HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987-08-13 MinutesMINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW MEETING A meeting of the Fayetteville Plat Review Committee was held on Thursday, August 13, 1987 in Room 111 of the City Administration Building, 113 West Mountain Street, Fayetteville, Arkansas. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Tom Mcllroy, Dennis Burrack and Russell Anderson CITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: OTHERS PRESENT: Don Bunn, Larry Lawson, Connie Sandra Carlisle Franzmeier Richard Rhea Vanderhoof Poage, Terry Edmonston, and Tessi and Mark LARGE SCALE DEVELOPMENT PLAN - WEST OF JAMES STREET & MT. COMFORT - POLARBEK - COLLEGE STATION The only item of consideration was a Large submitted by Polarbek and represented Northwest Engineers. Property zoned Residential District with an area of 9.95 188 proposed units. CONNIE EDMONSTON - PARKS DEPARTMENT SOUTH OF Scale Development Plan by Ervan Wimberly of R-2, Medium Density acres and a total of Edmonston advised the proposed development was in the Northwest Park District. The acreage requirement would be 1.88 acres or cash in lieu of land would be $15,980. She advised the Parks and Recreational Advisory Board would meet August 17, 1987 at 5:00 p.m. LARRY POAGE - FIRE DEPARTMENT Poage said there was an 8" water line off Mt. Comfort and 12" off Garland. Bunn said it would not take much to tie in the 12" line on Garland to lewis's 24" line. Poage advised if the proposed units were going to be 3 -stories the Fire Department would prefer it to be looped. Wimberly advised the developer had proposed to loop around all the buildings, but were only proposing 1 feed off the Mt. Comfort line. Poage requested another hydrant at the Mt. Comfort entrance (unit B-1). Poage suggested a better radius for turns on the driveways because the Fire Chief had just ordered a new 85' truck. Poage said wherever the truck had to turn a corner they would need a larger radius. Wimberly noted most of the islands within the parking areas were 10' in radius and added • • • Plat Review August 13, 1987 Page 2 there were 24' driving widths between parking lanes. Wimberly said the radius at Mt. Comfort and James Street could be increased, but they may loose a few parking places. Poage said the internal drive with cars parked there would hamper fire fighting. Poage said there would be no access to the interior of the buildings and suggested some type of base be added to the yard or designate a strip for heavy equipment to cross without sinking. Poage asked what type of fire walls were planned and Wimberly replied the fire walls were all one-hour construction. or type 6. Poage felt there may be some 4 -hour requirements in this complex and felt Freeman Wood should review the plans. Poage asked if the complex was going to be sprinkled and Mr. Richard Rhea (Developer) advised there would not be a sprinkling system. Mr. Rhea advised his architect would be in touch with whoever was in charge of the construction details. Poage stated he still had concern for access to the buildings and asked to see some type of remedy on the revised plats. He said he could see a real problem with building 7 because there would be no way to fight a fire unless there were some provisions for access. Wimberly stated he and the developer would meet with Mickey Jackson on Thursday August 20, 1987 before the Subdivision Committee meeting with a solution to the access. problem. Poage said there was a possibility of requiring some fire zone signs on James Street to discourage parking on the street. Wimberly felt there was adequate parking within the facility and felt there would not be parking on James Street. Poage also requested fire extinguishers recessed in cabinets every 100'. TOM MCILROY - SOUTHWESTERN BELL Mcllroy advised he would service from James Street and would like to stay on the outside perimeter to serve all the buildings on the parking side. Mcllroy requested all the space between the parking and building be designated a utility easement. He requested a 4" crossing pvc on James Street into the complex. McIlroy advised all the services would be brought to the buildings, but inside wiring would be up to the developer. Mr. Rhea requested the flexibility of the two bedroom units to have a private line in each bedroom. McIlroy said that would be fine, but the developer would have to provide those lines to the junction boxes. DENNIS BURRACK - SWEPCO Burrack advised there was an overhead line on the west side of the property. He said they would go underneath the parking lot on the west side in 4 different places. He said if SWEPCO was not there and the developer wished to start he would request a 2" • • Plat Review August 13, 1987 Page 3 sch 40 street crossing be made at the north end, south end and two at the middle so they could go around to get into the easements that Southwestern Bell had requested. He noted if the developer put the crossings in SWEPCO would need to inspect them before they were covered up. He said the easements that the Phone company asked for were approximately 15' and added there were a few places that it may get tight. He said building 5 on the southeast corner was very tight and requested at least a 15' designated easement. Mr. Rhea said they had not determined