HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987-07-16 MinutesMINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW MEETING A meeting of the Fayetteville Plat Review Committee was held on Thursday, July 16, 1987 in Room 111 of the City Administration Building, 113 West Mountain Street, Fayetteville, Arkansas. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Dennis Burrack, Tom Mcllroy, Russell Anderson and L.O. Ferguson CITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Don Bunn, Mickey Jackson and Tessi Franzmeier FINAL PLAT APPROVAL - INDUSTRIAL PARK - WEST WAYNE JONES - SOUTH OF 15TH & EAST OF CITY LAKE RD. The first item of consideration was a final plat for the Industrial Park - West. Submitted by McClellan Consulting Engineers and represented by Wayne Jones. Property zoned I-1 and I-2. RUSSEL ANDERSON - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Anderson said he saw no problem with the final plat as submitted. L.O. FERGUSON - WARNER CABLE Ferguson had no comments. DENNIS BURRACK - SWEPCO Burrack advised all easements were on the plat as requested with the exception of the easement requested at the northwest corner of lot 9. Mr. Jones said they were aware of the requested easement and that it would reflect on the revised plat. TOM MCILROY - SOUTHWESTERN BELL Mcllroy advised everthing was in order on the final plat as submitted. MICKEY JACKSON - FIRE DEPARTMENT Jackson saw no problem with the plat as submitted. DON BUNN - CITY ENGINEER Don Bunn had no problem with the plat as submitted. Plat Review July 16, 1987 Page 2 SANDRA CARLISLE - PLANNING DIRECTOR Carlisle was unable to attend this meeting, but forwarded the following comments. Proof of notification of all adjoining property owners by certified mail, return receipts requested or by signatures on the plat. She requested the boundrary markers and lot markers to be installed. Carlisle requested 10 copies of the revised plat no later than Monday July 20, 1987 5:00 p.m. Subdivision Committee will meet on Thursday July 23, 1987 at 3:30 p.m. and Planning Commission will meet on July 27, 1987 at 5:00 p.m. PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVAL - BROOKHOLLOW SUBDIVISION ERC PROPERTIES - WEST OF OLD MISSOURI The second item of consideration was the preliminary plat of Brookhollow Subdivision submitted by ERC properties and represented by Everett Balk of Crafton, Tull, Spann & Yoe. Property zoned R-2, Medium Density Residential. District contains 16.3 acres and a total of 64 proposed lots. RUSSELL ANDERSON - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Anderson requested the easement between lot 10 & 11 be increased to 20'. He said the proposed 16' was too closed for all the utilities to get in. L.O. FERGUSON - WARNER CABLE Ferguson stated he had service along Old Missouri Road. Ferguson asked if this subdivision would be done in phases and if so where would the cut off be. Mr. Balk gave a rough idea that the subdivision may be done in phases and the lots on the east side of devonshire court would possibly be the cut off. Ferguson advised if power was going to be underground the developer would be required to furnish the trenches and that the north easement would have to be increased. He asked the approximate date of when this would be started. Mr. Balk said construction would probably start around the middle of September. Plat Review • July 16, 1987 Page 3 • TOM MCILROY - SOUTHWESTERN BELL McIlroy said he would like to service the subdivision from the south easement, then cross into north/south easements. He said there was one problem because he could not get into the one just west of East Borough Ct. because there was no matching easement to the south. McIlroy also requested all of the north/south easements be increased to 20' rather than 16'. He also requested the west easement be increased to 20' rather than 8'. He also requested for each street crossing he would need a 2" plastic piped under the street. McIlroy requested the utility and drainage easement be separated. McIlroy requested the 25' setback on the east side of Old Missouri be made a utility easement. MICKEY JACKSON - FIRE DEPARTMENT Jackson requested one additional hydrant at Devonshire and considering the number of lots in a small areas he felt the developer shoud install an 8" line for water. He said the fire department would need a 1000 gpm to fight a fire. DON BUNN - CITY ENGINEER Bunn requested the 4" lines on East Borough, Devonshire, Brookshire and Amberwood be 2" lines. Bunn asked if the drainage would be in a grass lined ditch and Mr. Balk said it would be a grass lined ditch. Bunn said he would review the drainage and sewer plans when submitted. WALLY BRT - SANITATION DEPARTMENT Brt was unable to attend this meeting, but forwarded the following comment. Brt requested T-turn-arounds on all the stubbed out streets. CONNIE EDMONSTON - PARKS DEPARTMENT Edmonston was unable to attend this meeting, but forwarded the following comments. She said the Parks Fee for 64 single family units would be $5,440.00 and the acreage requirement in lieu of the money would be .64 acres. If the acreage was offered Ms. Edmonston would add them to the Parks Board agenda for the following money. SANDRA CARLISLE - PLANNING DIRECTOR • Carlisle was unable to attend this meeting, but forwarded the following comments. Plat Review • July 16, 1987 Page 4 • Devonshire, Cambridge, Amberwood and Brookshire would have to be changed because of duplications and confusion with the street numbering system. Also the north/south directions need to be changed from Street to Avenue or Drive. Sidwalks are required to extend the radius of the cul-de-sacs. The sidewalk on the north side of Brookhollow was fine. Carlisle questioned if Brookhollow aligned with Strearns to the west if it does Brookhollow would have to be called Stearns. An additional 10' of ROW on the west side of Old Missouri would be required, a sidewalk on the west side of Old Missouri would also be required. The developer would be required to pay for his proportionate share of the cost of improving Old Missouri to City Standards. Proof of notification of all adjoining property owners required by certified mail, return receipt requested or signatures on the plat. 10 revised plats no later than Monday July 20, 1987 by 5:00, Subdivision Committee meeting on July 23, 1987 at 3:30 and Planning Commission on Monday July 27, 1987 at 5:00 p.m. Proof of notification would be required by July 27, 1987 for approval of the preliminary plat.