectious waste. He added that they currently don't deal with medical waste. Herzog stated that they might consider that; they are aware that is becoming an issue. Morton stated that he couldn't tell with the scale on this plat but there doesn't seem to be a straight shot to get into the dumpster pads with the front end loaders and he couldn't tell if there was going to be a problem getting around the islands. Gray stated that he didn't think there would be a problem with it. ELAINE CATTANEO - CITY PLANNING SECRETARY She noted that Jim Johnson, Meter Division, advised that this street named "NorthHills" needs to be "Northhills" without the capital "H" because it may be separated later on. She advised that the Subdivision Counittee will review this on May 17th at 1:30 and the Planning Commission meeting is May 22nd at 5:00 p.m. 211