how to heat the buildings and asked Burrack how the arrangement would change if they decided to go with gas. Burrack said basically the arrangement would have to be very much the same. He said a heat pump and air conditioner would draw the same. Burrack requested at the locations for lighting he would need a piece of conduit underneath and asked the lighting be installed when the development was near completion. Burrack asked what type of service would the community building require. Mr. Rhea advised there would be a management office, student service area with a copy machine and typewriters, a vending area with 7 or 8 machines then an activity area with lighting and a fire place. Burrack said he may add an extra pedestal with a secondary run to the community building. Mr. Rhea advised there would be a hot tub, and two pools, a lap pool and another pool..-,- Burrack requested the fire rated walls to be addressed by the City and Carlisle advised Freeman Wood would review the plans from the architect. Wimberly advised that building 4, 5 and 6 may be done at a later date, but utilities would need to be provided. RUSSELL ANDERSON - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Anderson said it looked as though the perimeter was where everyone was interested in being and the gas company would follow the requested easement. He proposed to service off Mt. Comfort Road and James Street with a loop and a two way feed on the whole project. He said that would allow for damage to a line due to a shrub or whatever. He said all of the gas companies equipment would be at ground level. Mr. Rhea felt a schematic of the wall space would be beneficial rather than leave it to the installation people in the field. Mr. Rhea said he would prefer all the metering in one location. Anderson said if the developer decided to heat with gas they would come in and do everything at no charge. DONN BUNN - CITY ENGINEER Bunn advised the contour on the to 1400. Wimberly advised should be 1300. Bunn requested areas with the water line. Mr southeast corner suddenly jumped he would correct the error and it to be out from under the parking . Rhea asked if the class could be • • • Plat Review August 13, 1987 Page 4 upped and Bunn said if the water line had to be under the parking area he would require class 51 delco and if outside he would allow the C900 plastic 200 pound pressure. Wimberly suggested to run the water line down the middle of the parking area and Bunn felt that would be better than under the parking. Bunn asked if each building would be meter or would every apartment be individually metered. Wimberly said each building would be metered and possible pick up two buildings on one meter. Bunn advised the developer to speak with the meter foreman as to the metering system. Wimberly asked if there would be a separate rate for a yard line. Bunn said a separate meter could be set for the yard line and not charge for sewer purposes. Bunn requested the internal sewer be privately maintained by the property owners for the reason of access. Bunn asked if all the drainage would run above ground. Wimberly said they would discharge all the drainage into the storm drainage system on Mt. Comfort. Wimberly added he had advised the developer to go ahead and plan on widening Mt. Comfort. He also added there would be some internal storm drainage on site. Bunn felt there would be off-site improvements to James Street. He asked how far was the project from James Street. Wimberly said from the actual end of the asphalt that existed was approximately 150'. Bunn said the project to the south was required to improve: the full length of James Street (half). Carlisle said she would recommend the improvements be taken from where the asphalt starts and improve without sidewalk, curb and gutter. Mr. Rhea asked if the improvement would be re -paving James Street. Carlisle replied "yes" base and asphalt. Wimberly felt it would not be necessary to tear up what was there and add new base. He said they could use the existing base then over -lay asphalt. WALLY BRT - SANITATION SUPERINTENDENT Brt was unable to attend this meeting, but forwarded these comments: Brt requested 2 additional 6 yard dumpsters at the northeast and southeast corner of the volleyball parking area which would eliminate two of the parking spaces. DONNIE OSBORNE - METER FOREMAN Osborne was unable to attend this meeting, but forwarded these comments: Osborne said he would number each building and each apartment would have a number. SANDRA CARLISLE - PLANNING DIRECTOR Carlisle requested proof of notification of the adjoining property owners by certified mail, return receipt requested, signatures on the plat or an ad in the legal section of the local • • • Plat Review August 13, 1987 Page 5 newspaper. She requested after completion of the project two sets of As-Builts. She advised a 5' sidewalk would be required on the south side of Mt. Comfort. Wimberly said they would ask for a Bill of Assurance on the sidewalk. She requested 10 revised plats no later than August 17, 1987 and the Subdivision Committee would meet on August 20, 1987 at 3:30 p.m. She said if the developer was going to ask for a Bill of Assurance for the sidewalk on Mt. Comfort then they would have to attend the Planning Commission meeting on August 24, 1987 at 5:00 p.m.