HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987-08-06 MinutesMINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW MEETING A meeting of the Fayetteville Plat Review Committee was held on Thursday, August 6, 1987 in Room 111 of the City Administration Building, 113 West Mountain Street, Fayetteville, Arkansas. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: CITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: L.O. Ferguson, Tom Mcllroy, Dennis Burrack Mickey Jackson, Don Bunn, Sandra Carlisle and Tessi Franzmeier PRELIMINARY PLAT - QUAIL CREEK WADE BISHOP - SOUTH OF APPLEBY ROAD The only item of consideration was a preliminary plat of Quail Creek submitted by Wade Bishop and represented by Tim Martin of Milholland Engineers. Property presently zoned A-1 with a rezoning petition pending Planning Commission and Board of Directors approval for R-2, Medium Density Residential District. Property contains 36.7 acres with 102 proposed lots. DENNIS BURRACK - SWEPCO Burrack asked if Phase I would be donetat this time::and Mr. Martin replied "yes". Burrack advised he would have to loop this addition with his underground and would be coming in at two different points. He said the easements as shown were adequate with the exception of the easement shown on lots 1, 2 and 3 of block 2. Burrack then requested that the building setbacks on lots 1, 2, 3 and 10 be dedicated as utility easements to serve those lots. Burrack also requested the easements shown with water and sewer be increased to 25'. Burrack also requested that the 20' utility easement shown on lots 25 through 35 be increased to 25' and give SWEPCO the additional 5' up the hill. He also requested the 25' building setback on future Drake Street be dedicated a utility easement. Burrack advised if the waiver for street light spacing was not allowed he would have to request additional easements for the street lighting. TOM MCILROY - SOUTHWESTERN BELL Mcllroy advised all pipe at the entrance Quail Creek (between lot 42. easements were satisfactory. He requested a crossing on Quail Creek and at the end of 18 and 23). He also requested a crossing at 4) Plat Review August 6, 1987 Page 2 L.O. FERGUSON - WARNER CABLE Ferguson requested crossings in the same locations as the phone company and one more between lots 10 & 11 on John Wayne Drive. He said all easements as shown were adequate. Ferguson asked when the development was scheduled to start and Mr. Bishop said they were A-1 go or just as soon as this was approved. RUSSEL ANDERSON - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Anderson was unable to attend this meeting, but forwarded these comments: The gas company said everything looked fine and saw no problems. MICKEY JACKSON - FIRE DEPARTMENT Jackson felt the fire hydrants could be spaced a little better and the amount of hydrants would not change. Jackson said the hydrant between lots 4 & 5 on Quail Creek was fine, the hydrant shown at lot 9 needed to be moved to the NW corner of lot 9 Blk 1 and•follow with a 6" line until the cul on John Wayne Drive. He said a hydrant needed to be on the cul at the swrcorner of lot 13 and follow with a 2" around the cul on John Wayne. He requested a hydrant on lot 9 on John Wayne Drive. He said the hydrant on the corner of Quail Creek and Ripple Creek could be omitted (lot 24 Blk 1). The hydrant on lot 27 Quail Creek was fine and then the next one on Quail creek Drive with the hydrant on the dead end of Quail Creek being fine. Ripple Creek Drive lot 22 was fine, but requested the 2" loop be 6" loop. He requested the 2" line on Whispering Springs Drive be a 6" line. Jackson requested the hydrant shown on lot 41 of Driftwood to be relocated to lot 42 at the intersection. He requested a hydrant in the middle of Whispering Springs (lots 30-31). Jackson advised the total count on the hydrants should be 9 hydrants for Quail Creek Subdivision. Bishop asked what the rule was for the distance between fire hydrants. Jackson said the only thing they had to go by was the State Fire Code which required 1000' maximum spacing. He said that was designed for scattered residential and this subdivision was called closely built residential. Jackson asked if this was rezoned R-2 would there be apartments in the subdivision. Bishop said it had not been rezoned yet, but if it was zoned R-2 there was a chance he might put some duplexes in. DON BUNN - CITY ENGINEER Bunn requested the storm drains and sewer lines be separated by 5-10'. He said in some cases the developer showed the sanitary sewer service across the road and was not sure if they were shown • • Plat Review August 6, 1987 Page 3 everywhere they were needed. He advised his office would review the sanitary sewer in the detailed plans. He requested the services be installed in advance in three cases: 1) where they cross the road; 2) when the sewer would be extra deep and; 3) where the sewer would be in an easement on a back lot line with other utitilies. Bunn also requested the contractors to make the complete water service rather than install a copper pipe (set the yoke & meter base at the time of construction). Bunn advised the plans would be reviewed after they had been submitted and he may have other comments at that time. WALLY BRT - SANITATION SUPERINTENDENT Brt was unable to attend this meeting, but forwarded these comments: Brt saw no problem with the proposed subdivision. DONNIE OSBORNE - METER FOREMAN Osborned requested Quail Creek be made one word because there was already a Quail Drive in existance. He said in Phase ii Whispering Springs was to long to fit into the system and would not abbreviate well and suggested it be changed to something shorter. CONNIE EDMONSTON - PARKS DEPARTMENT Edmonston was unable to attend this meeting, but forwarded these comments: The Parks Department requested cash in lieu of land because they did not want to improve Appleby or Drake. The cash amount for parks fee would total $10,710.00. If the developer would like to attend the Parks and Recreational Advisory Board meeting they would meet on August 17, 1987 at 4:30 p.m. SANDRA CARLISLE - PLANNING DIRECTOR Carlisle requested notification of adjoining property owners by certified mail, return receipt requested or by signatures on the plat. Carlisle asked if Phase I would be strictly single family and Mr. Bishop said he would like to zone R-2, but did not have plans for duplexes. Carlisle requested sidewalks to be shown on one side of the street including the radius of the culs. She requested 10 revised copies of the plat in the Planning Office by August 17, 1987. She advised the Subdivision Committee would meet at 3:30 on August 20, 1987 with Planning Commission meeting on August 24, 1987 at 5:00 p.m. Carlisle advised the developers proposal was to improve both sides of Appleby Road adjacent to • the Subdivision and not do anything to Drake Street. Carlisle said she would recommend the Planning Commission except that proposal. Don Bunn added he would not have any problem with that