HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987-10-29 MinutesMINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW MEETING A meeting of the Fayetteville Plat Review Committee was held on Thursday, October 29, 1987 in Room 111 of the City Administration Building, 113 West Mountain Street, Fayetteville, Arkansas. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: CITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Dennis Burrack, Dale Cheatham and Russell Anderson Sandra Carlisle, Don Bunn, Mickey Jackson and Tessi Franzmeier FINAL PLAT APPROVAL - WINGFOOT SUBDIVISION JAMES WEBSTER - EAST OF GULLEY RD & NORTH OF HWY 45 The first item of consideration was a preliminary plat submitted by James Webster for the proposed subdivision "Wingfoot". This property is located outside the Fayetteville City Limits, contains 7.0 acres of land and a total of 3 tracts. DALE CHEATHAM - SOUTHWESTERN BELL Cheatham had no comment and noted all easements were satisfactory. RUSSELL ANDERSON - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Anderson had no comment and noted all easements were satisfactory. JIM CROWNOVER - OZARK ELECTRIC Crownover was unable to attend this meeting, but forwarded these comments: Crownover noted all easements were satisfactory. DON BUNN - CITY ENGINEER Bunn had no comment and noted all easements were adequate. MICKEY JACKSON - FIRE DEPARTMENT Jackson had no comment. • • • Plat Review October 29, 1987 Page 2 SANDRA CARLISLE - PLANNING DIRECTOR Carlisle requested 10 revised plats on or before Monday, November 2, 1987. She advised the Planning Commission would meet on Monday, November 9, 1987 at 5:00 p.m. LARGE SCALE DEVELOPMENT PLAN - ABC INDUSTRIES FRED J. DERWIN - LOTS 8 & 9, FAYETTEVILLE INDUSTRIAL PARK The second item of consideration was a Large Scale Development Plan submitted by Fred J. Derwin of KanArk Industires Inc. Property zoned I-2, Heavy Industrial and contains 28.52 acres. Development will be in two phases. DALE CHEATHAM - SOUTHWESTERN BELL Cheatham said he needed a diagram of the building so that services could be estimated for the building. Mr. Derwin explained the diagram was in the process of being drawn. Cheatham requested a 4" conduit from the inside of the building to the east property line. Cheatham asked for a completion date and Mr. Derwin replied approximately 7 months. RUSSELL ANDERSON - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Anderson asked if the 4" line on 5 pounds of pressure was sized correctly. Mr. Derwin noted that was an estimated size from very preliminary information. Anderson asked if the developer had a total requirement of gas needed and Mr. Derwin replied the 5 pounds was just a preliminary figure and had no real concrete figures as yet. Anderson asked what about Phase II and Mr. Derwin replied that was in the future and was not planned for the construction as yet. Anderson stated service was available and requested someone contact AWG when ready for service. DENNIS BURRACK - SWEPCO Burrack said the plat showed the electrical service coming in from the south. He said SWEPCO had done a similar thing for Marshall Town Tools and requested boaring under the tracks. Mr. Derwin said that service was kind of up in the air, and that they may want to put a primary in and obtain their own transformer depending on the load size. Burrack advised the Industrial Engineer (Phil Jones) was present at this meeting and if Mr. Derwin had any questions, Phil Jones could answere them. Burrack said if SWEPCO was going to use their transformers they would have to know that information very soon. He said it took 7 months to build two 2800 transformers. Burrack requested some specifications if SWEPCO provides the transformers. Burrack said Plat Review • October 29, 1987 Page 3 • • he would require 6" conduit. Burrack noted all specifications that SWEPCO requires could be obtained at the office. MICKEY JACKSON - FIRE DEPARTMENT Jackson asked what did ABC Industries produce and Mr. Derwin replied it would be a light manufacturing Company and a big warehouse. Mr. Derwin said he was not in a position to say what the building was or what it would produce. Jackson asked if the Industry would work with any hazardous materials or in the processing of what they manufacture. Mr. Derwin said he would have to look at a list of hazardous materials, but he did not consider what they manufactured hazardous. Mr. Derwin noted a 10" fire loop would be placed around the building and thought at this point they were planning a loop all the way around where the extended building would be. He said the fire hydrants would be placed at the required distances all the way around the building. Mr. Derwin also noted the entire building would be sprinkled. Jackson said there was a practicality factor about hydrant spacing in that it would be better to locate the hydrants and bunch them up on the sides with access. Jackson said when the plans were more final the fire department would like to speak with them about that. DON BUNN - CITY ENGINEER Bunn asked what would the demand be on the water service and asked if it would help again if he asked exactly what they would be doing there, because of concern with the sewer discharge. Mr. Derwin said as far as anything coming out of the building it would be from the employees' restrooms and kitchen. Bunn asked if there would be any industrial discharge at all. Mr. Derwin said there should be no industrial discharge and noted he had been through some of the plants and saw no discharge. Mr. Derwin said if the material was not used it was recycled and that it was a good clean industry. Bunn noted the pre-treatment manager, Ms. Diffin who was located at the Polution Control Plant would have to know exactly what was being done there. Bunn advised Mr. Derwin to contact the Meter Foreman (Don Osburn) for information on the meter requirements. Bunn requested a set of plans for review when the engineering on the drainage was completed. SANDRA CARLISLE - PLANNING DIRECTOR Carlisle noted the address would be 2323 S. Industrial Drive. She requested 10 revised plats on or before Monday, November 2, 1987 and requested the legal be corrected at that point. Carlisle advised the Subdivision Committee would meet Thursday, November 5, 1987 at 3:30p.m. and the Planning Commission would Plat Review October 29, 1987 Page 4 meet Monday, November 9, 1987 at 5:00 p.m. Carlisle advised the dock sizes, parking and setbacks were all adequate. She requested a 5' sidewalk on Pumpstation Road and noted she would be willing to accept a Bill of Assurance for the required sidewalk. She stated the Fayetteville Development Corporation would be required to build Pumpstation Road to full City standards to the end of the property in question. She requested a demolition permit to remove the house and barn that existed on the property. Bunn noted if the house and barn had asbestos there were EPA and State regulations on the demolitions. Jackson advised if there was no asbestos the Fire Department might use the house and barn for a fire training session. Mr. Derwin asked what the ruling was on burning trees and added there were several trees that would have to be removed on site. Jackson requested a permit to burn the trees but advised they would not burn very well and they could not burn during the night. Bunn advised he would contact the pretreatment manager on this Large Scale Development. He said she would need to know what would be manufactured and discharged at the site. Carlisle requested a copy of the drainage easement dedicating the easement to the City. Bunn noted the easement would be a 50' easement and if it was not dedicated to the City then the City could not maintain the easement and it would be up to the owner/developer to maintain. Carlisle requested 2 sets of as- builts after completion of the site. Carlisle noted Wally Brt, Sanitation Superintendent would contact them for the sanitation services. ki